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A Research Paper
Junior High School – Science Curriculum





June 2022

Understanding the Factors that Influence the Students of GRSHS-X to Cram

A Research Paper
Presented to the
Institution Review Committee
of Department of Research
Gusa Regional Science High School-X

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Research

Writing Scientific Research

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City

Research Department


This research paper entitled “This research paper entitled “UNDERSTANDING

CRAM,” prepared and submitted by LEIGHANN N. CUARTE, GIAN ANGELO J.
fulfilment of the requirements for JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum has
been examined and recommended for defense.


Language Editor Research Adviser

Research 4 Teacher


Approved by the Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for, JUNIOR

HIGH SCHOOL - Science Curriculum with a grade of ________.


Co-chairperson, Research Dept. Research Teacher

Chair, Research Panel

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for JUNIOR HIGH
SCHOOL - Science Curriculum.

Secondary School Principal 1

Leighann Xerxis N. Cuarte

Gian Angelo J. Hernandez

Kyle John S. Limbaroc

Jebson A. Pizon

Aristotle R. Mabale



In all school levels, cramming is a commonly experienced phenomenon; the act of

studying hastily before a test in hopes of gaining all the necessary knowledge as much as
possible. This study sought of to understand the various influences on what influenced
students to cram and thus had collected 40 survey responses, of which 10 came from each
grade level in junior high (Grades 7-10). The survey was a mix of both open-ended
questions and close-ended questions, most of the survey was close-ended while the last
remaining parts were done in open-ended questions. The study in general has centered its
questions around the idea of figuring out on what caused or influenced cramming in
students, if cramming was a suited style of learning for some students despite the huge
health detriments, if there were any observable behavior differences between those who
crammed and those who don’t, and on how much of the student sample admitted to the
tendency of cramming.

Previous research studies have shown that cramming is rather inconsistent, results
were very dependent on the samples and other factors. Nonetheless, many studies have
shown that cramming provided little to no benefit, whilst others insisted on the idea that
cramming may have had a positive benefit such as improved short-term memory.

The Researchers have carried out a Survey type research, of which both
Qualitative and Quantitative qualities have been observed in the study. The Researchers
have also used Cluster Sampling for the collection of data from the 40 responses.

The findings from the study were that majority of students admitted to the
tendency of cramming, of which only four (4) out of forty (40) admitted that they do not
have the tendency of cramming. The thirty-six (36) students who do cram were divided
into two groups of eighteen (18), those who crammed on purpose, and those who
crammed not on purpose. The major influence of why students purposefully crammed
was due to the usage of adrenaline, or simply referred to as, “The Rush”. These students
cram on purpose out of pure adrenaline and would simply do so out of the short-term
burst of motivation and speed. On the other hand, students who didn’t cram on purpose,
did so out of procrastination. Procrastination is different from laziness, as laziness is the
unwillingness to do things whilst procrastination is the purposeful act of not doing so, this
could be mean that these students did so out of necessity, such as disturbances from
outside forces such as the family and so on. Students who didn’t cram had observable
differences such as that they practice proper time management compared to their
counterparts, and that they did not have the tendency to work at night, which is the
opposite for the crammers, for they did tend to work at night.

The Researchers believe that this research paper will be of great significance to
future researchers, and people in general. For cramming is very common amongst
students of virtually any grade level, albeit common not much is truly known of it. Once
there is enough provided research to the topic, it can very much be helpful to students,
researchers, and people in general for they could help minimize their efforts in cramming
or the other way around, depending on what outcome and perspective cramming would
take hold as time passes on. The study could also bring some highlights of the effects
cramming might bring and so on.

Keywords: Cram, Test, Procrastination, The Rush


We would like to convey our sincere gratitude to Mr. Aristotle Mabale for his

assistance in resolving our difficulties. He also doublechecked our research proposal and

made some suggestions. Nonetheless, we would like to offer our heartfelt gratitude once


We would also want to express our heartfelt appreciation to Lizette Hazel Mae N.

Cuarte for taking the time to help us with our research paper. She also assisted us in

resolving our confusions while writing the research paper.

We would like to express great feelings of gratitude to our classmate, Nea Jie A.

Salomsom. At a time where the workload is many, she has still delivered and has helped

us steer clear of our confusions and misunderstandings in the making of our chapter 1 to

3. This is no mere feat, as it was during a time where many are overwhelmed with

modular works. Nonetheless, we would once again like to express our deepest gratitude.

And lastly, we would like to thank God, our Savior, for providing us the guidance

and assistance that we really needed to accomplish our research. He gave us the

knowledge, strength, and integrity to go on, even through toughest of times. We would

not have fulfilled our research without His guidance, and we are very thankful that we

managed to get to this point because of Him.


