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Mix n’ Match ®


1. Lesson One .....................3 31. Lesson Thirty One ..............77

2. Lesson Two .................... 5 32. Lesson Thirty Two ............ .81
3. Lesson Three ...................7 33. Lesson Thirty Three ............84
4. Lesson Four ...................10 34. Lesson Thirty Four ..............88
5. Lesson Five ....................12 35. Lesson Thirty Five ..............92
6. Lesson Six .....................15 36. Lesson Thirty Six ...............96
7. Lesson Seven .................17 37. Lesson Thirty Seven ..........100
8. Lesson Eight ..................20 38. Lesson Thirty Eight ...........104
9. Lesson Nine ..................22 39. Lesson Thirty Nine ............108
10. Lesson Ten .....................25 40. Lesson Forty ......................112
11. Lesson Eleven.................27 41. Lesson Forty ○ne ...............116
12. Lesson Twelve ...............30 42. Lesson Forty Two ..............120
13. Lesson Thirteen .............32 43. Lesson Forty Three ............124
14. Lesson Fourteen .............35 44. Lesson Forty Four ..............129
15. Lesson Fifteen ................37 45. Lesson Forty Five ..............132
16. Lesson Sixteen ...............40 46. Lesson Forty Six ................137
17. Lesson Seventeen ..........42 47. Lesson Forty Seven ............141
18. Lesson Eighteen ............46 48. Lesson Forty Eight .............145
19. Lesson Nineteen ............48 49. Lesson Forty Nine ..............149
20. Lesson Twenty .............. 51 50. Lesson Fifty ........................154
21. Lesson Twenty One .......53 51. Lesson Fifty One ................157
22. Lesson Twenty Two .......56 52. Lesson Fifty Two ................161
23. Lesson Twenty Three .....58 53. Lesson Fifty Three ..............165
24. Lesson Twenty Four .......61 54. Lesson Fifty Four ................169
25. Lesson Twenty Five .......63 55. Lesson Fifty Five ...............172
26. Lesson Twenty Six .........66 56. Lesson Fifty Six …...….......176
27. Lesson Twenty Seven......68 57. Lesson Fifty Seven ………..180
28. Lesson Twenty Eight ......71 58. Lesson Fifty Eight ...………184
29. Lesson Twenty Nine .......74 59. Lesson Fifty Nine …………188
30. Lesson Thirty ..................76 60. Lesson Sixty ……...……….193

I want I need I like
I don’t want I don’t need I don’t like
Do you want? Do you need? Do you like?

- English
- Spanish
TO SPEAK - Portuguese
- German
- French

Do you speak English?

Don´t you want to speak Spanish fluently?
Do you want to speak French with me?

- Every day
- Now
TO STUDY - With my teacher
- With your teacher

Do you want to study English with me?

Don´t you like to study with your teacher? - Family
- Parents
Do you want to study Spanish with me now?
- Father
- Mother
- Siblings
- Brother
- Sister
- Son
- Daughter

Do you understand me?

Don´t you understand English?
Do you understand my problem with your parents?
- Boss
- Secretary
- Friends
TO WORK - in the morning
- in the afternoon
- at night

Do you work with your secretary in the morning?

Don´t you like to work with me in the afternoon?
Do you work with your boss at night?

English is easy


Mix and Match

1- Do you like to study English / Spanish / Portuguese / French?

2- Do you need to speak German / French / English / Spanish fluently?


3- My boss and my secretary don´t speak English / siblings / children / parents.


4- Do you like to study with my brother in the morning / in the afternoon / at night / now?

5- I don´t need to work with my mother now / here / today / at night.


6- Do you work in the morning / in the afternoon / at night / here?


7- I don´t need to understand German / English / Spanish / Portuguese.


8- Do you want to speak with me today / my boss / my teacher / my secretary?


9- I need to speak English fluently / want / like.


10- Do you like to work with your bossa t night / daughter / sister / mother?


Articles -here – over here
-there – over there
-a -again
-an -today
-the -tomorrow
-on weekends
-during the week

1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________


Mix and Match

1. I don´t want to work with you now / today / tomorrow / on weekends.


2. I don´t study English here / there / over here / over there.


3. I want to speak German with my boss tomorrow / today / here / there.


4. Do you want to study with your sister again / father / brother / son?

5. Do you like to work with me during the week / on weekends / at night / there?

6. I need to speak with you today / tomorrow / in the morning / in the afternoon.

7. Do you need to speak Spanish every day / English / German / French?


8. I don´t need to work with my boss at night / in the morning / in the afternoon / tomorrow.

9. I don´t like to speak Spanish with my children / siblings / parents / family.


10. Do you want to study English with me today / tomorrow / here / there?

- ham - fish
- eggs - jam
- toast - meat
- bread - steak
TO EAT - butter - beans
- rice - chicken
-vegetables - cheese

Do you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Don’t you like to eat meat for lunch?
Do you eat bread and butter for dinner?
- Milk
- Tea
- Coffee
TO DRINK - Juice
- Wine
- Water
- Beer
Do you drink milk and coffee for breakfast?
Do you drink juice for lunch every day?
Do you want to drink wine or coffee for dinner?

- Cake
- Soup
- Chicken pie

Do you prepare toasts and jam for breakfast every day?

Do you prepare rice, beans, meat and salad for lunch every day?
Don´t you want to prepare soup, cake or pie for dinner today?

- Course
- Studies
TO START - Project

Do you want to start your studies today?

Don’t you want to start your project tomorrow?
Do you need to start your English course now?


- Class

Do you need to finish your book today?

Don´t you want to finish your project with me?
Do you want to finish the English class now?

- For lunch
- For dinner
TO ORDER - For breakfast
- Meal

Do you want to order soup or salad for dinner today?

Don´t you want to order a pie for lunch today?
Do you want to order a chicken pie for dinner?


To have breakfast
To have lunch
To have dinner


Mix and Match

1. I like to eat bread, eggs and toast for breakfast / lunch / dinner.

2. Do you want to prepare rice and beans for lunch / fish and salad / meat and vegetables?

3. Do you want to finish your studies on weekends / class / Project / book?


4. I like to order chicken and salad for lunch / for breakfast / for dinner / for my meal.

5. I like to eat pizza and salad for lunch / soup and bread / rice and beans / cake and jam.

6. I have lunch with my secretary every day / mother / boss / sister / parents.

7. I want to order rice and beans today / fish and salad / toast and jam / bread and butter.

8. I don´t have lunch with my mother every day / dinner / breakfast / my meals.

9. Do you like to have dinner with your parents every day / lunch / breakfast / your meals?

10. I don´t need to speak with my daughter now / today / tomorrow / during class.

-Good bye - Thanks
-Please - Thank you
-You´re welcome - Hi
-Excuse-me - Hello
-I am sorry - No problem
-Sorry - Welcome

- Hello Mark, good morning!
- Hi, Anna…
- Do you want to study French with me today?
- Sorry Anna, I need to finish my school project in the afternoon, and I have to speak with my
boss at night.
- Ok, I understand…hey…Do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow?
- Yes, of course…Do you want to eat Chinese food again?
- No, I prefer to cook for you…I want to prepare a surprise meal for you, ok?
- Wow, I love surprises! Thanks…Do you cook well?
- I cook very well, my friend…
- Ok, lunch at your house tomorrow, wow! I am so excited! See you tomorrow!
- Bye, bye!


Answer the questions
1- Do you have time to study with me tomorrow?

2- Do you want to eat Chinese food with me and my boss tonight?


3- Do you have to prepare breakfast for your family today?


4- Do you want to start your English course with your friends this semester?

5- Do you want to drink coffee with milk for breakfast?


Mix and Match

1. Good morning, I want to order my breakfast now / lunch / dinner / meal.


2. I want to finish my project now / today / tomorrow / here.


3. Excuse-me, I want to speak with you now / work / study / drink.


4. Excuse-me, do you work here every day / at night / in the mornings / in the afternoons?

5. Please, I want to order eggs and bacon for breakfast / toast and cheese / bread and butter / soup.

6. Good evening, do you want to have breakfast with me tomorrow / lunch / dinner / a meal?

7. Good morning, do you want to speak with me today? / work / study / drink?

8. Do you want to order coffee for breakfast again / tea / juice / wine?

9. I don´t like to study German here / French / Spanish / Portuguese.


10. Do you want to finish your Project with me today / your boss / your secretary / mother?


I have.
I don’t have
Do you have?

- Money
- Maid
TO HELP - Neighbor
- Husband
- Wife

Do you help your wife with money every week?

Do you want to help the maid with money again?
Do you help your neighbor with money every year?

- Pill
- Medicine
TO TAKE - Injection
- Doctor

Do you take pills and injections at night?

Don´t you need to take medicine for your problem?
Do you take your children to the doctor every month?


- Meal
TO COOK - Special dish

Do you want to cook dinner for my children today?

Don’t you want to cook lunch for my parents today?
Do you have time to cook a meal for your husband now?

- Bill
- Teacher
- Service
TO PAY - Cash
(for) - Credit card
- Well

Do you need to pay your bills today?

Don’t you have money to pay for my services?
Do you want to pay cash or by credit card?

Learn This

Because English is Easy

Expressions SOCIOLOGY
- To pay attention (to)
- To pay cash
- To pay by credit card GEOLOGY
- To pay by check


Mix and Match

1. Why do you want to have breakfast with me tomorrow / lunch / dinner / a meal?

2. Why do you want to take me to the doctor today / your mother / your children / your parents?

3. Why do you pay me cash every month / every day / every week / every year?

4. Why do I have to take medicine every day / pills / injections / drugs?


5. Do you cook a good meal for your family every day / parents / children / siblings?

6. I don´t like to take pills in the morning / in hte afternoon / at night / evry day.

7. I don´t have time to study my English lessons today / Spanish / French / German.

8. I don´t like to pay my secretary every month / week / weekend / year.


9. I don´t like to prepare toast and eggs for breakfast / bread and butter / cake and cheese.

10. Do you have to pay attention to your teacher during the classes / father / brother / parents.

- Are you tired?
- Are you sick?
- Are you hungry?
- Are you thirsty?
- Are you hot?
- Are you cold?

-Hello doctor Smith, good morning!
-Hi Anna, How are you today? What is the problem with you?
-Well, Doctor. I am sick and I need medication.
-Hum…OK, I need to check your temperature now.
-Ok…Do I have a fever?
-Yes, You do. Are you allergic to Tylenol, Anna?
-No, I am not. Do I need a prescription for this medication?
-No, you don’t .This medication is excellent for your problem.
-Do you have time to return to my office for a check-up tomorrow?
-Yes, tomorrow is perfect. I have time in the afternoon.
-See you tomorrow
-Bye bye.


Complete the sentences

1- Do you ___________to speak with my ________________ about your _______________?

2- Why do your brothers _______________ to study______________ this semester?

3- Are you ______________? Why don’t you visit my __________?

4- I don’t study ____________, because I don’t ________ time.

5- I _________ to take this medication, but I don’t have money to _________the doctor.

Mix and Match

1. Are you hungry? Why don´t you have breakfast now / lunch / dinner / a meal?

2. Don´t you want to have dinner with me tomorrow / lunch / dinner / a meal?

3. Why do you always pay for your meals in cash / by credit card / by check / with a check?

4. Do you want to order cake for dinner again / soup / salad / a pizza?

5. Why do you want to work with your boss on the weekend / today / tomorrow / at night?

6. I don´t have time to help you with lunch today / dinner / your homework / your Project.

7. Do you like to order milk for dinner every night / tea / coffee / juice?

8. Why do you have to pay your secretary tomorrow again / maid / neighbor / teacher?

9. Why don´t you want to study English with me today / French / German / Portuguese?

10. Don´t you want to help me prepare breakfast for the kids / lunch / dinner / a sandwich?

LESSON seven


I am Am I? I am not
You are Are you? You are not
He is Is he? He is not
She is Is she? She is not
It is Is it? It is not
We are Are we? We are not
You are Are you? You are not
They are Are they? They are not

- Clothes
- Pants
- Shirt
- Socks
- Shoes
TO BUY - Tennis shoes
- Underwear
(for) - Dress
- Skirt

Are you buying pants, shirts and socks for your sister?
Are you buying underwear for your children?
Are you buying clothes for me with this money?

LESSON seven

- Food
- Insurance
TO SELL - Electronics
- Cell phones

Is she selling food, books or electronics now?

Are you selling life insurance again?
Is he selling cell phones now?

- Job
- Company
- Boyfriend
TO LOOK - Girlfriend
- Keys
(for / at) - Checkbook
- Passport

Are you looking for your keys or your checkbook?

Are you looking for company today?
Why are you looking at my new girlfriend?

- Supervisor
- Manager
TO TALK - Judge
- Lawyer
(to) - Dentist

Are they talking to the manager about my situation?

Aren´t they talking to the lawyer about your case now?
Why are they talking to the judge again?

LESSON seven
English is Easy

1. I am not buying a dress for my sister with my money / shirt / skirt / mini skirt.

2. Are you talking to the lawyer about my situation in the company / boss / judge / manager?

3. Why don´t you sell your house to buy my Ferrari / apartment / company?

4. Do you have time to buy food for the kids now / clothes / underwear / shoes?

5. Aren´t you thirsty? Don´t you want to order beer / water / juice / milk?

6. Are you selling clothes on the streets again / shoes / food / meals?

7. Are you looking for your new socks / clothes / tennis shoes / pants?

8. Do you need money to buy food for the house today / company / family / children?

9. Are you talking to the boss about your new project / manager / supervisor / neighbor?

10. I am looking for a new girlfriend because my girlfriend is in China now / lawyer / secretary / boss.

LESSON eight


How many
How much


LESSON eight

Mix and Match

1. Where and when do you want to study English with your siblings / parents / children / friends?

2. What do you want to prepare for lunch today, chicken or fish / meat or salad / soup or cake?

3. Why do you want to study German here / there / over here / over there?

4. How do you want your steak / meat / fish / ham?


5. How much money do you need to buy medicine every month / food / clothes / shoes?

6. We are preparing a project to help sick people in my city / starting / finishing.


7. Why are you talking to the new judge about me / doctor / dentist / lawyer?

8. How many firends do you need at the celebration tomorrow / neighbors / people / girls?

9. What do you want to prepare for dinner tomorrow night / cook / buy / make?

10. She isn´t drinking beer because she isn´t thirsty / water / juice / wine.

TO GO -Mall
-Post office

Are you going to the beach now?

