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NEB-Model Questions - 2078

Time: 3 hrs. F.M.: 75 P.M.: 27

Attempt all questions
Group 'A'
Circle the best alternative to the following questions. (11×1 = 11)

1) How many atoms are there in two molecules of water?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
2) What is the number of moles of ammonia gas formed when 0.5 mole of nitrogen gas is
reacted with excess of hydrogen gas?
a. 0.5 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
3) Which of the following bonding is responsible for the solubility of ammonia gas in water?
a. Hydrogen bonding b. Ionic bonding c. Covalent bonding d. Van der
Waals' force
4) What happens when Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) gas is passed through an acidified solution of
hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) gas?
a. SO 2 is oxidized to Sulphur b. H 2 S is reduced to Sulphur
c. SO 2 is oxidized to H 2 SO 4 d. SO 2 is reduced to Sulphur
5) Which of the following property of crystalline substance describes the similar chemical
a. Isotopism b. Isotopism c. Allotropism d. Isomorphism
6) SO 3 gas is formed as an intermediate during the manufacture of Sulphuric acid
` by contact process. The formation of Sulphur trioxide from sulfur dioxide and
oxygen is reversible.
2SO 2 + O 2 ⇌ 2SO 3 ΔH = –196 kJ mol–1
Which conditions of pressure and temperature favor the reverse reaction?
a. High pressure and high temperature
b. High pressure and low temperature
c. Low pressure and high temperature
d. Low pressure and low temperature
7) Which is the correct order of ease of carbon dioxide production by heating the
Group II metal carbonates?
a. MgCO 3 >BeCO 3 >CaCO 3 >RaCO 3
b. CaCO 3 >MgCO 3 >BeCO 3 >RaCO 3
c. BeCO 3 >MgCO 3 >CaCO 3 >BaCO 3
d. BeCO 3 <MgCO 3 <CaCO 3 <RaCO 3

8) Which of the following is related to Batch process?
a. Requires high- cost equipment
b. Can -not be controlled easily
c. Generally available in fully automated plant
d. Involves sequence of steps followed in specific order
9) Sodium-glucose pump is an example of
a. Primary active transport protein
b. Secondary active transport protein
c. Primary passive transport protein
d. Secondary passive transport protein
10) An intermediate compound X is formed during the production of urea through
ammonia/carbon dioxide technology. What is the molecular formula of X?
a. NH 2 COONH 2 b. NH 2 COONH 4 c. NH 4 COONH 2 d. NH 4 COONH 4
11) Which of the following are recycled in the manufacture of sodium Carbonate by Solvay’s
a. CO 2 and NH 4 Cl b. CO 2 and NH 3 c. NaCl and CaO d. NaCl and NH 3

Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)
1) An element X has 2 electrons in K shell, 8 electrons in L shell and 5 electrons in M shell.
i) Identify the element X and write the number of protons and electrons in it. [3]
ii) Size of X ion is greater than that of X atom though both contain the same number
of protons. Give reason. [1]
iii) Write down the formula of one of the compounds of X where X is in -3 oxidation
state. [1]
Know -how about ionization energy (IE) of elements is crucial aspect in the study of
chemical bonding whether they form ionic or covalent bond. The first ionization energies
of period second elements are given below:
Name of elements 520 899 801 1086 1403 14100 681 2080
First ionization
i) Define first ionization energy. [1]
ii) Name a factor that affects the value of IE. [1]
iii) Which of the element is most difficult to ionize? [1]
iv) Why is there steep rise in IE from carbon to nitrogen? [2]
2) When electricity is passed through the molten NaCl in the presence of CaCl 2 in the ration
of 2:3 by weight using graphite anode and iron cathode as electrodes, sodium metal is
deposited at cathode and chlorine gas is liberated at anode in the electrolytic cell
i) Define electrolytic cell. [1]

ii) Find the mass of sodium metal deposited at cathode when 0.1 ampere of current is
passed for half an hour and the process has 75% efficiency. [2]
iii) Why does calcium metal not deposit instead of sodium at the cathode? [1]
iv) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride cannot be instead of molten sodium chloride
for the same intended product? Give reason. [1]
3) Derive the relationship between K p and K c . Give one example of chemical reaction
where K p is greater than K c
Derive the ideal gas equation PV=nRT where the symbols have their usual meaning.
State two conditions under which behavior of real gas approaches that of an ideal gas.
4) Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used in the laboratory to produce hydrogen chloride
gas by the reaction with solid sodium chloride.
i) Hydrogen iodide is not produced by the same method as for hydrogen chloride. Why?
ii) What is the difference between hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid? [2]
iii) How could you identify the bottle containing HCl using ammonia gas? [2]
5) Depending upon the nature of minerals present in the ores, calcination and roasting are
mainly used for the conversion of ores into their respective oxides.
i) What do you mean by roasting and calcination in the metallurgical process? [2]
ii) Name the vessel in which roasting is carried out [1]
iii) Write the name of two possible impurities that are removed in the roasting [2]
6) One of the examples of homologous series is given below.
CH 3 CH 2 OH
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH
i) Define homologous series. [1]
ii) Find the mass difference between successive member of above homologous series
and calculate the molecular mass of X [2]
iii) What is the reason behind the highest boiling point but least solubility of the fourth
member in the given series? [2]
7) An unsaturated hydrocarbon B upon treatment with Hydrogen bromide produces
compound C. Compound C reacts with sodium metal in the presence of organic ether
produces compound D of molecular formula C 6 H 14 .
i) Give the chemical equations for the conversion of compound B to compound C and
compound C to compound D. [2]
ii) Write down the IUPAC name of compound C and D. [2]
iii) Give the structural formula of positional isomer of compound C. [1]

8) Urea is a very much demanded chemical fertilizer in agricultural country like Nepal
because of the lack of domestic production. One of the raw materials for urea production
is ammonia which is obtained from Haber’s process.
i) Draw a flow sheet diagram for the manufacture of Ammonia by Haber’s-Bosch Process
ii) What is the major challenge in establishing chemical industries in the countries like
Nepal? Mention how such challenge can be strategically overcome? [2]
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions (3× 8=24)
9) In the presence of platinum catalyst ammonia is oxidized to nitric oxide. The reaction is
given below.
4NH 3 + 5O 2 → 4NO + 6H 2 O
i) Calculate the mass of Nitric oxide produced by the reaction of 2 mole of ammonia
with 2 moles of oxygen. [2]
ii) What is the importance of limiting reactant in chemical calculation? [1]
iii) If 2 moles of ammonia produce 50 grams of water upon reaction with excess of
ammonia. What is the percentage yield of the reaction? [2]
iv) Calculate the volume of HCl gas required at 200c and 750mm Hg pressure which
can completely react with 2 mole of ammonia gas to produce ammonium chloride.
10) Oxygen is the third most abundant element by mass which readily forms oxides with
other elements. Some of the oxides are given below
Na 2 O, Al 2 O 3 , CO, SO 2 , Fe 3, O 4 , H 2 , O 2
i) Identify the acidic oxide, basic oxide, neutral oxide and mixed oxide from the above
table. [4]
ii) Write two chemical equations to prove that the particular oxide is amphoteric in
nature. [2]
iii) Why is CO a harmful gas? [1]
iv) Write any one industrial applications of oxygen gas. [1]
Sulfuric acid is one of the largest volumes of industrial chemical produced in the world.
Over the last decades the contact process has been used to produce sulfuric acid,
replacing the traditional (Lead Chamber) process.
i) Write the four steps of chemical equation for the manufacturing of sulphuric acid by
contact process starting form iron sulfide. [4]
ii) Give any two chemical equations in which sulphuric acid acts as precipitant and
dehydrating agent. [2]
iii) Write the chemical equation producing fertilizer using H2SO4. [1]
iv) Why does H 2 SO 4 always act as an oxidizing agent? [1]

11) An alkene X undergoes ozonolysis and gives two compounds Y and Z of molecular
formula C 3 H 6 O. Y and Z are functional isomers of each other.
i) Write the two-steps chemical equation for the conversion of X into Y and Z. [2]
ii) Write the structural formula of Y and Z. Why are they called functional isomers? [3]
iii) What happens when hydrogen gas in the presence of nickel catalyst is passed over X?
iv) What is the application of ozonolysis in the organic reaction mechanism? [1]
v) How can you prove chemically the compound X is unsaturated? [1]

Model Questions 2078 - 1

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: (11×1=11)
1) The symbolic representation of a molecular of an element or compound is called:
a) empirical formula b) molecular formula
c) structural formula d) geometric formula
2) The number of molecules in 4.25 gram of ammonia is approximately:
a) 1X1023 b) 1.5X1023 c) 2.0X1023 d) 2.5X1023
3) Real gases will approach the behavior of ideal gas at:
a) low T, low P b) low T, high P c) high T, high P d) high T, low P

4) Zinc oxide is a / an …………………. oxide.

a) Acidic b) basic c) amphoteric d) neutral
5) In the reaction, 2H 2 S + SO 2 3S + 2H 2 O, H 2 S is a
a) reducing agent b) oxidizing agent
c) precipitating agent d) base
6) Sulphur trioxide is absorbed by ……………. in the contact process
a) water b) dil sulphuric acid
c) conc. sulphuric acid d) alcohol
7) The correct order of decreasing second ionization potential of C, H, O & F is:
a) C > N > O > F b) O > N > F > C c) O > F > N > C d) F > O > H > C

8) Dipole moment of BeF 2 is

a) very low b) very high c) zero d) not definite

9) Which of the following is the hardest substance known?

a) Graphite b) Carborundum
c) Diamond d) Coke
10) Optical isomers which are non-superimposable mirror images of each other are called:
a) enantiomers b) geometrical isomers c) chain isomers d) position
11) Which of the following compounds has delocalized electrons?
a) Methane b) Ethane c) Cyclohexane d)Benzene

