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TRABAJO SOCIAL 3 “A” Clavijo Torres Mitzi Sandra

English Assignment N°1

1. What is social work? Is it easy to answer this question?

 It is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social
change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation
of people. The principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility,
and respect for diversity are central to social work. Underpinned by social work
theories, social sciences, humanities, and indigenous knowledge, social work
engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance well-being.
 Well, it can be a little complicated to answer the question because there are
several concepts of this same profession but they always have coincidences such
as that this is a practical profession, it is a deeper approach to a community or

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2. Why have you chosen “social work” as your future profession?

I chose this career because I have this feeling of helping
others, always within my possibilities, trying to find a
solution to different problems.

3. What do you expect from it? What are your professional ambitions?
From this profession I hope to achieve my goals, besides being able to reach
important positions I always dreamed of belonging to a municipality and
my ambitions are not only to have this career but to expand my horizons by
studying others and also languages, one of the languages I would like to
learn would be Quechua and French.

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