Are you going to the club with your friends on the weekend?
Are you going to the post office with your manager now?
-Gas station
-Bus stop
TO COME -bar

Are you going to come here tomorrow again?.

Aren´t you going to come to the airport at night?
Are you going to come to the pub alone tomorrow?
TO DRIVE -Snack-bar

Are you going to drive to the hotel?

Are you going to drive your mother to the restaurant?
Are you going to drive me to the bank now?

–I’m in a hurry
–Hurry up!
–Slow down!
–On foot English is Easy
–By bus Interrogation
train Information
airplane Preparation
subway Creation
bicycle Manipulation
motorcycle Population
taxi Illustration

I go to work home.
I go
college downtown.

bus stop

Are you going theater
Are we coming mall to (…)
to the right now?
Are they driving club
post office
gas station
Answer these questions
1- What are you going to buy with this money?

2- When are you going to talk to your lawyer about your problem?

3- Why are you looking for a new job?


4- Why are you looking at my girlfriend?


5- How much time do you have to help me with my homework today?


Mix and Match

1. I am going to prepare a meal for you now / project / presentation / pie?

2. Do you always go to church alone / school / work / bed?


3. How much money do you need to go to college every morning / school / church?

4. Do you want to go to work with me today / school / bed / college?


5. How many days do you need to come to the post office every week / bank / hospital / gas station?

6. Where are you going now / working / studying / drinking?


7. Why do you want to come to the beach again tomorrow / park / pub /airport?

8. Are you going to come here tomorrow on foot again / by car / by bicycle / by motorcycle?

9. Who are you going to drive to the beach now / how / why / how many people?

10. Do you need to drive your mother to the hospital today again / bank / office / post office?

This morning
This afternoon
This evening
Tomorrow morning
Tomorrow afternoon
Tomorrow evening
Tomorrow night




1. I am going to eat breakfast with you today because I don´t have food here / lunch / dinner / a meal.

2. I am going to sell my house to you because I want to buy a Ferrari / an apartment / company / jet ski.

3. She is going to help me with my homework because she is a good teacher / mother / sister / wife.

4. He is going to drive you to the hospital because he is free now / post office / mall / club.

5. She is going to sell my apartment tomorrow morning / buy / visit / come to.

6. What are you going to drink for breakfast tomorrow / lunch / dinner / your meal?

7. Are you going to order a big meal for your family today / kids / siblings / neighbors?

8. Don´t you want to pay attention to my demonstration today / project / work / performance?

9. Are you in a hurry? don´t you have time to talk to me now / drink / study / finish the meal?

10. Slow down, don´t you understand that I don´t speak English very well / Spanish / German / French?

LESSON eleven

He prefers.
He doesn’t prefer.
Does he prefer?

as a/an:
-Police officer
TO WORK -Architect

Does he work as a waiter or as a driver here?

Doesn´t he want to work as a businessman or as a police officer?
Does he work as an architect or as an engineer?

TO ARRIVE -early
(at the) -late

Does he arrive at the bank alone every day?

Does he arrive at the club early in the evening?
Does he arrive late at the post-office during the week?

TO STAY -all day long
(at the) -all night long

Why does he stay quiet during the day?

Why does he stay quiet during the English classes?
Why does he stay in your house on weekends?

LESSON eleven

TO SEE -Mountains

Does he like to see the mountains when he comes here?

Does he see many social problems in this city?
Does he like to see beautiful landscapes?

TO WATCH -Parade

Does he watch games and movies on the weekend?

Does she watch the parade every year?
Doesn´t she prefer to watch the presentation in English?

English is Easy

-Would you like…?

-Yes, I would.
-No, I wouldn´t.

LESSON eleven

Mix and Match

1. He wants to work as a salesperson because he is frees every morning / driver / waiter / manager.

2. He works alone every day because he loves money / all the time / in a big company.

3. She wants to stay home alone because she is sick / sad / busy / stressed.

4. She would like to watch the sunset with me every day / the parade / a play / movies.

5. Would you like to watch the sunrise with me tomorrow morning / the game / romantic movies?

6. He always arrives late because he normally doesn´t sleep well at night / alone / in a hurry.

7. I am going to have to watch the game alone tomorrow / the play / the parade / the sunrise.

8. She arrives early when she is in a hurry to see me / to go to bed / to drink with me / to sleep.

9. Would you like to work as an architect in that company downtown / engineer / driver / doctor?

10. My boss watches games in my house when my parents aren´t home / movies / videos / films.

LESSON twelve

Learn this

This Near In front of

That Next to Behind
These Close to Beside
Those Far from



LESSON twelve

Mix and Match

1. This hospital isn´t far from my office / house / apartment / English school.

2. Why does she prepare all this food at night / in the morning / in the afternoon / on weekends?

3. Do you come here on foot frequently / by car / by subway / by bus?


4. I don´t understand why he wants to take this injection again / medicine / pill / course.

5. Would you like to stay beside me during the presentation / meeting / course / French class?

6. Are you in a hurry to finish your project this year / week / month / year?

7. Why do you want to live far from my house / near / behind / beside?

8. I am looking for a good job near my house / restaurant / hotel / bar.


9. Does your father work in that old bar / neighbor / husband / brother?

10. These people don´t understand my situation very well / English / problem / opinion.

LESSON thirteen

TO LEARN (how) TO TEACH (how) TO KNOW (how)

He learns. He is teaching. He is going to know.
He doesn’t learn. He isn’t teaching. He isn’t going to know.
Does he learn? Is he teaching? Is he going to know?

TO DANCE -quickly

Is he learning how to dance fast with this method?

Is he learning how to dance to impress you?
Is he learning how to dance here in this school?

-Living room
TO PAINT -Dining room

Is he teaching you how to paint beautiful pictures?

Is he teaching art in this school?
Is he teaching you how to paint kitchens now?

-The guitar
-The piano
-The flute
TO PLAY -The drums
-The bass
-The accordion

Is he going to know how to play the guitar well?

Is he going to play the piano well after only two classes?
Is he going to know how to play the accordion well at the end of the course?
LESSON thirteen

English is Easy Learn This

Agronomy -BY EAR
Economy -BY HEART

Make a question for

I know how to dance Jazz very well.
Sorry, I don’t have time to help you paint your kitchen today.
No, I don’t teach Portuguese at school.
I prefer to dance slowly.
They don’t know how to play the piano fast.

LESSON thirteen

Mix and Match

1. I am going to learn how to dance well with this methodology / paint / drive / play.

2. I am going to teach my husband how to paint kitchens / pictures / bathrooms / bedrooms.


3. I am going to learn how to play the flute very well / accordion / bass / drums.

4. I want to learn how to play the piano by ear / guitar / flute / bass.

5. Don´t you want to learn how to dance with this new method / paint / play / drive?

6. I don´t have time to learn how to paint pictures now / the intention / the abilities / the patience.

7. Would you like to teach me how to play the accordion by ear / the flute / the bass / the drums?

8. She doesn´t want to teach me how to dance tonight / play the flute / paint pictures / drive.

9. I would like to teach you this method but I am not a patient teacher / person / friend / professional.

10. How many musical instruments does your son play by ear / brother / father / husband?

LESSON fourteen


A lot of


A lot
Very Much



LESSON fourteen

Mix and Match

1. Do you know many people who speak English here / teach / understand?

2. How much time do you need to finish your Project / book / class / meal?

3. How much coffee do you usually drink every day / juice / tea / beer?

4. Are you going to prepare this class for tomorrow / chicken pie / cake / soup?

5. My mother is very sad with this situation / problem / incident / competition.


6. We are very happy now that you are working in this team / company / office / hospital.

7. I am going to prepare a very good meal for you now / lunch / dinner / surprise.

8. Do you have many friends that prefer to study English / French / Spanish / Portuguese?

9. Do you drink a lot of beer when you are thirsty / tired / with your friends / stressed?

10. Are you studying English because you want to live in America / to be a teacher / impress me?

LESSON fifteen


Does he participate in all your projects?

Why doesn´t he participate more during the meetings?
Does he normally participate more when he isn’t sick?


Is she trying to cook a meal for you?

Does she try to help the maid every week?
Does she try to pay the teacher in cash every month?


Is he going to put money in the bank for you?

Isn´t he going to put the books on the table?
Is he going to put your picture in the living room?

TO GIVE -Advice

Does she give you hugs and kisses when she sees you?
Doesn´t she normally give you good tips and advice?
Does she give you good presents on your birthday?

LESSON fifteen

-Phone call
TO RECEIVE -Birthday card
(from) -Letter

Do you receive many cards on your birthday?

Doesn´t he receive a good salary from his boss?
Does he receive phone calls from the office?
( no preposition ) -Cousin
Why does she call you every day?
Why don´t you call your aunt and cousins every year?
Does she call her grandchildren on Christmas?

English is Easy

LESSON fifteen

Mix and Match

1. I call my friends when I am alone at home / girlfriend / neighbor / maid.

2. I am going to prepare a special meal on thanksgiving / Christmas / Easter / Christmas eve.


3. I give presents to all my friends when I visit Brazil / neighbors / siblings / children.

4. I am going to receive a good salary from my boss here / manager / supervisor / father.

5. I buy a lot of candies for my children on Halloween / Christmas / Easter.


6. They prepare a good meal for me when I come here / dinner / surprise / lunch.

7. I am going to buy all the Easter eggs in this store this year / presents / clothes / gifts.

8. Why do you call my wife every night / mother / secretary / neighbor?


9. He gives me beautiful presents when I come to this city / state / country / community.

10. He participates very much when He isn´t sick / tired / thirsty / hungry.

LESSON sixteen
Learn this
Hardly ever

-Hello, is Mark there?
-Yes, Who is speaking?
-This is Joana.
-One minute please ….
-Hi Joana, how are you today?
-I’m fine thanks. Are you coming to my party tonight?
-Oh….I really would like to go, but I have to drive my mother to the airport
-Really? Where is she going?
-She is going to visit my grandmother in Los Angeles.
-Nice. I have family in Los Angeles too…
-What time does your party start?
-It starts at 8:00 o’clock…well. No problem!
-Thanks for the invitation, good bye.


LESSON sixteen

Mix and Match

1. I am not going to prepare lunch today because I am tired / sick / late / busy.

2. Why do you always cook a special meal when I come here / lunch / surprise / dinner?

3. I wouldn´t like to teach English today because I am tired / sick / busy / stressed.

4. I sometimes prefer to stay alone at home / never / usually / often.


5. I would like to call my wife now but I don´t have money / time / patience / quarters.

6. I am not going to learn a lot today because I am tired / sick / distracted / sick.

7. He hardly ever comes to the English classes on weekends / always / never / sometimes.

8. Would you like to buy a new car for me with this money / pair of pants / pair of underwear?

9. He sometimes teaches my kids English when he comes here / always / never / hardly ever.

10. He always arrives at work late because he doesn´t have a car / motorcycle / bicycle / map.

LESSON seventeen


Are you going to wash the dishes tonight?

Aren´t you going to wash the forks, the knives and the spoons?
Are you going to wash your car this weekend?
TO CLEAN -Balcony

When are you going to clean this mess?

Why are you going to clean the backyard again?
How are you going to clean this big garden in only one morning?


Are you going to open the store this weekend?

What time are you going to open the bookstore tomorrow?
Are you going to open the windows of the office?

TO CLOSE -Library

Why are they closing this department?

When are they going to close the library?
Why do you close the supermarket at night?

fork - knife - spoon
LESSON seventeen

You wash You
He clean He

She open - close
backyard Whenever She
We prepare We
You buy – sell You
They They
LESSON seventeen

Talking about the time

-It’s seven o’clock it’s one thirty

-At seven o’clock it’s one thirty five
-Until seven o’clock it’s one forty
It’s one five it’s one forty five / its fifteen to two
It’s one ten it’s one fifty/it’s ten to two
It’s one fifteen it’s five to two
It’s one twenty -noon – midnight
It’s one twenty-five

-What time is it?

-It is (…) A.M / P.M

English is Easy

LESSON seventeen

Mix and Match

1. I would like to wash the dishes when I come home tonight / clothes / forks / spoons.

2. He cleans my bedroom whenever he needs money / house / garden / backyard.


3. She cleans the balcony whenever I visit this house / kitchen / bathroom / bedroom.

4. I buy cars whenever I have a little extra money in the bank / clothes / farms / shoes.

5. I wash all the pans alone whenever my wife cooks / dishes / balcony / house.

6. I buy new clothes whenever I receive a commission / tennis shoes / underwear / skirts.

7. My mother would like to buy your spoon collection / car / shoe / book.

8. I clean the backyard whenever my kids play there / neighbors / children / dogs.

9. Do you wash your hair whenever your boyfriend comes to visit you / mother / boss / doctor?

10. How many new cups would you like to have in your collection / shoes / cars / plates?

LESSON eighteen

Learn this

Before Once A day

During Twice A week
After Three times A month
A year

-Hey, What time are you going to your office tomorrow?
-I don’t know, I would like to be there at 8 o’clock but we have a
presentation before the office opens.
-Do you know what time this presentation finishes?
-It starts at 8 and finishes at 8:30.
-Hum…this is a problem, because I have to be at work at eight thirty.
-Why don’t you call me at lunch time tomorrow?
-Good idea, would you like to have lunch with me in that new
-Of course….what time?
-Is noon good for you?
-Noon is perfect… See you tomorrow.
-See you…bye bye.


