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Clinical Field Experience C: Special Education Teacher Observation and Feedback

Jennifer Borland

Grand Canyon University: EDU530: Improving Teacher Performance and Self-efficacy

Instructor: David Snyder

May 1, 2024
Summary of Collaboration Experience

The observation was at the end of the school day where students go to the special

education classroom for 1:1 work, small groups, and help with homework. There were 2 aides

providing support to 67 students as individuals and small groups working on homework and

some reteaching in grades 6-8. The special education teacher was pulling up students one at a

time to do progress monitoring to show growth for each student’s IEP. The principal let me

provide the feedback for the rating that she did. I just went through the domains and went

over the positives that I saw in the planning, instruction of the reteach, the environment and

classroom procedures, and the questioning and discussion techniques. We did not see

communication with families or assessments administered during this observation. The special

education teacher did say that after the students leave she goes through the student’s point sheets

and sends a writeup to each parent on her caseload that has point sheets. Some ways to enhance

the lessons that the principal and I talked about were inquiry-based learning and using more

graphics. The teacher said that she uses these techniques more in the lower grades and focuses on

the individual concepts the students are working on in their core classes since most of our 6-8

students are mainstreamed.

Evaluation Tool

My school uses the Danielson Model for general education and special education

teachers. The Model is all-inclusive with the domains of planning and preparation, classroom

environment, professional responsibilities, and instruction. The principal, or anyone who is

administering the observations needs to be certified. The principal said the certification process

is very lengthy and difficult. The rating is not shared with anyone except the teacher. The
superintendent has access to the files, but the principal said he does look at them. He only asks

what rating everyone got so that he can update the paper that is submitted to the state and the

school board. This is the same procedure that is used for general education teachers as well.

Tenured teachers only have to be formally observed every three years whereas nontenured

teachers need to be observed twice a year.

PSEL Standard 5 and Implications for Future Practice

PSEL Standard 5 states that effective leaders will create a school community that is

inclusive, caring, and supportive (NPBEA, 2015). As a school principal, I will make sure that

both academic success and the well-being of the students are a top priority. Students need to feel

safe and supported in the school. When you show the students you respect them and will provide

the proper support for them they are going to know that you are someone to be trusted and

someone they can go to with anything in the school.


National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders 2015. Reston, VA:



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