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Tid Bits of Wisdom

TID BITS of WISDOM from the

Duncanville, Texas 75116

From the Wonderful Word Publishers

614 N. Peach Street

Publishers, Inc.
May & June 2024 Vol.19:5-6

We Are His Workmanship,

Created In Christ Jesus,
Eph. 2:10
Ephesians is written to the church at Ephesus and to the FAITHFUL IN
CHRIST JESUS. That would be us, if we have been born again, and are striving
to serve God faithfully. Later, in chapter four, Paul beseeches us to walk worthy
of our vocation. Worthy means to be suitable for the calling. Why did the Lord
Jesus Christ die for our sins and bring us into fellowship with God, our heavenly
Father? So we can do good works; works that are righteous and that glorify the
Lord. How are you doing with your vocation? Are you walking in the Spirit or
in the flesh, (which is the Old Man)?

When you were born into the body of Christ you became His workman-
ship. As a newborn we are to desire the sincere milk of the word.
Duncanville, Texas 75116

I did not enjoy school. My mother loved having us with her and I en-
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joyed being home with mother. I didn’t understand my need for schooling. Why
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did I have to diagram a sentence? It wasn’t made clear to me why I had to know
the history of America. I understand today, but did not, when given the opportu-
nity to learn. The moment I was saved, I wanted to learn everything. Everything
in life was all of a sudden important to me. I was saved at 16 years of age and I

(Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1)
We Are His Workmanship,
Created In Christ Jesus,
also was married at 16 yrs. of age and had two sons by 19 yrs. of age. I didn’t
have the opportunity of going to college. I felt very unprepared for the life that
was in my hands. Sometimes, it is a blessing to feel needy. Bro. Lester Roloff
challenged me to read through my Bible every year. I took that challenge in 1968
and I have read through my Bible one to three times a year all these years. My
education has come from God’s Word and many of God’s servants. There is a
little chorus we sang in Sunday School which said, “Read your Bible, pray every
day, and you’ll grow, grow, grow.”

The book of Ephesians is about growing in the new man. We are to put
off the old man and put on the new. That is our responsibility. The book of Ephe-
sians is about God’s WORK, Satan’s WORK, and our WALK. We used to sing
another song that said, “Let go and let God have His wonderful way,” Ephesians
is about laying down your old ways and putting on the character of Christ. How
well do you represent the character of Christ?

Paul names the things we are to put off in chapter 4:22-26. Then he tells
us what to put on in chapter 4:24. Then Paul says, Let go of some things. In other
words turn loose of these things.

1. Evil Communications (which grieve the Holy Spirit)

2. ALL bitterness = Controlling poison
3. Wrath = fierceness, passion as if breathing hard
4. Anger = Violent vengeance
5. Clamour = outcry, tumult, crying
6. Evil speaking = vilification (especially against God)
7. Malice = naughtiness, wickedness

Now that we have left these behind we are to,

1. Be Kind = one to another

2. Tender Hearted = sympathetic and compassionate
3. Forgiving one another = as God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven us.

Does your spirit resemble any of these qualities? How long have you
been saved? Have you any evidence of Christ working in you? Are you guilty
of holding on to the old man? These qualities are exhibited in our WALK not our
WORKS! These are not done with your hands, but with your spirit.
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TID BITS When we allow God to work these things in our lives, we are preparing
ourselves for service. Now He tells us how to WALK.
REPORT 1. Walk worthy of our vocation 4:1
We are coming upon the end of the school year. There will be a lot of 2. Walk NOT in the vanity of your minds (uncleanness with greediness)
coming and going this summer. Be careful not to neglect God’s house in the 4:17
midst of your hurriedness. All we are and all we have is in His hands and we 3. Walk as followers of Christ 5:1
must keep Him first in all things. 4. Walk in LOVE 5:2
5. Walk as children of light 5:8
I am so enjoying my Bible reading. It seems to be speaking loudly to me 6. Walk circumspectly 5:15 (exactly, perfectly, diligently)
this year. Since my new marriage, my reading schedule has changed. I don’t get
as much personal reading as I did, but I have the blessing of reading and sharing Last, but not least, put on the whole armour of God that you might be
God’s Word with Wayne. Wayne has a son who has some physical limitations. able to STAND! Not fight, but STAND. God will fight the battles.
He lives about half a mile from us and we are reading the same portion of scrip-
Eph 6:14-18
ture and share with each other everyday what God has said to us. I married a man
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
of prayer and I have never seen anyone more concerned for prayer. His son is just righteousness;
like him and we pray together often. The Lord enriched my life when He brought 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Wayne’s two children into my life. My three sons and my foster daughters, plus 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery
my two new children are real treasures to us in our older age. They are very good darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
at taking care of our needs. Both of our first marriages (almost 60 yrs.) were God 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto
centered lives and our children were raised in the same manner. Our marriage with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
today is not building a family but enjoying the results of our works in our first KJV
marriage. Today, we are living in the goodness of the Lord, which He promised
to those who seek and follow Him. Make sure you walk with God and you will My challenge to you is that you study the book of Ephesians. We haven’t
never regret it. begun to tap into the riches of this book. It begins with telling us how great our
salvation is. It tells us about all the things God has made available to us now that
Much has changed since Tid Bits of Wisdom started 18 years ago. The are born again.
cost has tipled but the Lord has always supplied. Write us and tell us if the paper
has been a blessing to you. We have gotten a couple of notes lately and they have God has blessed us (faithful in Christ Jesus) with all spiritual blessings in
put a fire in us. Heaven. He predestinated us to be holy and without blame before Him in love.
He predestinated believers to be born again and adopted into the family of
Thank you for your support. If you have not supported, ask God if He God. It was the good pleasure of His will to make us accepted in the beloved.
would have you help the work. May God richly bless you as you seek Him. What more could we ask for? We have everything we need to fulfill His will in
our lives.
I do not take a salary from Tid Bits of Wisdom. Any-
thing you send with Tid Bits of Wisdom’s name goes straight to Tid He is the Potter and we are the clay. Sometimes the clay gets marred in
Bits of Wisdom. The paper was 17 years old this past December. His hands, BUT He can make us over into a new vessel and use us for His good.
Many who started with us have died or become unable to give. He is a merciful God who is at work in our lives.
Many have been faithful all these years. Pray and ask God if He
wants you to join us with a monthly support. I am grateful for our CAN CHRIST BE SEEN IN YOU?
faithful supporters. All donations to Tid Bits of Wisdom are tax Gloria Brewster Huff
deductible. 614 N. Peach St. Duncanville, TX, 75116. 214- Founder of
293-5252. Tid Bits of Wisdom