LESSON eighteen

Mix and Match

1. Do you always drink milk before you go to bed / beer / tea / water?

2. Would you like to sleep for 30 minutes after lunch today / breakfast / dinner?

3. She prepares a chicken pie for the entire family once a week / month / year / semester.

4. Aren´t you going to wash the dishes before you go to bed tonight / your hair / the kitchen?

5. She takes me to that restaurant whenever I am in town / sad / sick / stressed.


6. What would you like to do during your stay in my city / company / state / house?.

7. I call my mother whenever she is sick / alone / sad / tired.


8. I am going to finish my homework after you go home / book / school project / meal.

9. I would like to receive many e-mails from my friends this year / parents / office / lawyers.

10. I hardly ever buy clothes when I my mom is in town / food / shoes / dresses.

LESSON nineteen

He has She has It has

He doesn’t have She doesn’t have It doesn’t have
Does he have? Does she have? Does it have?

TO VISIT -Relatives
-The United States

Are you going to visit Russia on your next vacation?

When are you going to visit my city again?
Are you going to visit your friends in the United States next year?

TO SLEEP -Blanket

Why are you sleeping in this old hammock?

Don´t you prefer to sleep on the mattress?
Why do you want to sleep with my pillow tonight?


Are you going to have to wake up early tomorrow again?

What time are you going to wake up tomorrow?
Are you going to wake me up before four a.m. tomorrow again?

LESSON nineteen


Why are you getting up so early?

Are you going to try to get up before noon tomorrow?
Are you going to get up after 11a.m. tomorrow?

TO EXERCISE -Fitness Center
( to work out )

Would you like to work out at the new gym with me?
Are you going to start working out at the new gym?
Are you going to exercise alone today?

English is Easy


LESSON nineteen

Mix and Match

1. I am not going to visit your city because it´s too hot for me / state / country / house.

2. I am not going to sleep in a sleeping bag tonight / on a bed / in a hammock / on the floor.

3. I am not going to go to school tomorrow because I am on vacation / work / school / the office.

4. Would you like to work out at the gym next to my house / to the drugstore / to downtown / here?

5. I am not going to visit your city this year / state / family / country.

6. I am going to go to bed early because I have a meeting tomorrow / presentation / class.


7. I would like to go to work on foot tomorrow / by car / by subway / by Uber.


8. Would you like to take a taxi to work tomorrow morning / afternoon / night?

9. I am going to visit Paris again because I have good friends over there / neighbors / relatives.

10. Would you like to sleep in the hammock over here tonight / on the bed / on the matress?

LESSON twenty
Beautiful--ugly Easy--difficult
Big--small Hot--cold
Long--short Old--new
Tall--short Old--young
Rich--poor Cheap--expensive
Adjectives always precede nouns in English


LESSON twenty

Mix and Match

1. I am not going to help you with your lesson unless you help me first / project / homework.

2. I am not going to prepare dinner unless you help me first / lunch / breakfast / a meal.

3. I am not going to sell my house because I live far from here. / near / next to / close to.

4. I am not going to take you to the doctor unless you help me / mall / cinema / bar

5. I am not going to finish my homework unless you help me. / class / special dish / dinner

6. I am not going to exercise tomorrow unless you help me. / to wake up / to get up / to work out.

7. I am not going to work at night unless you help me. / in the morning / in the afternoon / tonight.

8. I am not going to study German unless you help me / spanish / french / portuguese.

9. My friends are very happy living in Canada. / working / teaching / studying.


10. It is very late to start this course / class / meal / lunch.


LESSON twenty one
He introduces.
He doesn’t introduce.
Does he introduce?


Why do you always kiss me in public?

Is she going to try to kiss me in the party tomorrow?
Are they going to kiss you when they see you?
Why do you hug me so much?
Don´t you want to hug me now?
Are they going to hug you when they see you tomorrow?

(for) -Them

Why are you waiting for me?

Are they going to wait for her at the bank?
Are they going to wait for us in front of the park?

LESSON twenty one
TO BECOME -strong

How are you going to become popular?

What are you going to do to become popular like me?
Aren´t they becoming weak and sick with this poor diet?

TO LIVE -Street

Why do you want to live in this neighborhood?

Are you living in this block too?
Are they going to live on this avenue?

English is Easy
One Hundred
One Thousand
One Million
One Billion
One Trillion

LESSON twenty one

Mix and Match

1. Would you like to kiss her again? / me / him / us

2. They are going to become rich because they are intellingent. / popular / famous / strong.

3. I wouldn´t like to become strong again. / poor / weak / famous.


4. She is going to Kiss me because she likes me. / you / him / them.

5. They aren´t going to participate in the event tomorrow night because they are not here. / tomorrow
morning / tomorrow afternoon / tomorrow evening.

6. We are going to participate in the seminar this afternoon because it is important. / this morning /
tonight / in the afternoon.

7. You are going to hug me this morning because I am sad. / happy / sick / tired

8. I would like to wait for you until midnight. / tomorrow / noon / tonight

9. They are going to kiss us when they see us / me / him / her.


10. How would you like to pay for this dress. / shirt / skirt / underwear.

LESSon twenty two
The same

-Hello Frank, I want to introduce my friend to you, come with me please.
-Ok, excellent! I love to make new friends.
-Excuse-me, hi. Lucy…this is my friend Frank.
-Hello Frank! How are you today?
-I am excellent, thanks! Where are you from, Lucy?
-I am from Toscana in Italy.
-Wow, really? My boss always visits Toscana, he loves Italy very much.
-Awesome! Thank you, I like New York very much too, but I have to admit,
your language is very difficult.
-No…you speak English very well, and with a very good accent.
-Oh, thank you, you are very nice…


LESSon twenty two

Mix and Match

1. I always visit my mom on weekends because I Love her / sister / girlfriend / daughter.

2. I always go to work by car during the week / by subway / by bicycle / on foot.


3. I never kiss her when we are in public / always / sometimes / hardly ever.

4. I am never going to sell my car to you because it has a sentimental value to me / house / farm.

5. I always wake up early when I have to go to work by car / on foot / alone / by Uber.

6. I am never going to study German because I don´t like this language / Spanish / Japanese / English.

7. The boss always expects my participation in the meetings / trainings / projects / presentations.

8. I hardly ever give good gifts because I don´t have a lot of money / never / rarely / almost never.

9. Does this boy know how to play the accordion well / man / teacher / instructor?

10. Do these men really want to pay for your farm in cash / house / apartment / project?

LESSON twenty three

TO MEET -Son-in-law

Do you want to meet your new mother-in-law today?

Why don’t you want to meet new people anymore?
Do you want to meet my son-in-law?

TO ASK -Favor

Why are you asking me this question again?

Do you still want to ask the boss about the possibility of a promotion?
Why do you always ask for money on the streets?


Do you have time to answer my e-mail now?

Do I really have to answer this question now?
Are you going to answer your telephone during class?


Are you trying to remember my birthday?

Do you remember dates easily?
Are you going to remember this incident forever?

LESSON twenty three


Are you trying to forget that sad incident?

Are you trying to forget that horrible image too?
Are you going to forget the fact that I love you?


Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in angels and miracles?
Do you believe in ghosts?

Expressions English is Easy

Every other day Velocity
Every other week Confusion
Every other weekend Precision
Every other month Transmission
Every other year Vase

LESSON twenty three

Mix and Match

1. Would you like to meet my new girlfriend at the party tomorrow / convention / show / parade?

2. Why are you asking for money on the streets again / food / drinks / attention?

3. When are you going to have time to answer my questions / letters / e-mails?

4. I am busy cooking a meal now, answer the door for me please / telephone / this e-mail.

5. I would like to remember this occasion for the rest of my life / kiss / date / event.

6. When are you going to forget this story? Don´t you know I don´t believe in God anymore / angels?

7. Do you really still believe in God / angles / miracles / this story?


8. Why do you wait for her over there every other day / week / month / year?

9. Why do you kiss my wife whenever you see her / sister / neighbor / secretary?

10. Would you like to become popular with your new project / business / product / girlfriend?

LESSON twenty four

Some Somebody Something
Any Anybody Anything
No Nobody Nothing
Every Everybody Everything

-Excuse-me, hi…Do you exercise here frequently?
-Yeah…I come here every other day, but I normally work out at night.
-Hum…I see. My name is Benjamin, nice to meet you!
-Nice to meet you too, I am Sophia…So, what time do you usually come to the gym?
-I normally work out from 6 to 8 every day…I love to exercise.
-Me too, I am going to Aruba in two weeks and I want to be in good shape.
-Hum…I exercise very much too, I am a personal trainer.
-Really? You are probably very good at your job.
-Well…I simply love what I do…What about you? Where do you work?
-I work as a businesswoman in a big company downtown…


LESSON twenty four

Mix and Match

1. Somebody needs to ask the doctor about this new treatment / medicine / pill / injection?

2. I am not going to answer anybody before my meeting with the boss today / tomorrow / tonight?

3. Do you remember anything about the party last night / show / presentation / accident?

4. She doesn´t really remember anything about the occasion / event / accident / trip.

5. Do you know anybody that still believes in angles / miracles / my story / her?

6. I try to drink beer only every other day / week / month / year?

7. Would you like to meet anybody new during your next trip / interesting / intelligent / nice?

8. We would like to buy everything we see next time we come here / every dress / every farm.

9. Does anybody speak English fluently in your company / French / German / Portuguese?

10. Sorry, I don´t have any money in my bag today / house / bank account / bedroom.

LESSON twenty five
- Food
- Dessert
- Bed
- Friends
TO MAKE - List
- Surprise
- Pasta

What are you making for dinner?

Why are you making my bed?
Do you usually make friends easily?

-The dishes
-The cleaning
TO DO -The laundry

Are you going to do the cleaning today?

Do you usually do your laundry on weekends?
Do you usually do the cleaning alone?

(to) -Melody

Do you like to listen to this symphony?

Do you listen to the radio in your car?
Do you always listen to this beautiful choir when you visit Rome?


How much money do you spend on clothes every month?

Don´t you like to spend time with me?
Does this company spend a lot on projects to help poor communities?

LESSON twenty five

TO SEND -Package

What do you usually send your wife on her birthday, flowers or chocolate?
Don´t you want to send this money in the package too?
Why do you always send packages to China?

- To make an appointment.
- To make a mistake.
- To make a decision.

English is Easy

LESSON twenty five

Mix and Match

1. I never make the same mistake twice because I am very efficient / intelligent / professional.

2. I always wash the dishes at night because I don´t have time during the day / hair / the cups.

3. I always prepare new projects when I stay home alone / at the office / in my room / up until late.

4. I hardly ever have time to make my bed when I wake up in the morning / always / never.

5. I always send pictures to my boyfriend that lives in Italy / brother / neighbor / aunt.

6. I prefer to do the cleaning alone on weekends / with my maid / with my mom / with my sister.

7. This company doesn´t have much money to spend on new projects / products / more propaganda.

8. Would you like to watch the new choir performing tomorrow night / band / group / team?

9. I usually make friends easily when I drink a lot of beer / always / often / almost never.

10. Wouldn´t you like to spend the afternoon with me again / your vacation / the weekend / time?

LESSON twenty six

-Good morning, my name is Mark. Morrison from Fish 53, here is my card!
-Hi, Mr. Morrison, Welcome!
-Thanks, I need to speak with your boss, please.
-Of course, do you have an appointment with Mr. Smith today?
-Yes, I have an appointment at 8 o’clock.
-Good…wait a second, please.

(In the office)

-Hello, You are Mark Morrison from Fish 53 sushi bar, right?
-Yes, I am, Nice to meet you, sir.
-Nice to meet you too, I always have dinner at your restaurant with my family.
-Good, I’m here to speak with you about a possible partnership with your company.
-Really? Continue my friend…
-I understand that your staff normally eats two meals at The Pizza restaurant every day.
-This is correct; we have a 10% discount at the Pizza restaurant.
-I am here today to offer you a 25% discount when you come to my restaurant…
-Fantastic. I love this idea!


LESSON twenty six

Mix and Match

1. I am still going to send more money to you today / food / medicine / water.

2. I would like to make a special dish as a surprise for her / him / them / my girlfriend.

3. I also like to listen to the choir when I go to church / visit the Vatican / during Christmas.

4. We also prefer to work out at the new gym in the morning / in the afternoon / at night.

5. I like to participate in all the seminars that my company prepares / projects / parties.

6. Maybe we need to spend more money on new projects / propaganda / systems / trainings.

7. I am going to do the dishes today because mom is still very sick / tired / busy / irritated.

8. Nice to meet you, have an excellent day / week / mother / trip.


9. Maybe she is just a little tired of this situation / job / occupation / country / project.

10. She never goes to the gym when she has to work in the morning / cook / prepare breakfast.

LESSON twenty seven

-Post card

What are you writing?

Why are you writing a love letter to my girlfriend?
Does she write cards to everybody she likes?

TO READ -Magazine

Do you read the newspaper every day?

Do you have time to read my new article this afternoon?
Does she really need to read all the ads on this list?

TO LEND -Things

Why are you lending her your stuff?

Why are you lending my things to this stranger?
Does she lend you her favorite eraser every day?


Why do you always borrow money from me?

Are you borrowing or buying this car?
Does she borrow your CDs and DVDs too?

LESSON twenty seven
Why is he sharing his salary with you?
Don´t you want to share your secret with me?
Why does she share her meals with her boss?


To take a picture
To take a break
To take a walk
To take a ride

English is Easy


LESSON twenty seven

Mix and Match

1. She always reads a story to her kids before she goes to bed / husband / boyfriend / sister.

2. She sometimes likes to take her dog to the beach on weekends / family / neighbors / parents.

3. She likes to share her food with me sometimes / salary / meals / lunch.

4. He always needs to borrow money from me because he is poor / doesn´t have a job / is sick.

5. I am going to write her a letter because we don´t talk anymore / him / them / my dad.

6. I would like to finish this book before the weekend / painting my house / my project.

7. He likes to share tips with me about business / health / fitness / investments.


8. I hardly ever have to borrow money from my parents / always / never / usually.

9. I am going to write a new book about African animals / good investments / American culture.

10. He always writes messages to his friends in Canada / e-mails / letters.


LESSON twenty eight
Learn this
More Like this
Less/Fewer Like that How about?
About This way What about?
Around That way

(Job interview)

-Why do you want to work for this company?

