Kubernetes 407 Commands

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Kubernetes Commands


Kubernetes Commands
1. kubectl version: Display the client and server Kubernetes version information.

2. kubectl cluster-info: Display cluster information, including the server's URL.

3. kubectl get: Retrieve resources from the cluster. For example:

4. kubectl get pods: List all pods in the current namespace.

5. kubectl get nodes: List all nodes in the cluster.

6. kubectl get services: List all services in the current namespace.

7. kubectl describe: Show detailed information about a resource. For example:

8. kubectl describe pod <pod-name>: Show details about a specific pod.

9. kubectl create: Create a resource from a file or from standard input. For example:

10. kubectl create -f <filename.yaml>: Create a resource defined in a YAML file.

11. kubectl apply: Apply changes to resources by specifying a configuration file.

12. kubectl apply -f <filename.yaml>: Apply changes defined in a YAML file.

13. kubectl delete: Delete resources by name, label, or other filter. For example:

14. kubectl delete pod <pod-name>: Delete a specific pod.

15. kubectl exec: Execute a command inside a running container. For example:

16. kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash: Start a shell inside a pod.

17. kubectl logs: Retrieve logs from a container in a pod. For example:

18. kubectl logs <pod-name>: Retrieve logs from the first container in a pod.

19. kubectl port-forward: Forward one or more local ports to a pod. For example:

20. kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8080:80: Forward local port 8080 to port 80 in
the pod.

21. kubectl scale: Scale the number of replicas for a deployment or replica set.

22. kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=<replica-count>: Scale a


23. kubectl expose: Create a service for an existing pod or deployment.

24. kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --port=<port>: Expose a

deployment as a service.

25. kubectl config: Manage Kubeconfig files, which store cluster authentication

26. kubectl create secret: Create a secret from literal values, files, or directories.

27. kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=<key>=<value>: Create

a secret from literal values.

28. kubectl apply -f: Deploy and manage applications using YAML manifests. Custom
resource definitions (CRDs) and Helm charts are often used for more complex

29. kubectl edit: Edit a resource in real-time using the default editor.

30. kubectl edit <resource-type> <resource-name>: Open a resource for editing.

31. kubectl rollout: Manage deployments and rollbacks.

32. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name>: Check the status of a

deployment rollout.

33. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: View rollout history of a

34. kubectl scale: Change the number of replicas for a resource.

35. kubectl scale deployment/<deployment-name> --replicas=<replica-count>: Scale a

specific deployment.

36. kubectl label: Add or modify labels on resources.

37. kubectl label pods <pod-name> <key>=<value>: Add a label to a pod.

38. kubectl annotate: Add or modify annotations on resources.

39. kubectl annotate pods <pod-name> <key>=<value>: Add an annotation to a pod.

40. kubectl get events: Retrieve events related to resources in the cluster.

41. kubectl get events: List events for all resources.

42. kubectl top: View resource usage metrics.

43. kubectl top pods: Show CPU and memory usage for pods.

44. kubectl top nodes: Display resource usage for nodes.

45. kubectl exec -it: Start an interactive shell in a running container.

46. kubectl exec -it <pod-name> --container=<container-name> -- /bin/bash: Start a

shell in a specific container within a pod.

47. kubectl cp: Copy files and directories to and from pods.

48. kubectl cp <local-path> <pod-name>:<remote-path>: Copy a file or directory into

a pod.

49. kubectl proxy: Create a proxy to the Kubernetes API server.

50. kubectl proxy: Start a proxy server for accessing the Kubernetes API locally.

51. kubectl logs -f: Stream live logs from a container.

52. kubectl logs -f <pod-name>: Continuously stream logs from a pod.

53. kubectl rollout restart: Restart pods in a deployment.

54. kubectl rollout restart deployment/<deployment-name>: Restart all pods

managed by a deployment.

55. kubectl drain: Safely evict pods from a node.

56. kubectl drain <node-name>: Drain a node for maintenance.

57. kubectl uncordon: Mark a previously drained node as schedulable again.

58. kubectl uncordon <node-name>: Mark a node as schedulable.

59. kubectl taint: Add a taint to a node to repel certain pods.

60. kubectl taint nodes <node-name> key=value:NoSchedule: Add a taint to a node.

61. kubectl top pod: Show resource usage of a specific pod.

62. kubectl top pod <pod-name>: Display CPU and memory usage for a specific pod.

63. kubectl rollout pause/resume: Pause and resume a deployment rollout.

64. kubectl rollout pause deployment/<deployment-name>: Pause a rollout.

65. kubectl rollout resume deployment/<deployment-name>: Resume a paused


66. kubectl exec -ti: Start an interactive terminal session in a running container.

67. kubectl exec -ti <pod-name> --container=<container-name> -- /bin/bash: Start an

interactive terminal session in a specific container within a pod.

68. kubectl rollout undo: Rollback to a previous version of a deployment.

69. kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name>: Roll back a deployment to
the previous revision.

70. kubectl rollout history: View the history of a deployment, including revisions.

71. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List the revisions and

changes made to a deployment.

72. kubectl get configmaps and kubectl get secrets: List ConfigMaps and Secrets in a

73. kubectl get configmaps

74. kubectl get secrets

75. kubectl explain: Get information about Kubernetes resources and their fields.

76. kubectl explain <resource-type>: Display detailed information about a particular

resource type.

77. kubectl create namespace and kubectl delete namespace: Create and delete
Kubernetes namespaces.

78. kubectl create namespace <namespace-name>: Create a new namespace.

79. kubectl delete namespace <namespace-name>: Delete an existing namespace and

its resources.

80. kubectl rollout status: Check the status of a deployment rollout.

81. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name>: Monitor the status of a

deployment rollout until it's complete.

82. kubectl apply -f URL: Deploy resources from a remote URL.

83. kubectl apply -f https://example.com/my-deployment.yaml: Deploy resources

from a URL.

84. kubectl top pod: Show resource usage of a specific pod.

85. kubectl top pod <pod-name>: Display CPU and memory usage for a specific pod.

86. kubectl get pods --selector: List pods based on label selectors.

