Assistant PlatformsElectronic Markets

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Electronic Markets (2023) 33:59


Assistant platforms
Rainer Schmidt1 · Rainer Alt2 · Alfred Zimmermann3

Received: 30 September 2022 / Accepted: 4 September 2023 / Published online: 14 November 2023
© The Author(s) 2023

Many assistant systems have evolved toward assistant platforms. These platforms combine a range of resources from various
actors via a declarative and generative interface. Among the examples are voice-oriented assistant platforms like Alexa and Siri,
as well as text-oriented assistant platforms like ChatGPT and Bard. They have emerged as valuable tools for handling tasks
without requiring deeper domain expertise and have received large attention with the present advances in generative artificial
intelligence. In view of their growing popularity, this Fundamental outlines the key characteristics and capabilities that define
assistant platforms. The former comprise a multi-platform architecture, a declarative interface, and a multi-platform ecosystem,
while the latter include capabilities for composition, integration, prediction, and generativity. Based on this framework, a research
agenda is proposed along the capabilities and affordances for assistant platforms.

Keywords Digital platforms · Ecosystems · Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) · Virtual assistants · Multi-platform

JEL classification L14 · L15 · L22 · M15 · O30

From assistant systems to assistant characteristics of assistant platforms. At the beginning, it is

platforms valuable to understand the role of assistants in the economy
and their support with information technology (IT).
Assistant platforms like Alexa and Siri have received strong
attention in the last decade. The same applies to the more Assistants and assistant systems
recent generative artificial intelligence (GAI) platforms Bard,
ChatGPT or Claude. While they are assistant systems, they Assistants have a long tradition in supporting people to ful-
feature traits that render them a specific form of digital plat- fill their tasks. By delegating tasks to assistants, individuals
forms. This Fundamental elaborates on this notion and on the can reduce their workload, streamline processes, and access
necessary domain knowledge and resources. Assistants also
improve the efficiency of decision-making, from preparing
activities to operational execution, control, and readjust-
Responsible Editor: Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
ments. Assisting clients has also been the business model
* Rainer Schmidt of mediators or intermediaries, such as travel agents, finan- cial advisors, and brokers. Since intermediating functions
Rainer Alt are mostly information based, IT (especially digital IT) has a strong impact on these business models. Early examples
Alfred Zimmermann of IT-based assistants date back to the 1980s, with program error locating assistant systems (Korel, 1988) and later on
with tourist assistant systems (Yang et al., 1999), teaching
Faculty of Computer Science, Munich University of Applied
Sciences, Lothstraße 64, 80335 Munich, Germany assistant systems (Lesta & Yacef, 2002), meeting assistant
systems (Tur et al., 2010), and hotel assistant systems (López
Information Systems Institute, Leipzig University,
Grimmaische Str. 12, 04109 Leipzig, Germany et al., 2013). More recent examples are diverse forms of
chatbots, personal voice assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa,
Faculty of Informatics, Reutlingen University,
Alteburgstrasse 150, 72762 Reutlingen, Germany Microsoft’s Cortana (to be succeeded by Copilot), or Apple’s

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Siri (Yoffie et al., 2018), and text-oriented assistants such intuitive interaction between users and the system (e.g.,
as ChatGPT from OpenAI (van Dis et al., 2023), Claude Oviatt et al., 2000). Such advanced systems can use both
from Anthropic (2022) or Bard from Google (Nguyen & modes interchangeably through technologies like speech-
Kim, 2022). to-text and text-to-speech conversion. For example, Ope-
Assistants and intermediaries have become known as nAI’s text-oriented ChatGPT assistant can also work as a
important concepts for enhancing customer-orientation in voice assistant using these methods (Nedelcu, 2023; Open
value chains and business models. In particular, they link the AI, 2023b). Similarly, Alexa has recently been enhanced
problem space on the customer side with the solution space with GAI capabilities (Gurman & Day, 2023) and Micro-
on the provider side. Contrary to providers, customers are soft Copilot with ChatGPT-4 (Warren, 2023). Therefore, the
typically not (or less) familiar with the specifics of a certain interaction mode of these assistants is not clearly determined
domain (e.g., the components of financial assets for a finan- but depends on the specific implementation and on accessi-
cial investment decision) and require a "translation" from their ble modules, highlighting their versatility in meeting diverse
general requirements to the product-specific terminologies and user needs. Although rich knowledge has emerged on user
procedures (Alt, 2016). While intermediaries like asset manag- interaction, current research has not adequately explored the
ers, travel agents, marketplaces and search engines have shown implications of this dual-mode communication capability
to be successful business models for this facilitating function, in assistant systems, and the ways in which the flexibility of
it has been challenging to develop sustainable business models interaction modes shape user experience and task efficiency.
for assistant systems. Despite the technological enthusiasm on The third dimension that differentiates assistant systems
digital assistants, these business models are still missing as is topology and leads to the distinction of single-actor and
illustrated by the large losses and layoffs in Amazon’s Alexa multi-actor assistant systems (Tatnall, 2005). On the one
unit in 2022 (Nguyen & Kim, 2022; Peters, 2022). hand, an assistant system may be seen as a service that medi-
ates between a user demand and a provider’s offering. The
Assistant systems and assistant platforms assistant system is then a single-actor system. On the other
hand, assistant systems may pursue a platform approach
An important step in structuring assistant systems is to and serve to access services and devices from various pro-
acknowledge their three main dimensions. The first dimension viders. Examples of such multi-actor assistant systems are
is based on the application domain and leads to the distinction voice-oriented assistant systems like Amazon Alexa, where
of domain-specific and general-purpose assistant systems. As developers may create their own skills (Amazon Web Ser-
sociotechnical information systems, assistant systems simu- vices, 2023; Amazon, 2023), as well as text-oriented assis-
late the role of human assistants, combining technology, users, tant systems like ChatGPT, where plugins allow the use of
and tasks (Maedche et al., 2019). They capture the require- third-party services (Open AI, 2023a). In addition to access-
ments of their principal, procure services, knowledge, and ing and combining services from various actors, they also
resources to make them available for their clients. Many assis- combine diverse platforms. For example, Alexa can address
tant systems were predominantly domain-specific, focusing on music- and video-streaming as well as marketplace plat-
a particular area or industry (Knote et al., 2019). They pro- forms. Despite the intricate topology of assistant systems
vided specialized support and services within their application and their potential to connect users with various service pro-
domain (e.g., programming, tourism, teaching) by offering viders, current research has not sufficiently delved into the
in-depth knowledge in this field. By contrast, general-purpose structural implications of these platform-oriented systems,
assistant systems are designed to perform a wide range of leaving a significant gap in our understanding of their full
tasks across various domains, to handle diverse requests, and capabilities and functionalities.
to assist users in multiple everyday activities (Knote et al.,
2019). Despite these diverse roles, current research fails to Structure and approach
adequately address the comprehensive scope and complex-
ity when assistant systems are combined with a variety of This Fundamentals article addresses three gaps in the cur-
services from other domains and platforms. rent understanding of assistant systems: the multifunction-
The second dimension distinguishes assistant sys- ality and comprehensive scope of general-purpose assistant
tems along their interaction mode with users (Rzepka & systems, the dual-mode communication capability that has
Berger, 2018) between voice- and text-oriented assistant remained largely underexplored, and the complex topol-
systems. In their early days, assistant systems relied on ogy of platform-oriented assistant systems which shall be
text-oriented communication owing to resource limita- referred to as assistant platforms. By emphasizing, the plat-
tions and technology restrictions (e.g., Korel, 1988). As form nature, the notion recognizes that implementations of
technology advanced, assistant systems began incorporat- these systems in practice show the interconnectedness of
ing voice-oriented interfaces, enabling more natural and various platforms and services. Therefore, the Fundamental