-Well, I have many qualifications and much experience with customer service.
-Good, I would like to see your resume, please.
-Here you are, sir.
-I see that you have fluency in four languages.
-Yes, I know how to speak English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and now I am studying Japanese.
-This is very impressive! What do you think about working weekends sometimes?
-This is no problem for me; but, how many weekends a month am I going to have to work
-Probably, two weekends.
-That’s ok, sir.
-Perfect, you have all the qualifications we are looking for.
-Thanks for the opportunity, sir; I am not going to disappoint you…
-Welcome to our team.


LESSON twenty eight

Mix and Match

1. Do you need more time to finish your resume / prepare / make / start?

2. I am trying to work fewer days now that my wife is on vacation / in the hospital / in Chile.

3. Why do you always talk to your sister-in-law like this / cousin / uncle / aunt?

4. How about having lunch at that new restaurant near the office / behind / beside / in front of?

5. This way you are going to spend all your money before Christmas / my birthday / the weekend.

6. How many dollars are you going to take on your next trip / vacation / travel?

7. Does she still want to take a picture of my new yellow Porsche / bicycle / motorcycle?

8. I am going to take a walk at the beach with my girlfriend today / now / tomorrow / tonight.

9. How about taking a ride in your new Ferrari now / car / taxi / submarine?

10. I am going to borrow some of your rock cds to play during the party / trip / ride / travel.

LESSON twenty nine

TO EXPLAIN -Important

I explained this complicated situation to her yesterday.

I explained important details of the contract to the boss in the meeting
I explained this strange story to him when I visited him.


I organized my agenda and my work schedule last night.

I organized my closet and the boxes in your garage yesterday.
I organized my desk after your visit yesterday morning.

-Good things
TO SAY -Bad things

I said good things about you to the boss yesterday.

I said bad things about you to everybody in the party.
I said this to you last night because I love you.

- Enthusiasm
- Interest
TO SHOW - Respect
- Excitement
- Feelings

I showed enthusiasm for his idea when we talked last weekend.

I showed respect for her feelings when we talked last week.
I showed interest for your project when you presented it last month.

LESSON twenty nine

TO WALK -Alone

I walked to your house last night.

I walked alone on the streets last night.
I walked along the beach with your sister last weekend.


Merry Christmas
Christmas Eve
Santa Claus
Happy New Year
Easter egg
Easter bunny

English is Easy

LESSON twenty nine

Mix and Match

1. I explained everything in English because everybody is fluent here / intelligent / a teacher.


2. I sent a letter to my ex-wife last week explaining my situation / the details / my conditions.

3. I organized all your books on a shelf in the garage / living room / bedroom / kitchen.

4. I organized a party for you because I am the best girlfriend in the world / sister / wife / boss.

5. I received fewer presents from my parents this year / uncle and aunt / siblings / boyfriend.

6. He showed a lot of enthusiasm for my resume last night / idea / project / article.

7. I explained this complex situation to you via e-mail this morning / delicate / simple / difficult.

8. I walked with her to the club this morning because her car is broken / bank / hotel / club.

9. I would like to have more time to organize my school Schedule tonight / work.

10. I am probably going to visit my mother in law in the hospital today / bank / pub / post office.

LESSON thirty

LESSON thirty one
I wanted I needed
I didn’t want I didn’t need
Did you want? Did you need?

TO RAIN -Last week
rained / rained -Last month
-Last Year

Did it rain in your city last year?

Did it rain during the ceremony yesterday?
Didn´t it rain a lot in your country last winter?

TO HAPPEN -Suddenly
happened / happened

What happened to you?

Did this happen to you too?
What happened to the money you had in the bank?

-Credit card
TO PAY -Check
paid / paid -In cash

How much interest did you pay on your car?

Did you pay for this with my credit card?
Did you pay for this with one of my checks?
TO GO -Down
went / gone -Back

Why did you go away before midnight?

Why did you go back home alone?
Why did you go up to my room without my permission?

LESSON thirty one


To get sad
got / gotten

Reflexive Pronouns


LESSON thirty one
Complete these sentences
1. It never rained …

2. It happened because…

3. I never paid …

4. I never went …

5. I never wanted to …

Answer these questions

1. Where did you go last night?

2. Why did you introduce me to your sister?


3. Who illustrated this book?


4. What did you do yesterday morning?


5. Did you cooperate with the project?


LESSON thirty one

Mix and Match

1. I didn´t help with the project yesterday because it rained a lot / very much / a little.

2. This is going to happen again if you come here on foot tomorrow / alone / by car / by bus.

3. I didn´t go to the club last night because my wife preferred to stay home / party / show / concert.

4. What would you like to do if we have to stay home because of the rain / parade / snow?

5. I didn´t demonstrate any enthusiasm for his idea last night / resume / musical performance?

6. I didn´t introduce you to my sister last night because she was a little sick / tired / busy / drunk.

7. Why didn´t you try to visit your family in the USA last year / boyfriend / cousins / aunt?

8. Did you remember to pay your secretary last night / mom / dad / brother?

9. How did you pay for all this food without my credit card / clothes / drinks / shoes?

10. Did you go back downtown to look for a new job yesterday / pair of shoes / your ex-girlfriend?

LESSON thirty two
I liked. I had.
I didn’t like. I didn’t have.
Did you like? Did you have?

TO SPEAK -Stepson
spoke / spoken -Cousin

Did you speak with your nephew about this situation?

Did you speak with your cousin about me?
Did your stepmom speak with you about the new maid?

understood / understood -Feelings

Did the boss understand what happened?

Did you understand all the details in the presentation?
Did you understand everything the teacher said?

TO TAKE -Medicine
took / taken -Shot

Did you take your children to the park last weekend?

Why did you take my medicine yesterday?
Didn´t you take a shot for malaria last year?
TO THINK -Situation
thought / thought -Relationship

What do you think about this situation?

Did you have time to think about our relationship?
Did you think about my proposition?

LESSON thirty two
Complete the sentences
1. I never spoke with …

2. I never understood …

3. I never took …

4. I never finished …

5. I never thought …

Answer these questions

1. When did you finish your medicine course?

2. Why did you take a shot yesterday?


3. How did you finish this so fast?


4. What did you have for lunch yesterday?


5. Did you speak with your father last week?


LESSON thirty two

Mix and Match

1. I needed to cooperate with the rest of the team during the competition / game / trip.

2. I wanted to take my medicine yesterday but I don´t know where they are / pills / injections.

3. I really liked your methodology; It is very impressive / intelligent / direct / objective.


4. I had to finish my homework before going to work yesterday / this morning / yesterday morning.

5. I would like to have introduced you to my sister yesterday / mom / dad / stepmom / stepdad.

6. Did you really have to study a lot about this last year / a little / very much?

7. I took my girlfriend to watch the sunset with me yesterday / sunrise / a nice show / the parade.

8. Did this happen during my vacation last year / trip to Canada / my experience as a teacher?

9. Did you need to buy more food for the kids this morning / fruit / vegetables / jam?

10. Did you have time to think about my proposal yesterday morning / question / situation / job?

LESSON thirty three

TO EAT -Shrimp
ate / eaten -Lobster
What did you eat for lunch yesterday?
Why do you eat pasta every day?
Did you eat crab and shrimp for dinner?

drank / drunk -Espresso
-Soft drink

What did you drink for dinner last night?

Why did you drink my Mocha?
Did you drink a latte for dinner?

prepared / prepared -Presentation

How did you prepare this meal so fast?

Did you prepare this presentation alone?
Did you prepare this report without my permission?

TO BEGIN -Discussion
began / begun -Debate

When did you begin your diet?

When are you going to begin this program?
Why did you begin the debate without me?

LESSON thirty three

TO LEAVE -Fiancé
left / left -Fiancée

How much money did you leave for me?

Why did you leave the house so early today?
Did you leave your fiancé alone at the altar?

TO ORDER -Main course
ordered / ordered -Dessert

Did you order the steak for your main course?

Didn´t you order this appetizer the last time we ate here?
Did you order the same dessert again?

Learn These

Mike’s car is new.

My brother’s money is in the bank.
My teacher’s English is fluent.
Mark’s sister’s dog is very ugly.
Bob’s food is very good.

LESSON thirty three
Answer these questions
1. What did you eat for breakfast today?

2. What did you order at the restaurant yesterday?


3. Did you begin a new diet?


4. Why did you prepare this presentation alone?


5. Why did you order dessert without me again?


Complete the sentences

1. I never ordered…

2. Why did you drink…?


3. We prepared this …

4. When did you begin…?


5. I finally finished…

LESSON thirty three

Mix and Match

1. I ate a lot of lobster for lunch yesterday / shrimp / crab / shellfish.’+-

2. My wife prepared a special meal for dessert last night / pie / surprise / appetizer.

3. I decided to start a new diet because I am a little out of shape / fat / sick of my old diet.

4. Did you order my cappuccino with extra milk this time / latte / mocha / pudding?

5. I love myself. This is something that I would like to remember every day / morning / night.

6. When did you finish this project? It is very impressive / professional / good / convincing.

7. Did you really eat all of my french fries for lunch yesterday / lobster / shrimp / salad?

8. I am going to order the same latte that I got the last time I came here / mocha / juice / tea.

9. I got very rich when I started writing books about politics / business / economics / languages.

10. Would you like to order the same appetizer that we got the last time we came here / dessert / bber?

LESSON thirty four


Ear Forehead Eyebrow

Hair Eye


Lips Mouth



Foto- Renata Carneiro - 2013


In the morning Butter

In the afternoon Jam
At night Toast
Over here Steak
Over there Meal
In the week To order
On the weekend

LESSON thirty four

Answer these questions

1- What did you have for lunch today?

2- Do you think about working or studying in the USA?
3- How did you get so rich? Do you prefer a lot of money or a lot of friends?
4- What are you preparing for me? Who prepares your breakfast every day?
5- Does it rain a lot in your city? Is it raining now? Do you think it´s going to rain tonight?
6- When do you have English classes? Are you going to have class tomorrow again?
7- Why did you start studying English here? When are you going to have class again?
8- When are you going to finish your English course?
9- Why do you live in this city? Do you sometimes think about living in a different city or country?
10- Where did you go last weekend? What are you going to do next weekend?

LESSON thirty four
the sentences
1- I never demonstrated…

2- I never understood…

3- I never took you…


4- Why did you show…?


5- I wanted to call…

Answer these questions

1- What did you buy for your fiancée last week?


2- Did you understand your mother’s advice when she talked to you last night?

3- What do you think about my new car?


4- How did you become so rich so fast?


5- Did you finish reading my e-mail before the meeting?


LESSON thirty four

Mix and Match

1- What do you know about my situation in the company / project / band / bank?

2- He didn´t say anything important in the meeting yesterday / interesting / positive / constructive.

3- What do you know about the social problems present in our country / community / city?

4- What are you going to sell at the concert tomorrow / convention / presentation / show?

5- I didn´t want to show any enthusiasm for his idea / resume / promotion / new job.

6- My congregation doesn´t understand anything when I speak English / parents / cousins / siblings.

7- I am probably going to stay here and listen to this beautiful choir all night long / band / performance.

8- This is the story of my life, I am a big disappointment to my family / company / team / staff.

9- He normally doesn´t demonstrate any feelings for anybody / respect / enthusiasm / love.

10- What did you do when the boss demonstrated enthusiasm for your proposal / excitement / interest?

LESSON thirty five

decided / decided

Did you decide this alone?

What did you decide to do with this money?
When did you decide to live here?

- Salary
complained / complained - Service

Why are you complaining about your salary again?

Did she complain about this mess when she visited you last night?
Aren´t you going to complain about it?

put / put

Where did you put my bag?

Where are you going to put this?
Why did you put your books on my bed?
Did you put anything in my bag?
TO INVITE -Baptism
invited / invited -Baby shower

How many people did you invite to the party?

Did you invite your boss to your son´s baptism?
Did you invite my family to your wedding reception?

LESSON thirty five
TO TELL -Truth
-Version of the story
told / told

Did you tell him your version of the story?

Did you tell me a lie again?
Did you tell the truth about us to your parents?

-Phone call
TO WAIT(for) -Answer
waited / waited -Reaction

Are you still waiting for her?

How much time did you wait for me there?
Did you wait for an invitation from me?

Now repeat
want bath
need shower
I to take a
have trip
like pill
chill pill

bad mood
In a good mood

She is always in a bad mood.

She is sometimes in a good mood.
She is never in a hurry.

LESSON thirty five
Put the sentences in the negative
and interrogative forms
I took a nap after lunch yesterday afternoon.
She loves to take pills for everything.
I am thinking about taking a trip to Paris.
She is in a very good mood this morning.
I am in a hurry because I have to go to work.

Make a question
1- _________________________________________________________________
Sorry, I am always in a bad mood in the morning.

2- _________________________________________________________________
She usually takes a nap on weekends.

3- _________________________________________________________________
Because I am always in a hurry.

4- _________________________________________________________________
No, I only invited my close friends.

5- _________________________________________________________________
I never told you a lie, take a chill pill please!

LESSON thirty five

Mix and Match

1- Where would you like to invest all of this money / put / deposit / keep?

2- She recently decided that she prefers to stay here alone / live / study / work?

3- Are you going to take a shower in my new bathroom / suite / hotel room?

4- I decided to tell my secretary the truth about this curious incident / coincidence / happening.

5- Are you going to invite your ex-mother-in-law to your baby shower / baby´s baptism / graduation?

6- I didn´t have time to wait for your call last night / e-mail / message / answer.

7- I need to tell you that I am always in an excellent mood when I wake up / in a hurry / in a bad mood.

8- Wouldn´t you like to live another year with me in this city / state / country / paradise?

