Kayla McKee-Current Event Portfolio

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Make sure to choose articles that have to do

with the subject of your course.

Current Event Form #1

1. Title of your Article: White House Calls on OPEC to Increase Oil Production
after Curtailing Domestic Drilling
2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in? National
What is the date of your article: August 11, 2021
3. Direct Link to your article

4. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in
your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED. This form allows you to
type in it.- You need to type your information. I am looking for details in this so I
know exactly what the article was about.

The White House asked OPEC+ nations to produce more oil while gas prices are
rising. Gas prices have increased about a dollar in the past year. The President
stopped oil production inside the US by closing the Keystone oil pipeline and
putting a stop to new oil and gas drilling leases. The US is now only producing
11.2 million barrels of oil per day while before the US was producing about 13
million barrels of oil per day. The US is also attempting to cut our outflow of
greenhouse gas in half by 2030.

5. Answer all of the following 3 questions:

A. Express your opinion about the information in the article. (This is on the
information in the article and not just how well it was written.)
B. What did you learn from the article? (If you did not learn anything, choose
a different article).
C. How can the information affect your life? Or, if the information does not
affect your life, whose life would it affect, and in what way?
Answer to question 5A (This should be a paragraph):
My opinion on the article is that it was not very smart to shut down our own
nation’s oil pipeline and then beg for oil from other countries. The President
shouldn’t have shut down the Keystone oil pipeline because it made oil for gas
more expensive. Also, after seeing that there was a shortage of oil and that gas
prices were increasing the White House should have re-opened the Keystone oil
pipeline instead of asking for oil from other countries.

Answer to question 5B(This should be a paragraph):

I learned one of the reasons why the gas price is increasing in America. I also
learned that the President had shut down the Keystone oil pipeline. I learned
what OPEC is and what it does. Finally, I learned that gas prices have increased
by about 42% since July.

Answer to question 5C: (This should be a paragraph):

This information does not affect my life directly minus the fact that my parents are
trying to drive less to save money so it means I sometimes can’t go to places I
want. But this information affects the lives of almost anyone who drives a car
because they need to spend extra on gas. It could also affect people who
regularly take busses and other people who pay to use gas-powered
transportation because the prices for this transportation will most likely rise to pay
for the gas needed for the vehicles.

6. If you were going to write a detailed report about the topic covered in the
article, what are three questions that you would ask in order to acquire additional
relevant information that was not mentioned in the article? Write three full
1. Could there be more information on what OPEC is and how it is connected to
the US?
2. Would we be in this predicament if the President hadn’t shut down the
Keystone oil pipeline?
3. Why doesn’t the President just open the Keystone pipeline again instead of
asking for oil from other places?
Current Event Form #2
1. Title of your Article: ‘The World Never Will Never Be the Same’
2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in? National
What is the date of your article: September 10, 2021
3. Direct Link to your article

4. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in
your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED. This form allows you to
type in it.- You need to type your information. I am looking for details in this so I
know exactly what the article was about.

The author of this article, Charles C. W. Cooke, writes about his experience on
9/11. On 9/11 Charles(who was 16-years-old at the time) was at his father’s office
and saw his father got an email from a family friend in California. The email said,
“Some clown has flown a plane into the World Trade Center.”. Charles didn’t
understand what the email meant. He didn’t know what and where the World
Trade Center was. Charles thought that the email meant that an amateur pilot
had flown a Cessna(which is a small plane) into the World Trade Center. As did
many people. When Charles read his father the email, his father suggested that
Charles should look at a news website to see what happened. But, when Charles
tried to get on any news website he got error messages. Eventually, he was able
to find a news website that kind of worked but it was a little messed up. Charles
found out that one of the tallest buildings in the world, located in New York, was
on fire. Charles and his father went home and in the car, on the radio, they heard
that the South Tower had collapsed and they arrived home just in time to watch
the North Tower collapse on the TV. Charles’s mother got home. She had seen
what was happening on a TV in the window of a TV store and thought it was a
movie but when she saw what was actually happening on the TV she was
shocked. The only good news that day was that while the estimated number of
dead was between 30,000 and 50,000 but it turned out there were only about
3,000 dead.

