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Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Let’s talk about labor safety:

1. Can you give examples of potential dangers that workers might encounter?
2. Can you explain the importance of wearing appropriate safety equipment?
3. In your opinion, what should workers do if they notice unsafe conditions in their workplace?
Let’s talk about paper production and use:
1. Do you know what materials are used to produce paper?
2. Have you ever collected used paper for recycling?
3. How do you use paper not to waste it?

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You're in charge of making a model gadget for your company. There are 3 options: making
it yourself, getting help from experts, or letting someone else make it. Which one do you think is the
best choice? What are the reasons for your choice?

Part 3: Topic Development (5’)

Topic: Technology plays a significant role in manufacturing.

Follow-up questions:
1. How do you think the use of technology in manufacturing might affect job opportunities?
2. What considerations are to be taken by manufacturers in order to protect the environment?

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