9- Do you remember where I put my new tennis shoes / red dress / pink skirt / new underwear?

10- Why didn´t you invite me to your wedding reception / baptism / baby shower / party?

LESSON thirty six

The Human Body


arm fore arm
elbow hand
belly / stomach
belly button / navel

leg - thigh

knee / knee cap

calf (calves)
shin toe
foot (feet)

Homem Vitruvino – segundo Leonardo da Vinci -

Maid I am tired
I am sick
To cook I am hungry
To pay for I am thirsty
To pay a visit I am hot
To pay attention to
I am cold

LESSON thirty six

Answer these questions

1- What did you decide to do with this money?
2- Where did you live last year?
3- Why didn’t you put more money in the bank? What are you going to buy with your next salary?
4- Why did you only invite your friends to your wedding?
5- Who did you invite to your baby shower? Why didn´t you invite me?
6- When do you usually take naps? Did you take a nap after lunch last weekend?
7- Why did you decide to begin studying English? Do you want to study other languages too?
8- When is it a good time to take a nap? Did you take any pills this morning?
9- Why are you always in a bad mood? Are you in a hurry to finish this class?
10- Why are you always in a hurry? What puts you in a good mood?

LESSON thirty six
Complete the sentences
1- Did you decide…?

2- I usually put my…


3- Why didn’t she invite…?


4- I am waiting for…

5- She never told me…


Make a question for

1- _________________________________________________________________________
I didn’t wait for you because I didn’t have time.

2- _________________________________________________________________________
He told me a different version of the story.

3- _________________________________________________________________________
No, I only invited my close friends.

4- _________________________________________________________________________
No, I put nothing in my bag.

5- _________________________________________________________________________
She lives two blocks from downtown.

LESSON thirty six

Mix and Match

1- She decided that she is not going to invite me to her parties anymore / meetings / competitions.

2- I didn´t complain about the main dish, I complained about this terrible dessert / lobster / shrimp.

3- She is constantly saying great things about my family / funny / beautiful / bad.

4- I decided that i am only going to travel again next month / year / semester / week.

5- Are you in a hurry to finish your homework / English course / presentation / contract?

6- I need to tell you the truth, I am your father / a difficult person / the new manager / secret admirer.

7- I never had the opportunity to tell you my version of the story / my side of the story / the entire story.

8- I would like to stay and wait for her reaction when she arrives here / his / my wife´s / their?

9- Did you visit a doctor before you decided to start taking this medication / injection / pill?

10- She, for some reason, put this money in my bag yesterday / passport / checkbook / key.

LESSON thirty seven

I try. I tried. I am trying.
I don’t try. I didn’t try. I am not trying
Do you try? Did you try? Are you trying?

became / become -Successful

How did you become so famous?

Are you trying to become the new boss?
How did you become a successful businessman?

TO FOLLOW -Instructions
followed / followed -Example

Is it easy to follow all these instructions?

Why don´t you try to follow my advice?
Did you follow the leader’s example?
TO USE -Equipment
-Tooth brush
used / used

Do you know how to use this equipment?

How did you make a table without any tools?
Did you use my razor and my tooth brush again?

TO IGNORE -Opportunity
ignored / ignored

Why do you always ignore all the advice I give you?

Are you going to ignore this opportunity?
Why did you ignore all those tips I shared with you before the trip?

LESSON thirty seven

TO SING -Out of key

-Out of tone
sang / sung

Do you like to sing in the shower?

Why do you always sing out of key?
Did you sing in the car during the trip?


It’s fun (to come to Mix n’ Match).

It’s funny (to see you dancing so fast).
It’s boring (to dance with your sister).
It’s tiring (to work until so late).
It’s nice (to talk to you about this).

LESSON thirty seven
Complete the sentences
1- She never followed…

2- It’s fun to…


3- It’s difficult to follow your instructions because…


4- My leader always says…


5- Follow this street and…


Answer these questions

1- What are you trying to make with those tools?
2- What are you doing to become rich?
3- Did you follow the teacher’s advice?
4- Why didn’t you want to dance with me?
5- Do you think it’s fun to watch movies alone?

LESSON thirty seven

Mix and Match

1- I never tried to follow your advice because I don´t like it / example / program / diet.

2- My cousin became rich quickly with his new business / investments / Idea / project.

3- My neighbor likes to sing in the shower when she comes home late from work / church /college.

4- I would like to know why you are using my tools without my permission / equipment / razor.

5- It is funny to dance with you when I am too drunk to remember the next day / fun / nice / awesome.

6- Why didn´t you want to dance with my sister at the party last night / cousin / aunt / neighbor?

7- It´s funny to see how fast you dance when you are a little drunk / fun / crazy / nice.

8- Why is it so hard for you to follow my example like everybody else / instructions / advice / directions?

9- You need to start following your mother´s example, she is a very honest woman / Professional / nice.

10- Why didn´t you want to sing at the karaoke like everybody else last night / dance / participate / drink?

LESSON thirty eight

Learn this

To turn left
up the volume
down the volume


I am buying
I am going to sell Insurance
To look for Keys
To look at Lawyer
To talk to Underwear

LESSON thirty eight

Answer these questions

1- Do you know any jokes in English? Do you like to tell jokes?

2- How did you become so famous? Do you think about becoming a doctor sometimes?

3- When are you going to start studying English every day?


4- Why are you using these tools? Do you know how to dance well?

5- When are you going to prepare a surprise for your teacher?


6- Why do you always ignore my answers in the conversation classes?


7- Who is the best singer in your family? Who is the best driver in your family?

8- Is it tiring to work on weekends? Do you work on weekends sometimes?


9- Why did you turn up the volume? Do you usually listen to music in English?

10- Why are you taking a chill pill? Are you in a good mood today? Why? Why not?

LESSON thirty eight
Complete with
( how much / how many / much / many / a lot of / a lot / very much / why /
because / how / where / when )
1- ________________ money do you intend to borrow from me to travel? Do
you need _______________ money?
2- ________________ didn’t she decide to live in that neighborhood? She
doesn’t have _____________ friends there.
3- ________________ did she come here today? She came on foot because she
doesn’t have ______________ money to buy a bicycle.
4- She doesn’t know _______________ she became rich. She didn’t work
_______________ for her money.
5- ______________ did she find these socks? I need to buy _____________
socks for my kids ______________ they don’t have any at home right now.

Answer these questions
1- How much money did your boss receive with the new contract?

2- Why didn’t you dance with my sister last night at the concert?

3- How many calls did you receive from our new client yesterday?

4- Did you think about lending money to your brother again?


5- Do you prefer to live far away from your mother-in-law?


LESSON thirty eight

Mix and Match

1- I am not using my tools because I left them at my father´s house / uncle´s / girlfriend´s.

2-Why didn´t you follow my advice when I told you to quit smoking / your job / your dance classes?

3- Its ridiculous how you dance /drive/speak so slow.Why don´t you quit dancing /driving / speaking Italian ?

4- What did she decide to do yesterday? She decided to sing / drink/ party in a bar near her house.

5- How did you became a successful bussinesman / competitor/ doctor?


6- Why do you always complain about your father when He gives you advices/ money/ tips.

7- It´s fun / funny/ boring to sing in the shower when your wife isn´t listening.

8- Why don´t you tell your version of the story to your boss/ mother/ friends / the judge?

9- Everybody is waiting for your reaction / call / ride / e-mail.


10- It´s boring / tiring / sad / relaxing to stay here with you doing nothing.

LESSON thirty nine
I was It was
You were We were
He was You were
She was They were

forgave / forgiven -Behavior

Do you think God forgives everybody?

Do you forgive easily?
Oh God! Did You forgive my sins?

TO BUILD -Bridge
built / built

What are you going to build here?

Are you building this house alone?
When was this square built?

-Public health system

TO DEPEND (on) -Public transportation system
depended / depended -Income

Do you depend on the public health system?

Do you depend on your husband´s income too?
Do you depend on the public transportation system to go to work?

LESSON thirty nine
TO WIN -Contest
won / won -Prize

Are you going to buy a farm if you win the lottery?

How did you win the contest so easily?
Did you win the lottery again?

TO LOSE -Challenge
lost / lost

How did you lose all your money?

Did the director lose his patience in the meeting again?
Did you lose the challenge?


able …
about …
afraid …
To be careful…

LESSON thirty nine
Write a sentence with
1- Lobster

2- Razor

3- Mushroom

4- Mocha

5- Secret

Answer these questions

1- Why didn’t you forgive my behavior?


2- Do you still depend on your parents financially?


3- When was the last time you lost control with anybody?

4- Were you surprised when you visited France?


5- Who won the game?


LESSON thirty nine

Mix and Match

1- God forgives everybody because he is a very good father / loving / caring / patient.

2- They are trying to build a sophisticated shopping mall here because this is a very good area / expensive /
popular / busy.

3- Are you going to depend on your insignificant salary forever / commissions / tips?

4- I was going to the movies when you called me yesterday morning / afternoon / evening / last night.

5- I was losing the competition when my team decided to react / change our strategy / concentrate more.

6- I was about to lose control with my children when my boss arrived / you called me / sent me flowers.

7- I was afraid to go downtown alone last night but I went anyway / to the cemetery / to the party.

8- I had to be very careful with my documents when I visited my sister in China / North Korea / Peru.

9- She was a little ashamed of me because I am not a very good dancer / driver / player / negotiator.

10- I am not sure if she really wants to see you now / work with you / talk to you / invest in this.

LESSON forty

Learn this

Have you ever drunk…?

You are as interesting as I am (me)

He is as slow as I am (me)

LESSON forty
LESSON forty
Complete the sentences
1- She forgave…

2- I never forgot to…


3- Were you…?

4- Are you ashamed of…?


5- Were you surprised…?


Answer these questions

1- What do you always forget to take to school?
2- Did you ever think about building anything in this land?
3- Did you ever receive or win a big prize?
4- Do you depend on the public health system?
5- Were you a good student in school?

LESSON forty

Mix and Match

1- I lost my patience with the kids when they destroyed my garden / project / painting / piano.

2- I am as intelligent as you; why don´t you give me another chance / opportunity / promotion / job?

3- You have to learn how to be more careful when you drive at night / in the rain / fast / downtown.

4- How much money did you lose in the challenge yesterday morning / contest / competition / poker game?

5- It´s ridiculous how she forgets to pay the teacher every month / every class / every year.

6- She never worked as a police officer; she always worked as an engineer / architect / illustrator.

7- I am going forgive you a million times if necessary because you are the love of my life / my best friend /

8- I was about to forgive you when I remembered your terrible behavior last night / during the party / there.

9- My brother is still trying to win the lottery because he has big dreams for his life / plans / projects.

10- Are you surprised that they decided to build a bridge here / wall / square / shopping mall?

LESSON forty one

chose / chosen
I will choose.
I won’t choose.
Why did you choose me? Will you choose?
Who chose this ugly car?
Why did you choose to stay alone?

TO COPY -Signature
copied / copied

Why were you trying to copy my signature?

Why do you always copy my style?
Will you copy my answers again?
missed / missed -Play

How did you miss your flight?

Did you miss me all these years?
Will you miss the school bus if you stay here to help me with the dishes?

TO STEAL -Collection
stole / stolen -Things

How much money did you steal from the bank?

Why did you steal my stamp collection?
Do you promise to stop stealing if I marry you?

LESSON forty one

TO CRY -Desperately
cried / cried

Why are you crying?

Was she crying when you left?
Will you cry when I leave for France?

TO DIE -Slowly
died / died

When did your old boss die?

Did your neighbor die quickly?
How did the terrorist die? Was it televised?

I have many bills to pay
I have so many bills to pay
I have too many bills to pay

I have much money in the bank

I have so much money in the bank
I have too much money in the bank

LESSON forty one
Answer these questions
1- What will you do tomorrow?

2- Where will you go on your next vacation?


3- When will you have your next vacation?


4- What will you eat for dinner tonight?


5- How many dollars will you need to buy your new motorcycle?

Make a question for

I will only travel again next year.
No she won’t, she will only visit me again next week.

I think she cried because her grandmother died recently.

He is in prison because he robbed a bank.

She missed her flight because she was involved in an accident.

LESSON forty one

Mix and Match

1- If we don´t leave now we will miss our flight to Paris / Spain / Germany / France.

2-I promise I won´t copy your homework again / style / signature / hair style.

3- She decided to choose me among so many people / students / managers / lawyers.


4- My sister was crying desperately because her boyfriend doesn´t want to see her anymore / kiss / hug.

5- I bought this car for you on your birthday, don´t you remember / on Christmas / on black Friday?

6- I was crying desperately when my mother arrived from work last night / dad / niece / nephew.

7- Why were you crying when I talked to you on the phone this morning / on the internet / on skype?

8- Which supervisor will speak in the seminar tomorrow, Will it be me, him, her?

9- The Police are looking for the person who stole my laptop last week / money / documents / passport.

10-As a teacher I have too many homeworks to correct every day / tests / compositions.

LESSON forty two

Learn this

How old? How hot?

How tall? How rich?
How fast? How big?
How deep? How expensive?


I work as a driver.
I worked as an engineer.
She works as a salesperson.
He worked as a police officer.
I will work as an architect.
I arrived alone.
We stayed together.
I prefer to stay silent.
I want to watch the sunset today.
I will watch the sunrise tomorrow.

LESSON forty two
Answer these questions
1- Where will you go on your next vacation? Where did you go on your last vacation?

2- When will you have your next vacation? What is your favorite city in this country and why?

3- What will you do on your next vacation? Do you have family in other states?

4- Will you have to work overtime this week? Where do you work and what do you do?

5- Do you remember the last time you cried? Do you feel embarrassed when you cry?

6- Do you usually cry at movies? Did you ever cry in public?


7- Are you afraid of your boss? Are you afraid to go downtown at night?

8- What do you think about our governor? Do you want to stay in the same job for the rest of your life?

9- Who will you invite to your wedding reception? Do you want to have a big party?

