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Who is that?
Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members.

Marital status
This lesson will help you to
learn the topics related to the Parts of the body.

week 7 Appearance and personality.

Possessive case.
You will learn about:
Have got.
Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members

Here you have a vocabulary list about family members if you are
related by blood ties.

Word Translation

Mother Madre

Father Padre
Parents Padres
Son Hijo
Daughter Hija
Sister Hermana
Brother Hermano
Aunt Tía
Uncle Tío
Cousin Primo (a)

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members

Word Translation

Grandmother Abuela

Grandfather Abuelo
Grandson Nieto
Granddaughter Nieta

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members

Here you have a vocabulary list about family members if you are
related by law.

Word Translation

Mother-in-law Suegra

Father-in-law Suegro
Parents-in-law Suegros
Daughter-in-law Nuera
Son-in-law Yerno
Sister-in-law Cuñada
Brother-in-law Cuñado

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members

Here you have a vocabulary list about family members if you are
related by religious ties.

Word Translation

Godfather Padrino

Godmother Madrina
Godson Ahijado
Goddaughter Ahijada

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members

Here you have a vocabulary list about family members if you are
related by upbringing.

Word Translation

Stepfather Padrastro

Stepmother Madrastra
Stepsister Hermanastra
Stepbrother Hermanastro

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Family members

It is very common to use short forms to name our relatives.

Short form Normal form

Mom Mother

Dad Father
Grandma Grandmother
Grandpa Grandfather

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Marital Status

Are you married?

No, I am single.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Marital Status

Here you have a vocabulary list about

marital status.

Word Translation

Marital status Estado Civil

Married Casado(a)
Engaged Comprometido(a)
Divorced Divorciado(a)
Together Juntos
Separated Separado(a)
Single Soltero(a)
Widowed Viudo(a)

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Marital Status

I am married. I am single.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of
the body
Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of the body

Word Translation

Face Cara

Mouth Boca
Neck Cuello
Shoulder Hombro
Arm Brazo
Elbow Codo
Armpit Axila
Back Espalda
Chest Pecho
Waist Cintura

Buttocks Nalgas

The Body

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of the body

Word Translation

Wrist Muñeca

Knuckle Nudillo
Nail Uña
Thumb Dedo pulgar
Index finger Dedo índice
Middle finger Dedo corazón
Ring finger Dedo anular
Little finger Dedo meñique
Palm Palma de la mano

The hand

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of the body

Word Translation

Hair Cabello

Forehead Frente
Ear Oreja
Cheek Mejilla
Nose Nariz
Jaw Mandíbula
Tongue Lengua
Tooth Diente
Lip Labio

The head

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of the body

Word Translation

Eyebrow Ceja

Eyelid Parpado
Eyelashes Pestañas
Iris Iris
Pupil Pupila

The eye

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of the body

Word Translation

Ankle Tobillo

Heel Talón
Instep Empeine
Big toe Dedo pulgar del pie
Toe Dedo del pie
Little toe Dedo meñique del pie
Toenail Uña del pie

The foot

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Parts of the body

Word Translation

Brain Cerebro

Spinal cord Medula espinal

Muscle Músculo
Lung Pulmón
Heart Corazón
Liver Hígado
Stomach Estómago
Intestines Intestinos
Kidney Riñón
Pancreas Páncreas

Bladder Vejiga

Internal Organs

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Here you have some basic vocabulary to

describe people, animals and things.

What is he like?

He is handsome,
smart and kind.
He is perfect.

Tip! You can use the question what is she/he/it like?

to know (person’s character) and what does she/he/it
look like? to know (physical appearence).

