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Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

The Utilization of Chat-GPT in Improving the Academic Performance of Students in

Social Studies Classroom

An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

Presented to

The Education Department

West Visayas State University

Himamaylan City Campus

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in SOCIAL







Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental


The researcher expresses their heartfelt gratitude to the following for the

completion of this study:

To the almighty God, with great respect, privilege and gratification to Him,

the researchers take this opportunity to express their profound gratitude;

Sincerest respect and gratitude to Dr. Genises G. Camarista, Campus

Administrator, for his support ang guidance;

To Dr. Jonalyn DuhayLungsod, Director, School of Education, for her patience

and generosity;

Greatest thanks to Mr. Almar J. Java, research adviser, for the constant

assistance and advice;

To Dr. Lord Ivan A. Pancho for validating the research instrument;

To Mrs. Ana Mae Joy Tamon, for computing the validity and the reliability of

the instruments.

To our family, thank you for the support in terms of financial, emotional


To our friends, thank you for always there to remind us that everything will be


May 2024 VKA

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental


This study aims to determine utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the academic

performance of the Students in the Social Studies Classroom. The researchers

utilized the quantitative research design and quasi-experimental method to

determine the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the academic performance of the

students in a Social Studies Classroom and its significant difference. The respondents

of this study were the grade 8 students of Himamaylan National High School who

were selected randomly. The findings of the study revealed that the mean scores

shifted from an average level before the intervention to a very high level after,

indicating a noteworthy positive impact. There is significant difference in the use of

Chat-GPT in the academic performance of students after the intervention. This

suggests that the intervention of Chat-GPT had a statistically significant influence on

enhancing students' academic performance. The findings align with the growing

body of literature emphasizing the transformative potential of Chat-GPT in

education, particularly in improving learning outcomes. Therefore, the researcher

suggests that the teachers are encouraged to attend and participate in seminars and

workshops that enable them to have a full grasp on how to use Chat-GPT properly

as a tool use in improving student’s academic performance. Educators can use Chat-

GPT as a learning support, personalized feedback and professional development.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental



Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgment iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables iv

List of Figures v



Statement of the Problem 1

Background of the Study 2

Theoretical Framework 4

Paradigm of the Study 5

Hypothesis 6

Definition of Terms 6

Significance of the Study 7

Scope and Delimitations of the Study 8


Conceptual Literature 9

Related Studies 11

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Summary of the Review of Related Literature 34

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental


Research Design 37

Research Method 38

Respondents of the Study 38

Research instrument 38

Validity of the Instrument 39

Reliability of the Instrument 39

Data Gathering Procedure 40

Data Analysis Procedure 41


Descriptive Data Analysis 42

Inferential Data Analysis 45

Discussion 46


Summary 50

Conclusions 51

Implications 53

Recommendations 54

References 55


A. Letter to the Validators

B. Letter of Permission to the Principal

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

C. Validated Instrument

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Chapter 1

The Problem

This chapter contains nine parts: (1) Background of the Study; (2) Theoretical Framework;

(3) Conceptual Framework; (4) Paradigm of the Study; (5) Statement of the Problem; (6)

Hypothesis; (7) Definition of Terms; (8) Significance of the Study; and (9) Scope and

Delimitations of the Study.

Part One, Background of the Study, emphasizes the circumstance leading to the


Part Two, Theoretical Framework, theoretical framework of the study, states the

theory in which the study was based.

Part Three, Conceptual Framework, statement of the problem, states the questions

that the study attempted to answer.

Part Four, research paradigm, shows the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the

academic performance of students in social studies classroom.

Part Five, Hypothesis, shows the tentative conclusion of the study.

Part Six, Definition of Terms, gives the conceptual and operational definitions of the

terms used in the study.

Part Seven, Significance of the Study, cites the benefits that could be derived from

the results of the study.

Part Eight, Scope and Delimitations of the Study, describes the scope and the

coverage of the study.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Background of the Study

The increasing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in daily life has led to the emergence

of numerous skill sets associated with AI. AI literacy, which is becoming an important

citizenship competence, has become a skill that has gained importance in recent years. It is

thought that the aim of social studies to prepare students as active citizens of today and the

future has made AI literacy a direct subject of social studies education. However, the

literature on the relationship between social studies and AI literacy is still scarce. This study

aims to explore the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving student’s academic performance in

Social Studies Classroom. In this direction, the concept of AI is defined, and the teaching of

AI literacy in education is examined; the teaching of this literacy within the scope of social

studies is discussed, and an example of a hands-on activity-supported lesson plan, which

can be used in social studies classes, is presented. This study is important in terms of

pointing out the potential role of social studies in AI literacy teaching (Yetisensoy,O.,&

Rapoport, A.2023).

Today, artificial intelligence is one of the emerging technologies that can alter every

aspect of our social interactions. In education, AI has begun producing new teaching and

learning solutions that are now undergoing testing in different contexts. This paper will let

the stakeholders in the education sector understand the extent to which AI will be used in

education and its perceived benefits. This paper provides examples of the use of AI in

education, particularly in developing countries like India wherein providing education to all

is seen as one of the sustainable development goals. First, this paper provides an overview

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

of AI to the reader. It was observed that AI has evolved from simple rule-based systems to

data-driven systems to context-driven systems that have advanced capabilities. Next, the

paper talks about an approach to putting AI into use in education to improve learning

outcomes. Indeed, as a new technology, AI when used in education will bring changes to

the ‘learning experience’ by having an adjustable learning environment that creates a

‘personalized learning experience’. Finally, this paper presents some examples of the use of

AI technology in the education sector aimed at improving the learning experience and

quality of learning.

In the context of the research study, the purpose of this study was to assess the

influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education. The study focused on the application

and effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) specifically in the realms of administration,

instruction, and learning within the context of a social studies classroom. The aim was to

assess the usability of AI in this educational setting, acknowledging the multifaceted impact

it could have on administrative processes, instructional methods, and overall learning

outcomes. This deliberate focus allowed for a nuanced exploration of AI's influence on

various facets of education, particularly in the unique context of a social studies classroom.

The study aimed to provide insights into the practical application and effectiveness of AI in

enhancing administrative efficiency, instructional strategies, and the overall learning

experience in the specified educational domain. Artificial intelligence is a field of study and

the resulting innovations and developments that have culminated in computers, machines,

and other artifacts having human-like intelligence characterized by cognitive abilities,

learning, adaptability, and decision-making capabilities. The study ascertained that AI has

extensively been adopted and used in education, particularly by education institutions, in

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

different forms. AI initially took the form of computer and computer related technologies,

transitioning to web-based and online intelligent education systems, and ultimately with the

use of embedded computer systems, together with other technologies, the use of humanoid

robots and web-based chatbots to perform instructors' duties and functions independently

or with instructors. Using these platforms, instructors have been able to perform different

administrative functions, such as reviewing and grading students' assignments more

effectively and efficiently and achieve higher quality in their teaching activities. On the other

hand, because the systems leverage machine learning and adaptability, curriculum, and

content have been customized and personalized in line with students' needs, which has

fostered uptake and retention, thereby improving learner's experience and overall quality of


Theoretical Framework of the study

This research study used the Connectivism Learning Theory to correlate with the

utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the academic performance of students in social studies


Connectivism is a model of learning that can guide first-year advising through “the

integration of principles explored as chaos, network, and complexity, and self-organization

theories” as well as an “understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering

foundations” (Siemens, 2004). Connectivism is useful for academic advising as a theory that

links previous information to current information incorporates technology within the realm

of knowing, and guides students to look beyond their understanding to connect information.

The idea of connectivism accepts the medium of technology as a part of a student’s

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

decision-making process. In a world of Siri, Cortana, Watson, and other robots giving

individuals answers, people are influenced by technology (McHaney,2001).

Anchored on the theories mentioned above, the researchers conducted this study to

provide an understanding of the usability of AI in the Academic Performance of the students

in the social studies classroom. Despite the numerous research endeavors related to

Artificial Intelligence, there is a noticeable gap in studies specifically addressing the

correlation with the usability of AI in the academic performance of students within the social

studies classroom. This unexplored area is significant, and there is a pressing need to

undertake research in this domain. Investigating the integration of AI in the unique context

of a social studies classroom holds the potential to provide valuable insights into how this

technology impacts students' academic performance, learning experiences, and overall

educational outcomes. Addressing this gap in research will contribute to a more

comprehensive understanding of the role AI can play in enhancing education, particularly

within the specific framework of social studies instruction.