5. Answer all of the following 3 questions:

A. Express your opinion about the information in the article. (This is on the
information in the article and not just how well it was written.)
B. What did you learn from the article? (If you did not learn anything, choose
a different article).
C. How can the information affect your life? Or, if the information does not
affect your life, whose life would it affect, and in what way?

Answer to question 5A (This should be a paragraph):

I agree with the article that the world has never been the same since 9/11. Even
though I was born after 9/11 I have heard what the world was like then and I can
compare it to now. Since 9/11 there have been many changes and the world
started to spin out of control.

Answer to question 5B(This should be a paragraph):

I learned that when the planes crashed into the twin towers all the news sites
online were overloaded and weren’t working properly. I learned that even other
countries were reacting to the attacks. Europe even canceled all of its soccer
matches. Finally, I learned that it was rumored that planes were going to crash in
other places they didn’t like the Golden Gate Bridge.

Answer to question 5C: (This should be a paragraph):

This event has affected my life. This is because it changed the world before I was
born. So I was raised in a different world. If 9/11 hadn’t happened I would
possibly be living a different life. This event also affected other peoples’ lives.
9/11 literally killed a lot of people. It also hurt those who lost their loved ones. But
because it changed the world it affected everyone’s lives.

6. If you were going to write a detailed report about the topic covered in the
article, what are three questions that you would ask in order to acquire additional
relevant information that was not mentioned in the article? Write three full
1. Could there be a better explanation of what a Cessna is?
2. Could there be an explanation on why the author thinks “...that figures in
Britain and beyond were overreacting.”?
3. Why did people think a plane was going to hit the houses of Parliament?
Current Event Form #3
1. Title of your Article: ARC-Plan-B Shares Fantastic News: 374 Vulnerable
Afghans Evacuated Out of Kabul
2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in? National
What is the date of your article: October 19, 2021
3. Direct Link to your article

4. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in
your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED. This form allows you to
type in it.- You need to type your information. I am looking for details in this so I
know exactly what the article was about.

The ARC-Plan-B were able to remove 374 vulnerable people(women, children,

and Afghan allies) from Taliban territory. Such as a baby who has waited since
August 15th. Several organizations like ARC-Plan-B are also trying to help
remove vulnerable people out of Kabul.

5. Answer all of the following 3 questions:

A. Express your opinion about the information in the article. (This is on the
information in the article and not just how well it was written.)
B. What did you learn from the article? (If you did not learn anything, choose
a different article).
C. How can the information affect your life? Or, if the information does not
affect your life, whose life would it affect, and in what way?

Answer to question 5A (This should be a paragraph):

Even though it is upsetting they were left there in the first place. It is amazing
how they were able to get so many out of Kabul. Such as the baby there is a
picture of. It is great that there are now 374 that can live out of Taliban rule and
can be free.

Answer to question 5B(This should be a paragraph):

I learned that there are several organizations trying to get people out of Kabul. I
didn’t really know much about what was going on in Kabul. It definitely brings
some relief to my mind to read that they have gotten those people out. Also, that
they are trying to get more out.

Answer to question 5C: (This should be a paragraph):

This information does not affect my life. But, it affects the lives of those who were
able to leave Kabul so they can have better lives outside of Taliban rule. For
example the baby mentioned in the article can grow up with freedom unlike any
babies left in Kabul.

6. If you were going to write a detailed report about the topic covered in the
article, what are three questions that you would ask in order to acquire additional
relevant information that was not mentioned in the article? Write three full
1. Could there be more information on what happened that would require people
to flee Kabul?
2. Could there be more information about what ARC-Plan-B is?
3. Could it go into detail on how they were removed from Kabul?
Current Event Form #4
1. Title of your Article: Yahoo Withdraws from China amid ‘Challenging’ Business
2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in? National
What is the date of your article: November 2, 2021
3. Direct Link to your article

4. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in
your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED. This form allows you to
type in it.- You need to type your information. I am looking for details in this so I
know exactly what the article was about.

