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George Herbert Mead

•Social experience is central to Mead’s concept of the development of the self.

•For him, the self does not mature on its own. It requires an environment where
interactions with other selves are possible.

•Immersion in such a world enables the self to create itself and, in doing so, motivates
an individual to shape his or her world for the better.
Self and Philosophical Ethics

•Axel Honneth is the major proponent of the theory of recognition, and according to
him, recognition is an essential requirement of realization.

•Self-confidence, according to him, is attained within the sphere of love.

•In Sphere of rights, recognition can be achieved if everyone who bears the same
rights are perceived and treated as equals. •Self-respect is cultivated when a person
experiences recognition within the sphere of rights.

•In the Sphere of Solidarity, recognition happens when the skills and abilities of an
individual are acknowledged.

•The result of recognition in the sphere of solidarity is self-esteem.

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