Electronic Markets (2023) 33:59 Page 3 of 14 59

structures the novel term of assistant platforms and high- Different developers may develop them independently, but
lights its unique characteristics such as a multi-platform they may be integrated (primarily in the sense of loose cou-
architecture, a declarative interface, and a platform eco- pling) into the platform via standardized interfaces (Bald-
system. These characteristics also set the stage for future win & Woodard, 2009; Dai 2023). These interfaces define
research topics, thereby making a contribution to the evolv- interactions between the assistant platforms with the skills
ing discourse on assistant platforms. The Fundamental con- or actions acting as boundary resources (Ghazawneh &
cludes with a summary and an outlook, which points at the Henfridsson, 2013), which ensure the interoperability of
key role of GAI technologies. Methodologically, the Fun- these modules despite different functionalities and devel-
damental is based on prior research (Schmidt et al., 2021, opment environments (Baldwin & Clark, 2000; Campag-
2022, 2023, 2024) and feedback from various reviews and nolo & Camuffo, 2010). Assistant platforms often inte-
presentations at academic conferences, in particular the AI- grate services from third parties, such as music streaming,
based assistants minitrack at the Hawaii International Con- smart home devices, or weather services. For example, the
ference on System Sciences (HICSS). German Alexa Skill Store alone includes 10,329 different
skills belonging to 43 different categories. These categories
cover a wide array of third-party modules, from business
Assistant platform characteristics and finance to weather reports. Several categories of skills
integrate other platforms, such as hotel and car sharing plat-
Building upon the above-mentioned shortcomings, this forms (see Schmidt et al., 2022).
chapter aims to deepen the understanding of assistant plat-
forms by embedding them within the existing discourse on Transaction platforms
platforms. It analyzes innovation, transaction, digital, and
AI-based platforms and suggests that assistant platforms are The second main class of platforms are transaction platforms.
a novel combination of these existing views. By empowering participants to exchange goods, services, or
information (Cennamo, 2021), they make available resources
Innovation platforms previously unavailable for transactions (McAfee & Brynjolfs-
son, 2017) and reduce transaction costs (Parker & Van Alstyne,
Following present research, the first main class of plat- 2014). Originating from economic research on multi-sided mar-
forms refers to innovation platforms. On the one hand, they kets (Rochet & Tirole, 2003; Jacobides et al. 2024), transac-
facilitate the development of new, complementary prod- tion platforms are more sociotechnical in nature than the rather
ucts and services built primarily by third-party companies technology-oriented innovation platforms. These include mar-
(Cusumano et al., 2019). On the other hand, they feature a ketplaces (e.g., Amazon Marketplace, eBay, Opodo) as well as
core functionality supplemented with complementary mod- social networking platforms (e.g., WeChat, Instagram), with the
ules. The concept of modularity is associated with many concept dating back to the early electronic marketplaces of the
advantages: it allows components or modules of a system 1980s (Abdelkafi et al., 2019).
to be developed, tested, and evolved independently. Each Assistants like Alexa as well as ChatGPT are already ena-
module may be updated or modified independently of others bling transactions, and similar features are announced for
(Baldwin & Clark, 2000), and end-users may add or remove Bard. For instance, ChatGPT plugins such as the KAYAK
modules according to their specific needs (Campagnolo & plugin support the booking of travel-related services and
Camuffo, 2010). A system’s efficiency and flexibility typi- Alexa allows users to make purchases from Amazon’s mar-
cally benefit from it, since improvements or changes can be ketplace and numerous other transaction platforms such as
made to one module without disrupting the entire system music and video streaming platforms (Schmidt et al., 2021,
(Gawer, 2014). By decomposing a system into interchange- 2022). Users may ask Alexa to order a product, and the assis-
able modules, developers can focus on innovating within tant will search for it in the Amazon marketplace, offering
their specific area of expertise. Such modular approaches options based on the user’s previous purchases and prefer-
have shown to foster more creative and unique solutions that ences. In addition, Alexa skills can offer in-skill purchases
might not have been possible within a monolithic system for premium content, special features, and subscriptions
(Baldwin & Woodard, 2009). These ideas have also been (Schmidt et al., 2021) and Alexa can interact with various
applied to digital platforms to enable user interactions and third-party services to facilitate transactions, such as order-
product variety (Dai, 2023). ing a ride from Uber or Lyft, ordering food delivery from
Based on these properties, assistant systems, such as Grubhub, and playing music from Spotify or Amazon Music
Alexa and ChatGPT, qualify as innovation platforms. The (Schmidt et al., 2021). Other skills allow users to check bank
skills of Alexa or the plugins powered by ChatGPT may be balances, pay bills, or make investments, thus enabling finan-
conceived as modules that provide specific functionalities. cial transactions through voice commands.

