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Good Evening Sharks Families,

I wanted to reach out to families and touch base about U14 spring Shark’s Flag Football Program.

I am asking everyone for a confirmed commitment, to the 2022 U14 Sharks Flag football, by
this Friday, Feb.4th. I only say Friday so that it gives everyone a few days to check their emails.

My guess is that not everyone has even started thinking about spring football and I’m hopeful that all
players plan on returning for the 2022 spring season. I'm hoping Friday won't be an issue. That
being said, I'm not taking anything for granted, as I've been a part of this "game" for
a number of years. As disappointed as I would be, I would respectfully accept anyone's invitation to
decline, in the event that was the case.

There's no doubt that we have a strong group of boys at the U14 2010/2009 level. I know we have a few
underage kids on our roster, but I’m looking to age advance them to
the U14 division something I will discuss with Neil at Football Manitoba.

This season I’m looking for players who want to be a part of

a program that focuses on dedication, commitment to true player development and lasting relationships
through loyalty to each other, which are what I've tried to build the
Sharks program around. As I know I’m quick out of the gate to ask for the player commitment I’m not
looking to run a shark’s program like other "programs" having to run around trying to piece together
their teams. I've been working on a schedule that I believe will help us build off
the great run we had last year while being cognizant of our situation. This upcoming year as a
completely underage group in the U14 division with 2 underage players, the challenge for us, wins-wise,
will be steep but that same challenge will also offer quality development opportunities, both individually
and as a team. What we learn and take from this upcoming spring season will only help us the
following year as all major age U14's. I know it's hard to see, but our wins and losses won't label us or
measure the quality of our play. I would hope wins and losses don't play a role in
anyone's decision. The plan is we will be entering in the “Competitive” U14 division this year (which will
be a big challenge for us this season). We will look to get an early start at the season and rent some Gym
time a few times at the end of March-early April, as the snow isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

I would like to register the Sharks in a pre-season tournament if the option is available to
us. I’d like to practice 2 times a week once we can hit the outdoor fields in spring. Will tentatively aim
for Mon, Wed evenings until the season starts (this could change.). We will carry a roster of 12 – 13
players this season depending on player commitment level. I have already invited 2-3 new players to
add to our roster this season.

At the end of the day, as I ask for your confirmation of commitment, I'm hoping everyone identifies both
my continuous commitment in return and also believes in what I want the Shark program to stand
for. Years from now, when nothing but spring football memories matter, I want every Shark to feel
like they belonged to something special, that they belonged to something they are proud of, and that
the Sharks were something they wanted to be a part of year after year.

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