Group B
Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)
1) You have the composition of the following compounds.
H 2 S; S = 94.11% & H = 5.89%
SO 2 ; S = 50% & O = 50%
H 2 O; H = 11.11% & O = 88.89 %
a) State the law of reciprocal proportion. 1
b) Illustrate the law according to above composition. 3
c) Give their ratio. 1
The following reaction between hydrogen & chlorine atoms can be explained on the basis
of Avogadro’s law.
Hydrogen + Chlorine Hydrochloric acid
a) State Avogadro’s law. 1
b) Show that hydrogen & Chlorine are diatomic gas. 2
c) 1 mole of chlorine molecule = ……molecules of chlorine = ……………….gm 1
d) Calculate the vapour density of Cl 2 . 1

2) A chemical reaction was carried out by mixing 25 gm of pure calcium carbonate and 0.75
mole of pure hydrochloric acid to give CaCl 2 , H 2 O & CO 2 .
a) Which one is limiting reactant? Why? 1
b) Calculate the mass of CaCl 2 produced. 1
c) How many numbers of water molecules are formed? 1
d) What mass of NaOH is required to absorb the whole CO 2 produced in the reaction?2

3) For general gaseous reaction

aA + bB cC + dD
a) Derive law of mass action. 2
b) Derive the relationship between K P & K C . 3
Diffusion is the phenomenon of intermixing of gases with each other. In an experiment
,20 ml of H 2 gas diffuse in 30 seconds, based on this data
a) What volume of CO 2 would diffuse in the same time under the same condition? 2
b) Name the gaseous law it follows & state it. 1
c) Let us consider two gases A and B are intermixing each other. Express the law in
terms of molecular weight. 2
4) Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used in the laboratory to produce hydrogen chloride
gas by the reaction with sodium chloride.
a) Why Hydrogen bromide cannot be produced by above method. 1
b) Write complete reaction involved in above given statement. 1
c) How would you identify the bottle containing HCl by using silver nitrate solution?2

d) What happens when a mixture of HCl gas & air is passed over heated cuprous
chloride? 1
5) In simple terms, bio-inorganic chemistry is a mixture of inorganic chemistry & biology &
mainly deals with the role of metals in biology.
a) Give two examples of bioactive substances containing metals. 1
b) What are micronutrients & macronutrients? 2
c) Write the role of carbohydrates in the body. 1
d) What is metal toxicity. 1

6) Urea is a fertilizer which helps in rapid growth of plant & increases the yield
a) Write the formula of urea. 1
b) Detect which foreign element is present in urea with necessary reaction. 2
c) Urea is a synthetic fertilizer. How can you synthesize urea in the factories? 2

7) An alkyl halide C 3 H 7 Cl (A) is heated with alcoholic solution of KOH to give unsaturated
hydrocarbon (B) which on ozonolysis to give the compound (C) & (D).
a) Write the formula of unsaturated hydrocarbon (B). 1
b) Give the chemical equation for the conversion of compound (B) to compound (C) &
(D). 2
c) Write the IUPAC name of compound (A) and compound (B). 1
d) What product is obtained when compound (A) is heated with sodium metal in the
presence of dry ether? 1

8) The core issue is the development of the product desired by the customer. In the
development of chemical-based products. The customer’s needs are the main focus.
a) Write the stages in producing in the development of a new product. 2
b) Compare between continuous and batch processing. 3
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3X8=24
9) Kipp’s apparatus provides intermittent supply of H 2 S gas by the reaction of iron sulphide
and dilute sulphuric acid.
a) The gas is passed into FeCl 3 solution. Give the complete equation. 1
b) In the above reaction (a), mention reducing agent and oxidizing agent. 1
c) Balance the equation in terms of oxidation number. 3
d) Define oxidation number. 1
e) Write the Lewis structure & shape of H 2 S molecule predicted by VSEPR Theory. 2

10) Wilhelm Ostwald in 1902 established the method of production of nitric acid.
a) For the production of nitric acid, prepare ammonia by Haber’s synthesis. 4
b) Mention the conditions to maintain high yield of ammonia according to Le-
Chatelier’s principle. 2
c) Write the complete reactions involved for the production of nitric acid by the
catalytic oxidation of ammonia. 2
Oxides are compounds which usually contain oxygen combined with one other
element. Oxides are classified as follows
Acidic amphoteric basic
a) Using these terms only complete the table to describe the oxides of the elements
of the third period of the periodic table Sodium to Sulphur. 3

Na 2 O MgO Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 P 4 O 10 SO 2 Cl 2 O 7


b) Give the name of two elements from Sodium to Chlorine which form more than
one oxide.…………… and ………………… 1
c) Write an equation for the reaction of each of these oxides with water.
Na 2 O + ………… = …………
SO 2 + ………… = ………… 2
d) Write an equation for the reaction that occurs between the products of your
reaction in (c). 1
e) Describe, as fully as you can, what you would see when a piece of Sodium is
reacted with water. 1
11) There are isomers for the molecular formula C 4 H 8 .
a) The molecules are saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon? Why? 1
b) Write the possible isomers of the molecules. Write IUPAC name. 3
c) Which isomer can show cis-trans isomerism? Write cis-trans isomers. 2
d) What product is obtained when butene react with hydrogen bromide. 1
e) State Markovnikov’s rule. 1

Model Questions 2078 - 2
Attempt all questions
Group 'A'
Circle the best alternative to the following questions. (11×1 = 11)
1. The number of electrons in Al3+is
a. 13 c. 10
b. 16 d. 0
2. Weight of 11.2 L of CO 2 gas at NTP is
a. 0 g c. 11.2 g
b. 22 g d. 44 g
3. Which of the following quantum number is different for two electrons in the same
a. Azimuthal quantum number c. Spin quantum number
b. Magnetic quantum number d. Principal quantum number
4. In modern periodic table elements are arranged according to their,
a. Increasing At. wt. c. Decreasing At.wt.
b. Increasing At. no. d. Decreasing
5. Which bond is non-directional in nature?
a. Ionic bond c. Metallic bond
b. Covalent bond d. All
6. 1 F charge is approximately equal to
a. 1.6x10-19 C c. 6.023x1023C
b. 96500 C d. 1 C
7. With rise in temperature, surface tension of liquid
a. Increases c. Decreases
b. Remains same d. None
8. A reaction is said to be at equilibrium if
a. Rate of forward and backward reaction equals to zero c. both a & b
b. Rate of forward and backward reaction are equal d. none
9. Which of the following metal poisoning is called ‘Minamata disease’?
a. Fe c. Hg
b. Cd d. Cu
10. Molecular formula of washing soda is
a. CuSO 4 .5H 2 O c. Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2 O
b. Na 2 CO 3 d. Al 2 O 3
11. Which of the following has the highest boiling point?
a. n-pentane c. isopentane
b. neo-pentane d. n-hexane
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)
1. Neil’s Bohr’s successfully explain the spectra of single electron system like Hydrogen.
a) How spectra are originated. (1)
b) Name different spectra of Hydrogen and their region in electromagnetic spectrum (1)
c) How does Bohr’s theory explain the origin of hydrogen spectra? Draw the different
spectral lines with labeled diagram. (3)
The properties of elements in the same group of the periodic table are although similar. The
trend in properties from the lighter to the heavier elements may be attributed to changes in the
strength of binding of the outer electrons.
a) What is mean by periodicity of element? (1)
b) What is meant by ionization energy and electronegativity? What are the factors
affecting them? (3)
c) Second ionization energy of an element is always greater than its first ionization
energy, why? (1)
2. On industrial scale, Ammonia is manufacture by Haber’s process from Nitrogen and
Hydrogen gas.
a) Give the balance chemical equation for the preparation of ammonia from nitrogen and
hydrogen. (2)
b) What are the proper physical conditions for better yield of ammonia? (1)
c) Write the action of ammonia on: (2)
1. CuSO 4 solution (ii) CO 2 gas
3. In a chemical reaction, 2 gm of magnesium is burnt in a closed vessel containing 3 gm of
a) Which one is limiting reactant? (1)
b) Calculate the mole of reactant left over. (1)
c) How many grams of MgO are produced? (1)
d) What is the mass of H 2 SO 4 required to neutralized MgOformed in the reaction? (2)
Redox reaction is an important reaction that has effect in our daily life as well as in electro
- Chemistry.
a) Define redox reaction with suitable reaction. (1)
b) Differentiate oxidant and reductant. (1)
c) How long a current of 3 Ampere has to be passed through a solution of AgNO 3 to coat
a metal surface of 80 cm2 with 0.005 mm thickness? (density of Ag = 10g/cc.)
4. Hydrogen Sulphide is used as an analytical reagent for detection of salt during salt analysis
in lab.
a) Write the chemical equation for the preparation of H 2 S gas and discuss about the
working principle of Kipp’s apparatus (4)
b) Show that H 2 S is acidic in nature (1)
5. During extraction of metal from their ore, concentration of ore is also a major step.
a) What do you mean by concentration of ores? (1)
b) Briefly describe the following process: (2+2)
i) Gravity separation process ii) Froth floatation process
6. Lassaigne’s extract is prepared for the detection of foreign element present in the organic

a) What is the composition of Lassaigne’s extract if the organic compound contains
sulphur? (1)
b) Why is it alkaline in nature? (1)
c) How is presence of nitrogen detected? (3)
7. Write short note on:
a) Ozonolysis b) Markovnikov’s rule (2+3)
8. Chemical industries are considered most important for nation’s development.
a. What are the major environmental impacts of chemical industry? (4)
b. What would you suggest to control it? (1)

Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions (3× 8=24)
9. Diffusion is also one the properties of gases. The law related to diffusion of gas was given
by Graham’s.
a. State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion. (4)
b. A mixture of O 3 and O 2 containing 20% by volume of ozone diffused through a porous
plug in 172 seconds while the same volume of pure oxygen took 164 seconds to diffuse
through the same plug. Calculate the molecular weight of ozone. (4)
10. Covalent bonds are formed by overlapping of atomic orbitals.
a. What are the differences between sigma (σ) bond and pi (π) bond? (2)
b. Define hybridization. (1)
c. Explain the different modes of hybridization of ‘s’ and ‘p’ orbitals. (3)
d. Nitrogen of ammonia gets SP hybridization but ammonia molecule has trigonal
pyramidal geometry. Explain. (2)
Sulphuric acid is known as king of chemicals. The industrial use of this acid can be taken
as indicator of the economic development of that country.
a. Describe the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process (with flow sheet
diagram). (4)
b. What are nitrogen fertilizers that are commonly used in Nepal? Also write the basic
principle involved in the production of one of the nitrogen fertilizer. (1+3)

11. Define following with examples: 2+2+2+2)

a) Friedel-crafts alkylation c ) Friedel-crafts acylation
b) Nitration of benzene d)Chlorination of benzene

Model Questions 2078 - 3

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: (11×1=11)

1) Calculate the wt. in grams of 11.2 l of N 2 gas at NTP.

a) 28 gm b) 14 gm c) 7 gm d) 15 gm
2) Calculate the oxidation no. of Cr in K 2 Cr 2 O 7 .
a) +5 b) -3 c) +6 d) +7
3) Which has no effect on volume change?
a) PCl 5 ⇌ PCl 3 + Cl 2
b) H 2 + CO 2 ⇌ H 2 O + CO
c) N 2 + 3H 2 ⇌ 2NH 3
d) 2H 2 + O 2 ⇌ 2H 2 O
4) Which property of carbon is responsible for existence of a large no. & variety of organic
a) Covalent bond b) Tetrahedral nature
c) Catenation d) Multiple bonding
5) ‘Cracking’ of hydrocarbon is the process in which:
a) Lower boiling hydrocarbons are changed into higher boiling hydrocarbons.
b) Higher boiling hydrocarbons are changed into lower boiling hydrocarbons by the
application of heat.
c) Production of petroleum from crude oil.
d) Separation of smaller hydrocarbons.
6) Which of the following rearrangement is correct with respect to the increasing order of
acidic strength?
a) HCl < HBr < HI b) HCl > HBr > HI
c) HI > HCl > HBr d) HCl < HI < HBr
7) Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. It emits
a) Neutrons b) α - particles
c) β - particles d) γ- particles
8) SO 2 reacts with H 2 S producing S where SO 2 acts as:
a) Acid b) Oxidizing agent
c) Catalyst d) reducing agent
9) Batch process is used to manufacture:
a) Petrol b) Cement c) Diesel d) Cosmetics

10) Thomas Slag is _____ containing fertilizer.
a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium d) Mixed
11) Hydrogen bonding is not present in:
a) Glycerol b) Water
c) Hydrogen Sulphide d) Hydrogen Fluoride

Group B
Answer the following questions: (8 × 5 =40)

1) What are the observations of Rutherford’s ∝ - ray scattering experiment? Write down the
conclusion drawn from it about the structure of an atom. 2+3
Write any two application of dipole moment. Write down the Lewis structure of
HNO 3 & H 2 SO 4 . Give an example of intramolecular hydrogen bond. 2+2+1

2) Different methods are involved in balancing the chemical reactions. Among them,
balancing the equation by oxidation no. method is one of the most convenient method of
balancing redox reaction.
a) Balance the following chemical reaction by oxidation number method: 3
FeSO 4 + KMnO 4 + H 2 SO 4 Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + K 2 SO 4 + MnSO 4 + H 2 O
b) Define oxidation & reduction from electronic concept with one example. 2
3) State Charles law & Graham’s law of diffusion. How long will it take 600 ml of H 2 gas to
diffuse through a porous portion if 300 ml of O 2 diffuse through it in 10 minutes under
identical condition? 1+1+3
Derive the relationship between K P & K C . What is the relationship between K P &
K C in the following reaction?
PCl 5 (g) ⇌PCl 3 (g) + Cl 2 (g) 3+2

4) Ammonia is manufactured by Haber’s process. Le-Chatelier’s principle can be applied in

Haber’s process for the higher yield of NH 3
a) What are the necessary physical conditions for the higher yield of NH 3 by Haber’s
process? 2
b) What happens when NH 3 is passed through CuSO 4 solution? 2
c) Why is NH 3 highly soluble in water? 1
5) About 83% of the Nepalese territory is mountainous. Especially, the mountainous region
of Nepal is enriched with several mineral deposits. So, study of extraction of metals is
very important in context of Nepal.
a) Differentiate between pyrometallurgy & electrometallurgy. 2
b) Define gangue & slag. 2
c) What do you mean by calcination? 1
6) For the detection of foreign element in organic compound, Lassaigne’s test is used.
a) Why is it necessary to prepare sodium extract for the detection of foreign element in
organic compound? 2
b) How would you detect the presence of both nitrogen & sulphur in organic compound
by Lassaigne’s test? 3
7) In modern periodic table, metals are kept towards left side & non-metals towards right.
Many defects of Mendeleev’s periodic table are overcome by modern periodic table.
a) Why do metals form cation & non-metals form anion? 2
b) Why is the electron affinity of oxygen higher than nitrogen? 2
c) Define ionization energy. 1
8) Unlike liquid & gases, solids are hard & rigid with fixed shape & size. Some properties
are shown by crystalline solids & they are hygroscopy, deliquescence etc.
a) Differentiate between hygroscopic substances & deliquescent substances. 2
b) Write an example of efflorescent substance. 1
c) Metallic crystals are good conductor of heat & electricity. Why? 2
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3X8=24

9) It is always found that experiment yield is less than theoretical yield. This theoretical
yield is calculated based on limiting reagent.
a) 6.53 gm of pure zinc is reacted with excess of dil. HCl. If the percentage yield of the
reaction is 75%. Calculate the actual amount of H 2 gas produced. 3
b) Mention any two reasons for lower values of experimental yield than theoretical
yield. 2
c) 2 gm of Mg is burnt in a closed vessel containing 1.2 gm of O 2 to produce MgO.
Find the limiting reagent. 2
d) What do you mean by limiting reagent? 1
10) Halogens are highly reactive elements. They have high electronegativity values & they
are even strong oxidizing agents.
a) Write down any two reactions which shows the oxidizing nature of halogens. 2
b) What happens when excess NH 3 is treated with Chlorine? 1
c) What happens when Chlorine is treated with:
i) Cold & dil. NaOH
ii) Hot & conc. NaOH 1+1
d) Define bleaching. Differentiate between bleaching action of Cl 2 & SO 2 . 1+2
H 2 S is an important analytical reagent. It is used in lab for qualitative analysis of
inorganic salts in small quantities at frequent intervals. So, it is prepared by using
Kipp’s apparatus.
a) Describe the preparation of H 2 S gas from Kipp’s apparatus. 4
b) Write down any two reactions which shows the reducing nature of H 2 S. 2
c) H 2 S also has acidic nature. Write down any two reactions which exhibit its acidic
nature. 2
11) Alkane can be prepared from haloalkane, decarboxylation & catalytic hydrogenation
of alkene.
a) Write an example of decarboxylation reaction. 2
b) Write the chemical reaction when bromoethane is heated with sodium metal in the
presence of dry ether. 2
c) Show how can we prepare alkane from catalytic hydrogenation of alkene. 2
d) Convert methane to ethane. 2

Model Questions 2078 - 4

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: 11X1=11
1) How many molecules of H 2 S are present in 0.4 mole of H 2 S?
a) 6.62 X 1023 b) 6.62 X 10-23 c) 2.642 X 1023 d) None

2) If 24 g of CH 4 reacted with oxygen in the given reaction

CH 4 + O 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2 O. Find the yield of CO 2 .
a) 33 g b) 66 g c) 132 g d) 44 g
3) Molecular formula of ‘oil of vitriol’ is
a) CUSO 4 .5H 2 O b) ZnSO 4 .7 H 2 O c) conc. H 2 SO4 d) None
4) If petrol contains 90% iso-octane compound and 10% n – heptane compound by volume.
Find the octane number of the fuel.
a) 100 b) 10 c) 90 d) None
5) Which of the following bonding is responsible for the highest boiling point of ammonia
a) Ionic bonding b) Hydrogen
c) Covalent d) Vander’s Waal’s Force
6) What happens when H 2 S gas is passed through acidified solution of KMnO 4
a) H 2 gas is reduced into sulphur.
b) KMnO 4 is reduced into colourless MnSO 4 .
c) H 2 S is oxidized into sulphur.
d) Both (b) and (c).
7) When the crystalline compound is exposed in air, it loses certain molecule of water of
crystallization is known as
a) Deliquescence b) Efflorescence
c) Hygroscopy d) None
8) The formation of Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen gas is favorable at
a) High pressure and high temperature
b) High pressure and low temperature
c) Low pressure and high temperature
d) Low pressure and low temperature
9) The general trend of thermal stability of Group II metal sulphate is
a) BeSO 4 < MgSO 4 < CaSO 4 < SrSO 4 < BaSO 4
b) BeSO 4 > MgSO 4 > CaSO 4 > SrSO 4 > BaSO 4
c) BeSO 4 < MgSO 4 > CaSO 4 > SrSO 4 > BaSO 4

d) None
10) Oxidation number of N is NH 4 NO 3 is
a) +1 b) -3 and +5 c) +1 and +3 d) None
11) Crude oil is converted into useful products by:
a) Drilling b) Roasting c) Refining d) Solvay process

