HSB Worksheet #1

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HSB Worksheet # 1

1. a) Label the structures A-J on the following diagram of a plant and animal cell.
(5 marks)

b) Give FOUR (4) differences between the cells of a goat compared to the cells of a
(4 marks)

c) Explain why plant cells require a chloroplast while animal cells do not. (2marks)

d) Scientist describe the nucleus as the “brain of the cell” justified the statement. (2marks)

e) In order for cell to grow healthy and carry out its function energy is required. Name the
metabolic process by which cells release energy. (1mark)

f) In which organelle of the cell does the process named in (e) above takes place. (1mark)
2. Mr. Hamilton noticed a circular rash on his arm. His mother told him that it was ringworm
and treated it with Whitfield’s ointment. After a week the rash is no longer present on his
a) State whether the ringworm is a virus, fungus or bacteria. (1mark)

b) Would the ringworm be classified as a microbe? Give reason to support your answer.

C) Name the organelle that the Whitfield’s ointment destroyed in order to kill the ringworm.

3. A student was observing a cell under an electronic microscope, and the first organelle he
saw was the cell wall. Without hesitation the student labelled cell as plant cell. The
instructor gave the student incorrect for his efforts.
a) What is the name of the cell the student saw? Give reason to support your answer.

b) State what would happen if a cell is placed in a container with salt solution for an hour.

c) Define the TERM microbes. (1mark)

d) Name TWO microbes. (2marks)

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