87. kubectl get pods --selector=<label-selector>: List pods that match a specific label

88. kubectl rollout status: Check the status of a deployment rollout.

89. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name>: Monitor the status of a

deployment rollout until it's complete.

90. kubectl rollout history: View the history of a deployment, including revisions.

91. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List the revisions and

changes made to a deployment.

92. kubectl rollout edit: Edit the YAML of a specific revision of a deployment.

93. kubectl rollout edit deployment/<deployment-name> --revision=<revision-

number>: Edit the YAML of a specific revision of a deployment.

94. kubectl rollout status: Check the status of a specific revision during a rollout.

95. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> --revision=<revision-

number>: Monitor the status of a specific revision during a deployment rollout.

96. kubectl logs --previous: View logs from the previous version of a container in a

97. kubectl logs --previous <pod-name>: Display logs from the container that was
running in the previous pod revision.

98. kubectl describe node: Get detailed information about a node in the cluster.

99. kubectl describe node <node-name>: View detailed information about a specific
node, including its resource utilization.

100. kubectl replace: Replace a resource with a new one based on the provided

101. kubectl replace -f <filename.yaml>: Replace an existing resource with a new

one defined in a YAML file.

102. kubectl rollout pause and kubectl rollout resume: Temporarily pause and
resume a deployment rollout.

103. kubectl rollout pause deployment/<deployment-name>: Pause a

deployment rollout.

104. kubectl rollout resume deployment/<deployment-name>: Resume a

paused deployment rollout.

105. kubectl config use-context: Switch between Kubernetes clusters defined in

your Kubeconfig.

106. kubectl config use-context <context-name>: Switch to a different

Kubernetes context.

107. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo: Manage and undo
revisions of a deployment.

108. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List deployment

rollout history.

109. kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --to-

revision=<revision-number>: Roll back a deployment to a specific revision.

110. kubectl diff: View differences between the applied configuration and the
current state.

111. kubectl diff -f <filename.yaml>: Compare the desired state in a YAML file
with the current state in the cluster.

112. kubectl top node: View resource usage metrics for nodes.

113. kubectl top node: Display CPU and memory usage for all nodes in the

114. kubectl get endpoints: List endpoints for services.

115. kubectl get endpoints <service-name>: View the endpoints associated with
a service.

116. kubectl rollout restart: Restart pods controlled by a deployment.

117. kubectl rollout restart deployment/<deployment-name>: Restart all pods

managed by a deployment.

118. kubectl rollout status: Check the status of a deployment rollout.

119. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name>: Monitor the status

of a deployment rollout until it's complete.

120. kubectl get namespaces: List all namespaces in the cluster.

121. kubectl get namespaces: Display a list of all namespaces in the cluster.

122. kubectl describe service: Get detailed information about a service.

123. kubectl describe service <service-name>: Retrieve information about a

specific service, including its endpoints.

124. kubectl rollout status -w: Watch the status of a deployment rollout in real-

125. kubectl rollout status -w deployment/<deployment-name>: Continuously

monitor the status of a deployment rollout.

126. kubectl edit configmap and kubectl edit secret: Edit ConfigMaps and
Secrets in real-time.

127. kubectl edit configmap <configmap-name>: Open a ConfigMap for editing.

128. kubectl edit secret <secret-name>: Open a Secret for editing.

129. kubectl get all: List all resources in the current namespace.

130. kubectl get all: List all resources (pods, services, deployments, etc.) in the
current namespace.

131. kubectl logs -c: View logs from a specific container within a pod.

132. kubectl logs -c <container-name> <pod-name>: Display logs from a specific

container within a pod that has multiple containers.

133. kubectl rollout status -w and kubectl rollout undo --dry-run: Dry-run a
rollback to a previous revision.

134. kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --to-

revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback without actually
performing it.

135. kubectl explain <resource-type>.<field>: Get information about a specific

field within a resource.

136. kubectl explain pod.spec.containers: Explain the 'containers' field within a

pod's specification.

137. kubectl top pod --all-namespaces: Display resource usage metrics for pods
across all namespaces.

138. kubectl top pod --all-namespaces: Show CPU and memory usage for pods in
all namespaces.

139. kubectl api-resources: List all available resource types in the cluster.

140. kubectl api-resources: List all resource types that are available and
supported in your cluster.

141. kubectl rollout status -w --timeout: Watch a deployment rollout and set a

142. kubectl rollout status -w deployment/<deployment-name> --timeout=300s:
Watch a rollout and stop after a specific timeout (e.g., 300 seconds).

143. kubectl explain --recursive: Recursively explain a resource and its fields.

144. kubectl explain pod --recursive: Display a recursive explanation of a pod

and its subfields.

145. kubectl get events --sort-by: List events and sort them by a specific field.

146. kubectl get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp': List events

sorted by their creation timestamp.

147. kubectl rollout status --watch=false: Check the status of a deployment

rollout once without watching.

148. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> --watch=false: Get

the status of a deployment rollout without continuous monitoring.

149. kubectl rollout history --revision=: View details of a specific revision in a

deployment's rollout history.

150. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name> --

revision=<revision-number>: Retrieve information about a specific revision in a
deployment's rollout history.

151. kubectl rollout history --limit=: Limit the number of revisions displayed in a
deployment's rollout history.

152. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name> --limit=<number>:

Show a specific number of recent revisions in the deployment's rollout history.

153. kubectl rollout status -w and kubectl rollout undo --dry-run: Dry-run a
rollback to a previous revision.

154. kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --to-

revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback without actually
performing it.

155. kubectl describe hpa: Describe a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to view
its configuration.

156. kubectl describe hpa/<hpa-name>: Get detailed information about an HPA,

including its scaling configuration.

157. kubectl config current-context: Display the name of the current Kubernetes

158. kubectl config current-context: Show the name of the currently active
context in your Kubeconfig.

159. kubectl get storageclass: List storage classes available in the cluster.

160. kubectl get storageclass: View a list of storage classes that can be used for
dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolumes (PVs).

161. kubectl get pv and kubectl get pvc: List PersistentVolumes (PVs) and
PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) in the cluster.

162. kubectl get pv: List all PVs in the cluster.

163. kubectl get pvc: List all PVCs in the current namespace.

