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Carve an Elephant Fruit power-up on a pumpkin!

Kids, ask a grown-up to help you apply the stencil and carve the pumpkin.
Print this page, then trim the excess Give your Elephant Fruit
Cut out a lid on your pumpkin, then
1 paper around the stencil outline, 3 scoop out all the pumpkin innards.
5 a magical glow using a glow
leaving a ½-inch border. stick, jack-o’-lantern light, or
candle (with adult supervision,
of course). Happy Halloween!
Tape the stencil to your pumpkin, Carefully remove the tape, then
then use a push pin to carefully poke carve along the dotted lines you
2 holes along the black outlines. Leave 4 made on the pumpkin. Remove the
1/8-inch between holes. This part pieces as you go. Smooth out any
takes a long time, but it’s worth it! rough spots.

Mild Fantasy Violence
© Nintendo

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