Yahoo takes out it’s services in China during China’s data privacy laws. Because
Yahoo does not want to restrict people's freedom on the internet. Even though
they started to withdraw in 2013 they finally pulled out completely. Another
company to do the same thing was Microsoft with it’s LinkedIn website though
they made a replacement called InJobs that allows the people in China to find

5. Answer all of the following 3 questions:

A. Express your opinion about the information in the article. (This is on the
information in the article and not just how well it was written.)
B. What did you learn from the article? (If you did not learn anything, choose
a different article).
C. How can the information affect your life? Or, if the information does not
affect your life, whose life would it affect, and in what way?

Answer to question 5A (This should be a paragraph):

I think it is smart of Yahoo to withdraw from China. China doesn’t want people to
have certain freedoms or privacy so it is only right to leave if you want your
platform to be free. And you want the people on your platform free to see
Answer to question 5B(This should be a paragraph):
I learned that you aren't able to access Yahoo in China. Also that Yahoo isn’t the
first company to withdraw from China. As LinkedIn did as well.

Answer to question 5C: (This should be a paragraph):

This information does not affect me. But it does affect people in China who are
now unable to use Yahoo. They are also unable to use LinkedIn. This may affect
the Chinese’ ability to communicate with other Chinese and people outside of

6. If you were going to write a detailed report about the topic covered in the
article, what are three questions that you would ask in order to acquire additional
relevant information that was not mentioned in the article? Write three full
1. What is LinkedIn?
2. What is the “data privacy law” in China?
3. Why was Yahoo reducing services in 2013?
Current Event Form #5
1. Title of your Article: Environmentalists Oppose Lithium Mining in Nevada
2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in? National
What is the date of your article: November 15, 2021
3. Direct Link to your article

4. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in
your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED. This form allows you to
type in it.- You need to type your information. I am looking for details in this so I
know exactly what the article was about.
Environmentalists want to stop using fossil fuels and go electric. They want to
battery power everything. One of the materials needed for batteries is lithium.
But, the environmentalists believe that if people mine for the lithium in Nevada it
will ruin the environment. They are trying to prevent lithium mining as an act of
the “nature rights movement”. But China has plenty of lithium that Chinese
leaders have no problem mining. So to make all these batteries and not mine any
lithium we have to become dependent on China to provide the materials.

5. Answer all of the following 3 questions:

A. Express your opinion about the information in the article. (This is on the
information in the article and not just how well it was written.)
B. What did you learn from the article? (If you did not learn anything, choose
a different article).
C. How can the information affect your life? Or, if the information does not
affect your life, whose life would it affect, and in what way?

Answer to question 5A (This should be a paragraph):

I think it is silly that the environmentalists want to use batteries(which are made
out of lithium) to stop using fossil fuels but then don’t want people to mine for
lithium. I think you can either keep using fossil fuels so you don’t have to mine for
lithium. Or mine the lithium to make batteries. Those are the only options.
Answer to question 5B(This should be a paragraph):
I learned that you need lithium to make batteries. I also learned that
environmentalists are stopping their own progress from happening. Finally I
learned that China mines lithium.

Answer to question 5C: (This should be a paragraph):

This information affects my life because I use batteries that use lithium. If they do
not drill the lithium for batteries then I won’t have batteries to power things I may
need. For example my phone or computer. Also, I suppose it affects the lives of
the environmentalists and those who are trying to work with them. I suppose they
have to work harder to get the materials to make batteries. Or spend a ton of
money to buy it from China.

6. If you were going to write a detailed report about the topic covered in the
article, what are three questions that you would ask in order to acquire additional
relevant information that was not mentioned in the article? Write three full
1. What is lithium?
2. Is there an alternative to batteries made out of lithium?
3. Could it explain why the environmentalists don’t want to mine the lithium a bit
simpler and easier to understand?

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