164. kubectl describe ingress: Describe an Ingress resource to view its

configuration and routing rules.

165. kubectl describe ingress/<ingress-name>: Retrieve detailed information

about an Ingress resource.

166. kubectl rollout restart pod: Restart a specific pod.

167. kubectl rollout restart pod/<pod-name>: Restart a pod by deleting and

recreating it.

168. kubectl get nodes --show-labels: List nodes and their labels.

169. kubectl get nodes --show-labels: Display the labels associated with nodes in
the cluster.

170. kubectl top pod --namespace: View resource usage metrics for pods in a
specific namespace.

171. kubectl top pod --namespace=<namespace-name>: Show CPU and memory

usage for pods in a particular namespace.

172. kubectl auth can-i: Check if a user or group has permission to perform a
specific action.

173. kubectl auth can-i create pods --as=<username>: Determine if a user can
create pods.

174. kubectl rollout status --timeout=: Watch a deployment rollout and specify a

175. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> --

timeout=<duration>: Watch a rollout and stop after a specified duration (e.g.,
"1m" for 1 minute).

176. kubectl create role and kubectl create rolebinding: Create roles and role
bindings for RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).

177. kubectl create role <role-name> --verb=<verbs> --resource=<resources> --

namespace=<namespace>: Create a role.

178. kubectl create rolebinding <binding-name> --role=<role-name> --

user=<user> --namespace=<namespace>: Create a role binding.

179. kubectl get cronjobs and kubectl get jobs: List CronJobs and Jobs for batch

180. kubectl get cronjobs: List all CronJobs in the current namespace.

181. kubectl get jobs: List all Jobs in the current namespace.

182. kubectl rollout status and kubectl rollout undo --to-revision: Rollback to a
specific revision of a deployment.

183. kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --to-

revision=<revision-number>: Roll back a deployment to a specific revision.

184. kubectl get endpoints and kubectl get svc: List endpoints for a service.

185. kubectl get endpoints <service-name>: View the endpoints associated with
a specific service.

186. kubectl get svc: List all services in the current namespace.

187. kubectl describe ingress -n: Describe an Ingress resource in a specific


188. kubectl describe ingress/<ingress-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed

information about an Ingress resource in a specific namespace.

189. kubectl drain and kubectl cordon: Safely evict pods from a node and mark it
as unschedulable.

190. kubectl drain <node-name>: Safely evict pods from a node for

191. kubectl cordon <node-name>: Mark a node as unschedulable to prevent

new pods from being placed on it.

192. kubectl rollout status -w and kubectl rollout pause and kubectl rollout
resume: Watch a deployment rollout in real-time, pause it, and resume it.

193. kubectl rollout status -w deployment/<deployment-name>: Continuously

monitor the status of a deployment rollout.

194. kubectl rollout pause deployment/<deployment-name>: Pause an ongoing

deployment rollout.

195. kubectl rollout resume deployment/<deployment-name>: Resume a
paused deployment rollout.

196. kubectl apply -f -: Apply resources from standard input (stdin).

197. kubectl apply -f -: Apply resources read from stdin, which can be useful for

198. kubectl top pod --all-namespaces and kubectl top node --all-namespaces:
View resource usage metrics for pods and nodes across all namespaces.

199. kubectl top pod --all-namespaces: Show CPU and memory usage for pods in
all namespaces.

200. kubectl top node --all-namespaces: Display resource usage for nodes in all

201. kubectl exec -n: Execute a command in a specific namespace.

202. kubectl exec -n <namespace> -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash: Start an

interactive shell in a pod in a specific namespace.

203. kubectl set image: Update a container image for a pod template in a

204. kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-

name>=<new-image>: Update the image for a container in a deployment.

205. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --revision: View rollout
history and undo to a specific revision of a deployment.

206. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List the rollout

history of a deployment.

207. kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --

revision=<revision-number>: Roll back a deployment to a specific revision.

208. kubectl describe pv and kubectl describe pvc: Describe PersistentVolumes
(PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) for detailed information.

209. kubectl describe pv/<pv-name>: Get detailed information about a PV.

210. kubectl describe pvc/<pvc-name>: Get detailed information about a PVC.

211. kubectl rollout status --watch=false: Check the status of a deployment

rollout once without watching.

212. kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> --watch=false: Get

the status of a deployment rollout without continuous monitoring.

213. kubectl rollout history --revision=: View details of a specific revision in a

deployment's rollout history.

214. kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name> --

revision=<revision-number>: Retrieve information about a specific revision in a
deployment's rollout history.

215. kubectl rollout history --limit=: Limit the number of revisions displayed in a
deployment's rollout history. - kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-
name> --limit=<number>: Show a specific number of recent revisions in the
deployment's rollout history.

216. kubectl rollout status -w and kubectl rollout undo --dry-run: Dry-run a
rollback to a previous revision. - kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-
name> --to-revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback without
actually performing it.

217. kubectl describe hpa: Describe a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to view
its configuration. - kubectl describe hpa/<hpa-name>: Get detailed information
about an HPA, including its scaling configuration.

218. kubectl config current-context: Display the name of the current Kubernetes
context. - kubectl config current-context: Show the name of the currently active
context in your Kubeconfig.

219. kubectl get storageclass: List storage classes available in the cluster. -
kubectl get storageclass: View a list of storage classes that can be used for
dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolumes (PVs).

220. kubectl get pv and kubectl get pvc: List PersistentVolumes (PVs) and
PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) in the cluster. - kubectl get pv: List all PVs in the
cluster. - kubectl get pvc: List all PVCs in the current namespace.

221. kubectl describe ingress -n: Describe an Ingress resource in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe ingress/<ingress-name> -n <namespace>: Get
detailed information about an Ingress resource in a specific namespace.

222. kubectl rollout restart pod: Restart a specific pod. - kubectl rollout restart
pod/<pod-name>: Restart a pod by deleting and recreating it.

223. kubectl get nodes --show-labels: List nodes and their labels. - kubectl get
nodes --show-labels: Display the labels associated with nodes in the cluster.

224. kubectl top pod --namespace: View resource usage metrics for pods in a
specific namespace. - kubectl top pod --namespace=<namespace-name>: Show
CPU and memory usage for pods in a particular namespace.