Table of Contents

Cover Page …………………………………………….. i

Title Page …………………………………………….. ii

Approval Sheet …………………………………………….. iii

Abstract …………………………………………….. iv

Acknowledgement …………………………………………….. vi

Table of Contents …………………………………………….. vii

List of Tables …………………………………………….. ix

List of Figures …………………………………………….. x

Chapter 1

Introduction …………………………………………….. 1

Conceptual Framework …………………………………….. 2

Research Questions …………………………………….. 3

Hypothesis* …………………………………….. 3

Significance of the Study …………………………………….. 3

Scope and Limitation …………………………………….. 4

Definition of Terms …………………………………….. 4

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies 6

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

Research Design …………………………………….. 12

Research Setting …………………………………….. 13

Sampling Design* …………………………………….. 13

Ethical Issues …………………………………….. 13

Materials* …………………………………….. 14

Respondents of the Study*…………………………………… 14

Data Gathering Procedure* or Procedure* or Data Gathering* 14

Scoring Procedure* or Procedure * or Process*

Data Analysis …………………………………….. 15

Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis, and Discussion of Data

Research Question 1 …………………………………………….. 19

Research Question 2 …………………………………………….. 22

Research Question 3 …………………………………………….. 24

Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings …………………………………….. 26

Conclusions …………………………………….. 27

Recommendations …………………………………….. 28

References …………………………………………….. 29

Appendices ……………………………………………..

Appendix A ……………………………………………. 31

Appendix B ……………………………………………. 32

Appendix C ……………………………………………. 33

Appendix D ……………………………………………. 34

Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………. 39

List of Tables

Table Page

1 The Attitude of GRSH – X Students Towards Cramming 21

2 Reasons and Factors on why students cram (not on purpose) 24

3 Reasons and Factors why students cram (on purpose) 27

4 How students avoid cramming 29

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 Schematic Diagram 2

Chapter 1


Before an exam, students have been known to hastily study their notes and papers,

hoping to acquire all required knowledge in a short span of time. This counter-intuitive

phenomenon has been a widespread strange concept that almost all students experience.

This phenomenon is colloquially referred to as, “Cramming - a quick period of study in

order to learn a lot of information quickly for a test, exam, etc.”

It is a common concept that virtually almost every student has at least seen or

experienced, so much so that according to one survey, 99% of students have admitted to

cramming according to Gerwick, 2014. Now why do students cram? Is there a common

reason as to why students exert such a draining process unto themselves? Why don’t they

perform study habits that can probably give them better results such as: Finding a place to

study regularly, organizing a study group, reviewing notes after class and others more,

stated by Felce, 2018.

Due to the pandemic known as “COVID-19” clear limitations were set as the

setting for research is in the researchers’ homes. The researchers then shall enact an

online survey to 40 students in GRSHS-X, 10 students per grade level for junior high.

With the abovementioned statements, it is the objective of the researchers to

determine a possible common reason on why students cram or if not, a possible glimpse

on the variance of causes or reasons on why students cram in the first place.

This is mainly for the purpose of letting the researchers have a much more general

understanding on why cramming is such a widespread phenomenon to students,

especially since the researchers themselves have experienced said phenomena firsthand.

If even possible, a greater understanding to the public.

Conceptual Framework

INPUT Process
1. Gathering of 1. Letting 10
data random
An Extensive
students from
- Research understanding
G7 to G10
of Related towards the
answer the
Literature online survey. reasons and
2. Collecting, factors on why
2. Preparation
recording and students in
of Online
analyzing said GRSHS-X
3. Preparation survey's "cram"
of responses.
respondents 3. Observe any
between the
answers, check
out hypothesis
and confirm
which is true.

Figure 1. This is the schematic diagram of the study

Research Questions
This study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the various factors that influence students to hastily study in a short period of


2. Do certain students believe that cramming is a much more suited style of studying for

them? Despite knowing that trading sleep for study brings a huge detriment to one’s

overall well-being.

3. To students who cram, are there any observable effects or changes in behavior? If there

are, are there any benefits or detriments to students who cram?

4. What percentage of students to cram?


There is no unifying reason in why students cram, it is still unknown and is up to


There is a common reason or cause on why students cram, it is caused by several

factors that they may or may not have control over.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study would benefit people, specifically students and workers

considering that cramming and staying up all night to finish a specific task is common

amongst them. The study that the researchers would perform would focus on junior high

school students, specifically from Gusa Regional Science High School. The study they

are to perform would be beneficial to people who commonly cram and stress themselves

out because, the goal of the researchers is to find out the cause and reason for students to

cram and the various factors that may come into play. This research could not only help

students find reason why they cram but to help them gain further knowledge on the topic,

possible side-effects that cramming may bring to them, and find the best ways to avoid

being put in a situation where they are forced to cram.

Scope and Limitation

The study will be conducted in the researchers’ houses. The researchers will be

making a survey about why do students cram. The study will be conducted for the

purpose of determining why do students cram in which will have an impact on them. It

was also intended for future researchers to rely on the information given in the study. This

study will be specifically limited to 10 students per grade level, ranging from grades 7 to

10 only. Giving out advises will not be included in the study.

Definition of Terms

All Nighter. A phenomenon where an individual stays up all night due to intensive


Cramming. The act of studying hastily in a short span of time, specifically right

before a quiz or test.

Early Bird. A person who prefers to do things during the day, specifically

studying or doing school works.

Exam. A standardized test given to students to assess the knowledge/mastery of a

student in a particular subject or topic.

Mental Block. When a student fails to remember a specific answer to a question,

this may be due to a lack of study or some other factor in play such as a lack of sleep.

Night Owls. A person who prefers to do things at night, specifically studying or

doing school works.

Notes. Copies of the teacher’s lesson, simplified and summarized for effective

studying and are taken home to be memorized.

Procrastination. A phenomenon where one intentionally delays the act of doing

an activity or work.

Quiz. A short test: it can be a multiple-choice test, an essay type of test, or a mix

of both.

