Court of Blades (Early Release)

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Greetings Noble Retainer,

You’re looking at the special “early release” of Court of Blades to

hold you over while we’re hard at work with our awesome
finishing team; editor Brent Jans, interior artist Al Lukehart, and
map artist Tim Wilkinson Lewis.

We’ve given this version of the game a rough formatting,

complete with stock art to save your eyes while browsing. Please
be aware, especially for reviewing purposes, that nothing here is
necessarily indicative of the final format that will appear in the
official release, and in addition, you should steel yourself and
expect plenty of errors in the text and other general pre-editing
gremlins. We’ve tried to keep them to a minimum, but they are
crafty and prone to cropping up whenever we are not looking
directly at them.

Thank you so much for believing in this game. Without you,

Ilrien and the myriad intrigues therein would have quietly sat
plotting in a desk drawer. We can’t wait to hear about the
adventures that you and your group have amidst these twisting
streets and dangerous courts.

Navi & Shawn Drake

A Couple of Drakes
by a Couple of Drakes

A Tabletop RPG of Power Politics, Renaissance Magic, Gunpowder

Diplomacy, and Romantic Skullduggery
A Couple of Drakes Publication

Court of Blades
A Forged in the Dark Game
Copyright © 2021 A Couple of Drakes INC
All rights reserved.

Hardcover ISBN: #TBD

(to be) Printed in the USA.

Produced using the Adobe Creative Suite.

Typefaces: Adobe Garamond Pro, AquilineTwo, Dearest.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted by any

means without prior written permission of the publisher.

If you’re making copies for your own personal use, then go for it. Consider
this your “written permission” and happy gaming!

- A Couple of Drakes

Game Design & Writing

Game Design, Writing, (to be) Layout,
& Project Management

(to be) Copy Editing & Proofreading

Title Design

(to be) Interior Art Cover Art


(to be) Map Art

Based on Blades in the Dark by John Harper

Visit the website for character sheets and other game materials.
Special thanks to…
Chelsea Brown, our dear friend who inspired Court of Blades with her
desire for a tabletop roleplaying game filled with intrigue and romance.
Rob Buchheit, who went out of his way to offer help and resources all
along our game development journey.
Our playtesters, without whose countless hours of play and feedback,
Court of Blades would have not been possible. Thanks Travis, Crawley,
Slip, Chels, Myth, Truth, Skelpie, Skaughtto, Kristin, Jammi, and
everyone who took the time to offer us their encouragement, feedback and
help along the way.
Last, but certainly not least, Sean Nittner, who joined us in playtesting
and gave us an incredible amount of guidance on our first foray into game
design, and John Harper, the creator of Blades in the Dark, which
provided the blueprint for this game, as well as for helping us design the
Court of Blades title.
We will always be grateful.

Minerva McJanda & Douglas Santana Mota’s Legacy: Life Among the Ruins
for amazing abstraction stats for large organizations.
Kevin Crawford’s Stars Without Number for giving GMs a turn of their own.
Glen Cook’s The Black Company for making magic weird and empires
William Shakespeare for two houses, both alike in dignity.
Michael A. Stackpole’s The Dragoncrown War Cycle for nobles with masks
which show their true face.
Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time for Daes Dae’mar, the Great Game of
The Basics 1 Setting Position & Effect…….... 34
The Game……………….……... 2 Consequences & Harm.........… 36
The Setting……….……....…….. 3 Healing Harm………………… 40
The Players.……………….…..... 3 Resistance & Armor .....…........ 42
The Characters….........……..….. 4 Special Armor….….…...…..….. 44
The House of Service….……..…. 4 Death………………….....……. 45
The Game Master.……….….….. 4 Fortune Roll………….........…. 45
Playing a Session..………..….….. 5 Engagement Roll…..………….48
Before You Start…..……...…...... 5 Gathering Information…......... 50
Touchstones…..…….…..…..….. 6 Loadout…………..………...… 52
Make the Game Your Own…...... 6 Teamwork……..……………... 53
The Core System …….…….….. 7 Flashbacks………….……….... 56
The Conversation…....…………. 7 Influence & Favor…..….....….. 58
Judgment Calls…………………. 7 Romance…..……….…………. 62
Rolling the Dice…..…..…..….… 8 Romantic Entanglements….….. 65
The Game Structure..…....….… 10 The Faction Game…….......…. 67
Actions & Attributes...…....….. 11 Spheres of Influence……....…. 70
Resistance Roll……..…………16 House Advancement….…....... 72
Stress & Scandals .....……....… 17 Advancing in the Esultare....…... 74
Progress Clocks…...…..........… 19 The Other House Positions..….. 76
Action Roll..……….………… 23 House Rank Bonuses….….…… 77
The Lady’s Favor….…….…..… 25 PC Advancement…………..…... 78
Action Roll Summary…………. 27 Gaining Status….…….…...…... 79
Position & Effect….…...…….. 29 Coterie Advancement…..…….... 80
Tier……….…………….....…. 32
Characters 82 Recover…………….…..….… 162
Character Creation…….…..…... 82 Reduce Exposure…….………. 162
The Bravo…….………..….…... 89 Train………………….….….. 162
The Hawk…….……..………… 94 Indulge & Reduce Stress…....... 163
The Eye…………..………….... 99 Intrigues……………….….… 165
The Couth…………………... 104 Rituals & Crafting ……....…. 170
The Knack….………….…….. 109 Arcane Magnitude…….…...… 172
The Key………….…….…….. 114 Rituals…………..…....….…... 173
Standard Items……..……...... 119 Crafting………….……….….. 176
Coterie & House Creation..... 120 Sample Common Creations...... 180
House Corvetto…..……….…. 125 Crafting Example…….…........ 185
House Battalia………….….…. 129
House Bastien...….…..….…… 132 A Guide to Ilrien 187
House Lovell…….…….…….. 136 Abridged Timeline of Ilrien.…..188
House Al-Mari………..……... 140 Dueling, the Court of Blades.…189
House Elanda……….….……. 144 Daily Life…………..…….…. 191
Standard House Upgrades...... 149 Cuisine…..………….……..… 192
Retinues & Colleagues….….. 150 Law & Order………..……….. 194
Magic & Superstition……..…. 195
Downtime 153 Culture…….…….….…..….... 198
Payoff……….……….....…..... 154 Weather & Seasons.……….…. 200
Exposure & Shame………....... 156 Overheard in Ilrien…..………. 202
Reducing Exposure & Shame... 157 The City…….…..………..…. 203
Downtime Activities….…..… 158 Districts….……………….….. 205
Acquire Assets……………….... 159 Spheres of Influence Detailed... 210
Uncover a Plot………….....…. 160 Factions……………………... 220
Long-Term Projects….…...….. 161 The Houses Major……..…..… 220
The Houses Minor……..….… 223 Threats to the City……...…… 331
The Uncouth……….….….…. 237 Minor Holidays..….…….….... 332
Outsiders……………..…..….. 247
Contacts for Indulgences….…. 255 Changing the Game 337
Special Playbooks………...……338
Expanding the Scope……..….. 347
Playing the Game 256
Finding Inspiration………...… 348
Actions in Play….….……….. 258
Player Best Practices....…........ 277
INDEX…..……………….… 349
Example of Play………....….. 279

Game Masters 291

Running the Game.…..…..…. 292
GM Goals………….…….….. 292
GM Actions…………..……... 293
GM Principles…….…….…... 301
GM’s Best Practices……..….. 302
GM Bad Habits………..……. 305
The GM’s Turn………..……. 310
Advancing Houses Major……. 310
Introducing the 7th House…... 315
Session One Checklist………. 316

Roll Charts 318

Entanglements.…..…......……. 319
NPC House Objectives …....... 323
Nearby Villages…………….... 326
Sprites & Spirits……….…….. 327
More People (NPCs)……..….. 328
C hapter
O ne

The Basics

1 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

Powerful, and yet, the bottom of
the greater family order. Your job
The Game is to support the family until it is
elected First House. Your private
goal is to become a titled part of
the family through service,
Court of Blades is a game of
securing your legacy- or perhaps
politics, magic, romance and
only leaving the world better, or
peril. It takes place in a world
worse off, than it was before you.
populated by scheming nobles,
court magicians, and dashing We play to find out if our
duelists. retainers can play the Great Game
and win it all, or if they'll fall prey
In Court of Blades, we take on the
to the machinations of their rivals
roles of retainers to a newly risen
or their own human failings.
House of the Esultare in the great
city of Ilrien. The Esultare,
composed of the six Houses
Major, are considered to be the
most powerful families in the
Principalities, but amongst them
they have their own pecking What You Need to Play
order. The First Prince sits at the
top of this hierarchy, and every • One copy of this book for
citizen of Ilrien is aware of every reference.
house’s position within that • 2-5 players, and one game
order. master.
• 6 six-sided dice to share.
You have already risen so high,
but to secure your place and • Printed copies of the
ensure that the house you serve character playbooks, and
ascends to the highest seat of house sheet. (Reference
power in the world, you must sheets, and maps can be
learn about your rival houses, helpful.)
advance your own house’s agenda, • Blank paper or notecards
and risk your lives in a renaissance and a pencil.
world of duplicity and magic. You
are a retainer in a coterie.

2 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

careful maneuvering, bribery,
manipulation, and murder, the
The Setting Houses of the Esultare advance
their agendas while crippling their
Ilrien, the seat of power.
And so, the Great Game is played.
Our scene is laid in the Social sabotage and shadow
Principalities; successor states warfare is conducted as the great
which threw off the yoke of a houses court the Houses Minor,
decadent, continent-spanning the guilds, the church, and the
imperial nation known as the common folk of Ilrien to rise in
Dread Empire. These successor favor and gain power and prestige.
states, over the last two-hundred
years, have fallen into an uneasy
ceasefire after decades of war.
None have been more prosperous The Players
in the years of relative peace than
the city-state of Ilrien.

Situated on the coast of the Each player creates a character,

mainland of the Principalities, referred to as a PC (or player
with free access to natural deep- character), and works with the
water harbors and a history of other players to create the coterie
technical, artistic and magical to which their characters belong,
innovation, Ilrien is the greatest and shape the house they choose
city of this or any other age. It is a to serve. Each player strives to
place of learning, spirituality, art, bring their character to life as an
magic and romance. interesting, talented individual
with personal goals and interests.
Ilrien is also a phenomenally Players are rewarded for good
political city. Nobles are roleplaying practices with
constantly caught up in a very experience (xp), making it in
polite sort of civil war. While everyone’s best interest to develop
there are always six leading their characters a little bit over
families among the Esultare, each every session.
with their own Prince, there can
only be one First Prince. Through

3 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

The players work together with
the Game Master to establish the
tone and style of the game. They The House of Service
do this by making judgment calls
about the mechanics, dice, and
consequences of actions. The In addition to creating characters
players take responsibility as co- who will form your coterie, you
authors of the game with the will also be choosing the house
GM. that your coterie serves. Each
house has its own set of strengths
to explore, and its own unique
flavor to inspire the sort of stories
The Characters your group wants to tell. While
any house can be played in
whichever way that the group
wishes, you will find that each
The characters attempt to develop
house lends itself well to a
themselves and their coterie by
different playstyle, without any
performing errands and
modifications. House Corvetto
contending with threats to the
lends itself well to skullduggery
house they serve, as well as threats
and magic, Lovell to high politics
from their own enemies, over
and manipulation, Bastien to
distinct social seasons. They begin
charity and good will, and so on.
their adventure as dedicated
servants of little renown, and
must carefully guard their
reputations from scandal and
shame. With every advancement The Game Master
they become more integral to the
machinations of the family they
serve, and a little more known to The GM (or game master)
the other citizens of Ilrien. establishes the dynamic world
around the characters. They play
all the non-player characters
(NPCs) in the world by giving
each one a concrete desire and
preferred method of action. The

4 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

GM helps organize the their goals for the social season.
conversation of the game so that They spend time gathering
it is pointed toward the information, and then they make
interesting elements of play. They a few dice rolls to jump into the
are not in charge of the story and action of the errand in progress.
do not have to plan events ahead
of time. Instead, they present The PCs take actions, suffer
interesting opportunities to the consequences, and finish the
players, then follow the chain of errand (succeeding or failing).
action and consequences wherever Then the coterie has downtime,
they lead. This is the basis of the during which they recover, pursue
“conversation,” the narrative push side-projects, and feed their
and pull which develops the indulgences to relieve stress. After
fiction and the course of play. downtime, the players once again
Everyone has a hand in the story assess their goals, and we play to
that is told. find out what happens next.

Playing a Session Before You Start

A session of Court of Blades is like Read this book all the way
an episode of a TV show filled through before you begin. If you
with taut intrigue and romance. are familiar with other Forged in
There are one or two main events, the Dark games, many of the core
plus some possible side-story mechanics will be familiar to you.
elements, which all fit into an If this is your first time trying out
ongoing series. A session of play a Forged in the Dark game, first of
can last anywhere from two to six all, AWESOME, we’re excited to
hours, depending on the bring you into the fold-- but just
preferences of the group. as importantly, this game may not
make complete sense to you until
During a session, the coterie of you play it. When in doubt, just
retainers works together to choose start playing!
an errand to accomplish based on

5 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

Touch Stones Make It Your Own

Touch stones can be helpful for This is a “fiction-first”, roleplay-

pitching a new game to friends. heavy game. Improvisation is a
Below we’ve provided some of the must. As you read through this
most well-known touch stones for book you will discover that many
the game that we could think of things are outlined, but otherwise
to get you started. left to your interpretation. This is
entirely intentional! This is a
Books: The Three Musketeers, by world that changes based on the
Alexandre Dumas. Romeo and interests and whims of the players,
Juliet, by William Shakespeare. so no two games of Court of
Homeland, by R. A. Salvatore. A Blades are ever played the same
Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. way.
R. Martin. The Lies of Locke
Lamora, by Scott Lynch. In your first game, a player may
decide the contact “Mercy, a
Film & TV: Medici, by Nicholas foreigner” is a cut-throat
Meyer and Frank Spotnitz. Rome, mercenary named Jaque Mercy
by Bruno Heller, John Millius, who works down at the docks. In
and William MacDonald. Harlots, your next game a player may
by Moira Buffini and Alison decide that it’s actually Sister
Newman. The Godfather, Francis Mercy. She is the headmistress of
Ford Coppola. an orphanage in service to the
Lady, in the Twist.
Video Game: Dragon Age
Inquisition: Wicked Eyes and If you do not find an answer to
Wicked Hearts, Bioware. your question in the book, trust
that you are allowed to, and in
fact are supposed to, make it up
along the way.

6 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

The Core System

• Which actions are reasonable

The Conversation as a solution to a problem?
Can this person be swayed?
Must we get out the tools
and tinker with this old rusty
Court of Blades is an exchange lock, or could it also be
between the player characters wrecked with the butt of a
(PCs) and the game master pistol? The players have final
(GM). No one is entirely in say.
charge. It is a back-and-forth
conversation until that • How dangerous and how
conversation develops enough effective is a given action in
uncertainty for you to reach for this circumstance? How risky
dice to decide the outcome. is this? Can this person be
swayed only very little or
entirely? The GM has final
Judgement Calls
• Which consequences are
inflicted to manifest the
dangers in a given
When you play, you will make
circumstance? Does this fall
several key judgment calls.
from the roof break your leg?
Everyone contributes, but either
Do the Corvetto merely
the players or the GM gets final
become suspicious or do they
say for each:
already have damning

7 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

evidence against you? The • If the highest die is a 4 or 5,
GM has final say. that’s a partial success—you
do what you were trying to
• Does this situation call for a do, but there are
dice roll, and which one? Is consequences: trouble, harm,
your character in position to reduced effect, et cetera.
make an action roll or must
they first make a resistance • If the highest die is 1-3, it’s a
roll to gain initiative? The bad outcome. Things go
GM has final say. poorly. You probably do not
achieve your goal and you
• Which events in the story suffer complications, too.
match the experience triggers
for character and coterie • If you ever need to roll but
advancement? Did you you have zero (or negative)
express your character’s dice, roll two dice and take
beliefs, drives, heritage, or the single lowest result. You
background? You tell us. The cannot roll a critical when
players have final say. you have zero dice.

All the dice systems in the game

are expressions of this basic
Rolling the Dice format. When you are first
learning the game, you can
always return to a simple roll to
judge how things go. Look up
Court of Blades uses six-sided the exact rule later, when you
dice. You will always roll have time.
between 1 and 6 dice, and
typically you will read the highest To create a dice pool for a roll,
number. you’ll use a trait (like your Body
or your Mind, or your coterie’s
If the highest die is a 6, it’s a full tier) and take dice equal to its
success—things go well. If you rating. You’ll usually end up
roll more than one 6, it’s a with 1 to 4 dice. Even 1 die is
critical success—you gain some good—a 50% chance of success.
additional advantage. The most common traits you will
use are the action ratings of the

8 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

player characters. A player might • Resistance roll. A player can
roll dice for their Hunt action make a resistance roll when
rating when they track a rival, for their character suffers a
example. consequence they do not
like. The roll tells us how
There are four types of rolls that much stress their character
you’ll use most often in the suffers to reduce the severity
game: of a consequence. When you
resist that “Publicly
• Action roll. When a PC Snubbed” harm, you take
attempts an action that may some stress, and now it’s only
prove dangerous or “Bruised Ego” instead.
troublesome, you make an
action roll to find out how it
goes. Action rolls and their
effects and consequences
drive most of the game.

• Downtime roll. When the

PCs are at their leisure after
an errand, they can perform
downtime activities in
relative safety. You make
downtime rolls to see how
much they get done.

• Fortune roll. The GM can

make a fortune roll to
disclaim decision making and
leave something up to
chance. How loyal is an
NPC? How much does the
plague spread? How much
evidence is burned before the
First Court’s investigators
knock at the door?

9 – CHAPTER ONE, The Basics

influence, favor, exposure,
shame and entanglements, to
The Game Structure determine all the fallout from the
errand. Then the PCs each get
their downtime activities, such
Court of Blades has a structure to as indulging themselves to
play, with three parts. By default, remove stress or working on a
the game is in free play— long-term project, or intrigue.
characters talk to each other, they
When all the downtime activities
go places, they do things, they
are complete, the game returns to
may gather information, and
they make rolls as needed. free play and the cycle starts over
When the group is ready, they
choose an objective for their next The structure is only a
errand. They may decide to conceptual model to help you
gather additional information to organize the game. You can
aid them later, or they may phase in and out of free play and
simply choose a type of plan to the errand. Likewise, you may
employ. This triggers the finish downtime and then jump
engagement roll (which straight into the next errand.
establishes the situation as the There is no rigid structure in
errand starts) and then the game Court of Blades.
shifts into the errand phase.

During the errand, the PCs

engage the target—they make
rolls, overcome obstacles, call for
flashbacks, and complete the
errand (successfully or not).
When the errand is finished, the
game shifts into the downtime

During the downtime phase, the

GM engages the systems for

10 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Action Rating & Attributes

Each action has a rating (from

zero to 4) which tells you how
Action Ratings many dice to roll when you
perform that action. Action
ratings do not just represent skill
There are 12 actions in the game or training—you’re free to
that the PCs use to overcome describe how your character
obstacles. performs that action based on
the type of person they are.
 Channel Maybe your character is good at
Command because they have a
 Command
scary stillness to them, while
 Consort another character barks orders
and intimidates people with their
 Hunt
military bearing.
 Maneuver
You choose which action to
 Skirmish
perform to overcome an obstacle,
 Skulk by describing what your
 Study character does. Actions which are
poorly suited to the situation
 Survey may be less effective and may put
 Sway the character in more danger,
but may still be attempted.
 Tinker
Usually, when you perform an
 Wreck action, you’ll make an action
roll to see how it turns out.

11 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
When you Channel, you open When you Consort, you
your mind to arcane power and socialize amongst friends.
draw on sorcerous might.
You might chat up the
You might navigate the tricky friendly tavern owner in
syllables of an ancient spell of hopes of learning when the
binding. You might quickly diplomat was last seen alive.
summon a magical ward to You might draw out a secret
stave off harm. You might from a confidant. You might
identify a recently uncovered use a disguise and forged
artifact, but Study might be papers to bluff past a house
better. guard, but Skulk might be
Channel, as an action, typically
draws upon arcane energy in When you Hunt, you carefully
some form or another. Knacks track a target.
have an internal power,
whereas for others Channeling You might follow a carriage
might be drawing it from an as it crosses the city. You
artifact, a trinket, a device, or might navigate the press of
an arcane creature or spirit. the crowd to find a sight-line
“Blunts” can interact with the on the hangman at the
arcane, but Knacks create it. execution. You might
unobtrusively tail a corrupt
When you Command, you priest, but Skulk might be
compel obedience. better.

You might glare down a When you Maneuver, you

handful of thugs in an traverse quickly and skillfully.
alleyway. You might get a fop
to retract an insult with a You might leap from roof-top
cutting remark. You might to roof-top with a running
demand information from start. You might navigate the
mercenaries in league with tricky steps of a fashionable
your house, but Consort new dance. You might
might be better. carefully lie by omission, but
Consort might be better.

12 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
When you Skirmish, you the harbor, but Survey might
entangle a target in combat. be better.

You might slip a knife into When you Survey, you observe
the ribs of the street-tough the situation and anticipate
hired to kill you. You might outcomes.
fight an elaborate duel with
an affronted rival. You might You might scan a roofline for
spring from the shadows to hidden assassins. You might
neutralize the agent on your recognize the mark that
tail, but Wreck might be separates gang territories in
better. the Twist. You might
recognize the embroidery on
When you Skulk, you move a jacket as distinctive of a
carefully so as to avoid notice. rival house’s favorite tailor,
but Study might be better.
You might keep to the
shadows to avoid the When you Sway, you influence
attention of an attentive with guile, charm, or argument.
guard. You might cobble
together a disguise to pass as a You might make a good
rival house’s courier. You impression upon the
might soundlessly pry open a chamberlain to the Prince
window to secure entrance to with a honeyed word. You
a villa, though Tinker might might provide convenient
be better. evidence to the captain of the
Watch to implicate a rival.
When you Study, you scrutinize You might engage in a debate
details and interpret evidence. at a dinner party and try to
win on the basis of being the
You might decode an better orator, but Maneuver
enciphered message or occult might be better.
ritual. You might follow the
money to draw connections
between hired bravos and
your rival. You might assume
an enemy’s current intentions
based on the number of
warships they have docked in

13 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
When you Tinker, you fiddle As you can see, many actions
with devices and mechanisms. overlap with others. This is by
design. As a player, you get to
You might soundlessly pick a choose which action you roll, by
lock and slip inside a room saying what your character does.
your rivals thought secure. Can you try to Wreck someone
You might quickly navigate a during a duel? Sure! The GM
puzzle box. You might set a tells you the position and effect
cunning clockwork trap for a level of your action in this
foe, but Hunt might be circumstance. As it says,
better. Skirmish might be better (less
risky or more effective),
When you Wreck, you utilize depending on the situation at
overwhelming force against a hand (sometimes it won’t be
person or object. better).
You might use acid to melt a To see detailed explanations of
tricky lock on a strongbox. each Action Rating see: Actions in
You might decide that the Play.
only sort of diplomacy the
gang boss understands is a
chair across the teeth. You
might twist the weave of
magic to incinerate a foe, but
Channel might be better.

14 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Action Roll Attribute Ratings

You make an action roll when There are three attributes in the
your character does something game system that the player
potentially dangerous or characters use to resist bad
troublesome. The possible results consequences: Body, Mind, and
of the action roll depend on your Spirit. Each attribute has a
character’s position. There are rating (from 0 to 4) that tells you
three positions: controlled, how many dice to roll when you
risky, and desperate. If you are use that attribute.
in a controlled position, the
possible consequences are less The rating for each attribute is
serious. If you are in a desperate equal to the number of dots in
position, the consequences can the first column under that
be severe. If you are somewhere attribute. The more well-
in between, it’s risky—usually rounded your character is with a
considered the “default” position particular set of actions, the
for most actions. better their attribute rating.

If there is no danger or trouble at

hand, you don’t make an action
roll. You might make a fortune
roll, or use a downtime action
and roll as appropriate.
Otherwise, the GM will simply
say yes—and you accomplish
your goal.

15 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Resistance Roll

Each attribute resists a different

type of danger. If you are
embarrassed for example, you
resist social harm with your
Spirit rating. Resistance rolls
always succeed—you diminish or
deflect the bad result—but the
better your roll, the less stress it
costs to reduce or avoid the

When the enemy has a big

advantage, you’ll need to make a
resistance roll before you can
take your own action. For
example, when you duel the The character above has:
master swordfighter, she disarms
you before you can strike. You • 3 dice to roll in Body
need to make a resistance roll to
• 0 dice to roll in Mind (roll 2
keep hold of your blade if you
dice and take the lower
want to attack her.
The GM judges the threat level
• 2 dice to roll in Spirit
of the enemies and uses these
“preemptive” resistance rolls as
needed to reflect the capabilities
of especially dangerous foes.

Find out more about Resistance

Rolls under Resistance and
Armor .

16 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Stress & Scandals

but not avoided entirely. Cross

Stress suffers level 2 harm “Chest
Wound” instead of level 3 harm
“Punctured Lung”.