225. kubectl auth can-i: Check if a user or group has permission to perform a
specific action. - kubectl auth can-i create pods --as=<username>: Determine if a
user can create pods.

226. kubectl rollout status -w and kubectl rollout pause and kubectl rollout
resume: Watch a deployment rollout in real-time, pause it, and resume it. -
kubectl rollout status -w deployment/<deployment-name>: Continuously monitor
the status of a deployment rollout. - kubectl rollout pause
deployment/<deployment-name>: Pause an ongoing deployment rollout. - kubectl
rollout resume deployment/<deployment-name>: Resume a paused deployment

227. kubectl apply -f -: Apply resources from standard input (stdin). - kubectl
apply -f -: Apply resources read from stdin, which can be useful for scripting.

228. kubectl top pod --all-namespaces and kubectl top node --all-namespaces:
View resource usage metrics for pods and nodes across all namespaces. - kubectl
top pod --all-namespaces: Show CPU and memory usage for pods in all
namespaces. - kubectl top node --all-namespaces: Display resource usage for
nodes in all namespaces.

229. kubectl exec -n: Execute a command in a specific namespace. - kubectl exec
-n <namespace> -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash: Start an interactive shell in a pod in
a specific namespace.

230. kubectl set image: Update a container image for a pod template in a
deployment. - kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-
name>=<new-image>: Update the image for a container in a deployment.

231. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --revision: View rollout
history and undo to a specific revision of a deployment. - kubectl rollout history
deployment/<deployment-name>: List the rollout history of a deployment. -
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --revision=<revision-
number>: Roll back a deployment to a specific revision.

232. kubectl describe pv and kubectl describe pvc: Describe PersistentVolumes

(PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) for detailed information. - kubectl
describe pv/<pv-name>: Get detailed information about a PV. - kubectl describe
pvc/<pvc-name>: Get detailed information about a PVC.

233. kubectl rollout status --timeout=: Watch a deployment rollout and set
a timeout. - kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> --
timeout=<duration>: Watch a rollout and stop after a specified duration (e.g.,
"1m" for 1 minute).

234. kubectl label and kubectl annotate: Add or modify labels and
annotations on resources. - kubectl label pods <pod-name>
<key>=<value>: Add a label to a pod. - kubectl annotate pods <pod-
name> <key>=<value>: Add an annotation to a pod.

235. kubectl get events --sort-by: List events and sort them by a specific
field. - kubectl get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp': List
events sorted by their creation timestamp.

236. kubectl get serviceaccount: List service accounts in the cluster. -

kubectl get serviceaccount: View a list of service accounts available in the

237. kubectl get clusterrole and kubectl get clusterrolebinding: List

cluster roles and cluster role bindings. - kubectl get clusterrole: List all cluster
roles. - kubectl get clusterrolebinding: List all cluster role bindings.

238. kubectl get role and kubectl get rolebinding: List roles and role
bindings in a namespace. - kubectl get role -n <namespace>: List roles in a
specific namespace. - kubectl get rolebinding -n <namespace>: List role
bindings in a specific namespace.

239. kubectl rollout restart and kubectl rollout pause --selector and
kubectl rollout resume --selector: Restart, pause, and resume deployments
with a label selector. - kubectl rollout restart deployment --
selector=<label-selector>: Restart all deployments matching a label selector. -
kubectl rollout pause deployment --selector=<label-selector>: Pause
deployments matching a label selector. - kubectl rollout resume deployment
--selector=<label-selector>: Resume paused deployments matching a label

240. kubectl apply -k: Apply resources using Kustomize overlays. - kubectl
apply -k <path-to-directory>: Apply resources with Kustomize overlays from a

241. kubectl get endpoints --selector: List endpoints for services based on
a label selector. - kubectl get endpoints --selector=<label-selector>: List
endpoints for services matching a label selector.

242. kubectl port-forward: Forward a local port to a pod. - kubectl port-

forward <pod-name> <local-port>:<pod-port>: Forward traffic from a local
port to a port on a pod.


243. kubectl top pod --all-namespaces and kubectl top node --all-
namespaces: View resource usage metrics for pods and nodes across all
namespaces. - kubectl top pod --all-namespaces: Show CPU and
memory usage for pods in all namespaces. - kubectl top node --all-
namespaces: Display resource usage for nodes in all namespaces.

244. kubectl exec -n: Execute a command in a specific namespace within

a pod. - kubectl exec -n <namespace> -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash:
Start an interactive shell in a pod in a specific namespace.

245. kubectl set image: Update a container image for a pod template in
a deployment. - kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name>
<container-name>=<new-image>: Update the image for a container in a

246. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --revision: View
rollout history and perform a rollback to a specific revision of a
deployment. - kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>:
List the rollout history of a deployment. - kubectl rollout undo
deployment/<deployment-name> --revision=<revision-number>: Roll back
a deployment to a specific revision.

247. kubectl describe pv and kubectl describe pvc: Describe

PersistentVolumes (PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) to get detailed
information. - kubectl describe pv/<pv-name>: Get detailed information
about a PV. - kubectl describe pvc/<pvc-name>: Get detailed information
about a PVC.

248. kubectl create secret: Create a secret in a namespace. - kubectl

create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=<key>=<value> -
n <namespace>: Create a secret with a key-value pair in a specific

249. kubectl delete secret: Delete a secret in a namespace. - kubectl
delete secret <secret-name> -n <namespace>: Delete a secret from a
specific namespace.

250. kubectl get endpointslice -n: List EndpointSlices in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get endpointslice -n <namespace>: List
EndpointSlices within a specified namespace.

251. kubectl describe endpointslice -n: Describe an EndpointSlice in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe endpointslice/<endpointslice-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about an EndpointSlice in
a specific namespace.

252. kubectl top apiservice: View resource usage metrics for API
services. - kubectl top apiservice: Display resource usage metrics for API
services if applicable.

253. kubectl describe apiservice: Describe an API service to view its

configuration. - kubectl describe apiservice/<apiservice-name>: Get
detailed information about an API service, including its settings.

