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Behind The Mask: Your transcendent and mundane selves lead
separate lives, no one knows that they are the same person. Your
transcendent self wears a mask, describe it. Express
Mundane Name
a forgettable name — a puzzling name z Working From The Shadows: When you secretly set up another
True Name
character’s action, roll +1d. If they succeed, mark experience. Moon
a dashing name — an imperious name z Phantom: You may expend your special armour to resist any Confess
Role consequence that would cause you to be detected, or overlooked,
or to immediately seize the attention of everyone present. Forgive
Background z Shrouded In Secrets: No one can unmask you without your Perceive
permission. Gain +1d when your mundane identity conceals your
Obligation true purpose, or helps you escape notice.
z Extreme Sports: You may choose to take -1d to your obligation
Promises roll to fill any remaining segments of your recovery clock. What’s Analyse
a secretive promise your cover story for your injuries? Conceal
z Two Steps Ahead: Two times per mission, you can assist a team
an intimate promise Flow
mate without spending stress. Tell us how you prepared for this
Look / Pronouns situation.
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse—You are not worthy of the mask, but the others expect, no demand, a accept a Dark Bargain
hero. They need lavish displays of mysterious extravagance! You will give it to them, no matter
the cost, no matter who must have a tragic fall. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse when someone shows you the truth of their heart, and you reveal
your identity to them. They add a promise about keeping your secret. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES group action teammate
The Big Reveal: When you transcend, you may disappear and then
Harm RECOVERY reappear later where you choose. When you surprise your enemies, GATHER INFORMATION
you or your allies gain increased effect on any follow up actions.
3 What does [X] intend to do?
Watch This!: When you push yourself choose one of the
Who here is keeping secrets?
following additional benefits: Perform a superhuman feat of
Where can I find [X]?
2 athletics - deliver a monologue without anyone interrupting you
Where’s the vulnerability here?
ARMOUR Powerful Friends: Once per mission you may flash back to a Where can I stay hidden?
special downtime action, taken as your transcendent self. Shift
1 SPECIAL the results of the roll up one step.
What does [X] really want?


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with mystery or ostentatious action Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness

Stranger to kindness: You cannot take the social link and help a
GIRL BY MOONLIGHT friend recover downtime actions. When you roll obligation, always Empathise
roll stars. When you investigate the darkness, take +1d.
Mundane Name z Oblivious: You may expend your special armour to resist
a confusing name — a model name consequences of emotional trauma, or to be completely overlooked
True Name
until you take a direct action. Moon
an alien name — an unnerving name z Safe distance: You can social link and help a friend recover by
leaving anonymous gifts. When you do so, take +1d. If you watch Confess
Role them receive the gift, you can ask their player one question from
their gather info list. Forgive
Background z When does she sleep?: During each downtime phase, you get two Perceive
ticks to distribute among any longterm project clocks. Whenever
you complete a project, mark xp.
Obligation Stars
z Things feel: You can empathize with non-human things as if they
were people. If you use this to gather info, you may ask questions
Promises from any playbook currently in play. Analyse
a promise of growth
z Know it all: You have encyclopedic knowledge of one of the Conceal
following topics: plants and animals - magic rituals - engineering
a misguided promise - ancient lore - pop culture Flow
Look / Pronouns Take +1d when you gather info relating to the chosen topic. Take
this ability again to choose an additional option.
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse— No more wasting time with ‘friends’ or ‘feelings’, they just get in the accept a Dark Bargain
way. It’s time to focus on something real and tangible, something that makes sense. You find
a concrete, rational, and entirely impossible task to pursue to the exclusion of all else. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse when someone works alongside you on your task, without judgement,
and you let the task go incomplete and unresolved. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES group action teammate
Ex Machina: When you push yourself, choose one of the following additional
Harm RECOVERY benefits: you compel non-human things around you to hinder or distract GATHER INFORMATION
your foes - you compel the environment to change itself to suit your needs
3 What is hidden here?
Deeper understanding: Actions made to gather info do not advance your
transcendence track. When others act on information you provide, they Where can I gain an edge?
gain +1 effect. What is the purpose of [X]?
ARMOUR Here’s one I prepared earlier: Once per transcendence you may activate Who/what doesn’t belong here?
a flashback without spending stress to create a device that does one of the What might happen if I [X]?
following: Allow for an escape - reveal unexpected information - create an
1 SPECIAL opportunity for an ally Who/what here is isolated or alone?


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with knowledge or subtlety Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness
Time Traveler

Fated: You travelled through time to change another protagonist’s
GIRL BY MOONLIGHT fate. What dark fate are you here to prevent? Whose fate is it?
z Dark omen: When you use your impossible knowledge to persuade Express
Mundane Name someone, gain +1 effect. If the fate you warned of comes to pass,
an anachronistic name — a clever name mark xp.
True Name Moon
z Saw it coming: You can expend your special armour to resist any
an historic name — an ominous name consequence relating to surprise or misfortune, or to be in two Confess
Role places at once, or perform some similar feat of time manipulation.
z Oracle: You can see the myriad timelines leading from past to
Background future. When you gather info, gain +1 effect. If it relates to your Perceive
fated person, also take +1d.
Obligation z My very best friend: When you social link with your fated person, Stars
gain +1d. When they social link with you, mark +1 link.
Promises z Out of time: You are outside the regular flow of time, injuries fade Analyse
One promise must involve your fated person and their dark fate a forgotten promise from you quickly. Permanently fill one segment of your recovery
clock. Other players roll +1d to help you recover.
a paradoxical promise z Rewind, return: You have been through this timeline at least once Flow
Look / Pronouns before. Flashbacks cost 1 less stress than normal. How did this go
wrong the first time?
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse—You’ve known all along that changing fate was impossible, yet here you accept a Dark Bargain
are. So much wasted effort, wasted time. If this fate was inevitable, why not embrace it? You
set aside caution for instinct, and pursue a direct course of action, heedless of consequence. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse when your fated person defies your predictions and shows you they
can alter the course of fate. Change either your fated person, their dark fate, or both. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES group action teammate
Clock stopper: If ever there is a question of who acts first, it’s you.
Harm RECOVERY Once per mission, when the director advances a clock, you may
say “no” and the clock does not advance. GATHER INFORMATION

3 On the other side of time: When you push yourself choose one of What do I remember about [X]?
the following additional benefits: You trade places with your fated What really happen(s/ed) here?
person - you briefly remove an ally or foe from the flow of time
What defies the flow of time?
2 Lost cause: Once per transcendence, when an ally suffers severe What is already in motion here?
ARMOUR consequences, you may abandon this timeline for a better one.
Consequences they would have suffered are replaced by you taking What might happen if I [X]?
1 SPECIAL level 3 harm: Traveller’s despair. Your relationship with the person What is different about [X] this time?
you save is different in this timeline, they will tell you how


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with foresight or revelation Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness

