Mothers Journey

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In the warmth of her womb, life softly begins,

A mother to be, with dreams gently pinned.

Her heartbeats entwined with the one yet unseen,
A love blossoming in moments serene.

Cradling new life, she holds a small wonder,

Tiny hands grasp, as the heartbeats thunder.
In a whisper of lullabies, they find a new start,
Bound by a bond that will never depart.
Feeding her toddler with patience and care,
Nurturing moments that always feel rare.
Each giggle and smile, a treasure to keep,
As days turn to memories, and nights pass in sleep.

Out to the mall, her child's hand in her own,

Exploring the world, where love has grown.
Every step taken, a journey they share,
In the laughter of moments, their hearts declare.
Preparing for school, a mix of pride and tears,
Watching her child face the world without fears.
A kiss on the forehead, a hug for the day,
In these simple gestures, love finds its way.

Comforting her daughter through sorrows and cries,

A mother's embrace under comforting skies.
Whispering softly, "It will be alright,"
Turning darkness to dawn, and tears to light.
Helping her daughter in bridal array,
A proud mother watches her child on her way.
In moments of joy, and in moments of pride,
Together they stand, forever allied.

Now the roles shift, the daughter holds firm,

Guiding her mother, in life’s steady turn.
With hands once so small, now strong to guide,
Walking together, with love as their tide.
Supporting her mother, in a wheelchair she sits,
With gentle care, the daughter commits.
In these tender acts, a circle completes,
A life full of love, in each heartbeat it beats.

In the end, as her mother departs,

A legacy lingers in the daughter's heart.
In tears and in memories, love remains true,
For a mother's love, in all that we do.

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