Chapter 1 DRS and NKD 1

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A Research
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
Alabat Island National High School
Alabat, Quezon

In Partial Fulfilment
Of Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Dhana Rhine Santiago

Nicolette Kyle De Leon
Lenie Ann Ramos
Joan Joy Cabangon
Rin Jastin Salut

May 2024


This study aimed to Housekeeping Practices in Lodging Houses. It was conducted in Alabat
Quezon in Lodging Houses. The data was collected in 10 respondents. The design of the
research was used descriptive quantitative method. The instrument for data collection was
questionnaires distributed to ten (10) respondents


Chapter I



Effective housekeeping practices are a fundamental aspect of the hospitality industry

as they directly impact guest satisfaction. Guest satisfaction is an important factor affecting

the hotel business performance, it is regarded as the main driver of guest loyalty. According

to Markovic & Raspor (2010), the high level of guest satisfaction leads to repurchase and

favorable word-of-mouth publicity and eventually increase revenue. Valdani (2009), points

out that organization exist because they have a guest of serve. One of the things guest look

for in a service is quality. Customers today have higher expectations when it comes to

cleanliness and hygiene. They expect establishments, such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals,

and stores, to maintain a high standard of cleanliness. Clean and well-maintained

environments contribute to a positive customer experience, and failure to meet these


expectations can lead to dissatisfaction. Poor housekeeping can lead to health and safety

concerns, affecting not only customers but also the staff.

Housekeeping is an important and integral art of the guest experience and


A clean and well-organized workplace not only benefits customers but also positively

impacts employee morale and productivity. When employee have a clean and organized

work environment.

As a result, hospitality establishments are under greater pressure to implement

effective housekeeping practices to ensure the safety and satisfaction of guest.

Despite the importance of housekeeping practices in ensuring customer satisfaction

in the hospitality industry, there is still a gap in understanding the specific practices that are

most effective in meeting guests' needs. While previous studies have examined the

relationship between housekeeping practices and customer satisfaction (Kwansa & Liu,

2021; Lee & Hsu, 2019), there is a lack of consensus on the specific factors that influence

customer satisfaction in this context. This study aims to bridge this gap by investigating the

relationship between various housekeeping practices and customer satisfaction in the

hospitality industry. By identifying the most critical factors that contribute to customer

satisfaction, the study can provide valuable insights into the best practices for maintaining

high standards of hygiene and cleanliness in hospitality establishments, thus enhancing

customer satisfaction and improving the reputation and revenue of the establishments. This

includes regular cleaning of public areas, guest rooms, and amenities. This study aims to

investigate the relationship between housekeeping practices and customer Satisfaction and

hospitality industry. The study will focus on identifying the specific housekeeping practices

that contribute most significantly to customer satisfaction in hotels and other hospitality


The important connection between housekeeping procedures and customer

satisfaction in a variety of businesses is examined in this study. This study intends to provide

insights into how organizations may optimize their housekeeping practices to improve

overall customer satisfaction and loyalty by studying the effects of cleanliness, maintenance,

and service quality on customer perceptions. This study aims to produce practical advice for

businesses aiming to provide their clients with outstanding service experiences by

thoroughly examining consumer preferences and industry best practices.

As a result, hospitality establishments are under greater pressure to implement

effective housekeeping practices to ensure the safety and satisfaction of guest

This includes regular cleaning of public areas, guest rooms, and amenities. This study aims

to investigate the relationship between housekeeping practices and customer Satisfaction and

hospitality industry. The study will focus on identifying the specific housekeeping practices

that contribute most significantly to customer satisfaction in hotels and other hospitality


Despite the importance of housekeeping practices in ensuring customer satisfaction

in the hospitality industry, there is still a gap in understanding the specific practices that are

most effective in meeting guests' needs. While previous studies have examined the

relationship between housekeeping practices and customer satisfaction (Kwansa & Liu,