In Harmony: You are a relationship, two people whose love has
GIRL BY MOONLIGHT bound them into a single form and identity. Should you ever be
separated, all actions you make are desperate until you are reunited. Express
Mundane Name You roll +1d to gather info about relationships.
a lofty name — a romantic name
z Two Places at Once: You may take an additional action in each Moon
True Name downtime phase.
a musical name — a beautiful name Confess
z Inseparable: You may expend your special armour to resist any
Role consequence that would impact your relationships with others, Forgive
or within yourself, or to magically appear from within your allies.
Background Perceive
z Synchronized: When you are involved in a group action you may
count multiple 6s from different rolls as a critical success. When
Obligation leading, you take at most 1 stress regardless of the number of Stars
failed rolls during a group action.
Promises Analyse
z Bonds of Love: You start each downtime with 2 links with yourself.
a shared promise
z Perfect Pitch: Your voice is polyphonic, and eerily beautiful. Your Conceal
two conflicting promises allies can always hear you speak, regardless of distance or other Flow
interference. When you sing to inspire your allies, or soothe the
Look / Pronouns troubled hearts of foes, roll +1d.
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse—You are fractured. A sour note has shattered your harmony, and now there accept a Dark Bargain
is uncertainty, and conflict. Your relationship, once a source of strength, is suddenly tenuous.
You are divided, and a difference of opinions keeps you separated. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse when someone else mediates your dispute, and your halves are able
to accept their differences. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES group action teammate
Giant Woman: When you transcend, your scale increases, and your
Harm RECOVERY effect level changes accordingly where size is a factor. GATHER INFORMATION
As One: When you lead a group action, or receive an assist, while Who here can best help me?
3 transcended, you briefly incorporate others into your harmony.
What are you really feeling?
You may roll the highest action rating among all participants
Who here is at their limit?
2 instead of your own action rating.
How are [X] and [Y] connected?
ARMOUR Beacon: Once per transcendence, you may uplift your allies with Who here feels alone?
a speech, or song. When you do, it counts as spending a link on
1 SPECIAL each ally that can hear you. They choose which link effect to use.
What here is incomplete?


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with understanding or coordination Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness

Honour Bound: You live by a code. Your code forbids all but one
of the following: violence, lying, admitting fault, asking for help.
At the end of a mission, if you did not violate your code, mark xp. Express
Mundane Name If no one broke your code, also mark crew xp.
a traditional name — a resolute name
z Watchful: When you protect an ally, take +1d to your resistance Moon
True Name roll. When you gather info to anticipate possible threats in the
a warrior name — an iconic name Confess
current situation, you gain +1 effect.
z You Don’t Have To Feel It: You reduce all penalties from harm by Forgive
one level. Level 4 harm is still fatal.
Background Perceive
z Constant Care: When you help a friend recover, you and your ally
Obligation both recover based on your roll. When you gather info, you can
always ask “Who here is hurting?” for free.
Promises z Here For You: You may expend your special armour to resist Analyse
a promise of martyrdom consequences suffered when you protect an ally, or to give +1d Conceal
to someone else’s action.
a protective promise Flow
z Righteous: When you confront an agent of darkness, they are
Look / Pronouns humbled by your bravery. When you forgive a humbled foe, take +1d.
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse—All the people you have sworn to protect are unworthy of that protection. accept a Dark Bargain
You belong at the front, leading the fight. Wherever foes exist, you seek them out and confront
them directly, right now. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse when someone shows you how you are vulnerable, and loves you
despite your own weakness. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES group action teammate
The Shield: Actions made to directly protect another do not
Harm RECOVERY advance your transcendence track. GATHER INFORMATION

3 How Dare You: When you strike back against someone who What is most dangerous here?
has harmed one of your friends, gain +1 effect. If your action Who here is afraid?
succeeds, you recover 1 stress. How can I help [X]?
Who will my foes try to single out?
ARMOUR Indomitable: While transcendent, you suffer at most 2 stress Who here is willing to do violence?
1 when resisting consequences, and get +1d when rolling eclipse. Who here is hurting?


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with kindness or self sacrifice Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness

Something To Prove: Choose another player character, they are
GIRL BY MOONLIGHT your rival, you always have exactly one rival. Put their name here:
Mundane Name
a fierce name — an arrogant name
z Reckless: When you make a desperate roll, you may choose to get Moon
True Name +1d for the roll if you also take -1d to any resistance rolls against
a rebellious name — a villainous name consequences from your actions. Confess
Role z Jaded: You may expend your special armour to resist any
consequence of your rival’s actions, or to act before your rival does. Forgive
Background z Baka!: When you gather info, you can always ask “Where’s my rival, Perceive
what are they doing?” for free. If your rival is about to suffer fatal
Obligation harm, or fall into eclipse, you can choose to be there and protect
them, regardless of circumstances. Stars
Promises z Former Henchwoman: You can interact with agents of darkness Analyse
a promise to your rival as if they were regular people. What role did you once serve
among them? Conceal
a competitive promise z Anything You Do, I Do Better: When you assist your rival, you Flow
grant them +2d and take 2 stress. If you refuse your rival’s help,
Look / Pronouns or they refuse yours, mark xp.
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse—You have seen too much of the darkness, and there is no hope for accept a Dark Bargain
redemption. You are tainted by all that you know, and all that you have done. You have to
banish the darkness from the world now, alone, before others are tainted like you. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse when you see that your rival has their own demons they struggle with,
and the two of you accomplish something together. You must choose a new rival. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES group action teammate
Brutish: When you push yourself, choose one of the following
Harm RECOVERY additional benefits: perform a superhuman feat of physical GATHER INFORMATION
force - destroy an obstacle between you and your rival.
3 Where’s my rival, what are they
This One’s Mine!: Once you engage a foe, neither of you may back doing?
down until one of you is defeated. While you are engaged with your What darkness lies in your heart?
2 foe, only your rival can assist you, and other foes will not interfere. Your How can I gain an edge here?
ARMOUR rival may take your place at any time, but must finish what you started. What’s the danger no one else sees?
What’s really going on here?
Relentless: While transcended, each crew member counts as your rival.
1 SPECIAL What here can be broken?


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with individual action or aggression Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness
Unlikely Hero

Only Mortal: You cannot transcend or use special armour. You get +1
GIRL BY MOONLIGHT downtime activity. You get +1d when rolling social link. When only you
can save one of your friends from fatal harm or severe consequence, Express
Mundane Name and you do it, you may lose this move and gain Hero’s Destiny.
an innocent name — a pretty name z Hero’s Destiny: You have embraced your heroic destiny. You
True Name gain increased effect when fighting manifestations of darkness. Moon
a sacred name — a renowned name Gain +1d when rolling eclipse. You may only transcend when an
ally suffers consequences from an action. Immediately mark one
Role transcendent ability on your playbook when you gain this ability. Forgive
Background z Call Out: When you confront someone about their bad behaviour
roll +1d.