254. kubectl describe podsecuritypolicy: Describe a PodSecurityPolicy

to view its configuration. - kubectl describe podsecuritypolicy/<psp-
name>: Get detailed information about a PodSecurityPolicy, including its

255. kubectl get networkpolicy -n: List NetworkPolicies in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get networkpolicy -n <namespace>: List
NetworkPolicies within a specified namespace.

256. kubectl describe networkpolicy -n: Describe a NetworkPolicy in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe networkpolicy/<networkpolicy-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a NetworkPolicy in
a specific namespace.

257. kubectl get podsecuritypolicy -n: List PodSecurityPolicies in a
specific namespace. - kubectl get podsecuritypolicy -n <namespace>:
List PodSecurityPolicies within a specified namespace.

258. kubectl describe podsecuritypolicy -n: Describe a

PodSecurityPolicy in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe
podsecuritypolicy/<psp-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information
about a PodSecurityPolicy in a specific namespace.

259. kubectl get priorityclass -n: List PriorityClasses in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get priorityclass -n <namespace>: List
PriorityClasses within a specified namespace.

260. kubectl describe priorityclass -n: Describe a PriorityClass in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe priorityclass/<priorityclass-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a PriorityClass in a
specific namespace.

261. kubectl get persistentvolume -o json: Retrieve PV information in

JSON format. - kubectl get persistentvolume -o json: Get detailed
information about PVs in JSON format.

262. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --to-revision --

dry-run: Dry-run a rollback to a previous revision. - kubectl rollout history
deployment/<deployment-name>: List the rollout history of a deployment. -
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --to-
revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback without actually
performing it.

263. kubectl top customresourcedefinition: View resource usage metrics

for CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs). - kubectl top
customresourcedefinition: Display resource usage metrics for CRDs if

264. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition: Describe a
CustomResourceDefinition to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name>: Get detailed information about a
CRD, including its schema.

265. kubectl set env: Set environment variables in a container. - kubectl set
env deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>
<key>=<value>: Set an environment variable in a container within a

266. kubectl describe rolebinding View resource usage metrics for Ingress
resources. - kubectl top ingress: Display resource usage metrics for Ingress
objects if applicable.

267. kubectl get endpoints -n: List endpoints for services in a specific
namespace. - kubectl get endpoints -n <namespace>: List endpoints for
services within a specified namespace.

268. kubectl top cronjob: View resource usage metrics for CronJobs. -
kubectl top cronjob: Display resource usage metrics for CronJob resources if

269. kubectl get events -n: List events in a specific namespace. - kubectl
get events -n <namespace>: List events occurring within a specified

270. kubectl replace -f: Replace a resource with a new one based on the
provided YAML. - kubectl replace -f <filename.yaml>: Replace an existing
resource with a new one defined in a YAML file.

271. kubectl rollout pause and kubectl rollout resume --selector:

Pause and resume deployments with a label selector. - kubectl rollout pause
deployment --selector=<label-selector>: Pause deployments matching a
label selector. - kubectl rollout resume deployment --selector=<label-
selector>: Resume paused deployments matching a label selector.

272. kubectl scale: Scale the number of replicas for a resource. - kubectl
scale deployment/<deployment-name> --replicas=<number>: Adjust the
number of replicas for a deployment.

273. kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n: List cluster role bindings in a

specific namespace. - kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n <namespace>: List
cluster role bindings within a specified namespace.

274. kubectl get clusterrole -n: List cluster roles in a specific namespace. -
kubectl get clusterrole -n <namespace>: List cluster roles within a specified

275. kubectl get role -n: List roles in a specific namespace. - kubectl get
role -n <namespace>: List roles within a specified namespace.

276. kubectl get rolebinding -n: List role bindings in a specific namespace. -
kubectl get rolebinding -n <namespace>: List role bindings within a
specified namespace.

277. kubectl describe role -n: Describe a Role resource in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe role/<role-name> -n <namespace>: Get
detailed information about a Role in a specific namespace.

278. kubectl describe rolebinding -n: Describe a RoleBinding resource in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe rolebinding/<rolebinding-name> -
n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a RoleBinding in a specific

279. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --dry-run: View
rollout history and dry-run a rollback to a previous revision of a deployment. -
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List the rollout
history of a deployment. - kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-
name> --to-revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback
without actually performing it.

280. kubectl top customresourcedefinition: View resource usage metrics
for CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs). - kubectl top
customresourcedefinition: Display resource usage metrics for CRDs if

281. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition: Describe a

CustomResourceDefinition to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name>: Get detailed information about a
CRD, including its schema.

282. kubectl set env: Set environment variables in a container. - kubectl set
env deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>
<key>=<value>: Set an environment variable in a container within a

283. kubectl top ingress: View resource usage metrics for Ingress resources. -
kubectl top ingress: Display resource usage metrics for Ingress objects if

284. kubectl get componentstatuses: List the status of control plane


285. kubectl get componentstatuses: Display the status of control plane

components such as the API server, controller manager, and scheduler.

286. kubectl get endpoints -n: List endpoints for services in a specific

287. kubectl get endpoints -n <namespace>: List endpoints for services within a
specified namespace.

288. kubectl top cronjob: View resource usage metrics for CronJobs. - kubectl
top cronjob: Display resource usage metrics for CronJob resources if applicable.

289. kubectl get events -n: List events in a specific namespace. - kubectl get
events -n <namespace>: List events occurring within a specified namespace.

290. kubectl replace -f: Replace a resource with a new one based on the
provided YAML. - kubectl replace -f <filename.yaml>: Replace an existing resource
with a new one defined in a YAML file.

291. kubectl rollout pause and kubectl rollout resume --selector: Pause and
resume deployments with a label selector. - kubectl rollout pause deployment --
selector=<label-selector>: Pause deployments matching a label selector. - kubectl
rollout resume deployment --selector=<label-selector>: Resume paused
deployments matching a label selector.

292. kubectl scale: Scale the number of replicas for a resource. - kubectl scale
deployment/<deployment-name> --replicas=<number>: Adjust the number of
replicas for a deployment.

293. kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n: List cluster role bindings in a specific
namespace. - kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n <namespace>: List cluster role
bindings within a specified namespace.

