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TAHUN AJARAN 2021-2022

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 7 (Tujuh)
I. Answer the question by choosing A, B, C or D!
Text for no. 1 - 2 B. Open the window
Ali : Hi, Eka. C. Clean the blackboard
Eka : Hi, Ali. How are you? D. Put the book on the table
Ali : I am fine. Thanks. Who is she? 8. Teacher : I will write something. .... Please!
Eka : She is Dewi, my classmate. Sinta : Yes, sir.
Dewi : Hi, Ali. I am Dewi. How do you do? A. Close the door
Ali : Hi, Dewi. How do you do? B. Open the window
Eka : By the way, this is Anto. He is Dewi's brother. C. Put the book on the table
Anto : Hello, Ali. Nice to meet you. D. Clean the blackboard
Ali : NIce to meet you too, Anto 9. Dion : ..... about my mistake, Mam.
1. Dewi is .... Mrs. Rina : Never mind. But, next time you should not
A. Eka's sister do again.
B. Ekas's classmate A. I am sorry
C. Ali's sister B. Please don't worry
D. Anto's friend C. It's lovely
2. Are Ali and Eka classmate? D. That's alright
A. Yes, they are 10. X : This is my grandmother
B. Yes, we are Y : How old is your grandmother?
C. Yes, they are not A. They are sixty years old
D. No, we are not B. We are sixty years old
3. Mary : Hi, Jane. How are you? C. She is sixty years old
Jane : ...., how are you? D. He is sixty years old
Mary : I'm ok. 11. My mother and I .... going to supermarket.
A. Nice to meet you .... wants to buy some food and other things.
B. Fine, thanks A. am - We
C. Good morning B. are - She
D. It's glad to see you C. is - We
4. Kwan : Hi, Dian. Are you coming to the football D. is - I
game? 12. Mr. Parmin is my neighbor.
Dian : Hi, Kwan. Yes, I'm coming to the game. ..... is a postman. His job is deliver letters to our house.
Kwan : Ok, then. See you there. A. She
Dian : .... B. He
A. Hi C. I
B. Hello D. They
C. Very well 13.
D. See you
5. X : Excuse me. Do you know Mr.Smith's house is?
Y : ....
A. Oh, I see. Thank you
B. Which one?
C. Of course. It is in front of fruit stall Which statement is correct about the picture?
D. You are welcome A. He is hairless
6. Rio : Can I borrow your pencil? B. We have long hair
Soni : Of course, here it is. C. She is wearing t-shirt
Rio : Thank you very much D. They have brown hair
Soni : .... 14.
A. Oh no
B. I am sorry to hear that
C. That's ok
D. See you I see .... on the table.
7. The room is so hot. Please, ..... ! A. a apple
A. Close the door B. an apple
C. the apple Sonya :Ok! ..... to play scrabble.
D. some apples A. I like
15. A : What do we have in the refrigerator? B. I liked
B : We have ..... melon, ..... orange and .... carrots. C. I dislike
A. a - an - some D. I could not like
B. an - a - some
C. some - an - a 19. David : Do you like playing football?
D. some - a - an Michael : .......
David : Why?
16. Michael : Because it is fun.
A. Yes, I like it
B. Yes, I do
C. No, I hate it
A. There is three book on the table. D. No, I like
B. There is three books on the table.
C. There are three book on the table. 20.
D. There are three books on the table.
17. I have ...., ....., and ..... in the bedroom.
A. soap, shampoo, pillows
B. toothpaste, soap, shampoo What does the notice mean?
C. a mattress, a blanket, two pillows A. We should get in the room.
D. a blanket, two pillows, toothpaste B. The room is only for the staff.
18. Roy : We've finished our homework. Shall we play C. We can meet a director in this room.
scrabble? D. The staff cannot get in.
II. Read the text andanswer the questions!
1. Where is your home located…
2. Is it a small or large house…
3. How many rooms are there…They are
4. Is there a yard or garden behind or in front of your house…
5. Do you like living there…

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