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Scene 1

1.Ms. Crabtree- (Enters classroom) Settle down everyone, take your seats.
(Everyone continues talking, Ms. Crabtree hits desk with a ruler) I said sit
down and be quiet now! (Everyone sits down) Good morning kids.

All- Good morning Ms. Crabtree!!!!

Ms. Crabtree- We are going to have fun today; a very special time of year is
approaching. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? (Sees Spanky raising
hand) Spanky

Spanky- (Raising hand) Saturday! (All laugh)

Ms. Crabtree- Saturday is coming but that’s not what I’m talking about. Does
anyone else have an idea as to what I’m looking for? (Sees Darla raise her hand)
Darla, can you tell us what that is?

Darla- Yes Ms. Crabtree, my favorite time of year Christmas!

Ms. Crabtree- You are right Darla, Christmas is a very special time of year for all
of us.

2.Alice- Boys don’t know nothing!

Ms. Crabtree- Everyone stop it right now! It’s always a contest with you people,
everything we do, boys vs. girls!

3.Darla- Boys are better in their own minds! Girls always win!

Ms. Crabtree- Enough!!! Since you like contest, we are going to have a special
Christmas contest.

All- Yeah!!!!!

Ms. Crabtree- Each team will have to write down what Christmas means to them.
Froggy- That’s easy!

Ms. Crabtree- Not finished yet, and decorate a Christmas tree

right here in the classroom.

4.Spanky- Girls are going to lose!!!!

Ms. Crabtree- You have 2 weeks to get this done, this is going to be graded so do
your best.
Before class ends I like to introduce a new student Waldo Diorite, everyone say hi.
(Waldo stands and waves)
End Scene 1 For Ms. Crabtree

Scene 4

1.Styme- Let him go, we need help with our project. (Butch & Woim sit down)

Ms. Crabtree- What’s going on boys? Alfalfa are you alright? You look worried?

2.Froggy- Yeah what a weirdo hanging out with the girls. He can never fit in our

Ms. Crabtree- Everyone your trees are looking interesting (looking at boy’s tree).
We will do our presentations in 10 minutes, let’s get ready, please.
3.Waldo- Yes I’m ready with my testimony and the real meaning of Christmas and
the birth of Jesus.

Ms. Crabtree-Alright everyone times up, let’s get ready to present your reports
and look at your trees

End Scene 4

Scene 5

1.Ms. Crabtree- Alright boys and girls, it’s time for your presentations. Hope
everyone is ready, girls we are going to start with your presentation.

Stymie- Why do they go first? That’s not fair girls always go first.

Ms. Crabtree- Well because……

Darla- That’s ok Ms. Crabtree the boys can go first, this is going to be fun.

Ms. Crabtree- Alright boy’s show us what you got!

2.Spanky- Look at it, don’t be jealous girls. (Girls are looking at tree laughing)

Ms. Crabtree- (Trying not to laugh) Interesting… please continue Alfalfa.

3.Alfalfa- That’s what Christmas means to us. (Bows)

Ms. Crabtree- Interesting presentation, we will take a little break and girls will be

End Scene 5

Scene 6

1.Ms. Crabtree- Girls let’s hear your presentation.

Darla- Yeah Waldo please go on. What do you mean about not what we were
thinking about?

2.Knock on the door Ms. Crabtree is handed a note

Ms. Crabtree- Girls and boys I need to go to the office. Girls continue with your
presentation, if I’m not back in 5 minutes take a short break.

Spanky-(Jumps up) I’ll watch us!

Ms. Crabtree- No fighting while I’m gone or I’ll call all your parents. Waldo
please continue, I’ll be back! (Ms. Crabtree exits)

End For Ms. Crabtree

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