Review. A term synonymous or interchangeable with the word “Study”, refers to

the act of repeatedly memorizing notes or facts for the purpose of preparation for a quiz

or exam.

The Rush. A phenomenon that is synonymous with the feeling of a sudden rush of


Study Group. An organized group of individuals made up by students whose

objective is to study collectively and effectively.

Study Habits. Habitual activities done by students to effectively take in

information, examples such as reading notes, holding study groups, the use of flash cards


Test. An activity done to assess the knowledge or mastery of a student of a certain

subject or topic, these are usually done through multiple-choices or essay types,

sometimes a mix of both. They’re usually graded, but oftentimes are not.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

According to Mootie (2013) academic procrastination was found to be negatively

connected with Intrinsic Goal Orientation, Extrinsic Goal Orientation, Metacognitive

Self-Regulation, Time/Study Environmental Management, and Effort Regulation in

multiple regression analyses. Furthermore, academic procrastination was positively

associated with organization. Finally, an independent t-test indicated no significant

differences in academic procrastination between men and women. Female students used

rehearsal, effort regulation, and peer learning strategies much more than male students,

according to the Manova exam.

In order to gather new insights for the creation of therapeutic programs, the

researchers used an unbiased approach to academic procrastination in this study. By

paying attention to the actual voices and experiences of 29 students, they were able to

investigate the origins of procrastination using a qualitative approach. Students' subjective

theories corroborated some of the antecedents studied previously (lack of desire or

volitional control), but they also revealed novel dimensions of academic procrastination,

such as social relatedness and task competence. We offer suggestions for how to help kids

and how to build intervention programs based on our findings (Grund, 2013).

The phenomenon of academic plagiarism among students enrolled in secondary

education and high school is examined in this article. It looks into the frequency of

plagiarism as well as the link between gender and procrastination. The findings reveal

that plagiarism is very much alive and well in secondary schools. One of the primary

ways for effectively addressing the problem has been recognized as improving students'

IT and library skills (Sureda, 2015).

Huang (2016) says that when learning occurs at regular intervals or when sleep

occurs soon after learning, the ability to recall facts improves. Many students, on the

other hand, cram for examinations and sacrifice sleep for other activities. The goal of this

study was to see how study spacing and time in bed (TIB) for sleep affected teenage

vocabulary learning. Meanwhile in the research of Colleta (2018) he stated that the

majority of physics professors believe that enough sleep is necessary for students to

function well when solving problems. One of us decided to investigate how many hours

students slept the night before an exam and how this affects their performance. Sleep

deprivation was linked to lower test performance. The major goal of this research is to

give evidence that instructors can use to persuade their students that sleeping is a better

use of their time. When students and people in general do not get enough sleep, a

multitude of problems can occur, according to (Goran, 2017) he and his group of

Researchers state that for adolescents, psychosocial health, school performance, and risk-

taking behaviors are impacted by sleep disruption. Behavioral problems and cognitive

functioning are associated with sleep disruption in children. Long-term consequences of

sleep disruption in otherwise healthy individuals include hypertension, dyslipidemia,

cardiovascular disease, weight-related issues, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes

mellitus, and colorectal cancer. All-cause mortality is also increased in men with sleep

disturbances. For those with underlying medical conditions, sleep disruption may

diminish the health-related quality of life of children and adolescents and may worsen the

severity of common gastrointestinal disorders.

Pupils who failed an exam could retake it soon after due to an administrative rule,

prompting substantial 'teach to the test' incentives to boost these students' test results for

the retake. We create a model that takes truncation into account and discover that these

students score 0.14 higher on the retest. We estimate that 30% of these improvements will

last the next year, based on a regression discontinuity design. These findings show that

test-focused education or 'cramming' improves instantaneous performance, but that a

major fraction of these benefits go away. When comparing educational treatments, our

findings show that perseverance should be taken into account (Gilraine, 2021).

Theobald (2021) states that students' learning strategy use and exam performance

were investigated in relation to course teaching and individual variations in general

academic competencies and conscientiousness. Two groups of university students

attended a lecture on the same topic, but with different course instructions. Cramming

was not prevented by (voluntary) in-class meetings or deadlines, according to the

findings. Less conscientious pupils require additional assistance in implementing

effective learning practices. Through more widespread practice and self-testing, academic

competencies significantly predicted exam performance.

The prevalence of cramming for exams leads us to believe that it is not always a

bad idea. A simple model of a study process demonstrates that an optimal solution

frequently involves some cramming, and that a study schedule is frequently more

efficient than studying at the same speed throughout the semester (Zapata, 2017).

Daytime naps improve long-term memory more than taking a break and staying

awake. However, the use of naps as a practical way to improve learning has not been

investigated, specifically how memory after a nap compares to spending the equivalent

amount of time cramming. Cramming and napping resulted in significantly better

memory than taking a break when tested 30 minutes after learning. Napping retained its

significant advantage after a week, but cramming did not (Cousins, 2018).