Player characters in Court of

Blades have a special reserve
called stress. When they suffer a Pushing Yourself
consequence that they do not
want to accept, they can take
stress instead. The result of the
resistance roll determines how You can use stress to push
much stress it costs to avoid a yourself for greater performance.
bad outcome. For each bonus you choose
below, take 2 stress (each can be
During a duel, Mia’s chosen once for a given action):
character, Cross, is stabbed in
the chest. Mia rolls her body • Add +1d to your roll. (This
rating to resist, and gets a 2. may be used for an action
It costs 6 stress, minus 2 (the roll or downtime roll or any
result of the resistance roll) to other kind of roll where extra
resist the consequences. She effort would help you)
marks off 4 stress and • Add +1 level to your effect.
describes how Cross survives. • Take action when you’re
incapacitated, physically or
The GM rules that the harm is socially.
reduced by the resistance roll,

17 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Scandals Scandal Conditions

When a PC marks their last • Sentimental: You are known

stress box, they suffer a scandal. to be soft of heart, and easily
When you take a scandal, circle moved by misty-eyed
one of your scandal conditions emotion.
like sentimental, wicked, grasping, • Wicked: You are suspected
et cetera. They are all described of villainous appetites or
below. inclinations, and many
expect your treachery.
When you suffer a scandal, you • Grasping: Your reputation is
are taken out of errand. You flee, one of bold social-climbing
are incapacitated, or otherwise and a lack of regard for those
drop out of the current situation. you hurt.
You will return later, with a new • False: You are known for
personal reputation looming over deception and calumny; few
you. When you do, you have can afford to take you at
zero stress and your indulgence your word.
has been satisfied for the next • Gauche: You are known to
downtime. be crass, graceless, and
whether by word or deed,
Scandal conditions are unwilling to play the game
permanent. Your character of courtesy.
acquires the new personality • Jealous: Your peers know
quirk indicated by the condition, that you covet what they
and can earn xp by using it to have, and they guard well
cause trouble. When you mark against it.
your fourth scandal condition, • Faithless: You are reputedly
your character cannot continue unwilling to place your trust
as a retainer. You must retire in anyone or anything.
them to a different life or send • Fragile: You are too easily
them to the guillotine to take the cut by word or treacherous
fall for the coterie’s shame level. deed to live long in Ilrien.

18 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Progress Clocks

A progress clock is a circle When you create a clock, make it

divided into segments. Draw a about the obstacle, not the
progress clock when you need to method. The clocks for an
track ongoing effort against an infiltration should be “Interior
obstacle or the approach of Patrol” and “The Tower,” not
impending trouble. “Sneak Past the House Guards”
or “Climb the Tower.” The
Sneaking into a Prince’s patrols and the tower are the
garden? Make a clock to obstacles—the PCs can attempt
track the alert level of the to overcome them in a variety of
patrolling house guard. ways.
When the PCs suffer
consequences from partial Complex threats can be broken
successes or missed rolls, fill into several “layers,” each with its
in segments on the clock own progress clock. For example,
until the alarm is raised. the First Prince’s palace might
have a “Perimeter Security”
Generally, the more complex the clock, a “House Guard” clock,
problem, the more segments in and a “Vigilant Help” clock. The
the progress clock. coterie would have to make their
way through all three layers to
A complex obstacle is a 4- reach the ideal hiding place to
segment clock. A more eavesdrop on the Prince’s
complicated obstacle is a 6-clock. clandestine meeting this evening.
A daunting obstacle is an 8-
segment clock. Remember that a clock tracks
progress. It reflects the fictional
situation, so the group can gauge

19 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
how they’re doing. A clock is like on the clock, depending on the
a speedometer in a car. It shows consequence level. When the
the speed of the vehicle—but the clock is full, the danger comes to
throttle controls the speed. fruition—the house guard hunts
Actions are your throttle. down the spies, sounds an alarm,
releases the hounds, et cetera.

Simple Obstacles
Racing Clocks

Not every situation and obstacle

requires a clock. Use clocks when Create two opposed clocks to
a situation is complex or layered represent a race. The PCs might
and you need to track something have a progress clock called
over time—otherwise, resolve the “Escape” while a rival coterie has
result of an action with a single a clock called “Cornered.” If the
roll. PCs finish their clock before
their rivals fill theirs, they get
Examples of progress clocks away. Otherwise, they are
follow. cornered and cannot flee. If both
complete at the same time, the
PCs escape, but the hunting
coterie is on their heels!
Danger Clocks
You can also use racing clocks
for an environmental hazard.
Maybe the PCs are trying to
The GM can use a clock to complete the “Search” clock to
represent a progressive danger, find the lockbox on the Prince’s
like suspicion growing during a sinking ship before the GM fills
seduction, the proximity of the “Sunk” clock and the vessel
pursuers in a chase, or the alert goes down to the bottom of the
level of the bravo accompanying harbor.
your target. In this case, when a
complication occurs, the GM
ticks one, two, or three segments

20 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
complete it. If the countdown
runs out, the errand is scrubbed
Linked Clocks or changes—the target evades
you, the household wakes up for
the day, et cetera.
You can make a clock that
unlocks another clock once it is
filled. For example, the GM
might make a linked clock called Warring Clocks
“Trapped” after an “Alert” clock
fills up. When you challenge a
veteran council-member, she You can make a clock that can
might have a clock for her be filled and emptied by events,
“Defense” and then a linked to represent a back-and-forth
clock for “Vulnerable.” Once situation. You might make a
you overcome the “Defense” “Revolution!” clock that
clock, then you can attempt to indicates when refugees start to
overcome the “Vulnerable” clock riot over poor treatment in the
and defeat her argument. You Groan. Some events will tick the
might affect the “Defense” clock clock up and some will tick it
with cunning in a debate, or you down. Once it fills, the
lower her defense with deception revolution begins. Warring
if you have the opportunity. As clocks are also perfect for an
always, the method of action is ongoing competition for
up to the players and the details resources between two factions.
of the fiction at hand.

Mission Clocks Long-term Project

Some projects will take a long

The GM can make a clock for a time. A basic long-term project
time-sensitive errand, to (like tinkering up a new feature
represent the window of for a device) is four segments.
opportunity you have to Truly long-term projects

21 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
(establishing an airtight cover complete. Discuss known faction
identity for your colleague) can projects that they might aid or
be twelve segments. interfere with, and also consider
how a PC operation might affect
A long-term project is a good the NPC clocks, whether the
catch-all for dealing with any players intended it or not.
unusual player goal, including
things that circumvent or change
elements of the mechanics or the
Romance Clocks

Faction Clocks The budding relationship

between a PC and their
paramour is represented by a six-
part clock, that also functions
Each faction has its own like a tug-of-war clock. Once a
objectives. The Houses of the PC completes this clock, they
Esultare have more advanced acquire a paramour and can
goals (covered under The GM’s build heat (a general measure of
Turn). When the PCs have how torrid and fraught the
downtime, the GM may tick relationship is). This heat can be
forward the other faction clocks spent in a number of ways
for the Houses Minor, The detailed in the Romance section.
Uncouth, or The Outsiders that
pique the players’ or their own
interest. In this way, the world
around the PCs is dynamic and
things happen that they are not
directly connected to, changing
the overall situation in the city
and creating new opportunities
and challenges.

The PCs may also directly affect

NPC faction clocks, based on
the errands and other tasks they

22 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Action Roll

When a player character does 1. The player states their

something challenging, we make goal for the action.
an action roll to see how it turns 2. The player chooses the
out. An action is challenging if action rating.
there is an obstacle to the PC’s 3. The GM sets the
goal that is dangerous or position for the roll.
troublesome in some way. We 4. The GM sets the effect
do not make an action roll unless level for the action.
the PC is put to the test. If their 5. Add bonus dice as
action is something that we needed.
expect them to simply 6. The player rolls the dice
accomplish, then we do not and we judge the result.
make an action roll.

Each game group will have 1. The Player States Their Goal
their own ideas about what
“challenging” means. This is Your goal is the concrete
good! It’s something that outcome your character will
establishes the tone and achieve when they overcome the
style of your Court of Blades obstacle at hand. Usually, the
series. character’s goal is obvious in
context, but it is the GM’s job to
To make an action roll, we go ask and clarify the goal when
through six steps. In play, they necessary.
flow together, but let us break
each one down here for clarity. “You’re punching your
paramour’s suitor in the

23 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
face, right? Okay... what do By default, an action roll is risky.
you want to get out of this? You rarely roll when there is no
Do you want to take him risk involved. If the situation
out, or just rough him up so seems more dangerous, if the
he’ll do what you want?” PCs would have more to lose if
they fail here, make it desperate.
If the PCs have the advantage, or
2. The Player Chooses the do not stand to lose much with a
Action Rating failure, make it controlled.

The player chooses which action

rating to roll, flowing from what 4. The GM Sets the Effect
their character is doing on- Level
screen. If you want to roll your
Skirmish action, then get in a The GM assesses the likely effect
fight. If you want to roll your level of this action, given the
Command action, then raise factors of the situation. What do
your voice and throw your the PCs stand to gain if they
weight around. You cannot roll a succeed here? Essentially, the
given action rating unless your effect level tells us “how much”
character is presently performing this action can accomplish: will
that action in the fiction. it have limited, standard, or
great effect?

3. The GM Sets the Position The GM’s choices for effect

level and position can be
Once the player chooses their strongly influenced by the
action, the GM sets the position player’s choice of action
for the roll. The position rating. If a player wants to
represents how dangerous or try to make a new friend by
troublesome the action might be. Wrecking something—
There are three positions: well... maybe that is
controlled, risky, and desperate. possible, but the GM
To choose a position, the GM would not be out of line to
looks at the profiles for the say it is a desperate roll and
positions below and picks one probably limited effect.
that most closely matches the Seems like Consorting
situation at hand. would be a lot better for

24 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
that. The players are always you a bonus die if you accept a
free to choose the action Lady's Favor. The Lady’s nature
they perform, but that does is duality. She is fortune, both
not mean all actions should good and bad. Common Lady's
be equally risky or potent. Favors include:

• Add a new complication.

5. Add Bonus Dice • Collateral damage,
unintended harm.
You can normally get up to two • Sacrifice influence, or favor,
bonus dice for your action roll or an item.
(some special abilities might give • Betray a friend or loved one.
you additional bonus dice). • Offend or anger a faction.
• Start and/or tick a
For one bonus die, you can get troublesome clock.
assistance from a teammate. • Add exposure to the coterie
They take 1 stress, describe the from evidence or witnesses.
manner in which they help you, • Suffer harm.
and give you +1d.
The Lady's Favor occurs
For another bonus die, you may regardless of the outcome of the
either push yourself (take 2 roll. You make the deal, pay the
stress) or you can accept a price, and get the bonus die.
Lady’s Favor (you can’t get dice
for both, only one or the other). The Lady's Favor is always a free
choice. If you do not like one,
just reject it (or suggest how to
alter it so you might consider
taking it). You can always just
The Lady's Favor push yourself for that bonus die

PCs in Court of Blades are If it is ever a point of contention,

professional retainers dedicated the GM has final say over which
to the rise of their houses—they Lady's Favors are valid.
do not always act in their own
best interests. To reflect this, the
GM or any other player can offer

25 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
6. Roll the Dice and Judge the consequences are. The GM can
Result inflict one or more of these
consequences, depending on the
Once the goal, action rating, circumstances of the action roll.
position, and effect have been PCs have the ability to avoid or
established, add any bonus dice reduce the severity of
and roll the dice pool to consequences that they suffer by
determine the outcome. (See the resisting them.
sets of possible outcomes, by
position, on the following When you narrate the action
pages.) after the roll, the GM and player
collaborate to describe what
The action roll does a lot of happens on-screen. Tell us how
work for you. It tells you how you woo the courtesan. Tell us
well the character performs, as what you say to the Sister to
well as how serious the convince her. The GM will tell
consequences are for them. They us how she reacts. When you
might succeed at their action face the Blue Devil bravo, what
without any consequences (on a is your dueling style like? Et
6), or they might succeed but cetera.
suffer consequences (on a 4/5),
or it might just all go wrong (on
a 1-3).

On a 1-3, it is up to the GM to
decide if the PC’s action has any
effect or not, or if it even
happens at all. Usually, the
action just fails completely, but
in some circumstances, it might
make sense or be more
interesting for the action to have
effect even on a 1-3 result.

Each 4/5 and 1-3 outcome lists

suggested consequences for the
character. The worse your
position, the worse the

26 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Action Roll Summary Action Roll

• 1d for each Action rating

• A player or GM calls for a dot.
roll. Make an action roll • +1d if you have Assistance.
when the character performs • +1d if you Push yourself -or-
a risky, dangerous or you accept a Lady's Favor.
otherwise troublesome
• The player chooses the
action rating to roll. Choose
the action that matches what Double-duty Rolls
the character is doing in the
Since NPCs do not roll for their
actions, an action roll does
• The GM establishes the
double-duty: it resolves the
position and effect level of
action of the PC as well as any
the action. The choice of
NPCs that are involved. The
position and effect is
single roll tells us how those
influenced strongly by the
actions interact and which
player’s choice of action.
consequences result. On a 6, the
• Add up to two bonus dice.
PC wins and has their effect. On
1) Assistance from a
a 4/5, it is a mix—both the PC
and the NPC have their effect.
2) Push yourself (take 2
On a 1-3, the NPC wins and has
stress) or accept a Lady's
their effect as a consequence on
the PC.
• Roll the dice pool and judge
the outcome. The players
and GM narrate the action
together. The GM has final
say over what happens and
inflicts consequences as
called for by the position and
the result of the roll.

27 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Controlled—You act on your you end up in a
terms. You exploit a dominant desperate position.
advantage. • 1-3: Things go badly.
You suffer harm, a
• Critical: You do it with complication occurs,
increased effect. you end up in a
• 6: You do it. desperate position, you
• 4/5: You hesitate. lose this opportunity.
Withdraw and try a
different approach, or
else do it with a minor
consequence: a minor Desperate—You overreach your
complication occurs, capabilities. You are in serious
you have reduced effect, trouble.
you suffer lesser harm,
you end up in a risky • Critical: You do it with
position. increased effect.
• 1-3: You falter. Press on • 6: You do it.
by seizing a risky • 4/5: You do it, but there
opportunity, or is a consequence: you
withdraw and try a suffer severe harm, a
different approach. serious complication
occurs, you have
reduced effect.
• 1-3: It is the worst
Risky—You go head-to-head. outcome. You suffer
You act under fire. You take a severe harm, a serious
chance. complication occurs,
you lose this
• Critical: You do it with opportunity for action.
increased effect.
• 6: You do it.
• 4/5: You do it, but there
is a consequence: you
suffer harm, a
complication occurs,
you have reduced effect,

28 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Position & Effect

Position and effect are the most the action at hand—great,

commonly used tools at the standard, or limited? Each effect
table. Any time a roll needs to be level indicates the questions that
made, you will first ask the DM should be answered for that
what your position and effect
are. If your position (how effect, as well as how many
controlled the situation is) or segments to tick if you are using
effect (how much impact you a progress clock.
can make in the situation) are
unfavorable, there are ways to Effect Levels / Clock Ticks—
increase your chances of success.
Great, 3 Clock Ticks
You achieve more than usual.
How does the extra effort manifest?
What additional benefit do you
Effect enjoy?

Standard, 2 Clock Ticks

You achieve what we would expect
In Court of Blades, you achieve as “normal” with this action. Is
goals by taking actions and that enough, or is there more left to
facing consequences. But how do?
many actions does it take to
achieve a particular goal? That Limited, 1 Clock Tick
depends on the effect level of You achieve a partial or weak
your actions. The GM judges the effect. How is your impact
effect level using the profiles diminished? What effort remains
below. Which one best matches to achieve your goal?

29 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Position Assessing Factors

There are three positions in To assess effect level, first start

Court of Blades. Controlled, with your gut feeling, given this
risky, and desperate. A situation. Then, if needed, assess
controlled position means that three factors that may modify the
you are at the lowest risk of effect level: potency, scale, and
having complications arise from quality. If the PC has an
a gaffe or misstep. Though a advantage in a given factor,
consequence from a mistake (not consider a higher effect level. If
convincing the doorman of your they have a disadvantage,
purpose for needing an audience) consider a reduced effect level.
or poor choice (yelling during a
covert mission), can quickly
change your position to risky. Potency

While your position is risky, you The potency factor considers

are in danger of more serious particular weaknesses, taking
complications occurring. You extra time or a bigger risk, or the
take too long to get the door open, influence of arcane powers. An
and now the neighbors are growing infiltrator is more potent if all the
suspicious. Though risky is lights are extinguished and they
generally the “sweet spot” in move about in the dark.
gameplay, where most of your
rolls will happen, enough If you are in a situation where
unfortunate rolls can quickly you have more or less potency
push your position to desperate. due to the fiction, this can be
represented as more or less effect
Morran has failed to disarm for your related action rolls. Your
the guard and now the two potency is also altered when you
of them are locked up over a are confronting something with
blade. The situation is now a higher or lower tier.
desperate. If Morran fails to
control that steel someone
will undoubtedly take harm.

30 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Quality great, resulting in an extreme
Quality represents the
effectiveness of tools, weapons, If a PC special ability gives “+1
or other resources, usually effect,” it comes into play after
summarized by tier. Fine items the GM has assessed the effect
count as +1 bonus in quality, level. For example, if you ended
stacking with tier. up with zero effect, the +1 effect
bonus from your ability would
Trieste is picking the lock to a bump them up to limited effect.
diplomat’s apartment. Her
coterie is tier III and she has Also, remember that a PC can
fine lockpicks—so she’s push themselves (take 2 stress)
effectively tier IV for this to get +1 effect on their action.
purpose. The diplomat is
exceptionally well-connected, Every factor will not always
and tier V. Trieste is outclassed apply to every situation. You do
in quality, so her effect will be not have to do an exact
limited on the lock. accounting every time, either.
Use the factors to help you make
a stronger judgment call—do
Scale not feel beholden to them.

Scale represents the number of

opponents, size of an area Consequences
covered, scope of influence, et
cetera. Larger scale can be an When a PC suffers an effect
advantage or disadvantage from an enemy or a taut
depending on the situation. In situation, it is called a
battle, more people are better. consequence. Consequences are
When infiltrating, more people the companion to effects. PCs
are a hindrance. have effects on the world around
them and they suffer
When considering factors, effect consequences in return from the
level might be reduced below risks they face.
limited, resulting in zero
effect—or increased beyond

31 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Trading Position for Effect the guards there) to reach the
other side.”
After factors are considered and
the GM has announced the “I didn’t realize it was that
effect level, a player might want far. Hmmm. Okay, what if I
to trade position for effect, or just go as fast as I can. Can I
vice versa. For instance, if they get all the way across if I
are going to make a risky roll make a desperate roll?”
with standard effect (the most
common scenario, generally), “You can certainly try!”
they might instead want to push
their luck and make a desperate
roll but with great effect. Tier

This kind of trade-off is not Tier is an important factor in

included in the effect factors Court of Blades. Tier is a
because it’s not an element the representation of the overall
GM should assess when setting difficulty that others can expect
the effect level. Once the level is from you, and that you can
set, though, you can always offer expect in return when trying to
the trade-off to the player if it work with or against something
makes sense in the situation. else. That can be another house,
or faction, or it can be a person
“I maneuver across the
or creature. You will begin the
courtyard and vault over the
game at tier II, the same as the
wall, hiding in the shadows
house you serve. You are already
by the canal dock and
a part of a powerful house, and
they lend their strengths to you
“I don’t think you can make as you do their business. When
it across in one quick dash. they go up in tier (through your
The scale of the courtyard is a good work on their behalf), you
factor here, so your effect will will as well.
be limited. Let’s say you can
get halfway across with this For example, the Brizolatto
action, then you’ll have to family (a member of the
figure out how to traverse the Uncouth faction) is tier IV, and
other half of the space (and the house you serve starts at tier
II. The house you serve has a

32 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
larger standing home guard,
more money, and more sheer
crushing power, but for the
purposes of convincing the
Brizolattos to do anything for
you, you have to account for
their unique strengths; (a large
network of gangs, the ability to
intercept information and be
ready for you, the difficulty
you'll have trying to strong arm
them, or their friends in
unexpected and high places)
since open warfare is frowned
upon unless it's approved by the
First Court.

Rolling against something with a

higher or lower tier means that
the GM will be taking the power
difference in the situation into
consideration when deciding
your position and effect. Acting
against a stronger target can
result in things becoming
desperate or your normal
successes being limited. Pursuing
action against a weaker target can
result in things becoming
controlled, or your normal
success being greater.

Tier is discussed further under

The Faction Game.

33 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Setting Position and Effect

The GM sets position and effect lowers her position to

for an action roll at the same indicate greater risk, and the
time, after the player says what scale of the coterie reduces
they are doing and chooses their her effect (desperate /
action. Usually, risky / standard limited).
is the default combination,
modified by the action being • She fights the coterie from a
used, the strength of the choke-point, like a narrow
opposition, and any related alleyway where their
factors. numbers can’t overwhelm
her at once. She’s not
The ability to set position and
threatened by several at once,
effect as independent variables
so her risk is similar to a one-
gives you nine combinations to
on-one fight, but there’s still
choose from, to help you convey
a lot of combatants to deal
a wide array of fictional
with, so her effect is reduced
(risky / limited).
For example, if a character is
facing off alone against a small • She doesn’t fight the coterie,
rival coterie, the situation might instead trying to maneuver
be: her way past them and
escape. She’s still under
• She fights the coterie straight threat from many attacks, so
up, rushing into their midst, her position is worse, but if
hacking away in a wild the ground is open and the
skirmish. In this case, being coterie can’t easily corral her,
threatened by the larger force then her effect for escaping

34 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
isn’t reduced (desperate /
standard). If she had some
immediate means of escape
(like leaping onto a speeding
carriage), then her effect
might even be increased
(desperate / great).

• The coterie isn’t aware of her

yet—she’s set up in a sniper
position on a nearby roof.
She takes a shot against one
of them. Their greater
numbers aren’t a factor, so
her effect isn’t reduced, and
she’s not immediately in any
danger (controlled / great).

Maybe instead, she wants to

fire off a salvo of suppressing
fire against the whole coterie,
in which case their scale
applies (controlled / limited).
If the coterie is on guard for
potential trouble, her
position is more dangerous
(risky / great). If the coterie
is alerted to a sniper, then
the effect may be reduced
further, as they scatter and
take cover (risky / limited). If
the coterie is able to muster
covering fire while they fall
back to a safe position, then
things are even worse for our
retainer (desperate / limited).

35 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Consequences & Harm

Enemy actions, bad reduces the effect level of the

circumstances, or the outcome of PC’s action by one after all other
a roll can inflict consequences on factors are accounted for.
a PC. There are five types
A given circumstance might
result in one or more This consequence represents
consequences, depending on the trouble, mounting danger, or a
situation. The GM determines new threat. The GM might
the consequences, flowing from introduce an immediate problem
the fiction, style and tone that results from the action right
established by the game group. now: the room catches fire, you
are disarmed, the coterie takes +1
exposure from evidence or
Reduced Effect witnesses, you lose status with a
faction, the target evades you
This consequence represents and now the chase is on,
impaired performance. The PC’s reinforcements arrive, et cetera.
action is not as effective as they’d
anticipated. You hit him, but it Or the GM might tick a clock
is only a flesh wound. She for the complication, instead.
accepts the forged invitation, but Maybe there is a clock for the
she will keep her eye on you alert level of the guards at the
throughout the night. You are manor. Or maybe the GM
able to scale the wall, but it’s creates a new clock for the
slow going—you’re only halfway suspicion of the noble guests at
up. This consequence essentially the masquerade party and ticks

36 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
it. Fill one tick on a clock for a form of action or a change in
minor complication or two ticks circumstances. Maybe you tried
for a standard complication. to Skirmish with the noble to
trap her on the balcony, but she
A serious complication is more evades you and leaps out of
severe: reinforcements surround reach. If you want to trap her
and trap you, the room catches now, you will have to try another
fire and falling ceiling beams way—maybe by Swaying her
block the door, your dueling foil with your roguish charm.
is broken, the coterie suffers +2
exposure, your target slips out of
sight, et cetera. Fill three ticks on Worse Position
a clock working against the
coterie for a serious This consequence represents
complication. losing control of the situation—
the action carries you into a
Don’t inflict a complication more dangerous position.
that negates a successful roll. If Perhaps you make the leap across
a PC tries to corner someone and to the next rooftop, only to end
gets a 4/5, do not say that the up dangling by your fingertips.
person escapes. The player’s roll You have not failed, but you
succeeded, so the person is have likewise not succeeded yet,
cornered... maybe the PC must either. You can try again, re-
wrestle them into position and rolling at the new, worse
during the scuffle they grab the position. This is a good
PC’s pistol. Or perhaps the consequence to choose to show
person is not who they first escalating action. A situation
appeared. might go from controlled, to
risky, to desperate as the action
plays out and the PC gets deeper
Lost Opportunity and deeper in trouble.

This consequence represents a

shifting circumstance. You had
an opportunity to achieve your
goal with this action, but it slips
away. To try again, you need a
new approach—usually a new

37 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Harm If you need to mark a harm level,
but the row is already filled, the
This consequence represents a harm moves up to the next row
long-lasting debility (or death). above. So, if you suffered lesser
It can be physical or social in harm (level 1) but had no empty
nature. When you suffer harm, spaces in the first row, you
record the specific injury on your would have to record moderate
character’s playbook sheet equal harm (level 2), instead. If you
to the level of harm you suffer. If run out of spaces on the top row
you suffer lesser harm, record it and need to mark harm there,
in the bottom row. If you suffer your character suffers a
moderate harm, write it in the catastrophic, permanent
middle row. If you suffer severe consequence (loss of a limb,
harm, record it in the top row. excommunication, sudden death,
See examples of harm and the et cetera, depending on the
harm tracker on the following circumstances).

Your character suffers the

penalty indicated at the end of
the row if any or all harm
recorded in that row applies to
the situation at hand. So, if you
have “Embarassed” and
“Battered” harm in the bottom
row, you will suffer reduced
effect when you try to talk your
way out of a risky situation with
the Al-Mari diplomat. When
you are impaired by harm in the
top row (severe harm, level 3),
your character is incapacitated
and can’t do anything unless you
have help from someone else or
push yourself to perform the

38 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
This character has three harm: a Social; Atoning, Out of Favor
“relieved from duty” (level 3, with House X, Openly Mocked
severe) plus “embarrassed” and by House X.
“battered” (both level 1, lesser). If
they suffer another level 1 harm, Lesser (1): Physical; Battered,
it will move up to level 2. If they Drained, Distracted, Scared,
suffer another level 3 harm, it Confused.
will move up to level 4: Social; Embarrassed, Chastised,
Potentially Fatal. Whispers Behind your Back.