294. kubectl get clusterrole -n: List cluster roles in a specific namespace. -
kubectl get clusterrole -n <namespace>: List cluster roles within a specified

295. kubectl get role -n: List roles in a specific namespace. - kubectl get role -n
<namespace>: List roles within a specified namespace.

296. kubectl get rolebinding -n: List role bindings in a specific namespace. -
kubectl get rolebinding -n <namespace>: List role bindings within a specified

297. kubectl describe role -n: Describe a Role resource in a specific namespace. -
kubectl describe role/<role-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information
about a Role in a specific namespace.

298. kubectl describe rolebinding -n: Describe a RoleBinding resource in a
specific namespace. - kubectl describe rolebinding/<rolebinding-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a RoleBinding in a specific

299. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --dry-run: View rollout
history and dry-run a rollback to a previous revision of a deployment. - kubectl
rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List the rollout history of a
deployment. - kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> --to-
revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback without actually
performing it.

300. kubectl top customresourcedefinition: View resource usage metrics for

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs). - kubectl top customresourcedefinition:
Display resource usage metrics for CRDs if applicable.

301. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition: Describe a

CustomResourceDefinition to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name>: Get detailed information about a CRD,
including its schema.

302. kubectl set env: Set environment variables in a container. - kubectl set env
deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name> <key>=<value>: Set an
environment variable in a container within a deployment.

303. kubectl top ingress: View resource usage metrics for Ingress resources. -
kubectl top ingress: Display resource usage metrics for Ingress objects if

304. kubectl get endpoints -n: List endpoints for services in a specific
namespace. - kubectl get endpoints -n <namespace>: List endpoints for
services within a specified namespace.

305. kubectl top cronjob: View resource usage metrics for CronJobs. -
kubectl top cronjob: Display resource usage metrics for CronJob resources if

306. kubectl get events -n: List events in a specific namespace. - kubectl
get events -n <namespace>: List events occurring within a specified

307. kubectl replace -f: Replace a resource with a new one based on the
provided YAML. - kubectl replace -f <filename.yaml>: Replace an existing
resource with a new one defined in a YAML file.

308. kubectl rollout pause and kubectl rollout resume --selector:

Pause and resume deployments with a label selector. - kubectl rollout pause
deployment --selector=<label-selector>: Pause deployments matching a
label selector. - kubectl rollout resume deployment --selector=<label-
selector>: Resume paused deployments matching a label selector.

309. kubectl scale: Scale the number of replicas for a resource. - kubectl
scale deployment/<deployment-name> --replicas=<number>: Adjust the
number of replicas for a deployment.

310. kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n: List cluster role bindings in a

specific namespace. - kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n <namespace>: List
cluster role bindings within a specified namespace.

311. kubectl get clusterrole -n: List cluster roles in a specific namespace. -
kubectl get clusterrole -n <namespace>: List cluster roles within a specified

312. kubectl get role -n: List roles in a specific namespace. - kubectl get
role -n <namespace>: List roles within a specified namespace.

313. kubectl get rolebinding -n: List role bindings in a specific namespace. -
kubectl get rolebinding -n <namespace>: List role bindings within a
specified namespace.

314. kubectl describe role -n: Describe a Role resource in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe role/<role-name> -n <namespace>: Get
detailed information about a Role in a specific namespace.

315. kubectl describe rolebinding -n: Describe a RoleBinding resource in a
specific namespace. - kubectl describe rolebinding/<rolebinding-name> -
n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a RoleBinding in a specific

316. kubectl rollout history and kubectl rollout undo --dry-run: View
rollout history and dry-run a rollback to a previous revision of a deployment. -
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment-name>: List the rollout
history of a deployment. - kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-
name> --to-revision=<revision-number> --dry-run: Simulate a rollback
without actually performing it.

317. kubectl top customresourcedefinition: View resource usage metrics

for CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs). - kubectl top
customresourcedefinition: Display resource usage metrics for CRDs if

318. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition: Describe a

CustomResourceDefinition to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name>: Get detailed information about a
CRD, including its schema.

319. kubectl set env: Set environment variables in a container. - kubectl set
env deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>
<key>=<value>: Set an environment variable in a container within a

320. kubectl top ingress: View resource usage metrics for Ingress resources. -
kubectl top ingress: Display resource usage metrics for Ingress objects if

321. kubectl describe mutatingwebhookconfigurations: Describe a

MutatingWebhookConfiguration to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
mutatingwebhookconfigurations/<webhook-name>: Get detailed
information about a MutatingWebhookConfiguration, including its settings.

322. kubectl describe validatingwebhookconfigurations: Describe a
ValidatingWebhookConfiguration to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
validatingwebhookconfigurations/<webhook-name>: Get detailed
information about a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, including its settings.

323. kubectl get customresourcedefinition: List

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) in the cluster. - kubectl get
customresourcedefinition: List all CRDs available in the cluster.

324. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition -n: Describe a

CustomResourceDefinition in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a CRD in a specific namespace.

325. kubectl top mutatingwebhookconfigurations: View resource usage

metrics for MutatingWebhookConfigurations. - kubectl top
mutatingwebhookconfigurations: Display resource usage metrics for
MutatingWebhookConfigurations if applicable.

326. kubectl top validatingwebhookconfigurations: View resource usage

metrics for ValidatingWebhookConfigurations. - kubectl top
validatingwebhookconfigurations: Display resource usage metrics for
ValidatingWebhookConfigurations if applicable.

327. kubectl get storageclass -n: List storage classes in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get storageclass -n <namespace>: List storage
classes within a specified namespace.

328. kubectl describe storageclass -n: Describe a StorageClass in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe storageclass/<storageclass-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a StorageClass in a specific

329. kubectl get persistentvolume -n: List PersistentVolumes (PVs) in a

specific namespace. - kubectl get persistentvolume -n <namespace>: List
PVs within a specified namespace.

330. kubectl describe persistentvolume -n: Describe a PersistentVolume
in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe persistentvolume/<pv-name> -
n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a PV in a specific namespace.

331. kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim -n: List PersistentVolumeClaims

(PVCs) in a specific namespace. - kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim -n
<namespace>: List PVCs within a specified namespace.