Obligation z Worth Saving: When you run foolishly into danger, and no one
comes to help you, mark experience. Your allies roll +1d when Stars
they protect you from consequences.
Promises Analyse
a naive promise z Heartfelt: When gathering information about someone’s emotions,
roll +1d, and you can always ask a player “what is your character Conceal
really feeling?” for free.
an impossible promise Flow
z Believe In Me: Links on your sheet, and links with you on other
Look / Pronouns player’s sheets, may be spent to affect any character.
Stress ECLIPSE VETERAN ABILITY choose from any playbook Push yourself (take 2 stress) or
When you eclipse—you are not who they need you to be. You’re weak, useless, unworthy accept a Dark Bargain
of their friendship. They have given so much to you, and in return you give them nothing.
You throw yourself into danger, desperately seeking any way you might possibly be of use. TEAMWORK
You can escape eclipse only when someone engages you in a dialogue about your feelings,
and shows you that they have felt the same. z Assist a z Set up a
teammate teammate
z Lead a z Protect a
Transcendence TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES choose from any playbook group action teammate


3 What is most dangerous here?

Who here is feeling [X]?
What are you really feeling?
Who here is strong or vulnerable?
Where can I find beauty here?
1 SPECIAL What are your unmet needs?


Spend links on allies: Each time you make a desperate roll, mark 1xp in that action’s attribute. Play to find out what happens
z You or linked protag At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1xp (in your Be a fan of the other players
recover 2 stress playbook or attribute) or 2xp if that item occurred multiple times. Reveal your inner world
z They ignore 1 harm tag z You addressed a challenge with compassion or honesty Hold on, but lightly
z Grant +1d to ally’s action z You expressed your beliefs, drives, role, or background Keep hope in your heart
z Prevent their eclipse on a z You struggled with issues from your promises or obligation See things through a queer lens
4/5 result
z You embodied your Eclipse, or displayed the contents of your heart Explore the darkness
Series Abilities Investigation
z By Starlight: Each protagonist may add +1 action rating to
forgive, empathize, or flow. TIER I TIER II TIER III
A GIRL BY MOONLIGHT SERIES z Pure Hearts: Gain +1d when you roll moon, or take the social The Darkness
link downtime activity.
The Darkness z Never Alone: If you are ever caught in danger alone, you TIER I TIER II TIER III
are not alone. Choose another member of the crew, they
are there with you. SERIES RULES
z Power of the Moon: The crew holds on to hope until the very
end, even in the face of utter darkness. When rolling eclipse Fox Shrine: The crew counts
Its Subjects
you may adjust your result level by one. as being 1 tier higher on the
investigation track. What price does
The Mundane World z Shrine Keepers: The crew gains a new downtime activity: the fox demand?
Maintain the sacred shrine. If a member of the crew takes
this activity the whole crew receives the shrine’s benefit until
Valkyrie Shrine: Once during the
the end of the next mission. Choose a shrine power from the
list at right when this ability is taken. next mission, one crew member
may choose to ignore level 4 harm.
What’s Sacred z Redemption: When factoring your engagement roll, if you They still die, but return to life
answer yes to “Is this mission particularly noble or heroic?” moments later. What did death feel
What’s Profane all crew members clear 1 stress. When the crew rescues an like? Whose face did the Valkyrie
innocent from darkness, mark crew xp. wear?
Our Magical Origin
OUTSIDE INFLUENCE choose from another source Shrine of Eyes: By examining them
closely, the crew can recognize any
Our Obligations agent of darkness for what they are.
Ask an extra follow up question
The Hideout whenever you gather info. Anyone
under the influence of the darkness
Transcendence bears a telltale sign revealed by the
shrine, what is it?

Hope in darkness: Each crew member marks a transcendent

action dot in forgive, empathize, and flow. XP
Our Transgressions
Unshakable: While transcended, each crew member gains At the end of each session, for each
+1d to all resistance rolls. item below, mark 1xp (or 2xp if that
item occurred multiple times).
Tireless: Your first and last action rolls made while transcended
count as recovery rolls for you, in addition to their other z Successfully carried out a mission
Ultimate Destiny from the crew’s list
effects. If you are still transcended at the end of a mission,
mark 2 segments on your recovery clock. z Confront the world’s oppression,
and comfort those who suffer
z Explore the nature of the darkness,
MISSIONS and redeem those who have fallen
origin, or destiny of the crew
Dispel the darkness tainting a special place, Look for clues to the nature of the darkness, or its Face the darkness where it is strongest, in
or person. intentions, in unexpected places. Investigation the hopes of disrupting its plans, and giving
does not reduce by half after this mission. it pause. NAMES

FACE A CREATURE OF DARKNESS Aquila, Libra, Corvus, Topaz, Sapphire, Caspian,
RECLAIM AN OBJECT OF POWER After this mission, the current season ends.
Confront a manifestation of the darkness Scorpio, Taurus, Crux, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo,
Retrieve a lost relic that relates to the crew’s Lyra, Capricorn, Cygnus, Draco, Canis, Hydra,
destiny. Unlock a related hideout option for Auriga, Leo, Saggita, Carina, Cetus, Lynx, Wren,
free after successfully completing this mission. Hawk, Osprey, Faun, Spinel, Minnow, Lumina,
Ten-Sun, Diamond, Charybdis, Castor, Talc,
Oryxian, Silver, Tourmaline, Raven
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Secondary characters

