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Yadhira Mendoza

Mr. Davenport


12 March 2024

Personal Statement

Her name is Yadhira Mendoza Mireles. She isn't good at math nor does she speak

English very well and occasionally stutters when she speaks. She is a very anxious person but

gets along with everyone. She takes her grades very seriously and works hard to get the best

grades she can. Yadhira has struggled a lot in her life. One of those struggles that she has

dealt with is Bipolar Disorder and Severe Depression. Over the years Yadhira worked on

bettering herself for her future. She always dreamed of being the first Nurse in her family and

she was able to overcome her struggles and worked hard to achieve her dream. She didn't let

her struggles determine who she is as a person, instead used them to her advantage.

Who am I? I am the first girl to graduate High school. I am Mexican. My name is Yadhira

Mendoza Mireles, daughter of two immigrant parents who crossed the border to fulfill their wish

of having a better life. Waking up every morning, hearing “El Gordo y La Flaca” and watching

my parents get ready for work while my brother and I get dressed for school. Growing up my

brother and I learned the importance of working hard to get where we want to be in life. My

parents devoted their whole life working so my brother and I could grow up without missing a

single thing.

Respect and beliefs, every morning I greet my family with “Buenos dias!” and a kiss on

the cheek. The Clock struck 11:59p.m and I would eat 12 grapes in the last seconds of 11:59p.m

while casting all my wishes before the clock turns Midnight on New Years. Silly little traditions

were the things that kept our family close. I always greet everyone with a big smile and respond

with a “Muy bien, Gracias y usted?” As a little girl I learned about my culture and all the stories
that my parents would tell of their hardship as children and what they went through to make sure

my brother and I grew with opportunities they never had.

At a young age I learned how to be independent. My brother was my dad and mom

growing up. He made sure I got to school on time and that food was on the table. My parents

were amazing. They made sure we had everything and because of that my parents worked a lot

and were not really present. I learned how to clean and cook at 5 years old, “El dia que yo me

muera quiero que sepan cómo cuidarse sin mi'' was something my parents would always tell us

reminding us that they won't be here forever holding our hands on each step we take.

I am Catholic. I always wake up grateful for another day and bless myself before I walk

out my door.Before I leave my mom gives me a kiss on my forehead and every Sunday morning

waking up early for church and then spending quality time with my family afterwards. Baptism,

Confirmation, Quinceanera, Confessions, the Bible, praying to saints and at birth receiving your

first necklace with a Catholic Saint or Virgin Mary are all important aspects. Not just for my

family, but for the whole religion of Catholicism. Following our religion represents honor to my

family. “Todo está en las manos de dios”. We believe that everything happens for a reason and

God only knows why it happens. Praying when we are sad, mad, hopeless or frustrated is a way

of leaving all that negativity behind and bringing peace back into our life. My family and I went

through a lot of downhills but we stayed strong and left it in God's hand.

Yadhira Mendoza Mireles. Love doing my makeup and trying my hardest to manage my

time resposibly.I love to spend time with family and friends. I try my best to make my family

proud and be a great role model for my younger cousins.I am always up for a challenge when I

see it coming.I try my best to be a help to others. I love to joke around with everyone and laugh

when my dad makes fun of me for stuttering or speaking English incorrectly and having my mom

on my side “Ella mejorara, no te burles de ella”. Hanging out with my brother and watching

movies all night while eating our favorite snacks or my uncle taking me out for a boba run every

chance he gets. These are the highlights of my life. My main priority is to accomplish my goals
not just for me but for my parents who risked their lives for their kids' future. “Te prometo que

todos tus esfuerzos no serán para nada”. All aspects of what keeps me going. Most Importantly

what makes Yadhira Mendoza. This is Me!

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