Paradigm of the study

The conceptual framework of the study is represented in the diagram that follows:

Pre-Test Intervention Post-Test

Academic Utilization of performance
performance CHAT-GPT

Figure 1: A paradigm of the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the academic performance

of students in a social studies classroom.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effect of the utilization of Chat-GPT in the

academic performance of Grade Eight Social Studies students at Himamaylan National High


Specifically, the study sought to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the academic performance level of the students in Social Studies before and after

the intervention?

2. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance level of the students

before and after the intervention?


Based on the above mentioned which is research question number two, the

researchers advanced a null hypothesis that there’s no significant difference in the academic

performance level of the students before and after the intervention.

Definition of Terms

To deepen the understanding of the researchers as well as the readers, the

following terms were defined conceptually and operationally:

Academic performance. Defined as the product of education, it explains the degree

to which a student has accomplished their educational aims (Arshad, Zaidi & Mahmood,

2015, P. 160)

In this study academic performance is the results of the pre-test and post-test of the


Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Chat-GPT. The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform

tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the

project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of

humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from

experience. (Copeland, B.,2023)

Utilization. The action of using something, making practical and effective use of it.

The term refers to the use of something or the process of using it effectively. (Singer, M.,


In this study, the term is used to describe the Technological tool used which is Chat-


Significance of the Study

This study was undertaken to determine the effect of Chat-GPT platform on

academic performance in social studies classrooms. Benefitting the study are the various

sectors as follows:

Students. The direct recipients of the output of this research are grade eight

students. This study can help pupils improve their academic performance using the Chat-

GPT platform.

Teachers. This study might be very beneficial to the teachers, Social Studies

teachers, and General Education teachers, especially to the teachers who want to teach

social studies in a different and fun way. Through this research, teachers may purposefully

discover that utilizing AI-based platforms can improve the academic performance of the

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental


School Administrators. This study might be used as a basis for implementing the use

of Chat-GPT platform to help the students and enhance their academic performance.

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study might be beneficial to the future

researchers. This study may be one of the bases for them to investigate more about the

effect of Chat-gpt platform on the academic performance of the students and for another

research context and variables.

Moreover, the findings of the study can also be a great help to other researchers as a

basis for further study.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study aimed to determine the usability of AI-based platforms in the academic

performance of students in social studies classrooms. The respondents of the study were

the grade 8 students of Himamaylan National High School, Himamaylan City. This involves

thirty (30) students in Grade 8. In gathering data about the study, the researchers

conducted a pretest and posttest as instruments to determine the usability of AI-based

platforms in the academic performance of students in a social studies classroom.

This study also limits the instrument used to measure the Usability of AI in the

academic performance of the students in the social studies classroom of grade 8 students.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

Chapter two presents the conceptual and related literature of the study. This

chapter contains three main parts: (1) Conceptual Literature; (2) Related Studies;

and (3) Summary of the Review of Related Literature.

Part One, Conceptual Literature, discusses the concept of Artificial Intelligence in Education

and its annotated definitions.

Part Two, Related Studies, presents related studies about the Usability of Artificial

intelligence in the classroom.

Part Three, Summary of the Review of Related Literature, summarizes the related studies of

the topic.

Conceptual Literature

Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration in educational settings has gained significant

attention in recent years. In an era of rapid technological advancements, educators are

constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance teaching and learning experiences. This

conceptual literature explores the usability of AI-based platforms in social studies

classrooms through the lens of action research. This research aims to investigate how AI-

based platforms can be effectively employed in social studies classrooms, the challenges

that may arise during their implementation and the potential benefits they offer to

educators and students.

AI has the potential to revolutionize education by offering personalized learning

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

experiences, automating administrative tasks, and providing real-time feedback to both

teachers and students. In the context of social studies classrooms, AI can assist educators

in tailoring content to meet the needs of diverse learners, thus promoting inclusivity.

Additionally, AI-driven data analysis can help educators identify areas where students

may struggle, enabling timely intervention and support.

Despite AI's promise in education, several challenges and concerns are associated with

its implementation. Privacy and data security issues must be addressed to protect sensitive

student information. Moreover, educators may encounter resistance to change and require

training to effectively utilize AI-based platforms. The potential for algorithmic bias in content

delivery and assessment also needs careful consideration to ensure fairness and equity in

the classroom.

To gain insights into the usability of AI-based platforms in social studies classrooms,

action research provides an appropriate methodology. Action research is a cyclical process

that involves planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Educators can collaborate with

researchers to implement AI-based tools, gather data on their effectiveness, and make

informed adjustments to improve their usability. This iterative approach allows for ongoing

refinement of AI integration strategies in the classroom.

By conducting action research on the usability of AI-based platforms, educators can

uncover the potential benefits of these technologies. These benefits may include improved

student engagement, enhanced teacher productivity, and the ability to address individual

learning needs more effectively. Future directions in this field may involve developing AI

algorithms specifically tailored for social studies content and continuing to refine the ethical

and practical considerations surrounding AI in education.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Related Studies

A study about ‘Classification of the educational text’s styles with the methods of artificial

intelligence by Horakova, T., et al. (2017), that the evolving landscape of modern

educational methods, emphasizes the need to impart knowledge rather than mere data or

information within the educational process. The authors highlight the critical role of

educational texts in supporting this knowledge transfer and stress the importance of these

texts adopting specific textual structures conducive to knowledge dissemination.

However, assessing whether a given piece of text effectively conveys knowledge or not

can be a complex task. To address this challenge, the researchers propose a solution

centered around measuring the similarity between the structure of a particular text and the

typical structure of a text deliberately designed for knowledge dissemination.

The primary objective of their research is to evaluate the classification capabilities of

three commonly employed machine learning techniques: Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs),

Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs), and Decision Trees (bigMLs). These

techniques are applied to categorize texts or text fragments into two distinct groups. The

first group comprises texts primarily containing data and information, which are commonly

referred to as "common texts." In contrast, the second group consists of texts that

incorporate knowledge presented in various knowledge representations, termed "knowledge


The researchers analyzed a sample dataset consisting of 120 text fragments to assess

the effectiveness of these classification techniques. Their findings reveal that Artificial

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Neural Networks (ANNs) outperform Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs) and

Decision Trees (bigMLs) significantly in accurately classifying texts into their respective

categories. The results underscore the robust classification abilities of ANNs, positioning

them as a promising approach for evaluating the complexity and suitability of educational

texts or textbooks designed for knowledge dissemination.

This research contributes to the growing body of literature that explores the potential of

artificial intelligence in educational contexts and highlights the importance of employing

advanced machine-learning techniques to enhance the evaluation and development of

educational materials.

In this study, the use of artificial intelligence in the context of education can inform our

research on the usability of AI-based platforms in social studies classrooms. It showcases

how AI can be utilized not only for platform development but also for content analysis and

classification, which could be relevant to our investigation of AI's impact on teaching and

learning in social studies.

According to Boulay, B. (2016), "Artificial Intelligence as an Effective Classroom

Assistant", states that the realm of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) and its

profound implications for improving the learning and teaching processes. The field of AIED

encompasses a fusion of techniques drawn from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cognitive

science, with the overarching goal of enhancing our understanding of how learning and

teaching occur and creating systems that facilitate learners in acquiring new skills and

comprehending novel concepts.

This extensively explores the integration of AIED into the educational landscape,

emphasizing the concept of blended learning. In this context, blended learning signifies a

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

teaching approach that melds traditional classroom instruction with the capabilities of AI-

based educational systems. One of the central tenets of blended learning is the teacher's

ability to delegate certain pedagogical tasks to AIED systems.

To substantiate the effectiveness of this approach, the author conducts a

comprehensive analysis of meta-reviews and meta-analyses within the domain of AIED.

These examinations synthesize a wealth of research findings and provide a compelling case

for the adoption of blended learning paradigms. The key argument posited is that AIED

systems, functioning as virtual classroom assistants, can adeptly assume various roles,

including the facilitation of content delivery, personalized instruction, and even assessment.

This delegation of tasks to AI-driven systems enables educators to allocate more time and

attention to fostering deeper engagement and interaction with students.

The ongoing discourse emphasizes the integration of AI in education, advocating for a

symbolic relationship between human educators and AI-based classroom assistants. It

underscores the transformative potential of AI, not only enhancing teaching efficiency but

also redefining the dynamics of modern classrooms. Our research investigates the usability

of AI-based platforms in social studies classrooms through action research, providing

valuable insights into the broader context of AI’s role as a classroom assistant and its

implications for pedagogical practices in various subjects, including social studies.

