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Intelligence Analyst

Directorate: Digital, Technology and Intelligence

Reports to: Business Intelligence Partner
Accountable to: Head of Business Intelligence/ Head of
Dorset Intelligence and Insight Service (DiiS)
Salary: Agenda for Change, Band 5

Working as part of Dorset’s Integrated Care System

Everyone in Dorset deserves to live well. That is why our NHS organisations, councils, public
services and voluntary and community partners are working together as an Integrated Care
System (ICS).

We are joining up to tackle all the things that affect our health and wellbeing, make real
change, and improve things for our communities.

Dorset ICS is made up of:

• NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board (that’s us!)

• University Hospitals Dorset Foundation Trust
• Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust
• Dorset HealthCare University Foundation Trust
• Dorset Council
• Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council
• 194 town and parish councils
• 18 primary care networks (made up of 80 GP practices)
• Southwestern Ambulance Service Foundation Trust
• Dorset Police
• Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
• 7,300 voluntary organisations

What we do

The Health and Care Act 2022 puts ICSs on a statutory footing empowering them to better
join up health and care services, improve population health, and reduce health inequalities.

ICSs have four core purposes:

• Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
• Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access
• Enhance productivity and value for money
• Help the NHS support broader social and economic development

Each ICS is led by an NHS (ICB), an organisation with responsibility NHS functions and
budgets, and an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), a statutory committee bringing together
all system partners to produce a health and care strategy.

• To assist & support the Dorset Intelligence and Insight Service (DiiS) Functions, including
data warehousing to ensure the service meets the required standards.

• Ensure the regular production and development of quality intelligence reports and
analysis that provide timely, responsive, and accurate business intelligence against key
objectives and priorities across the range of core Business Intelligence functions.

• Support the Dorset NHS Integrated Care System (ICS) to enable effective decision
making and provide support to programs on business intelligence related matters by the
production of a suite of products and intelligence.

• To support the delivery of information and business intelligence commissioning support

services to effectively support the Transformational agendas of the ICS, including Elective
Care recovery, Urgent Emergency Care, Patient Pathways/services, Primary and
Community Care etc.

• To provide Business Intelligence to support the ICS in improving outcomes for the
population by utilising and combining multiple information sources, supporting population
health management and address health inequalities.


Personal objectives & principles

• Work corporately, flexibly, and proactively to effectively support the business intelligence
functions and provide a positive front for the Dorset Intelligence and Insights Service.

• Work with the Deputy Heads, BI Partners, and other DiiS staff to foster good working
relationships and develop a coordinated supportive approach to working across the
Business Intelligence Services team, and beyond where appropriate.

• Promote and demonstrate continual professional development and knowledge of local

and national data standards and policies including the legal requirements of Information
Governance, Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

• Provide a positive front for the DiiS and work flexibly to support the work of the ICS most

• Demonstrate continual learning and development of technical skills & knowledge to

identify and realise efficiencies within all aspects of the team’s duties to increase the
capacity and capabilities of the BI service.

• Assist and promote the development of a culture of intelligence use within the ICS by
appropriately communicating all aspects of the team’s functions.
Business Intelligence

• To provide analytical support services across all functions of the ICS and support
colleagues with interpretation of data and intelligence to support monitoring of primary,
community and secondary care contracts and services.

• To support the cross-provider working to feed into the DiiS and promote a culture of
good data quality/consistency in across the Dorset ICS.

• Provide intelligence for budget management and financial planning by analysis of

provider datasets including the modelling of future demand. Query and analyse provider
data to identify coding and counting errors and resolve these with providers/other
commissioners using established contractual processes. Ensure provider datasets
meets national definitions and standards where appropriate.

• Provide effective business intelligence to support the CCG/ICS and wider health and
care system to enable effective delivery of services to all Dorset patients by:
o Supporting patient pathway redesign & reconfiguration of services
o Specific function analytical support (e.g., Urgent Care, Elective Care, Primary and
Community Care, and Mental Health).
o National benchmarking innovation and programmes.

• Work closely with key colleagues within the team and wider to ensure an integrated
approach to provider data flows and provision of analytics.

• Assist in the development of acute provider contracts by applying and interpreting the
national payment guidance.