2021; Lee & Hsu, 2019), there is a lack of consensus on the specific factors that influence

customer satisfaction in this context. This study aims to bridge this gap by investigating the

relationship between various housekeeping practices and customer satisfaction in the

hospitality industry. By identifying the most critical factors that contribute to customer

satisfaction, the study can provide valuable insights into the best practices for maintaining

high standards of hygiene and cleanliness in hospitality establishments, thus enhancing

customer satisfaction and improving the reputation and revenue of the establishments.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effect of housekeeping practices and its effect to customer

satisfaction among inns in Alabat, Quezon.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age; and

1.2 Sex?

2. What is the level of compliance of housekeepers on 5S?

3.1 Sort;

3.2 Set;

3.3 Shine;

3.4 Standard; and

3.5 Sustain?

3. Is there significant difference between the responses of the respondents on the housekeeping

practices when they are grouped according to their demographic profile?




This study will focus on the housekeeping practices specifically within the inns located in Alabat,

Quezon. The research examines various aspects of housekeeping practices, including cleanliness,

organization, room maintenance, and guest amenities. It investigates the impact of these

housekeeping practices on customer satisfaction levels among guests staying in these inns.

Quantitative data will be use collect and analyze the relationship between housekeeping practices

and customer satisfaction. Data collection methods may include surveys, interviews, and

observations from both guests and housekeeping staff.

The study aims to provide insights and recommendations for improving housekeeping practices

in these specific inns to enhance customer satisfaction.


The study will be limited to the inns located in Alabat, Quezon, and does not include other types of

accommodation establishments.

It focuses specifically on customer satisfaction as the primary outcome, without considering other

business performance indicators.

The research does not cover other factors that may affect customer satisfaction, such as service

quality, pricing, or location, unless directly related to housekeeping practices.


The study assumes that customer satisfaction is predominantly influenced by housekeeping practices

and may not consider other external factors. The research may have a limited sample size, depending

on the number of inns in Alabat, Quezon, and the availability of participants.

The study may have a specific time frame for data collection, such as a particular season or duration,

depending on the research resources.

Significance of the Study

Hospitality and Service Industry: The findings of this study are particularly relevant to the

hospitality and service industry, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, and other establishments. By

understanding the impact of housekeeping practices on customer satisfaction, businesses in this

industry can implement effective strategies to enhance their service offerings, improve customer

experiences, and gain a competitive advantage. The study can provide valuable insights for industry

professionals, managers, and decision-makers in developing best practices, training programs, and

operational guidelines to elevate the overall quality of service.

Hotel Management and Staff: The study directly benefits hotel management and staff,

especially those working in housekeeping departments. By exploring the relationship between

housekeeping practices and customer satisfaction, the research can highlight the importance of

efficient housekeeping operations and the impact it has on the guests' experiences. The findings can

guide hotel management in establishing training programs, performance evaluation systems, and

incentives that promote excellence in housekeeping practices. It can also empower housekeeping

staff with knowledge and skills to consistently provide high-quality services, resulting in greater job

satisfaction and improved career prospects.

Customers/Guests: The primary beneficiaries of this study are the customers or guest

themselves. By investigating how housekeeping practices affect customer satisfaction, the research

provides customers with valuable insights into the factors that contribute to their overall experience

during their stay in hotels or other establishments. The findings can help customers make more

informed decisions when selecting accommodations and manage their expectations regarding

cleanliness, maintenance, and overall service quality. Ultimately, the study aims to improve customer

satisfaction, ensuring that guests have a positive and memorable experience during their visits.

Researchers and Academics: The study's findings can serve as a valuable resource for

researchers and academics in the fields of hospitality, tourism, and service management. It can

provide a foundation for further research and scholarly work on the relationship between

housekeeping practices and customer satisfaction. Researchers can build upon the study's findings to

explore specific aspects or contextual factors that influence this relationship. The research can also

contribute to academic curricula by providing real-world insights and practical implications for

teaching and learning about service quality and customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry.

