DETAILED Lesson Plan Rezza

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450

School Tagupak University Grade Level Second-Year College

Teacher Rezza Manalo Learning Area MIANI02
Time & Date May 13, 2024 Quarter Second

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards Students will demonstrate an understanding of the
principles of art and their application in creating and
analyzing visual artworks..
B. Performance Standards Students will proficiently apply the principles of art in
the creation of original artworks and effectively
analyze the use of these principles in existing visual
C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the discussion,the students are
Objectives/Formation Standard expected to:
1. Understand the seven principles of art: balance,
contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and
2. Identify examples of each principle in artworks.
3. Apply the principles of art in a creative project.
II. Content Exploring the Principles of Art
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Https://
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Https://
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedures Student Activity

Introductory Activity(8 minutes).

Good Morning Students, I am Ms. Rezza Manalo Good morning, Ms. Rezza

How are you Today? We are Great/Okay/Fine/Good!

Great! I’m glad that everyone are doing Okay.

Everyone is present Miss, no absent Today.
Class Monitor/Secretary, any absent for today?

Thank you, Class Monitor/Secretary.

Stand up, everyone. Ms./Mr.___ please lead the (Lord in this very hour we pray, for strength to live our
prayer. best today…)

Before we start our lesson I’ve prepared a game for

everyone to participate. Let’s get started!

I will group the class into Five (5), Each group will be Yes Miss! (3 Claps)
given a set of pictures containing Principles of art. This
activity is only 8 minutes long so make use of your
time wisely. Give me 3 claps if my instructions are

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450

"Artistic Principles Challenge"(8 minutes).

(The class will be divided in five groups, each group

The class will be divided into Five (same group) each will pick a representative to take their picture/image
Team will be given a image/picture that they need to from the teacher.)
identify the principleof art. Write on the vacant space
your answers. The first team to finish must yell their
group number in order to recognize their group and
shall be the winner. Each group will be given 8 minutes
to complete the task. Use your time wisely.


(group 1 representative)

(group 2 representative)

(group 3 representative)

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450


(group 4 representative)


(group 5 representative)

(After 8 minutes each group will bring their

pictures/image in front of the class)

Analysis (10 minutes).

From our previous activity, do you encounter any Not actually ma'am, but there are some part of the
difficulty? image that we don't recognize what principle of art is
What are the challenges you encountered while
doing the activity and how did you overcome
them? With the help of each member of the team we easily
identify the principle of art
(Showing all the picture in front)

What do you think are the similarities you see in I think ma'am, the first the first thing I observed is
every image? movement principles of art

Yes very good, the chosen pictures shows how

movement affect the entire appearance of the
whole image.

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450

Abstraction (15 minutes).

The principles of art are fundamental concepts that

govern the creation and appreciation of visual art.
These principles provide artists with guidelines for
organizing elements within an artwork to achieve
harmony, balance, and visual interest. The key
principles of art include:
Ma'am, the 3 types of balance are Symmetrical
The first one is Balance: Balance, Asymmetrical Balance, and Radial Balance.

1. Balance: Balance refers to the distribution of

visual weight in an artwork. There are three types
of balance:
What do you the the three types of balance?

Yes that's right!

- Symmetrical Balance: Elements are arranged

equally on either side of a central axis, creating a
sense of stability and formality.

- Asymmetrical Balance: Visual weight is

distributed unequally but balanced through
contrast, color, and size.

- Radial Balance: Elements radiate outward from a

central point, creating a circular or spiral

2. Contrast: Contrast involves the juxtaposition of

different elements to create visual interest and
emphasis. Contrasts can be achieved through
variations in color, texture, shape, size, or value.

3. Emphasis: Emphasis is the focal point or center

of interest in an artwork. It draws the viewer's
attention and creates a hierarchy of importance
within the composition.

4. Movement: Movement refers to the path the

viewer's eye takes through an artwork, leading
them from one element to another. Techniques
such as implied motion, directional lines, and
repetition can create a sense of movement.