10- Have you ever met anybody famous? Tell me about your favorite hobbies.

LESSON forty two
Complete the sentences
1- Will you …?
2- Won’t she…?
3- What will he…?
4- When will we…?
5-How many times will you…?

Make a sentence with

1- To be about
2- To be ashamed
3- Too much
4- It’s funny
5- To be able

LESSON forty two

Mix and Match

1- Why are you always trying to copy my style? You are a terrible friend / fan / brother / teacher!

2- Do you remember where I put my razor when I arrived home this morning / afternoon / evening?

3- Why did you choose me as your dance partner among so many people / lab / project / business?

4- How much money did the criminals steal from the bank yesterday / office / agency / company?

5- I was talking to her when she suddenly started to dance / smoke / sing my favorite song / play the piano.

6-I was about to lose my patience with you when you kissed me / hugged me / called my name.

7- We will miss our bus if we stay here talking about music again / politics / religion / physics.

8- They won´t copy your signature again because they are afraid of you / respect you / need your help.

9- If you try to steal my stamp collection again, I will call the police / FBI / my husband / the boss.

10- Why do you think he tried to steal money from the cash register again / bank / office?

LESSON forty three
* O verbo
TO KEEP “to keep” exige que
o verbo seguinte
kept / kept
venha com (ING)

I kept. I am going to keep my money in the bank.

I didn’t keep. I am not going to keep my books on the table.
Did you keep? Are you going to keep your shoes under the bed?

I will keep working here.

I won’t keep living in this city.
Will you keep stealing from me?

TO TEACH (how)
taught / taught

I taught.
I didn’t teach.
Did you teach?

I will teach. I am going to teach.

I won’t teach. I am not going to teach.
Will you teach? Are you going to teach?

- Supplements
- Land
TO BUY - Jewelry
bought / bought - Souvenir
- Candy

Did you buy this land to plant corn?

Where did you buy all these supplements?
Did you buy candy for your nieces and nephews?

LESSON forty three

-Junk food
TO SELL -Snacks
sold / sold -Beverages

Did you sell beverages at the show last night?

Do you still sell snacks in front of the mall?
Will you sell life insurance for the rest of your life?

TO FLY -Coach
flew / flown -Airline

Why do you always fly coach?

Did you ever fly first-class?
Did you fly with this airline to Japan?

TO CARRY -Wallet
carried / carried -Purse

Why are you carrying my bag?

Why do you still carry this ridiculous wallet?
Are you carrying my suitcase just to be nice?

LESSON forty three


 The boss loves your new project.

By the way…
 I still need your help with this.

 see your new camera, please.

Let me…  think about your proposal for a
 try to understand your problem.

English is Easy

LESSON forty three
Answer these questions
1- What are you carrying in your wallet now?

2- What did you eat for breakfast today?


3- Did you ever fly first- class?


4- Do you think you eat healthy?


5- What are your favorite alcoholic beverages?


Make a question for

She will only sell jewelry during her vacation.
No, I think he is going to fly coach again.
From now on, I only want to eat healthy food.
Because I drank too much champagne yesterday.
Because it is very expensive here.

LESSON forty three

Mix and Match

1- I am going to buy only healthy food for my children now / kids / husband / nephews.

2- He keeps working in this school because he receives a good salary here / good benefits / health insurance.

3-I am only going to keep teaching here because I love my students / receive a good salary / this school.

4-Why do you carry so many things in your bag / pocket / purse / wallet?

5- Monkeys carried this virus in Africa until the last decade / cats / dogs / humans.

6-Would you like to buy this beautiful piece of land / shoe collection / house on the mountain?

7-How much money do you think I should carry in my wallet during the trip / my stay here / the experiment?

8- I eat here every time they go back to serving healthy food / chinese / italian / french.

9- Are you really going to sell house insurance for the rest of your life / car / health / life?

10-I am sorry, but I am as competent as you. I will certainly become the new boss / manager / supervisor.

LESSON forty four

Passion fruit Guava

Pear Peach
Apple Avocado
Grapes Melon
Raisin Watermelon
Papaya Star fruit
A bunch of…
A dozen…
Half a dozen…
Pine fruit Strawberry
Pineapple Blueberry
Banana Cherry
Mango Plum
Tangerine Prune

Learn this Review

Actually By ear.
By heart.
Certainly I am learning how to dance.
Surely I am teaching him how to paint.
Really I don’t know how to play the guitar.

LESSON forty four

Answer these questions

1- Why do you keep doing this? Until when are you going to keep studying here?

2- Are you going to teach your nephew how to drive? Who taught you how to drive?

3- Why do you keep buying jewelry for your wife? Are you very romantic?

4- Are you going to keep selling snacks downtown? Where do you normally buy clothes?

5- Why did you decide to fly coach? Don´t you prefer to fly first-class?

6- Why do you keep carrying this suitcase with you? Do you carry a lot of things in your bag?

7- Do you eat compulsively when you are sad? What is your favorite type of food?

8- What are you trying to make with these tools? Do you know how to use a fax machine?

9- Where do you usually keep all your money? Why don´t you keep all your money at home?

10- Why did you decide to buy this property? What are you going to build here?

LESSON forty four

Mix and Match

1- I don´t understand why she keeps buying avocados when she knows I don´t like this fruit / am allergic to /
hate / am sick of.

2- Isn´t a little expensive to fly first class to Paris every month / Rome / Tokyo / New York?

3- My fiancée decided to eat an apple at least three times a day / week / year.

4-She keeps missing her bus every day because she never wakes up before 6:00 a.m. / 7:00 a.m. / 5:30 a.m.

5- I always make a lot of new friends when I travel by bus / by myself / alone / on my own.

6- If could choose, where would you like to work next time / study / live / open a new business?

7- She was about to cry when the criminal stole her bag / go to bed / leave the store / travel to L.A.

8- We chose you as our new assistant because you have a lot of experience / qualities / competence.

9- It´s funny how she insists on talking about this when the boss is present / lawyer / sales manager.

10- Follow my directions and you will arrive in California in 45 minutes / instructions / advice.

LESSON forty five


I would like.
I wouldn’t like.
Would you like?
* condicional
(futuro do pretérito)

TO SLEEP -In a hammock
slept / slept -On the floor

Would you like to sleep in the hammock tonight?

Would you like to sleep here today?
Would you sleep well on the floor?

- Upstairs
TO GO - Downstairs
went / gone - Crazy

Would you like to go upstairs for a cup of coffee?

Would you like to come downstairs for a minute?
I am probably going to go crazy if you try to leave me again.

TO KILL -Parasites
killed / killed -Worms

Did you kill all the bugs in the kitchen?

This will kill all your worms and parasites.
What do you like to do to kill time?

LESSON forty five

-A gift/present
TO GET -Prize
got / gotten -Depressed

Did you get a good gift from your parents on your birthday?
How did you get so tired?
Where did you get this beautiful watch?
Did you get the message in time?
Why do I always have to get coffee for everybody during the meetings?
What time did you get here today?

behaved / behaved

Why do you behave as if you were my boyfriend?

Did my kids misbehave at the party last night?
Why did you mother behave as if she were a single woman during the trip?

LESSON forty five


To get/got off
(actions) away

LESSON forty five
Complete the sentences
1- Wouldn’t she...?

2- You will only get rich when....


3- Won’t they…?

4- Why does she behave as if…?


5- This will cost a lot of money because…


Give very negative and pessimistic
answers to the questions bellow:
1- When do you think you will get rich?
2- Will I learn how to dance soon?
3- When will you have enough money to buy this?
4- How much money will you have to buy Christmas gifts this year?
5- When will she get well?

LESSON forty five

Mix and Match

1- Why do you keep behaving as if you were my boyfriend in front of my family / boss / friend / teacher.

2- Did my kids misbehave while I was at the conference yesterday / party / job interview / meeting?

3- I will start behaving if you promise to stop stealing all my ideas / boyfriends / shoes / money.

4- I would like to have a second chance please, I was a little sick when I took the test / nervous / tired.

5- I tried to sleep in the hammock last night but I was a little uncomfortable / on the floor / with your pillow.

6- What do you usually do to kill time when you are not at work / normally / often / frequently?

7- My sister behaves as if she were my mother / boss / teacher / daughter; I hate that!

8- I don´t really understand what happened here yesterday / in the party / in the funeral / in the baptism.

9- Where did you get the money to buy all of this jewelry / candy / food / fruit / fish?

10- What would you buy if you had millions of Euros in your bank account / dollars / Canadian dollars?

LESSON forty six

Buildings and Structures

Skyscraper Tunnel
Bridge Highway
Avenue Subway station
Street Bus station
Traffic lights
Road Parking lot
Bill board
Dirt road Sidewalk

Learn this
Surprising – surprised Advice
Tiring – tired Invitation
Confusing – Confused Classmates
Interesting – Interested Roommates
Boring – bored Co-workers
Hardly ever

LESSON forty six

Answer these questions

1- What would you do if you had millions of dollars in the bank?


2- What would you do if your kids misbehaved in public?


3- Would you like to sleep in a five star hotel? Did you ever sleep in one?

4- Where would you go if you had a first-class ticket to anywhere in the world?

5- Would you be afraid of sleeping in a cemetery alone?


6- How much would it cost you to fly first-class to Italy?


7- What would you like to do if you had the chance to take some very long vacation?

8- What would you do if you had four extra hours in your day every day?

9- What would you do if today was your last day alive?


10- What do you prefer, a lot of money or a lot of friends? Why?


LESSON forty six
Make a sentence with
1- to get off

2- to behave

3- to cost

4- to kill

5- to keep

Describe the objects bellow

1- Elevator:

2- Swimming pool:

3- Coffee table:

4- Limousine:

5- mirror:

LESSON forty six

Mix and Match

1- I was up all night yesterday worried about your new job in Bolivia / job opportunity / incident.

2-How would you behave if you were in my situation / act / react / keep calm?

3- Many people I know would kill for money or love / nobody / no one / some people.

4- It is very expensive to live in this part of the city / dangerous / bad ; why don´t you look for a new place?

5- My sister in Law is looking for a new place to stay now that she is divorced / alone / single again.

6- Did you really carry that suitcase with you for 12 blocks / big bag / bag of money / ugly wallet?

7- I would cry desperately if you tried to leave me again like you did last year / kiss / manipulate / hug.

8- It was raining a lot when my father came back home from work / the mall / post office / bank.

9- Who wants to go downtown with me again tomorrow night / the club / Chinese restaurant / the mall?

10- Where and when would you like to open a new store in the country / city / state?

LESSON forty seven

TO RUN -By myself
ran / run -On my own

Why were you running by yourself at the beach last night?

Is it dangerous to run alone on the streets at night?
Did you run to work this morning too?

-Grocery store
TO DRIVE -Supermarket
drove / driven -Countryside

Are you driving to the grocery store now?

Who drove you to the bakery yesterday?
Are you going to drive to the countryside on the holiday?

TO SEE -Star
saw / seen -Desert

Did you see how beautiful the sky was last night?
Did you ever see a desert in your life?
Will you see the ocean in your trip?

TO FEEL -Sleepy
felt / felt -Old

Why are you saying that you feel lost without me?
Are you feeling any pain on your back now?
Are you feeling sleepy? Why don’t you go to bed?

LESSON forty seven

TO GROW(up) -Beard
grew / grown

Where did you and your siblings grow up? How about your parents?
Why are you growing your beard so long?
Did your company grow a lot last year?

-Off the horse

-Off the Jet Ski
TO FALL -Off the chair
fell / fallen -Off the bike
-Off the tree

Did you fall off the jet sky many times?

How did you fall off the chair?
Will you fall off the motorcycle if I accelerate more?

Learn this

- To fall in love with

- To fall out of love with

LESSON forty seven
1- Eu dirijo tão bem quanto minha mãe.
2- Eu corro tão rápido quanto minha sobrinha.
3- Eu sou um excelente motorista.
4- Meu irmão é tão teimoso quanto meu tio.
5- Meu irmão é um terrível advogado.

Make a question for
1- _______________________________________________________________________
Because I felt a strong pain in my head yesterday.

2- _______________________________________________________________________
Oh! It is because of the soccer game.

3- _______________________________________________________________________
Yes I did, about 30 centimeters.

4- _______________________________________________________________________
Because I broke my arm when I was playing at the beach last night.

5- _______________________________________________________________________
No, I wouldn’t…. but thanks.

LESSON forty seven
Mix and Match

1- I was driving when I felt a strong pain in my back / head / knee yesterday.

2-I´m as old as you / my best friend / my wife.


3- I understand your feelings .I think I´m in love with you / my best friend/ him too.

4- He is going to drive from Recife to São Paulo once / twice/ three times a month.

5- She is afraid of getting of the horse/ motorcycle/ jetski and I´m embarrassed with this situation.

6- Did you see my new coffee table? I bought it for a great price in that store / shop /mall .

7- This food is as good as my mother´s / grandmother´s / aunt´s / sister´s.


8- My company is growing faster / slower / more / less than last year .


9-I ran everywhere looking for you. Where were you this morning / yesterday/ last night/ on Monday?

10-I decided to take my family to spend the day at the beach last weekend / park / new club.

LESSON forty eight

Learn this
Comparatives and superlatives

I am intelligent.
I am old.
I am as intelligent as you.
I am as old as you.
I am more intelligent than you.
I am older than you.
I am the most intelligent…
I am the oldest…

I am good. I am a bad driver.

I am as good as you. I am as bad as you.
I am better than you. I am worse than you.
I am the best driver. I am the worst driver.

It’s seven o’clock. Knife
At seven o’clock. Spoon
Until noon. Cup
Until midnight. Balcony

LESSON forty eight

Answer these questions

1- Who is the best cook in your family? Who is the worst driver in your family?

2- Are you richer than Bill Gates? What can you do to become richer than him?

3- Who is the most intelligent person in your family? Who is the most beautiful person in your family?

4- Do you drive faster than your grandmother? Who is the tallest person in this room?

