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Grade 5

May - June

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and

communities; the structure and function of organizations’ societal decision-
making; economic activities and the impact on humankind and the environment.

The exchange of goods and services reflects

people’s needs and wants

PYP Learner Profiles

Lines of Inquiry Balanced
Learning how to balance our budgets, and
how to make balanced choices as
• Supply and demand consumers.
• Marketing strategies
Reflecting on how to advertise goods and
services while maintaining honesty and
• Responsibility in the trustworthiness.
Marketplace Thinker
Exploring how advertisement affect our
choices, how to recognize marketing
strategies and their influence on consumers.

Key Concepts Teacher Questions

Teachers will be using the concepts to These questions provoke discussion
guide thinking and learning about the and deeper thinking in our
Causation: Students will consider how
their needs and wants as consumers - How do our choices as consumers
affect the market. affect the market?
Function: Students will explore the - What strategies do advertisers
marketing strategies advertising uses to use to sell their products?
sell their goods and services.
- What are our responsibilities in
Responsibility: Students will reflect on
the marketplace?
their responsibilities as consumers and
producers and learn about fair trade.
Transdisciplinary Skills: These skills are developed through the unit.

Thinking skills: Taking prior knowledge and using it to think in new ways.
Taking knowledge and applying it to new situations.

Social Skills: Accepting responsibility: taking on and completing tasks in an

appropriate manner; being willing to assume a share of the responsibility.

Parents can help support learning at home in various ways:

• Discussing the vocabulary being introduced in the unit of inquiry.
• Encourage discussions about marketing strategies advertisement uses to sell goods and services.
• Involving children in planning and balancing budgets, and providing them with opportunities to
plan shopping trips, including calculating expenses.
• Encourage children to express their thoughts and opinions about a range of topics, supporting
them in expressing their ideas clearly and supporting them with facts and examples.

Literacy Focus
Students will be focusing on the following areas and skills:

Writing: persuasive texts on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and
information. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a new approach.

Speaking and Listening:present a persuasive argument (debate), sequencing ideas

logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas
or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

Math Focus Suggested Vocabulary

Students will be focusing on
- Supply and Demand
-making monetary calculations, including making
- Consumer
change and decimal notation to 1,000 and beyond in
- Producer
real-life contexts and problem-based situations
- Goods and services
-applying a variety of strategies, such as counting up,
- Exchange
counting back, to calculate totals and make change - Budget
-making simple nancial plans to meet a nancial goal - Pro t
-developing a budget that takes into account income - Economy
and expenses - Marketing
- Advertisement

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