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Nama : Siti Dalfa Adawiyah

NIM : 043515345
Mata kuliah : HKUM 4101 / Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum
UPBJJ : Jakarta

Susunlah 5 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan istilah-istilah berikut:

1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof

Presumption of innocence
1. The assertion of guilt would take precedence over the presumption of
2. The presumption of innocence requires that police scrupulously follow the
3. Credible allegations should be investigated - but with dignity, transparency,
respect and presumption of innocence.
4. The presumption of innocence is portrayed as naivety.

Justice Collaborator
1. Nazaruddin eligible for sentence cut due to justice collaborator status
2. The South Jakarta District Court’s decision to hand down a relatively lenient
sentence to justice collaborator Second Agent Richard Eliezer last week
marked a breakthrough in the enforcement of the law and the country’s efforts
to improve its criminal justice system.
3. More than just legal and physical protection, certainly, rewards will encourage
justice collaborators to step forward.
4. It takes courage to decide to become a justice collaborator, must be able to
eliminate fear of being ostracized, hated, and ridiculed in groups. Not to
mention psychological threats, even lives.
5. There have been several criminals who have become justice collaborators.

Contempt of court
1. He faced imprisonment for contempt of court.
2. The tobacco companies may be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to
produce the documents.
3. There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.
4. He was cited for contempt of court.
5. He was charged with contempt of court after shouting at a witness.

Legal standing
1. Indeed, the legal standing of any deal is not clear.
2. They said critics have little legal standing to derail it.
3. Elsewhere in Europe, homosexual couples have no legal standing.
4. However, they have no legal standing to challenge LinkExchange.
5. The parents that bought the child have no legal standing.

Shifting burden of proof

1. Shiftung the burden of proof would allow the plaintiff to meet a lesser burden
than may be required for other areas while giving the manufacturer the ability
to rebut the possibly minimal evidence.
2. Shifting the burden of proof is used in a variety of legal areas to allow more
flexibility in courtroom procedure.
3. In operation, if a party meets a certain burden of proof on something, then
shifting the burden of proof still allows the other party to make counterpoints
before a judge or jury decides the issue.
4. Shifting the burden of proof is very useful in areas where fault or evidence is
difficult to pin-down but society has a large interest in protecting plaintiffs.
5. Shifting of the burden of proof only occurred if the circular had been sent to
any person at any university, college, school or other place of education.

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