5- Are you as old as your English teacher? How old are your parents?

6- Is Spanish more difficult than French? What is the most difficult language in your opinion?

7- Do you run as fast as me? What is the richest country in the world?

8- Are you in love now? Do you feel lost during the English class sometimes?

9- Are you growing up faster than your brother? Who is the shortest person in your family?

10- Why do you keep driving fast? Are you a good driver? Who is the best driver in your family?

LESSON forty eight
Complete the sentences
1- Was she...?

2- They would be...


3- She is going to be…


4- We will be…

5-Aren’t they going to…?


Put these sentences in a
comparative/superlative form
1- My cousin is a good cook.
(me) My cousin cooks better than me.
(class) My cousin is the best cook in class.
2- My dad is a good driver.
(me) _____________________________________________________________________________________
(here) ____________________________________________________________________________________

3- My new teacher is beautiful.

(my old teacher) ____________________________________________________________________________
(in school) _________________________________________________________________________________

4- This city is hot.

(Recife) ___________________________________________________________________________________
(in the country) _____________________________________________________________________________

5– He is a bad supervisor.
(my manager) _____________________________________________________________________________
(in the company) ___________________________________________________________________________

6- My grandfather’s couch is comfortable.

(my bed) __________________________________________________________________________________
(piece of furniture) __________________________________________________________________________

LESSON forty eight

Mix and Match

1- Many people in the office still don´t speak English fluently / Spanish / Portuguese / Japanese.

2- I drove for four hours straight today just to see this beautiful sunset / sunrise / phenomenon / event.

3-My sister is the most intelligent girl in the entire school / beautiful / competent / independent.

4- I would like to drive as well as my father. He is definitely the most intelligent person I know / talented.

5- What happened here? Why are you crying like this / like that / this way / that way?

6- Are you still trying to get rich with your new business / project / talent?

7- I will buy you some candy if you promise to stay quiet during my meeting today / silent / here.

8- The boss spoke for two hours straight yesterday morning / manager / supervisor / sales coordinator.

9- Didn´t I tell you that I would be running everywhere looking for a new job / place to stay / house / car?

10- How whould you like to pay for this meal,sir / wallet / suit / jacket?

LESSON forty nine

I can go. I could go.

I can’t go. I couldn’t go.
Can you go? Could you go?

became / become -Paranoid

How did you become so popular?

Why is he becoming so obsessed with this idea?
Can you become rich by working only some hours every day?

TO KNOW -Chemistry
knew / known -Physics

Do you know a lot about Chemistry?

I don’t know anything about Physics, could you teach me?
Do you know anything about literature? Can you help me?

LESSON forty nine

TO BRING -Bad luck
brought / brought

Who brought you here today?

Do you believe black cats bring bad luck?
Could you bring me good news the next time we talk?

TO BEGIN -Internship
began / begun

When did you start this interesting program?

Can you start your internship tomorrow?
Why did you begin the English class without me?

TO WORRY -Anything
(about) -Nothing
worried / worried -Everything

Do you worry about your family a lot?

Why do you always worry about everything?
Do you worry about money?

LESSON forty nine

English is Easy


else do you want to…?

LESSON forty nine
Tell me
1- Three foods you can cook:
2- Three things you can’t do with your eyes closed:
3- Three things you could do to get rich:
4- Three things you can buy with 50 cents:
5- Three things you can’t live without:

Answer these questions
1- How can I become fluent in English?

2- Who cooks best in your house?


3- Where do you find the best food in this town?


4- What do you think is the best solution to this problem?


5- Who do you think is the best soccer player in Brazil?


LESSON forty nine

Mix and Match

1- What else would you like to say about this new program / training / situation / course?

2- When could you begin your training? Is tomorrow ok / this afternoon / tomorrow morning?

3- This house brings me good memories of the time when I was a little boy / single man / a French teacher.

4- Why do you always have to worry about everything I say / she says / we say / they try to say?

5- I am getting paranoid and obsessed with this new idea. Help me finish this project / prepare / begin.

6- I am only going to worry about this when I get there / think / dream / complain.

7- She brought a lot of bad luck to me in the past; maybe she doesn´t love me anymore / like / want / need.

8- The program begins in five minutes; Are you sure you can get here in time / before then / in four minutes?

9- Who else would you like to invite to you birthday party / baptism / presentation / baby shower?

10- Could you come upstairs for a second? I need to talk to you about something that happened / want / have.

LESSON fifty
Shapes and Patterns

rectangle => rectangular
triangle => triangular
cylinder => cylindrical
square => quadrangular /
square heart

circle => circular / round

The triangle is The triangle is

inside the circle under the circle

The triangle is The triangle is

outside the circle by the circle

The triangle is
The triangle is
in front of the circle
between the circles

The triangle is
The triangle is
behind the circle
among the circles

The triangle is
The triangle is
above the circle
on the square

LESSON fifty
LESSON fifty

Answer these questions
1- Who drives best in your house?
2- Who is the worst driver you know?
3- What is the most beautiful place you visited last year?
4- What is the best restaurant in your city?
5- When is it the best time of the year in your opinion?

Mix and Match

1- She became rich because she worked a lot all her life / very hard / nonstop.

2- I am sorry I didn´t have time to answer your e-mail last night / message / text message / question.

3- Why do you always have to worry about everything your mother says / think / complain?

4- I will go with you if you really want my company / study / travel / work.

5- I have enough money to buy food for tem months / medicine / clothes / razors.

6- Do you think she has a solution for this terrible situation / problem / misunderstanding?

7- I can stay under water for 5 minutes, how about you / what about you / and you?

8- She bought me really good news when she came to my house last night / office / church / school.

9- My parents never liked my decision of becoming a democrat / lawyer / teacher / an architect.


10- You can´t look at my fiancee like that, I am going to talk to my lawyer about this / father / brother.

LESSON fifty one
I should go.
I shouldn’t go.
Should I go?

wrote / written -Poem

Are you going to write this poem on your own?

Why do you keep writing articles about this?
Could you please write all this information on a piece of paper for me?

read / read -Handbook

Did you read the manual in French?

Did you read all the instructions on the handbook?
Why are you reading the handbook again?

pulled / pulled

Why are you pulling my hair?

Why did you pull the door?
Should I pull the chair for my wife every time we eat out?

pushed / pushed -Garage

Did you push this truck alone?

How did you push this bus by yourself?
Should I push this case into the garage?

LESSON fifty one

belonged / belonged

Do you belong to any clubs in your city?

Does this red Ferrari really belong to you?
Does this book belong to you?

TO WEAR -Tuxedo
wore / worn -Tie

Why are you wearing this tuxedo?

Do you have to wear a uniform to work every day?
Should I wear a tie at the conference tomorrow?

Learn this

I used to dance well.

I didn´t use to dance well.
Did you use to dance well?

I am used to dancing.
I am not used to dancing
Are you used to dancing?

LESSON fifty one
Complete the sentences
1- Did she use to...?
2- We used to...
3- He didn’t used to…
4- We are used to…
5-Are they used to…?

Make a question for
1- _______________________________________________________________________
Because I used to eat a lot.

2- _______________________________________________________________________
Because I don´t like him very much.

3- _______________________________________________________________________
Because I am not used to that.

4- _______________________________________________________________________
Because she pulled my hair first.

5- _______________________________________________________________________
Because my mom decided to live with me.

LESSON fifty one

Mix and Match

1- My father needs to wear a tie every morning in the factory / company / bank / office.

2- You shouldn´t be afraid of ghosts / angels / your new boss / me.


3- Everybody must finish their homeworks before class tomorrow / compositions / books.

4- I am not used to eating a lot of chocolate like this / like that / this way / that way.

5- Do you think I should wear a tie at the wedding tomorrow / funeral / baptism / meeting?

6- Did you remember to read the manual before trying to install this softwear / instructions / handbook.

7- Where can I find the cheapest gasoline in this city / meals / cars / houses for rent?

8- You shouldn´t wear a uniform that doesn´t belong to you / dress / skirt / hat.

9- What else must I buy for the trip / meeting / party / baby shower?

10- You mustn´t write rude jokes about women / people like me / people like that / this way.

LESSON fifty two

There to be
There is a boy here. There was a boy here.
There isn’t a boy here. There wasn’t a boy here.
Is there a boy here? Was there a boy here?

There are two boys there. There were two boys here.
There aren’t two boys there. There weren’t two boys here.
Are there two boys there? Were there two boys here?

There will be peace. There would be peace.

There won’t be peace. There wouldn’t be peace.
Will there be peace? Would there be peace?

There can be a solution. There could be peace.

There can’t be a solution. There couldn’t be peace.
Can there be a solution? Could there be peace?

Me My Only
You Your Just
Him His Anymore
Her Her Soon
It Its Same
Us Our Still
You Your Yet
Them Their Too

LESSON fifty two

Answer these questions

1- Where is there a good restaurant in your city?


2- Is there anybody younger than you in this class?


3- What is there to eat in your refrigerator now?


4- Will there be a nice concert in your city soon? Would you like to go?

5- When will there be a test again?


6- Will there be enough food for all these people?


7- What is there near your house? Are there many good pubs in your city?

8- Are there many good hotels at the beach?


9- What cars should there be in your garage? Is there a good shopping mall near your house?

10- Will there be peace in the world one day? What is there to do in your city on weekends?

LESSON fifty two
Answer these questions
1- Do you want to study English for ten years?
2- What do you think I should do with all the money I got from the lottery?
3- What do you think Ishould plant here?
4- Why do you think I should wear a tie tonight?
5- Don’t you think there should be a better shopping mall in your city?

Complete the sentences

1- Would anyone please push...?

2- Shouldn’t she try…?
3- Are you able to…?
4- She was about to…
5-I am used to…

LESSON fifty two

Mix and Match

1- Should stay and listen to what he has to say about this situation / problem / incident / dilemma?

2- I don´t understand why we have to wear a uniform to school every day / tie / blue shirt.

3- I am not used to this type of situation anymore / people / job / problem.


4- She is still trying to buy her first apartment after all these years / car / house / yatch.

5- Don´t you think the company should be growing faster after this new program / training / investment?

6- I drove nonstop for five hours to come here today just to see you / to say I love you / to get my money.

7- I fell in Love with your sister when I saw her at the concert last week / show / meeting / presentation.

8- How many times did you fall off the horse during the competition / jetski / motorcycle / bicycle?

9- There should be a better subway system in this city / public transportation / public health?

10- My sister used to work as a professional model when she was younger / single / a little girl.

LESSON fifty three
I must go.
I mustn’t go.
Must I go?

TO SMOKE -Cigars
smoked / smoked -Cigarettes

How many cigarettes do you smoke every day?

Do you know anybody that smokes cigars?
Do people who smoke normally have respiratory problems?

TO CHANGE -Password
changed /changed -Pin number

Why are you changing your password again?

Why did you decide to change your pin number?
Can I change this dress for these shoes?

(at/about) -Jokes
laughed / laughed

Why do you always laugh at my jokes?

Aren´t you going to laugh at my joke?
Are you laughing at me?

LESSON fifty three

brushed / brushed

How many times do you brush your teeth every day?

Why are you brushing your hair during the English class?
Do you always brush your teeth before you visit the dentist?

-Jet Ski
rode / ridden -Bicycle

Did you ever ride a submarine in your life?

Do you know how to ride a bicycle?
Did you ever try to ride on this mad horse?

Learn this

Neither … nor Either … or

 Neither my mom nor  Either you clean your

you speak English room or you cannot go
fluently. to the beach.

 She neither leaves nor  You either help or go

cooperates. away.

LESSON fifty three
Define or describe
1- Dilemma:
2- Diploma:
3- Trauma:
4- Password:
5-Jet ski:

Answer these questions
1- Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?
2- How many times a day do you brush your teeth every day?
3- Do you know anybody who sings in the shower?
4- When was the last time you rode a horse?
5-How did you become so strong?

LESSON fifty three

Mix and Match

1- Where must I put these cigarettes / cigar? I don´t want to smoke them now.

2- You must change your password at least three times a month / semester / year.

3- I was laughing at your joke at the bar last night / story / hair style / new bicycle.

4- There is an article about my business on today´s newspaper / political crisis / good investments.

5- What song did she choose to play at the show first / perform / sing?

6- I keep forgeting to brush my teeth before going to bed every night / hair / cat / dog?

7- I was riding my jetski yesterday morning when I saw a big fish in the water / it started raining / woke up.

8- Neither my cousin nor my uncle wants to stay here and listen to this / eat / drink / learn.

9- You either stay here and cooperate or go home and leave me alone / in peace / finish the dishes.

10- We must remember to water the plants next time we come here / flowers / roses.

LESSON fifty four
Review Learn this
Every other Day. Mine
Some Yours Ours
Any His Yours
No Hers Theirs
every Its
Answer these questions
1- Can I smoke my cigarette here? Should I take this cigarette outside?

2- Why did you change your password again?


3- Why are you laughing so much? Do you think I am funny? Who is the funniest person you know?

4- What did they publish on the paper about you?


5- How much time do you need to finish your homework?


6- Can I ride your new jet ski for a minute? Do you want to ride in my new Ferrari?

7- Why are there so many people here? How many people were there in class last week?

8- Do you prefer to see another doctor? Do you know many good doctors in this city?

9- Why are you telling me this again? Can you tell me a little about yourself please?

10- What will your mother think if she sees you smoking like this again?

LESSON fifty four
Answer these questions
1- How old were you when you learned how to drive?
2- Have you ever smoke anything?
3- How many times did you change your e-mail account password last year?
4- Do you know anyone who is really good at telling jokes?
5- What is your favorite song?

Make a question for
1- ___________________________________________________________________________
No, she lives only two blocks from here.

2- ___________________________________________________________________________
Yes, but I only smoked two cigarettes.

3- ___________________________________________________________________________
I prefer to visit Paris first.

4- ___________________________________________________________________________
That’s OK. I am used to working on weekends.

5- ___________________________________________________________________________
There are only four people in the group now.