Harm Examples Harm like “embarrassed” or

Potentially Fatal (4): Physical; “exhausted” can be a good
Electrocuted, Drowned, Stabbed fallback consequence if there’s
in the Heart, Lost Limb. nothing else threatening a PC
Social; Excommunicated, (like when they spend all night
Fugitive, Enemy of the State. studying those old books,
looking for any clues to their
Severe (3): Physical; Impaled, enemy’s weaknesses before he
Broken Leg, Shot in Chest, strikes).
Badly Burned, Terrified.
Social; Relieved from Duty,
Disgraced, Shunned.

Moderate (2): Physical;

Exhausted, Deep Cut to Arm,
Concussion, Panicked, Seduced.

39 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Healing Harm

Each House of the Esultare has physical harm. However, the

either a Physician or a Grace in PC’s damaged reputation never
their employ, this indicates benefits from the house’s healer.
whether a house is more aligned They will have to Consort or
with science and bodily health, Sway to stamp out lingering
or invested in faith and arcane effects of social harm themselves,
healing, respectively. Healing or get someone to intercede on
harm in-between errands is their behalf.
handled by the house’s Physician
or Grace. They begin with +2d When discretion outside of the
in both Tinker and Channel. house’s knowledge is called for, it
Additional skill in healing is may be helpful to know that
obtained as the house advances most city healers roll with +1d,
in rank amongst the Esultare. or +2d if they are very skilled.
(see: Esultare House Rank Pay 1 influence for each healing
Bonuses) roll made with a city healer,
though they could still require
something extra in return for
• A Grace rolling to heal physical
their service. Coteries can choose
harm does so with standard
to take on a special long-term
effect. Greater effect on arcane
project to make contact with a
more skilled Physician or Grace
• A Physician rolling to heal
within the city as needed.
arcane harm does so with
standard effect. Greater effect on
physical harm.
• Social harm is handled through a
four-part healing clock like

40 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Lesser harm (minor issues like her arcane harm: hexed, her
bruised, tired, embarrassed, and teammate rolling as the healer rolls
so on) naturally goes away in the a 6. Because the healer is a Grace,
resting period between errands. that 6 is treated like a critical
You do not need to roll to heal success and Mina’s hex is cured in
lesser harm. one roll.
Next, she attempts to heal her
Anyone can roll as the house’s physical harm: cracked ribs. This
healer during downtime. Take time the healer rolls a 3, and with
the highest result. To account for no bonus to physical heals as a
the “greater effect” for physicians Grace, Mina marks only one tick
healing physical damage, or off of her level 2 harm healing
Graces healing arcane harm, treat clock. She decides to keep the harm
all rolls as one result higher. IE. rather than spending influence for
1-3 becomes a 4/5, a 4/5 more downtime actions so it
becomes a 6, and a 6 becomes a follows her into the next session.
critical success. However, her level 1 harm:
rebuffed, naturally heals itself with
1-3: Mark 1 tick on the a (narrative) good rest.
healing clock for one of
your harms. When you fill your healing
4/5: Mark 2 ticks on the clock, reduce each instance of
healing clock for one of harm on your sheet by one level,
your harms. then clear the clock. If you have
6: Mark 3 ticks on the more segments to mark, they
healing clock for one of “roll over.”
your harms.
Critical: Mark all ticks on Whenever you suffer new harm,
the healing clock for one clear any ticks on your healing
harm. clock.

Example: Mina has level 2 harm:

cracked ribs (physical), level 3
harm: hexed (arcane), and level 1
harm: rebuffed (social). Mina is
having a terrible day. The house
she serves employs a Grace for its
healer. When she decides to heal

41 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Resistance & Armor

When your PC suffers a Your character suffers 6 stress

consequence that you would when they resist, minus the
rather not, you can choose to highest die result from the
resist it. Just tell the GM, “No, I resistance roll. So, if you rolled a
don’t think so. I’m resisting 4, you would suffer 2 stress. If
that.” Resistance is always you rolled a 6, you would suffer
automatically effective—the GM zero stress. If you get a critical
will tell you if the consequence is result, you also clear 1 stress.
reduced in severity or if you
avoid it entirely. Then, you will Ian’s character, Silas, is in a
make a resistance roll to see how heated debate with the
much stress your character members of the First Court, a
suffers as a result of their desperate position as he tries
resistance. to Sway the Court. One of
the Judges makes a cutting
You make the roll using one of allusion to a recent failed bid
your character’s attributes of Silas’ to bribe a
(Mind, Body, or Spirit). The chamberlain of the First
GM chooses the attribute, based Court. Since the position was
on the nature of consequences: desperate, the GM inflicts
severe harm (modified by any
• Mind: Consequences from other factors). They tell Ian
deception or understanding. to record level 3 harm,
• Body: Consequences from “Disgraced” on Silas’s sheet.
physical strain or injury. Ian decides to resist the harm,
• Spirit: Consequences from instead. The GM says he can
mental strain or willpower. reduce the harm by one level

42 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
if he resists it. Ian rolls 3d for more daring game, most
Silas’s Mind attribute and consequences will be avoided.
gets a 5. Silas takes 1 stress For a grittier game, most
and the harm is reduced to consequences will only be
level 2, “Shamed.” reduced with resistance.

Usually, a resistance roll reduces The GM may also threaten

the severity of a consequence. If several consequences at once,
it looks as though you are going then the player may choose
to suffer fatal harm, for example, which ones to resist (and make
a resistance roll would reduce the rolls for each).
harm to severe, instead. Or if
you got a complication when “She stabs you and then leaps
you were sneaking into the off the balcony. Level 2 harm
manor house, and the GM was and you lose the opportunity
about to mark three ticks on the to catch her with fighting.”
“Alert” clock, she would only
mark two (or maybe one) if you “I’ll resist losing the
resisted the complication. opportunity by grappling her
as she attacks. She can stab
You may only roll against a given me, but I don’t want to let
consequence once. her escape.”

The GM also has the option to Once you decide to resist a

rule that your character consequence and roll, you suffer
completely avoids the the stress indicated. You cannot
consequence. For instance, roll first and see how much stress
maybe you are in a sword fight you’ll take, then decide whether
and the consequence is getting or not to resist.
disarmed. When you resist, the
GM says that you avoid that
consequence completely: you
keep hold of your weapon.

By adjusting which consequences

are reduced vs. which are
avoided, the GM establishes the
overall tone of your game. For a

43 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
your life and gotten damaged in
the process. All of your armor is
Resistance Roll restored when you choose your
load for the next errand.
• 1d for each Attribute rating.
• You reduce or avoid the
effects of the consequence
(GM chooses). Special Armor
• Suffer 6 stress minus the
highest die result.
• Critical: Clear 1 stress.
Every playbook is granted a
special armor feature. This
feature is a special ability which
allows the playbook to resist a
single consequence or
complication per errand that is
Armor related to a specific area of
expertise. In many ways it is like
the armor which any playbook
If you have a type of armor that can acquire with load. When a
applies to the situation, you can consequence that might be
mark an armor box to reduce or resisted by the armor is
avoid a consequence, instead of mentioned, the player marks off
rolling to resist. the armor and describes how
their armor saves them.
Silas is taking level 2 harm,
“Cut to the Ribs,” and the The difference lies in which cases
duel isn’t even over yet, so the special armor is used. For
Ian decides to use Silas’s instance, the Eye may resist a
armor to reduce the harm. complication related to detection or
He marks the armor box security against them or their
and the harm becomes level coterie that they are present for.
1, “Bruised.” Their expertise can be the
difference between being spotted
When an armor box is marked, it climbing the walls of the Lovell
cannot be used again until it is compound, or waylaid by the
restored. It has already saved clockwork tumblers that

44 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
safeguard the vaults of the Bank in your game to a PC, or
of Brass and Bone, but their create a brand-new character
coterie cannot benefit from their who joins the coterie.
knowledge if they are not
physically present.

Fortune Roll
The fortune roll is a tool the GM
can use to disclaim decision
There are a couple ways for a PC making. You use a fortune roll in
to die: two different ways:

• If they suffer level 4 fatal When you need to make a

harm and they do not resist determination about a situation
it, they die. Sometimes this the PCs aren’t directly involved
is a choice a player wants to in and don’t want to simply
make, because they feel like decide the outcome.
it would not make sense for
the character to survive, or it Two rival factions in the
seems right for their Groan are fighting. How does
character to die here. that turn out? The GM
• If they need to record harm makes a fortune roll for each
at level 3 and it is already of them. One gets a good
filled, they suffer a result but the other gets
catastrophic consequence, limited effect. The GM
which might mean sudden decides that the first faction
death (depending on the takes over some of their rivals’
circumstances). territory but suffer some
injuries during the skirmish.
When your character dies, you
have options: When an outcome is uncertain,
but no other roll applies to the
• You can create a new retainer situation at hand.
to play. Maybe you
“promote” one of the NPCs

45 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
While the riot breaks out in their action rating to
the Twist, Bertrand and his determine the amount of the
coterie are caught between information they get.
The Unburnt, The Motley,
and House Bastien pikemen. If no trait applies, roll 1d for
As the fires rage and the three sheer luck or create a dice pool
sides close in on the (from 1to 4) based on the
crossroads where the coterie situation at hand. If two parties
try to make their escape, the are directly opposed, make a
GM makes a fortune roll. fortune roll for each side to see
Will the Unburnt honor their how they do, then assess the
contract? Will they hold back outcome of the situation by
the Motley? Are they in comparing their performance
league with the Bastien levels.
Pikemen? Do they even know
the PCs are here? The fortune roll is also a good
tool to help the GM manage all
When you make a fortune roll the various moving parts of the
you may assess any trait rating world. Sometimes a quick roll is
to determine the dice pool of the enough to answer a question or
roll. inspire an idea for what might
happen next.
• When a faction takes an
action with uncertain
outcome, you might use Other examples of fortune
their tier rating to make a rolls:
fortune roll.
• The PCs instigate a war
• When an NPC operates
between two factions, then
independently, use their
sit back and watch the
quality rating for a fortune
fireworks. How does it turn
out? Does either side
• When a supernatural power
dominate? Are they both
manifests with uncertain
made vulnerable by the
results, you might use its
conflict? Make a few fortune
magnitude for a fortune roll.
rolls to find out.
• When a PC gathers
• A strange sickness is
information, you might
sweeping the city. How
make a fortune roll using

46 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
badly is a crime ridden district battle goes in the PCs’ favor,
hit by the outbreak? The GM and many of their retinue are
assigns a magnitude to the killed. One of the players asks
plague, and makes a fortune if the Mercy will surrender to
roll to judge the extent of its spare the rest of her team’s
contamination. lives. The GM isn’t sure. How
• The Hawk stakes out a good cold-hearted is this Mercy?
spot and makes a sniper shot She’s hunted demons, looked
against a foreign diplomat them in the eye without
when he enters his residence. flinching... is there anything
The controlled Hunt roll is a human left inside her? The
success, but is great effect GM makes a 2d fortune roll
enough to instantly kill them? for “human feelings” to see if a
Instead of making a progress spark of compassion remains
clock for his mortality, the in her heart. If so, maybe one
GM decides to use a simple of the PCs can roll to
fortune roll with his Consort, Sway, or Command
“toughness” as a trait to see if her to stand down.
he can possibly survive the
attack. The roll is a 4/5: the
bullet misses his heart, but hits Fortune Roll
him in the lung—it’s a mortal
wound. He’s on death’s door, • 1d for each Trait rating.
with only hours to live, unless • +1d for each Major
someone can get an expert Advantage
physicker to him in time. • -1d for each Major
• The City Watch is putting a Disadvantage
case together against the PC
coterie. How quickly will their 1-3: Bad result / Poor, little
evidence result in house effect.
dismissal and arrests? The 4/5: Mixed result / Limited,
coterie’s shame level counts as partial effect.
a major advantage for the 6: Good result / Standard, full
watchmen. effect
• The PCs face off in a skirmish Critical: Exceptional result /
with a veteran Mercy and her Great, extreme effect.
sister-exorcists. The tide of

47 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
upon one of your
paramours? Take +1d and
Engagement Roll lose 1 heat with them. Will
you allow your paramour or
their reputation to
The engagement roll is a special complicate this errand? Take
type of fortune roll which is -1d and gain 1 heat with
rolled when the Coterie has the them.
necessary plan and detail to • Are there other elements that
begin an errand. It begins with you want to consider? Maybe
1d for sheer audacity on the part a lower-tier target might
of the Coterie and is modified afford you +1d. Maybe a
for any major advantages or higher-tier target gives you
disadvantages affecting them. -1d. Maybe there’s a
situation in the district
Major Advantages and which makes the errand
Disadvantages more or less troublesome.

• Is this errand particularly 1-3: You’re in a desperate

bold and daring? Take +1d. position when the action
Is it overly complex or starts.
contingent on luck or 4/5: You are in a risky
outside factors? Take -1d. position when the action
• Does the plan leverage one starts.
of the House’s strengths? 6: You’re in a controlled
Take +1d. Is the target position when the action
strongest against this starts.
approach or are they Critical: Exceptional result.
prepared for this eventuality? You’ve already overcome the
Take -1d. first obstacle, and are in a
• Can any of your friends or controlled position for
contacts provide aid or whatever is next.
insight into this errand?
Take +1d. Are your enemies The engagement roll assumes
or rivals interfering in this that the PCs are approaching the
errand? Take -1d. object of the errand with as
• Will this errand in some way much care, attention, and
endanger or reflect poorly intelligence as they can, given the

48 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
nature of the plan and detail that
they have provided. We do not
need to play out tentative
maneuvers or special
preparations. The engagement
roll covers that. The PCs are
already in action, shadowing the
courier, maneuvering across the
ballroom at the Corvetto
masquerade, cornering the
double agent, etc. Cut to the
action that results because of the

49 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Gathering Information

The flow of information from there’s no obstacle, a simple

the GM to the players about the fortune roll determines the
fictional world is very important quality of the information you
in a roleplaying game. By gather.
default, the GM tells the players
what their characters perceive, Each attempt to gather
suspect, and intuit. But there’s information takes time. If the
just too much going on to say situation allows, you can try
everything—it would take again if you don’t initially get all
forever and be boring, too. The the details that you want. But
players have a tool at their often, the opportunity is fleeting,
disposal to more fully investigate and you’ll only get one chance to
the fictional world. roll for that particular question.

When you want to know Some example questions are on

something specific about the the bottom of the character
fictional world, your character sheet. The GM always answers
can gather information. The honestly, but with a level of
GM will ask you how your detail according to the level of
character gathers the info (or effect.
how they learned it in the past).
The most common gather
If it’s common knowledge, the information actions are
GM will simply answer your Surveying the situation to reveal
questions. If there’s an obstacle or anticipate what’s going on and
to the discovery of the answer, Studying a person to understand
an action roll is called for. If it’s what they intend to do or what
not common knowledge but they’re really thinking.

50 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Sometimes, you’ll have to Examples & Questions
Maneuver yourself into position
before you can gather • You might Command a
information. You might have to local barkeep to tell you
Skulk to a good hiding place what he knows about the
first, and then Study the Mercies secret meetings held in his
when they perform their binding back room. What’s really
ritual. going on here? What’s he
really feeling about this? Is
he part of this secret group?
• You might Consort with a
well-connected friend to
Investigation learn secrets about an enemy,
rival, or potential ally. What
do they intend to do? What
Some questions are too complex might I suspect about their
to answer immediately with a motives? How can I discover
single gather information roll. leverage to manipulate them?
For instance, you might want to • You might Hunt a courier
discover the network of across the city, to discover
contraband smuggling routes in who’s receiving satchels of
the city. In these cases, the GM fiore from a master duelist.
will tell you to start a long-term Where does the package end
project that you work on during up? How can I find out who
downtime. signed for the package?
• You might Study ancient
You track the investigation and obscure books to
project using a progress clock. discover an arcane secret.
Once the clock is filled, you have How can I disable the runes
the evidence you need to ask of warding? Will anyone
several questions about the sense if they’re disabled?
subject of your investigation as if Or you might study a person
you had great effect. to read their intentions and
feelings. What are they really
feeling? How could I get
them to trust me?
• You might Survey a manor
house to case it in order to

51 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
spy on a meeting later. related areas or reveal more than
What’s a good point of you hoped for.
infiltration? What’s the
danger here? Standard: You get good details.
Or you might survey a Clarifying and follow-up
charged situation when you questions are possible.
meet a rival coterie. What’s
really going on here? Are Limited: You get incomplete or
they about to attack us? partial information. More
• You might Sway a powerful information gathering will be
Prince at a party so she needed to get all the answers.
divulges her future plans.
What does she intend to do?
How can I get her to think I
might be a good partner in Loadout
this venture?
Or you might sway her
bravo to confide in you
Before you begin an errand, you
about recent events. Where
will be expected to declare how
has she been lately? Who’s
much gear your character is
she been meeting with?
carrying, based on what you
think you will need to
accomplish the goal. This is your
character’s “load”.
Gather Information
You will have access to all of the
items and gear on your
Ask a question and make an character’s Playbook sheet
action roll or a fortune roll. The during each errand. The idea
GM answers you honestly, with here is that your character is
a level of detail depending on the skilled and talented, and knows
effect level. what they need to bring on an
errand (even when you, the
Great: You get exceptional player, do not). As you and your
details. The information is coterie go about completing your
complete and follow-up errand, you will tick off the load
questions may expand into

52 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
boxes next to each item you use, and that costs her two of the
but only after you’ve used it. three load that she declared
when she decided to go discrete.
Your load also determines your When she produces her Fine
movement speed and your Arcane Focus to make her
conspicuousness. diversion so that the coterie can
escape more potent, she marks
• 1-3 Load: Discrete, you’re off her last load box. She has
faster, less conspicuous, and now spent all three of her
you blend in with the declared load and must rely only
citizenry. on her skills and quick thinking
• 4-6 Load: Loaded, you look for the rest of the errand.
like a specialist out on an
errand. You look like Unless she has a little stress left
trouble. to burn, in which case she can
• 7+ Load: Encumbered, use a flashback, which we’ll
without special skills or discuss in the next section!
abilities added from
Playbooks or House Sheets,
you are encumbered at this
point and only capable of Teamwork
moving very slowly.

Example: The coterie is asked to

escort an important diplomat When the PCs work together,
from the city gates to their they gain access to four special
patron’s house. Anna, their teamwork actions. They are
Knack, is expecting this errand listed on all of the character
to be a milk run. All the coterie Playbooks to remind players of
has to do is keep their heads their options. Players are always
down, and blend in, so she welcome to act on their own and
declares that she’ll be taking a without aid. These actions are
discrete load. optional, and provide various
bonuses to players to represent
When they run into trouble
the coordinated action of a
along the way, Anna is forced to
coterie working together.
use her armor to avoid being
seriously harmed in an ambush,

53 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
The four actions are:
• Assist another PC who is
rolling an action. Group Action
• Lead a group action.
• Protect a teammate.
• Set up a character who will
When you lead a group action
follow through on your you coordinate with your coterie
action. members to accomplish a goal.
Describe how your character
helps the action as an individual.
For example, do you give
Assist commands, signals, or

Every PC involved in a group

When you assist another player
action makes a roll using the
who is rolling, describe what
same action rating, and the
your character does to help
coterie counts the best roll as the
them. Take 1 stress and give
overall effort for everyone who
them +1d to their roll. You may
participated. However, the PC
also suffer consequences that
who leads the group action takes
occur due to the roll, depending
1 stress for each PC whose best
on the circumstances. Only one
result was a 1-3. A PC does not
character may assist any given
have to be skilled in an action to
roll. If you want to help someone
help, the group action leader
who is already being assisted,
essentially absorbs the fallout
consider using a set up action
from poor rolls.

Mira decides to lead a group

Note: A character can assist a action for the coterie to sneak
group action, provided they are into the tower at the Grand
not taking part in the group Gate. Everyone who wants to
action themselves. Decide which sneak in rolls their Skulk
of the characters in the group action at the same time, and
action get the +1d, and mark 1 the best result counts for the
stress. whole team. Jin rolled a 6, so
the coterie succeeds without

54 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
complication. However, Mist This is a great way to contribute
and Bran both rolled in the to an operation when you do not
1-3 range. Mira takes 2 stress have a good rating for the action
for the coterie members who at hand. A clever set up allows
rolled poorly. It is no frolic you to help your coterie
covering for the stragglers. indirectly. Multiple follow up
actions can take advantage of
The group action result covers your set up action, including
everyone who rolled. You can someone else leading a group
also lead your coterie’s retinues action, so long as it makes sense
and colleagues (NPCs hired by in the fiction.
your coterie) with a group
action. Roll Command if you Set up actions are especially
direct their efforts, or the helpful in situations where the
appropriate action rating if you coterie is facing a challenge or
participate with them. The opposition that has advantages in
retinue or colleague rolls its quality, scale, and/or potency.
quality level. Even if PCs are reduced to zero
effect due to disadvantages in a
situation, a set up action
provides a bonus that allows for
limited effect.
Set Up

When you perform a set up

action you have an indirect effect Protect
on an obstacle. If your action has
its intended result, any coterie
member who follows through on You step in to face a
your set up gets +1 effect level consequence on behalf of a
or improved position for their coterie member. You suffer the
roll. You choose the benefit consequence instead of them.
based on the nature of your set You may roll to resist the
up action. consequence as normal. Describe
how you intervene.

55 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s

The rules do not distinguish After the stress cost is paid, a

between actions done in the flashback action is handled just
present and those carried out in like any other action. Sometimes
the past. When an errand is it will entail an action roll,
underway and your retainer is on because there is some degree of
the job, you may invoke a danger or trouble involved.
flashback to roll for an action in Sometimes a flashback will entail
the past that impacts your a fortune roll because we just
current situation. Maybe you need to find out how well it
convinced the district watch went (or how long it took, or
sergeant to look the other way how much it accomplished, et
while you broke into the Al-Mari cetera). Sometimes a flashback
warehouse, so you make a Sway will not call for a roll at all, per
roll to see how that went. the GM’s approval, because you
can just pay the stress cost and it
may be considered accomplished.
The GM sets a stress cost when
you activate a flashback action. If a flashback involves a
downtime activity, pay
0 Stress: An ordinary action influence for it instead of stress.
for which you had an easy
opportunity. One of the best uses for a
1 Stress: A complex action or flashback is when the
unlikely opportunity. engagement roll goes badly.
2 (or more!) Stress: An After the GM describes what sort
elaborate action that involved of complications have ensued or
special opportunities or what kind of trouble you have
contingencies. gotten yourself into, you can call

56 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
for a flashback to a special
preparation you made, “just for
such an occasion.” This way,
your “flashback planning” will be
focused on the problems that do
happen rather than those that
might arise.

Limits of Flashbacks

A flashback is not time-travel. It

cannot undo something that has
just occurred at the present
moment. For instance, if the
Corvetto bravo saw you walking
across the Plaza carrying the
marked courier’s bag containing
the bribe money, you cannot
simply call a flashback to have
already dueled and killed him
the night prior. The bravo is
there and looking at you--the
fiction has already established

You could, however, flashback to

having tipped off a couple of
Blue Devils who have it out for
this particular, luckless bravo,
affording yourself an armed and
dangerous obstacle between you
and your Corvetto rival.

57 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Influence & Favor

Influence Influence Values

Influence is an abstract measure • 1 Influence: Faithful service

of clout and respect in the eyes as a coachman.
of the house you serve. • 2 Influence: A friendly chat
with a business associate,
The money which PCs use in perhaps a bit of negotiation
their daily lives is not tracked. and compromise.
They are in service of a House of • 4 Influence: Covering a
the Esultare, only position significant social gaffe,
matters. Assume that money is exposing a rival’s shame.
not a concern. If a character • 6 Influence: A ruinous
wants to spend to achieve a small secret, found or hidden.
goal (bribe a doorman), assume • 8 Influence: Discreet
that they do so. However, if they disposal of a body, escorting
mean to leverage their influence an heir of the house for a
within the house to accomplish weekend’s carousing.
an objective (enter an exclusive • 10 Influence: Interception of
party), make a check using the an assassin’s poison,
coterie’s tier to determine the admission of high treason in
character’s reputation. lieu of shaming the house.

More than 4 influence is an

impractical amount to

58 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
remember. Memories in Ilrien order to gain influence within
are short where good turns are the house. For every 2 status
concerned, even if the vendettas removed, you gain 1 influence.
drag on forever. You must spend This can be handy for the
the excess or count it instead as purpose of securing something
status (see below). immediately necessary for an

Influence Use Personal Status &

• Spend 1 influence to get an
additional activity during When you mark your character’s
downtime. final scandal and they retire, the
• Spend 1 influence to increase amount of influence they have
the result level of a managed to accrue determines
downtime activity roll. their fate. Your status tracker is
• Spend influence to avoid on your character Playbook
certain coterie sheet.
• Put influence in your • Status 0-10: Brief Candle.
character’s status tracker to You end up in the Twist,
improve their lifestyle and awash in vice and misery.
circumstances when they • Status 11-20: Faithful. A
retire. simple posting overseeing a
business which benefits the
house. Occasionally, you
receive an invitation to a
Leverage Personal function, though typically
only as an afterthought.
Status • Status 21-39: Courtier. You
have earned a suite in the
If you want to trade lasting status house proper, and you even
for momentary influence, you command a modicum of
may do so, at a cost. Your respect. Your history is
character risks their legacy in rumor, and few give it

59 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
credence. But my how they
• Status 40: Confidante. A
well-appointed home, a villa
perhaps, claiming luxuries
few could even dream of.
You are still thought of
highly, and the house sends a
coach and attendants when
they require your presence.

In addition, each full row of

Status (10 Status) indicates the
quality level of the individual
character’s reputation in the
eyes of the city, from zero (no
one) to four (family).

Bertrand wants to impress

upon an Elanda merchant
that the great House Corvetto
will brook no further
undercutting on prices of silk
in Ilrien. To make the point
stick, Bertrand tells the
merchant, “You know who I
am. Now understand how
important my masters are
considering this matter to
send me.” Bertrand’s player
makes a status check.

