Studies On Noise (Acoustcs)

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Stud|es on No|se (W|nd 1urb|ne No|se Issue)

O All nolse Lechnology ls based on Lhe followlng prlmary elemenL 5ound 5ources
Propoqotion Poths ond keceivers

nolse and Sound lundamenLals
O Sound characLerlzed by Lhelr oqnitude {/oudness) and frequency
O Sound ls generaLed by numerous mechanlsms and ls always assoclaLed wlLh rapld small scale
pressure f/uctuotions
O Sound wave are characLerlzed ln Lerms of Lhelr ampllLude/magnlLude Jove Lenqth {)
lrequency {f) and ve/ocity {v) where ls found from
v f
O @he veloclLy of sound ls unct|ons o the med|um Lhrough wh|ch |t trave|s and lL
generally Lravel aster |n more dense med|ums
O @he ve|oc|ty o sound ls abouL 340 m]s ln alr aL sLandard pressure ( 100ka)
O An ocLave ls a frequency range beLween a sound wlLh one frequency and one wlLh
Lwlce LhaL frequency
O Sound Lurns lnLo nolse when lL ls unwanLed
MeasuremenL Scale
O mporLanL magnlLudes of sound 5ound Power Leve/ and 5ound Pressure Leve/
O Sound power |eve| ls Lhe power per unlL area of Lhe sound pressure wave lL ls a
property of the source of the sound and lL glves the toto/ ocoustic power eitted by
the source
O Sound pressure ls a property of sound ot o qiven observer /ocotion and can be
measured Lhere by a slngle mlcrophone
O 5ound intensity l ls deflned as Lhe power of the sound per unit oreo and so can be
measured ln wotts/

buL ls more commonly measured ln unlLs of decibe/s as

I = o
(-I I
) /
Where Lhe reference lnLenslLyI
ls ofLen Lhe Lhreshold of hearlng aL 1000 Pz


O Slnce sound conslsLs of pressure waves sound power ls also quanLlfled by lLs relaLlon
Lo reference pressure @he sound power /eve/s of o source
ln unlLs of declbels
(d8) and ls glven by

= o
) /
WlLh equal Lo Lhe sound power level ln unlLs of power denslLy and
a reference
sound power (ofLen


O @he sound pressure level of a sound H

l unlL declbel (d8) ls glven by

= o
) /

WlLh 9 equal Lo effecLlve (or rooL mean square 8MS) sound pressure and
reference 8MS sound pressure (usually


nfrasound Low lrequency Sound
O Low frequency pressure vlbraLlons are Lyplcally caLegorlzed as low frequency sound
( 10200Pz)
O nfrasound when Lhey are below common llmlL of human percepLlon (below 20Pz)
O Low frequency sound musL be of a hlgher magnlLude (d8) Lo be percelved
O nfrasound propagaLes farLher Lhan hlgher frequencles ( WlLh lower levels of
O nfrasound may noL appear Lo be comlng from a speclflc locaLlon because of lLs long
@ype of Sound
O @here are four Lype of sound @ono/ 8roodbond Low lrequency and lpu/sive
O @ono/ sound ls deflned as sound ot discrete frequencies L caused by componenLs
such meshlng gears nonaerodynamlc lnsLablllLles lnLeracLlng wlLh a roLor blade
surface or unsLable flows over hole or sllLs or a blunL Lralllng edge
O @ono/ noise ls commonly referred Lo as discrete frequency noise and ls
characLerlzed by specLral Lones LhaL are pure Lone ln naLure ure Lones are wave
forms LhaL occur aL a slngle frequency @onal nolse ls qeneroted by rototinq
equipent ot o predictob/e frequency re/otinq to the rototiono/ speed of Lhe shafL
and Lhe number of compressor vanes fan blades englne plsLons gear LeeLh eLc
O 8roodbond sound ls characLerlzed by a continuous distribution of sound pressure
with frequencies qreoter thon 100nt L ls ofLen caused by Lhe lnLeracLlon blades
wlLh aLmospherlc Lurbulence and also descrlbed as characLerlsLlc swlshlng" or
whooshlng" sound
O Low lrequency ls sound wlLh frequencies in the ronqe of 20 to 100nt ls mosLly
assoclaLed wlLh downsLream/downwlnd L ls caused when Lhe b/ode encounters
/oco/ited f/ow deficiencies due Lo Lhe flow around
O lpu/sive s descrlbed by short ocoustics ipu/ses or Lhumplng sounds LhaL vory in
op/itude with tie L ls coused by the interoction of b/ode with disturbed oir
O lpu/se noise ls o short durotion tronsient ocoustic evenL chorocterited by o
sudden rise or splke in sound pressure followed by a unlform or osclllaLory decay
(depends on Lype of source equlpmenL) /ostinq /ess thon 1/2 second mpulse nolse
usually exhlblLs a dlsLlncL specLral slgnaLure across Lhe frequency range wlLhouL Lhe
presence of dlscreLe Lones xop/es of lmpulse nolse inc/ude qunshots pu/se
c/eoninq systes punch presses eLc

Aerodynamlc Sound Mechanlsm

O Aerodynamlc sound generally lncreases wlLh roLor speed
O @roi/inq edqe noise ls characLerlzed as broodbond noise { 770nt 2knt) ls due Lo
lnteroction of boundory /oyer turbu/ence with b/ode troi/inq edqe
O @ip noise ls also caLegorlze as broodbond noise and ls due Lo the interoction of tip
turbu/ence with b/ode tip surfoce
O Loinor boundory /oyer noise ls descrlbed as tono/ and occurs when non /ineor
boundory /oyer instobi/ities interoctinq with the b/ode surfoce
O erodynoic sound generaLlon ls very sensitive to speed ot very tip of b/ode @o
llmlL Lhe generaLlon of aerodynamlc sounds roLor roLaLlon speed ls llmlLed Lo reduce
Lhe Llp speed

Sound ropagaLlon
O n general as sound propagaLes wlLhouL obsLrucLlon from a polnL source Lhe sound
pressure level decrease
O Sound wlll radlaLe spherlcally ln a free fleld so LhaL Lhe sound lnLenslLy wlll decrease
wlLh square of dlsLance from Lhe source
ls proporLlonal Lo

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