Term Paper 2

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Term Paper

Service activity covers a significant area of social relations related to the

development, production and provision of various types of services. Service
activity is based on the organization of the service process, its optimization from
the point of view of convenience for the consumer. With the development of
market relations and the emergence of free market competition, enterprises in the
service sector pay more and more attention to the quality of service provision and
orientation to market requirements.

The purpose of this course work is to study the structure and types of service


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the services market is a complex
system, the main task of which is to satisfy the population's needs for services. In
the global economy, the service sector is the main factor in improving the quality
of life.

Tasks of the course work:

1) Concept and essence of service activity.

2) Types and services of service activity.
3) Organization of passenger service.

The object of study of this work is a person with certain needs, interests, value
orientations, requests, psychological uniqueness and lifestyle. The subject of the
study of the course work is the forms and methods of individual human service.
Service activities are carried out by individual entrepreneurs and service
organizations. The result of their work is a service. A service is a product of labor,
the purpose of which is to satisfy the specific needs of people.

We have 4 types of service activities:

1. Material-transformative
2. Cognitive
3. Value-orientational
4. Communicative

Human needs are diverse and will form a complex structured system. Service
activity is also divided into a large number of directions (fields, forms, sectors,
etc.). The structure of service activity should generally repeat the structure of
needs, correspond to it.

Service is:

1) activity of the service provider, which takes place in direct contact with the


2) provision of services, creation of conditions that will facilitate people's work,

movement, rest and other vital functions.

The form of service is a way of providing services to the consumer.

The form of customer service is a type or combination of methods of customer

The method of customer service is the method of selling products to consumers,
organizational measures in the process of providing services.

The theoretical understanding of service activity acquires a deep meaning that

reflects the multifaceted nature of the service. The practice of service activity is
now interpreted as a vast space of economic activity, in which two main parties are
involved. So, it presents specialized structures that produce services and offer to
use them on the basis of market exchange. The consumer presents a wide range of
specific requirements to the service activity, seeing in it many opportunities that
allow to realize their requests and needs. This understanding of service activity
makes it possible to approach it as a multifaceted economic, social and cultural
phenomenon. It acts simultaneously as an economic mechanism for meeting social
and individual needs, an important link in social reproduction, distribution and
consumption of goods, as well as a social tool for improving people's well-being.

The effectiveness of service activity depends on the forms and methods of

customer service. Forms of service cannot be unchanged over time. They reflect

the development of the process of growing needs for services. With the

improvement of the material well-being of society, with the appearance of new

services, there is a need for appropriate forms of their service.

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