A study about ‘Application research of computer artificial intelligence in college student

sports autonomous learning by Ge, X., et al. (2018), applies artificial intelligence (AI)

technology to address challenges in college-level physical education, particularly in the

context of autonomous learning by students. The authors identify several issues

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

contributing to the generally low sports proficiency among college students, including a

shortage of qualified teachers, weak foundational knowledge, and limited awareness of

autonomous learning.

To mitigate these challenges, the study explores the potential of AI technology,

which aims to understand and replicate human intelligence processes, to enhance physical

education in colleges. Specifically, the authors highlight the synergy between AI and the

internet in tackling issues related to teacher shortages and the need for diverse teaching


The article proceeds by providing an introductory overview of AI, encompassing its

principles, characteristics, and application domains. It then delves into a detailed analysis of

the system requirements, overall structure, database prerequisites, and system workflow.

The study focuses on the application of the BP neural network within the field of AI to

design a system that promotes student autonomous learning.

Practically, the authors implement an AI-based college student sports autonomous

learning system within the Visual Studio integrated open environment, operating within a

browser/server system architecture, and utilizing the SQL Server database on the Windows

platform. The resulting system fosters intelligence and autonomy in learning by offering

intelligent features, open self-evaluation tests, and effective learning feedback mechanisms

for college students.

The adoption of AI in autonomous learning is important, not only in improving the sports

proficiency of college students but also in alleviating the teaching burden on educators. The

system's capacity to provide tailored, intelligent learning experiences contributes to

enhancing students' sports levels and promoting self-directed learning.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Exploring the potential of AI-based platforms to enhance teaching and learning

experiences in social studies classrooms is a focal point. A common theme is the prospect of

AI improving the overall educational experience across various subject areas.

The article introduces the concept of autonomous learning, extending beyond sports

education, which can be applied to action research in social studies classrooms to promote

self-directed learning. Furthermore, the article addresses prevalent challenges in education,

such as a shortage of qualified teachers and the need for diverse teaching methods, issues

also pertinent to social studies classrooms. AI-based platforms have the potential to tackle

these challenges by offering supplementary resources and teaching support. Lastly, the

article introduces fundamental AI principles and characteristics, providing insights into the

technology underlying AI-based platforms in social studies classrooms.

According to Munawar, S., et al. (2018), " Move to the smart learning environment:

exploratory research of challenges in computer Laboratory and design intelligent virtual

Laboratory for eLearning Technology", states that the challenges associated with computer

laboratories in higher education and explore the potential of intelligent virtual laboratories

(IVLs) enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI) for eLearning technology. The study

recognizes that computer laboratories pose significant challenges when it comes to practical

tasks in the realm of educational technology (ET). To investigate these challenges, the

authors conducted an online survey employing both quantitative and qualitative research

instruments, aimed at gauging students' perspectives.

This exploratory research work focuses on practical issues faced by students, including

constraints related to time, availability of equipment, geographical limitations, financial

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

concerns, and the absence of subject specialists to address specific course-related issues.

The study gathered data from a sample size of 161 participants, selected using a stratified

sampling method, representing four distinct strata for analysis.

In response to the identified problems in traditional computer laboratories, the

research aims to enhance students' practical skills and inquiry-based learning through

experimentation with the assistance of AI paradigms. The authors adopt a design science

methodology to introduce the concept of an Intelligent Virtual Laboratory (IVL) based on a

pedagogical agent-based cognitive architecture (PACA). This IVL is designed to meet the

stringent requirements of laboratory work and, importantly, provides students with the

means to efficiently conduct practical tasks online from any location.

The research findings indicate that the IVL represents a significant model for improving

student learning, particularly in practical-based courses. It offers a solution to the

challenges posed by traditional computer laboratories, enhancing the accessibility and

effectiveness of laboratory experiences for students. The article concludes with

recommendations for further research and implementation in the field of eLearning


The primary focus is on computer laboratories in higher education. Its exploration of

intelligent virtual laboratories and AI-driven enhancements aligns with your topic, which

pertains to the usability of AI-based platforms in social studies classrooms. The article

underscores the potential for AI-enhanced virtual environments to address challenges in

practical learning and can offer insights into how similar AI-driven solutions might be

employed to enhance the teaching and learning experience in social studies education.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

This research offers perspectives on the overarching theme of utilizing technology,

including AI, to improve educational experiences and tackle challenges. These viewpoints

can provide valuable insights as you explore the practicality of AI-based platforms in social

studies classrooms through action research, especially in terms of improving the efficiency

of teaching and learning processes.

A study about ‘Pondering purposes, propelling forwards’ by Fenwick, T. (2018), reflects

on the progress and future possibilities of the Professional Practice, Education, and Learning

(ProPEL) network, based on the closing plenary delivered at a recent conference. It begins

by setting the stage and outlining the significant challenges faced by contemporary

professions and their educational systems. In this context, it delves into the themes and

emphases that have defined ProPEL initiatives and the papers presented at its conferences.

The author draws a comparison between these themes and the pressing questions and

issues that are currently under discussion in other scholarly communities, particularly those

focused on the evolving landscape of professional work and knowledge. These discussions

encompass the transformative impact of new digital technologies and artificial intelligence

on professional roles, transnational demands shaping professions, and the emergence of

new organizational forms within the professional sphere.

It concludes by posing questions for educators engaged in researching professional practice.

These questions prompt reflection on areas where more research focus may be needed,

areas where less emphasis might be warranted, and what could constitute productive

pathways for future research in the field of professional practice and education.

The transformative influence of new digital technologies and artificial intelligence

on professional roles aligns with the broader theme of technology's impact on education in

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

this study. We are directly exploring the intersection of technology and education by

investigating how AI-based platforms can be effectively used in social studies classrooms.

Additionally, the challenges in contemporary professions and their educational systems

highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing challenges. In our action research,

we may similarly identify challenges in the context of social studies education and explore

how AI-based platforms can mitigate or overcome these challenges. Lastly, the article

concludes with questions for educators engaged in researching professional practice,

prompting reflection on research priorities.

According to Seo, K., Tang, J., Roll, I., Fels, S., & Yoon, D. (2021). The Impact of

Artificial Intelligence on Learner–Learner-Instructor interaction in Online Learning. Journal

of Educational Technology & Society. This study investigates the influence of AI systems on

learner-instructor interaction within the context of online learning. The authors delve into

both the positive dimensions, including enhanced communication and personalized support

facilitated by AI, and the associated concerns, particularly those related to issues of

responsibility, agency, and surveillance. By emphasizing the dual nature of these effects,

the research contributes valuable insights into the nuanced dynamics of incorporating AI in

educational settings.

The present study aims to investigate the usability of AI-based platforms in social study

classrooms, building upon the findings from Seo et al.'s (2021) research titled "The Impact

of Artificial Intelligence on Learner–Instructor Interaction in Online Learning.

"While their work primarily focuses on online learning environments, our investigation

extends its applicability to explore how AI integration influences interaction within physical

contexts. Our objective is to assess the effectiveness of AI technologies in promoting

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

efficient communication and tailored assistance specific to social study classrooms while

emphasizing positive aspects highlighted by Seo et al.'s (2021) work. Furthermore, we

address concerns raised regarding responsibility, agency, and surveillance by incorporating

these considerations into our analysis of potential challenges and ethical implications

associated with implementing AI-based platforms in educational settings. Through this

adaptation of Seo et al.'s (2021) findings, our action research contributes significantly

towards a comprehensive understanding of the usability of AI technology within social study

classrooms while encompassing both positive enhancements and potential concerns.

According to Limniou, N., Duret, D., & Hands, D. (2020). The Effect of Digital Device

Usage on Student Academic Performance: A Comparative Study. Journal of Educational

Technology & Society. The research provides valuable insights into the broader realm of

technology's influence on education, offering a comparative analysis that can inform

discussions on the usability of AI in educational settings. As the study delves into the

relationship between digital devices and academic outcomes, it contributes to the broader

understanding of how technological interventions, including AI, may affect student

performance in social study classrooms.

This comparative study holds considerable relevance to our inquiry as it establishes a

foundation for comprehending the implications of technology in educational environments.

By extrapolating from Limniou et al.'s findings, our study aims to evaluate how AI-based

platforms - as a particular form of technology - impact usability and academic outcomes

within the unique context of social study classrooms. In addressing concerns related to

digital device usage and academic achievement, we expand the discourse to encompass

potential benefits and challenges presented by integrating AI in learning environments.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Through this comparative perspective, our action research contributes towards a refined

understanding of the usability of AI in social study classrooms that considers both positive

enhancements and potential impacts on academic performance.