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Digital platforms functionality and user interaction. Research indicates that

AI and digital platforms share multiple relationships with
Digitalization is a separate and independent perspective that platforms serving as data sources for AI, AI supporting plat-
intersects with innovation and transaction platforms (Gawer, form processes, and AI being part of a platform stack such
2022). If the distinction is made between analog and digital as found in many cloud stacks (Alt, 2021). In particular, the
IT, it would be precise to denote them as digital innovation advent of AI, coupled with the growing availability of data,
and digital transaction platforms (Bonina et al., 2021; Hein has given rise to data network effects. These effects reveal a
et al., 2020). Due to the advantages of digitalization, the direct positive correlation between a platform’s AI capability
remainder of this Fundamental focuses on these digital repre- and the value perceived by its users (Gregory et al., 2021,
sentations. On digital innovation platforms, the core technol- 2022). Moreover, the combination of AI and data enhances
ogy and modules are digital, which allows for a more efficient the proportion of value that platform owners can extract
creation and integration of modules as well as a remote and from users (Clough & Wu, 2022).
real-time access via programmatic interfaces known as appli- The most well-known general-purpose assistant systems
cation programming interfaces (API) (Piccoli et al., 2022). leverage AI to render interactions more fluid, intuitive,
These digital interfaces enable seamless interactions and and personalized (Rzepka, 2019). A key element is their
flexibility, fueling global collaborations and innovations. On declarative interface, which serves as the primary mode
digital transaction platforms, digitalized supply and demand of user interaction on these platforms. AI in these systems
information permits infinite replication and efficient digital is designed to accurately interpret user inputs, even when
searchability, which significantly lowers transaction costs, these inputs are expressed in natural conversational language
expands reach, and increases market efficiency (Bakos, 1991). (Rzepka & Berger, 2018). Natural language understanding
In sum, digitalization enhances innovation as well as transac- (NLU) enables the assistant to decipher literal words spoken
tional efficiencies and paves the way for hybrid platforms that or typed by a user and to infer the intent behind them. Like-
combine traits of both types of platforms. wise, natural language generation (NLG) empowers assis-
Digitalization profoundly impacts assistant platforms, tants to generate human-like text, facilitating responses to
such as Amazon Alexa and ChatGPT. Possible effects of users that feel natural and are easy to understand.
digitalization are fourfold: First, the exponential growth AI in assistant platforms also aids in the contextual under-
of digital data and advancements in data processing tech- standing of a user’s request, ensuring the delivery of relevant
nologies have enabled large datasets to learn and improve and accurate responses (Ren et al., 2021). For instance, if
their understanding of human language, empowering assis- a user instructs an assistant to “play some music,” the AI
tant platforms to provide more accurate and personalized algorithm can include the user’s past listening history, the
assistance to users (Gregory et al., 2022). Second, cloud time of day, and other factors to select an appropriate song
computing provides a scalable and flexible infrastructure, or playlist. Moreover, AI enables assistant platforms to learn
allowing assistant platforms to manage computational from each interaction and to tailor their responses based on
resources and to handle millions of users simultaneously user preferences, habits, and behavior patterns (Rong et al.,
(Cusumano, 2019). This led to the rapid deployment and 2021). Advanced AI algorithms can anticipate a user’s needs
the global access of assistant platforms, while developers based on past behavior, providing proactive assistance (Lim
could build and scale their applications more easily. Third, et al., 2022). For example, an AI assistant could suggest
the increased connectivity and proliferation of Internet of leaving early for an appointment if a traffic congestion is
things (IoT) devices have integrated assistant platforms expected based on current data. In essence, applying AI in
into a wide range of products and services. For instance, these platforms renders the results more intuitive and person-
Alexa can control smart home devices via natural language, alized, while enhancing the utility of the declarative inter-
whereas ChatGPT can enhance websites with textual con- face for a personalized as well as intuitive user experience.
tent in various languages (Schmidt et al., 2021). Fourth, the
widespread availability of smartphones, tablets, and other
connected devices grants users access to assistant platforms Defining assistant platforms
anytime and anywhere. This has driven the demand for assis-
tant platforms and the development of new features to better In summary, assistant platforms may be conceived as mul-
serve mobile users (Basole & Karla, 2011). tifaceted systems that complement and combine different
existing research streams. They constitute a distinct category
AI platforms of platforms incorporating elements of innovation, trans-
action, digital, and AI-based platforms (see Table 1). On
Artificial intelligence (AI) has amplified the impact of the one hand, they facilitate innovation via the development
digitalization on platforms and created a new dimension of of modular functionalities (skills or plugins) by third-party