The goal of this study was to see if the effect of active procrastination on

academic achievement differed significantly depending on how long before the exam

students started cramming. This study was conducted by Seo (2012). The information was

gathered from 172 Korean undergraduates. In terms of how much cramming they did, the

results show that there was no significant difference in academic achievement between

the three groups of active and passive procrastinators. There was, however, a significant

difference in academic achievement between those who began cramming 1 day or less

before an exam and those who began cramming 2 days before an exam. While in the

study done by Ho – yung (2019). Based on the perceptions of senior secondary students

in Hong Kong, this study compares the teaching effectiveness of cram school tutors and

English schoolteachers. According to the findings of the online survey, tutors are

perceived to be more effective than teachers in all aspects of effective teaching. The

qualitative data from focus group interviews, on the other hand, paints a more complex

picture. It sheds light on the complex relationship between private tutoring and

mainstream schooling and offers policy and teaching implications for both the private and

public sectors. And a study from Lin (2020) states, Leading cram schools have been

instrumental in promoting a specific organizational framing as the dominant approach of

a niche market in a given era. In the 1990s, the dominant discourses in this niche were

self-help and nationalism, according to the market leader. After the year 2000, new

organizational framing gained traction in the new niche markets of IELTS and SAT.

Studying abroad was viewed as a stepping stone to immigration, a pathway to becoming a

member of the global elite, and an opportunity for the entire family's status to improve.

Although there is considerable anecdotal evidence that the scale of private

tutoring is significant in the Philippines, attempts to document its existence are limited.

The purpose of this study was to provide a more eidetic portrait based on the perspectives

and collective experiences of 11 cram school and formal school administrators from three

key urban cities in the country. Semi structured interviews revealed three distinct

syndromes describing the dynamics of the private tutor phenomenon using a dendrogram

(de Castro, 2012).

Cramming for ZNO in English is the first in a series of publications aimed for

undergraduate students who want to apply for a university Master's program and pass an

independent English test (ZNO). The instruction manual includes a variety of items that

can be used to help language learners improve their reading skills. Its sections give

students with information on exam elements, efficient strategies for addressing various

task forms, and hands-on practice with the tasks. The book appears to be useful for both

teachers and students, and it may be utilized in both teacher-led classrooms and students'

independent self-study (Tamara, 2020).

Over the last few years, online learning has experienced consistent and continuous

expansion, and it now meets a wide range of modern educational needs. However, unless

course designers and instructors establish means of engaging students through the usage

of the Four Pillars mentioned in this chapter, attrition can be a troubling phenomenon.

Students in online programs will benefit greatly from the methods and tactics related with

and arising from these Pillars. Face-to-face instructional approaches will not function in

an online setting, but the innovative methods outlined in this chapter will result in student

involvement and achievement of educational objectives (Galloway, 2019).

Cramming is a frequent study practice used by students to prepare for exams.

There has been little to no research done to see if cramming is used in response to a

certain exam format. According to the findings, there may be a link between cramming

involvement and examination structure. Although there is no evidence to support this

concept, it does raise questions that should be investigated further (Haberman , 2013).

In a study conducted by Bellows (2020) he finds that short-term active

procrastination can actually increase the quality of work output. Quick actions for

difficult chores often makes the human brain rely on subconscious emotions for decisions

and urges towards completion. When someone jumps quickly to complete a complicated

task, they lose the benefit of consciously pondering the best or innovative solutions and

fail to direct their subconscious and rob it from quietly ruminating on acceptable paths.

Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers want to understand the various factors and influences that make

the students of GRSHS-X to cram. To do so, the researchers employed a Mixed Research

Design, of which qualities and characteristics of both Quantitative and Qualitative,

Research designs are used in conducting the research study. The researchers conducted a

survey of which are mainly multiple choice close-ended questions to a random sample of

10 students of the Junior High Grade Levels in GRSHS-X (G7 to G10). But, due to the

nature of the research study, close-ended questions simply cannot work all the time, so to

compensate for the close-ended questions, the survey was also supported an statement if

the reason for the factors and influence of cramming is not found in the choices, making

the survey both close-ended and open-ended. After the survey, the researchers create a

graph or chart to visualize the various factors that cramming was influenced by. For the

open-ended answers, the researchers tried to compare if common ideas are found in the

essay answers. For the uncommon essay answers that are unique and few, they were

labelled as “Others” in the chart, unless it is required to label them in a different manner.

Research Setting

The study area was be conducted at the safety of the researchers’ homes. The

choice of conducting the research study at home is not only preferrable and recommended

but also rather a requirement due to the pandemic.

Sampling Design

The study used cluster sampling. The researchers chose the students of GRSHS-X

from different grade levels, ranging from grades 7-10 in order for them to get the desired

result of their study.

Ethical Issues

Research with human individuals as respondents shall always face ethical

consideration. This study is no exemption despite its somewhat simplicity. First and

foremost, consent and privacy shall be respected and practiced. To respect the student’s

identity, it shall be optional if a respondent wishes to reveal their name or to simply stay

anonymous. For the essay, it shall be made optional, if a respondent wishes to write more

on the reasons why they are under the influence of cramming, although this comes with

risks as this may pose sensitive answers. If a respondent feels uncomfortable to disclose

their reasons, it is completely fine and shall be given the freedom to simply leave it blank.

