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HOW=BY (ing) WHY= IN ORDER TO (past)
How does the teacher arrive at the library?

She arrives at the library by bus

How should biology students prepare for their next test?

They should prepare for it by reading all the material related.

Why did the boy lean to help the girl study?

He leaned in order to help her with math.

Why were the students at the library?

They were there for their test results.

How did the teacher come to class?

She came to class by train

Why did they study?

They studied for the exam

How is the girl in grey doing her homework?

She is doing her homework

How is the man with black sweeter learning faster with the book?

He is learning faster with principal ideas in his computer

Why did they come to the library?

They came to the library for the math books

How does he pick up the book?

He picks the book with his hand

Why did students stay late in the library?

They stay late in the library for study

Why come the people talk in the library?

People came to the library because they ask the answers.

How do they find the biology book?

They have to find it looking for it on the shelves

Why did the man look for a new book?

In order to learn more information

Did the blonde girl put away the book on the library shelves?

Yes, she put it away on the library shelves.

Might the girl in pink turn off the radio?

Yes she might turn it off in the afternoon

Does the student with black sweater always ask for help?

Yes, he always asks for it to his classmates

Should students write down notes on books?

No, they shouldn’t write them down

Is the librarian picking up the paper?

Yes, she is picking up

Are they filling out to read book?

Yes, they are filling it out

Should the library assistant help the students to look up the books?

Yes, she helps them to look them up

Is the blonde girl turning down the lights?

Yes, she is turning them off

Will the students wait for their teacher until 7pm?

Yes, they will wait for her until 7pm

Is the teacher’s boyfriend picking her up in the school?

Yes, he is picking her up

Is the man writing down notes in this computer?

Yes, he is writing them down because he has test tomorrow

Was the man looking at the new book?

He was looking for it

Does the teller window help the woman to deposit the money?

Yes, he helps her to deposit the money.

Could the teller permit the elderly lady to pass first?

Yes, he could permit her to pass first in the line.

Might the bank employee help the customers to open a bank account?(cash a check)

Yes, he might help them to open a bank account.(cash the check to pay their bills)

Can the security officer order the customer to make the line at the ticket kiosk?

Yes, he can order the customer to make the line at the ticket kiosk.

Were the people in the line expecting the teller to work faster?

Yes, they were expecting him to work faster.

Should the teller advise the man to get the certificate of deposit?

Yes, he should advise him to get the certificate of deposit(C.D)

Was the officer inviting the customers to be patient in the line?

Yes, he wasn’t inviting, the customer passed the next booth.

Can the teller persuade the customer to get a credit card?

Yes, he can persuade him to get the credit card

Should the man employee advise the man to open an account?

Yes, he should advise him to open an account because he needs to save the money.

Did the teller permit the man to invest in the real estate?

Yes, he permitted him to invest in the real estate.

Could the teller invite the people to open a bank account?

Yes, he could invite them to open a bank account.

What did the security guard advise the woman in a green shirt?

He advises her to take a ticket.

Can the teller order the customer to open an account?

No, he can’t order to open an account as this is voluntary.

Should the teller advise in blue to make to certificate to deposit?

Yes, he should advise him to make to certificate to deposit to increase the money.
How many customer service agents does the bank have?
The bank has enough to assist the customers.
Is the bank safe enough to protect the customers?
Yes, the bank saves enough to protect the customers because it has two guards.
Was the pregnant woman too tired to wait in line?
Yes, she was too time to wait the line.
Can the tellers at the customer service department assist all customers?
No, they can’t assist all customers in the day.
Does the bank have enough security guards to protect the customers?
Yes, the bank has enough security guards to protect the customers from the thief.
Should the teller advise all customers to certificate to deposit?
No, he shouldn’t help them because is too much work.
Should the teller have enough cash to give during the day?
Yes, he has enough cash too because the cash registers are filled in the morning.
Why is the man on the cell phone very angry?(engry)
Because he needs to arrive soon at his house
Is the security guard too busy at lunchtime?
He is enough busy because he has free time
Lozenges: Pastillas para chupar
In the background, several airplanes are ready for takeoff beneath the big sign is a family entering the
boarding gate, I know for a fact that it is an airport where there are many people ready to travel and
need to show their passports while the officer is checking it, in the meantime the plane is ready to take
off for Canada or France, In the foreground, is the last passengers for the flight give documents to check,
meanwhile the family in the back already finishing boarding which could go to Canada.
1. It is big enough to see from within the bank, but it is too small to see from the street.
2. They are wide enough to write a check on but too narrow to hold a briefcase.
3. They are lightweight enough to move easily but too lightweight to be stable.
1. Katherine, they have a meeting for Thursday
2. Send an email with a map that has direction
3. Taxi and train
Good afternoon, Sr,
How can I help you?
My suitcase wasn’t on the carrousel, my suitcase was on a connecting flight.
Well, Sr it seems that your luggage was lost, can you give me some description, address, etc.
Where will there be a lot of planes?
There will be a lot of them in the hangars.
Are there many people in the waiting lounge?
No, there aren’t. It is almost empty.
Who is there helping the passengers?
There is an officer.
Should there be officers helping the passengers?
Yes, there are should be helping the passengers.
Can there be passengers proceed to the boarding lounge without going through the security
No, they can’t, they must first go through the security filter to review the information.
Are there many people waiting at the gate?
No, there aren’t many people.
Where will there be many people at night?
Is there a counter at gate 10?
Yes, there is.
How many airplanes are there in the hangars?
The are 20 planes are waiting in the hangers.
Who will there request the passport?
The officer is will there to request the passport.
Are there many people in the waiting room waiting to board?
Yes, there are many people in the waiting room.
It’s the cover of this book.
1. d
2. e
3. b
4. g
5. h
6. a
7. c
8. f
9. i
On vacation last year I went to colombia and when we arrived at the airport there were too many people
and our return was delayed and I had several activities scheduled which worried me, we made a long
line for the passport check and plane tickets, after that I went to look for my boarding gate and there
was a rescheduling of the trip for the night, which the airline gave us a voucher for $100 for our
expenses however I was very upset, finally we arrived in bogota at 10pm, and despite the situation was a
great trip.
Last week Jack went to the pet shop with the kids because they want to buy a pet to play with
and have company, however, they are looking for a small pet because they live in an apartment
and it is not suitable for a big pet, at the end the kids bought a fish.
Dalmeishon niece/niic
Mari is as quiet as a mouse.

Mary is as sweet as honey.

Beet/ remolacha
Mary speaks as clearly as John.

John's height is the same as Paul’s.

John’s age isn’t the same as Paul’s.

John speaks as rapidly as the professor.

The color of John’s hat is as same as the professor's.

My family has two cars as many cars as yours.

Mary is as old as James.

Mary is as beautiful as Helen.

Johs is as big as Paul.

Peter ate three hamburgers as many as Paul's.

John works as slowly as Paul.

When I was a child, I had a cat but at home, I was not allowed to have pets, so I kept it a secret, once the
cat got sick and I had to tell my parents to take it to the vet, the cat did not survive but after a while, they
gave me one.

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