5. Pattern: Pattern is the repetition of elements or

motifs in a regular and predictable manner.
Patterns can add visual interest, rhythm, and unity
to an artwork.

6. Rhythm: Rhythm is created through the

repetition of elements with variations in size, color,
or spacing. It establishes a sense of flow and
continuity within an artwork.

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450

7. Unity: Unity refers to the harmonious

relationship between the elements in an artwork. It
creates a sense of wholeness and cohesion,
ensuring that all parts work together to convey a
unified message or theme.

The principles of art serve as guiding principles in

the artistic endeavors.

What do you think are the example of artworks The examples are painting, sculpture, photography,
that can apply the principles of arts? or digital art

By understanding and applying these principles of

art, artists can effectively communicate ideas,
emotions, and narratives through their creations.
Mastery of these principles allows artists to create
visually compelling and meaningful artworks that
resonate with viewers.

Application (15 minutes ).

Now, get your materials such as paper along with your (Students will quietly take out their materials to do the
pen or pencil, camera or smartphone (optional) for activity given.)
your activity.
(Students allowed to go outside)

1. Create a list of the seven principles of art: balance,

contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and
2. Go on a scavenger hunt either in your home,
neighborhood, or a nearby art gallery.

3. Look for examples that represent each of the

principles of art. Take notes or pictures of these

4. Once you have found examples for each principle,

write a short description explaining how each example
demonstrates the specific principle.

5. Share your findings with a friend or family member

and discuss how the principles of art enhance the visual
appeal of the examples you found.
How can you define Principlesof Art? The principles of art are fundamental concepts and
guidelines that artists use to organize and arrange
the elements of art in their creations. These
principles, including balance, contrast, emphasis,
movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity, help artists
create visually appealing and harmonious
compositions that convey meaning, evoke emotions,
and engage viewers.
Students should now be able to understand the
seven principles of art such as balance,

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450

contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern,

rhythm, and unity.

By applying and manipulating these principles of

art, artists can effectively communicate their
ideas, evoke emotions, and engage viewers on
a deeper level. The principles serve as a guide
for artists to create impactful and aesthetically
pleasing works that resonate with audiences.
Yes, Ma’am.
Class,do you understand?

Very good.

Assessment (8 minutes).

Using the students activity from earlier the teacher The picture is a vibrant abstract painting featuring
will ask a student to explain their output in the bold geometric shapes in various colors. The
class. Once you have found examples for each composition is asymmetrical, with a large red triangle
principle, write a short description explaining how in the upper left corner, a blue circle in the lower right
each example demonstrates the specific principle. corner, and smaller yellow squares scattered
throughout the middle..
Very Good! I can see that you all have applied
what you have learned in our lesson. Give yourself (a round of applause)
around of applause and then pass your paper.

Assignment/Agreement( 3 minutes)
For your Assignment, I want all of you to make a
reflection journal for today’s lesson and activity.
Wrote down your learning journey, challenges
faced and the things or questions that confuse you
and how you overcame or answer these
That is all for Today Class. Thank you and

Good bye and Thank you, Ms. Acuna!

V. Reflection

Overall, the demo teaching experience was a

valuable opportunity for me to apply theoretical
knowledge to practical analysis, enhance my
communication and critical thinking skills, and
collaborate with peers in a creative and
educational setting. It has inspired me to continue
exploring the world of art and develop a deeper
appreciation for the principles that underpin artistic
expression. And also it is encouraging to see my
co-studets on their efforts in completing the
activities and submissions as well, which indicates
growth and progress in the lesson.

However, I still see room to improve my own

personal growth as a student teacher. I want to
improve my lesson plans to better engage with the
students and make more meaningful activities.

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402 – 1450

Prepared by: Checked By:

Rezza Mae Manalo Mr. Alvine A. Ramirez

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Reference No.: CLB-ACAD-Form-034 Effectivity Date: February, 2024 Revision No.: 00

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