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The Darkness
The Darkness
Give monsters human hearts
When including monsters in your fiction, they should be driven by FALLOUT
emotion that the protagonists can recognize. If they have human
The Nature of the Darkness Roles Tier I
hearts, then monsters have hope of being reconciled, redeemed,
an eternity of pain, in worship of a higher (each protagonist choose one or two) or perhaps made human once more. Use these monsters to show 1-3: an enemy acts against the crew
power, an endless hungering, a malevolent royal heir, loyal knight, hopeful suitor, the nature of the darkness, and to stand as a warning of the cost of 4/5: a friend is accosted by the darkness
timeline, the dark heart of a world, a grand secret lover, demanding mentor, forgotten failure for the protagonists. 6: dark omens in the mundane world
cosmic order child, lowly servant, enemy turned friend, Tier II
Its Agenda fledgling mystic
Make adversaries not villains 1-3: an enemy is embraced by darkness
to see their emptiness reflected in others, Instruct each protagonist to select a
4/5: agents of darkness stalk a friend
to sterilize and preserve, to seek primacy, playbook that reflects the roles they have Give adversity human faces, with motives that justify their antagonistic
6: an obligation causes trouble for
to propagate and thrive, to order the chosen position. Think about what emotions or circumstances drove the
the crew
universe, to avenge some ancient wrong Our Obligations antagonists to this action. Look for opportunities to show the
protagonists the true nature of their adversaries. Show how, if Tier III
Its Subjects high-school, day job, temple, royal court,
circumstances were different, the antagonists might have been allies 1-3: the darkness advances its agenda
disgraced royalty, interstellar invaders, summer camp, family expectations
or friends. Tempt the protagonists with dark reflections of their own 4/5: a friend succumbs to darkness
traverlers from a dark future, a court of Our Hideout goals through these adversaries. 6: an important place falls to darkness
petty gods, saints and their attendant an ancient temple, a majestic castle, a star
priests, the forces of a peerless general chamber, an overlooked place, a place
The Mundane World between worlds Let the mundane world give voice to the darkness
(choose one or two) How did we find it? The darkness is just as much part of the day to day mundane struggles
an ancient city, authoritarian government, What ritual grants us access to it? of the protagonists, as it is responsible for the supernatural perils that DIRECTOR PRINCIPLES
religious heirarchy, class struggle, a rural Transcendence they contend with. Use mundane supporting characters to embody
this. Their actions and words are humble, insidious reflections of the Be a fan of the other players
community, a futuristic megacity What does it feel like to transcend?
loftier and more obvious magical darkness. Address the characters
What is held to be sacred? What aspect of it is shared by everyone?
(choose one or two) What is different for each of us? Address the players
order, power, tradition, control, edifices, Your transcendence is an expression of your Ask questions and build
organizations, achievement, privilege truest self. How?
Express consequences by way of the
What is considered profane? Our Transgressions fiction, not the mechanics
(choose one or two) How do we transgress against that which is Find the cracks where the darkness
bodies, love, emotion, gender, nature, sacred? seeps in
community, friendship, tenderness How do we represent that which is
profane? Assessing position and effect
Our Magical Origin
Ultimate Destiny While Mundane
Reincarnations of interstellar royalty, a
What are we striving for? Position: Typically risky in the face of immediate mundane
magical world hidden within the mundane, threats.
a crossing of timelines, embodiments of the What calamity do we seek to prevent? Desperate against magical threats. NAMES
stars, defectors from the darkness, a heroic What great change are we destined to Effect: Standard at best in the face of immediate mundane
refutation of the darkness bring? threats.
Limited effect against magical threats. Aquila, Libra, Corvus, Topaz,
Choose a name for the series that reflects
Resistance: Partially mitigate mundane consequences. Sapphire, Caspian, Scorpio, Taurus,
these answers.
Crux, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Lyra,
While Transcended
Position: Controlled against most mundane threats. Risky against Capricorn, Cygnus, Draco, Canis,
most magical threats. Hydra, Auriga, Leo, Saggita, Carina,
Effect: Great against most mundane threats. Standard against Cetus, Lynx, Wren, Hawk, Osprey,
most magical threats. Faun, Spinel, Minnow, Lumina, Ten-
Resistance: Fully mitigate mundane consequences. Fully mitigate Sun, Diamond, Charybdis, Castor, Talc,
some magical consequences.
Oryxian, Silver, Tourmaline
SERIES NAME When assessing position, effect, and resistance, remember to
keep in mind the following factors:
Scale: Are fewer or more numerous? Are they larger or smaller?
Surprise: Are they wary, or unsuspecting?
Series Abilities Investigation
z Troubled Hearts: Each protagonist may add +1 action rating
to confess, defy, or conceal. TIER I TIER II TIER III
A GIRL BY MOONLIGHT SERIES z Tormented Heroes: Gain +1d when you roll stars. When
you take harm, recover stress equal to the level of the harm. The Darkness
The Heart of Night z Dark Side: Gain +1d to all action rolls made while in eclipse.
When rolling eclipse take -1d. When you accept a dark bargain, TIER I TIER II TIER III
gain +2d instead of +1d.
Its Perpetrators SERIES RULES
z Fade to Black: Gain +1d to all rolls made during fallout.
When you advance the darkness track at the end of a mission, Social link is replaced by have a
The Mundane World mark 1 less. disagreement. All abilities that
z Gazing into the Abyss: Permanently fill the first 3 pips of the apply to social link also apply to
What’s Sacred darkness track. Gain +1d when you investigate the darkness, have a disagreement.
and mark xp. When you complete a mission, do
What’s Profane z Vengeful Drive: Gain +1d when you help a friend recover not clear stress and transcendence
from physical harm. The crew has a magical awareness of the as normal. Instead the crew must
location of foes who have harmed them. consume dark energy.
The Price We Paid
z Night Hunters: When you ambush your foes, mark crew
xp. When you hunt a creature of darkness, take +1d to your
Our Obligations engagement roll. XP
OUTSIDE INFLUENCE choose from another source At the end of each session, for each
Transcendence item below, mark 1xp (or 2xp if that
item occurred multiple times).
Our Transgressions z Successfully carried out a mission
from the crew’s list
z Suffer the world’s oppression, and
advance toward your tragic fate
z Explore the nature of the darkness,
Fighting in Shadow: Each crew member marks a transcendent and hunt its manifestations
Hunting Rivals action dot in confess, defy, and conceal. z Express the essential nature,
I Won’t Allow It!: If you take fatal harm while transcended, origin, or destiny of the crew
Our Tragic Fate you don’t die. When your transcendence ends, roll
eclipse. If you succeed, you’re out of action for the NAMES
remainder of the mission, but still alive. If you fail, whatever
Violet, Amber, Acajou, Alabaster, Amaranth,
dark power held death at bay fades, and you die.
Sienna, Umber, Carmine, Lavender, Eton,
Who catches you when you fall? Fallow, Flax, Icterine, Isobel, Jet, Midnight,
For the Thrill: Desperate rolls made while transcended also Dawn, Dusk, Twilight, Sunrise, Orchid,
count as recovery rolls. While transcended count all controlled Scarlet, Thistle, Verse, Puce, Cerulean, Steel,
Ochre, Jonquil, Aurora, Gloam, Maize


Locate a creature of darkness, best it, and Look for clues to the nature of the Heart of Face the darkness where it is strongest, Fight a hopeless battle against impossible
consume its energy. Roll +1d when you Night, or its intentions, in unexpected places. The in the hopes of disrupting its plans, and odds.
consume dark energy after this mission. investigation track does not reset after this mission. giving it pause. After this mission the series ends.


Patrol your territory and fend off other
Use force or deception to claim an object of
III After this mission, the current season ends.
hunters that would take it from you. power from the darkness. Roll +1d when you
consume dark energy after this mission, and
-1d when you roll fallout.
Dark Fates