For data reasons, their grade levels and sections were required to make data visualization

clearer and more concise. Blank answers can either be categorized under the label of

“Others” or could be replaced with another respondents to fill out the missing gaps in the



 Computer (complete with the following software: Word and Excel)

 Cellphones

 A device for internet connection (if a modem isn't present, a suffice substitute

would be mobile data although this is not as effective compared to the modem)

Respondents of the Study

High-school students from Gusa Regional Science High-School were selected by

the researchers to be the respondents of their study. Specifically, the junior high-school

students. The researchers planned on surveying 10 students per grade level, from Grade-7

to Grade-10, getting a total of 40 respondents to their study. These respondents, although

is a sample of a population, shall provide an insight on how cramming works with a

certain number of students from certain backgrounds.

Data Gathering

Online Surveys. The researchers will made a survey containing the factors and the

reasons on why students cram through a questionnaire.

Evaluation. The researchers gathered the collected data from the surveys given out

to the students of GRSHS-X. They then set up a chart containing the answers from the

surveys. It is by this chart where they determined the factors and the reasons on why

students cram.

Data Analysis

The researchers conducted an online survey to determine if junior

highschool students of GRSHS-X tend to cram a lot. The survey questionnaire that they

make, included questions regarding how students act towards academic activities such as

tests, exams, quizzes, and homework. This questionnaire focused on the questions

regarding “if’s and what’s”, to give the respondents a chance to select and elaborate their

answers in the survey. The survey included a multiple choice and other options for the

respondents to further elaborate their answers incase their answers are not in the choices.

The information obtained from the survey will be based on the percentage of students

with the same answers pertaining a certain question.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Discussion of Data

This chapter features the presentation, analysis, and discussion of data retrieved

from the survey conducted by the researchers. Tables and the sorts are to be expected for

a much more convenient and simple understanding of the data acquired.

The survey required forty (40) respondents, and ten (10) from each grade level to

be more specific. The goal was achieved, and the researchers expected a much more

probable understanding of the study with no biases of answers for all grade levels.

Table 1 shows an overview of the students’ responses of the survey given, with

the table below specifically showing close-ended questions’ responses.

Table 1. Attitude of GRSH – X Students Towards Cramming

Constructs M (mean) SD (Standard Verbal Description

1. Statement 1 3.65 3.26 Agree
-I tend to cram
2. Statement 2A 2.97 2.77 Slightly Agree
-I have a regular and balanced sleep schedule (at least 7 –
8 hours of sleep
3. Statement 3A 4.42 3.96 Strongly Agree
-I am aware of the many health problems a poor sleep
schedule can bring
4. Statement 4A 3.67 3.38 Agree
-I usually like to work at night to finish my school works.

5. Statement 5A 3.86 3.45 Agree
-Do you feel pressured when you do your modules?
6. Statement 6A 2.14 1.86 Disagree
-Do you believe that cramming is an effective way of
7. Statement 7A 2.67 2.32 Slightly Agree
-Do you purposefully cram before an exam or quiz?
8. Statement 2B 4 3.54 Agree
-I have a regular and balanced sleep schedule (at least 7-8
hours of sleep)
Overall: 3.42 3.07 Agree

(1) = 1.00 – 1.80 (2) = 1.81 – 2.60 (3) = 2.61 – 3.40 (4) = 3.41 – 4.20 (5) = 4.21 – 5.00

The overall attitude or perception of students towards cramming had showed that

they agree (M = 3.42, SD = 3.07). This was proven by Statement 1 (M = 3.65, SD = 3.26)

which showed that students in general do cram. Nonetheless, the students still show

strong perceptions towards Statement 3A, to be specific, Strongly Agree (M = 4.42, SD =

3.96). This would mean that the students are aware of the many health detriments that

cramming will give them if they cram.

These results were supported by the following excerpts: the prevalence of

cramming for exams leads me to believe that it is not always a bad idea. A simple model

of a study process demonstrates that an optimal solution frequently involves some

cramming, and that a study schedule is frequently more efficient than studying at the

same speed throughout the semester (Zapata, 2017); Cramming is a frequent study

practice used by students to prepare for exams. There has been little to no research done

to see if cramming is used in response to a certain exam format. According to the

findings, there may be a link between cramming involvement and examination structure.

Although there is no evidence to support this concept, it does raise questions that should

be investigated further, (Haberman , 2013); In a study conducted by Bellows (2020) he

finds that short-term active procrastination can actually increase the quality of work

output. Quick actions for difficult chores often makes the human brain rely on

subconscious emotions for decisions and urges towards completion. When someone

jumps quickly to complete a complicated task, they lose the benefit of consciously

pondering the best or innovative solutions and fail to direct their subconscious and rob it

from quietly ruminating on acceptable paths. According to (Goran, 2017) he and his

group of Researchers state that for adolescents, psychosocial health, school performance,

and risk-taking behaviors are impacted by sleep disruption. Behavioral problems and

cognitive functioning are associated with sleep disruption in children. Long-term

consequences of sleep disruption in otherwise healthy individuals include hypertension,

dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, weight-related issues, metabolic syndrome, type 2

diabetes mellitus, and colorectal cancer. All-cause mortality is also increased in men with

sleep disturbances. For those with underlying medical conditions, sleep disruption may

diminish the health-related quality of life of children and adolescents and may worsen the

severity of common gastrointestinal disorders.

On the other hand, though, the students showed disagreement as shown in

statement 7A (M = 2.67, SD = 2.32). This means that students, generally speaking, are

aware that cramming is indeed detrimental to one’s health and agree that it is an

ineffective way of studying, despite that though, the majority of the students still cram.

