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Playback & Clip Navigation

J, K, L Reverse, Pause & Play
K & tap J Previous Frame
K & tap L Next Frame
K & J or K & L Reverse or Play at 1/3 Speed
; Previous Edit Point
: Next Edit Point
UP & DOWN CURSORS Previous Edit Point & Next Edit Point
LEFT & RIGHT CURSORS Previous Frame, Next Frame
First Frame of a Clip Last Frame of a Clip

Select Edit Points

[ Select Out Point
] Select In Point
\ Select In & Out Point
, (comma) Move Edit One Frame Left (hold SHIFT to move 10 frames)
. (period/full stop) Move Edit One Frame Right (hold SHIFT to move 10 frames)
SHIFT + X Edit selected edit to playhead
ALT + [ or ] (left/right bracket) Edit main storyline clip or selected layer to timeline to playhead
Select Clips
x Make range selection of clip
I or O Mark in/out on timeline to select range or X to select clip
COMMAND UP/DOWN CURSOR Make selection of clip on any layer at playhead
CTRL+CMD LEFT/RIGHT CURSOR Select clips either side of selection
Zoom on Timeline
CMD & +/- (really -/=) Zoom in/out on timeline at playhead
SHIFT + Z Zoom to fit timeline
SHIFT + CMD & +/- (-/=) Increase/decrease height of timeline

Spot a mistake or to suggest additions e-mail /

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