• Be a part of a dedicated BI resource enabling effective support on business intelligence-

related matters by developing a suite of products and intelligence to support:
o Commissioning decision making
o Population Health Management
o Reducing variation and inequality
o Improving patient care and quality of service (e.g., COPD, AF)

• Support the development primary care commissioning intelligence by assisting with the
development of efficient mechanisms of data collection and warehousing of primary care

Data Management

• Support the develop intelligence by ensuring efficient mechanisms of collection,

processing, and warehousing of a variety of data.

• Interrogate and support the development of the DiiS SQL data warehouse to provide
effective and efficient production of BI products.
o SQL queries
o Alternative data sources and ETL processes
• Develop effective and efficient business intelligence products and promote increased
and appropriate access via a variety of visualisation tools including.
o Power BI
o GIS Mapping

• Utilise local/national data for analysis ensuring compliance with the latest Information
Governance and Data Protection regulations.

• Demonstrate excellent analytical skills combining the ability to manipulate, interrogate

and understand complex datasets with the effective use of advanced problem-solving
skills to resolve complicated problems and embed good data quality principles into all
aspects of your work.

• Increase and develop the team’s intelligence by utilising, interpreting and collating
information from national, regional, and local information resources across function,
directorate and organisational boundaries including Public Health intelligence.

• Provide analytical support services across the ICS to support colleagues with
interpretation of data and intelligence.

Engagement & Communications

• Support the development and maintenance of a customer facing Business Intelligence

resource accessible across the Integrated Care System (ICS) enabling ease of access
to all intelligence products and training materials. Assisting in the development of
innovative communication and training methods to improve stakeholder access and
understanding to all BI services and products.
o Online Training e.g., webinars, website development.
o Recorded video tutorials.
o Interactive online reports.
o Presenting to non-BI audiences.
o Innovative marketing and communication techniques.

Budget Responsibility (£) N/A

Staff and Responsibilities N/A

Health and Safety

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, as an employee, you must take reasonable
care for the health and safety of yourself and for other persons who may be affected by
your acts or omissions at work. The Act also states that you must not intentionally or
recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and
welfare. You are also required to make yourself aware of NHS Dorset Health and Safety
Policies and to report any accidents/incidents.

Equal Opportunities
NHS Dorset is committed to developing, supporting, and sustaining a diverse workforce,
representative of the community it serves, through the creation of a work environment
where staff can do their jobs to the best of their abilities without having to face
discrimination or harassment. All employees have a responsibility to ensure that they
understand the standards expected and that they promote and adhere to the policies and
measures adopted by NHS Dorset .

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Confidential and personal information related to staff, patients and NHS Dorset must not be
disclosed within or outside the place of work, except in the proper discharge of duties. It is
the responsibility of all staff to be aware of their obligations in respect of the Data Protection
Act 1998, as outlined in NHS Dorset Policy and Procedure.

Vulnerable Adults, Children, and Young People

All members of staff have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable adults,
children, and young people in all relevant areas of their work. This will include timely
attendance at relevant training events and compliance with the Bournemouth, Dorset, and
Poole Inter-Agency Safeguarding Procedures.

Major Incidents
On limited occasions, NHS Dorset may be asked to respond to a major incident, called by
the Emergency Services. All staff will be expected to respond to a Major Incident if required
and this may include arriving for work when asked or remaining at work until relieved.

Sustainability/Carbon Footprint
NHS Dorset is committed to promoting sustainable development and reducing the harmful
effects of its activities on the environment. Staff are expected to promote and embrace the
principles of sustainable development in their daily duties; specifically, to ensure that they
use energy and other natural resources as efficiently as possible to minimise their carbon

EDUCATION, • Relevant numerical qualification and/or training. Application /

QUALIFICATIONS • Evidence of continuing professional development that enhances Interview
AND TRAINING theoretical and practical skills/knowledge.

EXPERIENCE • Recent previous experience within a comparable role Application /

• Recent previous experience of working within a customer focused Interview
• Experience of working in an information analysis environment and
in producing management information.
• Experience and knowledge of working with NHS data.
• Expert in interpreting and communicating complex information to
all levels of an organisation.
• Experience and knowledge of working with confidential
• Experienced in the use of Business Intelligence Systems such as
• Experience in Business Intelligence Tools Specifically Power BI.