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E Tea for two
M Jesus, me and you.
Teach me to be still

Gloria Huff
A And to do Your blessed will.

Draw me near and make me sweet,
E As I sit, sip and spend time at Your blessed feet.
Make me a servant to You,
INSPIRATIONS Teach me to be true,
So I can point others to Calvary’s cross,
Teaching them of Jesus and to count the cost.
MOTHERHOOD I yield myself to the “Tea for Two,”
THE ART OF PREPARING Tea for me and Praise and Prayer to you.
A CHILD FOR LIFE Written by Mrs. Carolyn Antonis
(Please pray for Mrs. Carolyn and her husband Pastor Antonis. He’s very sick and
God has graciously entrusted woman with a has been for 12 years. His wife is faithfully at his side. They love the Lord and serve
womb and breasts, so she can reproduce life and pre- Him from the sick bed. Their ministry is a prayer ministry.)
pare that life for it’s future.
It is a privilege to be a woman. We are created to be mankind’s help meet
(not mate!). God has entrusted us with the responsibly of meeting the needs of
mankind. First, by receiving man’s seed and then nursing that little boy or girl
from that seed. As women, we don’t work to bring honor and glory to our name,
...can get inside the house and stay there.
but to the name of the father of the child; what Jesus did in His life was for us
...always catches people in the right mood because it speaks only when they
(others), and not for Himself. What woman does in her work, is for the name
read it.
of the father. You might ask, “Well, what about the woman’s honor?” Just as
...sticks to what it has to say and never argues back.
the father rewarded Jesus for His work and gave Him a name above all others,
...never flinches or shows cowardice.
so will God exalt the women, who by faith, will trust Him with her life’s work. never tempted to compromise.
There is no greater honor than honor that comes from God! Just as the world did
...never gets tired or gives up.
not understand the greatness of Jesus’ work, the world does not understand the
...never gets discouraged.
woman’s work with mankind. Most women do not even understand their value.
...travels inexpensively and requires no rented facility.
If they did understand their value, they wouldn’t put their bodies on display for while we sleep.
all passers by to see! They would understand their body is a treasure that should
...speaks in more languages than we do.
be reserved for their husbands only!