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Table 1  Elements to define assistant platforms

Characteristics Innovation platforms Transaction platforms

Basic definitions (Cusumano et al., 2020) Innovation platforms facilitate the develop- Transaction platforms enable the exchange of
ment of new, complementary products and/ goods, services, and/or information
or services
Digitalization / digital platforms (Bonina et al., Programmatic interfaces make modular digital Resource liquefaction separates resources
2021) resources accessible (Piccoli et al., 2022) from information (Lusch & Nambisan, 2015)
Social mechanisms provide information on properties and quality
Digital search mechanisms improve matching
Digitalization allows remote access and Digitalization enables digital fulfillment
digital interaction
AI platforms (Alt, 2021) Digital platforms emerge for AI services (AI AI for platforms supports information aggre-
as platform) gation, translation, and matching
AI is a reusable core technology for platforms
Multi-platforms (Schmidt et al., 2024) Multi-platforms integrate platforms via gateway modules and a module repository
Assistant platforms (Schmidt et al., 2023) Assistant platforms are multi-platforms with a declarative and language-based (voice/text)

developers. On the other hand, they also enable transactions, Multi‑platform architecture
such as purchases on retail or travel marketplaces. Further-
more, assistant platforms are inherently digital, leveraging As mentioned above, the modules in assistant platforms refer
the benefits of digital technologies, such as cloud comput- to peripheral components called “skills” (Amazon, 2023)
ing, IoT connectivity, and advanced data processing. Finally, on Alexa and “plugins” (Open AI, 2023a) on the ChatGPT
they utilize AI to enhance user interaction, to understand platform. For example, gateway modules like the KAYAK
user intent, and to offer personalized and proactive assis- plugin on ChatGPT grant access to integrated platforms and
tance. From their evolution, voice-oriented platforms focus in this case link seamlessly to the KAYAK transaction plat-
on providing simple control of modular resources such as form. The modules define interfaces as boundary resources,
IoT devices and streaming services, while text-oriented fostering loose module coupling and complementarities
platforms allow users to execute more complex queries and without requiring knowledge on the details of the internal
to perform sophisticated text transformations. Recent devel- realization of individual modules (Jacobides et al., 2018).
opments indicate a convergence of voice- and text-oriented Platforms typically manage modules in a metadata reposi-
platforms, which allows even higher levels in interaction tory that ensures compatibility with search and matchmak-
complexity. In view of these characteristics, assistant plat- ing, thereby enabling seamless processes among multiple
forms also qualify as multi-platforms that integrate and com- actors. Important metadata in these repositories pertain to
bine services from various other platforms (Schmidt et al., the categorization of modules, user reviews and ratings,
2024). commissioning of modules, and information about the mod-
ule providers.
The concept of a multi-platform architecture (Schmidt
Conceptualization of assistant platforms et al., 2024) is linked to the innovation platform aspect of
assistant platforms. As innovation platforms, assistant plat-
Following the definition of assistant platforms, an architec- forms utilize a modular approach, in which independent
ture model distinguishes three main elements of assistant components or modules are developed, tested, and evolved
platforms. It recognizes assistant platforms as multi-plat- separately. This allows to extend their functionality without
forms (i.e., a collection of services from various platforms) needing to build every feature in-house and allows end users
that offer access via a declarative interface, and are embed- to add or remove modules based on their specific needs. The
ded in a platform ecosystem (see Fig. 1). This approach adopted modular approach follows the design of established
aligns with the established practices in the information sys- architectures that conceive components as context-independ-
tems discipline, which regards architectures as conceptual ent software units (Broy et al., 1998; Ciupke & Schmidt,
models. These models delineate the various elements of a 1996; Lau & Wang, 2007). They have proven to be valu-
specific system and elucidate how these elements interact able for integrating heterogeneous resources and for facili-
and operate cohesively (Zachman, 1999). tating combinatorial innovation. Compared to innovation

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Fig. 1  Assistant platform


platforms, multi-platforms emphasize the existence of gate- this way. The interconnectedness of reactive and proactive
way modules for integrating other platforms via standard- automation on assistant platforms underlines their versatility
ized interfaces (e.g., an API). Thus, platforms integrated via and adaptability.
gateway modules can be accessed as a genuine service on
the platform. Platform ecosystem