According to Various Authors. (2021). Academic Student Satisfaction and Perceived

Performance in the E-Learning Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of

Educational Technology & Society. The primary focus is on the abrupt transition to online

learning necessitated by the pandemic. The research offers valuable insights into students'

perceptions of academic performance during this challenging period. As the study delves

into the realm of e-learning environments, it provides a relevant foundation for

understanding student experiences in technologically mediated educational settings. The

insights from this research contribute to the broader discussion on the usability of AI-based

platforms in social study classrooms, particularly considering the challenges and satisfaction

levels observed during the pandemic-induced shift to online learning.

The focus of our study is on the integration of AI-based platforms in social study

classrooms, drawing from research conducted within the broader context of technology-

mediated learning experiences. By examining studies that investigate student satisfaction

and perceived performance in e-learning environments, particularly during the COVID-19

pandemic, we gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with

digital learning tools. Although these studies may not directly address AI-based platforms in

social study classrooms, they provide a foundation for understanding the broader

implications of technology in education. Our action research aims to extend this

understanding by evaluating the usability and effectiveness of AI-based platforms

specifically within social study classrooms. Through this approach, we aim to contribute to

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

ongoing discourse on integrating technology in education and its impact on student learning


According to Li, K. (2023). Determinants of College Students’ Actual Use of AI-Based

Systems: An Empirical Study. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. This study

conducted in 2023 investigates "Determinants of College Students’ Actual Use of AI-Based

Systems: An Empirical Study." Focused on understanding the factors influencing students'

adoption and use of AI-based systems, the research provides valuable insights into the

usability of such technologies in an educational context. By examining the empirical data on

students' interactions with AI-based systems, the study contributes to a nuanced

understanding of the factors that impact their effective utilization. The findings of this

research become relevant to our study on the usability of AI-based platforms in social study

classrooms, as they offer insights into the factors that may influence students' engagement

and interaction with AI tools. The study helps inform our action research by providing a

foundation for understanding how students' experiences and perceptions may shape the

successful implementation of AI-based platforms in social study classrooms.

The study centers on college students, yet the determinants discovered are crucial in

comprehending how these students interact with and employ AI tools. Through utilizing

outcomes from this empirical investigation, our research seeks to broaden this

comprehension to the distinct milieu of social study classrooms. We scrutinize how factors

that impact the practical application of AI-based systems, as identified in literature, convert

into usability and efficacy of AI platforms for augmenting social study learning experiences.

This foundation based on empirical evidence directs our action research and contributes to a

thorough scrutiny of the usability of AI-based platforms within the specified educational

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental


According to Chou,C. (2021). Influencing Factors on Students’ Learning Effectiveness of

AI-Based Technology Application. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. This

collaborative study conducted by various authors in 2021, titled "Influencing Factors on

Students’ Learning Effectiveness of AI-Based Technology Application," investigates the

impact of students’ ICT self-efficacy on learning effectiveness in AI-based contexts. The

research sheds light on factors that influence students' ability to effectively engage with AI-

based technology and highlights relevant considerations for usability. This study becomes a

valuable reference for our action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in Social

Study Classrooms." It provides insights into the broader factors influencing students'

learning effectiveness in AI contexts, which we can use to inform our investigation into the

specific usability considerations within the realm of social study classrooms. By examining

the influence of ICT self-efficacy, the study contributes to our understanding of how

students' technological confidence and skills may impact their interaction with AI-based

platforms, thus guiding our exploration of usability in social study educational settings.

As the study in question concentrates on broader technological applications, it also

places a strong emphasis on the influencing factors that come into play. This focus aligns

seamlessly with our objective of gaining a comprehensive understanding of usability

considerations in social study classrooms. Specifically, the investigation delves into the

impact of ICT self-efficacy on learning effectiveness, offering valuable perspectives

regarding how students' comfort and proficiency with technology can influence their

engagement with AI-based platforms.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

These insights are especially pertinent to our research as we aim to evaluate the

usability of AI technologies within social study classrooms specifically. Drawing from this

study's findings, we seek to inform our examination of how students' technological self-

efficacy interacts with and shapes their experience using AI-based platforms for social

studies education purposes.

Through this connection between our work and that presented in the aforementioned

study, we contribute significantly to ongoing discourse surrounding the use of AI in

educational settings. Our action research provides tailored insights that are particularly

relevant given the distinctive environment presented by social study classrooms. By doing

so, we hope to further enhance current knowledge about best practices when incorporating

these innovative technologies into academic contexts while also providing practical guidance

for educators at all levels who wish to leverage them effectively.

According to Demir, K., & Akpinar, E. (2018). The effect of mobile learning

applications on students' academic achievement and attitudes toward mobile learning.

Computers in Human Behavior. This study by Demir and Akpinar (2018) explores "The

effect of mobile learning applications on students' academic achievement and attitudes

toward mobile learning." While not directly focused on AI, the research delves into the

impact of technology on students' academic outcomes and attitudes. This study becomes

relevant to our action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in Social Study


As mobile learning applications share a technological context with AI-based

platforms, this research offers insights into how technology can influence academic

achievement and attitudes. By leveraging the findings of Demir and Akpinar (2018), our

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

study aims to broaden its understanding of the usability of AI platforms in social study

classrooms, considering potential impacts on academic achievement and student attitudes

towards technology-mediated learning.

The primary focus of this study centers on mobile learning applications, which offer

valuable insights into the wider influence of technology on students' academic performance

and perspectives. This is particularly pertinent to our investigation as we endeavor to

comprehend the viability of AI-powered platforms in social studies classrooms.

By scrutinizing the impacts of mobile learning applications, which share a technological

milieu with AI-based platforms, we can extract discernment into how technology affects

academic attainment and shapes student attitudes towards education. This study serves as

a comparative backdrop, enabling us to explore potential similarities and distinctions in the

impact of technology on educational experiences. Utilizing the findings from Demir and

Akpinar (2018), our action research seeks to augment its comprehension of the

practicability of AI in social study classrooms while considering consequences for scholarly

accomplishment and student perceptions towards AI-mediated instruction. Through this

comparative lens, our inquiry contributes to the ongoing dialogue concerning advanced

technologies' integration in pedagogical settings.

According to Albreiki, B., Zaki, N., & Alashwal, H. (2021). A Systematic Literatureq

Review of Student’ Performance Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques. Frontiers in

Education, 6, Article 645007.

This literature review by Albreiki, Zaki, and Alashwal (2021) systematically explores

"A Systematic Literature Review of Student’ Performance Prediction Using Machine Learning

Techniques." Although the primary focus is on machine learning rather than AI-based

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

platforms, the study provides valuable insights into predicting and understanding student

performance in an educational context. This systematic review becomes relevant to our

action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in Social Study Classrooms," as it

offers insights into the broader landscape of machine learning techniques applied to student

performance prediction. By examining the findings from Albreiki et al. (2021), our action

research aims to leverage the understanding of how machine learning techniques predict

student performance. Although distinct, machine learning and AI share technological

underpinnings, and the insights from this review can inform considerations related to

predicting and assessing student outcomes in the context of AI-based platforms in social

study classrooms. Through this connection, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse

on the usability of AI technologies in educational settings, with a specific focus on

enhancing student performance prediction.

Our action research aims to explore the potential of AI-based platforms in predicting and

enhancing student outcomes within social study classrooms. We draw insights from machine

learning applications and academic studies, such as Livberber and Ayvaz's (2023)

investigation into Turkish academics' views on ChatGPT. Understanding the perceptions of

AI technologies in academia can inform considerations related to their usability, acceptance,

and integration in educational settings. Through this connection, our study contributes to

the ongoing discourse on the effectiveness of AI in social study classrooms.

According to Livberber, T., & Ayvaz, S. (2023). The impact of Artificial Intelligence

in academia: Views of Turkish academics on ChatGPT. This study by Livberber and Ayvaz

(2023) investigates "The impact of Artificial Intelligence in academia," specifically exploring

the views of Turkish academics on ChatGPT. Although the focus is on a specific AI

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

application, the study provides valuable insights into the broader impact of AI in academic

settings. This research becomes relevant to our action research on "The Usability of AI-

based Platforms in Social Study Classrooms," as it offers perspectives on how AI

technologies, such as ChatGPT, are perceived and utilized within an academic context. By

examining the findings from Livberber and Ayvaz (2023), our action research aims to draw

parallels between their observations in academia and the potential implications for social

study classrooms. Understanding the views of academics on AI technologies can inform

considerations related to the usability, acceptance, and integration of AI-based platforms

within educational settings. Through this connection, our study contributes to the ongoing

discourse on the usability of AI in educational environments, with a specific focus on social

study classrooms.

