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Where is my life going I truly don’t know, I feel so out of place

Like nothing is going where its meant to be

I started feeling sick so recently I didn’t go in my clases

And to not worry my parents today my mom got an email requesting a parent mom meeting . when my
mom asked me what it was about I knew I immediately had to tell her and I did we talked and she
understood and told me to talk with my dad which I did and the meeting is on Monday its Friday im kind
of scared but my parents were so supportive this doesn’t mean that they didn’t make me see my
mistake about not telling them and trying to solve it all on my own but they told me my health comes
first and that made me feel happy knowing that what they truly care most about is my health , however
I am a very nervious person and this just added pounds on my head , I constantly wish I had told my
parents and my eyes tear up, I have caught up with school but still, my mom and dad thinks that maybe
they’ll say I will fail because of attendance. Hopefully the school understands my situation but we will
have to wait, but not only that I just feel so down like out of energy I don’t know how to feel I
understand that I did something wrong but if I could I would change back time. I would do everything
differently . but that’s it I cant even go down because im embarrassed I feel like that mistake made me
look bad infront of my parents. Well se how it goes tomorrow.

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