Group B
Answer the following questions: 8 × 5 =40
1) 200 g of 90% pure CaCO 3 is completely reacted with excess of HCl to produced CaCl 2 ,
H 2 O and CO 2 .
a) Which one is limiting reagent?
b) Calculate the mass of CaCl 2 are produced.
c) How many moles of are produced?
d) What volume of CO 2 are produced if the reaction is carried out at 270C
temperatureand 760 mm of Hg pressure? 1+1+1+2
What is redox reaction? Balance the following chemical equation by ion electron or
oxidation number method. 2+3
KMnO 4 + H 2 S + H 2 SO 4 → K 2 SO 4 + MnSO 4 + H 2 O + S
2) The element X and Y have the atomic number 12 and 17 respectively.
a) Write the electronic configuration of the element.
b) State the type of bond when they combine to form a bond.
c) In which group of periodic table do they belong?
d) Write Lewi’s dot formula of NH 4 + and H 2 SO 4 1+1+1+2
3) Explain why.
a) Water is angular but CO 2 is linear.
b) Ammonia has higher boiling point than Phosphine gas.
c) Graphite is soft but diamond is hard. 2+1+2
4) a) Which one has greater ionization energy and why? Na+ or Ne.
b) Identify the four quantum number of 19th electron of an element having atomic number
c) State Law of Mass Action and write K C for the following equilibrium reaction.
CaCO 3(S) → CaO(S) + CO 2(g) 1+2+2
5) What do you mean by ion-pump? Describe sodium potassium pump. What is the role of
this in working of Sodium glucose pump? 1+2+2

6) Draw self-explanatory diagram for the extraction of Sodium metal by Down’s process.
Discuss the action of Sodium with a) Ammonia b) Air 3+1+1
Contrast the properties of HCl, HBr and HI. 5

7) What happens when
a) CO gas treated with caustic soda.
b) Cl 2 is reacted with hot and conc. caustic soda solution.
c) Phosphorus is heated with caustic soda solution.
d) Conc. Nitric acid is reacted with Iodine.
e) Ammonia is reacted with Chlorine gas. 1+1+1+1+1=5

8) Define homologous series and write a series containing – CHO as Functional group.
What are the structural formulae and IUPAC name of:
a) 4th member of carboxylic acid.
b) 1st member of Amide
c) 3rd member of acid chloride 2+1+1+1
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3×8=24
9) State and explain Graham’s Law of diffusion. Mention any two applications of this law.
A vessel of volume 100 mL contains 10% of oxygen and 90% of an unknown gas. The
gases diffuse in 86 sec through a small hole of vessel. If pure oxygen diffuses in 75 sec
under same condition. Find the molecular weight of gas. 4+1+3
a) Describe Rutherford’s d- ray scattering experiment, which observations led to the
discovery of nucleus. What are the defects of this model? 2+1+1
b) Define hydrogen bonding and write its two major effects on physical properties of
the compounds. 1+1
c) Differentiate between evaporation and boiling. 2
10) a) Starting from pyrites, how would you obtain conc. sulphuric acid? Give a reaction to
show conc. Sulphuric acts as 3+1+1
a) Oxidizing agent b) Dehydration agent
b) What is urea fertilizer? Give flow sheet diagram for the manufacture urea fertilizer
11) a) What is aromatic compound? Write its general characters with suitable example.1+3=4
b) Write a chemical test to distinguish ethyne from ethane. 2
c) What is composition of Lassaigne’s extract if the organic compound contains nitrogen?
Why is it usually alkaline in nature? 1+1

Model Questions 2078 - 5

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: 11×1=11
1) How many electrons are there in Cl ion?
a) 17 b) 16 c) 18 d) 19
2) What mass of H 2 gas will react with 22.4 litres of O 2 at NTP to produce 36 gram of
a) 2g b) 4g c) 6g d) 8g
3) What type of bond is involved in Magnesium Chloride?
a) Ionic bond b) Hydrogen bond
c) Covalent bond d) Metallic bond
4) What happens when zinc is treated with concentrated nitric acid?
a) Nitric acid is reduced to nitrous oxide.
b) Nitric acid is reduced to nitrogen dioxide.
c) Nitric acid is reduced to nitric oxide.
d) Nitric acid is reduced to ammonium nitrate
5) Aluminum oxide is
a) basic oxide b) peroxide
c) neutral oxide d) amphoteric oxide
6) In the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process which conditions of pressure and
temperature favour the forward reaction?
Reaction is; N 2 + 3H 2 ⇌ 2NH 3 + 24 K Cal
a) High pressure and low temperature
b) Low pressure and high temperature
c) High pressure and high temperature
d) Low pressure and low temperature
7) What is the molecular formula of plaster of paris?
a) CaSO 4 . 2H 2 O b) CaSO 4 . ½ H2O
c) CaSO 4 . H 2 O d) CaSO 4

8) What is the increasing order of metallic character of alkali metals?

a) Li > Na > K > Rb > Co b) Li < Na < K < Rb < Co
c) Na < K < Li < Rb < Ca d) K < Na < Li < Rb < Ca
9) What is the cause of global warming?
a) CFC b) CO c) CO 2 d) both (a) and (c)
10) Sodium ion helps
a) To maintain blood pressure

b) To maintain the osmotic pressure inside the cell
c) In photosynthesis
d) Both (a) and (b)
11) In the manufacture of Sodium hydroxide by diaphragm cell
a) Na+ ions discharged at Cathode.
b) H+ ions discharged at Cathode.
c) Cl- ions discharged at Cathode.
d) OH- ions discharged at Cathode.
Group B
Answer the following questions: 8 X 5 =40
1) An element X has 2 electrons in K shell. 8 electrons in L shell, 8 electrons in M shell and
1 electron in the N shell

a) Identify the element X and write number of S and P electrons in it. 1+2
b) The ionization energy of its ion is greater than in an atom. Give reason. 1
c) Write down the formula of one compound of X. 1
Arrange the following in their increasing order of size with explanation.
a) Na+, Mg++, Ne, Al+++ 1
b) P - - - , S - - , Cl- , Ar 1
c) Mg + + , Ca + + , Be + + , Ba + + 1
d) F -, Cl-, Br-, I – 1
e) Ca + + , Ar, K +, Cl- 1

2) There are different types of chemical reactions, like neutralization reaction, hydrolysis
reaction, polymerization reaction, redox reaction etc.
a) What is redox reaction? 1
b) Balance the following reaction by oxidation number or ion electron method. Also,
indicate oxidant and reductant.
KMnO 4 + HCl ⇌ KCl + MnCl 2 + H 2 O + Cl 2 2+1
What is the role of hydrochloric acid in the reaction? 1
3) There are some reactions which are reversible in nature. Le-Chatelier’s principle is a rule
which position to the left or right by altering specific conditions of the reaction.
a) State Le-Chatelier’s principle. 1
b) An example of an equilibrium reaction can be seen between oxygen and nitrogen
N 2 (g) + O 2 (g) ⇌ 2 NO (g)
When the temperature of the system is increased the yield of NO increases? State
whether the forward reaction is exothermic or endothermic. Explain your answer. 2
c) Explain the effect, if increasing pressure in the above reaction keeping the
temperature constant. 1
d) How are KP and KC related to each other in the above mentioned reaction? 1

In 1832, Thomas Graham observed the rate of diffusion of different gases under
similar conditions of temperature and pressure and developed a law known as
Graham’s law of diffusion.
a) State Graham’s law of diffusion. 1
b) Derive the following relation by using this law. 3
r1 t d2 M2
= 2 = =
r2 t1 d1 M1
c) Give the importance of Graham’s law of diffusion. 1
4) Hydrogen sulphide gas is very important analytical reagent in the laboratory.
a) How is hydrogen sulphide prepared in the laboratory for the use of analytical
purpose? 3
b) Why nitric acid cannot used for the preparation of hydrogen sulphide? 1
c) What is the role of hydrogen sulphide as analytical reagent?1
5) In metallurgical operation, we have to follow different steps, like concentration,
calcinations and roasting, reduction and refining.
a) Differentiate between calcinations and roasting.
b) Name the types of ores concentrated by gravity separation method and froth flotation
process. 1
c) What type of metal is purified by poling? 1
d) What is the importance of flux in metallurgical operation? 1
6) In the qualitative analysis of organic compound. The first step in the analysis is detection
of foreign elements like N, halogen, S etc.
a) What is the purpose of preparing Lassaigne’s extract and what are their chemical
compositions? 2
b) Give the chemical reaction involved in the detection of nitrogen. 2
c) What is the function of nitric acid in silver nitrate test of halogen? 1
7) An organic compound A reacts with ozone to give addition product B which on
hydrolysis in presence of zinc gives a mixture of methanal and ethanal.
a) Identify A and B with necessary chemical reactions. Give IUPAC name of compound
A. 3.5
b) What happens when A is treated with HBr? Give IUPAC name of the product
obtained. 0.5
8) Originally nitric acid was manufactured from sparked N 2 and O 2 in Birkeland - Eyde
process. Nowadays, it is manufactured by Ostwald’s process.
a) Write chemical reactions involved in the manufacture of nitric acid by Ostwald’s
process. 1.5
b) Draw flow sheet diagram for Ostwald’s process. 1.5
c) Classify the chemical fertilizers with at least one example. 2
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3X8=24
a) State Avogadro’s hypothesis. 1
b) Explain how Avogardro’s hypothesis helps in calculating atomicity of oxygen. 2
c) 200 gm of 90% pure CaCO 3 is completely reacted with excess HCl to produce
CaCl 2 , H 2 O and CO 2 .

i) Which one is limiting and excess reagents? 2

ii) Calculate the mass of CaCl 2 formed. 1
iii) How many moles of water are produced? 1
iv) What volume of CO 2 is produced if the reaction is carried out at 270 C and 760
mm Hg pressure? 1
a) Give balanced chemical reaction for the preparation of Chlorine and bromine in
the laboratory. 2+2
b) How does bromine react with hot and conc. NaOH? 2
c) Give chemical reactions to show bleaching action of Chlorine. 2
The Solvay process is the major industrial process for the production of sodium

a) What are the raw materials used for the manufacture of Na 2 CO 3 by Solvay
process? 1
b) Write main chemical reactions involved in the Solvay process. 2
c) Draw flow sheet diagram of manufacture of Sodium Carbonate by Solvay
process. 2
d) Prepare insoluble carbonates like CaCO 3 and BaCO 3 from Na 2 CO 3 . 2
e) Why sodium carbonate is treated as base? 1
11) Organic compounds can be classified into saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
a) What are unsaturated hydrocarbons? 1
b) How can you convert ethyne to ethane? 1
c) What happens when acetylene gas is passed through
i. Ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution.
ii. Ammoniacal silver nitrate solution 2
d) Identify X and Y
Ag KMnO4
Chloroform X y 2
∆ OH −
e) What happens when a gas obtained by the hydrolysis of Calcium Carbide is passed
over red hot Fe tube? 2