332. kubectl describe persistentvolumeclaim -n: Describe a

PersistentVolumeClaim in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe
persistentvolumeclaim/<pvc-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a PVC in a specific namespace.

333. kubectl top pod -n: View resource usage metrics for pods in a specific
namespace. - kubectl top pod -n <namespace>: Show CPU and memory
usage for pods within a specified namespace.

334. kubectl top node -n: Display resource usage metrics for nodes in a
specific namespace. - kubectl top node -n <namespace>: View resource
usage for nodes within a specified namespace.

335. kubectl get endpointslice -n: List EndpointSlices in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get endpointslice -n <namespace>: List
EndpointSlices within a specified namespace.

336. kubectl describe endpointslice -n: Describe an EndpointSlice in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe endpointslice/<endpointslice-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about an EndpointSlice in a
specific namespace.

337. kubectl top apiservice: View resource usage metrics for API services. -
kubectl top apiservice: Display resource usage metrics for API services if

338. kubectl describe apiservice: Describe an API service to view its

configuration. - kubectl describe apiservice/<apiservice-name>: Get
detailed information about an API service, including its settings.

339. kubectl get podtemplate -n: List PodTemplates in a specific
namespace. - kubectl get podtemplate -n <namespace>: List
PodTemplates within a specified namespace.

340. kubectl describe podtemplate -n: Describe a PodTemplate in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe podtemplate/<podtemplate-name>
-n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a PodTemplate in a
specific namespace.

341. kubectl get replicasets -n: List ReplicaSets in a specific namespace.

- kubectl get replicasets -n <namespace>: List ReplicaSets within a
specified namespace.

342. kubectl describe replicasets -n: Describe a ReplicaSet in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe replicasets/<replicaset-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a ReplicaSet in a specific

343. kubectl get priority -n: List Priorities in a specific namespace. -

kubectl get priority -n <namespace>: List Priorities within a specified

344. kubectl describe priority -n: Describe a Priority in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe priority/<priority-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a Priority in a specific

345. kubectl get resourcequota -n: List ResourceQuotas in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get resourcequota -n <namespace>: List
ResourceQuotas within a specified namespace.

346. kubectl describe resourcequota -n: Describe a ResourceQuota in a
specific namespace. - kubectl describe resourcequota/<resourcequota-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a ResourceQuota in
a specific namespace.

347. kubectl get lease -n: List Leases in a specific namespace. - kubectl
get lease -n <namespace>: List Leases within a specified namespace.

348. kubectl describe lease -n: Describe a Lease in a specific namespace.

- kubectl describe lease/<lease-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a Lease in a specific namespace.

349. kubectl get endpoint -n: List Endpoints in a specific namespace. -

kubectl get endpoint -n <namespace>: List Endpoints within a specified

350. kubectl describe endpoint -n: Describe an Endpoint in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe endpoint/<endpoint-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about an Endpoint in a specific

351. kubectl get limitrange -n: List LimitRanges in a specific namespace.

- kubectl get limitrange -n <namespace>: List LimitRanges within a
specified namespace.

352. kubectl describe limitrange -n: Describe a LimitRange in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe limitrange/<limitrange-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a LimitRange in a specific

353. kubectl get csinodes: List CSINodes in the cluster. - kubectl get
csinodes: List all CSINodes available in the cluster.

354. kubectl describe csinodes: Describe a CSINode to view its
configuration. - kubectl describe csinodes/<csinode-name>: Get detailed
information about a CSINode, including its settings.

355. kubectl get customresourcedefinition: List

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) in the cluster. - kubectl get
customresourcedefinition: List all CRDs available in the cluster.

356. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition: Describe a

CustomResourceDefinition to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name>: Get detailed information about a
CRD, including its schema.

357. kubectl get podtemplate -n: List PodTemplates in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get podtemplate -n <namespace>: List
PodTemplates within a specified namespace.

358. kubectl describe podtemplate -n: Describe a PodTemplate in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe podtemplate/<podtemplate-name>
-n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a PodTemplate in a
specific namespace.

359. kubectl get replicasets -n: List ReplicaSets in a specific namespace.

- kubectl get replicasets -n <namespace>: List ReplicaSets within a
specified namespace.

360. kubectl describe replicasets -n: Describe a ReplicaSet in a specific
namespace. - kubectl describe replicasets/<replicaset-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a ReplicaSet in a specific

361. kubectl get priority -n: List Priorities in a specific namespace. -

kubectl get priority -n <namespace>: List Priorities within a specified

362. kubectl describe priority -n: Describe a Priority in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe priority/<priority-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a Priority in a specific

363. kubectl get resourcequota -n: List ResourceQuotas in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get resourcequota -n <namespace>: List
ResourceQuotas within a specified namespace.

364. kubectl describe resourcequota -n: Describe a ResourceQuota in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe resourcequota/<resourcequota-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about a ResourceQuota in
a specific namespace.

365. kubectl get lease -n: List Leases in a specific namespace. - kubectl
get lease -n <namespace>: List Leases within a specified namespace.

366. kubectl describe lease -n: Describe a Lease in a specific namespace.

- kubectl describe lease/<lease-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a Lease in a specific namespace.

367. kubectl get endpoint -n: List Endpoints in a specific namespace. -

kubectl get endpoint -n <namespace>: List Endpoints within a specified

368. kubectl describe endpoint -n: Describe an Endpoint in a specific
namespace. - kubectl describe endpoint/<endpoint-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about an Endpoint in a specific

369. kubectl get limitrange -n: List LimitRanges in a specific namespace.

- kubectl get limitrange -n <namespace>: List LimitRanges within a
specified namespace.

370. kubectl describe limitrange -n: Describe a LimitRange in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe limitrange/<limitrange-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a LimitRange in a specific

371. kubectl get csinodes: List CSINodes in the cluster. - kubectl get
csinodes: List all CSINodes available in the cluster.

372. kubectl describe csinodes: Describe a CSINode to view its

configuration. - kubectl describe csinodes/<csinode-name>: Get detailed
information about a CSINode, including its settings.

373. kubectl get customresourcedefinition: List

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) in the cluster. - kubectl get
customresourcedefinition: List all CRDs available in the cluster.

374. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition: Describe a

CustomResourceDefinition to view its configuration. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name>: Get detailed information about a
CRD, including its schema.

375. kubectl get customresourcedefinition -n: List

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) in a specific namespace. - kubectl get
customresourcedefinition -n <namespace>: List CRDs within a specified

376. kubectl describe customresourcedefinition -n: Describe a
CustomResourceDefinition in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe
customresourcedefinition/<crd-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a CRD in a specific namespace.

377. kubectl get poddisruptionbudget -n: List PodDisruptionBudgets in

a specific namespace. - kubectl get poddisruptionbudget -n
<namespace>: List PodDisruptionBudgets within a specified namespace.

378. kubectl describe poddisruptionbudget -n: Describe a

PodDisruptionBudget in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe
poddisruptionbudget/<pdb-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a PodDisruptionBudget in a specific namespace.

379. kubectl get endpointslice -n: List EndpointSlices in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get endpointslice -n <namespace>: List
EndpointSlices within a specified namespace.

380. kubectl describe endpointslice -n: Describe an EndpointSlice in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe endpointslice/<endpointslice-
name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information about an EndpointSlice in
a specific namespace.

381. kubectl get ingress -n: List Ingress resources in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get ingress -n <namespace>: List Ingress resources
within a specified namespace.

382. kubectl describe ingress -n: Describe an Ingress resource in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe ingress/<ingress-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about an Ingress resource in a
specific namespace.

383. kubectl get podsecuritypolicy -n: List PodSecurityPolicies in a
specific namespace. - kubectl get podsecuritypolicy -n <namespace>:
List PodSecurityPolicies within a specified namespace.

384. kubectl describe podsecuritypolicy -n: Describe a

PodSecurityPolicy in a specific namespace. - kubectl describe
podsecuritypolicy/<psp-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed information
about a PodSecurityPolicy in a specific namespace.

385. kubectl get validatingswebhookconfigurations: List

ValidatingWebhookConfigurations in the cluster. - kubectl get
validatingwebhookconfigurations: List all
ValidatingWebhookConfigurations available in the cluster.

386. kubectl describe validatingswebhookconfigurations: Describe a

ValidatingWebhookConfiguration to view its configuration. - kubectl
describe validatingwebhookconfigurations/<webhook-name>: Get
detailed information about a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, including
its settings.

387. kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations: List

MutatingWebhookConfigurations in the cluster. - kubectl get
mutatingwebhookconfigurations: List all MutatingWebhookConfigurations
available in the cluster.

388. kubectl describe mutatingwebhookconfigurations: Describe a

MutatingWebhookConfiguration to view its configuration. - kubectl
describe mutatingwebhookconfigurations/<webhook-name>: Get detailed
information about a MutatingWebhookConfiguration, including its settings.

389. kubectl get storageclass -o yaml: Retrieve StorageClass

information in YAML format. - kubectl get storageclass -o yaml: Get
detailed information about StorageClasses in YAML format.

390. kubectl get secret -n: List secrets in a specific namespace. - kubectl
get secret -n <namespace>: List secrets within a specified namespace.

391. kubectl describe secret -n: Describe a secret in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe secret/<secret-name> -n <namespace>:
Get detailed information about a secret in a specific namespace.

392. kubectl get configmap -n: List ConfigMaps in a specific namespace.

- kubectl get configmap -n <namespace>: List ConfigMaps within a
specified namespace.

393. kubectl describe configmap -n: Describe a ConfigMap in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe configmap/<configmap-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a ConfigMap in a specific

394. kubectl get persistentvolume -o yaml: Retrieve PersistentVolume

information in YAML format. - kubectl get persistentvolume -o yaml:
Get detailed information about PersistentVolumes in YAML format.

395. kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim -o yaml: Retrieve

PersistentVolumeClaim information in YAML format. - kubectl get
persistentvolumeclaim -o yaml: Get detailed information about
PersistentVolumeClaims in YAML format.

396. kubectl get service -o json: Retrieve Service information in JSON

format. - kubectl get service -o json: Get detailed information about
Services in JSON format.

397. kubectl get pod -o wide: List pods with additional information,
including node names. - kubectl get pod -o wide: List pods along with
additional details like node names.

398. kubectl get deployment -o custom-columns: Display custom
columns for deployments. - kubectl get deployment -o custom-
columns=<column-name>:<format>: Show specific columns with custom
formatting for deployments.

399. kubectl describe serviceaccount -n: Describe a ServiceAccount in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe
serviceaccount/<serviceaccount-name> -n <namespace>: Get detailed
information about a ServiceAccount in a specific namespace.

400. kubectl get hpa -n: List HorizontalPodAutoscalers (HPAs) in a

specific namespace. - kubectl get hpa -n <namespace>: List HPAs within a
specified namespace.

401. kubectl describe hpa -n: Describe a HorizontalPodAutoscaler in a

specific namespace. - kubectl describe hpa/<hpa-name> -n <namespace>:
Get detailed information about an HPA in a specific namespace.

402. kubectl get endpoints -n: List endpoints for services in a specific
namespace. - kubectl get endpoints -n <namespace>: List endpoints for
services within a specified namespace.

403. kubectl get endpoints -o yaml -n: Retrieve endpoint information in

YAML format for services in a specific namespace. - kubectl get
endpoints -o yaml -n <namespace>: Get detailed endpoint information for
services in YAML format.

404. kubectl get limitranges -n: List LimitRanges in a specific

namespace. - kubectl get limitranges -n <namespace>: List LimitRanges
within a specified namespace.

405. kubectl describe limitranges -n: Describe a LimitRange in a specific
namespace. - kubectl describe limitrange/<limitrange-name> -n
<namespace>: Get detailed information about a LimitRange in a specific

406. kubectl get quota -n: List ResourceQuotas in a specific namespace.

- kubectl get quota -n <namespace>: List ResourceQuotas within a
specified namespace.

407. kubectl describe quota -n: Describe a ResourceQuota in a specific

namespace. - kubectl describe quota/<quota-name> -n <namespace>: Get
detailed information about a ResourceQuota in a specific namespace.


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