60 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s

Favor is your reward for helping shared House Sheet, where you have
forces outside of your own House. multiple tracks for filling up favor
will the factions of the city.
The factions you help will remember
that you are willing to do them a Much like influence, keeping track
good turn. You can spend this favor of more than 4 favor with any one
when it benefits you, but the more faction is impractical, but there is no
banked favor you have with any system for banking it. Instead, if you
faction type (each individual Major completely fill one of the favor
House, Houses Minor, Uncouth, trackers, everyone takes +2 status on
Outsiders, or the Citizenry) the more their Playbook sheets for having
friendly they will be toward you in made the House integral to the
general, which can help offset any thriving of another faction. You can
tier differences in negotiations. only take the +2 status once for each
Favor is tracked on your Coterie’s faction.

Favor Use
• Favor with one of the Houses Major can be traded to take advantage
of one of their Spheres of Influence for an errand.
• Spend a favor to acquire an asset from the Houses Minor without
spending a downtime.
• Spend a favor with the Citizenry to gain access to somewhere typically
off limits, or safe harbor in an unfriendly area.
• Spend 2 favor with a faction group to buy down like/hate status
with an individual faction under its umbrella.

61 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s

Ilrien is a city of romance, danger, and dangerous romance. That said, if

romance and the mechanization of romance does not feel appropriate or
right in your game, feel free to ignore the following mechanics and the
paramour system entirely.

A paramour is the singular object of a PC’s affection. A PC might carry

romantic aspirations for multiple characters, but they can only benefit
from a single heat clock at any one time.

Acquiring a Paramour

If the paramour is an NPC, a 6-part romance clock is made to begin

courtship. Downtime actions may be spent to fill this track as normal,
and when it is completed, you may begin to mark “heat” to represent the
overall tenor of the relationship, progressing from courtship (1-3) to love
(4-6). These are marked on the PCs playbook sheet. You also gain an
additional indulgence: your paramour.

Heat can be gained by indulging in your torrid new love affair. Indulgence
of this kind does not use the standard rules for overindulging. Instead,
when you clear more stress than you have currently gained, you suffer a
romantic entanglement. You may also gain heat through the use of long-
term clocks in the downtime phase, or the acceptance of complications
related to the relationship on engagement rolls for errands, typically a -1d
on the engagement roll as the relationship somehow threatens the secrecy
or safety of the errand.

62 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Heat can be spent to gain the following benefits:

• The paramour will intercede with a related faction to prevent a

shift in faction status (-2 to -3, for instance).
• If your paramour is of a higher status, you may make use of the
paramour’s status (typically the tier or reputation of the
organization to which they belong) for the course of an errand.
• If your Paramour is of a lower status, you take 2 less exposure for
an errand if they can help you by covering for your actions.
• Acquire asset rolls which in some way leverage your relationship
to secure an asset related to your paramour cannot roll below a
• Heat may be spent on a 1 for 1 basis to gain favor with the faction
group (Houses Major, Minor, Outsiders, Citizenry, or Uncouth)
they belong.

While courting (1-3 heat) you may only spend 1 heat per errand. While in
love (4-6 heat) you may spend heat freely. If ever you spend your last heat,
roll a romantic entanglement.

Relationships between PCs do not require a heat clock and are instead
adjudicated as a deepening of the bonds between characters. PCs can assist
their PC paramour once per errand without paying stress. Protecting your
paramour in a manner which requires a resistance roll costs reduced stress,
as detailed below:

1-3: 2 Stress

4/5: 1 Stress

6: No Stress Cost

Critical: Recover 2 Stress

63 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Assigning Edges and Flaws

When you acquire an NPC paramour you may, at your discretion, assign
one or two of the following edges and an equal number of flaws.
Paramours must have, at minimum, one of each.

Edges Flaws

• Connected: Your • Jealous: Your paramour

paramour is well thought will not suffer anything else
of in their circles and has being the center of your
no trouble in getting world lightly.
exactly what they (and you) • Meddling: Your paramour
need. will be quick to get
• Protective: Your paramour involved in your business
will sacrifice their safety for concerns.
yours. • Flighty: Your paramour is
• Doting: Your paramour often distracted by other
will offer their assistance matters which require their
without reservation or attention.
strings attached. • Star-crossed: Your
• Well-Protected: Your paramour is caught
paramour is insulated from between love and duty;
the dangers of your world. your love will always be a
forbidden one.

64 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Romantic Entanglements

Heat 0 Heat 1-3 Heat 4-6

1-2: You Broke My 1-2: Idle Gossip 1-2: A New Suitor

3-4: A Lover's Quarrel 3-4: Unwitting Pawn
3-4: Public Scorn
5-6: Familial Censure 5-6: Sent Aside
5-6: Hell Hath No

Heat 0

(1-2) You Broke My Heart: Your paramour seeks you out and explains
how you have hurt them. Whether the tears are sadness or rage, you
cannot stop thinking about them. Reduce your stress track by 1 for the
next errand.

(3-4) Public Scorn: The end of your relationship is messy and public. The
fallout leaves your reputation (and those of any who associate with you)
damaged. Lose 1 favor with their associated faction group. Additionally,
reduce your reputation with their faction by -1 unless you pay influence
equal to your tier.

(5-6) Hell Hath No Fury: You have pushed too far, salted the earth of
this relationship. You have lost them as a paramour permanently. Add
them to your contact list as a rival.

65 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Heat 1-3

(1-2) Idle Gossip: News of your blossoming romance is proving especially

diverting in society circles and scandal rags. Your coterie gains +2
exposure unless you pay 1 favor with the Houses Minor or 2 influence.

(3-4) A Lover's Quarrel: Somehow the words just came out wrong and
before you knew it, you were fighting. You may not indulge with your
paramour until you make amends. Whatever help they still offer will be
chilly at best.

(5-6) Familial Censure: Your paramour's faction has made it clear that
you are not a welcome figure in their life. Your coterie suffers -2
reputation with their faction. Your paramour cannot reduce this change
with heat.

Heat 4-6

(1-2) A New Suitor: Someone else is intent upon your paramour. If you
want to keep them, you'll have to disgrace, discredit, or otherwise deal
with their new suitor.

(3-4) Unwitting Pawn: Your paramour has been an unwitting pawn for a
faction with which you have a negative reputation. They have set you up.
Your next engagement roll is made a -2d.

(5-6) Sent Aside: Your paramour has been removed from the city "for
their own good." They will not return until the next Social Season. When
they return, make a fortune roll. You may keep (or gain) heat equal to the
number rolled.

66 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
The Faction Game

thereby what size of enemy you

can expect to handle.
Tier, In Depth
Retinue scale by tier

Each notable faction is ranked by • Tier V. Massive Retinue (80

tier—a measure of wealth, People)
influence, connection and scale. • Tier IV. Huge Retinue (40
At the highest level are the tier V People)
and VI factions, these are the • Tier III. Large Retinue (20
most powerful factions of the People)
city. Your coterie begins at tier • Tier II. Medium Retinue (12
II, the same as the house you People)
serve, and will always remain the • Tier I. Small Retinue (3-11
same as the house’s tier. Your People)
coterie’s rise in power is • Tier 0. Aides (1-2 People)
inextricably linked to your
The quality level of items used
by the coterie is also determined
You will use your tier rating to by their tier. They are furnished
roll dice when you acquire an with reasonably good tools to see
asset, as well as for any fortune to their jobs from the start.
roll for which your overall power House tier only changes
level and influence is the primary through advancement of their
trait. Your tier determines the position within the Esultare
quality and scale of the retinue (discussed later).
your coterie employs—and

67 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Example: If you challenge a When you create your coterie,
bravo who serves the First you assign some positive and
Prince of Ilrien to a duel, negative status ratings to reflect
they will be squaring up recent history. The ratings will
with tier V equipment. If then change over time based on
you are the Third House, your actions in play.
your equipment will be tier
III. The difference in your
skill may be marginal, but
the difference in your Faction Status
equipment quality will put Changes
you at a considerable
disadvantage. This may
look like “limited effect” as When you execute an errand,
the default effect setting. you gain -1 or -2 status with
Push yourself to increase factions that are hurt by your
your effectiveness, or actions. You may also gain +1
suggest that you both status with a faction that your
choose to fight with the operation helps. (If you keep
same swords, and no your operation completely quiet
armor, to make things fair. then your status doesn’t change.)
Your status may also change if
you do a favor for a faction or if
you refuse one of their demands.
Faction Status

Your coterie’s status with each

faction indicates how well you
are liked or hated. Status is rated
from -3 to +3, with zero
(neutral) being the default
starting status. You track your
status with each faction on the
faction sheet, or written out on a
piece of paper.

68 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
hurt you so long as it does
Faction Status not create serious problems
Levels for them. They expect you to
do the same and take
precautions against you.
• +3: Allies. This faction will • -3: War. This faction will go
help you even if it is not in out of its way to hurt you
their best interest to do so. even if it’s not in their best
They expect you to do the interest to do so. They
same for them. expect you to do the same
• +2: Friendly. This faction and take precautions against
will help you if it does not you. When you are at war
create serious problems for with any number of factions,
them. They expect you to do your crew suffers +1
the same. exposure from errands, and
• +1: Helpful. This faction PCs get only one downtime
will help you if it causes no action rather than two. You
problems or significant cost can end a war by disabling
for them. They expect the your enemy or by
same from you. negotiating a mutual
• 0: Neutral agreement to establish a new
• -1: Interfering. This faction status rating.
will look for opportunities to
cause trouble for you (or
profit from your misfortune)
so long as it causes no
problems or significant cost
for them. They expect the
same from you.
• -2: Hostile. This faction will
look for opportunities to

69 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Spheres of Influence

Spheres of influence represent

influential places within the city, Seizing Additional
each place has its own merits and Spheres of Influence
value. The coterie’s house will
begin with one sphere in the city
that they have influence over, Every sphere of influence will be
meaning that they have three controlled by a House of the
new contacts, one of which is a Esultare at the start of the game.
strong/reliable contact in that The PC’s house begins with one.
location. During house creation To acquire additional spheres of
the coterie will be able to choose influence, they must be taken
any one sphere of influence that from someone else. To seize a
interests them to begin, except new claim, you must raise your
for The Palace, which always house’s rank amongst the
belongs to whichever house sits Esultare. When a house rises,
as the First House of the they will be given the ability to
Esultare. Taking a new sphere of take one sphere of influence
influence always comes with a from the house they surpass.
cost, and the potential to make a
new friend or rival. Example: House Battalia has just
failed to complete its primary
See: Spheres of Influence Detailed
goal in the course of the current
social season, owing chiefly to a
brilliant countermove by House
Lovell. However, as the Battalia
fall from grace and lose control
of their holdings, it is House Al-

70 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Mari, rising to claim the
Battalia’s position as Fourth
House, who claim one of
Battalia’s former holdings as
their newest sphere of influence.
They choose to take the Armory.
But can they hold it?

As soon as you seize a sphere of

influence, you enjoy the listed
benefit for as long as you hold
the claim, however, as other
factions also operate in the area,
you will have to decide how best
to keep them appeased or risk
their ire.

Losing a Sphere of

If the coterie’s house falls in rank

amongst the Esultare, the house
that takes their place will take
one of their spheres of influence.
In this case, a fortune roll can be
used to determine which one is
taken, if there is no option that
makes more narrative sense than
another. Your strong/reliable
contact from the lost sphere will
still meet with you, when it
doesn’t endanger them, but the
other contacts will cut you loose
immediately and until you hold
the sphere they work in again.

71 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
House Advancement

and ability to advance. Excel and

The Social Season your house will rise. Fail, and
you risk stagnation and falling
into obscurity.

Court of Blades is divided into After your three errands are

sections of play called, “social complete, the game will move
seasons.” Think of these as onto the next social season, time
loosely detailed periods of time will pass, other factions will
in which a lot of maneuvering is make their moves (see: Advancing
happening. They also neatly the Other Houses of the Esultare),
align with the four seasons of the and the city will change for the
calendar year. better, or very possibly for the
Your GM, acting on behalf of
the house, will present a number
of problems that require your
attention. You have only three Choosing Goals
errands that you can accomplish for the Social Season
per social season, so there will
always be something that you
cannot see to personally. At the beginning of each social
Consider your choices regarding season the coterie is presented
what is worthy of your attention with a number of issues the
carefully. Your coterie’s successes house would like to have dealt
and failures on these errands are with, perhaps in the form of a
what dictate your house’s fortune dossier from the coterie’s favorite

72 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
house liaison. The coterie chooses Optional Secondary Goal:
a primary goal as their “must do”
task, and possibly a secondary Acquire additional or new
goal as their “nice to do” task. As resources for your house or
entanglements arise and our PCs coterie. Earn the trust of a useful
interact with the world, they will faction. Vet and hire fresh faces
undoubtedly be faced with the for your retinue.
challenge of dealing with other
things. There will be external Something Arising:
pressures from Houses Major or
Food shortages over winter.
Minor, as well as other factions
Thugs harassing an important
to juggle. The players decide
when and how to meet these
challenges. Something Personal:
Each season consists of three You will make enemies that will
engagements (typically engaged steal your time, you will make
with over three sessions of play, friends that will borrow your
one session for each time. Managing important
engagement), and the house relationships with NPCs and
must decide which three of the factions falls under this category.
several moves outlined below are
best to undertake during any Crippling a Rival:
given social season. There will
never be enough time to Stop another house from
accomplish everything a coterie achieving their primary goal. No
may wish to accomplish in a one climbs to the top without
single social season. treading upon a few faces.

Making Amends:
Primary Goal:
Your coterie has caused the
Broker an important deal. family shame, you are required
Conscript a notable ally. Rally a to spend time that they would
defense of the city. Uncover a otherwise have to advance the
treasure. Host the most lavish House’s agenda in making
party (and defend it). amends in order to return to
business as usual.

73 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Advancing in the Esultare

The various successes and

failures from your social season House Advancement
will award or take away dice
Roll Dice
from your house advancement
roll. At the end of the social
season, you will roll the number Primary Goal: +2d if met, 0d if
of dice you have earned to not met.
determine how your house has
fared. Depending on the Optional Secondary Goal: +1d
outcome you will either maintain if met, 0d if not met.
your position or gain one-to-
three three clock ticks on your Something Arising: +1d if met,
warring House Advancement 0d if not met.
Something Personal: 0d if met
The GM will handle the rolls or unmet.
that dictate what happened to
the other houses during the Crippling a Rival: 0d if met or
season. The GM will tick their not met, *-1d if plot is
House Advancement Clocks as uncovered or unsuccessful.
appropriate, and afterward the
To cripple a rival house, you
order of the houses will shift
must uncover one of their
long-term objectives. If you
succeed in opposing this
long-term objective, they
cannot roll to progress that

74 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
clock at the end of the social law to the trade route road for
season. +1d. However, when you
attempted to Cripple a Rival
Making Amends: 0d if met or House, your plot was discovered
not met, -1 level of shame if and foiled [-1d].
At the end of the season, you
When you’ve finished the social reflected back on those three
season you will tally up the errands and came to the
number of dice you have earned conclusion that you had earned 2
to roll and make a fortune roll. dice [+2 +1 -1] to roll for your
Use the chart below to dictate House Advancement Clock.
how much your House is When you roll a 2 and 4, taking
advanced. the highest result, you gain +1
clock tick. In this case, that +1
1-3: Maintain the Same clock tick was all that was
Clock Ticks needed to move your house up
4/5: +1 Clock Tick in rank.
6: +2 Clock Tick
Critical: +3 Clock Ticks Congratulations, your house is
now considered the 5th House of
Example: During the last three the Esultare. The new 6th House
errands that made up the last is not well pleased.
social season, your coterie
successfully completed their
Primary Goal, acquiring a rare
piece of artwork for the house.
This afforded them +2d. When a
Minor House came forward with
troubles with their grain supply,
you completed your Something
Arising by dealing with bandits
outside of town and restoring

75 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Determining the Other Houses’
Positions in the Esultare

At the start of the game, the group determines how the other five houses of
the Esultare are ranked. For random ranking, use a 6-sided die and roll in
order from house one, to house five. Ignore repeats and whichever house
your PCs have chosen to represent.

1- Corvetto 2- Battalia 3- Bastien

4- Lovell 5- Al-Mari 6- Elanda

Warring clocks will keep track of every

house’s position in the city throughout
the game. You start as the Sixth House,
at 1 clock tick, unless you have the popular
house feature from choosing House Bastien,
in which case you start with 2 clock ticks.
Whenever there is a tie between two
houses, the incumbent maintains hold on
their position within the Esultare.

Draw 6 clocks with 12 segments each and fill in the following number of
segments for the houses in order:

First House: 12/12 Second House: 9/12 Third House: 7/12

Fourth House: 5/12 Fifth House: 3/12 Sixth House: 1/12

76 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
4: You may now earn a fourth
Esultare House die in a skill. You temporarily
Rank Bonuses lose that die if you fall below the
rank of Fourth House, until the
rank is regained.
What would being on top mean
if there were not any perks? 5: Your house’s healer (grace or
Based on your House’s position physician) gains a new level of
amongst the Esultare, take the skill, they gain +1d to healing
following bonuses: rolls made for your coterie. Your
house becomes tier III.
1: Your house gains access to the
Palace. 6: The lowest house in the
Esultare is left to rely on grit and
* At this point you have won determination. You begin here,
the game as a group, but you and the house you serve is tier
may decide to continue to II.
play to see if you can hold this
position, or until all PCs have
the status required to retire as

Your house becomes tier V.

2: Your house’s healer (grace or

physician) gains a new level of
skill, they gain an additional +1d
to healing rolls made for your

3: You may select two additional

contacts from any of the spheres
of influence you do not already
control. Your house becomes
tier IV.

77 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s

xp trigger, such as the Bravo’s

PC Advancement . Code Duello, then you may mark

a maximum of 5xp per session.

The xp triggers are:

Each player keeps track of the • Your playbook-specific xp
experience points (xp) that their trigger. For example, “Address
character earns. a challenge with violence or
panache.” To “address a
During the game session, mark xp:
challenge,” your character
• When you make a desperate should attempt to overcome a
action roll. Mark 1 xp in the tough obstacle or threat. It
attribute for the action you does not matter if the action is
rolled. For example, if you roll a successful or not. You get xp
desperate skirmish action, you either way. If you addressed an
mark xp in Body. When you obstacle with violence, take 1
roll in a group action that is xp. If you addressed an
desperate, you also mark xp. obstacle with panache, take
1xp. If you did both in the
At the end of the session, review same session, take 2xp.
the xp triggers on your character • You expressed your beliefs,
sheet. For each one, mark 1 xp if it drives, heritage, or
happened during the session. You background. Your character’s
can get a maximum of 4xp per beliefs and drives are yours to
errand, unless you have taken a define, session to session. Take
skill that awards you an additional 1 xp. Feel free to tell the group

78 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
about them when you mark several challenges with pursuit
xp. and preparation, so she marks 2
• You struggled with issues xp for that. She expressed her
from your indulgences or heritage and beliefs when
scandals. Mark 1 xp for this if dealing with a man from her
your need to indulge tempted homeland, so she takes 1 xp for
you to some bad action or if a that. She didn’t struggle with
scandal caused you trouble. her indulgence or scandals, so
Simply indulging does not no xp there. That’s 3 xp at the
count as struggling with end of the session. She decides
indulgence (unless you to put it all in her Mind xp
overindulge). track. This fills the track, so she
decides to add a new action dot
You may mark end-of-session xp to Hunt.
on any xp tracks you want (any
attribute or your playbook xp You can also earn xp by training
track). during downtime. When you
train, mark xp in one of your
When you fill an xp track, clear all attributes or in your playbook. A
the marks and take an advance. given xp track can be trained only
When you take an advance from once per downtime phase.
your playbook track, you may
choose an additional special
ability. When you take an advance
from an attribute, you may add an
additional action dot to one of
Gaining Status
the actions under that attribute.

Nadja is playing a Hawk. She PCs can convert influence into

rolled two desperate hunt status at any point, at a rate of 1
actions during the session, so for 1. However, if a PC needs to
she marked 2 xp on her mind turn status back into influence at
xp track during play. any point, the cost is doubled, and
the rate is 2 status for every 1
At the end of the session, she influence. Every time the coterie
reviews her xp triggers and tells advances, each PC also gets status
the group how much additional equal to the house tier +2, to
xp she’s getting. She addressed represent additional influence

79 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
generated by the coterie as they anything to promote it?
have been operating and growing Alternatively, mark xp if you
in their abilities. developed a new reputation for
the coterie.
• Express the goals, drives,
inner conflict, or essential
Coterie. nature of the Coterie. This
Advancement one is very broad! Essentially,
did anything happen that
highlighted the specific
At the end of the session, review elements that make your
the coterie xp triggers and mark 1 coterie unique?
coterie xp for each item that
occurred during the session. You When you fill your coterie
can gain a maximum of 4 xp per advancement xp tracker, clear the
errand, unless you have additional marks and take a new special
xp trigger abilities from your house ability -or- mark two coterie
sheets, you may add those as they upgrade boxes.
are written.
Example, when a Coterie of
• Your coterie-specific xp House Corvetto earns a Coterie
trigger. For example, the Advance, they could take a new
House Lovell’s is “overcome Special Ability, like By the
an obstacle with secrets or Throat. Or they could mark two
discernment.” If the crew upgrades, like Master Keys and
successfully completed an Good Help.
operation from this trigger,
mark xp. Say how you have obtained this
• Contend with challenges new ability for the coterie. If you
above your current station. If take upgrades, think of these as
you tangled with higher Tiers "gifts" to the coterie. Things the
or more dangerous opposition, house had gone out of its way to
mark xp for this. secure for you, either as a token of
• Bolster your coterie’s appreciation, by request, or for
reputation or develop a new personal reasons. They may look
one. Review your coterie’s like extra time off to train, or a
reputation. Did you do special room within the house.

80 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
C hapter
T wo


81 – C H A P T E R O N E , T h e B a s i c s
Character Creation

Players may use them to affect

scenes and overcome challenges,
Choose a Playbook manipulating the balance of
position and effect.

When you choose a Playbook, You also receive a unique set of

you are choosing a set of special xp triggers, because no two
abilities, which your character Playbooks share their primary xp
can use to break the rules that triggers, everyone is rewarded for
govern everyone else. Every different behavior. Finally, you
Playbook begins with its own are choosing the starting
special armor which gives them reputation of your character in
a unique ability to mitigate the world. If you are gifted in the
certain circumstances that fall arcane, the people will say you
under their skillset. Be aware that have “the knack”. If you are a
you cannot take another special formally trained court
armor from any other Playbook swordsman, the people will know
as an advancement later. you as a “bravo”, and so on.

Each playbook also has its own Note: As you play the game, your
unique, specialized gear items. character will grow and change.
These provide special After character creation, you’re
permissions and interesting free to choose special abilities
abilities to the playbooks they outside of your own Playbook.
belong to. Specialized gear items While your Playbook will always
like the Knack’s Vulgar Display of define your character’s primary
Power, are open to interpretation. goal through its unique xp
triggers, and what people know

82 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
you as, you are free to reach into The Bravo is a dashing sworn-
any other Playbook for a sword, quick of wit and
different kind of special ability unmatched in combat.
that better suits your unique and
continuously growing character. The Hawk is a dangerous
bounty hunter, menacing and
Example: Anna is the coterie’s unflappable in the face of danger.
Key, but she often finds
herself in sticky situations and The Eye is a master agent and
thinks that it makes narrative infiltrator, cannier than a skulk
sense to reach into The Eye’s of foxes and just as hard to
Playbook and take “Better catch.
Lucky Than Good” (when you
roll a desperate action, you get The Couth is a street-wise
+1d to your roll if you also take wildcard, lucky or dangerous
-1d to any resistance rolls enough to rise from the gutter.
against consequences of the
action) when she gets her next The Knack is a magical expert,
Playbook advancement. She is gifted with arcane power and
still the coterie’s Key; she has knowledge of the hidden world.
simply gained new expertise,
and progressed in the way The Key is a social mastermind,
that is most interesting to her able to craft arguments and
player. devices with ease.

Following the Character

Creation section, you’ll find all
of the available Playbooks. For
the sake of brevity, we’ll describe
each of the Playbooks quickly
below, but we encourage you to
jump to the full Playbook to
check out the details once you
spot one that interests you.

83 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
military and economic power to
be watched with care.
Choose a Heritage
If you want to be from an
unestablished people, choose
Heritage is an important part of Iberican. The people of Iberica
your character’s life. Illustrating are often considered nomads.
your character’s heritage during Unsure of you, people in polite
game play, thinking about what society guard their purses a little
it means to be a member of your more closely than usual when
heritage, is even an xp trigger. you enter the room, even when
This is a way to inspire and you’re wearing the trappings of
flavor your roleplaying one of the Houses of the
adventure, but it is left Esultare.
intentionally vague. You will be
the expert on what it means to be If you want to be from
a member of your heritage. We somewhere “wild”, choose
give you the broad strokes, you Calrais. Calrais is a large country
fill in the rest through gameplay, of sprawling grasslands, rugged
molding whichever heritage you mountains, and trackless forests.
choose to fit the story you are Calrais is too large to be ruled, so
most interested in telling. government typically extends as
far as the edge of a village before
If you want to be a native, choose dying by inches in the wildlands.
Ilrienne. Ilrien is the greatest city Many foreign empires have tried
in the world, the very finest of to bring Calrais to heel, but even
art, culture, and politics blend the Dread Emperor was unable
here. The people are to leash it.
cosmopolitan, vivacious, and
quick to trade jokes or draw If you want to be from
steel. somewhere “romantic”, rich in
beauty and poetry, choose Altori.
If you want to be from Altori are taught from an early
somewhere “foreign” and exotic, age that beauty is the one ideal to
choose Maur. Across the ocean be prized above any other.
to the south, the proud desert Whether in government, craft, or
kingdoms of Maur are both a war, a Altori will execute their

84 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
duty with precision and poetry. choose Law, and write, former
Prone to ritual and careful watchman. See more examples
metaphor, the natives of the below.
distant kingdom are proving
exceedingly good at the games of Academic- a scholar, a professor,
the Ilrienne. a student at the Scholam
Naturalis, a mystic’s apprentice, a
If you want to be from philosopher.
somewhere “strange”, ancient
and arcane, choose to be from Labor- a docker, a sailor, a house
The Jewel Cities. Before the servant, a gardener, a coach
three islands, Beryl, Lapis, and driver, a gondolier.
Garnet, sunk beneath the waves
some years ago, they composed Law- an advocate or barrister, a
the homes of The Jewel Cities. Watchman or inspector (perhaps
The culture was rich in advanced a Mercy), a bodyguard, a jailer.
technology, and magic was an
everyday part of life. Are you Trade- a shopkeeper or
Berylyne, Lapyne, or merchant, a skilled crafts-person,
Garnetyne? a shipping agent, a deal-broker.

