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Several norms of ethnicity believe that by hard effort, success could be achieved by
the kids. While it would easily get stress and illness, it encourages child being
diligent and expert.

On the one hand, the intensity of hard work would force the children attacking stress
or mental disorder. When the kids study hard for their examination, they try to use all
effort in getting a high score, and it encourages them to stress, due to
forgettingforget to stop. Secondly, the children who hard-workinghard working have
a predisposition infecting illness or virus. According to the BBC news, the number of
student suicide in the mapo bridge is very high which is due to
environmentalenvironment demands to achieve high score for their exams which
make them being stress. Beyond forgetting to stop, the majority studentsstudent
who studystudying hard would forget to eat and drink which is simplysimple
attacked by disease or virus.

On the other hand, by working hard, the kids would have good attitude such as
diligencediligent. While the busier activity encourages the kids used to face
numerous predicaments, they would arrange their schedule, and they are always on
time in their timeline. Furthermore, the intensity of children to work hard
stimulatesstimulate the ability of the young onesone to bebeing mastersmaster in
their field. To illustrate this, when the children have manymuch working hours, they
have experience and they know how to solve it, giving a rise to skilful in their job. The
majorityMajority of people in Japan expertsexpert in their job because they have
much intensity in their job. The more frequent the job is, the more people are expert
in it.

To sum up, although the intensity of hard work creates psychologicalemotional

disorder and physical disease, it forces the kids to bebeing diligent and expert which
has a possibility to get success.

Mr. Otte
In some philosophies, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they
work hard. While that speech can boost minors' mentality and confidence, it can also
demotivate them and lose the ability to do things in the right way at the same time.

On the one hand, having other peoplesomeone to accompany such as parents and
teachers to tell the students where to focus is good for children's mentality to
survive in this uncertain world. Moreover, giving forces to put all hard efforts
understanding about focus on one thing can boost a child's confidence to do what
they are like to do. For example, when the kids like painting they tend to join various
classes to improve their skills. Although it is good for the development of mentality
and confidence for the children there are reasons to take note.

A measureMeasure of success depends on the person. When children faceget

unexpected results for what they didare doing, they tend to be demotivatedget
confused. This leads to their hopelessdemotivating children to continue their work
because the results are different from what they hopeexpect. Furthermore, without
the right instruction and guidance from their parents, children might lose their ability
to do the right thing to pursue their passion. For instance, when the children only
draw without knowing the right technique to do it, the result might get stuck and limit
their creativity.

To sum up, while the philosophies can build children's mentality and boost their
confidence, it also can affect their lives become setbacks and stagnantdamage the
ability of children to do the right thing without the right assessment.

Ms. Sarah
The majority of people believe that minors could get anything they want if they push
themselves. It can boost their confidence and ambition while some arguments say
these are the drawbacks, resulting in feeling stress and getting illnesses.

The minors can feel confident since they are told by their parents to get the
achievement when they push themselves, and it leads to feeling pride in their
actions. This is because, when they are getting an encourage from their parents, they
can feel convinced. In addition, when they very often try hard to get their dreams, it
gives a rise to an increasing sense of ambition, resulting in surviving in their future
lives without feeling give up. Evidence shows while pupils age 13 to 15 try to study
for around 10 hours per day, they have a tendency to get their favorite high school,
and it is set these to being ambitious person.

On the other hand, trying themselves hard enough tend to get a sense of stress,
causing them to be unproductive get. In a simple word, they lack of resting since
they are learning or studying for a long hour, so they are unaware of their mental
health. Moreover, this can cause sickness for minors when they are studying without
sleeping, leading to decreasing stamina and durability. That is to say, they forget to
eat and drink or exercise since their studying schedule is very dense. For instance,
one research is conducted by MIT reveals that young people who live in urban areas
tend to get illnesses, such as GERD or weight loss due to they are rarely eating good
nutrition and forgetting about it.

In conclusion, when children push themselves to achieve what they want, they might
feel confident and rise their ambition. However, these make them feel stressed and
get sicknesses.
Ms. Ami
It has become a culture for many parents to tell their children that if they try hardest,
it is easy for them to achieve what they want. The merits of that make them more
ambitious and having a sense of optimistic, while demerits are resulting in delusion
and dissapointed.

BP 1
The benefit for those judgments make them be more ambitious in reaching
everything their life , leading to always be ready in many challenges. When kids get
accustomed listening those sentences, that might make them not easy to complain
once they find hard hips in their life. This can be seen in how the failure that they are
facing never make them feeling down or give up. A sense of be more optimistic is
the another advantage of that notion. As a result, It spreads positive vibes to their
environment since optimism is contagious and having that attitude can inspire
people around them. For instance, a company in America often success in every
projects that they run. This is because they have a optimistic leader and that trait
motivates employees and creates a positive team that together push each other to
achieve common goals.

BP 2
In another hand, having sense of delusion is the drawback from notion which says
any triumph will be attainable, leading to breaking their mental health. What is more,
this condition is characterized by difficulty distinguishing between things that are
reality and which are imagination. This can be seen in how people with delusional
disorders often believe things that are not real or do not match the actual situation.
Furthermore, another disadvantage of that is children may feel dissapointed,
resulting in feeling stress. This is because when they have tried the best to gain
something, and he fails, then that failure can hinder the concentration affecting
their success in the future. Evidence shows as many as 200 students were stressed
in Canada after experiencing default from their goals. This condition makes them
worse off and attacks their mental health and the most fatal impact is that many of
them commit suicide.

To conclude, having fancy and disappointed are the negative from that statement,
while make them more pretentious in obtaining something and be more optimistic
are the positive one. Where possible, if every parent to be wiser in conveying
something to their children.
Mr. Merlan
Hard work is often instilled by some parents in their children to get anything they
want. It certainly could motivate them and dare to face challenges while it could
plunged them since they felt too confident and tend to be hard to get up because of

On the one hand, having hard work could motivate them to achieve the goals they
want. They tend to be passionate about learning new knowledge what they like. In
other words, they might have the courage to face all challenges and problems wisely
for the sake of future goals since they could solve any problem they face with
bravely. For instance, Indonesian students do study hard which take years to prepare
study abroad scholarship to Japan and encounter different language and culture to
pursue their destination as mechanical engineer.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks that occur if they always try to reach
their aim. It would make them overly confident that causing plunged themselves in
problems which is lead them to have negative thinking like feeling useless in the
presence of this matter. In addition, if they failed to achieve it, they tend to have a
hard time getting up from a slump because of an excessive feeling of
disappointment which can result in stress. For example, Korean students often feel
frustation about their career since they could not getting job after they spent a lot of
time and money due to the their high expectation which is causing the number of
suicides occured.

To conclude, while there are minus points to having hard work that could affect
them, motivating and facing with no fear problems should be prioritised to ensure
their purpose be attained.

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