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Reflection ll

Language use is constantly utilised to enhance media. This first artefact, (marketing art in
Belize) uses facts and statistics to explain the process of purchasing artwork in Belize. It is
stated that “90% of customers are tourists” and thus provides credible insight to the process
of shipping art abroad.

The quotation “only a few people would visit art galleries in the early days, but now the art
scene has grown” from the video, (Belizean Arts), utilises facts to provide a background of
the arts industry before it was popularised. Further explaining the growth of the industry.

The final artefact is an article by Cristina Reyna which makes use of imagery to illustrate the
variety of artwork found in belize, as well as the different artists producing these works. To
conclude, each artefact provides insight on the perception of artwork in Belize.

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