Military- a soldier, a mercenary,

and intelligence operative, a
Choose a strategist, a training instructor, or
Background an un-Housed Bravo.

Noble- a dilettante, a courtier,

Your character’s background the little-known cousin of a
describes what they did before Prince, the scion of a fallen house
they joined the coterie. Choose or a lesser house, et cetera.
one of the general background
options from the list on your Underworld- an urchin, a
playbook, then write a detail charlatan, a street performer, a
about it that’s specific to your gang member, a thug, or other
character. For example, you outcast who grew up on the
could choose Labor, and then street.
write a house servant to House
Lovell, disgraced. Or you might

85 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
This ability is in addition to
Assign Four your Playbook’s special armor,
Action Dots which you will also begin with.

- See Action Ratings

Choose a Friend
• Put one dot in any action and a Rival
that you feel reflects your
character’s heritage.
• Put one dot in any action On your Playbook sheet you will
that you feel reflects your find a list of “Contacts”, these are
character’s background. people who have made their ways
• Assign two more dots into your character’s life at one
anywhere you please time or another. Choose one of
them to be a close friend, and
Note: You may not have more choose another to be your rival.
than 2 dots per action at start. The others will fall somewhere in
between those two ends of the
spectrum naturally throughout
your game play.
Choose a Special
Choose Your
Every retainer begins with one Indulgence
special ability of their choice,
look through your Playbook and
choose whichever sounds the Every retainer needs a way to
most interesting to you. When in blow off steam and, mechanically
doubt, start with the first special speaking, burn off stress that has
ability on the list. It is there for a accumulated throughout the
reason. It’s a solid choice. (Note: errands in which the character
Only your first special ability becomes embroiled. We do this
must come from your own by indulging in things we enjoy
Playbook.) or feel obligation toward. Choose
whichever indulgence below

86 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
sounds the most intriguing to
Choose Your Bonds
Faith- You are dedicated to the
Lady, an unseen power, the
Graces, the spirit of an ancestor, Bonds give your characters juicy
etc. ties to their fellow coterie
Gambling- You crave games of members, and create a shared
chance, betting on sporting history. Each playbook has its
events, etc. own unique set of bonds. Work
Luxury- You seek expensive or with your coterie members to
ostentatious displays of opulence. assign one bond to each of them.
Obligation- You are devoted to a
family, a cause, an organization, Example: The Bravo has a
or charity that demands your bond that is, “I’ve pledged to
time. defend __ at any cost.” They
Pleasure- You find gratification may ask, “Who here is
from lovers, food, drink, drugs, interested in having my
art, theater, etc. pledged protection?” If
Stupor- You seek oblivion in the someone at the table bites, the
abuse of drugs, drinking to Bravo may ask themselves:
excess, getting beaten to a pulp in what happened to make me
the fighting pits, etc. pledge myself?
Arcane- You experiment with
arcane ingredients, forbidden When both members agree on
rituals, or contact with the the circumstances that led up to
creatures that haunt the shadows the bond being made, you have a
of Ilrien. bond. Remember that bonds can
change during play. Perhaps, one
day the Bravo’s reason for
pledging their protection no
longer exists. At that time, they
can remove the bond from their
Playbook and consider a new

If you have a different bond in

mind than the ones offered, feel

87 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
free to use it instead! You may Example Looks
also take an unused bond from You only need a few key features
another playbook. Think of the that describe your character to
bonds that we provide as an easy begin. You may wish to choose a
jumping off point. hair, eye, and skin color, then a
couple of other descriptors for
visage, demeanor, or clothing.

Examples: Scarred, Freckled,

Finishing Touches Steely-Eyed, Pale, Tan, Robed,
Armored, Redheaded, Bald,
Androgynous, Glamorous,
Record your name or alias, and Brown-Eyed, Brawny,
Look, then review your details to Standoffish, Short
be sure you got everything.

Example Names
Feminine; Maya, Saqqara, June,
Character Creation
Luna, Sophia, Maddalena,
Amethyst, Colette, Saoirse
Masculine; Tristaine, Edvard, o Choose a playbook.
Kedyn, Justice, Ahmad, Liu, o Choose a heritage.
Jora, Benedict, Francisco, o Choose a background.
Donovan o Assign four action dots.
Gender-Neutral; Sasha, Chels, o Choose a special ability.
Taylor, Robin, Finn, Cyprus,
o Choose a close friend,
Kai, Ash, Jamie
and a rival.
Aliases; The Rook, Sugar, [first
name] the Crow, Kid, The Imp,
o Choose your indulgence.
Rumor, Needle, Spur, Cross o Build your bonds.
Family Names; Valentino, o Record your name, alias,
Ahanu, Miahi, Borrachio, Kuei, and look.
Samartine, Mendosa, Pulo,

88 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
89 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Bravo

words are as much a part of noble life in Ilrien as a mask, a
carefully constructed smile, and an ulterior motive. They are an
expected part of the costume of the well-heeled; an ostentatious
display of wealth, an expression of personality, and a veiled threat rolled
into one length of steel. Most who wear them know how to use them, to
be sure. But you, Bravo? You are a sword.

You are a dashing duelist, a figure of romance and violence intertwined.

Schooled from an early age in the Bravura, academies of courtly swordplay,
or apprenticed to the Dancing Masters of the Roses or the Gilt, or simply
born with a gift for honor’s last argument, the houses of the Esultare have
an eye for talent, and that eye has settled upon you.

As a Bravo, you gain xp when you address a challenge with violence or


You are the coterie’s champion. When things go sideways and the swords
come out, yours is the one that will be at the fore, defending the other
members of the coterie. But even when the song of swords is quiet for the
moment, it does not mean that you are out of the game. You cut a
romantic figure with your rapier wit and effortless grace, and your
practiced eye for the barest hint of weakness is not a talent to be scorned.

90 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
As a Bravo, you gain the following features:

Special armor to resist a complication related to physical obstacles or being

outnumbered for you and your coterie (that you are present for).

Starting Action Dots: [1] Maneuver, [2] Skirmish

Questions to Consider:

Who taught you how to fight?

What does your style look like, and what does it say about you?

What reputation do you have among the other Bravos of Ilrien?


I've pledged to defend __ at any cost.

Despite my obvious grace and skill, __ still is not impressed. I will win
them yet.

My armor is thick, but __ still sees the gaps.

__ considers me their competition. No matter the game, I will win it.

I see the Bravo's spark in __, and I will teach them what I know.

__ lacks my flair and panache. They will learn it in time.

91 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Special Abilities

House Guard- When you protect a member of your coterie, you resist
with +1d. When you take harm, clear 1 stress.

Bloody but Unbowed- You ignore the effects of all level 1 harm penalties
while dueling or engaging in combat. When you push yourself to ignore
level 3 harm penalties, it takes only 1 stress (not 2).

Unstoppable- You may push yourself to accomplish a feat of speed or

endurance that borders on the superhuman, e.g. engage a small group on
equal footing.

Code Duello- Your challenges carry the weight of your house. When you
deliver a challenge for formal combat, your enemy cannot refuse. Take an
additional xp trigger: Did you answer a challenge to your honor?

Honor Guard- Your formal training allows you the privilege of wearing
your weapons openly anywhere, without repercussion. When
Commanding others to act or stand fast, take +1d.

Upon a Needle- You are sure-footed and gain +1 effect when balance or
grace is an issue, such as navigating difficult terrain (or a dance floor). How
many angels can dance upon the head of a needle? It depends on the tune.

Gap in the Armor- When you Survey you may push yourself to find a
weakness in an argument, gesture, or evasion, and seize an advantage. Take
+1d and +1 effect to the next roll that takes advantage of this information,
this bonus may be given to a coterie member.

92 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Contacts Specialized Gear

Maestra, a Master at Arms A Fine Courtly Blade- Your

Personal Dueling Weapon. [1
Blair, a Fawning Noble load]
Vincenzo, a Former Patron
A Fine Dread Blade - A Lethal
Feng, a Blade Smith Martial Weapon, Forged for
War. [1 load]
Ari, a Childhood Rival
A Duelist’s Gauntlet - Designed
A Member of the Coterie’s
in the fashion of the House you
serve. Anyone who backs down
from a formally laid duel is
shamed. [1 load]
Special Permission A Badge of Honor - A pin or
other symbol of your status. [0
A Fine Wit - Once per errand
you may use your Fine Wit to A Courtly Favor - Something
deflect or turn a conversation in recognizable that symbolizes the
your favor. [0 load] affection of a specific noble of
the court. [0 load]

93 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
94 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Hawk

lrien’s grand avenues and mosaic plazas belie a fundamental truth
of the greatest city in the world. It is a wilderness, alive with the
motion of a thousand-thousand thinking animals who scurry from
cover to cover, seeking their prey. It is a place of hidden bolt-holes and
secrets. It is a hunting ground unlike any other. And you, Hawk, are a
consummate hunter.

With patience, craft, and a discerning eye, you have become familiar with
the pulsing arteries of the city. If it hides here, you can find it. Whether
you came up among the ranks of the Watch or from the seamy belly of the
Twist, you descend upon your prey like a coursing raptor. Now that your
commission has been taken up by the Esultare, the stakes are higher but
the game is unchanged. Your adversaries will go to ground, the places that
have always made them safe. You will show them what folly it is to feel safe
in Ilrien.

As a Hawk, you gain xp when you address a challenge with pursuit or


You excel at finding what does not want to be found and living to tell the
tale. Your facility with ranged weapons and springing ambushes means that
most of your battles are well and truly over before the other party has a
chance to even defend themselves. You’re at your best when you’ve got a
clear shot, but your tools and abilities mean that your quarry has little
chance to shake off your pursuit. Even if they do manage to evade your
opening salvo, your air of casual menace will turn the iron in their spine to

95 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
As a Hawk, you gain the following features:

Special armor to resist a complication related to traps or ambushes against

you or your coterie (that you are present for).

Starting Action Dots: [2] Hunt, [1] Command

Questions to Consider:

Where did you learn how to hunt, and have you always considered people the
worthiest prey?

Do you adhere to a personal code, or is everyone fair prey?

Was there a particular target in the past who gave you the most trouble? What


I have an unlovely reputation and __ will never let me forget it.

I was offered money to bring __ in dead or alive. They yet live free.

I do not frighten easily, but __ puts me ill at ease.

__ and I are close. I can afford to be soft around them.

I trust __ to do the right thing when it matters most.

I've wronged __, but it was just business. Water under the bridge.

96 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Special Abilities

Terrifying- You have an air of menace and danger obvious to even the
most unobservant. You gain +1 effect when trying to intimidate someone.
If done immediately after a show of force, also take +1d. What terrifying act
are you known for?

Predator- Take +1d to rolls against weakened or vulnerable targets.

Whenever you gather information on a weakness or vulnerability, the
worst you can get is a 4/5.

Sharpshooter- Push yourself to do one of the following: make a trick shot,

disarm someone, make a ranged attack at extreme distance, or unleash a
barrage of rapid fire to suppress your target. You retain the effects of
pushing yourself.

Triage- Patch yourself or someone else up, allowing them to ignore one
level of harm penalty for the remainder of the errand. Does not work on
anyone who has suffered fatal harm. Each PC can only benefit from Triage

Call the Target- You suffer no tier disadvantage when engaging in ranged

Baited and Set- You are a master planner. Gain one free flashback, and
take +1 effect when setting or having set a trap.

Leave No Ground- Gain a new gather information question: Where do

they feel safe? Take +1d to engagement rolls when you act on that
information. When you engage in an errand on hostile ground, you cannot
begin in a desperate position. Tell the GM how you were prepared for

97 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Contact Specialized Gear

Red Crow, a Hunter A Fine Ranged Weapon -

Masterfully crafted, this weapon is
Ishana, an Informant
more accurate at longer ranges. [2
Farid, a Tavern Owner load]

Lucius, a Member of The A Fine Heavy Cloak - Perfect for

Watch masking yourself or blending into
terrain. [1 load]
Sean, a Gang Boss
A Handy Restraint - Rope, cuffs,
A Member of the Coterie’s
House collars, chain, or whatever best fits
your needs for the situation. [1

Special Permission A Hunting Companion - This can

be an arcane or mundane creature
of your choosing. It is capable of
A Fine Iron Nerve - Once per carrying out simple tasks. It must
errand you can use your Fine still abide by the rules of the city. A
Iron Nerve to resist the wolf on the streets will not go over
consequences of being terrified, well. An arcane companion out in the
unnerved, or uncomfortable. [0 Twist may get you killed. [0 load]
A Fine Spyglass - Masterfully
crafted, your spyglass allows you to
see further and under lower light
conditions than others. [0 load]

98 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
99 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Eye

ook, Eye. Observe carefully. See how they pull veils, muddy the
waters, cast smoke and mirrors to hide their true intentions. They
think themselves clever, free to do as they will and safe from
prying eyes. Spies are a dime a dozen in this city of intrigue, but they
always take precautions. The Ilrienne are watchful, careful, justifiably
paranoid. Secrets are deadly. They are hidden well, and locked away. They
do not simply slip out. That is what makes you such a wonder.

A spy will endeavor not to be noticed, trusting a pool of shadow or a lie to

hide them. You are a ghost. Your face changes at a moment’s notice. You
have other lives that you slip into just as easily as any other might change
their clothes. What you see, what you read, what you hear is remembered
without the slightest fault. The Esultare watches well, and you are their

As an Eye, you gain xp when you address a challenge with stealth or


You are at your best when you are in trouble. You have tools and abilities
in your arsenal that make you more powerful when you are leading the
group, in over your head, and where you would be in the most trouble
when found. Play dangerously, and pry in dark places for secrets. And
when you’re caught, be someone who should totally be wherever you are.
You’ve got the documents and the false faces to make them believe it.

100 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
As an Eye, you gain the following features:

Special armor to resist a complication related to detection or security

against you or your coterie (that you are present for).

Starting Action Dots: [2] Skulk, [1] Survey

Questions to Consider:

Who do you feel comfortable being your true self among, if anyone?

Do you use or even remember your real name?

Do you prefer to move among the shadows, or hide in plain sight?

Who made use of your talents before you served the Esultare?


My job is easier when I'm alone, but __ never spoils the game.

__ is the one I'd want to pull me out if my cover's ever blown.

When __ and I last worked together, someone got hurt. It's hard to trust
them again

My job is hiding my true self. __ sees me anyway.

__ lacks guile and subtlety. I've taken it upon myself to teach them.

I'm watching __ for someone else in the House. I don't know why, but
they insisted.

101 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Special Abilities

Better Lucky than Good- When you roll a desperate action, you get +1d
to your roll if you also take -1d to any resistance rolls against
consequences of the action.

Like Water- When you attack from hiding or spring a trap, take +1d.
When there's a question of who acts first, the answer is you.

Infiltrator- You are not affected by quality or tier when you bypass
security measures.

Shadow- You may push yourself to perform an act of stealth or athletics

which borders on the superhuman.

In My Shadow- When you lead a group action skulk, you cannot take
more than 1 stress, regardless of the number of failed rolls.

Saboteur- When you wreck, your work is quieter than it should be, and
the damage is well-hidden from casual inspection.

Artful Trespass- You gain +1d to survey rolls to notice security measures.
Locks, guards, alarm, and so on. You also gain an additional gather
information question: What are they trying to keep me out of? You gain +1d
on the engagement roll for acting on that information.

102 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Contacts Specialized Gear

Frankie, a Locksmith A Fine Disguise - From costumes

to makeup, you have the ability to
Armand, a Buskin
affect a convincing disguise, making
Alaric, a Mercenary identification impossible save for by
those who know you intimately. [1
Bianchi, a Chamber Servant load]
Campania, a Council Secretary
A Fine Set of Lockpicks - Your
A Member of the Coterie’s lockpick kit is finely crafted,
House allowing you to crack locks above
your natural ability. [1 load]

A Polished Steel Mirror - Perfect

Special Permission for seeing discreetly under doors
and around corners or covertly
signaling, for example. [1 load]
A Fine Photographic Memory -
A Fine Cover Identity - You have all
Once per errand you may call
of the paperwork required to
on your Fine Photographic
infiltrate most organizations
Memory to recall the exact
temporarily. [0 load]
details of something you have
seen in the past. [0 load] A Vial of Sweetsleep - A strong,
most often powdered, drug that
renders any who inhale or ingest it
unconscious. [0 load]

103 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
104 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Couth

ome days you awake from dreams of cold stone and squalor, a
half-remembered hunger that grips your belly, and a desperate
will to survive. The room with its feather bed and airy window
chases them away, but there is a part of you that will remember. You have
risen further than your peers. You were not always thus. Once you were
not so, Couth.

It is a joke, you see. But you wear it like armor. Where they came up
among this world of comfort and beauty, you remember when you had to
be stronger and smarter than all of the others. Nothing has changed so very
much. You are prepared in ways they will never be, hardened by experience
in the world beneath the flaking gilt. Once the only law was that of the
jungle, and these silk-swaddled nobles do not know what it is to be hungry
like the wolf. They call you Couth. But we know the truth, don’t we?

As a Couth, you gain xp when you address a challenge with evasion or


You are a wildcard, which makes you perhaps the most dangerous member
of the coterie. Your toolkit has some powerful support abilities which
means that everyone’s just a little bit better when the Couth is around.
When things go sideways, you’ve got plenty of ways to change the scene.
Lean into flashbacks and planning in reverse, or flash some blackmail or
burn your lucky break. If all else fails, go with mayhem.

105 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
As a Couth, you gain the following features:

Special armor to resist a complication for you or your coterie related to

talking your way out of, or running from, trouble (that you are present for).

Starting Action Dots: [1] Wreck, [2] Consort

Questions to Consider:

What former exploit attracted the attention of the Esultare?

Are you still in contact with people in the Twist, or now that you are up and
out of the gutter do you refuse to look back?

What rules among the nobility have proven the most difficult to observe?


__ and I used to run together back in the good old days. Look at us now!

This isn't my world. I look to __ when I need advice.

I've got dirt on __, and they know it.

__ and I like to play pranks. Mine are funnier.

__ sees me not as I am, but as I want to be. It means the world to me.

The Twist is hard. __ wouldn't last five minutes down there.

106 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Special Abilities

Party Crasher- Once per errand, any flashback where you have arranged a
distraction or employed mayhem costs no stress. When drawing attention
to yourself take +1 effect.

The Lord’s Charm- Take +1 effect to consort with someone when your
purpose is to get them to break the rules, or wreck something.

Don't Make me Carry You- Aid another to ignore level 3 harm. Though
yelling abuses or gentle reassurances, you rally a coterie member, allowing
them to ignore all non-fatal harm and harm penalties, as long as you are
with them.

Better to be a Tiger than a Man- When ambushed, you gain +1 effect to

all actions during a flashback, and your first flashback costs no stress.
Even if you have a tiger by the tail, you still have a tiger.

Vengeful- Gain an additional xp trigger: Did you get payback against

someone who harmed you, your House, Coterie, or someone you care about? If
your coterie helped you get payback, also mark coterie xp. In addition, you
gain +1 effect when acting to harm someone who has personally wronged

Living the Dream- When you indulge during downtime, you may adjust
the dice outcome by +/- 2. Any coterie member who joins you may do the

Bad Reputation- Sometimes a bad reputation is a good thing. Treat any

social roll as a consort when dealing with the wrong sort. Explain how they
have heard of you, or know you.

107 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Contacts Specialized Gear

Honor, an Orphanage A Frightening Weapon - Your

Headmistress weapon has the ability to strike
fear into the hearts of your
Wren, a Jilted Lover
enemies. [2 load]
Lucky, a Vicious Thug
Fine Wrecking Tools - Your
Meifeng, a Temple Acolyte wrecking tools are finely crafted,
giving you an advantage against
Benecio, a Gondoliere
obstacles. [1 load]
A Member of the Coterie’s
House Something Destructive -
Dealer’s choice. [1 load]

Fine Inebriants - A fine bottle of

Special Permission liquor, or vial of a recreational
drug. [0 load]

A Fine Bit of Blackmail - You

A Lucky Break - Once per errand know how to hit them where it
you may use a Lucky Break to
hurts. [0 load]
change your fortune. [0 load]

108 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
109 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Knack

he gaze of Ilrien is firmly fixed upon the future. The wheels of
industry, of commerce, turn ever onward toward a bright and
shining tomorrow. Fine words. Gold and steel do not make a
world, not the whole world. There is smoke and shadow, blood and
bargains, and the white-hot thrumming of the weave. It was there long
before Ilrien ever raised its first muddy hovel, and when all of this is ash
and dust it will be there still. The weave is your birthright, and they have
the temerity to call it your knack.

Your weapons are subtle, no braggadocious sword or blunt fist. Your

talents are boundless. You do not hide, but command the world take no
notice. Your power is the raw, teeming star-stuff of the currents of magic
that still course beneath the world that is, even as the Esultare raises its flag
and calls it all theirs. They need you just as you need them. Serve them,
and there are no bounds that you cannot cross together.

As a Knack, you gain xp when you address a challenge with arcane

knowledge or power.

Your toolkit is broad by design. Magic encompasses a lot of solutions for

just about any problem. Whether your invocations bring fire and ruin to
your foes, open their minds for your perusal, show you their movements
from a distance, or let you bargain with creatures from faerie-stories, you’ll
find that magic can solve problems like…well, like magic. And if it doesn’t
quite fit, there is nothing like a vulgar display of power to make the weave

110 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
As a Knack, you gain the following features:

Special armor to resist a complication related to magic against you or your

coterie (that you are present for).

Starting Action Dots: [2] Channel, [1] Study

Questions to Consider:

Who taught you to tap into the weave, and what did their tutelage look like?

Is there a phenomenon that manifests when you work with the weave?

Has the Scholam Naturalis approached you regarding membership, or one of

Ilrien’s numerous esoteric cults?


__ has seen my magic go awry. I do not think they trust my talent.

__ and I are the only ones who can see and speak to my familiar spirit.

I need __ to keep me grounded. They remind me that I am still human.

__ is not so blunt as they appear. With my tutelage, they could become a


Jealousy does not become __, but they still covet my power.

__ knew my mentor, perhaps better than I ever did.

111 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Special Abilities

Invocation- You may push yourself to speak a curse, channeling arcane

power and turning it against anyone in the area who is vulnerable to your
assault. You may spend 1 stress for each additional feature: The damage is
elemental (fire, lightning, acid, frost, et cetera) in nature - It affects objects as well
as people - You and anyone you choose get +2d to resist the effects - You cast subtly
enough to avoid notice.

Rend the Weave- When you prepare a space with arcane reagents, it tears
the fabric of the magical weave. Channeling in the area becomes
impossible or unbelievably potent, your choice.

The Olde Tongue- You know the secret methods to interact with creatures
and paranormal entities no matter how wild or feral they are. You gain +1
effect when communicating with anything non-human.

Open Mind- You are always aware when the supernatural enters your
vicinity, or when arcane power is building. Take +1d on your next action
roll when acting on that knowledge.

Scrying- Spend 1 stress to remotely view a distant place or person tied to

you in some intimate way. Spend 1 stress for each extra feature: You see
what happened in the past - Your target can also see and hear you - You may use
something connected to the target as a focus rather than be intimately tied to the

Fascinate- You gain +1 effect when commanding attention magically.

Your coterie gains +1d to the next action they take while the attention is
drawn to you.

Pry- Add to your list of gather information questions: What are they
thinking right now? You magically intuit another person’s thoughts without
consequence, and gain +1d to the engagement roll when you act upon this
information. Pry can also be used during an errand, though it can create

112 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Contacts Specialized Gear

Moon, an Unrequited Love A Fine Arcane Focus - Describe

what your focus looks like. Once
Owyn, a Former Teacher per errand you may use it to
Anaisha, a Mercy increase your odds of success at a
difficult task. [1 load]
Clemenza, an Arcane Dealer
Impressive Costume - An
Farina, a Dilettante ostentatious outfit that lets
A Member of the Coterie’s everyone know that a wizard has
House just entered the room, for when
you want to be noticed. [1 load]

Ritual Implements - You have a

Special Permission set of tools that are unique to
you, for the purpose of casting
ritual magic. You decide what is
A Vulgar Display of Power - in your kit. [1 load]
Once per errand you may use
A Familiar Spirit - An arcane
your Vulgar Display of Power to
creature that is able to carry out
use your knack in a flashy or
simple tasks. [0 load]
dangerous way. Say what you’re
doing and what your intended The Lady’s Kiss - A powerful
goal is. [0 load] charm that protects against the
supernatural. [0 load]

113 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
114 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Key

eople and things are not so very different. They are all bits,
components, the points of friction, and the ways that they
might be broken down. They speak to you, and you see the
manner in which they might be gently modified, repaired, tinkered with. A
bit of pressure here, a subtle change just so, and there you have it. Whether
with words or tools, you know how to wind them up, Key.