Secondary characters


one protagonist may one protagonist

clear all stress and escapes eclipse

a foe is elevated by a friend falls to

TRADING FATES the darkness darkness DARK INFUSION

one protagonist one protagonist may

escapes eclipse clear all stress and

a friend falls to a foe is elevated by

darkness the darkness

Secondary Characters
Each protagonist authors a friend as normal, but their enemy must be a member of the
dystopian authorities, a rival hunter, or a former magical girl fallen to darkness. These each protagonist and each protagonist and
enemies were once trusted friends or allies, but betrayed you to forward their own interests. the crew choose an the crew choose an
advance advance
Series Rules one member of the
one member of the
crew betrays us to reset darkness track, crew betrays us to
Consume dark energy: When you complete a mission, do not clear stress and transcendence darkness darkness
each protagonist
as normal. Instead the crew must consume dark energy. During fallout, to consume dark
takes +1 downtime
energy roll the mission’s tier and consult the following chart:
6: clear all stress and transcendence the darkness
advances its agenda
4/5: clear 6 stress and 3 transcendence
1-3: clear 3 stress and 2 transcendence
on a crit: also mark 4 ticks in recovery
Have a disagreement: When you have a disagreement, pick another protagonist and
describe the topic of your discussion. Ask the other player “Is this something your character
feels strongly about?” then take a moment to play out the disagreement.
Each player marks 1 stress on their sheet, then makes an appropriate action roll. DEFY FATE
The character with the higher result gains 2 links. the director offers
The character with the lower result gains 1 link. the crew a sliver of
Once per episode, at the start of the hope Once all fates in a given row have been
If the results are tied, both players mark 1 additional stress and each gain 1 link. episode, or during downtime, the crew used, fates in the next row can be
may choose one available fate. Start from the next mission chosen.
If a crit is rolled, that player marks 1 additional link, and the other player marks 1 stress.
‘the beginning’ and choose only fates must be ‘face our
If the characters felt strongly about the topic, each player marks 1 additional link. connected to fates already unlocked. tragic fate’
The Darkness
The Heart of Night
Drive the virtuous to the brink of the abyss
Whether it is the protagonists, or supporting characters, aim to put FALLOUT
The Heart of Night What is our shared obligation? them in difficult positions that call their principles into question. In the
Tier I
case of supporting characters, have them let the protagonists down,
What is the Heart of Night? boarding school, internment camp, 1-3: a dark power makes itself known
betray their confidence, or prove unable to uphold their words with
an alien infestation, the rotting body of isolation ward, government lab, supporting 4/5: an obligation becomes grotesque
action. Exact a painful price for their virtue, and push them to betray
some dead god, a cold and distant star, others, maintaining appearances 6: a friend asks a favour of the crew
their principles.
parasites and sickness, an ancient curse What traps us in this life?
Tier II
What is its agenda? Transcendence
Show them pieces of themselves in their adversaries 1-3:anenemyisempoweredbydarkness
to harvest human emotions, to pervert our What does it feel like to transcend?
bodies, to secretly replace us, to tear down What aspect of it is shared by everyone? Adversity in this series should act as an ominous example of a twisted
6: a friend is taken by other hunters
our civilization, to poison our hearts, to What is different for each of us? fate that the protagonists might suffer. Former friends turned to
drive us all to despair Your transcendence is an expression of your darkness, fallen heroes who ultimately fell short of their potential, and Tier III
Who are its perpetrators? truest self. How? hopeful souls betrayed by their own naivety. These figures should be 1-3: the darkness advances its agenda
It offers hope of escape from our mundane relatable, tragic, and every bit a match for the protagonists. When 4/5: hunters move against the crew
an unknowable and ancient people,
lives. Why? facing defeat, refuse redemption and opt for grim, fatalistic choices. 6: a friend is lost to darkness
technicians and scienctists, heroes turned
to darkness, cultists and prophets, heartless Our Transgressions
outsiders How do we transgress against that which is Entrap them in dystopia and shadow
The Mundane World sacred? The mundane world is profoundly broken and dysfunctional. It is
How do we represent that which is DIRECTOR PRINCIPLES
Where does the darkness gather? almost openly complicit in the dark agenda. Its efforts to save itself
profane? all serve only to hasten its unraveling. Be a fan of the other players
(choose one or two)
Where do we hunt?
a tangled metropolis, poverty and hardship, Address the characters
wealth and affluence, a society in ruins, a a derelict district, a beautiful place, an
Embrace dramatic irony, betrayal, and tragedy Address the players
pristine and sterile world, a city cut off from underground network, a dark reflection of a
the world place, a dead place This series thrives on these dark elements, and everyone is at Ask questions and build
Who else is hunting? the table to revel in them. Lean heavily into the answers to the Express consequences by way of the
What do its people hold sacred? protagonists tragic fate. Give them opportunities to play into
(choose one or two) fiction, not the mechanics
(choose one or two) that fate, and trust the protagonists to be excited about it.
material things, hierarchies, control, hatred, a rival crew of magical girls, dark predators Find the cracks where the darkness
ambition, reason, suffering, conflict feeding on their own kind, agents of the seeps in
mundane world, noble heroes, desperate
What do they consider profane?
survivors, naive victims Assessing position and effect
(choose one or two)
What is our tragic fate? While Mundane
bodies, love, emotion, difference, nature,
sincerity, the past, generosity How does it end? Why can we never win? Position: Risky at best in the face of immediate mundane threats.
What will ultimately be our undoing? Desperate against magical threats.
Who are we that hunt in darkness? Effect: Standard at best in the face of immediate mundane
Who will betray us, knowingly or otherwise?
What price did we pay for this power? threats. NAMES
Choose a name for the series that reflects No effect against magical threats. They will need to push
duped into serving the darkness, the veil these answers. themselves or take dark bargains to have any effect in this case.
of reality torn aside, dark seeds blooming Resistance: Partially mitigate mundane consequences. Resist Violet, Amber, Acajou, Alabaster,
in our hearts, doomed heroes reborn, test before acting against magical threats. Amaranth, Sienna, Umber, Carmine,
subjects in dark experiments, gave up our While Transcended Lavender, Eton, Fallow, Flax, Icterine,
loved ones Position: Controlled against most mundane threats. Risky against Isobel, Jet, Midnight, Dawn, Dusk,
What role do you play? most magical threats. Twilight, Sunrise, Orchid, Scarlet,
Effect: Great against most mundane threats. Standard against
(each protagonist choose one or two) most magical threats. Thistle, Verse, Puce, Cerulean, Steel,
innocent hero, best friend, naive protector, Resistance: Fully mitigate some mundane consequences. Ochre, Jonquil, Aurora, Gloam, Maize
embittered fighter, hapless dupe, weary Partially mitigate magical consequences.
veteran, hopeless victim, an agent of When assessing position, effect, and resistance, remember to
darkness, an unwitting traitor keep in mind the following factors:
Instruct each protagonist to select a Scale: Are fewer or more numerous? Are they larger or smaller?
Surprise: Are they wary, or unsuspecting?
playbook that reflects the roles they have
Series Abilities Readiness
z Academy Trained: Each protagonist may add +1 action rating
to perceive, flow, or analyse. TIER I TIER II TIER III
A GIRL BY MOONLIGHT SERIES z Esprit de Corps: Gain +1d when you roll sun, or take the The Darkness
help a friend recover downtime activity.
The Darkness z Red Baroness: When a protagonist meets someone new, TIER I TIER II TIER III
another player tells the Director what they’ve heard about
The Leviathans that protagonist. When your fame, identity, or reputation is The Last Bastion
at stake in a situation, gain +1d.
...have come to... z High Alert: During downtime, the crew gets additional TIER I TIER II TIER III
downtime actions to distribute among its members equal to
the current darkness tier minus 1. These extra actions can only SERIES RULES
Our Hubris be used for the investigate the darkness downtime activity.
Investigate the darkness is replaced
z Heroes of the People: When the crew’s mission protects with make preparations.
The Last Bastion someone or something important, gain +1d to the engagement
roll. When no innocents are harmed during the course of a When you make preparations,
mission, mark crew xp. describe how you are readying the
What’s Sacred
Bastion for the next attack, and
z On Borrowed Time: During downtime you may spend 1 roll an appropriate action. Advance
What’s Given Up investigation track progress after a roll to improve the result level
the readiness track based on the
by 1 step. This cannot be used for the investigate the darkness
result. Ask the director one or two
downtime activity. What is neglected or goes unfinished?
Why We Are Pilots questions from your gather info list.
OUTSIDE INFLUENCE choose from another source Pilots can bond with an Engine as
Keeps Us In Line a downtime activity.
When you bond with an Engine, roll
Our Reputation as social link, assigning all links on
your sheet, attached to the Engine.
While piloting that Engine during a
The Flagship mission, you may spend links with it,
TRANSCENDENT ABILITIES but only to benefit your character.
Our Engines
Plugged In: Each crew member marks a transcendent action
dot in perceive, flow, and analyse. XP
Heavy Gear: While transcended, your resist rolls negate harm of At the end of each session, for each
Transgressions level 3 or lower, as long as you have an armour use remaining. You item below, mark 1xp (or 2xp if that
may spend your armour to improve your position for a single roll. item occurred multiple times).
Eject!: When you suffer level 4 harm while transcended, you z Successfully carried out a mission
Our Last Hope from the crew’s list
may negate the harm and immediately end your transcendence.
What do you leave behind? Who gets left in a bad spot? z Struggled with your place in the
world, and protect the Last Bastion
z Revealed the tragic history of the
MISSIONS Bastion, Leviathans, and Engines
origin, or destiny of the crew
Fend off a Leviathan attack on the bastion. Make a sortie on the flagship to pursue Make a strike against the Leviathans that gives
Leviathans in the wider world. them pause, and buys a moment of peace for