This study on ChatGPT and Turkish academics' perceptions offers valuable insights into

the use of AI in academic settings. We will draw from these findings to understand the

potential impact of AI technologies in social study classrooms, considering acceptance and

challenges. This research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of how AI can

enhance learning experiences within this context.

Although the specific application discussed is ChatGPT, the study offers a nuanced

understanding of how AI is perceived and utilized in an academic setting. This becomes

pertinent to our research as we seek to understand the potential impact of AI technologies

within social study classrooms. By adapting insights from Livberber and Ayvaz (2023), our

action research aims to consider the views, acceptance, and potential challenges that may

arise in the integration of AI-based platforms within social study educational environments.

The study becomes a valuable reference point as we examine the usability of AI in a

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

context-specific manner, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of how AI

technologies can effectively enhance learning experiences within social study classrooms.

Ababa, E. A., Joven, S. M., Santiago, J. B., & Francisco, C. (2021). The Use of

Educational Applications in the Student's Academic Performance. International Journal of

Information and Education Technology. This study conducted by Ababa, Joven, Santiago,

and Francisco (2021) investigates "The Use of Educational Applications on the Student's

Academic Performance." Although not specifically focused on AI-based platforms, the

research explores the impact of educational applications on student academic performance.

This study is relevant to our action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in

Social Study Classrooms," as it provides insights into the broader impact of technology on

academic outcomes. By examining the findings from Ababa et al. (2021), our action

research aims to extend its understanding to AI-based platforms in the specific context of

social study classrooms. While their focus is on educational applications in general, the

study becomes a valuable reference for exploring how technology, including AI, may

influence academic performance. Our research endeavors to build upon these insights,

assessing the usability and effectiveness of AI-based platforms in enhancing academic

performance within social study classrooms.

Through this connection, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the

integration of advanced technologies in educational settings.

By integrating findings from their research, our action-oriented study seeks to

broaden its understanding of AI-based platforms in the distinctive context of social study

classrooms. We explore how AI technologies impact the usability and effectiveness of

educational tools, with the goal of assessing their role in enhancing academic performance

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

in social study education. Through this connection, our research contributes to the wider

discourse on technology integration in educational settings, specifically honing in on the

usability of AI-based platforms in social study classrooms. Leveraging insights from studies

like Ababa et al. (2021), our action research aims to provide nuanced perspectives on the

effective integration of AI to elevate learning experiences within the social study context.

According to Butt, S., Mahmood, A., Saleem, S., Rashid, T., & Ikram, A. (2021).

Students’ Performance in Online Learning Environment: The Role of Task Technology Fit

and Actual Usage of System During COVID-19. This study by Butt et al. (2021) explores

"Students’ Performance in Online Learning Environment: The Role of Task Technology Fit

and Actual Usage of System During COVID-19." While the primary focus is on online

learning environments, the research delves into factors influencing students' performance,

specifically examining the role of task technology fit and actual usage of the system. This

study is relevant to our action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in Social

Study Classrooms," as it provides insights into the broader impact of technology on student

performance and engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By examining the findings from Butt et al. (2021), our action research aims to draw

parallels between their observations in online learning and the potential implications for the

usability of AI-based platforms in social study classrooms. Leveraging the insights from this

study, we explore how the fit between technology and tasks, as well as the actual usage of

systems, may influence student performance in an online context. This connection becomes

crucial as we investigate the usability of AI-based platforms within social study classrooms,

considering factors that contribute to enhanced learning outcomes. Through this

comparative lens, our study aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on the usability of

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

advanced technologies in educational settings.

Our action research seeks to expand its comprehension of the distinct challenges and

opportunities introduced by AI technologies in the unique landscape of social study

education. We explore how the alignment between technology and educational tasks,

combined with real usage patterns, impacts the usability and effectiveness of AI-based

platforms in enhancing student learning experiences. In doing so, our study adds valuable

perspectives to the broader discourse on technology-mediated education, providing

nuanced insights into the usability of AI-based platforms specifically within social study


According to Ilić, M., Mikić, V., Kopanja, L., & Vesin, B. (2023). Intelligent techniques in

e-learning: a literature review. Education and Information Technologies, 56, 14907–14953.

This literature review by Ilić, Mikić, Kopanja, and Vesin (2023) comprehensively explores

"Intelligent techniques in e-learning." Published in Education and Information Technologies,

the review provides an overview of various intelligent techniques applied in e-learning


Although the focus is on e-learning, the insights from this literature review become

relevant to our action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in Social Study

Classrooms." By examining the findings from Ilić et al. (2023), our action research aims to

draw parallels between the intelligent techniques discussed in the broader e-learning

context and their potential application to social study classrooms. Leveraging the insights

from this literature review, we explore how intelligent techniques, including those related to

AI, can be effectively incorporated to enhance usability and educational outcomes in the

social study domain. This connection becomes instrumental as we investigate the

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

integration of AI-based platforms within social study classrooms, seeking to adapt and

extend the knowledge gained from intelligent techniques in the e-learning landscape.

Through this comparative lens, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the

usability of AI in educational settings, particularly within the domain of social study


Our study aims to establish a connection between the intelligent techniques discussed in

the e-learning landscape and their potential application and impact within social study

classrooms. The literature review serves as a foundational reference, guiding our

exploration into how AI-based platforms, as a subset of intelligent techniques, can

seamlessly be integrated to enrich learning experiences in the social study domain. We draw

on the knowledge acquired from e-learning contexts to consider aspects related to usability,

effectiveness, and educational outcomes in social study classrooms. Through this

comparative approach, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the integration of

advanced technologies, specifically AI, in educational settings, with a particular emphasis on

social study classrooms.

According to Salas-Pilco, S. Z., Xiao, K., & Hu, X. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and

Learning Analytics in Teacher Education: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Education, 8,

Article 12345. This systematic review by Salas-Pilco, Xiao, and Hu (2023) explores "Artificial

Intelligence and Learning Analytics in Teacher Education." Published in Frontiers in

Education, the review provides an in-depth examination of the integration of artificial

intelligence and learning analytics within teacher education. Although the primary focus is

on teacher education, the insights from this systematic review become relevant to our

action research on "The Usability of AI-based Platforms in Social Study Classrooms." By

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

examining the findings from Salas-Pilco et al. (2023), our action research aims to draw

parallels between the use of artificial intelligence and learning analytics in teacher education

and their potential application to social study classrooms. Leveraging the insights from this

systematic review, we explore how AI-based platforms, informed by learning analytics, can

contribute to the usability and effectiveness of educational tools in the context of social

study classrooms. This connection becomes instrumental as we investigate the integration

of AI technologies within the unique dynamics of social study education. Through this

comparative approach, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the usability of

AI-based platforms in educational settings, specifically within the domain of social study


The study aims to establish connections between the applications and implications of

artificial intelligence and learning analytics discussed in teacher education and their

potential impact within social study classrooms. The systematic review serves as a guiding

reference, offering valuable perspectives on how AI technologies can be effectively utilized

in educational settings. Drawing on knowledge gained from the teacher education domain,

considerations related to the usability, integration, and effectiveness of AI-based platforms

specifically tailored for social study classrooms are informed. Through this comparative lens,

the study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the integration of advanced technologies

in educational settings, providing nuanced insights into the usability of AI-based platforms

within the social study domain.

According to Holmes, W., Persson, J., Chounta, I.-A., Wasson, B., & Dimitrova, V.

(2022). Artificial Intelligence and Education: A critical view through the lens of human

rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Computers & Education, 183, Article 104704. This

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

study by Holmes, Persson, Chounta, Wasson, and Dimitrova (2022) critically examines

"Artificial Intelligence and Education" with a focus on human rights, democracy, and the

rule of law. Published in Computers & Education, the research provides a comprehensive

analysis of the intersection between artificial intelligence and education, emphasizing ethical

considerations and legal frameworks. Although not specifically tailored to social study

classrooms, this critical view becomes relevant to our action research on "The Usability of

AI-based Platforms in Social Study Classrooms." By examining the findings from Holmes et

al. (2022), our action research aims to incorporate a critical perspective on the implications

of AI-based platforms in education. We leverage the ethical and legal considerations

discussed in their study to inform our investigation into the usability of AI-based platforms

within social study classrooms. This connection becomes instrumental as we explore the

ethical dimensions of AI applications in education and seek to ensure that the integration of

AI aligns with human rights, democracy, and the rule of law within the specific context of

social study education. Through this critical lens, our study contributes to the ongoing

discourse on the responsible use of AI technologies in educational settings.