Declarative interface A platform ecosystem allows multiple participants (produc-

ers and consumers) to connect, interact, create, and exchange
Current user interfaces are based on unambiguous user values (Tiwana, 2014; Hein et al., 2020). It is characterized
inputs. For example, a command line follows a precise syn- by externalities such as network effects, where an increase
tax but rejects imprecise inputs. In the context of assistant in the number of participants on one side of the platform
platforms, a declarative interface allows users to interact enhances the platform’s value to participants on the other
with a platform using spoken or written natural language. side. In the context of assistant platforms, the ecosystem
AI technologies, such as NLU and NLG, offer the func- includes several key actors, each playing a vital role in the
tionality to interpret user input (“utterances”), to infer user overall operation and value generation of the platform:
intent, and to generate human-like responses. Until the rise
of GAI technologies (Banh & Strobel, 2023), interactions • Platform owners manage assistant platforms, e.g., Google
via the declarative interface have been limited to rather sim- (Google Assistant/Bard), Amazon (Alexa), Apple (Siri),
ple tasks, which caused many users (in the Alexa case an and OpenAI (ChatGPT). They are responsible for main-
estimated 15-25% of users) to discontinue using the assistant taining the infrastructure, ensuring security, setting rules
platform (Anand, 2021). Infusing GAI into these classical for participation, and fostering a healthy ecosystem.
assistant platforms has become an important path towards • Third-party developers create and provide modules to
mastering more complex interactions (Gurman & Day, 2023; extend the functionality of the assistant platform. These
Open AI, 2023b). AI also fosters the assistant platform’s functional modules can range from simple tasks, such as
understanding of the context of a user’s request and learns setting reminders, to complex tasks, such as controlling
from each interaction as well as anticipates user needs based smart home devices and generating coherent text.
on past behavior. Automation on assistant platforms may be • End users are individuals or businesses that use the
reactive and proactive, reflecting user-made and automated assistant platform for various tasks. They benefit from
rules derived from AI learning. On the one hand, reactive the enhanced functionalities that third-party developers
automation occurs when users explicitly instruct an assistant provide and contribute to the platform by generating data,
platform to perform certain tasks or behaviors. For instance, providing feedback, and by enhancing network effects.
a user may set a rule for the assistant to turn on the lights at • Partners include device manufacturers, service provid-
a specific time each day. On the other hand, proactive auto- ers, and other businesses that integrate their products or
mation is driven by AI functionalities that learn from user services into an assistant platform. They enhance the
behavior and adapt accordingly. Her, the assistant platform platform’s utility by allowing users to access and control
might detect patterns in a user’s actions, such as watching a their devices or services via the assistant platform.
movie at a particular time each day, and proactively adjust
room lighting to create a “movie scene” ambiance without Data plays a pivotal role in the platform ecosystem of
the user’s explicit instruction. Recommendations of new assistant platforms as these ecosystems are not the result of
services and combinations of services may be created in a central plan. They are emergent systems since they rely

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on a multitude of independent user decisions. Therefore, from healthcare illustrates how integration extends an assis-
it is important to collect and analyze data reflecting user tant platform’s functionality and value: Consider a hospital
decisions in order to capture the structure of the platform where different systems are used for patient records, appoint-
ecosystem of assistant platforms in as much detail as pos- ment scheduling, and medical imaging. Traditionally, these
sible and to understand how value is created and distributed systems operate independently, leading to potential ineffi-
among various actors. This data generates knowledge on the ciencies or errors owing to fragmented information (e.g.,
competitive dynamics, potential bottlenecks, and opportuni- Fürstenau et al., 2019). These disparate systems can be uni-
ties for innovation within the ecosystem. It may be seen as fied with the integration capability of assistant platforms. A
key resource for managing activities in assistant platforms. physician could use a digital assistant to quickly retrieve a
patient’s complete medical history from the records system,
schedule a follow-up appointment using the scheduling sys-
Capabilities of assistant platforms tem, and even pull up relevant medical images from the imag-
ing system. All these tasks could be completed seamlessly
Based on the generic architecture model of assistant plat- through a single voice or text command, without the physi-
forms presented above, their functionality shall be described cian manually logging into and navigating multiple systems.
via four main capabilities. Capabilities refer to the technical
features or functions that a system, technology, or platform Composition
can perform (Teece et al., 1997). These are inherent in the
design and function of the technology itself. Integration The capability to compose and manage multiple services,
pertains to incorporating external resources, composition to devices, and information sources encapsulated as modules
assembling diverse modules for a cohesive user experience, through a declarative interface is a key feature of assistant
prediction to enhancing user experience through anticipa- platforms, providing users with a highly convenient and
tory mechanisms based on machine learning (ML) and AI personalized experience. Composition assembles various
algorithms, and generation to providing coherent responses modules into a cohesive user experience that is rich, adapt-
for meaningful user interactions. able, and responsive to a wide range of scenarios. Each
module encapsulates specific services or devices and has a
Integration clearly defined interface that allows modules from different
vendors with diverse functionalities to interact seamlessly.
Integration is an assistant platform’s ability to connect with This modular structure enables an independent evolution: a
and incorporate resources, such as systems, devices, and new version can replace a module, provided it supports the
services. Internal resources are delivered by the platform interface, eliminating the need for vendors to synchronize
provider (e.g., Google calendar by Google Assistant) and their developments. In this context, multiple modules may
are often more closely aligned with the assistant platform. be integrated into module configurations, which consist of
By contrast, external resources are offered by third-party ser- sequences of actions triggered and manipulated by various
vice vendors (e.g., weather reports), sensor device vendors events such as user behaviors or environmental changes.
(e.g., temperature, humidity sensors, cameras, and motion An example of the composition capability is the cou-
detectors), or actuator device vendors (e.g., LED lights). pling of various smart home devices with an assistant
From a technological perspective, device integration relies platform like Alexa. Imagine a user with several smart
on standard protocols like Zigbee for smart home automa- devices: a thermostat, lights, and a security system. Each
tion and the Matter standard (CSA, 2022). These protocols, device has an interface and controls, which makes it dif-
development kits, and API definitions enhance devices with ficult to manage all devices collectively. With the com-
voice functionalities, such as wearables, vehicles, and smart position capability, Alexa allows users to create routines.
home devices. For instance, Alexa offers several ways to For example, a “morning routine” could adjust the ther-
integrate services and devices, including a smart home skill mostat to a comfortable temperature, switch on the lights
API for linking third-party cloud services with the Alexa in certain rooms, and disarm the security system. This
cloud and an Alexa Connect Kit to add Alexa to third-party routine could be triggered by a voice command, a specific
hardware (Amazon, 2023). time, or a user’s smartphone. The composition capabil-
From a conceptual perspective, the integration of resources ity also extends to non-hardware services. For example,
on assistant platforms follows a black box approach, which a user could set up a routine asking Alexa about their
makes module functionality accessible via a standardized “day’s schedule” that prompts the assistant to read calen-
interface, thereby hiding internal complexity (Baldwin & dar events, share weather forecasts, or play their favorite
Woodard, 2009; Garud & Kumaraswamy, 1995). An example morning news podcast.