Explore the world beyond the bastion, or within RECOVER A FALLEN ENGINE Ace, Adnach, Alastor, Cass, Dagon, Eoligos,
After this mission, the current season ends.
it, looking for information, solace, and hope. Make a sortie on the flagship to secure an Ferug, Forcas, Hagith, Ipos, Malphas, Och,
engine that was thought to be lost. Ophiel, Rauym, Stygal, Nono, Stolas, Surgat,
Uphir, Vetis, Zura, Van, Folken, Alen, Dilandau,
Norna, Falin, Byrlir, Hildar, Lenneth, Silmeria,
Surt, Raumur, Lalc, Himna, Unnar, Ulfsgin,
Ofraun, Jokuls, Skrumnir, Pursa
Engine Rules The Last Bastion
Each engine has a hidden, second Impulse, sealed by a dark
bargain. During play, if a situation seems compelling, offer a dark TIER I TIER II TIER III
A GIRL BY MOONLIGHT SERIES bargain that adds an impulse for an engine someone is piloting.
The engine permanently acquires that impulse. The last bastion track represents
the state of the population of the
The Hangar Each engine begins play with 3 strength. bastion. It starts play completely
Engine strength is reduced when:
filled. At the beginning of
NAME STRENGTH RECOVERY z A character’s last transcendent action is used while piloting it downtime, the bastion performs a
1 VIRTUE & number of downtime actions equal
IMPULSES z When a relevant consequence affects them and goes unresisted
to the current darkness tier (always
z When its pilot falls into eclipse at least 1), and rolls a number of
2 z As the cost from a dark bargain dice equal to the current bastion
z When a pilot suffers level 4 harm in an engine
It prioritizes actions as follows:
NAME STRENGTH RECOVERY z When an engine is abandoned in the field
3 VIRTUE & When an engine’s strength is depleted, it cannot be piloted, it
IMPULSES 1- Pride: If one is already under way,
is non-functional. It can be retrieved and repaired, but will have
its virtue locked until a mission is completed while it is piloted. work on a long term project for a
NAME STRENGTH RECOVERY flagship upgrade.
4 Engines have recovery clocks of their own, which advance when
IMPULSES protagonists help them recover in downtime. When an engine’s
recovery track fills, it recovers 1 strength. 2- State of emergency: If darkness
NAME STRENGTH RECOVERY track exceeds readiness, make

NAME STRENGTH RECOVERY 3- Patchwork: If bastion track is

ENGINE VIRTUES depleted, repair bastion track.
IMPULSES elegant, fierce, clever, powerful, bright, wise, brave, serene
4- Complacency: Increase the
X darkness track. Roll as make
ENGINE IMPULSES preparations, but apply result to
darkness track.
NAME STRENGTH RECOVERY cursed, imperious, sentimental, lost, tormented, weary, lonely,
X ancient, principled, haunted, wounded, unfinished, morbid,
calculating, feral, hungry