You have a reputation for this sort of thing, a good name that could carry
you as far as you are willing to push your luck. Your words are as carefully
selected as the tools of a watchmaker, and as sharp as the scalpels of a
physician. You see how this all fits together, because people and things
follow certain lines of logic that are immutable, even if they do not all
believe it so. It rankles them, Key, but there are few doors that you cannot

As a Key, you gain xp when you address a challenge with expertise or


You are a technician. You modify the game just by virtue of being a Key.
You support your coterie during the errand and after with extra actions,
free assists, and reduced exposure. Just as important, Ilrien’s games are the
waters in which you swim. You pass among the nobles as if you were one
of them with your invitations and courtly clothes. And don’t discount
Skeleton Key, rolling your best action and adapting it to the task at hand is
a powerful tool.

115 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
As a Key, you gain the following features:

Special armor to resist a complication related to suspicion or persuasion

that you are present for.

Starting Action Dots: [2] Sway, [1] Tinker

Questions to Consider:

What former problem established your reputation?

Do the other members of the House see you as an asset to be jealously guarded,
or a too-clever climber to be watched with care?

Are your preparations and plans carefully thought out, or do you trust your own
cleverness in the moment?


__ and I once worked at cross purposes. I hope they do not bear a grudge.

I've often found myself apologizing for __. No matter the gaffe, I'll smooth
it out.

__ is my rock. When the plan goes awry, I can count on them.

__ is rash and reckless. I will teach them discretion.

I sponsored __ into the House. They must excel or both of us will suffer.

__ and I burned many bridges together to rise this far. We share a

common enemy.

116 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Special Abilities

Skeleton Key- Push yourself and roll your best action rating while
performing a different action. Say how you adapt your skill to this use.

Expertise- Due to careful planning during downtime, you may give

yourself or a coterie member one extra downtime activity. If you do not
use this feature during your downtime, you may use it during the next
errand to flashback without costing stress.

I Know This Tune- You can always tell when someone is lying to you.

Foresight- Twice per errand, you may assist a teammate without paying
stress. Describe how you've prepared for it.

Under the Rug- During downtime, you get +1 effect when you reduce
exposure, and your shame level counts as 1 less for the purpose of
entanglements so long as you explain the situation to your superiors.

A Good Name- When you push yourself in social engagements, while

consorting or swaying, you can gain both +1 effect and +1d instead of
one or the other.

Attention to Detail- You are a stickler for the details. Take +1d to your
roll when working on a long-term project. You can also push yourself to
ignore the drawback of a crafted device (unreliable, volatile, et cetera).

117 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Contacts Specialized Gear

Babette, a Banker Fine Tinkering Tools - Masterfully

crafted tools for manipulating tiny
Elijah, a Master Architect
parts, like those found within a
Jian, a Master Craftsman pocket watch or puzzle box. [1
Alisha, a Diplomat
A Concealable Weapon -
Genovese, a Childhood Friend
Discretion, thy name is valor. You
A Member of the Coterie’s have a weapon that you can carry
House nearly anywhere without detection.
[1 load]

Fine Courtly Clothes - You are

Special Permission expert at looking your part. You
have an outfit of the latest fashion at
all times, and when you clean up,
A Believable Excuse - You are a anyone unfamiliar with you assumes
master at crafting plausible you are proper nobility. [1 load]
stories. Once per errand, when
A Fine Invitation - You can acquire
you give an excuse, the receiver
an invitation to any event. Say how
will be inclined to believe you.
you acquired it. [0 load]
[0 load]
A Small Pricey Gift - You never
show up anywhere empty-handed.
Say what you’ve brought and why
you chose it. [0 load]

118 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Standard Items

Luck Charm: A small, personal Large Weapon: A two-handed

charm that can be used to bring weapon such as a battle ax or hunting
a little luck to a situation. [0 rifle. [2 load]
Throwing Knives: Typically, small
Flint and Steel: Kept in a small and well-balanced. Dangerous at 20
case, it would be unfashionable paces. [1 load]
to be caught without it. It’s also
handy for starting fires. [0 load] Burglary Gear: A set of lockpicks, a
pry bar, vials of oil, and personalized,
Armor: Leather armor, capable inconspicuous burglary tools. [1 load]
of lessening harm. [2 load]
Demolition Tools: A sledgehammer,
A Blade or Two: Perhaps you iron spikes, a crowbar, and
carry a saber, a set of daggers, or personalized tools. [2 load]
poniards, a meat cleaver or a
foil. [1 load] Arcane Implements: Containers,
alchemical reagents, and a small
Single Shot Pistol: A heavy personal tome. [1 load]
ranged weapon, devastating at
20 paces, but slow to reload. [1 Climbing Gear: A large coil of rope, a
load] or Two Pistols [2 load] small coil of rope, and grappling
hooks. Climbing harness, pitons and
Lantern: An oil lantern, simple driving hammer. [2 load]
or ornate. [1 load]
Subterfuge Supplies: Stage makeup,
Documents: Maps or tomes and and costumes. Blank documents, and
volumes commonly available. [1 forged identifications. [1 load]

119 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Coterie & House Creation

These houses are called The restrictive, it is just another way

Esultare, and they comprise the that your game is flavored.
six Houses Major, with the Sometimes it will be worth
ruling house holding the angering your patrons to get a
supreme power of censure, being job done.
voted for by the Houses Minor. Decide as a group, which house
At the First House’s discretion, you are the most interested in
any house with two levels of serving. There are six distinct
shame loses one errand for the houses to choose from, and each
social season, until they make one has its own way of doing
amends. A new election can be things most of the time. Choose
called at any time that there is a the house that best reflects your
major failure on the part of the preferred shared playstyle, or just
First House, perceived or whichever the group is most
otherwise. excited about.

House Corvetto- The oldest

Choose a House known house in Ilrien, House
Corvetto is mysterious,
to Serve tyrannical, and feared.

The house you serve determines House Battalia- The watchtower

your coterie’s modus operandi. of Ilrien, House Battalia won the
What one house would consider freedom of Ilrien in The Last
a smart move; another house may War, they are noble, vigilant, and
consider ill-advised. The house honorable.
you serve is not intended to be

120 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Bastien- The champion
of the people, House Bastien is Choose a Reputation
loved by the common folk and
generally tolerated by the other
houses of the Esultare at best.
Your coterie has just formed.
House Lovell- The socialites of Given this group of characters
the Esultare, House Lovell makes and their backgrounds, what
it their business to know initial reputation would you have
everything about everyone, after on the streets of Ilrien? Choose
all, knowledge is power. one of the below options, or
create your own reputation.
House Al-Mari- Fearsome
mercenary princes from across Ambitious, Brutal, Daring,
the sea, they’ve made their claim Honorable, Subtle, Arcane,
by sheer power and force of will. Loyal, Reliable, Uncouth,
Respectable, Dangerous.
House Elanda- The most
powerful merchant family in the Your coterie gains xp when they
greatest city the world has ever bolster their current reputation,
known, House Elanda deals in so this is another way to indicate
goods and coin, and carefully the sort of action you’re most
guards its reputation. interested in. Will you be arcane
masterminds, overcoming
Like a Playbook, your House of problems with the use of magic?
service shapes how you are Will you be honorable heroes,
known in Ilrien. You will be defending your moral code even
treated by the citizenry as an when it is not in your best
extension of the greater house, interest to do so?
and anyone who is anyone will
most likely know who you serve.

Your coterie begins with 0 favor

in its ledger. You are tier 2, with
0 exposure.

121 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
typically worth +1d on an
Choose Your engagement roll.
Strengths If, instead, they needed to
leverage Force from the House,
Houses start with two strengths, such as marshalling a small cadre
resources that are synonymous to subdue a problem faction,
with the House, listed on the they could be subject to a high
house sheet. Each House begins cost, a significant wait, owing
with two, one preselected and influence, or another drawback.
one of your choice. They will be If Force had been one of its
your strengths at game start. Strengths, they may have been
These strengths represent assets able to put together a contingent
that the House has immediate from their house guard rapidly
access to. The coterie can for the coterie’s use.
leverage these strengths for a
reduced stress cost (or zero, Extended Example Uses for
depending on the need and Strengths:
timeframe). All Houses have
access to all of these strengths, Intelligence: Accessing Spies,
but they do not have the ability Access the Latest Gossip
to leverage them all at a
Magic: Leveraging Arcane
moment’s notice.
Artifacts, Identifying Knacks and
Example: House Lovell begins the Supernatural
with the resource Intelligence
Wealth: Large Bribes and
already marked. The group
Ransoms, Extravagant Parties
decides they’d like to play House
Lovell as strong in Magic and Transport: Move Unimpeded
Intelligence for this campaign. Across the City, Move Artifacts
When the coterie is faced with without Questions Asked
having to spy on the comings
and goings of the Second House Force: Marshalling Troops, Rally
of the Esultare, they ask the a Defense
House’s Spymistress for help,
and receive the aid of one of her Supply: Withstand a Siege,
best spies within the target Acquiring Something Rare
House. A leveraged strength is

122 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
your coterie. You can choose any
Choose a Special of the house-specific coterie
upgrades shown on your house
Ability sheet, or any universal house
upgrade which are upgrades
Take a look at your House Sheet, available to all of the houses’
and choose one special ability. coteries.
When in doubt, go with the first
ability on the list- it is placed When you choose your 2
there as a good default choice. upgrades, the GM will tell you
Choose whichever ability is the about two different factions that
most exciting to everyone. You are impacted by your choices.
can always earn additional special
abilities in the future by earning • One faction helped you get
xp. an upgrade. They are well
disposed toward you. Take
All of these choices lead to a +1 Status with them. At
focused range of possible errands your option, spend 1
to keep everyone on the same Influence to repay their
page. Instead of playing a generic kindness, and take +2
coterie, you are playing a coterie Status with them instead.
for House Corvetto. You are • One faction was in some
ambitious, with easy access to way inconvenienced when
wealth and magic, and you are you got an upgrade. They
known to act in mysterious bear you ill will. Take -2
ways. Status with them. At your
option, spend 1 Influence
to mollify them, and take -
1 Status with them instead.
Assign Coterie
Upgrades If your coterie begins with a
retinue or a colleague, follow the
procedure to create it. Record the
An upgrade is typically a valuable faction status changes due to
asset or an upgrade to a currently your upgrades:
owned asset. At the start of the
game, you may choose 2 You will be able to unlock
upgrades that you feel best suit further upgrades in the future by

123 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
earning xp (see: Coterie • One faction is unfriendly
Advancement). with this contact, and you
get -1 Status with them.
At your option, these factions are
even more concerned with this
Establish a Sphere contact and so you take +2 and -
of Influence 2 Status instead.

Look at the map and pick a

Sphere of Influence (a unique
part of a larger district), other
Name Your Coterie
than the Palace, to be your first
Sphere of Influence. Decide how
to deal with the primary faction Will you be the Wolves of Lovell?
that operates in the area. The Gilt Spindle? The Boots?
Decide as a group on a name that
• Pay them 1 Influence. encompasses your reputation,
• Pay them 2 Influence history, or the image you wish to
and get +1 Status. portray.
• Pay them nothing and
get -1 Status.

Coterie Creation
Choose a Favorite
o Choose a House to serve.
Contact o Choose your initial
Choose one contact from your o Choose the House’s
Sphere of Influence to be a close strengths.
friend or long-term ally. The o Choose a special ability.
GM will tell you about two more o Assign coterie upgrades.
factions who are affected by your o Establish your House’s
choice. Sphere of Influence.
o Choose a favorite contact.
• One faction is also friendly o Name your Coterie.
with this contact, and you
get +1 Status with them.

124 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
125 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Corvetto, The Majestic Tyrants
House Words: Under Our Wings

The Ilrienne would be hard-pressed to think of a time when House Corvetto

did not dwell within Ilrien, twisting strings and dispatching assassins from atop
their shadowed towers. There is an old Ilrienne saying: Better under a Corvetto
wing than a Corvetto beak.

Unique XP Trigger: Overcome an Special Feature: Our Reputation

obstacle with Coercion or Majesty. Precedes Us; when you execute a
Social Engagement, your contact
Resource Strengths: Magic. The may always be Someone Who Fears
Corvetto hoard magic and boast Us and you start in a Risky
more Knacks than any other position. (This replaces your usual
House. engagement roll in this instance.)

House Healer: Grace

Corvetto Coterie Upgrades

Master Keys- The Lower wards of the city are as open to you as empty
streets. They cannot keep you out.

Good Help- When you hire a colleague that belongs to the Fox school of
expertise they function as 1 tier higher.

126 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Daunting Parlor- The coterie gains access to the house's private
negotiation rooms. When you negotiate terms in these rooms, do so with

Clever Tailors- You gain +2 free load for armor or disguises.

Special Abilities

Mysterious Ways- Each PC adds +1 action dot to Sway or Channel.

Our Time- Take +1d to engagement rolls between the hours of tryst and
whist. (midnight-4am)

Silent Footfalls- All PCs within the coterie gain +1 effect when trailing a

Superstitious- Each PC takes +1d to all Spirit resist rolls.

By the Throat- Gain additional xp trigger: Did we teach someone a lesson?

Take 1 less exposure when moving against a faction with which you are at

Ours by Right- Pay 1 influence to add a contact from a sphere of

influence that you do not own to your list of contacts for the current
errand. Pay +1 influence for any of the following: They are happy to hear
from you - You have met them before - They have not spoken to another House

Who Do You Work For?- When you have broken a rival you may add
them to your contacts.

127 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Corvetto Opportunities

1. Your invitation to the social event of the season must have been
mislaid, make sure they regret that.
2. The House wants to clear the way for a lucrative marriage- get rid of
the rival suitor.
3. Two lesser Houses are on the brink of open warfare. The only way to
get them to resolve their differences: give them a common foe.
4. The College of Satire has just produced a new play to be performed
this season. The target of their mockery is House Corvetto herself.
This will not stand.
5. The Watch has just promoted a new Thief-Taker Captain who is
rumored incorruptible. He has refused the customary “gift” from
House Corvetto. Make him see reason.
6. A minor scion of the House is in hot water with the Scholam
Naturalis. He will pass this semester or heads will roll.

1. The Signora of the Roses recently came into possession of a noble’s

mask and will be offering it for auction. It’s unclear, as yet, whose
mask it is, only that we must have it.
2. A Fox in service of the House pleads for sanctuary when their latest
score unearths an ancient curse.
3. A debtor to the House has escaped their bond by dying suddenly. “I’ll
take it to my grave” were their last words. The House gets what it is
4. Something in The Necropolitan Hill has been howling between the
hours of tryst and whist, unsettling residents of The Twist. The Dead
Watchers have requested aid in resolving the issue.
5. An assassin famed for their discretion has just inexplicably murdered a
large number of people. Detain, contain, and explain.
6. The Graces have gifted the city a grand display of fireworks in honor
of the Lady. Our spectacle shall be greater. Ideas?

128 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
129 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Battalia, The Old House of Martial Valor
House Words: Upon Our Shields

House Battalia won the freedom of Ilrien with blood and valor. With strength and
honor, they hold it still. They are not naive, or blind to the games of the Esultare.
They see the dance, and see through the lies. What was won at the edge of a sword
cannot be stolen by pretty words. Battalia stands vigilant and unimpressed.

Unique XP Trigger: Overcome an House Healer: Physician

obstacle with Honor or Tradition.
Special Feature: Duty First; your
Resource Strength: Force. House retinues heal at double the normal
Battalia boast more swords than speed.
any but the Grand Council.

Battalia Coterie Upgrades

Vigilant- The coterie gains access to detailed maps of old smugglers

tunnels and catacombs. You know every avenue of entry into the city, and
how best to defend them.

Incorruptible- Your retinues and colleagues all gain the loyal trait. They
will never take a bribe; they will never turn on you. They will accept death
before dishonor.

To the Last Man- When you hire a retinue of Blades it functions as 1 tier

130 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Thoroughbreds- You are granted access to the house’s stables. You can get
anywhere in the city much faster than your rivals, and few will stand
against a charge of Battalia chevaliers.

Special Abilities

Deterrence- Each PC adds +1 action rating to Command or Maneuver.

Fortified- Each PC gains +1 load when going discrete, before they are
considered loaded.

Ironclad- Each PC gains +1d to all Body resist rolls.

Just Cause- The House trusts your intuition. When the coterie does the
right thing at a cost to themselves, everyone mark 1 PC xp, and take 1 less
exposure per errand.

The Old Guard- People are inclined to believe you are acting in the best
interest of Ilrien, and rarely question your motives. Gain additional xp
trigger: “Did we protect Ilrien or her interests?”

Choose Your Ground- When you prepare for battle you may pay 1
influence for each of the following: The ground does not allow ambush - You
are difficult to reach - You are surrounded by friends.

Upon Our Honor- All deals you make are public knowledge and inviolate.
Gain +1 influence when you keep your word. If another house goes back
on a deal with you, they lose face (remove a clock tick on their House
Advancement Clock).

131 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Battalia Opportunities

1. A Mercy is hunting some arcane creature in The Arbor and needs

2. Riots sweep the Groan, and the Watch turns to the Shields of Ilrien to
help restore order.
3. A visiting Altori noble’s repeated transgression in the Roses has led to
his capture by angry citizens. They plan to summarily execute him,
flaunting the First Court.
4. The Founder has ousted one of its bandit princes, and he is looking for
a new hunting ground. Convince him to look elsewhere.
5. A sealed tomb on the Necropolitan Hill has been found broken open.
Whatever horrors or treasures it once is empty now.
6. Spirit’s Eve approaches, and while Battalia stands ready to safeguard
the festivities, a crabbed mage warns that a coming storm may wake
something older than lost relatives.
1. A child of the current Maurish diplomat has been abducted by corsairs.
Free the child and chasten the brigands.
2. Someone has set fire to an Ironmonger factory in the Arsenal.
Investigate the scene, determine the guilty, mete out punishment.
3. A new variety of Glint has hit the streets and it is rapidly turning run-
of-the-mill addicts into raving lunatics. Find the source and put a stop
to this madness.
4. The Nightingale has laid a charge upon a young gardener’s apprentice.
He must reclaim the Sword of Taliesen, the founder of Ilrien, from the
depths of the catacombs. You will get it first.
5. It is a season of daggers. The Arbiter of the Grand Council’s life is in
danger and they have contracted Battalia for security. Let no harm
befall them.
6. Every night they enter, every morning the guards have seen nothing.
Find how the intruders are entering the household and ensure they
never do so again.

132 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
133 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Bastien, A Rising Tide
House Words: Yet We Rise
(If tavern talk is to be believed, perhaps, “They Said We Could Not”.)

Among the lower orders of the city, House Bastien is hailed as proof that anyone
sufficiently audacious may rise to the highest ranks. Among the old Houses,
Bastien is thought of as a distressing novelty.

Unique XP Trigger: Overcome an Special Feature: Popular

obstacle with Audacity or House; begin with +1 clock
Unorthodoxy. tick on your House
Resource Strengths: Transport. Advancement Clock and +1
House Bastien’s popularity opens favor with the Citizenry
many doors. Faction Group
House Healer: Grace

Bastien Coterie Upgrades

The Lady’s Blessing- The coterie gains one additional die to roll at any
time during an engagement. You may choose to use this to improve your
engagement roll itself, if you like.

Extended Family- When you hire a retinue of Wayfinders it functions as 1

tier higher.

Open Hearts to Open Eyes- When you serve the people of Ilrien, you
take -2 Exposure on any Engagement or an additional point of favor.

134 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Ledger- The coterie gains access to the house's ledgers of good turns
and kindly deals. When you consult the ledger about a House Minor roll
1-3: Whatever good turns you find are paid in full or woefully antiquated.
4/5: They will try and help you, but they probably won’t go out of their
6: They are obliged to help. Take +1d to an engagement role with their

Special Abilities

Care and Patience- Each PC adds +1 action rating to either Tinker or


Mindful- Each PC takes +1d to Mind resist rolls.

Well-Earned Acclaim- Whenever you gain favor, take one additional

point of favor.

A Matter of Charity- You are friendly with the beggars and down-trodden
of Ilrien. You may use them as a source of information. Pay 1 influence for
a 4/5 result on any gather information question or 2 influence for a 6.

The Waters in Which We Swim- Gain +1d to engagement rolls

involving the Ilrienne citizenry as cover or support. Gain additional coterie
xp trigger: Did we look out for the little guy?

Stronger Together- Multiple sixes rolled during a group action are

counted as a critical success.

Not Me, Us- You always count the Dockers, Gondoliers, and Bakers as
allied factions for the purpose of negotiations.

135 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Bastien Opportunities

1. A vicious gang stalks The Twist, abusing local merchants with

impunity. Do something about it.
2. A brewery has fired all of its Iberican workers and refuses to pay them
for their hours already worked. They are camped outside demanding
3. A friendly contact to The House has asked for the extraction of a loved
one from an indentured work house where they are kept in servitude.
4. An heiress is desperate to meet with her forbidden love, a commoner,
but the only way might be to stage a kidnapping.
5. A rival House has stationed troops to keep the Dockers in line.
Smuggle supplies in to stiffen the Dockers resolve.
6. A foreign bounty hunter is tracking a target near and dear to the
1. A rabble rouser has brought the depredations of a rival house to light,
and is being hunted. They need to get out of the city if they are to
survive the season.
2. The Bank of Brass and Bone has approved funds to build a much-
needed orphanage in The Groan, if only because they know it cannot
be built on the allotted land due to the angry spirits haunting the area.
Cure the problem, make them pay the bill.
3. The poor are going hungry as the price of grain skyrockets due to
drought. A large shipment of foodstuffs is scheduled to arrive soon.
Intercept it. Don’t get caught.
4. Purveyors are being priced out of their shops by rising taxes. Find a
way to stop the evictions and solve the problem for good.
5. Two rival houses seek to acquire a neighborhood in the Spindle for
gainful development. It is currently near-entirely comprised of family
homes. Find a way to disrupt the sale.
6. A young Knack is accidentally setting fires wherever he goes. A mob is
forming to administer “justice.” Find the talented youth and help
them learn control.

136 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
137 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Lovell, Gossipmongers of Wealth and Taste
House Words: Far Sight and Foresight

Everyone in Ilrien talks. From the Twist to the Palace, the words drift in scores
of tongues. Somehow, by guile or magic, they all make their way to the ears of
House Lovell. It is no surprise that many of those words are words of admiration
for the House. We do not speak ill when they are certainly listening.

Unique XP Trigger: Overcome an Special Feature: Scandalize;

obstacle with Secrets or Discernment. you may incite rumors and
scandal against a rival House.
Resource Strength: Intelligence. If Take -1 reputation with them
you mean to keep it secret, House and for the season their House
Lovell already knows. Advance rolls take -1 effect
House Healer: Grace

Lovell Coterie Upgrades

Questionable Contacts- The coterie can always find who has what they
need. The price, however, is negotiable.

An Eye for Talent- When you hire a colleague from the Doctore school of
training they function as 1 tier higher.

Sanctum Sanctorum- The coterie gains access to the house's Arcane

Sanctum. Take +1 clock tick any time the coterie researches or +1d when
the coterie performs a ritual.

138 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Bag of Holding- Gain +2 free load worth of arcane components or
specialized tools (arcane implements, ritual objects, et cetera).

Special Abilities

Illusory Disguise- The coterie gains access to alteration magic. Gain +1

effect toward rolls made to avoid detection when disguising or altering the
appearance of yourselves or objects.

It’s Not Who You Know.- Take +1d to rolls when you take the Uncover
a Plot downtime action to discover another Major House’s long-term
goal clock.

It’s What You Know.- Each PC may take +1 action rating to either
Consort or Channel.

Warded- Each PC gains +1d to all Spirit resist rolls.

Waltz- Take +1d to engagement rolls that take place at a party or social

Magical Means- Finished crafted items gain +1 tier for the purpose of

It’s Also Who You Know.- Gain additional xp trigger: Did we leverage
information from our contacts? Any 1-3 rolled when using a known contact
to gather information is treated as a 4/5. Choose one of the following:
They put themselves at risk to give you the information. - It takes them longer
than is ideal to get the information. - Another faction is alerted by their

139 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Lovell Opportunities

1. The House altar to a past Prince has cracked. Discover what has
angered the ancestor, repair the rift and the damaged altar.
2. A friendly house pleads for House Lovell to act as an intermediary in a
matter that requires both politics and discretion.
3. Prince Lovell desires a unique piece of jewelry that has arrived as part
of a traveling display. The guardian of the piece cannot or will not
4. Masque is coming and it is House Lovell’s turn to host. Ensure that
The House’s party will never be forgotten.
5. Whispers of civil war arise as a firebrand stokes the anger of the
Ibericans at the dock. Remove the threat of the firebrand.
6. Students dabbling in the arcane at the Scholam Naturalis have
unleashed a magical backlash. Discover the source of the problem and
see it is remedied.
1. A friendly faction’s assets have been frozen and their whaling vessel is
not being permitted to dock. Uncover the truth of the matter and fix
it, or lose the ally.
2. A powerful judge is presiding over a case centered on a minor noble
scion of The House, and they appear to be considering a guilty
sentence. This cannot stand.
3. Prince Lovell is aflame for a married or betrothed member of a rival
house. Your life will be lousy until the tryst is arranged. The subject of
this affection also has no idea.
4. The House is known for its discretion and ability to keep a secret. It
does not judge, aloud. Procure the Arbiter of the Grand Council’s vice
for them, discreetly.
5. A particularly skilled spy stole one of the House’s books of secrets.
Hunt them down before they break the cyphers.
6. The annual cleaning of the House’s vaults has unearthed a valuable art
piece dating back to the Mad Prince’s time. It’s eldritch, doubtless
dangerous, and we need to find a buyer for it.

140 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
141 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Al-Mari, A Tower Built of Spit and Spite
House Words: We Keep

They came as strangers to Ilrien, but money knows no provenance. Swords

know even less. Unfashionable, gauche even, they set to the task of securing
their new prize. Al-Mari were once mercenaries from across the seas, now they
are conqueror-princes.

Unique XP Trigger: Overcome House Healer: Physician

an obstacle with Dominance or
Aggression. Special Feature: Give Them
Nothing; when you roll to
Possible Resource Strengths: recover from harm, mark an
Supply. House Al-Mari is a self- extra tick on your progress clock.
sufficient House. They keep,

Al-Mari Coterie Upgrades

Prepared- You gain 2 free load for weapons and tools for violence.