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Word Translation

Fat / Overweight Gordo

Thin/Slim Delgado
Tall Alto
Short Bajo
Handsome Guapo
Beautiful Lindo
Big Grande
Small Pequeño

John is fat and Helena is slim.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Word Translation

Young Joven

Old Viejo
Bald Calvo
Good Bueno
Bad Malo
Hairy Peludo
Soft Suave
Rough Áspero

Your dog is old and hairy.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Word Translation

Long hair Cabello largo

Blonde Rubio(a)
Red haired Pelirrojo(a)
Raven haired Pelinegro(a)
Curly Crespo(a)
Straight hair Pelo liso
Long hair Cabello largo
Short hair Cabello corto

My grandfather is bald and my cousin

is blonde and long haired.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

When you talk about personality, you describe the

qualities of someone; in other words, the way of being.

Word Translation

Kind Atento

Friendly Amigable
Bright Inteligente - Brillante
Smart Listo
Gentle Amable
Sympathetic Simpático
Spontaneous Espontáneo
Reliable Confiable

I love my best friend, because she is

reliable, friendly and kind.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Word Translation

Conscientious Concienzudo

Determined Resuelto
Resourceful Recursivo
Self-sufficient Auto suficiente
Straightforward Franco
Thorough Metículoso
Comitted Comprometido
Responsible Responsable
Patient Paciente

Laura is a good employee because she is

determined, responsible and committed.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Word Translation

Selfish Egoísta

Rude Grosero
Sarcastic Sarcástico
Insecure Inseguro
Unfriendly Antipático
Fool Tonto
Abusive Abusivo
Bored Aburrido
Irresponsible Irresponsable
Disrespectful Irrespetuoso
We are sad about Jenny, now she is
rude, abusive and selfish.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Appearance and personality

Jason is tall. He is smart.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Possessive case

The possessive case is used when you want to show ownership.

You just need to add an apostrophe (‘) and -S to the owner,
followed by the object.

The computer of Lina. Lina’s computer.

This is called Genitive case, Possesive case.

but it is not very common.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Possessive case

Here you have some examples:

Stacy’s house. Omar’s motorbike.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Possessive case

If you are talking about two or more people who have the same
thing, you are talking in plural.

The cell phones of the students. The students’ cell phones.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Possessive case

Here you have some examples in plural:

The girls’ books.

The dogs’ toys.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Have got
Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Have got

“Have got” is used to talk about possession, physical features and

physical discomfort.

Case Example

Full form Short form

I have got a big jacket. I’ve got a big jacket.

Ownership You have got a doll. You’ve got a doll.
He has got a truck. He’s got a truck.

Describe physical She has got red hair. She’s got red hair.
features It has got a soft sensation. It’s got a soft sensation.

She has got sore throat. She’s got sore throat.

Express physical
They have got a cold. They’ve got a cold.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Have got

Here you have some examples for negative sentences.


Full form Short form

I have not got a jacket. I haven’t got a jacket.

You have not got a doll. You haven’t got a doll.

He has not got a truck. He hasn’t got a truck.
She has not got red hair. She hasn’t got red hair.
It has not got a soft sensation. It hasn’t got a soft sensation.
We have not got books. We haven’t got books.
They have not got a cold. They haven’t got a cold.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Have got

“Have got” is used to talk about possession, physical features and

physical discomfort.

Examples with affirmative answers

Question Short form Full form

Have I got a jacket? Yes, you have. Yes, you have got a jacket.
Have you got a dolly? Yes, I have. Yes, I have got a dolly.
Has he got a truck? Yes, he has. Yes, he has got a truck.
Has she got red hair? Yes, she has. Yes, she has got red hair.
Has it got a soft sensation? Yes, it has. Yes, it has got a soft sensation.
Have we got books? Yes, we have. Yes, we have got books.
Have they got a cold? Yes, they have. Yes, they have got a cold.

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Have got

“Have got” is used to talk about possession, physical features and

physical discomfort.

She has got a headache. I have not got a blue pen.

Has the baby got blue eyes?

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Who is that? ENGLISH 0 week 7

Who is that?

Now, go to the activities
and practice what you have learnt.
week 2
week 4

week 6 week 8 week 10

week 12 week 14

week 1
week 3
week 5 week 7 week 9 week 11 week 13

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