Poem Turtle

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In mossy groves, where echoes call,

I ponder life, its rise and fall,

My journey, a saga, standing tall,
A traveler, in shadows' thrall.
In marshy mists, where reeds sway tall,
A frog leaps free, heedless to call,
Through silver ponds, a shimmering sprawl,
His world, a canvas, wide and small.

With legs like springs, he bounds and springs,

In lily pads, he rests and sings,
His croak, a symphony that rings,
As stars above in night's embrace cling.

In mud and moss, his kingdom lies,

Where fireflies dance 'neath moonlit skies,
His crown, a lily, soft and wise,
Reflects the glow of dawn's sunrise.

With eyes like jewels, he spies his prey,

A flick of tongue, a swift ballet,
In shadows deep, he hunts by day,
A stealthy hunter, in his own way.

Through rains that fall like silver tears,

He weathers storms, conquers fears,
With leaps that span the passing years,
He dances through life's trials and cheers.

In ponds serene, he finds his peace,

Where lotus blooms, his love increase,
His life, a wonder, never to cease,
A frog, a prince, his kingdom released.

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