Swords Without Number- When you hire a retinue of Blades it functions

as 1 tier higher.

Well-Armed- The coterie gains access to the house's armories. All weapons
grant +1 effect.

142 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
In the Know- The coterie gains an informant who is incredibly
knowledgeable in one subject. What is it?

Special Abilities

Deadly- Each PC may add +1 action rating to Hunt or Skirmish.

Able- Each PC gains +1d to Body resist rolls.

Like a Hammer- Gain additional xp trigger: Did we show a glorious

disregard for subtlety? Name one faction who dares not go to war with you,
for the duration of the game they will not.

Pack Tactics- Your coterie is treated as 1 tier higher when engaging in a

combat roll together.

Sneering Disregard- Take +2 influence on every errand, also take +1


War Dogs- Even when at war you may take two downtime actions.

Strike Fear- Any time someone is clearly thinking of snitching on the

coterie, or lying to a PC in it, call them out and they will think twice. Roll
a fortune die to determine the outcome.

1-3: They don’t, even against their best judgement.

4-5: They don’t, but they do talk around the question or try to make
trouble for you in other ways.

6: They succeed in snitching or lying (unless they have the misfortune

of trying to lie to a Key with the I Know This Tune ability).

143 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Al-Mari Opportunities

1. Armed pirates are attacking city ships off of the coast, The Grand
Council agrees that this is a job for mercenary princes.
2. The Ten Hammers are poaching talented fighters from the retinues of
the House.
3. Twistjacks have taken a scion of the House into custody, claiming
connection to a string of bloody duels. It’s true, of course, but Al-
Mari do not stand trial.
4. A Berylyne merchant has produced a writ of claim to a portion of the
Houses’ assets for services rendered. His claim looks legal, but his
body-guard looks a bit spare.
5. A senior Ironmonger has refused House Al-Mari’s custom. Bring him
to heel.
6. The Broadsheets have become a problem of late, and their constant
questioning of House business grows tiresome. Convince them to find
muck to rake elsewhere.
1. Word has reached us that an old enemy from Maur means to come to
Ilrienne to lay a formal challenge. How much easier it would be if
they never arrived, no?
2. A Motley footpad has stolen a marked courier wallet and retreated
into the Founder. Secure the case at any cost.
3. A vice purveyor in the city is being held by the Grand Council and is
prepared to testify. You cannot kill the Grand Council, but you can
ensure that they never hear the panderer’s testimony.
4. An important Altori noble is in Ilrien on his “grand tour.” It is a
perfect time to rid yourself of a future problem.
5. The Dead Watchers have made it clear that no foreign-born nobles
will be interred in the catacombs beneath the city. Make our case.
Loudly, if necessary.
6. An assassin’s blade has narrowly missed the heart of our Patriarch.
The Prince of Tatters has struck again. It is time to show the city that
ghosts bleed

144 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
145 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
House Elanda, A Fist Around the Heart of Trade
House Words: Gold Does Not Rust

Ilrien was once a city of merchant houses; dozens of tightening fists around the
gold which flowed through the city of canals. Now, only House Elanda remains.
If there is something that you need, it can be assured that the Elanda either
make it, import it, transport it, or ensures that you needed it in the first place.

Unique XP Trigger: Overcome House Healer: Physician

an obstacle with Guile or
Extortion. Special Feature: Volatile
Market; at the beginning of each
Resource Strength: Wealth. social season House Elanda may
None can match the accounts of trade its strength in Wealth for
House Elanda. They like it that any other strength.

Elanda Coterie Upgrades

Industrious- The coterie gains one extra downtime activity to work on

any long-term project or intrigue.

Sly Contracts- When you hire a colleague from the Courtier school of
training they function as 1 tier higher.

Factorum Factotum- The coterie gains access to the house's workshops.

You may mark +1 segment whenever the coterie researches an invention or
+1d whenever you roll to craft.

146 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
The Right Tool for the Job- Gain +2 free load to be spent on tools
(burglary gear, tinkering tools, demolition tools, et cetera).

Special Abilities

Circumspect- Each PC may add +1 action rating to Skulk or Maneuver.

Wit- Each PC gains +1d to Mind resist rolls.

Merchant Warriors- Gain additional xp trigger: Did we leverage our power

over transport or supply? You are notified when another House of the
Esultare begins a long-term goal related to transportation or supply.

Counterfeiting- No one questions the authenticity of your goods. Take

+1d to Sway or Consort for the purpose of negotiating over value.

The Weird Stuff- Take +1 effect level to any acquire asset roll for the
purpose of acquiring arcane or obscure ingredients.

High Society- Take -1 exposure during downtime and +1d to gather

information about the rest of the city’s elite.

Patronage- When you must make egregiously large bribes or payments,

pay half the amount of influence normally required to do so (if the cost is
1 influence, pay 0).

147 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Elanda Opportunities

1. A lucrative trade route is being disrupted by a rival merchant; put an

end to the disruption.
2. Someone has stolen an original work of art from The House and
replaced it with a very convincing counterfeit. Discover how it
happened and get the piece back.
3. Braelian, a vintner, has produced a wine that is taking the city by storm.
He refuses to sell the secret of his success. This means that our profit
will be all the higher when we steal it.
4. The House has recently purchased an exotic beast for their menagerie.
Transporting it is proving troublesome.
5. A contentious trade negotiation has turned bloody. Clear the evidence,
pay the witnesses, whatever is necessary. This must not affect business.
6. The crimson powder used in the Pomegranate Festival has not arrived.
Find a substitute. Quickly.
1. Lorenzio is a genius in his field and nearing a breakthrough that will
revolutionize Ilrien. The only problem is that he works for a rival House.
2. A mysterious bit of cargo requires special delivery to the Ribelle
Foothills. It cannot be inspected, the recipient is unknown, but it is
highly desired.
3. You are tasked with stopping a trade that was set up by The House. It
must look like outside interference. Discovery that The House robbed
itself to get out of a bad trade deal would leave a stain on its impeccable
4. A killer is stalking the Trinket, leaving behind only cryptic riddles as to
their identity. Master Craftsmen seem to be the only targets.
5. One of the wealthy patrons of the House’s pleasure craft has been
impounded by the Watch. At least, they think it was the watch. Be a
love and fetch it?
6. A craftsman in league with one of our rivals wishes to defect. As a show
of good faith, he will turn over a prototype weapon that he has been
working on. Unfortunately, getting to it will require a bit of assistance.

148 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Standard House Upgrades

Universal house upgrades are, as the name implies, additional upgrades to

which every house in the Esultare has access.

o Retinues and Colleagues-

The coterie hires a retinue or
Upgrades colleague. Retinues are
groups of trained
professionals that work in
Quality: unison. Colleagues are
experts with a specific area of
o Documents mastery.
o Gear (See: Retinues and Colleagues
o Implements for creation and management.)
o Supplies
o Tools o Private Apartments
o Weapons o Hidden Exit
o Workspace
o Ritual Space
o Private Library
o Mind o Arcane Wards
o Body o Dedicated Transportation
o Spirit

149 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Retinues & Colleagues

It increases in scale and quality

when your coterie moves up in
Types of Retinues tier.

If your coterie is tier II, your

Doctore- Scholars, tinkerers, retinue is quality II and scale 2
magicians, and alchemists. (12 people). When your coterie
is tier IV, your retinue is
Courtier- Con artists, spies, and quality 4 and scale 4.
Certain coterie upgrades can alter
Wayfinder- Sailors, carriage the above rules.
drivers, and couriers.

Fox- Scouts, infiltrators, and thieves.

Types of Colleagues
Blade- Killers, bodyguards, and
A colleague is an expert in any
skill that the coterie considers
Creating a Retinue
Example: A craftsman, a diplomat, a
physician, an exorcist, et cetera.
Choose a retinue type from the list
above. A retinue has scale and
quality equal to your current tier.

150 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Creating a Colleague Uncouth: Loud-mouthed,
drunken, or debauched.

Record the colleague’s type (their

area of expertise). A colleague has Modifying a Retinue
quality equal to your coterie’s tier or Colleague
+1. Their scale is always zero (1
person). Your colleagues increase
in quality when your coterie moves You can add an additional type to
up in tier. the retinue or colleague by
spending two coterie upgrades.
Edges and Flaws: When they perform actions for
which its types apply, it uses full
When creating a retinue or colleague quality rating. Otherwise, its
give them one or two edges and an quality is 0. Any given retinue or
equal number of flaws. colleague can have a maximum of
two types.

Fearsome: Terrifying in aspect

and reputation. Using a Retinue
Independent: Can be trusted to or Colleague
make good choices.
Loyal: Can’t be bribed or
turned against you. When you send a retinue or
Tenacious: Won’t be deterred colleague to achieve a goal, roll
from a task. their quality to see how it goes.
Or, a PC can oversee the
Flaws maneuver by leading a group
action. If you direct the retinue
Principled: Has ethics or morals with orders, roll Command. If you
that it won’t betray. participate in the action alongside
Savage: Excessively violent, the cohort, roll the appropriate
bloody-minded, or cruel. action. The quality of any
Unreliable: Is not always available opposition relative to the
due to flights of fancy,
obligations, or vices.

151 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
retinue or colleague’s quality
affects the position and effect of Retinue and Colleague
the action. Harm and Healing
Retinues or colleagues may be
dispatched to handle errands or Retinues and colleagues suffer
house business on their own. If, for harm similarly to PCs. A cohort
example, an entanglement calls for can suffer four levels of harm.
another faction to task the coterie
with another errand, a retinue or Weakened: The retinue or
colleague may be entrusted to see colleague has reduced effect.
to the task. A band of Blades might
Impaired: The retinue or colleague
secure a location on the coterie’s
operates with reduced quality (-
behalf, or a detachment of
Wayfinders might escort an
important shipment in their stead.
Broken: The retinue or colleague
can’t do anything until they
When the coterie dispatches a
retinue or their colleagues to see to
an errand rather than engaging in
Dead: The retinue or colleague is
the errand themselves, roll the
retinue or colleague’s tier,
modified by opposition or All of your retinues and colleagues
expected difficulty. Remember to heal during downtime. If
take into account the specialties of circumstances are amenable for
the retinue or colleagues. Courtiers recovery, each cohort removes one
will have an easier time negotiating level of harm (or two levels of
a new trade agreement than a harm instead, if a PC spends a
skulk of Foxes. Adjudicate success downtime activity helping them
or complication as normal and recuperate).
then tell the PCs how the errand
turned out. This will allow a If a retinue or colleague is
coterie with retinues of their own destroyed, it may be replaced.
to accomplish far more in a social Spend influence equal to your tier
season than they themselves might +2 to restore it, plus two
otherwise be able to attend to. downtime activities to recruit new
members of your retinue or hire a
new colleague.

152 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
C hapter
T hree


153 – C H A P T E R T W O , C h a r a c t e r s
Payoff and Exposure

outside of your house is aware of

it, take +1 influence, but gain no
Payoff favor. If no one knows about
your masterful manipulations
and maneuvers, you can hardly
After an errand, the PCs take be the toast of the town.
stock of what they have achieved;
both the influence they have The coterie earns influence based
earned within their house, and upon the nature of the errand
the favor that they have garnered that they engage in and/or any
with the other factions in the secrets or leverage that they
course of the operation. A uncover while on the job.
successful errand always generates
influence. • 1 Influence: Faithful service
as a coachman.
• 2 Influence: A friendly chat
with a business associate,
Influence perhaps a bit of negotiation
and compromise.
• 4 Influence: Covering a
The coterie earns 2 influence per significant social gaffe,
errand by default. If the target of exposing a rival’s shame.
the errand is of a higher tier than • 6 Influence: A ruinous
your coterie, take +1 influence secret, found or hidden.
per tier higher. If the target of • 8 Influence: Discreet
the errand is lower tier than your disposal of a body, escorting
coterie, take -1 influence per tier an heir of the House for a
lower (minimum zero). weekend’s carousing.
• 10 Influence: Interception
If you keep the errand of an assassin’s blade,
completely quiet so that no one admission of high treason

154 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
in lieu of shaming the The coterie earns favor based on
House. how far they went out of their
way to help the other factions of
Divvy up the influence your the city, or how much they
coterie has earned amongst accomplished on their behalf.
yourselves, marking them on
your individual Playbook sheets. • 1 Favor: Ended a minor
menace, protected something
You may set the scene and play important, stopped a bad
out the meeting with the patron situation.
within the household who • 2 Favor: Ended a major
dispensed your errand if there is crisis, rallied a defense of the
something interesting to explore city, saved a Prince or
there. If not, just gloss over it important leader’s life.
and move on to the next part of
downtime. Examples:

The coterie hunted down a

strange creature menacing the
Favor Arbor, and gained 1 favor
with the Houses Minor.
The coterie stopped an
Unlike influence, the coterie does assassination attempt on the
not earn a default amount of Prince of a rival House,
favor. Favor exists with other Corvetto. They gained 2
factions within the city, and is favor with House Corvetto.
only given out when a service is
preformed that benefits them. Record your favor on the
coterie’s House Sheet.
The following factions have their
own favor tracks on the coterie’s
House Sheet: Each Individual
House Major, The Houses Minor,
The Uncouth, The Outsiders, and
The Citizenry.

155 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
even in the poorest parts of
Exposure & Shame
Discretion is the worthier part of
valor. Your coterie is expected to
Ilrien is a city of prying eyes and maintain a certain level of secrecy
anything you do might be and politesse when seeing about
witnessed or provable by the the house’s business, otherwise it
evidence that you leave behind. reflects poorly upon the house.
To reflect this, your coterie Attracting unwanted attention
acquires exposure as they go results in gaining ticks of
about their errands. After an exposure, and exposure
errand or encounter with an ultimately leads to levels of
opponent, your coterie takes shame.
exposure according to the nature
of the job. Each time your exposure tracker
is filled, add one level of shame
• 0 Exposure: Only your and clear your exposure. Any
house is even aware that you excess exposure rolls over into the
were dispatched. next track.
• 2 Exposure: Contained,
discreet, and sensible; Example: Your exposure was
standard exposure. at 7 ticks, with 0 shame. You
• 4 Exposure: Loud and took 4 additional exposure, so
chaotic; high exposure. you marked the tracker with
• 6 Exposure: Wild and 2 ticks, filling it. You marked
devastating exposure. 1 level of shame, then erased
all ticks of exposure and
Add an additional level of added the 2 ticks you earned
exposure for high-profile, well- but didn’t have room for.
connected, or constantly You’re left with 1 shame and
surveilled targets. Add +1 2 exposure marked.
exposure if the errand took place
in hostile territory. Add an The higher your shame level, the
additional +1 exposure if you are more serious the responses from
currently at war. Add +2 the Grand Council, the Esultare,
exposure if you left behind and the city of Ilrien at large
bodies. Bodies draw questions, become. You invite more public

156 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
attention to your actions, forces
of higher quality and scale will be Reducing Exposure
dispatched to thwart you, and
you will open the house to public
& Shame
Exposure is reduced by spending
Level 1 Shame: The coterie loses downtime actions covering your
one downtime action (one PC tracks, making apologies, or
must spend a downtime action otherwise alleviating blame being
explaining or apologizing on placed on your coterie. Any PC
behalf of the coterie after every can spend a downtime reducing
errand). exposure for the coterie. Simply
describe what you’re doing to
Level 2 Shame: The coterie’s help, and roll the appropriate
house finds itself subject to the action or fortune dice to
First House’s censure and loses determine the amount of
one errand per social season until exposure that is reduced.
they make amends. Multiple PCs can spend their
downtime activities to reduce
Level 3 Shame: The House loses exposure.
a tick of progress on their House
Advancement Clock. As well as • 1-3: Reduce exposure by 1.
choosing one of the following: A • 4/5: Reduce exposure by 2.
PC is sent to the guillotine to • 6: Reduce exposure by 3.
atone for the coterie’s shame • Critical: Reduce exposure by
level, the coterie dedicates a 5.
Social Season to abject service to
the Grand Council, or the coterie Shame is reduced by making
is dismissed from the service of amends with Houses Minor,
their house. Rival Houses, or the City at large
depending on the cause or
severity of shame. To make
amends, the coterie must spend
an errand appeasing the powers
that be.

• If the coterie succeeds in

their errand to make amends,
reduce shame level by 1.

157 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Downtime Activities

Between errands, your coterie gather information, talk with other

spends time at their liberty, characters, et cetera. In other
attending to personal matters, words, only activities that are on the
needs, and side projects. These are list are limited.
called downtime activities. During
a downtime phase, each PC has For every downtime activity, take
time for 2 downtime activities. +1d to the roll if a friend or contact
When you are at war, each PC only helps you. After the roll, you may
has time for 1 downtime activity. spend influence to improve the
result level. Increase the result level
You may choose the same activity by one for each influence spent. So,
more than once. You can only a 1-3 result becomes a 4/5, a 4/5
attempt actions that you’re in a result becomes a 6, a 6 result
position to accomplish. If an becomes a critical, as normal.
activity is contingent on another
action, resolve that action first. Below is a quick reference list of all
of the activities that are limited to
A PC can make time for more than downtime actions. Continue reading
2 activities at a cost. Each to see them explained in detail.
additional activity from the list
costs 1 influence. This reflects the
time and resulting imposition upon Downtime Actions
the good graces of your house while
you are “off the clock” and not • Acquire Assets
available for your duties. When you • Uncover a Plot
complete a new errand, you reset and • Long-Term Projects
get 2 “free” activities again. • Intrigues
• Recover
Activities on the downtime list are • Make Amends
limited; normal actions are not. • Indulge & Reduce Stress
During downtime, you can still go • Train
places, do things, make action rolls,

158 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
You can spend influence to raise
Acquire Assets the result of this roll beyond
critical by spending 2 influence
per additional tier added.

Gain temporary use of an asset: The GM may set a minimum

quality level that must be
• One special item or a set of
achieved when you acquire a
common items (enough for a
particular asset. For example, if
retinue of your tier scale).
you want to get a set of Mercy’s
• A retinue or colleague.
robes and the blessed
• A vehicle.
ammunition that they use to
• A service, such as transport
hunt monsters, you’d need to
from a smuggler or
acquire a tier III asset. A lower
gondolier, use of a warehouse
result won’t do.
for temporary storage, legal
representation, et cetera. If you acquire the same asset
again, you get +1d to your roll. If
Temporary use constitutes one
you continue to re-acquire an
significant period of usage that
asset every time it’s used, you can
makes sense for the asset--
effectively rent it indefinitely.
typically the duration of an
errand or a social season. An Alchemicals, poisons, bombs,
asset may also be acquired for and other such dangerous gadgets
“standby” use in the future. You are carefully monitored and
might hire a gang of dockyard controlled in Ilrien. When you
thugs off the books to guard a acquire one of these items rather
witness, for example, and they’ll than crafting it yourself, you take
stick around until after the first +2 exposure.
serious tussle, or until some time
goes by and they lose interest. If you want to acquire an asset
permanently, you can either gain
To acquire the asset, roll the it as a coterie upgrade (using the
coterie’s tier. The result indicates rules for advancement) or work
the quality of the asset you get, on it as a long-term project to
using the crew’s tier as the base. set up permanent acquisition.
1-3: Tier-1 (Minimum 0) 4-5:
Tier 6: Tier+1 Critical: Tier+2.

159 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
On a 6, you reveal any clocks
that the House is currently
Uncover a Plot working toward that involve
Sleight. Clocks involving
Sleight are, by their very
When you spend a downtime nature, hidden from all but the
activity on uncovering the plots most careful scrutiny. If they are
of your rival Houses of the already working to cover their
Esultare, select which house you tracks, imagine how hard your
are targeting. Explain what Retainer is going to have to
actions you are taking to uncover work to uncover them.
the machinations of your rivals If there is no Sleight clock in
and roll a gather information play, you uncover the most
roll with the related action. recent Grasp clock, or Reach
Remember to take an additional clock.
die if your maneuvering involved
a friend or contact. On a Critical Success, behave
as though you had rolled a 6,
On a 1-3, you uncover any and also reveal how many
clocks the house is currently ticks toward completion the
working toward that involve House has achieved.
Reach. Clocks involving Reach Alternately: You may choose
are typically conducted to uncover the clock that is
relatively openly, in or adjacent closest to completion, though
to territory already controlled. you will not know how many
ticks the clock has left.
On a 4/5, you reveal any
clocks the House is currently You may spend influence to
working toward that involve improve the results of this roll at
Grasp. Clocks involving Grasp a cost of 1 influence per level of
are less overt than Reach, as the improvement. You may do this
element of surprise is often key even after the GM regretfully
in Ilrienne maneuverings. informs you that the targeted
If there is no Grasp clock in House has no clocks of the rolled
play, you uncover the most type. This influence may be used
recent Reach clock instead. to leverage contacts, press
delicate issues, and generally get
your questions answered.

160 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Jo wants to find out what those 4-5: two segments, 6: three
sneaky Corvettos are up to this segments, Critical: five segments.
season, so she does some
snooping. She decides to check
A long-term project can cover a
in with her Gondoliere contact,
Benecio, to get the word on the wide variety of activities, like
canal, as it were. She rolls her doing research into an arcane
two dice in Consort and takes ritual, investigating a mystery,
an extra die for leveraging her gaining someone’s trust, courting
contact. She rolls a 1, a 4, and a new friend or contact, changing
a 6. Nothing gets past Benecio. your character’s indulgence, and
He tells Jo that he’s heard word so on. The distinction between a
that the Corvetto are currently
long-term project and an
embroiled in a bit of house
cleaning. They are destroying intrigue is that long-term
evidence of bribery paid to City projects are self-contained, and
Watch officers...a lot of crooked do not target another character,
watchmen are turning up dead. faction, or location. If your long-
Jo decides that she needs to term project is somehow opposed
know how close the Corvetto or opens you to consequences,
are to completing their goal, use an intrigue (see Intrigues).
and so she pays an additional
influence to learn that the
Corvetto are 5/6 of the way to Based on the goal of the project,
coming away from their the GM will tell you the clock(s)
malfeasance clean. to create and suggest a method
by which you might make

Long-Term Projects In order to work on a project,

you might first have to achieve
the means to pursue it--which
can be a project unto itself. For
When you work on a long-term example, you might want to
project (either a brand new one, make friends with a member of
or an already existing one), the Grand Council, but you have
describe what your character does no connections to them. You
to advance the project clock, and could first work on a project to
roll one of your actions. Mark consort in their circles so that
segments on the clock according you have the opportunity to
to your result: 1-3: one segment, meet one of them. Once that’s

161 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
accomplished, you could start a in the Twist such that they do
new project to form a friendly not say a word about your
relationship. maneuvering.

Reduce exposure according to

your roll result:
Recover 1-3: reduce by one, 4/5: reduce
by two, 6: reduce by three,
Critical: reduce by five.

When you recover, you seek Reducing levels of shame is more

treatment and heal your harm. difficult than reducing exposure.
You might visit a physician who It will require making amends
can mend your wounds with via forfeiture of an errand during
anatomical expertise, or a Grace a social season, as the coterie
who can remove a curse with must spend one errand to do the
charms and restorative alchemy. work required to reduce their
Each house has one of these on shame. The coterie will have
retainer to provide treatment to fewer dice to roll to advance their
their coteries. house of service at the end of the
season, but if your coterie
See Healing Harm to review this succeeds in their errand, you will
mechanic. erase a level of shame.

Reduce Exposure
& Shame

Say what your character does to When you spend time in

reduce the exposure, mollify the training, mark 1xp on the xp
House, or hide the evidence and track for an attribute or Playbook
make an action roll. Maybe you advancement. If you have the
Consort with your friend who is appropriate coterie training
a City Watch Inspector and she upgrade unlocked, mark +1 xp (2
arranges for the evidence to xp total). You can train a given
disappear. Or maybe you xp track only once per
Command the fear of the locals downtime.

162 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
can only be done when the
Indulge & coterie has downtime.
Reduce Stress
Alternatively, you may choose to
release your character to be “lost
The retainers of the Esultare are a in their indulgence” during a
special lot. They defy the powers game session, allowing them to
that be and exist in a swirling indulge off-camera while you
maelstrom of delicate play a different PC. Another
maneuvering and sudden retainer of the house, a friend, or
treachery and violence. They contact of the coterie may be
push themselves further than created as an alternate character
ordinary people are willing to go. to play, thus fleshing out the
But this comes at a cost. A landscape of the PCs.
retainer’s life is one of constant
stress. Inevitably, each turn to You roll to find out how much
some means of expression in stress relief your character
order to cope. receives. An indulge roll is like a
resistance roll in reverse--rather
A retainer’s indulgence is their than gaining stress levels, you
obsession. But with this clear stress levels. The
indulgence comes a moment of effectiveness of your indulgence
respite from stress and the ability depends upon your character’s
to once again face the worst attribute rating. It’s their
overwhelming and all-consuming weakest quality (Mind, Body or
struggle to climb to the top. Spirit) that is most in thrall to

Indulging Make an attribute roll using your

When you indulge, you clear character’s lowest attribute rating
some stress from the character’s (if there’s a tie, that’s fine--
stress track. Say how your simply use that rating). Clear
character indulges, including stress equal to the highest die
what source or avenue they use result.
to satisfy their needs. This
indulgence takes some time, so it

163 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Overindulgence • A favor. You lose a
downtime action to help
If your indulgence roll clears someone or cannot indulge
more stress levels than you had again until you have done so.
marked, you overindulge. An
indulgence is not reliable or
controllable. It’s a risk--and one Ignoring your Indulgence
that can drive your character to If you do not or cannot indulge
act against their best interests. during a downtime phase, you
take stress equal to your scandal
When you overindulge, you level. If you don’t have any
make a bad call because of your scandals, you’re free to ignore
indulgence--in acquiring it or your indulgence. You are not
while partaking in it. To bring overburdened by your life in the
the effect of this bad decision public eye (yet).
into the game, select an
overindulgence complication
from the list.