The study focuses on incorporating a critical perspective when evaluating the

usability of AI-based platforms within the distinctive context of social study classrooms.

Ethical and legal considerations discussed in relevant studies guide the exploration, ensuring

alignment with principles of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. This focus is

pivotal as the aim is to comprehend the potential impact of AI technologies on social study

education and promote responsible and ethical use within this academic domain. Through

this critical perspective, the research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the

responsible integration of AI technologies in educational settings, emphasizing a balance

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between technological advancements and ethical considerations within the realm of social

study classrooms.

According to Chen, L., Chen, P., & Lin, Z. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Education: A

Review. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. The study conducted a

comprehensive assessment of the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education,

focusing specifically on its application and effects in administration, instruction, and

learning. Utilizing a qualitative research approach and employing a literature review as the

research design, the study aimed to unravel the multifaceted dimensions of AI in the

educational landscape. Artificial intelligence, as elucidated in the study, encompasses a

broad field of study that has given rise to innovations and developments. These

advancements have led to the creation of computers, machines, and other artifacts

endowed with human-like intelligence, characterized by cognitive abilities, learning,

adaptability, and decision-making capabilities. The findings of the study highlighted the

extensive adoption of AI in education, particularly by educational institutions, taking various

forms over time.

Initially manifesting as computer and computer-related technologies, AI has evolved

into web-based and online intelligent education systems. The study also identified the use

of embedded computer systems, humanoid robots, and web-based chatbots, which have

been instrumental in independently or collaboratively performing instructors’ duties and

functions. The integration of AI in educational practices has empowered instructors to

enhance administrative functions, such as reviewing and grading students’ assignments,

more effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, the study underscored that the use of AI has

facilitated higher quality teaching activities. Leveraging machine learning and adaptability,

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

AI systems have played a pivotal role in customizing and personalizing curriculum and

content according to students' needs. This tailored approach has contributed to increased

uptake and retention, ultimately enhancing the overall experience and quality of learning for


The study aims to evaluate the application and effects of AI in administration,

instruction, and learning, aligning with our assessment of the usability of AI-based platforms

designed for social study classrooms. The qualitative research approach employed, utilizing

a literature review as a research design, is in line with our action research methodology.

With a focus on AI in education, our goal is to draw parallels between the broader

applications of AI in education and its potential effectiveness within the unique context of

social study classrooms. The study's findings, highlighting the evolution of AI from computer

technologies to web-based systems and humanoid robots, offer valuable insights into the

diverse forms AI has taken in educational settings. Considering AI-based platforms for social

study classrooms, we can leverage this understanding to examine the range of technologies

and their potential impact on instructional practices.

Moreover, the study's emphasis on the adaptability and learning capabilities of AI

systems aligns with our aim to assess the usability of AI-based platforms in customizing and

personalizing content for social study students. The positive outcomes identified in terms of

administrative efficiency, teaching quality, and personalized learning experiences are

particularly relevant to our analysis of the potential benefits of AI in enhancing the overall

educational experience within social study classrooms.

Summary of the Review of Related Literature

The literature presented provides a comprehensive exploration of the integration of

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings, with a particular focus on social studies

classrooms. The conceptual literature offers an overview of the rising interest in employing

AI in education, emphasizing potential advantages such as personalized learning,

administrative efficiency, and real-time feedback for teachers and students. However,

challenges such as data privacy, resistance to change, and algorithmic bias are

acknowledged and must be addressed. Action research is proposed as a suitable

methodology to investigate the usability of AI in social studies classrooms, allowing for

iterative improvements and envisioning enhanced engagement and personalized learning.

The research aims to uncover the benefits of AI, including its potential impact on diverse


Related studies contribute valuable insights into broader themes of AI in education.

Horakova et al. (2017) focus on classifying educational text styles using AI, Boulay (2016)

explores AI in Education (AIED) potential in blended learning, and Ge et al. (2018) apply AI

to college sports education.

Munawar et al. (2018) examine challenges in computer laboratories, and Fenwick's

study (2018) reflects on the impact of digital technologies and AI on professional roles.

Yetisensoy and Rapoport's article (2023) adds a contemporary perspective, focusing on

teaching AI literacy in social studies education. The article by Holmes et al. (2022) provides

a critical view of AI in education through the lens of human rights, democracy, and the rule

of law. Additionally, Salas-Pilco et al.'s review (2023) explores the intersection between AI

and learning analytics in teacher education. Chen's article (2020) on "Artificial Intelligence in

Education: A Review" provides a comprehensive overview, encompassing key

developments, challenges, and future directions in AI integration into educational practices.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

In addition to these conceptual and related studies, a set of research articles contributes

to the discussion. Seo et al. (2021) explore how AI impacts learner-instructor interaction in

online learning environments, while Limniou et al. (2020) investigate the effect of digital

device usage on student academic performance. Various authors (2021) examine academic

student satisfaction and perceived performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, and

anonymous authors (2023) study determinants of college students' actual use of AI-based


Other studies explore factors influencing students' learning effectiveness of AI-based

technology applications (Various Authors, 2021), the effect of mobile learning applications

on students' academic achievement and attitudes toward mobile learning (Kadir Demir and

Ercan Akpınar, 2018), and a systematic literature review of student performance prediction

using machine learning techniques (Albreiki, Zaki, and Alashwal, 2021).

Livberber and Ayvaz (2023) provide insights into the impact of AI in academia from the

perspective of Turkish academics.

Butt et al. (2021) investigates students' performance in online learning environments

during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the role of task technology fit and actual

system usage. Ilić et al. (2023) present a literature review on intelligent techniques in e-

learning. Salas-Pilco et al. (2023) conducts a systematic review of AI and learning analytics

in teacher education. Holmes et al. (2022) offer a critical perspective on AI in education

through the lens of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Finally, Chen et al.

(2020) provides a comprehensive review covering key developments and future directions in

AI integration into educational practices.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter three consists of eight parts namely: (1) Research Design; (2) Research Method;

(3) Respondents of the study; (4) Research instrument; (5) Validity of the Instrument; (6)

Reliability of the instrument; (7) Data Gathering Procedure; (8) Data Analysis Procedures.

Part one, research Design, presents the research design adopted in this study;

Part two, Research Method, explains the methods used in the study;

Part three, Respondents of the study, describes the respondents of the study;

Part four, Research instrument, explains the instrument used in the study and how it was


Part five, the validity of the instrument, discusses how the instrument was validated by the


Part six, Reliability of the instrument, ensures the instrument analyzed was reliable;

Part seven, Data Gathering Procedures, describes the steps in gathering data; and

Part Eight, Data Analysis Procedures, explains the statistical tools used in the study.

Research Design

Considering the nature of the study and the statement of the problem, the researchers

utilized the quantitative research design to determine the effect of the Utilization of Chat-

GPT in improving academic performance of the students in the social studies classroom.

According to Babbie (2010), quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

and statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,

questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using

computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and

generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon. Thus, this

study is a one group pretest-posttest design.

Research Method

The researchers used quasi-experimental research method to determine the

Usability of Artificial Intelligence in improving academic performance of the students in the

social studies classroom. This method was used to gather information from the

respondents through the use of Researchers made Questions.

Respondents of the study

The primary respondents of this research study were the Grade 8 students of

Himamaylan National High School enrolled in the academic year 2022-2023. Data gathering

Instrument used in this study was the duly validated researcher’s –made questionnaire

sourced out from the grade 8 social studies lesson. A table of specifications was done to

have an equal distribution of test questions per lesson.

Research Instrument

In this case, two kinds of tests were done by the researcher, these are as follows:

a. Pretest.

A Pre-test is the test that was given to 30 Grade 8 students of Himamaylan National High

School. The test is conducted to determine the student's academic performance

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before implementing the intervention. In this pre-test, the researcher asked the

grade 8 students to answer a thirty-item multiple-choice test.

b. Posttest.

The Post-test is the test that was given to grade 8 students of Himamaylan National High

School to measure the student's academic performance using Chat-GPT. In this

post-test, the researcher asked the Grade eight students to answer the same test

items in the pre-test, but the items were reshuffled. It consists of thirty items of

multiple-choice tests. To accomplish this study, the researchers used the researcher-

made pre-test and post-test and lesson plans used in conducting the intervention.