This leads the researchers to believe that students cram, in general, out of haste or out of


Question: If cramming is out of your control, please do state the reasons and factors

you think that cause you to cram

Table 2 shows the various reasons provided by the students on why they cram,

specifically those who don’t cram on purpose.

Table 2. Reasons and Factors on Why Students Cram (not on purpose)

Code Statements

It’s because I procrastinate, due to laziness (9)

Burnout, No motivation (3)

Not much time left, poor time management (5)

Mental health problems; (specifically Anxiety and

Depression) (2)

Specific preference to work at night (1)

Pressure (1)

Physical I get easily distracted, Distractions (2)

Sleep-deprived (1)

Too tired to do work (1)

Family Issues (1)

Long list of chores (1)

Unexpected interruption by parents and family (1)

Due to finishing other harder assignments (1)

Theme 1. Psychological

This theme tackles the idea that the reason why someone out there would cram is

mostly due to psychological reasons or causes; which means of or relating to the mind or

mental activity. This does not necessarily mean that it is within or not in their control, as

some statements were up to the individual and some were not. Such an example would be

of the statement “I have bad time management” which was mentioned by one of our

respondents. This supported by the following excerpt, “Academic procrastination was

found to be negatively connected with Intrinsic Goal Orientation, Extrinsic Goal

Orientation, Metacognitive Self-Regulation, Time/Study Environmental Management,

and Effort Regulation in multiple regression analyses. Furthermore, academic

procrastination was positively associated with organization. Finally, an independent t-test

indicated no significant differences in academic procrastination between men and women.

Female students used rehearsal, effort regulation, and peer learning strategies much more

than male students, according to the Manova exam” (Mootie, 2013).

Some causes that are believed to be the reasons on why people cram are not of the

mind but rather on something much more tangible. Chores could serve as an example;

they’re activities that require physical bodily effort and may eventually lead to cramming

due to the loss of time spent on chores etc. “Sleep deprived, too tired to do work”, a

statement mentioned by one of the respondents which was proven by the following

excerpt, According to Huang, 2016 and Colleta, 2018, when learning occurs at regular

intervals or when sleep occurs soon after learning, the ability to recall facts improves.

Many students, on the other hand, cram for examinations and sacrifice sleep for other

activities. The goal of this study was to see how study spacing and time in bed (TIB) for

sleep affected teenage vocabulary learning. The majority of physics professors believe

that enough sleep is necessary for students to function well when solving problems. One

of us decided to investigate how many hours students slept the night before an exam and

how this affects their performance. Sleep deprivation was linked to lower test

performance. The major goal of this research is to give evidence that instructors can use

to persuade their students that sleeping is a better use of their time.

Question: I purposefully cram before an exam or a quiz because...

Table 3. Reasons and Factors Students Cram (on purpose)

Code Statements

Psychological Lack of fun and freedom (1)

Forgetting about it (2)

Poor time management (1)

Thinks better when pressured (7)

Study intensively over a short period. (1)

Doesn’t want to be pressured (1)

Not good at studying (1)

Laziness; Unmotivated (2)

Procrastination (1)

Physical Too many responsibilities (1)

Getting sidetracked

Loud and busy environment (1)

This theme focuses on the psychological reasons why people actively cram before

taking an exam or quiz. This does not necessarily imply that it is within or outside of their

control, since some utterances were under their control and others were not. An idea

which can be related with the statement, “I slightly love the pressure. The pressure that

cramming brings out makes me work hard more and it makes me think straight. The

pressure brings out my competitive side.” This is supported by an excerpt from the

following: The prevalence of cramming for exams leads us to believe that it is not always

a bad idea. A simple model of a study process demonstrates that an optimal solution

frequently involves some cramming, and that a study schedule is frequently more

efficient than studying at the same speed throughout the semester (Zapata, 2017). A

similar concept can also be found with the following excerpt as well, The goal of this

study was to see if the effect of active procrastination on academic achievement differed

significantly depending on how long before the exam students started cramming. The

information was gathered from 172 Korean undergraduates. In terms of how much

cramming they did, the results show that there was no significant difference in academic

achievement between the three groups of active and passive procrastinators. There was,

however, a significant difference in academic achievement between those who began

cramming 1 day or less before an exam and those who began cramming 2 days before an

exam (Seo, 2012).

Some of the reasons why people purposefully cram before taking an exam or a

quiz are not psychological in nature, but rather a habit. Consider duties. A person who has

a lot of obligations may find it difficult to manage their job, which may lead to cramming

due to time lost executing their tasks. A student said, “I have many responsibilities to do,

at home and at school, and because I don't have enough time to study for a quiz and

usually just cram it after doing my modules.” This statement can be supported by,

Short-term active procrastination can actually increase the quality of work output. Quick

actions for difficult chores often makes the human brain rely on subconscious emotions

for decisions and urges towards completion. When someone jumps quickly to complete a

complicated task, they lose the benefit of consciously pondering the best or innovative

solutions and fail to direct their subconscious and rob it from quietly ruminating on

acceptable paths (Bellows, 2020).

Question: How do you avoid cramming? Please do state some of the reasons you

think that help you avoid cramming.

Table 4. How Students Avoid Cramming

Code Statements

Physical coping mechanism I follow my schedule allot appropriate amount of

time to each school work.

Answering and studying lessons in advance.

