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Directorate: Curriculum FET

SUBJECT and GRADE Life Orientation Grade 11

TOPIC Development of Self in Society
AIMS OF LESSON At the end of the lesson the learner must be able to:
• Apply various life skills to provide evidence of an ability to plan and achieve life goals.
• Define the concept Goal Setting and identify THREE types of goals.
• Develop the necessary steps in planning and goal-setting, problem-solving skills, perseverance and persistence.
RESOURCES Paper based resources Digital resources
• Approved textbooks.
• Work sheets

• This is how most of us feel in the beginning of every year. The question is- how do I make this happen? Is there a
plan? When you want to get the most out of life and reach your full potential, you set GOALS. Setting life goals is
the first step to growing and developing to reach your potential. Setting goals will help you to stay focused in gr
11 -what is important in your life now- and in the end help to achieve your dreams which will become goals.
• In grade 9, you dealt with goal setting in the context of personal lifestyle choices. In grade 10 you learnt skills
and strategies to enhance your self-esteem, self-confidence and how to build your self-awareness. All these skills
will assist you in this powerful process of goal setting.
• This lesson will help to choose where you want to go in life - thinking about your ideal future and for motivating
yourself to turn your dreams of this future into reality.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS • Goals: Things to plan and work for to accomplish Introduction to understanding Goal – setting:
• Dreams: Something you create in your mind that can take
any shape or form, but rarely put in work or plan in place. 1. Think of two things you would like to change in
• Vision: a mental picture of the future your life right now.
• Mission: A purpose, choose a goal 2. Think of two things you could try to do better this
• Perseverance: When you carry on working at something week.
even it gets really difficult or even when it seems as if your 3. Think of one goal you would like to achieve at the
hard work is not paying off. end of this year?
• Persistence: Ability to apply without stopping / able to 4. Think of one goal you would like to achieve in five
keep you motivated as you might face challenges years’ time.
• Flexible: to be adaptable, variable
Use a journal/ mobile phone to write or record these
questions and your answers.
Process/Steps to Goal Setting: What is SMART?
1. Define the goal. Ensure that it is a SMART goal. Specific Clearly defined and
2. Outline the steps needed to achieve it. detailed.
3. Consider possible blocks and ways of dealing with them. Measurable Something you can
4. Set deadlines. quantify.
Achievable/Adjustable/ Within your ability/be
Action-bounded flexible. Know what to OR do to achieve
Realistic/Relevant Something you are
actually able to
achieve/Its your goal,
not your parents friends.
Timed / Time- bound Has a set a realistic
There are THREE types of Goals: The ability to plan achieve life goals

Long Term

Types of goals Medium term

Short term

ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT Answer the following exam type questions:

1. Define goal setting (1)
2. What's the difference between failing and being a failure? (2x2)
3. Name FOUR good ways to deal with disappointments? (4x1) (4)

4. Assess the importance of goal setting (2x2)

• REMEMBER, if the goal failed, it is not YOU that failed. Your plans failed, and not you. The goal was not
achieved, but you are still the amazing YOU. Life always present second opportunities.

VALUES Hard work, Focused, Responsibility, Perseverance, Persistence, Self-confidence, Self-awareness

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