LESSON fifty four

Mix and Match

1- This used to belong to my grandfather. Now it belongs to me / him / her / them.


2- My secretary stole my Idea; do you think she will become the new boss / supervisor / manager?

3- If you don´t hurry up now, you will miss the last flight to São Paulo / bus / train.

4- How much did you pay to spend the night at this beautiful hotel / expensive / cheap / sophisticated?

5- I would never live in this neighborhood; there is a lot of violence here / poor houses / ugly people.

6- He said that he will never lose his patience with the team like this again / like that / this way / that way.

7- I don´t know what to do with all the money i received from the lottery / competition / challenge.

8- You should follow my example and become a better teacher / father / judge / boss.

9- She kept working very much until the last day of her life / nonstop / very hard / Double.

10- He told me he grew up in a small community near my city / farm / village / town.

LESSON fifty five

TO LEND -Checkbook
lent / lent -Calculator

Can you lend me some cash now?

Can you lend me your checkbook for a week?
Can you lend me your calculator during the test?

intended / intended

What do you intend to do with this money?

Do you still intend to open a new business downtown?
Who do you intend to take to the party tomorrow night?

pretended / pretended -Handicapped

Did you ever pretend to be sick to miss work?

Do you sometimes pretend to be ill to miss school?
Did you ever pretend to be handicapped to ride the bus for free?

TO FIND -Address
found / found

How did you find my address so fast?

Will you be able to find a solution to this problem on your own?
Where did you find this wallet?

LESSON fifty five

TO SEEM -Irritated
seemed / seemed -Confused

Why does she seem so disappointed?

Does the boss seem irritated today?
Does she seem surprised with the news?

TO HEAR -Thunder
heard / heard

Did you hear anything about this subject during the meeting?
Did you hear that noise?
Can you still hear any thunders? Did the rain stop?

English is Easy
Learn this
Coordinator I finally finished my English course.
Philosopher I finished my English course at last.

LESSON fifty five

Follow the pattern

1-I finished this project.
I didn’t finish this project, but I plan to do it soon
2- She lent me all her money.
3- I won the final match.
4- We heard a rumor about you.
5- She will take me to the gym.
6- He could hold your wallet.

Answer these questions
1- What is the type of thing you never lend anyone?
2- Who are you going to take to the party next month?
3- Could you hold my wallet for a second?
4- Did you ever hear any interesting legends?
5- Do you feel tired when you arrive at home from work?

LESSON fifty five

Mix and Match

1- Who could take us to the show in Utah next month / drive / fly?

2- I feel sad whenever she has to go back to her city / leaves for work in the morning / kisses somebody else.

3- This is the most beautiful dress in the party / girl / table / person.

4- She never got my affection because she never showed any love for me / respect / interest.

5- I think I am falling in love with my neighbor upstairs / downstairs / next door / from across the street.

6- Would you like to send your resume to my new office downtown / company / agency?

7- We would like to participate in this year´s competition again / week´s / month´s / semester´s.

8- I am looking for a new manicure near my house / teacher / gym / fitness center.

9- They want to send me new products constantly now that I am famous / popular / a famous actor.

10- Could you try to tell me your version of the story in English now / German / French / Spanish?

LESSON fifty six
Learn this
I am done talking to you.
I am finished talking to you.
On In
Sunday January
Monday March
Tuesday April
Wednesday June
Thursday July
Friday September
Saturday October

Studies show that the weather influence people in many

different ways. It is a fact that a people’s culture and customs are
many times a reflection of the environment and climatic
conditions people live in. Statistics show that places inflicted with
severe weather, like England or Iceland, have more incidents with
suicide and other actions associated with depression, sadness and
other mental problems.
Vitamin D can be stimulated by sunlight and is vital to the
production of substances in the human body that create the feeling
of happiness and well being.
So, enjoy your sunny days whenever you have the chance to;
they will bring you health and joy; but don’t forget to wear

LESSON fifty six

Answer these questions

1- Would you lend me your checkbook for a day? Can I borrow your credit card for the weekend?

2- Would you take me to the baby shower? Who takes you to work every day?

3- Can you do two things at the same time? Can you sing a complete song in English?

4- How would you feel if I held your hand in public? Do you feel comfortable sitting next to me?

5- Do you feel safer when you are with me? Do you feel safe in this city?

6- What would you do if you won the lottery? Do you have many good friends?

7- Why did you seem so confused? Did you understand all the information in the text?

8- What did you hear about the new movie?


9- Why are you doing overtime today again? Do you want to work more hours during the week?

10- Are you a compulsive buyer? Do you like to spend money on clothes?

LESSON fifty six
Make a question for
1- __________________________________________________________________________
Because it was sunny and we were all in a good mood.

2- __________________________________________________________________________
Because I didn’t like the service there.

3- __________________________________________________________________________
Well, actually only my nephews do.

4- __________________________________________________________________________
They both preferred to stay overnight.

5- __________________________________________________________________________
I only heard half of it.

Complete the sentences
1- There should be...
2- There will be…
3- There was…
4- Were there any…?
5- Could there be…?

LESSON fifty six

Mix and Match

1- Nobody should have to work like this / like that / this way / that way.

2- How many times do I have to tell you that I am not going to stay here anymore / study / work?

3- I always get stressed when I have to finish something in a hurry / cook / write / paint.

4- It is very dangerous to drive in this área at night / walk / play / stay. Please, go home now!

5- Today is a great day to prepare a picnic for the kids at the park / beach / countryside.

6- The Police are looking for the people who stole my jewelry / stamp collection / new shoes / passport.

7- It rains every other day in my city / week / month / year.


8- There is a rumor of a strong rain coming to this part of the country some time next year / month / week.

9- She neither helps nor participates in the meetings every Friday morning / Thursday / Monday.

10- Do you really like to work with this kind of people / project / team / students.

LESSON fifty seven

cut / cut

How did you cut yourself?

Do you think I should cut my hair a little shorter?
Did you ever try to cut your own hair?

TO COUNT -Mountain
counted / counted

Do you know how to count to ten in English?

Why are you counting the pages of this book?
Did you ever count how many mountains there are in this city?

hurt / hurt

How did you hurt yourself?

Did you hurt your finger during the volleyball game?
Is your back still hurting?

LESSON fifty seven

TO SIT -Armchair
sat / sat -Couch

Would you like to sit on this park bench and talk for a while?
Why are you saying I shouldn´t sit on this couch?
Will you sit on my seat if I leave now?

TO STORE -Supplies
stored / stored -Data

Is this a good place to store food?

Do you store any home supplies in case of a possible emergency?
Do you store a lot of important data on this computer?

Learn this
She kissed me in front of my parents on
on purpose purpose.
She has to sell at least three books every
at least week.
Actually, She prefers to stay here with me
actually tonight.
She doesn´t have time to study English
nowadays with me nowadays.

LESSON fifty seven
Complete with
(me, my, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, her, her, us, ours, them, their, theirs, our)

1- We decided to sell ____________ car because we prefer_____________.

2- Talk to ___________ and he will show you ____________ stamp collection.
3- I love ___________ my heart is all _____________.
4- We chat with ___________ all time, they are really cool people.
5- Is this ___________? Because I found it on ___________ desk.
6- Tell ___________ all about __________ new boyfriend, is he more handsome
than __________?
7- Please, never call ___________ late at night again.
8- ___________ son speaks at least seven languages, how about ___________?

Describe or define
1- A charismatic person:
2- A touristic point in your city:
3- Your favorite movie:
4- A parade:
5- A square:

LESSON fifty seven

Mix and Match

1- Why were you running from me at the party last night?


2- Who put this chair in the middle of the kitchen / living room / patio / backyard?

3- I counted at least ten beautiful mountains during my trip to Chile last year / Paris / Salt Lake City.

4- We are looking for more people to start a new business here next year / project / investment / company.

5- Why are you so angry with my performance in the meeting / show / concert / presentation?

6- I think you will have an excellent test tomorrow / exam / performance / class. Good luck!

7- We hope you grow in the company and become a great manager / supervisor / salesperson.

8- Actually she is trying to take all of her family to Canada / friends / nephews and nieces.

9- Would you like to sit in the garden and talk about our plans for the future / projects / objectives / goals?

10- He always swims in my swimming pool / eats / drinks / plays volleyball. I hate that!

LESSON fifty eight
Review Learn this
To lend To take a ride I just talked to her about you.
To borrow To take a walk I talked to her about you recently.
To share To pay attention I sometimes talk to her about you.
I always talk to her about you.
I hardly ever / almost never talk to her about you.
I never talk to her about you.
I often / frequently talk to her about you.

Answer these questions

1- What did you just say? How many languages would you like to speak fluently?

2- Why did you just kiss me? Do you go to the beach often?

3-Why do you sometimes talk to me so rudely? Is your boss a nice person?


4- Can you study German with me tonight? What other language do you want to study?

5- Why didn’t you want to sit with me? Are you angry with me?

6- What do kids like to do for fun nowadays? Were you a good kid?

7- Are you done with this? What time do you usually go to bed?

8- How many times a week do you walk at the beach?


9- Do you think it’s going to be sunny tomorrow? Is it a good idea to open a ski resort in your city?

10- What should I do with all this money? Don´t you want to help me spend this fortune?

LESSON fifty eight

1-Have you ever smoked a cigar?
2- How many times did you change jobs in the last ten years?
3- What was the best book you read? What was it about?
4- What do you normally bring to class?
5- How frequently do you go to church?
6- Have you ever drunk tequila?
7- What was your favorite legend when you were a child?
8- What kind of thing don’t you ever lend anybody?
9-What school subject did you use to like best when you were younger?
10-What is a good excuse to miss work?

LESSON fifty eight
Continue the sentences
1- I never talk to my father because…
2- I would never tell…
3- I was painting the gate when…
4- Why did you run…?
5- This is a good way to…

Tell me something
1- You ate recently:
2- You hardly ever do:
3- You sometimes forget to bring to class:
4- You never want to do:
5- You always wanted to do:

LESSON fifty eight

Mix and Match

1- Why didn´t you start your English course last year / Spanish / German / French?

2- What do you like to do when you are in a good mood / drink / cook / play?

3- Where do you usually like to sit in the classroom / movie theater / airplane / subway?

4- Do you think I should stop smoking these horrible cigarettes / cigars?


5- Who did you pay to paint your house / kitchen / bedroom / front wall? He didn´t do a very good job.

6- Why didn´t you talk to the people who were in front of the house / bank / store / post office?

7- Actually she said that she wants to at least try to learn English well / Spanish / Italian / Russian.

8- My mother has at least three different types of insurance / tools / shoes / skirts.

9- Neither my mom nor my dad wants to talk to you anymore / study with / work with / invest in.

10- Either you clean your room or you can´t go out with your friends tonight / girlfriend / classmates.

LESSON fifty nine

TO DECLINE -Invitation
declined / declined -Request

Why did you decline the friendship request I sent you online?
Why did you decline the invitation I sent you last week?
Are you really going to decline this excellent proposal?

TO TRAVEL -Destination
travelled / travelled

Do you travel a lot?

How many times did you travel last year?
Why do you always travel to this destination?

accepted / accepted -Proposal

Why did you accept his proposal and not mine?

Aren´t you going to accept this irresistible offer?
Did she accept the magazine’s proposal to pose nude?

LESSON fifty nine

TO DESTROY -Relationship
destroyed / destroyed -Partnership

How did you destroy your marriage so fast?

Are you trying to destroy my relationship with the boss?
Why are you trying to destroy my marriage?

TO SCREAM -Desperately
screamed / screamed -Nonstop

Why are you screaming so desperately?

Why does she scream nonstop when she sees him?
Was she screaming when you arrived?

-About you
TO DREAM -Of you
dreamed / dreamed

Do you dream about me a lot?

Do you still dream of becoming the president of your country?
Do you usually remember your dreams?

LESSON fifty nine

English is Easy

Learn this
eating a pizza now.
I feel like going to the beach now.
playing the piano now.

travel to Rome with you next year.

meet your parents.
I am eager to
open up my own business.
develop this project with my parents.

LESSON fifty nine
Describe and define
1- A closet:

2- Ballet:

3- A pamphlet:

4- Castle:

5- Nightmare:

Make a question for
1- _________________________________________________________________________
No, because I shave every other day.

2- _________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I feel like participating in that workshop.

3- _________________________________________________________________________
Because I should check my savings account tonight.

4- _________________________________________________________________________
I hardly ever organize the shelves at the office.

5- _________________________________________________________________________
Because I don’t feel like it.

LESSON fifty nine

Mix and Match

1- Why didn´t she want to participate in the English class last night / Italian / French / Spanish?

2- Who would like to accept my offer this time / invitation / proposal / proposition?

3- When was the last time that you shaved your beard / legs / moustache / sideburns?

4- I am eager to visit my new office downtown / store / company / house.


5- I don´t understand why she has to check her e-mail three times a day / week / month / year.

6- They are going to try to destroy the ship in the next attack / plane / tank / concentration camp.

7- She intends to destroy your marriage / new business / idea / plans / be careful!

8- She has terrible nightmares every night. She should talk to somebody about it / doctor / psychologist.

9- My boss told me to organize my desk this morning again / shelves / work station / table.

10- She started screaming when she saw the accident on the road / street / avenue.

Lesson sixty
Lesson sixty

Mix and Match

1- What do you think I should bring to the party tomorrow / ceremony / event?

2- Who do you think should worry about this situation / talk about / tell us about?

3- Where can we find more information about the planets / this system / this new software?

4- Who would like to answer my e-mails and organize my files / desk / shelf / work station?

5- Do we all really have to wear this ridiculous uniform to work every day / tie / skirt / t-shirt?

6- Who could plant these flowers in my garden tomorrow morning / roses / tulips?

7- Why are you trying to push this old car into my garage / motorcycle / truck?

8- Who published this about my life without my permission / family / business / investments?

9- How would you like to pay for my services / classes / a check?


10- How many times do you try to visit your family in California every year / month / semester?

Lesson sixty



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