Model Questions 2078 – 6
Attempt all questions
Group 'A'
Circle the best alternative to the following questions. (11×1 = 11)
1) The symbol Na is derived from
a. Latin name c. German name
b. English name d. Greek name
2) Vapor density of CO 2 is
a. 44 c. 11
b. 22 d. 88
3) Paschen series are produced when electrons from outer orbit jumps to
a. 2nd orbit c. 3rd orbit
b. 4 orbit d. 5th orbit
4) Electronegativity of element is in the order
a. F>Cl>O>I c. Cl>F>Br>I
b. F>O>N>Br d. Br>I>Cl>F
5) Which of the following is polar?
a. H 2 c. CCl 4
b. Cl 2 d. CH 3 Cl
6) Oxidation number of C in HNC is
a. +2 c. 0
b. -2 d. +4
7) One gram of Hydrogen contains
a. 6.023x1023 c. 6.023x1026
b. 3.02x10 d. 4.6x1020
8) Which of the following bleaches by reduction?
a. Cl 2 c. CaOCl 2
b. SO 2 d. H 2 O 2
9) Reducing agent of thermite is
a. Fe c. Zn
b. Cu d. Al
10) Raw material for production of urea are
a. NH 3 and CO 2 c. H 2 and P
b. N 2 and H 2 d. NH 3 and P
11) How many structure isomers are possible for C 6 H 14 ?
a. 5 c. 3
b. 6 d. 7
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)

1) In Rutherford atomic model, alpha scattering experiment was carried out to determine
structure of atom. Based on experiment answer following question
a) What are alpha particles? (1)
b) Where the alpha particles observed? (1)
c) How he concludes most of the space inside the atomic is empty? (1)
d) What led him that nucleus of atom is located at center and is of small size with
heavy mass? (1)
e) Mention one limited of this model. (1)
2) Rate of chemical reaction is affected by concentration of reactant. This relationship is
given by Guldberg and Waage.
a) Define law of mass action (1)
b) What is Equilibrium constant? (1)
c) How concentration affect chemical reaction? (1)
d) What is the importance of equilibrium constant? What information we get when
K c >1? (2)
Modern periodic table was given by Mosley in 1913 after Mendeleev periodic table. It
help to study the elements in systematic way.
a) State modern periodic law. (1)
b) What is mean by periodicity of element and what cause periodicity. (2)
c) How many periods and group are there in periodic table? (1)
d) How group is known as halogen family? (1)
3) When electricity is passed through the molten NaCl in the presence of CaCl 2 , Sodium
metal is deposited at cathode while chlorine gas is liberated at anode in theDown’s cell
a) Write principal reaction that occur during electrolysis (1)
b) Find the mass of sodium metal deposited at cathode when 2amperes ofcurrent is
passed for one hour and the process has 95% efficiency. (2)
c) Why does calcium metal not deposit instead of sodium at the cathode? (1)
d) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride cannot be instead of molten sodiumchloride
for the same intended product? Give reason. (1)
4) Oxidation and reduction reaction are common in our daily life that may be in corrosion,
photosynthesis, combustion etc.
a) What are oxidant and reductant in redox reaction? (1)
b) Name the bond formed between sodium and chlorine. (1)
c) Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method or ion -electron
method. (3)
NaOH + Cl 2 NaCl +NaClO 3 +H 2 O
The gas laws are a group of laws that govern the behavior of gases by providing
relationshipsvolume, temperature, pressure and so on.
a) State Boyle’s and Charle’s law. (2)
b) What are real and ideal gas. (2)
c) What is universal gas constant. Write its significance (1)
5) HCl is most widely used acid next to sulphuric acid.

a) Mention the chemical reaction to prepare HCl from common salt. (1)
b) Is HCl a strong acid? Write its reaction to show acid? (1)
c) How Cl 2 prepared from HCl (1)
d) Discuss the use of halo acid (2)

6) Chemist realized that, the obstacle for the development of organic chemistry is vital force
a) What is vital force theory? (1)
b) Name the first organic compound that is prepared in lab with reaction. (2)
c) Discuss about the tetravalency and catenation properties of Carbon. (2)
7) Hydro-carbon are the most widely used energy source of present civilization.
a) What is Wurtz reaction? How alkane is prepared from this reaction? (2)
b) n- butane has higher boiling point than iso-butane. give reason (1)
c) What are pyrolysis and cracking? Cracking has greater advantage in petrol
industry. How? (2)
8) Sodium hydroxide is an important alkali in lab and industries.It is commercially prepared
by electrolysis of brine solution.
a) Draw a diagram for the manufacture of NaOH by using diaphragm cell. (3)
b) Discuss about the importance of chemical industry in Nepal? (1)
c) Discuss about the safety measure in running industry. (1)
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions (3× 8=24)
9) 300 mole of hydrogen and 300 moles of nitrogen are allowed to react in a Haber’s
process for the commercial production of Ammonia. The percentage yield for the
reaction is 60%. Answer the following question based on above statement.
a) Write the balanced chemical reaction for formation of ammonia (2)
b) What is yield percentage? Why it is important? (1)
c) How many grams of ammonia is produced in this reaction? (2)
d) Thus, obtained Ammonia was reacted with 3.96 kg of CO 2 , 2 Kg of urea was
obtained. What is the percentage yield? (2)
e) What you suggest for the operator chemist from economic point of view on this
regard? (1)
10) Oxygen is most abundant element in earth crust which readily forms oxides
And show allotropism. oxides of period 2 element are given below
Period 2 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Oxides Na 2 O MgO Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 P2O5 SO 3 Cl 2 O 7
a) Identify acidic oxide, basic oxide, and amphoteric oxide from the above table (3)
b) Does increase in oxidation number increase acidic character? Support this
statement. (2)
c) What kind of trends do you find in above table? How will it differ along group? (2)
d) Write the allotropes of oxygen. (1)

One of compound of Sulphur, Hydrogen Sulphide isused as an analytical reagent for
detection of salt during salt analysis in lab.
a) Write the chemical equation for the preparation of H 2 S gas and discuss about the
working principle of Kipp’s apparatus (4)
b) Show that H 2 S is acidic in nature (1)
c) Discuss about the role of H 2 S for precipitation of group II and group IIIB metal
ion. (2)
d) Why does chemist prefer to use Kipp’s apparatus instead of Woulf’s bottle for
production of H 2 S gas? (1)

11) An aromatic compound(X) is obtained when sodium benzoate is heated with soda lime.
X when react with Cl 2 in presence of sunlight give BHC.
a) Write the chemical equation for above reaction. (2)
b) What are aromatic compounds (1)
c) What is aromaticity? Use Huckle’s rule to show aromatic compound. (2)
d) What is Friedel’s -Crafts alkylation reaction. (2)
e) Write the use of benzene (1)

Model Questions 2078 – 7

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: 11×1=11
1) 6 gm of carbon is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide. The volume of carbon dioxide
liberated at NTP is:
a) 11.2 L b) 22.4 L c) 5.6 L d) 44.8 L
2) Which of the following is unique quantity of an element?
a) valency b) Isotopic mass c) Atomic number d) Mass number
3) Which of the following pairs of compounds illustrate the law of multiple proportions?
a) P 2 O 3 and P 2 O 5 b) P 2 O 3 and B 2 O 3
c) H 2 S and H 2 O d) MO and M 0
4) The statement, “No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum
numbers,” is given by:
a) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
b) Pauli’s exclusion principle
c) Aufbau principle
d) Heisenberg Uncertainty principle
5) The electron affinity of element is in the order
a) F > Cl > O > I b) F > O > N > Cl
c) Cl > F > Br > I d) Br > I > Cl > F
6) The number of σ and π- bonds respectively in ethyne are:
a) 2, 2 b) 1, 3
c) 3, 1 d) 3, 2
7) A reducing agent
a) Oxidizes other substance b) accepts electron
c) has maximum oxidation number d) itself oxidized
8) Average K.E. is directly proportional to
a) n b) V
c) p d) T
9) Which has no effect on volume change?
a) PCl 5 →PCl 3 + Cl 2
b) H 2 + CO 2 → H 2 O + CO
c) N 2 + 3H 2 →2 NH 3
d) Graphite → Diamond

10) Cyclic organic compounds possess the properties of aliphatic compound is:
a) Aromatic b) Carbocyclic
c) Homocyclic d) Alicyclic
11) The –CHO group as prefix is
a) al b) Formyl
c) Hydroxyl d) Carboxyl

Group B
Answer the following questions: 8 × 5 =40

a) An element with atomic number 7 has following given configuration:
i)1S2 2S2 2Px2 2Py1 2Pz0
ii)1S2 2S2 2Px1 2Py1 2Pz0
Which of the two is correct and why? 2
b) What is meant by iso-electronic species? 1
c) Name the species that will be iso electronic with each of the F , Ar atoms? 1
d) How do you account for the fact that electron affinity of Flourine is less than that
of Chlorine? 1
2) Dinitrogen and dihydrogen react with each other to produce ammonia according to
following chemical equation:
a) Calculate the mass of ammonia produced if 2.00 X 103 g dinitrogen reacts with 1.00
X 103 g dihydrogen. 1
b) Will any of the two reactions remains unreacted? 1
c) If yes, which one and what would be the mass? 1
d) Why is H-O-H bond angle in water molecule is comparatively higher than H-S-H
bond angle in H 2 S? 2
a) State and explain Le-Chatelier’s principle. 2
b) Following reactions occurs in blast furnace.
Fe 2 O 3 (S) + 3 CO (g) 2Fe + 3 CO 2(g)