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Prediction language model that powers various assistant platforms such

as ChatGPT or Microsoft’s Copilot. Given a prompt, Chat-
Prediction involves the ability of assistant platforms to GPT can generate various outputs, ranging from writing an
anticipate user needs and preferences thereby enhancing email or an essay to creating poetry, writing software code,
user experience (Agrawal et al., 2022). This capability or even generating a short story. Imagine users who are writ-
leverages historical data and contextual information and ing a science fiction novel and are stuck with the plot. They
often applies ML and AI algorithms to provide accurate might ask an assistant platform powered by GPT-4 for help,
and relevant predictions. For instance, an assistant plat- providing some context and asking for suggestions on how
form might anticipate a user’s need for weather updates the story could proceed. Using GPT-4, the assistant platform
based on their morning routine or suggest restaurants generates several plot ideas that users can consider. Note that
based on past dining preferences. Text- and voice-ori- the generated content is not pre-stored or pre-defined but is
ented assistant platforms allow users to interact using col- created on-the-fly based on the context provided by the user
loquial language. This feature reduces interaction thresh- and the model’s training.
olds and allows for more location-independent access,
thereby improving the platform’s ability to predict user
needs based on a wide range of contextual cues.
An example of the prediction capability can be seen Research agenda
with the use of AI-powered assistant platforms in personal
productivity. Imagine a user with a daily routine of catch- Research on digital platforms has a long tradition, especially
ing a train to work at 8:00 AM. Over time, the assistant when referring to earlier research on electronic markets and
learns this pattern and predicts that the user will need networks (e.g., Clemons et al., 1993; Malone et al., 1987).
information about train schedules around this time. With- Recently, several research agendas have been presented
out being prompted, the assistant could provide predictive for digital platforms (e.g., de Reuver et al., 2018) and eco-
notifications. For instance, if there is a delay in the user’s systems (Heinz et al., 2022). These research agendas were
daily train connection, the system may proactively alert developed based on broad literature reviews and partially
the user earlier, suggesting to leave home earlier or take also apply to assistant platforms. While considering these
an alternate route. The assistant could also be integrated more general topics, the following research agenda is more
into the user’s email and calendar. As soon as it detects an focused on assistant platforms and first discusses directions
upcoming flight in the user’s email, it could proactively along the four capabilities. In addition, the identification of
provide weather updates for the destination city or remind- affordances as well as the analysis of economic and social
ers to check in for a booked flight. impacts are considered as themes for future research.

Generativity Capabilities

Generativity refers to the ability of assistant platforms to cre- Each of the four capabilities elaborated above shed light
ate contextually relevant and coherent responses or actions on several research questions related to improving existing
based on user input and predictions (Henfridsson & Bygstad, methods, user experience, and the functionality of assistant
2013). The capability to generate diverse outcomes is par- platforms. In most existing assistant platforms, composition
ticularly important in the context of NLG, which is critical and configuration are still manual procedures and several
for enabling meaningful user interactions. The two primary directions may be identified to create methodological sup-
types of assistant platforms feature distinct generation capa- port as well as to increase automation:
bilities: Voice-oriented platforms have a limited capacity for
generativity and rely heavily on a range of actors, network • Module configuration mining: This concept extends
effects, and complementarities between modules. Text-ori- beyond preconfigured scenes or home automation. It
ented assistant platforms combine a high generativity with pertains to identifying and suggesting potential module
limited recombinability since they can only recombine text- configurations based on prior user actions. The automatic
oriented resources. Despite this limitation, the ecosystem of analysis of module configurations, representing a bottom-
text-oriented platforms is rapidly evolving, with emerging up approach, could lay the groundwork for a module and
network effects and supermodular (i.e., reinforcing) com- skill composition recommendation system. The research
plementarities (Jacobides et al., 2018) between developers question here is how to effectively mine module usage to
using the platform’s API and their users. generate valuable recommendations for adding, replac-
Generativity allows assistant platforms to create new ing, or removing modules and for identifying favorable
knowledge or content. An example is OpenAI’s GPT-4, a configurations.