Answer modules immediately and avoid


Psychological coping mechanism “By managing my time wisely (like getting proper

sleep) and distributing them in segments.”

Theme 1. Physical coping mechanisms

Some physical coping mechanisms people do to avoid cramming and

procrastination are by applying a schedule which is strictly followed and by allotting an

appropriate amount of time to answer and study modules to avoid getting into a point

where they are forced to cram. A student has mentioned “Answer modules immediately

and avoid procrastinating.” This statement can be supported by, “Academic

procrastination was found to be negatively connected with Intrinsic Goal Orientation,

Extrinsic Goal Orientation, Metacognitive Self-Regulation, Time/Study Environmental

Management, and Effort Regulation in multiple regression analyses. Furthermore,

academic procrastination was positively associated with organization. Finally, an

independent t-test indicated no significant differences in academic procrastination

between men and women. Female students used rehearsal, effort regulation, and peer

learning strategies much more than male students, according to the Manova exam.

(Mootie, 2013).

Theme 2. Psychological coping mechanisms

This theme talks about the psychological preparedness that people have in order to

avoid procrastination. These things can be following a strict routine, or simply having

proper time management that help keep the person in a prepared and healthy state of

mind. A student said,“By managing my time wisely (like getting proper sleep) and

distributing them in segments.” This statement can be supported by, The majority of

physics professors believe that enough sleep is necessary for students to function well

when solving problems. One of us decided to investigate how many hours students slept

the night before an exam and how this affects their performance. Sleep deprivation was

linked to lower test performance. The major goal of this research is to give evidence that

instructors can use to persuade their students that sleeping is a better use of their time

(Colleta, 2018).

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

The main objective of this study was to find out the reasons and factors that come

into play that specifically makes many junior highschool students of GRSHS-X cram.

Cramming is common amongst students, especially in GRSHS-X, based on the survey of

40 students (10 students per grade level). Majority of students admit to cramming and

many are unaware of the many major side effects cramming may bring. There were also

some students who said that they do not or they avoid cramming. They said that the

reason they do not do this is because of their proper time management, proper

prioritization, and following a strict schedule. To be more specific, those who

purposefully cram do it for the adrenaline, whilst their counterparts, those who not do it

out of purpose, do it due to procrastination. These are the most common reasons and

causes on why students cram. If you compare the students who cram to students who do

not, students who cram generally stay late up at night, whilst non-crammers practice a

relatively good sleeping schedule. This can be attributed to their causes of cramming, as

36.1% of crammers strongly agree that they have a strong preference to do their works at

night, whether this be on purpose or out of necessity. But all in all, majority of crammers

and non-crammers agree that cramming is not the best and healthiest way of doing school

works and studies.


From the findings of the study, the researchers concluded the following:

1. The majority of students do cram, although this statement may only apply to the small sample

of 40 students, regardless there was an overwhelming number of students who admitted to the

tendency of cramming. With thirty-six (36) students who cram, and a measly four (4) students

who do not;

2. There was a divide with the statement of whether crammers cram on purpose before an exam or

quiz, as eighteen (18) students admitted to purposefully cram before exams, and eighteen (18)

students who do not cram on purpose before exams and tests;

3. Compared to their counterparts, students who crammed generally stay late up at night, whilst

non-crammers practice a relatively good sleeping schedule. This could be attributed to their

causes of cramming, as 36.1% of crammers strongly agree that they have a strong preference to

do their works at night, whether this be on purpose or out of necessity;

4. But despite all that, crammers were in a general agreement that cramming is an ineffective

method of studying, as 33.3% strongly disagree, and 30.6% disagree with the idea of cramming

being an effective way of studying, and

5. The most common reason on why students purposefully cram was due to the feeling of

adrenaline. The feeling of a sudden boost of energy and motivation is what drives most students

to cram on purpose. The most common reason on why students cram is due to “Procrastination”.

This is different from laziness, as laziness is simply the unwillingness to act or inactivity.

Procrastination, however, is intentional; this could mean that these students procrastinate and

chose to do other things, this may be chores or other forms of obligations.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the study, the following

recommendations are hereby proposed:

1. For future researchers, take into consideration, additional info and to find ways for

students to cram less;

2. Make the survey valid; validation needed for survey;

3. Not enough respondents, 40 students in total aren’t enough. Ask a wider scope of

respondents. It would be much better if the students asked were 40 per grade


4. Do not solely rely on your Research Adviser, be more independent;

5. For this research study, place more highlight in the open-ended questions, and

6. Get rid of unnecessary questions, focus only on the topic at hand.


Colleta, V., Wikholm, C., & Pascoe, D. (2018). Sleep and Final Exam Performance in
Introductory Physics. AAPT Physics Education.

Cousins, J. N., Wong, K. F., Raghunath, B. L., Look, C., & Chee, M. W. L. (2018,
October 29). The long-term memory benefits of a daytime nap compared with
cramming. OUP Academic.

de Castro, B., & de Guzman, A. (2012, April 5). Understanding Private Tutoring
Metamorphosis in the Philippines From the Perspectives of Cram School and
Formal School Administrators. Sage Journals.

Ho Yung, K. W. (2020, January). Comparing the effectiveness of cram school tutors and
schoolteachers: A critical analysis of students’ perceptions. Science Direct.

