Allergy Medication

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Semtember 25th

Dear diary today I just received a new room in the uni, its in the 2rd floor, the
room is small but very comfy, although it isnt very furnished, so I decided to go
on a shopping trip tomorrow to buy some stuff for this place and for myself, the
neighboring guy seem very nice and kind, he even lend me some advice about
what to do when moving in
Semtember 26th
Dear diary, today I made a list of essential thing to buy using Naoh’s (my
neighbor) advice and some of my own research, but its quite a big list so i have
to split it into 2 shopping trip, but today I will buy some medicion and some
bathroom stuff since they are all in the drug store
When I got to the drug store I was very nervous since my german isnt that well
yet but it went well, the drug seller was very professional and patient with me
and she went thourgh the whole list very fast, also the list have stuff like:
Allergy medication (I still don’t know if im allergic to anything yet, but
preparation is always good), I also bought some medicion for common flu, and a
first aid kit in case of emergency, and some bathroom stuff like tooth brush,
toothpaste, razors, etc… I also bought some soap and shampoo, apparently this
soap smell is the most common choice around here (shame though I don’t like it
that much, I will probably buy from other brand next time)
Semtember 27th
Dear diary today I will finish my shopping trip from yesterday, I will buy some
furnishes and some kitchen stuff, but first I will go to a local bedding store to
buy some stuff for my bed
The store is huge, bigger than most I have been to and everything look very
comfortable too, I got a guide from one of the staff to go though the whole thing
and in the end I dedided to buy 2 very comfy pillow and a normal blanket, I was
going to buy weighted blanket instead but im short of cash right now and its
very expensive so im going to buy it in the future when I have some.
The next destination is the kitchen store, I needed some pot and pan for
cooking, and a different fire stove too, the one here is kind of old already, and I
also need some food ingredient and spices so I guess I can get them from an
asian market the way home
I also decided that I would oder the furnishes online instead of just go there
since the store is very big and I don’t know what to buy, odering it online will
give me much better view of options and even review from other buyer too. At
the end, I odered a small table to study and other puposes.

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