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Midterm Exam – Obligations and Contracts

1. Definition of terms: Obligation, Contract, Negotiorum Gestio, Solution indebiti, and other terms which
were discussed during the midterm classes.
2. Sources of Obligations: Review the four sources of obligations: law, contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts
(or felony), and quasi-delicts. Know the difference between these sources of obligations.
2. Requisites/elements of Obligations: Review the essential elements of obligations, which includes the
active subject (obligee), passive subject (obligor), the object (prestation) and the juridical or legal tie
(vinculum/vinculum juris). Know what each of these elements are in an obligation.
3. Effect of Obligations: Understand how obligations affect the parties involved, including the rights and
duties that arise from the existence of obligations. Explore the legal consequences of fulfilling or failing
to fulfill obligations. See fortuitous events, Articles 1167 and 1168 of the Civil Code
4. Quasi-Contracts and Quasi-Delicts: Learn about quasi-contracts, which are obligations created by law
without the need for a contract, and quasi-delicts, which arise from acts or omissions that cause damage
or injury to another.
5. Review the Civil Code provisions discussed during the lectures ( Art. 3, ART. 1157, ETC.)

Focus on these topics. The midterm exam consists of 50 points - 20 points Multiple choice
questions and 30 points Definition, Enumeration, and Provisions of the Civil Code. Good luck with your

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