OBSERVATORY Improved position
+1 to engagement rolls when fighting on and
for recover engine and around the flagship
Once per mission EXTENDED BERTHS COMMAND +1d to social link
hunt missions
flagship assists an Expand hangar to store 2 BRIDGE here publicly
action with covering fire additional engines
Unused engines mark
2 ticks in recovery
Once per mission Spend downtime +1d to work on long term
rescue a stranded pilot action to gain 2xp projects here publicly MAIN THRUSTERS
or damaged engine in Sun
+1d to last bastion rolls when
flagship is deployed in the field
The Darkness
The Leviathans
The institutions of the bastion are also monsters
While the Leviathans seek to destroy the bastion from the outside, The Last Bastion
The Leviathans What role do you play? the institutions of the bastion are rotting it from within. If ever
the Levithans are contained or under control, bring institutional
What darkness spawned them? (each protagonist choose one or two) pressure to bear instead. TIER I TIER II TIER III
a world of ghosts and demons, a storm of ace pilot, insubordinate rebel, weary
psychic energy, ancient gods re-awoken, mechanic, civilian, troubled captain, Give the engines huge emotional landscapes FALLOUT
guardians of the natural order, a vast all rejected candidate, press-ganged convict, The engines likely cannot communicate directly, but their emotions
consuming organism, our basest fears forbidden lover, naive idealist are an immense weight that the protagonists must bear. The engines Tier I
made manifest Instruct each protagonist to select a are not simply machines that do exactly as the pilots direct them 1-3: dissent spreads in the bastion
playbook that reflects the roles they have to. Often they must be convinced or cajoled to act at all, or their 4/5: an engine is reassigned
What form do they take?
chosen impulses drive them to contrary actions. 6: institutions pressure the crew
massive demonic sea monsters, space How do they keep us in line?
faring cephalopods, cyclopean mechanical Make the leviathans fundamentally alien Tier II
impossible quotas, spies and informants,
horrors, a hive of colossal insectoid The Leviathans goals and methods are strange, and utterly unknowable. 1-3: strife breaks out in the bastion
propaganda and lies, drugs and addictions,
mutants, mountainous perversions Offer only fragments of understanding. The pilots might find ways
gilded cages, threats and fear 4/5: an engine goes dormant
of nature, blind-eyed subterranean to relate to them, but the Leviathans will not be reconciled with the
Why can’t we just leave? 6: a pilot is reprimanded
abominations bastion’s institutions.
What is our reputation? Tier III
What act of hubris brought doom upon us?
celebrated heroes, figureheads for the
an ancient king shattered the gates of authority, cursed warriors, cultural icons,
Additional fallout rules 1-3: a leviathan infiltrates the bastion
death, our first attempt at interstellar hopeless leviathan fodder, monsters in our 4/5: an engine breaks down
When the crew pursues a mission that leaves the Bastion exposed,
travel, casting signals across all realities, own right 6: the crew is assigned an overseer
meddling with the flow of time, harnessing or internal strife and politics are left unchecked, roll Readiness.
What part of our reputation is deserved?
a forbidden source of power, tresspassing What isn’t? On a 6, the bastion handles the trouble, and grows complacent,
in their domain reduce readiness by 1 after it drops by half at mission end.
The Flagship
Why do the Leviathans come? On a 4/5, the Bastion weathers the trouble. The Last Bastion track DIRECTOR PRINCIPLES
the last leviathan hunter, a floating fortress,
to reclaim something we stole, to a top of the line ship, a former civilian reduces by one. There is resentment of the crew among the citizens.
consume minds and bodies, to silence our Be a fan of the other players
vessel, a swarm of smaller ships, a sleek On a 1-3, it’s a disaster. The Bastion track reduces by 3, and the
civilization, to entrap and contain us, to corvette crew must answer for it. Address the characters
tear down our great works, because we are What is its name? What is its history?
On a crit, the Bastion handles the trouble, and rallies around the Address the players
in their path The Engines
The Last Bastion of Humanity cause, Readiness does not reduce during fallout. Ask questions and build
Engines are semi-sentient combat mechs,
Where do we take shelter? each unique from the others. They have Express consequences by way of the
(choose one or two) identities, memories, and emotions of their Assessing position and effect fiction, not the mechanics
an isolated city-state, an ancient fortress, own. Why can’t we build more? What do Find the cracks where the darkness
While Mundane
quarantined and sealed, rebellion and they yearn for? What names are they given? Position: Typically risky in the face of immediate mundane seeps in
strife, law and order, a mobile bunker How does our transcendence affect them? threats.
What is held to be sacred? Each player adds 1 engine to the hangar. Desperate against magical threats.
Describe it, name it, and assign it 1 virtue Effect: Standard at best in the face of immediate mundane
(choose one or two) and 1 impulse. threats.
order, strength, hierarchy, obedience, Limited effect against magical threats. NAMES
Your character is incompatible with the
edifices, organizations, hatred, sacrifice engine you create, and cannot pilot it. Resistance: Partially mitigate mundane consequences.
What was humanity forced to give up? Why? While Transcended Ace, Adnach, Alastor, Cass, Dagon,
(choose one or two) Our Transgressions Position: Controlled against most mundane threats. Risky against Eoligos, Ferug, Forcas, Hagith, Ipos,
community, bodies, intimacy, emotion, How do we transgress against that which is most magical threats. Malphas, Och, Ophiel, Rauym, Stygal,
gender, growth, comfort, hope Effect: Great against most mundane threats. Standard against Nono, Stolas, Surgat, Uphir, Vetis, Zura,
sacred? most magical threats.
We pilot engines against the leviathans Humanity gave it up, so why is it alive in us? Van, Folken, Alen, Dilandau, Norna,
Resistance: Fully mitigate most mundane consequences. Partially
What hope do we have? mitigate magical consequences. Falin, Byrlir, Hildar, Lenneth, Silmeria,
What seperates us from the masses?
What hope do we have against the Surt, Raumur, Lalc, Himna, Unnar, Ulfsgin,
doomed volunteers, elevated by the If facing a leviathan while not piloting an engine Ofraun, Jokuls, Skrumnir, Pursa
authorities, vat-grown, chosen by the darkness? Position: Desperate
engines, changed by the leviathans, our Who believes we have a chance? Who Effect: While mundane, none possible. While transcended, start
drive and ambition doesn’t? at none, can push or dark bargain for limited.
Choose a name for the series that reflects Resistance: Most consequences will also include level 4 harm,
these answers. with only partial resistance possible.
Series Abilities Investigation
z Curiouser: Each protagonist may add +1 action rating to
forgive, express, or conceal.
z Looking for answers: Gain +1d when you investigate the The Darkness
darkness. When a lead turns out to be a dead end, mark
The Conspiracy crew xp. TIER I TIER II TIER III
z Shared burden: If your social link activity includes sharing your
dark secrets or inner pains, clear 2 stress and your ally marks
1 stress. They ask you one question from their gather info list.
Social link is replaced by share
Its Hosts z Another face in the crowd: Gain +1 effect when concealing an intimate moment. All abilities
yourself in a crowd. When you defer to the majority, mark xp. relating to social link apply to share
The Waking World an intimate moment.
z Daydreamers: Gain +1d when rolling obligation.
In downtime, you may share an
z Moment of crisis: When factoring your engagement roll, if intimate moment with another
you answer yes to “Does this mission determine the fate of protagonist. Describe the
a friend?” gain +2d instead of +1d. Gain +1d when you help
What we dream a friend recover from emotional harm.
circumstances of your encounter,
and how you are vulnerable in this
moment. Ask them “Do you share
What we hide this moment, or set boundaries?”
OUTSIDE INFLUENCE choose from another source
If they share it with you, roll +1d.
Why we wander If they set boundaries, mark xp.
Roll a suitable action, the other
How we pass days player assigns links as they choose
between your characters.
The Dream 6: 3 links
Our Avatars 1-3: 1 link
When your actions align with your avatar’s virtue, clear 1 stress.
crit: 5 links
When your actions align with one of your avatar’s desires, or
you accept a dark bargain based on its desire, that action
does not deplete your transcendence track, and you mark xp.
Our Transgressions Lucid: Each crew member marks a transcendent action dot
in forgive, express, and conceal. At the end of each session, for each
item below, mark 1xp (or 2xp if that
Dream Logic: When you trigger a flashback while transcended,
you receive all applicable benefits of transcendence for any item occurred multiple times).
actions taken during that flashback. z Successfully carried out a mission
The Dream’s End from the crew’s list
Just a Dream: While you are transcended, others must speak
to you truthfully, and you ask an additional follow up question z Delve into the conspiracy’s maze,
MISSIONS when you gather info during an interrogation. and give solace to dreamers
Explore a suspect’s dream - Enter the dream of a suspect in the conspiracy seeking the Hold Back the Nightmare: While you are transcended, any z Explore the inner world of
truth of their involvement, or to confront known conspirators. eclipse roll result of 4/5 counts as a 6. While transcended and suspects, and face their demons
If the suspects involvement is unknown, the mission’s tier is equal to that of the lowest in eclipse, roll +1d on actions to frighten or upset others. z Express the essential nature,
unfilled role in the conspiracy map. origin, or destiny of the crew
If the crew’s investigations have revealed a suspect’s involvement, the mission tier is AVATAR VIRTUES
equal to the suspect’s role tier. NAMES
elegant, clever, brave, serene, bright, curious, playful, beautiful
When a suspect’s complicity becomes clear, add them to the conspiracy map in the Mol, Ryde, Turn, Boon, Nore, Stell, Fran,
appropriate position.
AVATAR DESIRES Vik, Love, Hen, Ann, Lane, Harp, Best, Jo,
Puc, Sol, Case, Gunn, Hart, Deed, Len,
supremacy, apotheosis, adoration, intimacy, overthrow, control, Phyl, Kyo, Skip, Win, Char, Cat, Shay, Luce,
scandal, agency, escape, prestige, indulgence, truth Faye, Heff, Eve, Cross, Rip, Bog, Tif, Spice

Propagator: Fallout results are 1 level

worse until all are identified.
Followers: Foes are at +1 scale until all TIER
followers are identified. TIER TIER

Overseers: -1 effect against the host until at I I I I

least 2 overseers are confronted. INDOCTRINATION ACQUISITIONS
Host: Season ends after confronting the host in
their dream.