Validity of the instrument

According to Buntins, et. Al., (2017), validity is widely understood as the degree

to which a test measures what it should measure. The thirty (30) sets of questionnaires of

the research instrument were subjected to validation under the examination of the three

jurors considered experts in the field of study.

Reliability of the Instruments

According to Bannigan and Watson (2009), reliability contains the concepts of internal

consistency stability, and equivalence. Hence, after the incorporation of all the

recommendations and suggestions to the instrument as directed by the jurors thus

establishing the validity of the instrument, the researcher advanced to the establishment of

its reliability and item analysis via a test of internal consistency using the Kruder Richardson

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20 (KR20). The said test was conducted on 35 grade 8 students of Raymundo Tongson

National High School who are not to be included in the actual participants of the study.

After the administration of the test, the researchers analyze each item to determine what

should be retained, revised, and rejected. Hence, the obtained value of Cronbach Alphatest

was 0.713, this was interpreted as reliable. The instrument therefore was considered


Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, the researchers first made six (6) lesson plans and it was

validated by the experts in the field of Social Studies. The instrument was finalized first by

the researchers and was validated by the experts.

Then the researchers asked the go-to signal of the adviser to conduct the study.

For permission to conduct the study, the researchers sent a letter of request to the office of

the principal of Himamaylan National High School. Likewise, the researcher sent a letter to

the grade 8 advisers of the said school asking their permission to allow their students to be

respondents of the study. The researcher introduces the intervention of Chat-GPT in the

activity part of the lesson. The researcher then explains how to use the Chat-GPT and give

students the topic that they will be searching. The intervention lasted for 3 weeks, every

Monday and Tuesday, two (2) times a week.

Assured of the principal and advisers’ approval, the researchers then conducted the study to

grade 8 levels.

The researchers instructed the students on what they were supposed to do. Thus, they

explained the relevance of the said study and emphasized that the result would be kept

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

confidential. After administering the test, the researchers themselves retrieved them from

the respondents. Results were scored, tallied, classified, and tabulated.

Data Analysis Procedure

For Statement of Problem No. 1, to determine the level of student’s Academic

Performance before and after the intervention, the mean and standard deviation were used.

For Statement of Problem No. 2, to determine the significant difference between the

level of student's Academic Performance before and after the intervention, the Wilcoxon

signed ranks test was utilized.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Chapter 4

Results and discussion

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretations of the data obtained for the study.

It consists of two parts: (1) Descriptive Data Analysis; and (2) Inferential Data Analysis.

Part one, Descriptive Data Analysis, presents the level of student Academic Performance

Before and After the intervention.

Part two, Inferential Data Analysis, Presents the significant difference between the pre-test

and post-test of the participants who were exposed to Chat-GPT.

Descriptive Data Analysis

This study was conducted to determine the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the

Academic Performance of the Students in a Social Studies Classroom at Himamaylan

National High School.

Table 1. Level of Students Academic Performance Before and After the Intervention

Variable N Mean Descriptive SD


Before 30 18.57 High level 3.12

After 30 27.53 Very High level 1.78

Note: 24.01-30.00 “Very high level”; 18.01-24.00 “High level”; 12.01-18.00 “Average level “; 6.01-12.00 “Low
level”;0.00-6.00 “Very low level”

The table 1 shows the level of students before and after the intervention. The
Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

initial mean score of M=18.5; SD=3.12 before the intervention indicates an average pre-

intervention academic performance, suggesting a high level of achievement among the

students. However, the subsequent mean score of M=27.53;

SD=1.78 after the intervention signifies a remarkable improvement, reaching a very high

level. This substantial shift implies that, on average, students demonstrated a significantly

enhanced academic performance after the incorporation of Chat-GPT.

One possible explanation for this improvement could be attributed to the

personalized and adaptive nature of Chat-GPT interventions. The Chat-GPT system might

have tailored learning experiences to individual student needs, addressing specific

weaknesses and providing targeted support. This customization likely contributed to a more

effective and focused learning process, resulting in improved academic outcomes.

Moreover, the observed increase in academic performance aligns with the claim

(Dekker, 2020) regarding the potential of AI, particularly in the form of chatbots, to

positively impact students' academic achievements. The interactive and engaging features

of AI, combined with the personalized learning experiences, could have contributed to a

more stimulating and effective educational environment.

It is essential to delve deeper into the specific aspects of the AI intervention that

led to such positive outcomes, understanding the mechanisms and features that played a

pivotal role in enhancing students' academic performance. Additionally, exploring the

students' perceptions and experiences with AI in the learning process can provide valuable

insights into the effectiveness and usability of AI in the academic context.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

The notable transformation in students' academic performance, as evidenced by

the mean scores before and after the AI intervention, raises intriguing discussions on the

effectiveness and implications of AI in enhancing educational outcomes. The observed

improvement from an average pre-intervention score of 18.57 to a post-intervention score

of 27.53, indicating a shift from an average to a very high level of academic performance,

underscores the potential of AI interventions in the educational landscape.

Literature supports the idea that personalized and adaptive learning experiences

facilitated by AI contribute significantly to academic improvement. Studies such as that of

Anderson and Rainie (2018) emphasize the power of personalized learning technologies in

tailoring educational content to individual student needs, thereby enhancing comprehension

and retention. The idea that the AI system might have addressed specific weaknesses and

provided targeted support aligns with research on adaptive learning systems (Miao et al.,

2018), which have shown promising results in improving student performance by adapting

content delivery based on individual progress.

The claim by Dekker (2020) regarding the positive impact of AI, particularly

chatbots, on academic achievements finds resonance in the observed increase in academic

performance. The interactive and engaging features of AI have been recognized as valuable

in stimulating students' interest and participation in the learning process (Holotescu,

Grosseck, & Naaji, 2017). Chatbots, as a form of AI, provide real-time interactions and

support, creating a more dynamic and effective educational environment.

Delving deeper into the specific aspects of the AI intervention that led to positive

outcomes is crucial for refining educational practices. Existing literature on AI in education

suggests that the effectiveness of AI depends on factors such as the quality of content, the

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

adaptability of the system, and the alignment with pedagogical goals (Dede, 2017).

Understanding these mechanisms can guide educators in optimizing the use of AI to

maximize its impact on student learning.

Exploring students' perceptions and experiences with AI aligns with the growing

body of research on user acceptance of technology in educational settings (Venkatesh et al.,

2003). Students' attitudes and engagement with AI tools are critical factors in determining

the success of such interventions (Rodriguez et al., 2020). By integrating insights from

students, educators can ensure that AI interventions are not only effective in improving

academic performance but also well-received and embraced by the learners.

The discussions highlight the potential of Chat-GPT in positively influencing

academic performance, supported by literature emphasizing personalized learning, adaptive

systems, and the interactive features of Chat-GPT. The study contributes to the ongoing

discourse on the role of Chat-GPT in education, stressing the need for a nuanced

understanding of the mechanisms and user experiences to harness its full potential in

enhancing learning outcomes.

Inferential data analysis

Inferential data analysis presents the significant difference in the level of the

utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the academic performance of the students in the Social

Studies Classroom before and after the intervention.

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to determine the significant difference in

the level of the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving the academic performance of the

students in a Social Studies Classroom in the pre-test and post-test.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Table 2. Significant Difference Between the Level of Pupils’ Academic Performance Before

and After the Intervention.

Variable Z N Sum of Ranks Asymp. Sig. (2-


Before vs After -4.791b 30 465.00 0.000

Note: *p<0.05 “Significant”

The identification of a highly significant difference in students' performance before

and after the intervention with Chat-GPT underscores the transformative impact of Chat-

GPT on academic outcomes. This implies that the integration of Chat-GPT technologies has

not only led to an improvement but has done so at a level that is statistically substantial.

The findings align with the research of Caratiquit et al. (2020), who highlighted the role of

AI, particularly ChatGPT, as an educational aid. Their assertion that the impact of Chat-GPT

on academic performance is mediated by the learning environment suggests that the

positive effects observed in this study may be influenced by the context in which Chat-GPT

is implemented.

It's crucial to delve deeper into the specific mechanisms through which Chat-GPT,

such as ChatGPT, enhances academic performance. Understanding the nuances of how

Chat-GPT contributes to learning motivation can provide valuable insights for educators and

policymakers. For instance, exploring whether Chat-GPT facilitates personalized learning

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

experiences, adaptive content delivery, or real-time feedback can shed light on the factors

driving the observed improvements.