Use Le-Chatelier’s principle to predict the directions of reaction when equilibrium

mixture is distributed by
i) Adding Fe 2 O 3 1
ii) Removing CO 2 1
iii) Removing CO 1
a) Explain Graham Law of diffusion with its application. 2+1

b) 2 gram of Hydrogen diffuses from container in 10 minutes. How many grams of
Oxygen would diffuse through the same container in the same time under similar
condition? 2
a) What are structural isomers? 1
b) Write the structural isomer of molecular formula C 4 H 9 Cl and give their IUPAC
names. 2
c) Show your familiarity with anti-Markovnikovs addition. 2
5) Write short note on the following:
a) Wurtz reaction 2
b) Friedal craft Alkylation 2
c) Clemmensen reduction 1

i) Justify the following reactions are redox reactions:
a) CuO (s) + H 2(g) → Cu (g) + H 2 O (g) 1
b) Fe 2 O 2(s) + 3 CO (g) → Fe (s) + 3 CO 2(g) 1
c) 4 NH 3(g) + 5O2(g) → 4 NO (g) + 6 H 2 O (g) 1
ii) Define oxidant and reductant with examples. 2
a) Explain the formation of chemical bond. 2
b) Draw the Lewis structure for the following molecules and ions. 1×3=3
a) HCOOH b) H 2 SO 4 c) CO 3 - -
8) What happens when
a) Zinc is reacted with conc. nitric acid. 1
b) Zinc is reacted with moderately conc. nitric acid. 1
c) Zinc is reacted with dilute nitric acid. 1
d) Zinc is reacted with very dilute nitric acid. 1
e) NH 3 is reacted with excess Chlorine. 1
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3×8=24
a) Define limiting reactant. 1
b) Arrange the following in their increasing order of number of atoms. 1X3=3
a) 1 g Au (s) (Z = 197 u)
b) 1 g Na (s) (Z = 23 u)
c) 1g Cl 2(g) ( Z = 35.5 u)
c) Explain the following:
a) Aufbau’s principle 1
b) Pauli’s exclusion principle 1
c) Quantization of angular momentum 1
d) Write the electronic configuration of Cr+. 1
a) Explain ionization energy and Electronegativity. 2
b) Out of N and O which have high first ionization enthalpy? 2
c) Balance the following redox reaction in basic medium. 4
MnO 4 - (aq.) + I – (aq.) MnO 2(s) + I 2(s)

a) Write down the principle for the industrial manufacture of Nitric acid by Ostwalds
process. 2
b) Sketch neat and well labeled diagram for the manufacture of Nitric acid/ 2
c) What happens when Sulphuric acid is added into
i) Sucrose 1
ii) Blue Vitriol 1
iii) Formic acid 1
iv) Oxalic acid 1
a) Give the reaction when two methyl propene reacts with
i) H 2 /Ni 1
ii) Br 2 /CCl 4 1
iii) HBr 1
b) What happens when
i) Sodium Benzoate is heated with Soda lime. 1
ii) Phenol is heated with Zinc dust. 1

c) In winter Jaya’s parents burns coal in Angithi to keep the room warm. One late night,
they wanted to keep it with burning coal inside room. Jaya a Science student stopped
them for doing so. They asked Jaya? Why she did not agree with them? Then, Jaya
told them about the incomplete combustion and harmful effects of burning coal in the
deficiency of oxygen.

Answer the following questions from the above passage:

a) Name the gas formed by incomplete combustion of coal. Also write chemical
reaction involved. 1
b) Give reasons why the gas is poisonous. 1
c) What are the values associated with Jaya’s suggestion. 1

Model Questions 2078 – 8

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: 11X1=11
1) The molecular formula of Epsom salt is:
a) MgSO 4 . 7H 2 O b) CaSO 4 . 2H 2 O c) MgO d) MgCO 3
2) Which of the following is a colligative property?
a) Molar mass b) Osmatic pressure c) Viscosity d) Optical activity
3) Which of the following pairs of compounds illustrate the law of multiple proportions?
a) P 2 O 3 and P 2 O 5 b) P 2 O 3 and B 2 O 3
c) H 2 S and H 2 O d) MO and Mo
4) Number of atoms present in 0.1 mol of water is:
a) 0.1N A b) 0.2 N A c) 0.3 N A d) 0.4 N A
5) An oxide of Nitrogen contain it’s own volume of nitrogen. The oxide is:
a) N 2 O b) NO 2 c) NO 3 d) N 2 O 5
6) Oxidation number of phosphorous in PO 4 - - - is
a) +3 b) -3 c) +5 d) +1
7) Number of carbon atoms per molecule in LPG is
a) 1 to 4 b) 5 to 9 c) 9 to 12 d) > 12
8) CO reacts with Cl 2 in presence of sunlight to give
a) Phosgene b) Chloroform c) Mustard gas d) Nitrochloroform
9) Ground water polluted by nitrate is more likely to cause
a) Blue baby syndrome b) Corona
c) Patau’s syndmero d) Autism
10) Raw material used for the production of urea are
a) NH 3 and CO 2 b) N 2 and P c) NH 3 and P d) H 2 and P
11) Friedel – Craft’s reaction is given by
a) Phenol b) Aniline c) Benzene d)All the three

Group B
Answer the following questions: 8 X 5 =40
1) Calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid to give calcium Chloride, water and
carbon dioxide gas.
Given, CaCO 3 (s) + 2HCl (aq.) → CaCl 2 (aq.) + H 2 O (l) + CO 2 (g)
a) If 10 g of pure CaCO 3 are added in a solution containing 7.665 g of HCl. Find the
limiting reactant. 1
b) Calculate the number of moles of excess reactant left over. 1
c) Calculate the volume of CO 2 gas produced at NTP. 1
d) Calculate the no. of gram of NaOH required to absorb whole of the CO 2 gas as
Na 2 CO 3 . 2
2) Neil Bohr proposed an atomic model based on Plank’s quantum theory to overcome the
limitations of Rutherford’s atomic model.
a) Write down the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model that overcome the limitations of
Rutherford’s atomic model. 3
b) What are the limitations of Bohr’s atomic model? How is Bohr’s theory against
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? 2
3) Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev proposed a periodic table for the systematic
arrangement of elements which is well known as Mendeleev periodic table.
a) Write down the structural features and anomalies of Mendeleev’s periodic table. 3
b) Define electro negativity of an element. How does it vary in a periodic table?
Arrange the hydrogen halide in the increasing order of polarity. 2
4) Ozone forms an upper layer of atmosphere which protects the living being on the earth
from harmful effect of UV –radiations of sun.
a) How is ozone formed in stratosphere? 2
b) How does chlorofluorocarbons deplete ozone layer, suggest the way of protecting
ozone layer from depletion. 2
c) How can you show that ozone is an oxidizing agent? 1
5) The process of removal of impurities from ore is known as concentration. The method
used for concentration depends upon nature of ore & nature of impurities.
a) Name the different methods used for concentration of ore. 1
b) What is meant by Gravity separation and Froth floatation method? What type of
impurities can be removed by these methods? 2+2
Nitric acid is a colourless liquid in pure form which is corrosive to skin and produces
a) Why is conc. nitric acid stored in a dark brown bottle? 1
b) What is aqua-regia? Why is it called so? Write it’s action with gold. 2
c) Write any two chemical reactions to show the reducing property of conc. HNO 3 . 2
6) The French chemist J.L.Lassaigne in 1843 developed a method for the detection of
foreign element present in the organic compound. In this method. The organic compound
is fused with Sodium metal in a distilled water to give an aq. solution which is known as
sodium extract.
a) What is the purpose of making sodium extract for the detection of foreign element in
an organic compound? 2
b) Why Sodium extract is alkaline in nature. 1
c) Why the sodium extract is boiled with conc. HNO 3 during silver nitrate test for the
detection of halogen? 2
7) Gasoline is a fraction of petroleum which includes mainly a mixture of alkane having
carbon ranges from seven to eleven.
a) If a gasoline has an octane number 80, what does it mean? 1
b) What do you meant by gasoline additive, write an examples of anti-knocking agent.2
c) Differentiate between octane number and cetane number. 2
8) Urea is also known as carbamide. It is a colourless organic compound which is soluble in
water. It is manufactured as a nitrogen fertilizer.
a) Write down the principle and a flow chart for the manufacture of urea. 4
b) Write down the examples of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. 1
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3X8=24
9) Graham’s law state that under similar condition of temperature and pressure, the rate of
diffusion of gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its’ density. rα
a) Mention any two applications of this law. 1
b) A vessel of volume 100 ml contains 10% of oxygen and 90 % of an unknown gas.
The gases diffuses in 86 sec. through a small hole of the vessel. If pure oxygen
diffuses in 75 sec. under same condition, find the molecular wt. of the gas. 4
c) Out of He and Ar, which one will diffuse faster? Why? 2
d) Gases behave as real gases at the temperature and high pressure. Why? 1
10) Sodium hydroxide is the most important alkali used in laboratory. It is a white solid and
commercially available in the form of pellets and flakes.
a) What happens when a pellets of Sodium hydroxide is exposed to air? 2
b) Draw a self – explanatory diagram for the manufacture of Sodium by Down’s
process. Discuss the action of sodium with
i. Ammonia ii. non-metals 5
c) Why is sodium metal stored in paraffin oils? 1
Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) gas is also known as sulphureted hydrogen. It is used in
laboratory mainly for qualitative salt analysis. For this purpose, small quantity of
H 2 S is required in frequent. For the intermittent supply of H 2 S gas, Kipp’s
apparatus is used.
a) Write down the working principle of Kipp’s apparatus. 4
b) Give any two chemical equations in which H 2 S gas acts as an analytical reagent.2
c) Write any two suitable chemical reactions to show the reducing property of H 2 S
gas. 2
11) An organic compound ‘A’ gives ‘B’ when heated with concentrated sulphuric acid to
about 1700C. ‘B’ on ozonolysis gives methanal.
a) Identify ‘A’ and ‘B’. 2
b) What is the application of ozonolysis in organic reaction mechanism? 1
c) What happens when B is passed through Baeyer’s reagent? 2
d) What happens when B is passed through Bromine in CCl 4 ? 2
e) What happens when B is treated with hydrogen gas in presence of Ni-Catalyst? 1