Indoctrination: -1d to engagement until all are

identified and overseer is confronted.

Acquisitions: Darkness track advances by an additional OVERSEER OVERSEER

1 during fallout until all are identified and overseer is
confronted. TIER TIER

Surveillance: -1d to investigate the darkness until all are II HOST II

identified and overseer is confronted.







The Darkness
The Conspiracy
Make all characters complicit in the conspiracy
Connect everyone to the conspiracy in some way. Think of direct FALLOUT
connections, like membership in a secret society, or perilous online
The Conspiracy What role do you play? delving. Use indirect connections, like having a friend who was Tier I
What is the conspiracy? (each protagonist choose one or two) changed by the conspiracy, or an artist whose work the conspiracy
forbidden lover, best friend, reformed 1-3: an agent of the conspiracy acts
an idealogy turned virus, a single dream has co-opted.
conspirator, dissillusioned cynic, tragic 4/5: a suspect reveals their complicity
that plagues the world, a toxic cultural Let the suspect’s inner worlds spill over
genius, weary caretaker, object of desire, 6: a suspect lets slip a dark secret
movement, history haunting the present,
oracle of the dream, target of the conspiracy When in the mundane world, show character’s interior life through Tier II
the pull of some alien mind
Instruct each protagonist to select a body language, what they say, and what they don’t say. In the dream,
What is its impulse? playbook that reflects the roles they have their inner world spills forth, and exists concretely, as embodied 1-3: the conspiracy acts on its agenda
to re-shape our dreams, to drive us to self chosen symbols, and manifested metaphors. A suspect’s dream shows 4/5: a suspect is put in danger
destruction, to make us shed our bodies, How do we pass our days? their personal reflection of the broader tensions and themes at 6: the dream bleeds into the waking
to shatter the barrier between waking and play in the fiction. Incorporate visual motifs that are shared across
mind numbing repetition, boredom the suspects, and use them to adorn each suspect’s personal Tier III
dreaming, to instill an alien morality in us, and despair, isolation and detachment,
to turn reality to farce grueling dirty work, fruitless labour, morally memories and traumas. 1-3: the conspiracy makes a
Who are its hosts? compromising jobs Make suspects sympathetic in motivation, and appalling in their actions suspect its host
How does the world see us, if it notices us Give suspects well intentioned or relatable reasons for getting 4/5: the dream claims a suspect
a secret society, artists and luminaries,
at all? involved in the conspiracy. This leads to suspects doing 6: a suspect weaponizes the dream
a cabal of sorcerors, an online gestalt, a
sentient dream, ghosts and echoes The dream is a personal reflection of the unconscionable acts, in service to their hearts desires. Show the
waking world conspiracy twisting their desires, and ultimately corrupting them.
By what vector does it infect us? DIRECTOR PRINCIPLES
What is the dream to you? Bury them in everyday details
insular communities and coded language, How do we know when we are in the
hopes and desires, passions and conflict, Dreams are built out of mundane places and objects, but twisted Be a fan of the other players
dream? and turned surreal. The mundane world, while seemingly ordered
fashion and ritual, consumption and excess, How do we navigate the dream? Address the characters
and sensible, is filled with dizzying human creations and activity.
a half forgotten song What unconcious tell accompanies each of Build a labyrinth for the protagonists out of these everyday images. Address the players
The waking world belongs to everyone us throughout the dream? Avatars are amoral alien egos Ask questions and build
and no one What is your avatar? The protagonists’ avatars are not their friends. They are powerful, Express consequences by way of the
What defines the waking world? A perfect expression of your identity and capricious, and exist to fulfill their own desires. Their power comes fiction, not the mechanics
(choose one or two) will. It lives inside you, but has its own at a cost, sometimes obvious, other times subtle, and always to be
looming spires, the press of bodies, criss- thoughts, emotions, and desires, and is paid by the protagonists. Sooner or later it must be decided who Find the cracks where the darkness
crossing wires, media saturdation, protests alien to you. is truly in control, lead them towards that inevitable reckoning. seeps in
When you transcend, your avatar manifests
and riots, smog and haze and takes possession of your body.
What shapes our dreams? What dark secrets are they hiding? What do Assessing position and effect
(choose one or two) they yearn for? Why do you fear yours?
money, work, surveillance, possessions, Describe it, name it, and assign it 1 virtue While Mundane
edifices, status, sexuality, conformity and 2 desires. Position: Risky at best in the face of immediate mundane threats.
What do we hide from others? Our Transgressions Desperate against magical threats. NAMES
How do we defy the dream’s form and Effect: Standard at best in the face of immediate mundane
(choose one or two) threats.
passion, emotions, gender, vulnerability, What truths can we share only with each No effect, or limited effect against magical threats. Mol, Ryde, Turn, Boon, Nore, Stell, Fran,
authenticity, sexuality, intimacy, other? Resistance: Partially mitigate mundane consequences. Resist Vik, Love, Hen, Ann, Lane, Harp, Best, Jo,
dissatisfaction before acting against magical threats. Puc, Sol, Case, Gunn, Hart, Deed, Len,
What would happen if anyone found us out?
We who breach the barrier of dreams What comes at the dream’s end? While Transcended Phyl, Kyo, Skip, Win, Char, Cat, Shay, Luce,
Why do we wander in other’s dreams? Position: Controlled against most mundane threats. Risky against Faye, Heff, Eve, Cross, Rip, Bog, Tif, Spice
What will be left of the waking world, most magical threats.
to uncover truths that others ignore, to should the conspiracy devour the dream? Effect: Great against most mundane threats. Standard against
help those whom society has forsaken, to If our dreams were free of the darkness, most magical threats.
escape the tedium of our day to day lives, what might we wake up to find? Resistance: Fully mitigate mundane consequences. Fully mitigate
to understand our waking lives, to banish Choose a name for the series that reflects some magical consequences.
the ghosts of our past, to experience real these answers. When assessing position, effect, and resistance, remember to
intimacy keep in mind the following factors:
Scale: Are fewer or more numerous? Are they larger or smaller?
Surprise: Are they wary, or unsuspecting?

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