Electronic Markets (2023) 33:59 Page 9 of 14 59

• Lightweight module configuration: Making configuration on understanding how an AI model attains a decision
mechanisms as threshold as low as possible, is an important (Meske et al., 2022), the challenge on assistant platforms
factor for the usefulness of a platform. The research ques- is rather complex: AI assistants interact with humans in
tion here is how to leverage evolving no-code or low-code a more direct and conversational way compared to other
programming techniques, such as graphical design editors, types of AI applications. They often need to explain their
to automate procedures and render module configurations actions or decisions in human-readable terms and within
more accessible to users with limited technological skills. the flow of a conversation. Many AI assistants handle a
• Design of complementary modules: Currently, module variety of input types (voice, text, visual, etc.) and gener-
development is primarily based on templates and inter- ate multimodal outputs. Especially, GAI technologies are
active forms for ad hoc module development. However, known for incorrect outputs (e.g., due to misinformation
if modules are complementary, a method to guide the and hallucinations). Providing explanations that span
development of these complementary modules would be these different modalities and secure the output qual-
beneficial. The research question in this context is how ity could be a research question in this regard.
to develop effective methods or guidelines to assist in • Domain knowledge: Understanding the application con-
creating complementary modules. text of interactions is important for correct interpretations
• Typification of modules: The proposed definition of assis- and valuable user support. Similar to human experts,
tant platforms is suitable for comparing assistant plat- who should be aware of their knowledge limits, assis-
forms in terms of their orientation, such as innovation tant platforms should recognize the extent and limita-
and transaction characteristics. Refining this typification tions of their domain knowledge. This enables them to
to provide a more nuanced understanding of different apply their knowledge judiciously, to adapt to different
assistant platforms could be another interesting area for scenarios effectively, and to reduce hallucination effects.
further research. Therefore, future research should consider enhancing the
self-awareness of AI assistant platforms to better under-
The second set of research questions pertains to the inte- stand and navigate their domain knowledge boundaries.
gration capability, which strongly determines the efficiency • Translation of non-functional requests: Assistant plat-
of extending the assistant platform’s ecosystem. Two areas forms often encounter non-functional requests from
of future research can be identified here: users, like “What is a good investment option?”. These
requests need to be translated into practical terms within
• Automated integration: The integration capability recog- the platform’s solution space, such as risk classes or vola-
nizes standardization and interoperability as key factors tility. The ability to effectively interpret and respond to
for assistant platforms. As mentioned above, templates such requests is a key aspect of assistant platforms and
are a widespread means of integration where device pro- warrants further research.
viders map their data and functional interfaces. Even
more manual effort is needed for less standardized exter- The generativity capability is particularly relevant in the
nal resources. This leads to the research question how realm of NLG, which enables meaningful user interactions.
methods may be designed for an (partially) automated While some progress has been made, potential avenues for
integration of diverse resources on assistant platforms. further research and development are the following:
• Model-driven mapping of modules: The creation of
modules for device and service configurations currently • Enhanced generativity: Voice-oriented platforms offer
requires manual coding, which is not scalable and lacks seamless integration of resources, but their ability to gen-
checks for completeness and consistency. Therefore, erate diverse outcomes is limited. The research question
developing a method for the automated mapping of device here is how the generativity of voice-oriented platforms
and service models into module dialogs seems an impor- may be enhanced without compromising their usability
tant research question within the integration capability. and their ability for seamless integration. This requires a
detailed exploration of how these platforms’ generativity
The declarative interface of assistant platforms has ren- can be boosted while maintaining their inherent ease of
dered the formulation of user intentions more flexible and use and integration capabilities.
gives rise to three research themes within the prediction • Generativity in text-oriented platforms: At present, text-
capability: oriented assistant platforms relying on GAI show high
generativity but limited recombinability. This leads to
• Explainability: In the context of assistant platforms, the research question how the recombinability of text-
explainability extends beyond the typical explainabil- oriented platforms may be improved to further enhance
ity associated with AI. While AI explainability focuses their generativity.

59 Page 10 of 14 Electronic Markets (2023) 33:59

• Tailoring generativity to user needs: The generative affordances in general, several research opportunities appear
responses of an assistant platform should be contextu- in the context of assistant platforms:
ally relevant and tailored to user needs. The associated
research question calls for leveraging ML and AI to bet- • User perception affordances: Since the architecture of
ter understand user behavior and preferences, thus to assistant platforms and their technological capabilities are
improve the tailoring of generative responses. advancing rapidly, understanding how users perceive these
• Generativity and user trust: As assistant platforms become capabilities and their potential affordances is important. It
more generative, they also feature increased levels of com- leads to the question how architectural designs can bridge
plexity, which may potentially affect user trust. The research the gap between the technology’s capabilities and user per-
question relates to how user trust can be maintained and ceptions of the assistant platform’s abilities.
enhanced as the generativity of assistant platforms increases. • Sensory affordances: The architecture of assistant plat-
• Generativity and platform evolution: As platforms forms can significantly influence sensory affordances
evolve, so do their generative capabilities. The corre- and user experience. The research question could center
sponding research question focuses on how the evolu- on the design and improvement of the architecture to
tion of generative capabilities in assistant platforms may enhance sensory affordances, thereby increasing user
be understood and improved in line with users’ changing engagement and satisfaction.
needs and expectations. • Personalization affordances: Affordances may be person-
alized based on the architecture of assistant platforms,
Affordances considering user preferences and usage patterns. How the
architecture of assistant platforms might be tailored to
A promising approach to obtain a deeper understanding of personalize affordances and to improve user experiences
capabilities is affordance theory (Michell, 2013). The con- effectively could prove a promising research topic here.
cept of affordances pertains to the actions a user can execute • Physical affordances: Physical affordances, closely
with a given technology, contingent on its capabilities and linked with the architecture of a system, provide indica-
the user’s individual skills and objectives (Hartson, 2003). tions on how the system might be used. In this regard,
Affordances encapsulate more than just the technology’s it would be interesting to investigate how the accessi-
inherent abilities and also consider what users perceive they bility and usability of assistant platforms, particularly
can accomplish with the technology and how they utilize it for users with physical disabilities, could be architectur-
in real-world scenarios. Thus, affordances emphasize the ally improved (e.g., with computer vision solutions like
user’s perspective and the interaction between the user and Microsoft's Seeing AI).
the technology. Compared to capabilities, affordances may • Architectural affordances: Multi-platforms shed light on
be conceived as more abstract means, while capabilities are a multitude of affordances, which emerge from conceiv-
more directly concerned with outcomes. As mentioned by ing multiple platforms as a new, loosely defined whole.
Thapa and Zheng (2019, p. 54) “affordances theory is very Research could target how the interaction of different
useful in guiding the design of technologies, whereas the CA affordances could be architecturally understood and lev-
[capability approach] is often used as an evaluative frame- eraged for the best user experience. In addition, the net-
work.” Research on affordances for assistant platforms fol- work effects among platforms could be scrutinized.
lows prior research which revealed the top five affordances • Declarative interfaces, and affordances: Declarative
for voice assistants: controlling household devices (89%), interfaces, a key architectural feature of assistant plat-
playing music or radio (84%), initiating calls (77%), receiving forms, allow users to express their needs freely. Here,
traffic updates (47%), and conducting internet research (41%) research could target how these interfaces could be archi-
(Bitkom, 2022). Other authors (e.g., Moussawi, 2018) have tecturally designed to provide the most valuable and usa-
highlighted sensory affordances of personal intelligent agents, ble affordances.
such as hand-free use and emotional engagement; cognitive • Multimodal interaction affordances: The architecture of
affordances like personalization; functional affordances, modern assistant platforms often supports multimodal
including quick assistance; and physical affordances as key to interactions, which enhances user experience. Thus, it
user experience. Finally, affordances of chatbots have shown would be interesting to learn how the architecture of
to alleviate the chasm between social and traditional enter- assistant platforms could be enhanced to further support
prise systems (Stoeckli et al., 2020). Similarly, the casual multimodal interactions.
language in assistant platforms could bridge the gap between • Affordances on, non-verbal cues and emotion recognition:
everyday speech- and solution-oriented services, revolution- Future developments in AI and NLP may enable assis-
izing human-computer interactions. Although significant tant platforms to recognize non-verbal cues and emotions
progress has been made in understanding and designing in user communication. How architectural designs could