Model Questions 2078 – 9

Attempt all questions

Group 'A'
Circle the best alternative to the following questions. (11×1 = 11)
1. The symbol Au is derived from
a. Latin name c. German name
b. English name d. Greek name
2. The molecular formula of Laughing gas is
a. NO 2 c. N 2 O
b. N 2 O 4 d. NO
3. Which one of the following bonds will be the most polar?
a. N-Cl c. O-F
b. C-F d. N-N
4. The number of molecules in 36 mg of water is
a. 1.2 x1020 c. 1.2 x1021
b. 1.2 x1022 d. 1.2 x1023
5. Which of the following is the unit for surface tension?
a. c.
b. d.
6. Equilibrium of the reaction: 2SO 2 + O 2 ⇌ 2SO 3 + 45.2Kcal will shift to left at:
a. Low temperature and low pressure
b. High temperature and low pressure
c. Low temperature and high pressure
d. High temperature and high pressure
7. The gas involved in Bhopal gas leak tragedy was
a. Sodium isocyanide c. Methyl isocyanide
b. Ethyl isocyanide d. H 2 S
8. Which of the following is used as fertilizer?
a. Cellulose nitrate c. Calcium ammonium nitrate
b. Sodium nitrate d. Potash alum
9. In contact process, scattering phenomenon occurs in testing box identifies
suspended impurity using
a. Tyndall effect c. Dialysis
b. Electrophores d. Dispersion
10. Potassium Ferro cyanide on heating with conc. H 2 SO 4 forms
a. CO 2 c. SO 3
b. SO 2 d. CO
11. Sodium hydroxide reacts with phosphorus to give phosphine. To bring about
this reaction we need?
a) White phosphorus and dil. NaOH
b) White phosphorus and conc. NaOH
c) Red phosphorus and dil. NaOH
d) Red phosphorus and conc. NaOH
Group 'B'
Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)
1. Describe Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment. [2]
What experimental evidence led Rutherford to conclude that,
a. the nucleus of atom contains most of the atomic orbital [1]
b. the nucleus of atom is positively charged [1]
c. the atom consists of mostly empty space [1]
Explain why?
a) Electron affinity of Fluorine is unexpectedly less than that of
b) Cl- has larger size than K+ though they have same electronic
configuration [1]
c) Alkali metals have low ionization energy [1]
++ --
d) Mg has smaller than O although they are isoelectronic species[1]
e) F has larger electronegativity than Cl [1]
2. a. Balance the following redox reaction:
C 12 H 22 O 11 + HNO 3 → NO 2 + C 2 H 2 O 4 + H 2 O
b. How many coulombs of electricity are required for the oxidation of one
mole of MnO4- to Mn++. [2]
3. Take the reaction:
NH 3 + O 2 → NO + H 2 O.
In an experiment, 3.25 g of NH 3 are allowed to react with 3.50 g of O 2 .
a) Which one is limiting reagent and why? [2]
b) How many mole of unreactant reactant is left over? [1]
c) How many grams of NO are the formed? [1]
d) Find the number of H 2 O molecules formed [1]
Define hybridization. Predict the mode of hybridization in [3]
a) C of C 2 H 2 b. B of BF 3 c. O of H 2 O

The bond angle at the central atom in NF 3 is 1070 whereas in BF 3 is 1200.
Explain why? [2]
4. Oxides are binary compounds of oxygen with another elements except noble
gases and nobel metals (Au, Pt, and Pd). Some of examples are:

ZnO CO 2 MgO BaO 2 RbO 2 Fe 2 O 4

a) Classify the above oxides. [3]
b) Why Al 2 O 3 is called amphoteric oxide? [1]
c) Write the allotrope of oxygen. [1]
5. Metallurgy is art and science of extracting metals from their ores and modifying
themetals for use.
i. What is meant by hydrometallurgy? Give an example of it. [2]
ii. Concentratiom is the second step of metallurgy,what type of ores are
concentrated by froth floation process. [1]
iii. Which reducing agent is used in Goldschmidt aluminothermite process? [1]
iv. Which is an external metal in amalgam? [1]
6. a. Write the structure of 3-Methylpent-2-ene-1,2-diol. [1]
b. Write the functional isomer of CH 3 -COOH. [1]
c. Write the first member of acid halide. [1]
d. How is structural isomerism differed from stereoisomerism? [2]
a. Identify A and B: Alc. KOH Na/dryether
a) CH 3 -CH=CH 2 A B
b. An organic compound ‘Y’ reacts with ozone to give addition product which on
hydrolysis in the presence of zinc dust gives a mixture of methanol and ethanol.
Suggest the structure of Y with necessary chemical reaction. [2]
c. Write an example of Baeyer’s test. [1]

8. a. What are manures and chemical fertilizers? Classify the chemical fertilizer with
at least one example. [3]
b. How endothermic and exothermic reactions assists us to design chemical plant?
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions: (3× 8=24)
9. Derive PV=nRT. [3]
A chemist measures the volume of a gas at different pressures at a constant
temperature of 270C. The data are as follows: [5]
P (in atm) 1 2 4 6 8
V (in L) 10 5 2.5 1.2 1.25
Calculate the number of moles of the gas in each case using the above data.
One set of data is wrong, find the wrong one.

10. Oxyacid of nitrogen is HNO 3 which is also called Aqua Fortis and is obtained
by catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
a) Write the principle and flowsheet diagram for the manufacture of nitric acid
by the catalytic oxidation of ammonia. [2+2]
b) Write the name of any two metals which can liberate H 2 gas from nitric
acid. [1]
c) Why is conc. HNO 3 stored in dark bottle? [1]
d) Give the composition of aqua-region and shoe its action with gold. [2]
Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2 O is called washing soda. The common method for the
manufacture of sodium carbonate is Solvay’s ammonia process, which is
also called ammonia soda process.
i. Write the principle for the manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvay’s
ammonia process. [3]
ii. What happens when washing soda crystal is heated below 1000C.? [1]
iii. What happens when sodium carbonate is reacted with SiO 2 ? [1]
iv. Write the molecular formula of baking soda and soda ash. [1]
v. What happens when sodium carbonate is reacted with CO 2 ? [1]
vi. Write any two use of sodium carbonate. [1]
11. a. Why is benzene called aromatic compound according to Huckel’s Rule? [2]
b. What happens benzene is heated with acetic anhydride in presence of anhydrous
AlCl 3 ?[2]
c. Why does Chlorobenzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction at o/p position?
d. Identify A and B:
Sodalime Cl /light
Sodium benzoate A B [1+1]

Model Questions 2078 – 10

Attempt all questions:

Group A
Circle the best alternative to the following questions: (11×1=11)

1) How many electrons and neutrons are present in the symbol 27

13 Al +3 ?
a) 13 electrons and 14 neutrons
b) 10 electrons and 14 neutrons
c) 13 electrons and 10 neutrons
d) 10 electrons and 10 neutrons
2) How many moles of oxygen molecules are present in 112 ml of O 2 gas at NTP?
a) 0.05 moles b) 0.5 moles c) 0.005 moles d) 0.01 moles
3) Which of the bonding is responsible for the solubility of ethyl alcohol in water?
a) Hydrogen bonding b) Covalent bonding
c) Ionic bonding d) Van der Waal’s forces
4) What is the molecular formula of hypo?
a) H 2 SO 4 b) SiO 2 . H 2 O c) Na 2 S 2 O 3 .5H 2 O d) CuSO 4 .5H 2 O

5) Which species contain equal number of neutrons?

a) Isotopes b) Isobars c) Isomers d) Isotones
6) NH 3 gas is formed by Haber’s process in the industrial scale. Formation of ammonia
from nitrogen and hydrogen is reversible
N 2 + 3H 2 → 2NH 3 , ∆H = - 22.4 Kcal mol-1
Which conditions of pressure and temperature favour the reverse reaction?
a) High pressure and high temperature
b) High pressure and low temperature
c) Low pressure and high temperature
d) Low pressure and low temperature
7) What is the molecular formula of plaster of Paris?
a) CaSO 4 . ½ H 2 O b) CaSO 4 . 2H 2 O
c) MgSO 4 .7H 2 O d) Ca(OH) 2
8) Which of the following is related to Batch process?
a) Requires high-cost equipment
b) Cannot be controlled easily
c) Generally available in fully automated plant

d) Involves sequence of steps followed in specific order
9) Ostwald process is used for manufacture of:
a) ammonia b) sulphuric acid
c) nitric acid d) caustic soda
10) What will be formed by heating bromoethane with sodium metal in presence of dry
a) Propane b) Butane c) Pentane d) Hexane

11) Which of the following metal is kept in kerosene?

a) Sodium b) Magnesium c) Potassium d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

Group B
Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)
1) What observations led Rutherford to conclude that
a) Atom is mostly empty.
b) Nucleus is very small.
c) Atomic centre is positively charged. 1+2+2
2) You are given an organic compound thiourea (NH 2 CSNH 2 ). How do you detect the
foreign elements present in the compound?
What is functional group? Write the name of functional group present in the following
a) CH 3 CHO b) HCONH 2 c) CH 3 OCH 3 d) CH 3 COOH

b) Write the structural formula of organic compound having molecular formula.