SKILLS, ABILITIES • Knowledge of NHS datasets, flows and information Application /

AND KNOWLEDGE management/ benchmarking tools. Interview
• Knowledge of Primary Care operational system
• Excellent analytical skills combining the ability to manipulate
interrogate and understand complex datasets.
• Excellent written & verbal communication skills.
• Excellent knowledge of data quality issues and the approaches
taken to improve quality.
• Proficient user of Microsoft Office and Office 365 applications
including Power BI
• Working knowledge of data warehousing including SQL Server
Management Studio and SSIS
• Understanding of Business Intelligence applications and
• Ability to present complex information to a wide range of
audiences both verbally and electronically.
• Ability to travel throughout Dorset and surrounding areas.
• Demonstrable ability to prioritise effectively and excellent
organisational skills.
• Demonstrable ability to use own initiative within sphere of
responsibility to achieve positive results.
• Demonstrable experience of problem solving and developing
creative solutions
• Ability to work without supervision and to tight deadlines.
• Ability to work well under pressure.
• Evidence of continual professional development
The following competencies demonstrate the level of responsibility required to effectively
deliver the requirements of the role and have been used to determine the pay band in
accordance with the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme.
Factor Post Competencies
1. Communication & The post holder will need to communicate effectively at different levels of the
Relationship Skills organisation in both written form and in small and large groups second. The nature of
the communication may be at times highly contentious and may require a high degree of
skill to communicate complex and sensitive information. An important measure of
success in this role will be the ability to form and sustain relationships, often across
health and social care partners.
2. Knowledge, Training The role will require an in-depth professional knowledge in a relevant discipline acquired
& Experience through training and experience developed over an extended period. Relevant
education attainment is contained within the person specification.
3. Analytical & The delivery of health and support service improvement. There is a continuing
Judgmental Skills challenge associated with this role. The abilities to analyse performance competing
perspectives and priorities will single out success at this level.
4. Planning & The post holder will develop a service-related plans and strategies within their area of
Organisational Skills expertise and often working with colleagues in the matrix involvement approach. The
application and interpretation of national frameworks for financial service delivery of all
improvement will characterise the challenges of this role. A long-term perspective and
take into account competing priorities will underpin successful policy and strategy
planning. The post holder will lead on a range of programmes will address performance
and service issues. The progress may often be inter-dependent and will require the
adjustment of plans and priorities for overall service delivery gain.
5. Physical Skills Familiarity in a level of obtained competence in office related equipment and the use of
Information Technology might enhance the post holder’s personal effective in this role.
Specific requirements will include standard keyboard skills and will often include
business travel across the Dorset CCG in the performance of the role.
6. Responsibility for The post holder will recognise that all roles should work toward the improvement of
Patient/Client Care patient care regardless of their direct contact. In this role, such contact will naturally be
limited but will draw on the experience of earlier career roles in assisting others with
patient and client care, sometimes in the context of resolving complaints and concerns.
7. Responsibility for As a service leader within your directorate or equivalent function, the post holder will set
Policy/Service the tone and direction of policies and procedures, to ensure effective service delivery on
Development ensuring compliance with overall corporate policies. The post holder will take account of
the impact of their service and policy development in areas of specialist context that
impact across the health community.
8. Responsibility for The authorised signatory levels are set out within the dimension of this profile. The post
Financial & Physical holder will manage budgets across a number of service areas and activities and ensure
Resources that their team comply with standing financial instructions and standards of business
9. Responsibility for The post holder will directly manage a range of senior reporting either for a single or
Human Resources several function teams. The post holder may also lead matrix working groups formed to
deliver strategies and programmes across the Dorset CCG and involving contributing
external stakeholders and partners. Delivery of the generic Dorset CCG objectives in
each year will be a responsibility of this role.
10. Responsibility for The physical skills in the use of office based IT will be enhanced by the manipulation of
Information Resources data, service and performance related, to prepare written and visual information. The
frequency of these duties will often be determined by the post holder’s abilities to
delegate and manage effectively the work of others in this area.
11. Responsibility for While there is no formal requirement to participate or undertake audits or research
Research and development, an evidence-based approach to the post holder’s work is expected to
Development draw on best practice in the relevant specialty.
12. Freedom to Act The post holder while accountable to the relevant Director will be expected to interpret,
with their Director, the broad corporate direction given in relation to clinical, professional,
or technical strategy and policy. This will occasionally require thinking outside the
confines of current policy and strategy and agreeing new direction with their Director.

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