Task On Punctuation For Nkari

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Punctate the passage below

Nnu Ego's heart swelled with pride as she watched her eldest son Oshia take his first steps
toward independence The sun bore down on the crowded Lagos streets mirroring the intensity
of her emotions She had endured so much in her pursuit of motherhood sacrificing her own
dreams and desires for the sake of her children

As she walked through the bustling marketplace the scent of roasted yams and spices filled her
nostrils mingling with the vibrant colors of the woven fabrics adorning the stalls Nnu Ego's steps
faltered momentarily her mind drifting back to the dusty village of Ibuza where her journey had

Her marriage to Nnaife had been filled with hope and promise but as the years passed she
discovered the bitter truth that motherhood was not the idyllic paradise she had imagined The
burden of raising children in a society that valued sons above all else weighed heavily on her
shoulders Each birth was greeted with a mixture of joy and disappointment the latter magnified
when the babies were girls

But Nnu Ego was a fighter She refused to let societal expectations define her worth She toiled
day and night working as a street vendor selling her wares with relentless determination The
meager profits she earned were meticulously saved poured into the education of her children a
gift she hoped would secure them a better future

Yet the more her children grew the more distant they became The streets of Lagos seemed to
swallow them whole seduced by the allure of city life and modern ideals Nnu Ego's heart ached
for the connection she once had with her children for the simple joys of motherhood that
seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand

She had envisioned her role as a mother as one of unyielding love and devotion a source of
strength for her children to lean on But as they pursued their dreams she was left behind a relic
of a bygone era The sacrifices she had made the hardships she had endured felt meaningless
in the face of their indifference

Nnu Ego clutched her worn shawl tightly around her shoulders seeking solace in its familiarity
She had given her children life but she couldn't give them the world The bitter irony of the title
"The Joys of Motherhood" struck her like a blow to the chest Where were the joys in a life
defined by sacrifice and loss

But as the sun dipped below the horizon casting an ethereal glow over the city Nnu Ego found
solace in the small victories The laughter of her grandchildren the memories she had woven into
the fabric of her family's history—these were the true joys of motherhood In the face of adversity
she had persevered leaving a legacy that would transcend generations
In Buchi Emecheta's "The Joys of Motherhood" the complexities of motherhood are explored
with unflinching honesty

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