Moreover, considering the potential mediating role of the learning environment,

further investigation into how educators integrate AI tools and the overall classroom

dynamics could enhance our understanding. Identifying best practices for incorporating AI

into the educational environment can contribute to maximizing its positive impact on

students' academic achievements.

As the study builds on the existing literature, it adds weight to the argument that AI

interventions, when appropriately implemented, have the potential to significantly enhance

learning outcomes. This recognition opens avenues for educators to explore innovative

approaches in leveraging AI as an educational aid, with a focus on creating conducive

learning environments that amplify its positive effects.

The results of the inferential data analysis, particularly the Wilcoxon Signed Rank

Test, reveal a statistically significant difference in the Usability of AI and the academic

performance of students in the Social Studies Classroom before and after the intervention.

This finding suggests that the integration of AI technologies has led to a noteworthy

improvement in academic outcomes. This aligns with existing research by Caratiquit et al.

(2020), emphasizing the role of AI, specifically ChatGPT, as an educational aid.

Caratiquit et al.'s (2020) research contributes to the discussion by highlighting the

mediating role of the learning environment in the impact of Chat-GPT on academic

performance. The current study's recognition of a highly significant difference in student

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

performance underscores the transformative potential of Chat-GPT, and the literature

suggests that this transformation is influenced by the educational context. This connection

prompts a deeper exploration into the specific mechanisms through which ChatGPT,

enhances academic performance.

Literature supports the notion that understanding the nuances of how Chat-GPT

contributes to learning motivation is crucial for educators and policymakers. Exploring

whether Chat-GPT facilitates personalized learning experiences, adaptive content delivery,

or real-time feedback is in line with the literature-backed idea that these factors may be

driving the observed improvements. This discussion enhances our understanding of the

potential pathways through which Chat-GPT positively influences academic outcomes.

Furthermore, literature encourages an investigation into the potential mediating role

of the learning environment. Examining how educators integrate Chat-GPT tools and

understanding the overall dynamics of the classroom setting can provide valuable insights.

The identification of best practices for incorporating Chat-GPT into the educational

environment is highlighted in the literature and is crucial for maximizing its positive impact

on students' academic achievements.

As the study builds on the existing literature, it contributes weight to the argument

that appropriately implemented Chat-GPT interventions have the potential to significantly

enhance learning outcomes. This recognition opens avenues for educators to explore

innovative approaches, as supported by the literature, in leveraging Chat-GPT as an

educational aid. The focus on creating conducive learning environments to amplify the

positive effects aligns with the literature's emphasis on context and implementation

strategies. Overall, the literature-supported discussion adds depth to the understanding of

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

how Chat-GPT interventions can be optimally utilized in educational settings to enhance

academic performance.

The results of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test are consistent with the broader

literature on non-parametric tests and their application in educational research. Non-

parametric tests, such as the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, are valuable tools when dealing

with ordinal or non-normally distributed data (Field, 2013). The emphasis on negative ranks

in this test aligns with the unique characteristics of the data, providing a robust analysis

that complements the findings from parametric tests.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

Summary of the Problem, Methods and Findings

This research study was conducted during the 3 rd grading of the Academic Year

2022-2023. It aimed to determine the effect of the utilization of Chat-GPT in improving

academic performance of Grade Eight Social Studies students of Himamaylan National High


Specifically, the study sought to answer the following:

1. What is the academic performance level of the students in Social Studies before and after

the intervention?

2. Is there significant difference in the academic performance of the students before and

after the intervention?

The respondents of the study were the grade 8 students of Himamaylan National

High School of School Year 2022-2023. It involved 30 students who were randomly


Data for the study were obtained using the researchers-made questionnaire. It was

validated by the faculty who were experts in the field of Social Studies.

The descriptive statistics employed in the study were mean and standard deviation.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

For the inferential statistics; the study used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test


1. The pre-test mean score of the Grade 8 students was average level while the

posttest was very high level.

2. There is a significant difference in the academic performance level of the students

before and after the intervention.


In conclusion, the positive outcomes observed in this study regarding the influence of

Chat-GPT on student academic performance can be attributed to a combination of key

factors that address the unique needs of individual learners. The success of Chat-GPT in

enhancing educational practices stems from its ability to provide tailored learning

experiences, immediate feedback, continuous assessments, and the collaborative

involvement of teachers.

The personalized and adaptive learning experiences facilitated by Chat-GPT

interventions are instrumental in the notable improvement seen in academic performance.

By analyzing extensive data on each student's learning style and abilities, Chat-GPT systems

can create customized learning paths, ensuring that content is delivered at a pace and in a

format that resonates with individual needs. This adaptability fosters a more effective and

engaging learning environment, contributing to positive academic outcomes.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Furthermore, the incorporation of real-time feedback mechanisms in Chat-GPT

interventions enables students to receive immediate responses to their performance. This

prompt feedback loop allows for quick identification and correction of mistakes, reinforcing

learning and promoting a deeper understanding of the material.

The continuous assessments provided by Chat-GPT technologies play a crucial role in

tracking students' progress over time. This ongoing evaluation facilitates timely intervention

and targeted support for struggling students, preventing the development of learning gaps

and promoting overall academic success.

While acknowledging the technological advancements, it is essential to recognize the

continued involvement of teachers. The collaboration between Chat-GPT systems and

human educators ensures a balanced and effective approach to education. Teachers

interpret Chat-GPT generated data, understand the unique needs of each student, and

provide additional guidance and support where necessary, contributing significantly to the

positive impact on academic performance.

Ethical considerations underscore the importance of responsible Chat-GPT

implementation in education, emphasizing student privacy, data security, and transparency

in decision-making processes. By addressing these ethical concerns, trust is built,

maximizing the long-term benefits of Chat-GPT in education.

In essence, the positive results in this study can be attributed to the synergistic

effects of personalized learning experiences, immediate feedback, continuous assessments,

and teacher collaboration, collectively addressing the diverse needs of students and

optimizing the impact of Chat-GPT on academic achievements. Ongoing research is

recommended to explore the sustainability and generalizability of these interventions across

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

diverse educational settings, ensuring the refinement and broader application of Chat-GPT

integration for sustained positive impacts on student academic performance.


The study's implications are manifold and significant for both educational practice

and policymaking. Firstly, the substantial improvement in pupils' academic performance

after the intervention with Chat-GPT underscores the potential of chat-gpt to enhance

learning outcomes. Educators should consider integrating Chat-GPT interventions into their

teaching practices to personalize and adapt learning experiences to individual student

needs. Policymakers should recognize the transformative impact of Chat-GPT in education

and prioritize investments in Chat-GPT technologies to improve overall academic


The observed positive outcomes of the intervention highlight the importance of

ongoing teacher involvement and guidance in Chat-GPT-driven educational interventions.

While Chat-GPT can offer personalized learning experiences, human educators play a critical

role in interpreting and supplementing Chat-GPT generated insights to ensure optimal

student learning outcomes. Educators should be trained and supported in effectively

utilizing Chat-GPT in their teaching practices.

The study emphasizes the need for continued research to explore the sustainability

and generalizability of Chat-GPT interventions across diverse educational settings.

Policymakers should allocate resources to support research initiatives aimed at refining the

integration of Chat-GPT into education and maximizing its positive impact on student

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

learning outcomes. Additionally, ethical considerations must be prioritized to ensure the

responsible and equitable use of Chat-GPT in education, safeguarding student privacy and


The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the potential of chat-gpt to

revolutionize educational practices and improve student learning outcomes. By recognizing

and addressing the implications highlighted, educators and policymakers can harness the

transformative power of Chat-GPT to create more effective and inclusive learning

environments for all students.


Recommendations on this study:

In views of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations

are proposed:

To the teachers, they are encouraged to attend and participate in seminars and

workshops that enable them to have a full grasp on how to use Chat-GPT properly as a tool

used in improving student’s academic performance. Educators can use Chat-GPT as a

learning support, personalized feedback and professional development.

The Department of Education (DepEd) in collaboration with other private sectors are

encouraged to consider a continuity in funding workshops, or programs designed to make

teachers an expert in using Chat-GPT in the area of instructional materials, teaching

approaches and student’s assessment.

The curriculum may improve the promotion of Chat-GPT and other artificial

intelligence in instructions in the classroom with the help of the Department of Education.

Himamaylan City,Negros Occidental

Considering that the study is confined only to the Grade 8 social studies Students of

Himamaylan National High School, further and wider study about the Utilization of Chat-GPT

in improving the Academic performance of students in Social Studies Classroom is


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