Not all women bear children, even though they have a womb. Conception
is of God and not man. We, as women are not responsible for conception. If God
has not given you conception, then God will use you greatly without conception.
Having children is not the only work God has for women. God doesn’t withhold Robert Dickson 1910 - 1984
anything good from you (Ps 84:11-12), so know that you are still in God’s hand Larry Dickson 1842 - 2021
and He is using your life for His glory. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, or
His ways our ways. Remember, you don’t have to birth a child to help a child.
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MISSIONARIES BOB & BETTY SMITH In Genesis 3:15 we find that there is enmity between the woman and Sa-
tan. We are designed to help man and Satan has to get to us before he can get to
(I have known these two for many years and there are no better servants of
man. It was woman’s womb that brought our Redeemer to us. Satan fears wom-
Christ than these two. I also knew Uncle Mel & Dottie Rutter, who have gone
an’s womb. Look at our world today. Not only is Satan working at destroying
on to be with the Lord. We are going to need someone to fill these servants
our children, but mothers are helping by having abortions. Many mothers hearts
shoes also. How about you?)
have left the home, and the work of the home, and now look at this generation.
Dear Christian Friends, When was the last time your heard a preacher preach about a mother praying for
Dad turned 94 on the 27th of April. His life since he trusted Christ as her children? They used to remind children of their mother’s prayers, hoping to
Savior at 19, has been focused on sharing the gospel with all who crossed his turn them back to God, but the truth is many have never seen their mother on her
path. knees in prayer for their lives. The work God created for us as mothers is price-
In Isaiah 6:8 the Lord God ask a question. less. Her price is far above rubies, and Satan knows it.
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send
me.” Today, mothers head for the baby bottles, instead of the breast. Breast
Mother and I were talking about their calling as missionaries. Dad was pastor feeding is more than nourishment. It is a time to share your spirit with that child.
at Pinewood Park Baptist Church in Longview, Texas where they were having a mission- He should feel compassion and peace, if the mother’s heart is right. The time you
ary conference. Bro. Mel Rutter who had been serving in Peru, South America was speak- spend with that child is the most valuable way to spend your time. Satan works
ing. His health was failing and he was not going to be able to return. His message was at separating the mother and the child. I was a young 17 yr. old when I birthed
focused on the question posed in Isaiah. He removed his shoes and placed them where all my first child and the doctor recommended that I bottlefeed him because of my
could see and asked once more. “Who will go in my place?” Now 64 years later, we know youth. He told me it would be to hard to breastfeed and a bottle would be easier.
the answer. Dad resigned his church and within six months our family was on the way to I believed the doctor and it caused me to have trouble breastfeeding all three of
a nation whose language we did not speak and a culture we did not know. What we did my children. I still held my children during feeding,­­ because my mother told
understand was Jesus’ command in me how important it was to be near your child. Don’t let Satan rob you of your
golden opportunities with your children.
Matthew 28:19-20.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I A mother has the work of weaning her children. What does it mean to
have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” wean a child? It talks about weaning from the breast, but it also includes train-
ing that child and preparing him for greater things. David wrote a Psalms that
Only eternity will reveal the result of my parent’s obedience to what we all have explains how a weaned child should act. According to this Psalms there are not
been called to do. Whether in a foreign country or in our neighborhood, the command of many properly weaned children today. If you are at the weaning stage with your
our Lord is for us to do likewise. We have experienced the promise given that He will be child, I challenge you to teach what David’s mother taught him.
with us always, even to the very end of our life of service to Him.
Ps 131:1-132:1
As we continue to wait on God’s perfect timing, we, like dad, pray each will be
faithful to obey the gospel message. 131 Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself
in great matters, or in things too high for me.
Mom and dad are grateful for each one of you and the love shown to them and
the ministry that was entrusted to them 64 years ago. 2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of
his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.
We love you all! Bob & Betty Sue Smith
“Susan” 3 Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and for ever.

A Song of degrees.

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MISSIONS Happy Father’s Day to all in the families:
By Missionary Wayne Huff
I was thinking today of my dad’s arrangement to build a swing for his five kids.
Maybe he did not know at the time there would be three more coming into the
family who would also need a swing. Dad chose two tall, straight pine trees just
Honor Thy Father and Thy south of the house. They were just the right distance apart for a swing. He had
a good size post chained up in the trees so that he could hang the ropes from it.
Mother The ropes were super strong. All of us kids used that swing plus a bunch of the
Exodus 20:12 neighbor kids. The big kids pushing the little kids.

It occurred to me this morning that Dad and Mom (Stacy and Irma) were like
those two pine trees, tall and straight and strong, tied together by love and mar-
Exodus 20:12 riage to make a framework for their family. We could swing with great delight
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land and safety in that sturdy swing. In the same way we were secure in our parent’s
which the LORD thy God giveth thee. strong love and care. They were alongside of us holding us up. The ropes of
family love were strong.
Ephesians 6:2-3
Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; Father’s Day is tomorrow. I am trying to imagine just how proud dad must have
That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. been to see us using that swing, something he had thought of and provided for
his kids.
Honoring our father and mother teaches us that God has placed people
in authority over us. Honoring and respecting our parents also teaches us how to As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, we also are providing structure and
respect other authorities that God places in our lives. As children, we honor our safety and security for these next generations. God bless you and give you good
parents with our obedience. Later in life we honor them with our respect and love success in the roles you each have in our family.
and by including them in our lives. The time comes when we have opportunity to Love to all,
honor our parents by caring for them in their later years.
Uncle Wayne John Huff
We need to ask ourselves often if we are keeping the commandment of 6/18/2016
God by showing obedience, respect, honor and care for our parents.
When the child of God
There is also another aspect of this commandment. There is a blessing
promised by God for those who honor their parents. What we learn by honoring Looks into the Word of God
our parents will affect how well we do in life. When we learn what it means to And sees the Son of God
honor others then we are fulfilling the teaching from Peter, in 1 Peter 2:17. They are changed by the
1 Peter 2:17 Spirit of God
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. Into the image of God
For the glory of God.
As I reflect on this commandment to honor our fathers and mothers, I
specifically am giving thanks to the Lord for my grandfathers, my dad, and my
fathers-in-laws; I am attaching a tribute to my father that I sent a few years ago to
members of my family.
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