a) C 2 H 4 b)CH 2 O 1+2+2
3) State and explain Le-Chatelier’s principle with application. 1+4

State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion. Write its applications. 4+1
4) How is Sodium hydroxide manufactured by Diaphram cell? Give a reaction to convert
caustic soda into washing soda. 4+1
5) An element X has 2 electrons in K shell, 8 electrons in L shell and 6 electrons in M shell.
a) Identify the element X and write the number of protons and electrons in it.
b) Size of X- - ion is greater than that of X atom though both contain the same number of
protons. Give reason.
c) Write down the formula of one of the compound X where X is in -2 oxidation state.
6) Why can’t HBr and HI be prepared by the action of conc.H 2 SO 4 on bromide and iodine
respectively? Suggest alternative methods for preparation of HBr and HI. How would
you test chloride ion in the aqueous solution? 2+2+1

7) What is hydrogen bond? Why H 2 O exists in liquid state but H 2 S in gaseous state at room
temperature? What are the different types of hydrogen bond? Explain. Mention the
requirements for a molecule to fulfill the formation of hydrogen bond. 1+1+1.5+1.5
8) Depending upon the nature of impurities present in the ores, gravity separation and
magnetic separation methods are the main methods for concentration of ores.
a) Write down the principles involved during metallurgy in:
a) Gravity separation
b) Magnetic separation
b) Write the name of one possible ore used for the concentration by gravity separation
and magnetic separation each.
c) Which method is used for the concentration of sulphide ores? 2+2+1
Group C
Give long answer to the following questions: 3X8=24
9) State Boyle’s law and Charle’s law. How does Charle’s law give the concept of absolute
scale of temperature? For a perfect gas at constant temperature, the mass of 525 cc of a
gaseous compound at 280 C and 730 mm of Hg pressure was found to be 0.9 g. what will
be the volume of 2 g of the gas at 300 C and 760 mm of Hg pressure? (Given R = 0.0821
L atm K-1mol-1) 2+2+4
What is law of gaseous volume? Illustrate with an example. 200 g of 90% pure CaCO 3
is completely reacted with excess HCl to produce CaCl 2 , H 2 O and CO 2
a) Which one is limiting reagent?
b) Calculate the mass of CaCl 2 formed.
c) How many moles of water are produced?
d) What volumes of CO 2 are produced if the reaction is carried out at 270 C
temperature and 760 mm Hg pressure? 3+1+1+1+2
10) Write the principle and process involved along with self-explanatory diagram of the
manufacture of nitric acid by catalytic oxidation of ammonia. How does concentrated
nitric acid react with (i) Iron (ii) Iodine 6+2
11) What is meant by homologous series? Mention any four characteristics of it and write
down the structure formulae of the third member of the following homologous series.
a) Alkanamide
b) Alkanol
c) Alkanoic acid 1+4+3

NEB Final Examination - 2078

Time: 3 hrs. F.M.: 75 P.M.: 27

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Group 'A'
Choose the best alternative to the following questions. (11×1=11)
1. Which has no effect on volume change?
a) PCl 5 ⇌ PCl 3 + Cl 2 b) H 2 + CO 2 ⇌ H 2 O + CO
c) N 2 + 3H 2 ⇌ 2NH 3 d) 2H 2 + O 2 ⇌ 2H 2 O
2. The number of molecules in 4.25 gram of ammonia is approximately:

a) 1×1023 b) 1.5×1023 c) 2.0×1023 d) 2.5×1023

3. In the reaction, 2H 2 S + SO 2 3S + 2H 2 O, H 2 S is a

a) reducing agent b) oxidizing agent

c) precipitating agent d) base
4. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. It emits

a) neutrons b) α - particles
c) β - particles d) γ- particles
5. Real gases will approach the behavior of ideal gas at:

a) low T, low P b) low T, high P c) high T, high P d) high T, low P

6. Dipole moment of BeF 2 is
a) very low b) very high c) zero d) not definite
7. The correct order of decreasing second ionization potential of C, H, O & F is:
a) C > N > O > F b) O > N > F > C c) O > F > N > C d) F > O > H > C

8. Sulphur trioxide is absorbed by ……………. in the contact process

a) water b) dil sulphuric acid
c) conc. sulphuric acid d) alcohol
9. Hydrogen bonding is not present in:

a) Glycerol b) Water
c) Hydrogen Sulphide d) Hydrogen Fluoride
10. Optical isomers which are non-super imposable mirror images of each other are

a) enantiomers b) geometrical isomers c) chain isomers d) position

11. Which of the following compounds has delocalized electrons?

a) Methane b) Ethane c) Cyclohexane d)Benzene

Group 'B'

Give short answer to the following questions. (8 × 5=40)

1. You have the composition of the following compounds.
H 2 S; S = 94.11% & H = 5.89%
SO 2 ; S = 50% & O = 50%
H 2 O; H = 11.11% & O = 88.89 %
a) State the law of reciprocal proportion. 1
b) Illustrate the law according to above composition. 3
c) Give their ratio. 1
The following reaction between hydrogen & chlorine atoms can be explained on the
basis of Avogadro’s law.
Hydrogen + Chlorine Hydrochloric acid
a) State Avogadro’s law. 1
b) Show that hydrogen & Chlorine are diatomic gas. 2
c) 1 mole of chlorine molecule = ……molecules of chlorine = ……………….gm 1
d) Calculate the vapour density of Cl 2 . 1
2. A chemical reaction was carried out by mixing 25 gm of pure calcium carbonate and
0.75 mole of pure hydrochloric acid to give CaCl 2 , H 2 O & CO 2 .
a) Which one is limiting reactant? Why? 1
b) Calculate the mass of CaCl 2 produced. 1
c) How many numbers of water molecules are formed? 1
d) What mass of NaOH is required to absorb the whole CO 2 produced in the reaction? 2
3. For general gaseous reaction
aA + bB cC + dD
a) Derive law of mass action. 2
b) Derive the relationship between K P & K C . 3
Diffusion is the phenomenon of intermixing of gases with each other. In an experiment,
20 ml of H 2 gas diffuse in 30 seconds, based on this data
a) What volume of CO 2 would diffuse in the same time under the same condition? 2
b) Name the gaseous law it follows& state it. 1
c) Let us consider two gases A and B are intermixing each other. Express the law in terms
of molecular weight. 2
4. Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used in the laboratory to produce hydrogen
chloride gas by the reaction with sodium chloride.
a) Why Hydrogen bromide cannot be produced by above method? 1
b) Write complete reaction involved in above given statement. 1
c) How would you identify the bottle containing HCl by using silver nitrate solution? 2
d) What happens when a mixture of HCl gas & air is passed over heated cuprous chloride?1
5. About 83% of the Nepalese territory is mountainous. Especially, the mountainous
region of Nepal is enriched with several mineral deposits. So, study of extraction of
metals is very important in context of Nepal.
a) Differentiate between pyrometallurgy & electrometallurgy. 2
b) Define gangue & slag. 2
c) What do you mean by calcination? 1
6. Urea is a fertilizer which helps in rapid growth of plant & increases the yield
a) Write the formula of urea. 1
b) Detect which foreign element is present in urea with necessary reaction. 2
c) Urea is a synthetic fertilizer. How can you synthesize urea in the factories? 2

7. An alkyl halide C 3 H 7 Cl (A) is heated with alcoholic solution of KOH to give
unsaturated hydrocarbon (B) which on ozonolysis to give the compound (C) & (D).
a) Write the formula of unsaturated hydrocarbon (B). 1
b) Give the chemical equation for the conversion of compound (B) to compound (C) & (D).
c) Write the IUPAC name of compound (A) and compound (B). 1
d) What product is obtained when compound (A) is heated with sodium metal in the
presence of dry ether? 1
8. In modern periodic table, metals are kept towards left side & non-metals towards
right. Many defects of Mendeleev’s periodic table are overcome by modern periodic
a) Why do metals form cation & non-metals form anion? 2
b) Why is the electron affinity of oxygen higher than nitrogen? 2
c) Define ionization energy. 1
Group 'C'
Give long answer to the following questions.
9. Kipp’s apparatus provides intermittent supply of H 2 S gas by the reaction of iron
sulphide and dilute sulphuric acid.
a) The gas is passed into FeCl 3 solution. Give the complete equation. 1
b) In the above reaction (a), mention reducing agent and oxidizing agent. 1
c) Balance the equation in terms of oxidation number. 3
d) Define oxidation number. 1
e) Write the Lewis structure and the shape of H 2 S molecule predicted by VSEPR theory.
10. Wilhelm Ostwald in 1902 established the method of production of nitric acid.
a) For the production of nitric acid, prepare ammonia by Haber’s synthesis. 4
b) Mention the conditions to maintain high yield of ammonia according to Le - Chatelier’s
principle. 2
c) Write the complete reactions involved for the production of nitric acid by the catalytic
oxidation of ammonia. 2
Oxides are compounds which usually contain oxygen combined with one other
element. Oxides are classified as follows: Acidic, amphoteric & basic.
a) Using these terms only complete the table to describe the oxides of the elements of the
third period of the periodic table Sodium to Sulphur. 3
Na 2 O MgO Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 P 4 O 10 SO 2 Cl 2 O 7


b) Give the name of two elements from Sodium to Chlorine which form more than one
oxide.………… and ……………… 1
c) Write an equation for the reaction of each of these oxides with water.
Na 2 O + ………… = …………
SO 2 + ………… = ………… 2
d) Write an equation for the reaction that occurs between the products of your reaction in
(c). 1
e) Describe, as fully as you can, what you would see when a piece of Sodium is reacted
with water. 1
11. There are isomers for the molecular formula C 4 H 8 .
a) The molecules are saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon? Why? 1
b) Write the possible isomers of the molecules. Write IUPAC name. 3
c) Which isomer can show cis-trans isomerism? Write cis-trans isomers. 2
d) What product is obtained when butene react with hydrogen bromide? 1
e) State Markovnikov’s rule. 1


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