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Inserting Ship Specific Instructions on Schedule Jobs

1. Go to the Schedule Job Module.

2. For this illustration, we will search for the EO Jobs and add ship specific instructions or information (input Set Point
Values). Look for the “Type column Filter” and select EO then click OK button. Press Enter.

3. Once you have filtered all the Jobs required, select one SJ and open it.

4. On the SJ Detailed Window, Go to Actions Menu> Update Job with Log

5. On the wizard, Short description of change – Please write “Update EO job” or type the reason of change, then click
NEXT Button

6. By clicking the NEXT Button, Look or Go to Work Instructions Page of the wizard,
a. Click the New addt’l description Tab and Tick off the Edit description option to activate the window box.
b. Once the window is activated, you can enter the ship specific instructions. The information entered here will
be specific for your vessel and unique for this specific job. Every time you will issue the Work Order, the
information here will be included on the issued Work Order. Click the FINISH Button once done

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