Service Industry Beneficiaries: The research benefits various stakeholders in the service

industry, including:

a) Service Providers: The study equips service providers with valuable insights to

understand the importance of effective housekeeping practices and their impact on customer

satisfaction. By implementing the study's recommendations, service providers can enhance

their service quality, differentiate themselves from competitors, and attract and retain more

satisfied customers.

b) Employees: The findings of this research can contribute to employee training and

development programs. By emphasizing the significance of housekeeping practices in

customer satisfaction, service providers can train their staff to deliver consistent, high-

quality housekeeping services, resulting in improved job performance, motivation, and job


Definition of Terms

The following are the terms are defined for clarification and better understanding of the research:

Hospitality industry: The industry that includes businesses that provide


food, and other services to travelers and tourists. This includes establishments such

as hotels, resorts, motels, and bed and breakfasts.

Hotel: A hotel is a commercial establishment that provides lodging,

accommodation, and various services to travelers and guests. Hotels typically offer

rooms or suites equipped with amenities such as beds, bathrooms, furniture, and

entertainment facilities. In addition to accommodation, hotels often provide services


as restaurants, bars, fitness centers, conference rooms, and concierge services to

enhance guests' comfort and convenience during their stay.

Housekeeping Practices: In the context of this research, housekeeping


refer to the systematic management and execution of cleaning, maintenance, and

organizational tasks within a specific setting, such as hotels, restaurants, or other

establishments. These practices encompass various activities, including room


tidiness, sanitation, waste management, and overall upkeep of the physical


Inns: are generally establishments or buildings where travelers can seek


and usually, food and drink. Inns are typically located in the country or along a

Before the advent of motorized transportation, they also provided accommodation for


Service Quality: Service quality refers to the level of excellence or superiority

of services provided by an organization as perceived by its customers. It encompasses

dimensions such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles,


collectively contribute to meeting or exceeding customer expectations

and generating a positive experience.

Sort: The "Sort" step in the 5S methodology involves the systematic

Identification and separation of necessary and unnecessary items within a workplace or

environment. It focuses on decluttering and removing any items, tools, or materials

that are not essential to the current operations or do not contribute to productivity,

safety, or efficiency. Sorting helps create a more organized and streamlined workspace

by eliminating waste, reducing unnecessary inventory, and optimizing available


Set: The "Set" step in the 5S methodology entails arranging and organizing the

necessary items that remain after the sorting process. It involves establishing designated

places for tools, equipment, materials, and other items to ensure easy accessibility,

improved efficiency, and reduced time spent searching for required items. The goal of

the set step is to establish a structured and ergonomic layout that enhances workflow,

minimizes errors, and promotes a visually organized workplace.

Shine: The "Shine" step in the 5S methodology focuses on cleanliness and

creating a clean and orderly work environment. It involves conducting regular cleaning

activities to remove dirt, dust, debris, and any other contaminants from the workspace,

equipment, and surfaces. Shine aims to maintain a visually appealing workplace,


the accumulation of waste or hazards, and promote a safe and healthy working

environment for employees. Regular cleaning also helps identify and address

maintenance needs promptly.

Standard: The "Standard" step in the 5S methodology involves establishing

clear and standardized guidelines, procedures, and visual controls for sustaining the

improvements made during the previous steps (Sort, Set, and Shine). It aims to ensure

consistency, uniformity, and adherence to best practices throughout the organization or

workplace. Standardization involves developing documentation, visual cues, checklists,

and other tools to guide employees in maintaining the organized and clean state

through the earlier steps.

Sustain: The "Sustain" step in the 5S methodology emphasizes the long-term

commitment and continous improvement of the 5S practices. It involves fostering a

culture of discipline, ownership, and shared responsibility among employees to sustain

the organized, clean, and efficient workplace. Sustain involves regular audits,

and reinforcement of the 5S principles, as well as addressing any deviations, identifying

areas for improvement, and providing necessary training and support to ensure the

continued success of the 5S methodology.


There is no significant difference between the responses of the respondents on the housekeeping

practices when they are grouped according to their demographic profile.

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