Electronic Markets (2023) 33:59 Page 11 of 14 59

incorporate recognition of non-verbal cues and emotions This also includes the dark sides of platforms and eco-
to facilitate more empathetic interactions would point to a systems, such as market failures (Jacobides et al., 2024).
future research question on this topic. • Trust and risks: The duality of platforms also becomes
• Technological affordances: Finally, as AR and VR tech- visible when large collections of data are present. With
nologies continue to mature, their integration into the the collection of context-enriched data, assistant plat-
architecture of assistant platforms could create more forms offer personalized interaction but pose potential
interactive and engaging experiences. Further research risks. This leads to the research question how assistant
deems necessary on how architectural designs can effec- platforms ensure the ethical use of AI and how they pro-
tively integrate AR and VR technologies into assistant tect user data effectively.
platforms to enhance user experience. • Interdisciplinary research: Considering the potential for
assistant platforms to be used for illicit purposes, further
Economic and social impact research should consider areas beyond the information
systems discipline, including law and sociology (Clemons
This third part of the research agenda examines the broader et al., 2022). This relates to the research question how inter-
implications of assistant platforms on society and the econ- disciplinary research could address the diverse challenges
omy. The research questions here revolve around the plat- posed by assistant platforms.
forms’ role as gatekeepers, their impact on business models • Specific perspectives: In addition to interdisciplinary
and market structures, the ethical considerations surrounding research, specific perspectives like the service-dominant
AI and data protection, as well as the need for interdiscipli- logic (Lusch & Nambisan, 2015) and ecosystem intel-
nary research to address these challenges. ligence (Schmidt et al., 2022) could offer new lenses to
analyze phenomena on assistant platforms. The research
• Assistant platforms as gatekeepers: Assistant platforms questions here include how these perspectives can guide
can serve as gatekeepers, influencing value chains as the design and management of assistant platforms to
outlined in the European Commission’s Digital Market improve value creation for all actors in the assistant plat-
Act (Digital Markets Act, 2022; Clemons et al., 2022). form ecosystem.
They can favor specific products and services, as seen
with Amazon’s promotion of Amazon Basics products.
It leads to the question how the gatekeeper role of assis- Conclusion
tant platforms impacts the dynamics and value creation
within the ecosystem. This Fundamental has recognized assistant platforms as a
• Economic value: Despite the impressive technologi- new platform phenomenon, which features a unique amal-
cal advances in the field of assistant platforms, their gamation of innovation, transaction, digital and AI platform
direct contribution to economic value has been limited. characteristics. The complexity is encapsulated in the terms
On the one hand, there is ample research on the posi- “multi-actor” and “multi-platform,” signifying their struc-
tive impact on productivity through the use of assis- ture as a collection of multiple actors and interconnected
tant platforms (Brynjolfsson et al., 2023). On the other platforms that work together to deliver a seamless and
hand, platform owners like Amazon have experienced potentially valuable user experience. Due to their composite
losses as well as layoffs within their assistant division nature, these platforms are highly versatile and adaptable,
(see above) and assistant platforms have only rarely capable of integrating a diverse array of services, thereby
been used as sales channels (Anand, 2021). Therefore, transforming the way users and developers engage with digi-
the question remains how the significant investments tal resources.
in assistant platforms (e.g., large language models, AI One of the most differentiating features of these plat-
algorithms, interfaces) could be redeemed and mon- forms is their declarative interface, which allows users to
etized. For example, business models could be based express their needs and intentions freely and naturally, in
on directly charging service providers and/or users as contrast to more traditional interfaces that require explicit
well as indirectly via revenues through increased sales commands or selections. Especially the GAI technologies
on the connected platforms. have strongly influenced this shift towards richer and more
• Impact on market structures: The characteristics of assis- complex interactions. This has not only enhanced the acces-
tant platforms can significantly affect market and indus- sibility and user-friendliness of assistant platforms, but it has
try structures. A possible research question in this regard also fueled their adoption and usage. By effectively bridging
is how assistant platforms reshape market structures, the gap between users’ everyday language and the solution-
which new business models they facilitate and what the oriented world of service providers, the declarative interface
potential socio-economic implications they might have. has fundamentally altered the nature of human-computer

59 Page 12 of 14 Electronic Markets (2023) 33:59

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