Huang, S., Deshpande, A., Yeo, S., Lo, J. C., Chee, M. W. L., & Gooley, J. J. (2016,
September 1). Sleep Restriction Impairs Vocabulary Learning when Adolescents
Cram for Exams: The Need for Sleep Study. OUP Academic.

Klingsieck, K.B., Grund, A., Schmid, S., & Fries, S. (2013). Why Students Procrastinate:
A Qualitative Approach. Journal of College Student Development 54(4), 397-412.

Lin, L. (2019, July 5). The visible hand behind study-abroad waves: cram schools,
organizational framing and the international mobility of Chinese students.

Luo, S. (2020a). Cramming. Escholarship.

Negre, J. S. (2015, January 1). Academic Plagiarism among Secondary and High School
Students: Differences in Gender and Procrastination - Sureda et al 2015a -

Scientific Journal Publishers. (2012b, September 1). Cramming, Active Procrastination,

and Academic Achievement: Ingenta Connect. Ingentaconnect.

Yin Kuan, P. (2011, August). Effects of Cram Schooling on Mathematics Performance:
Evidence from Junior High Students in Taiwan. The University of Chicago Press

Zapata, F. (2013). Maybe the Usual Students’ Practice of Cramming For a Test Makes
Sense: A Mathematical Analysis. ScholarWorks@UTEP.


Appendix A

Table 2. Reasons and Factors on why students cram (not on purpose)

Code Statements

It’s because I procrastinate, due to laziness (9)

Burnout, No motivation (3)

Not much time left, poor time management (5)

Mental health problems; (specifically Anxiety and

Depression) (2)

Specific preference to work at night (1)

Pressure (1)

I get easily distracted, Distractions (2)

Sleep-deprived (1)

Too tired to do work (1)

Physical Family Issues (1)

Long list of chores (1)

Unexpected interruption by parents and family (1)

Due to finishing other harder assignments (1)

Appendix B

Table 3. Reasons and Factors why students cram (on purpose)

Code Statements

Psychological Lack of fun and freedom (1)

Forgetting about it (2)

Poor time management (1)

Thinks better when pressured (7)

Study intensively over a short period. (1)

Doesn’t want to be pressured (1)

Not good at studying (1)

Laziness; Unmotivated (2)

Procrastination (1)

Physical Too many responsibilities (1)

Getting sidetracked

Loud and busy environment (1)

Appendix C

Table 4. How Students Avoid Cramming

Code Statements

Physical coping mechanism I follow my schedule allot appropriate amount of

time to each school work.

Answering and studying lessons in advance.

Answer modules immediately and avoid


Psychological coping mechanism “By managing my time wisely (like getting proper

sleep) and distributing them in segments.”

Appendix D



602, Zone 6, Cugman,
Cagayan De Oro City.

Cell Number: 09954108812



Date of Birth: March 6, 2006

Place of Birth: Silang, Cavite
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single



Purok 4A, J.R Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro
City, Misamis Oriental


Claro M. Recto Avenue, Julio Pacana Street, Cagayan de
Oro, Misamis Oriental

Consistent Honor Student in Primary School
Silver Medalist in CAPES Quiz Bee Araling Panlipunan 2016
Honor Student Throughout Primary School
Graduated Top 4 Overall in Grade 6
With High Honor (S.Y 2018-2019)
With High Honor (S.Y 2019-2020)
With High Honor (S.Y 2020-2021)



039 Eva Velez St., Apovel Subd., Brgy. Bulua
Cagayan De Oro City.

Cell Number: 09274923275 2x2



Date of Birth: October 2, 2004

Place of Birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single



Purok 4A, J.R Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro
Misamis Oriental


Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental


Zone 10, Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental

Corner Echem and Tiano Bros. Sts., Cagayan de Oro City

Honor student throughout Elementary

Graduated Top 10 Overall in Grade 6
With honors from Gr.7 – Gr.8

With High Honors from Gr. 9
4th place District Level Journalism in Feature Writing - Gr.6
2nd place in Science Quiz Bee School Level - Gr. 6
Science Quiz Bee Champion - Gr. 4 (School Level)
Artist of the Year - Gr. 2
Peace Officer for Gr. 5



Cagayan De Oro City.

Cell Number: 09358413951



Date of Birth: JUNE 5, 2006

Place of Birth: Cagayan De Oro City
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single



Purok 4A, J.R Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro
City, Misamis Oriental


Lapasan Highway, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

Consistent Honor Student in Primary School
Honor Student Throughout Primary School
Graduated Top 11 Overall in Grade 6
With High Honor (S.Y 2018-2019)
With High Honor (S.Y 2019-2020)
With High Honor (S.Y 2020-2021)


Baranggay Agusan Canyon, Camp Phillips,
Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon

Cell Number: 09670196937



Date of Birth: February 24, 2005

Place of Birth: Espana, Manila
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single



Purok 4A, J.R Borja Extension, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro
Misamis Oriental


Cawayanon, Barangay San Miguel, Manolo Fortich,


Class officer all throughout elementary

Class President from Gr.4 – Gr.5
English Elocution Gold Medalist from Gr.1 – Gr.5
English Elocution Bronze Medalist in Gr.6
Filipino Elocution Gold Medalist from Gr.1 – Gr.6
MTAP Participant (S.Y 2015-2016 & 2017-2018)
With Honors from Gr.1 – Gr.7
With High Honors from Gr.8 – Gr.9


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