• Attract Trouble. Select or roll Roleplaying & XP

an additional entanglement.
• Brag about your exploits. Take
+2 exposure. Along with your character’s
• Lost. Your character vanishes heritage and background, their
for a few weeks. Play a indulgence tells us what kind of
different character until this person they are. This obsession
one returns from their impacts their motivation, goals,
bender, spree, or obligation. and behavior. When you ponder
When your character returns, what your character might do or
they have also healed any say next, you can always consider
harm they had before they their indulgence to help you
vanished. think of something. As an added
• Tapped. Your current source benefit, by playing to the nature
becomes unavailable. You’ll of your character’s need to
have to fix things before you indulge, you earn xp at the end
can indulge again. of the session.

164 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e

An intrigue is a special long- errand, and entire power

term clock that establishes covert structures can be upset with
action to change something forethought, guile, and luck.
about the balance of power in the
city. This is the player-facing The intrigue clock differs from a
version of the agendas of the standard long-term clock in that
other Houses of the Esultare. If it establishes a pair of racing
you mean to assassinate a high- clocks. The player’s clock
profile rival NPC, seize territory typically begins as a 6-part clock,
for your own use, or interfere while the opposition’s begins as a
with the machinations of another 4-part clock.
faction, you might undertake an
errand to see it done, but you Intrigue does not happen in a
might instead begin coordinating vacuum, and so it necessitates a
the moving pieces to bring about conversation between player and
your desired aim over the course GM. The player and the GM
of the social season. answer the following questions,
establishing the truth of the
Intrigues allow you to engage in fiction surrounding the Intrigue
long-term machinations which and record the answers in their
upset the status quo. With them, notes for future reference.
you can reach above your station,
targeting foes with craft and
subtlety who would otherwise be
out of your power to manipulate
or engage. The changes you
bring to Ilrien with intrigues are
beyond the scope of a single

165 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
find you out. Suborning a local
watch officer who is already on
The Conversation someone’s payroll, or acquiring
the services of a spy in a minor
noble house might be a 4-section
GM asks: “Who or what is the clock, while a far-reaching
target of your intrigue; what do conspiracy with grander designs
you mean to do, and what are you on the life of a Prince might be
risking?” as high as a 12-section clock. The
GM will also tell you whose help
With this question, you set the you will need to ensure the
parameters for the change you success of your intrigue. If you
would make to the status quo. can do it by yourself, then it
You might seize territory, subvert might be better handled as a
a rival House’s assets or allies, long-term clock rather than an
discredit a powerful rival, or intrigue.
arrange for a notable in the city
to quietly disappear. At the same GM asks: “What special pains will
time, you are setting the stakes you take to keep this intrigue
for just what you might stand to secret?”
lose if this intrigue is found out.
Wager boldly, for great changes The answer to this question will
call for great risks, and tepid help the GM consider how large
deceptions make for poor stories. a clock the opposition’s racing
intrigue clock should be. If you
Player asks: “How long will this are moving fast and trusting that
take, and who else do I need to audacity will carry you to victory,
involve?” it might stay a 4-section clock. If,
however, you are willing to play
This question starts a discussion the long-game and move with
with regard to how far-reaching caution, spend favor with other
and involved the Intrigue you factions, or wager the strength of
mean to begin needs be. Here, your reputation to be a shield
you will establish the size of the against suspicion, the clock
intrigue clock that you must might grow in size. Fortune
complete before your rivals favors the bold, but skullduggery
complete their racing clock to is best accomplished with

166 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
circumspection from behind a might be issuing commands to
good excuse. your retinues, consorting with
contacts, skulking around in
Player asks: “Who else am I hostile territory to ferret out
defying by committing to this information, or any other
course, and what kind of collateral fictional action that gets you
damage might result?” closer to achieving your goal.
Unlike normal long-term clocks,
The status quo does not like pursuing your aims with intrigue
being disrupted. The moment does not simply constitute a
you change the fiction of Ilrien, fortune roll. You are putting
you are making enemies. yourself in harm’s way, or
Everyone in the city has their exposing yourself to the
own aims and goals and possibility of your plan being
aspirations, and the moment that discovered by your enemies.
you maneuver into a position
more favorable to yourself, you Your GM will state the position
have cut the moorings of a dozen and effect of your rolls before
competing plots. The GM now you carry out your intrigue
tells you who you are actions. The default position for
inadvertently snubbing by these rolls is controlled, but your
achieving your own aims. They target’s tier, available assets, and
also tell you how the change the number of ticks on your
might cause unforeseen damage enemy’s racing intrigue clock
to people and places other than might mean that you carry out
your intended target. your machinations from a
desperate position. Failure marks
the appropriate number of ticks
on your target’s racing clock,
though these may be mitigated as
Making Progress usual with a resistance roll.

Mark ticks on your intrigue

Progress is made on your clocks as you would a normal
outstanding intrigue clocks by long-term project clock. When
taking action during downtime your clock is filled, your desired
to carry out your plan. This outcome comes to pass. Should

167 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
your enemies fill their clock Houses Minor to make that
before your intrigue comes to happen, but how far can you
fruition, you have wagered and trust them?”
lost. The consequences that you
discussed with your GM come to The Player and GM decide that
pass instead. this makes sense as a 6-part
clock. The Bank doesn’t trust
easily, and their agents are
carefully vetted for loyalty.
Example Intrigue
Player: “I’m going to send the
best of my Foxes, Cesare.
They’ve always proven
Player: “Lucrezia, my paramour, themselves loyal, and I’ll arrange
is in debt to the Bank of Brass a public dismissal. Cesare will
and Bone. I want to ensure that bide their time before
the ledger that holds her debt is approaching the Bank of Brass
altered to erase all evidence that and Bone. I want to make sure
the debt ever existed. I think I’m that I’ve got deniability should
risking the censure of the Bank if Cesare fail. It’ll take a while
my plot is discovered, they’ll longer, but I really don’t want
probably refuse to contract with this to trace back to me.”
us in the future. They might The Player and GM decide that
bring their complaints to the the Intrigue will be an 8-part
Prince, too. House Elanda won’t clock to represent the careful
be well pleased, I imagine.” placement of Cesare. The GM
assigns a 6-part clock to ferreting
GM: “This is going to require out Cesare’s Disloyalty.
getting an agent into the Bank of
Brass and Bone. You’ve got a GM: “You’ve hit the nail on the
retinue of Foxes, but it’ll head here, I think. House Elanda
probably take some time to get as First House of the Esultare is
them placed to start cooking the firmly tied to the Bank of Brass
books for you, right? Are you and Bone. Should your plans be
willing to wait, or do you think discovered, they’ll probably be
you could maybe bribe someone moved to go to war with your
on the inside? You might be able house. Undermining the Bank is
to leverage your favor with the

168 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
bad for business. The First Court
might have all they need to levy
charges against you as well.

If you succeed, you’ll be

snubbing the Arborists who are
waiting to buy up Lucrezia’s
estates when she defaults on her
loan. As far as collateral damage,
I’ve got to tell you, if the Bank of
Brass and Bone lose Lucrezia’s
sizeable debt, they’re going to be
insolvent and the Fortunato
Trade Federation are going to be
primed to move in and take
control of a large part of Ilrien’s
banking. The Bank and the
Fortunato are going to swap

169 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Rituals & Crafting

their fields. When the coterie

arrives to see what the matter
Arcane Magnitude is, the creature turns its wrath
toward them.

Arcane energy varies in power, so This particular forest spirit has

to help the GM judge these a magnitude of 5, so when it
forces consistently, the following reaches out to crush the coterie
magnitude scale is provided. with its tree-like limbs, it rolls
Magnitude measures the quality 6d. On a 1-3 the attack has
level of a magical creature, arcane little effect, it batters whoever is
spell or other arcane phenomena closest, causing only minor
by its area, scale, duration, range, harm. On a 4-5 it is relatively
and force. successful, battering everyone
close enough to it for minor
You can use the magnitude of an harm. On a 6 it successfully
entity or power as a dice pool for thrashes the entire group, using
the fortune roll to see how much roots to reach anyone outside of
effect it has, if it’s not obvious or its limb range and inflicting
certain. harm. On a critical success the
mighty creature hammers the
Example: The local township party causing significant harm.
has been delayed in bringing
the city’s grain shipment. It You can add levels of magnitude
turns out they angered a very together to describe a
old creature when they clear-cut combination of effects, or simply
a new swath of forest to add to focus on one key feature for the
magnitude assessment, ignoring

170 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
other elements, even if they’re on
the scale. Additional elements are
not always additive.

Example: In the previous

example, the forest spirit
generated magnitude 5 force
and the GM included it’s reach
“for free” as part of its power.

In another session, a Knack

wants to accomplish a ritual
that will unleash a forest spirit
on a mercenary band hiding in
the foothills. The GM says this
is a very significant summoning
and chooses to add two levels of
magnitude together force 5 and
range 4. To summon such
devastating power the Knack
will suffer 9 stress. The GM
offers a compromise, the ritual
will only cost 7 stress if the
knack is willing to take extra
time, but some of the
mercenaries will see it coming
and have the good sense to run

The magnitude is just a set of

guidelines to help the GM make
judgement calls. How they
choose to judge magnitude is
ultimately up to them.

The tables on the following page

can also be used as a guide to
quality level when a PC acquires
an asset or crafts something.

171 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Area/Scale Quality Examples
0 - A closet, or 1 or 2 people 0 - A rusty knife, tattered
1 - A small room, or 3-6 people clothing, an old shack
2 - A large room, or a dozen 1 - A fighting blade, common
people clothing, cheap food
3 - Several rooms, or 20 people 2 - A pistol, respectable clothing,
4 - A small building, or 40 private rented room, common
people magic
5 - A large building, or 80 people 3 - A coach, boat, fashionable
6 - A city block, or 160 people clothing, small home
4 - Luxury transportation,
townhouse, powerful magic,
Duration/Range typical spirits
0 - A few moments, or within 5 - A large townhouse, small
reach ship, custom clothing, rare
1 - A few minutes, or a dozen arcane trinkets
paces 6 - A mansion, large ship, awe-
2 - An hour, or a stone’s throw inspiring magic, nature spirits
3 - A few hours, or down the
4 - A day, or several blocks away Force Examples
5 - Several days, or across a 0 - A firm shove, candle flame,
district breeze, tiny spark
6 - A week, or across the city 1 - A solid punch, steady wind,
torch flame
2 - A powerful blow, howling
Tier & Quality / Force wind, burning brand
0 - Poor, or weak 3 - A crushing blow, staggering
1 - Adequate, or moderate wind, Molotov cocktail
2 - Good, or strong 4 - A charging horse, burning
3 - Excellent, or serious forge, whirlwind
4 - Superior, or powerful 5 - A cannon, raging thunder-
5 - Impeccable, or storm, massive fire, lightning
Overwhelming strike
6 - Legendary, or devastating 6 - Hurricane wind, molten lava,
tidal wave, electrical maelstrom

172 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e

A ritual is what is required for For every special ability you

big magic, the truly awe- have in the “Knack” playbook,
inspiring stuff. Rituals you may have one of these
undertaken by “blunts”, those features:
without the knack, can backfire
terribly. Even amongst the • You know what the side-effect
skilled, there is much that can go of your ritual will be before it
awry when weaving arcane comes to pass.
currents of these proportions.
• You can mitigate the severity
All rituals have a cost. Based on of the side-effect by one
the nature of the ritual you are magnitude effect level.
trying to complete; the GM will
most often create an unintended • You can spend a downtime
side-effect. When the ritual is activity holding off the side-
completed, the GM will advance effect, stopping it from
the clock for this side-effect happening at a particularly
coming to fruition, and inopportune time.
determine the trigger(s) required
to fill the tracker. Any If you are a “blunt” with no skills
unintended consequence that from the “Knack” playbook, you
does not require a clock happens are at the mercy of the GM’s
immediately upon completion. good will.

173 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Use the below unintended
consequences as a guideline, Find a Ritual
based on the ritual’s magnitude. Source
1-4 Magnitude Effect Level -
Minor; a noticeable physical All rituals come from
change in the caster, somewhere. They can be
sensitivity to a common obtained using Aquire Asset or
substance, the caster becomes be found or awarded in the
distracted and reduces one course of play. Because rituals are
less stress than their normal the province of the old
when they indulge for a set Warweavers, they are not easily
amount of time. available, and can be quite costly.

5-8 Magnitude Effect Level -

Significant; the caster is
fatigued and must spend one Learning a Ritual
additional stress to push
themselves for a set amount of
time, a personal sacrifice is Once the ritual is found, you
demanded, something may undertake a long-term
annoying is summoned by the project to learn the ritual. Most
output of arcana. rituals will require an 8-part
clock to learn. Define the nature
9-12 Magnitude Effect Level of the ritual by answering the
- Severe; the ritual cannot be questions below:
controlled after it’s served its
initial purpose, something GM Asks: What does the ritual
dangerous is woken or do, and how is it arcane?
attracted by the output of Player Asks: What must I do to
arcana, a great sacrifice is perform the ritual and what is
demanded. the price?
GM asks: What new belief or
fear does knowledge of this ritual
and its arcane force instill in you?

174 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Example Ritual Answers
Player Answers: The ritual
summons a torrential storm to
Performing a Ritual
put out the fires raging in the
city. As long as the ritual is active
my eyes crackle with lightning, Most rituals will take one
and sparks jump from my fingers downtime activity to complete,
to metal objects. but the GM may call for two, or
GM Answers: You will have to three downtime activities to
spend one downtime activity to resolve the ritual, depending on
perform the ritual and another its scope. This represents the
downtime activity to climb to the amount of time that is required
highest point on the city wall to to prepare and cast a ritual.
unleash the power of the ritual. Some rituals may be performed
The cost will be 6 stress if you in advance of their intended uses.
are uninterrupted, but you will In this case the ritual is
incur 1 additional stress for every considered dormant but ready to
interruption along the way as you be completed with a final word
fight to contain that power. or gesture at a later time.
Player Answers: If this was a
relatively uncomplicated ritual; I When you perform a ritual, you
mean, something that I could do take an amount of stress as
alone, then the Warweavers must established by the ritual
have been truly terrifying. questions, according to the
magnitude of the forces brought
to bear. The GM uses magnitude
as a guideline for setting stress
cost, using their own discretion.

175 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e

During downtime, a PC can *If a PC with no skills in the

Tinker with special materials and Knack playbook wishes to create
tools to produce or modify items, a spell for a new enchantment,
mundane or arcane in nature. they will require a 10 or 12-
The system for crafting and segment progress clock,
enchanting is the same, with signifying the additional
some details changed depending undertaking of learning the
on what is being made. required uncommon reagents
and craftwork.

Creation Questions
Inventing 1. GM asks: “What type of
creation is it and what does
it do?” Player answers. A
To invent a formula for a new creation might be mundane,
alchemical concoction, a spell for alchemical, or arcane.
a new enchantment, or the plan 2. Player asks: “What’s the
for a new item of your design, minimum quality level of
you need to Study it as a long- this item?” GM answers,
term project. Most new with the magnitude of the
formulas, enchantments, or effects the item produces as a
designs will require an 8-segment guideline.
progress clock* to invent and 3. GM asks: “What rare,
learn. The player and the GM strange, or adverse aspect of
answer questions about the this formula, enchantment,
invention to define what it will or design has kept it in
do in play and what is required obscurity, out of common
to create it (see below). The usage?” Player answers.
player records these answers in 4. Player asks: “What
their notes for future reference. drawbacks does this item
have, if any?” GM answers

176 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
by choosing one or more • +1 quality per influence
from the drawbacks list, or spent.
by saying there are none. • +1 quality for Workshop
coterie upgrade.
Once you’ve invented a formula,
enchantment, or design, you can Crafting Roll Results
craft it by using a downtime • 1-3: Quality level is tier -1.
activity. No one else can craft • 4/5: Quality level is equal to
this invention unless they learn tier.
your design as a long-term • 6: Quality level is tier +1.
project. If you acquire a formula • Critical: Quality level is tier
or design invented by another +2.
tinkerer, you may learn to craft it
by completing a long-term
project. Learning an existing To craft something, spend one
formula, enchantment, or design downtime activity to make a
will typically require a 4-segment Tinker, or Channel roll to
progress clock to learn. determine the quality level of
the item you produce. The base
Common alchemicals, quality level is equal to your
enchantments, and ordinary coterie’s tier, modified by the
items don’t require special result of the roll.
formulas or designs to learn.
Anyone may attempt to craft The results are based on your
them by using commonly coterie’s tier because it indicates
available instructions. the overall quality of the
workspace and materials you
have access to. If you do the work
with the Workshop upgrade for
your coterie your effective tier is one
Crafting or Creating level higher for this roll.

The GM sets a minimum quality

Crafting Roll Modifiers level that must be achieved to
• 1d for each Tinker (if craft the item, based on the
mundane or alchemical) or magnitude of the effect(s) it
Channel (if arcane*) action produces. The GM uses
dot. magnitude as a guideline for

177 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
setting the quality level—it may • A simple, useful modification
be higher or lower at their requires tier +1 quality. A
discretion to better describe the weapon that breaks down into
nature of the project. An item two sections to be more easily
may be crafted at higher quality if concealed.
the player wishes to attempt it. • A significant modification
requires tier +2 quality.
You may spend influence 1-for-1 Strengthening the barrel and
to increase the final quality level powder load of a single-shot
result of your roll (this can raise pistol to fire further.
quality level beyond tier +2). • An arcane or alchemical
modification requires tier +3
A word of caution for blunts: If quality. A dagger that can
someone with no skill in the harm a spirit. An outfit coated
Knack playbook wishes to craft with alchemicals to make you
something arcane, they are more alluring.
subject to -1d on the Channel
roll. If they have 0 in Channel Modified items, like special
there is no change, but they are creations, may have drawbacks.
unable to push themselves for an
additional die.

A creation or modification may
have one or more drawbacks,
Adding a feature or additional chosen by the GM.
function to an item is simpler
than creating something new. • Complex- You’ll have to
You don’t need to invent a create it in multiple stages;
special formula or plan. Use a the GM will tell you how
downtime activity and make a many. At least one downtime
crafting roll to modify an item activity and crafting roll is
(the baseline quality of an item needed per stage.
that you modify is equal to your • Conspicuous- This creation
coterie’s tier, as usual). doesn’t go unnoticed. Take

178 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
+1 exposure if it’s used any
number of times on an
• Consumable- This creation
has a limited number of uses
(all alchemicals must have
this drawback, usually one
• Rare- This creation requires
a rare item or material when
it is crafted. Can often be
paid for with +1 influence.
• Unreliable- When you use
the item, make a fortune roll
(using its quality) to see how
well it performs.
• Volatile- The item produces
a dangerous or troublesome
side-effect for the user,
specified by the GM. A side-
effect is a consequence, and
may be resisted.

179 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Sample Common Creations

Creations are listed with their Induces a mild euphoria

quality level (by tier: I-VI), followed by lurid dreams.
followed by a number of uses if Said to be collected from the
they’re consumable (1-3). The graves of Knacks.
items listed below are commonly • Glint (II/3) A crystalline
known and do not require alchemical powder. Induces
studying before producing them. feelings of invincibility.
Developed for the Dread
Example. Mirah spends a Emperor’s frontline armies
downtime activity to distill a and named for the look in
batch of Crumble. She rolls the user's eyes while under
Tinker and gets a 4, meaning the influence.
quality level equal to her coterie • Weeping Bell (I/2) A tea
tier which is II. She spends 1 made from the flesh of a
influence to bump up her result mushroom of the same
to a 6 (tier+1) which is high name. When drunk it
enough for Crumble (III). She induces a trance which some
makes two doses of the say reveals the arcane world.
intoxicant. Others are skeptical.
• Crumble (III/2) A
preparation of alchemical
powder which when
Intoxicants breathed immediately seizes
muscles and tightens the
airways. Down you go.
Drawback: • Sweetsleep (II/2) A colorless,
Volatile. Lvl 1 harm “fuzzy”. tasteless liquid which emits
an anesthetic fume. A
• Dreamleaf (I/3) A red- favorite of infiltrators
veined leaf, dried and everywhere.
crumbled before smoking.

180 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
symptoms of a heart attack.
Difficult to detect.

Volatile. Lvl 1 harm “ill”.

• Slake (II/2) A vile drug

refined from a particular
bottom-dweller from the
canals. The afflicted will not
• Grenado (III/2) A small clay
want to stray far from the
pot filled with gunpowder
and nails, fixed with a fuse.
• Blink (II/2) A chalky powder
• Flash Bomb (II/2) Stage
typically thrown into the
magician’s powder packed
faces of luckless sentries.
into a small lantern.
Causes temporary blindness
• Smoke Bomb (I/2) A small
as the eyes film over.
clay pot filled alchemical
• Scald (III/1) A vibrant red
components, fixed with a
decoction which over the
fuse. Creates a thick curtain
course of days, brings on
of smoke.
fever, sweating, nausea,
• Marksman’s Rifle (IV/1) A
vomiting, and often death. A
finely tuned, long-barreled
physician will doubtless
rifle complete with telescopic
notice the scarring of blood-
sight. Perfect for long-range
vessels which indicates the
use of this drug.
• Gun Cane (III/1) An easily
• Torpor (IV/1) A powerful
disguised single-shot weapon.
paralytic. Ingested or
Popular with lesser nobles.
Injected, derived from a
mushroom which grows on
the Necropolitan Hill.
• Traitor’s Tears (IV/1)
Expensive to create (pay +1
influence) but quick to work.
Ingested, it mimics the

181 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
oxygen. This is strangely
more survivable than it
Potions (Arcane) sounds.

Beacon. Attracts unwanted
attention from magical creatures. Weapons (Arcane)
• Clamber (II/2) When
consumed, this sticky brown Drawback:
liquid causes minute hairs to Rare. Always costs +1 additional
sprout on the palms of the influence to create.
drinker. They can now climb
sheer walls with ease. Lasts • Gorgon’s Gaze (III/1) A
for ten minutes or so. brass tube that looks like a
• Aria (II/1) When consumed, telescope. When uncapped,
causes the imbiber to lose it releases a beam of red light
their voice for several days. A that turns living matter to
favorite weapon amongst the stone.
theatre district, and perhaps a • Banshee Grenado (III/1)
clue as to why sprites and This canister contains the
spirits are so fond of the wail of a banshee trapped in
place. time. When unstoppered, the
• Velvet (III/1) When the vial scream deafens anyone not
is shattered a 20x20x20’ area adequately protected.
is blanketed in an inky pitch • Dragon’s Blood (IV/1)
blackness. Increase the area Probably not actually
by 20’ for every quality level dragon’s blood. Whatever it
over III. is, it burns white hot when
• Black Widow (IV/1) When exposed to air, and water
consumed, the imbiber’s only spreads the flames.
saliva becomes deadly for • Horn of Siege (IV/1) Put
several minutes. the silver-capped horn to
• Martyr (IV/1) When your lips and blow. Stone
consumed the imbiber’s crumbles before you, metal
blood becomes violently twists, though living things
flammable when exposed to are completely unaffected.

182 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
• Ghostfire Acid (IV/2) Doses healing ability both
of this smokey green gas physically and spiritually,
must be kept in mirrored giving +4 ticks to any healing
glass vials. It wafts like clock.
smoke, burns like acid, and • Sleeping Beauty (III/1,
consumes organic material Volatile) Derived from
while leaving structures widow’s tears, growing in the
unharmed. Dissipates in ten Dead Hill, it puts the
minutes. imbiber into a deep and
death-like sleep for several
• True Sight (III/1, Arcane,
Sample Special Beacon) Gives the user the
Formulas ability to see the invisible and
sense danger before it comes
to pass.
• Perfect Sight (II/1, Arcane, • Last Breath (IV/1, Volatile,
Beacon) Allows the imbiber Unreliable) Distilled from
to see in shades of gray even the dying breath of a hanged
in pitch darkness. man. It may be used to delay
• Red Mist (II/2, Volatile), death a while, or in rare cases
Refined from Glint, this is a return the recently dead to
potent combat cocktail that life. More rarely, it brings the
allows a combatant to ignore wrong person back to life...
life-threatening injuries while • Thieves Life (IV/1, Arcane,
engaging superior foes. Beacon) Said to be a weapon
Imbibers acquire the created by the old War
following consequences, Weavers for stealing each
“Cannot discern friend from other's secrets. A distillation
foe,” and “Don’t stop until of a living or once-living
they are all broken.” These thing’s thoughts, derived
may be resisted as normal. from their blood. The
• Facade (III/1, Arcane, imbiber gains all of the
Beacon) Allows a user’s thing’s memories and they
features to be molded like last for weeks before fading.
clay for 2 hours. Side effects can be severe.
• Vitalis (III/1, Rare)
Accelerates the user’s natural

183 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
bottle and speak freely
Sample Gadgets without concern of being
& Special Plans overheard by anyone outside
of a five-foot radius. (They
typically survive in captivity
• Blur Mask (III/1, Arcane, for three days, provided you
Beacon) A fine mask subtly remember to poke holes in
changes the features of a the lid.)
wearer every minute or so. • The Canary (III/2, Arcane,
Makes the wearer hard to Beacon) Made in pairs; they
remember. work reliably over long
• Wraithling Dagger (III/1, distances to send messages in
Rare, Volatile) A dagger a chirping code.
made of a compressed • Reason (II/1, Volatile,
alchemical reagent which Limited) A discrete duelist’s
reacts violently to blood. The gauntlet with a shocking
blade disintegrates in secret. Powered by a small
minutes. alchemical battery, it delivers
• Clever Ink (IV, Arcane, a strong electrical current
Beacon) A deep black ink that can stun a grown man.
that has the ability to rewrite It is capable of a single use
specific clauses once the ink per charge.
has cured. • Veritas (IV/1, Unreliable,
• Mockingbird Box (IV, Conspicuous) A peculiar
Arcane, Beacon) A pocket- device that is capable of
sized, magical music box that measuring stress responses. It
has the ability to record is very handy when you need
nearby voices and to tell if someone is lying. Of
conversation. course, first you have to
• Drone Beetle Jar (II/1, Rare, convince them to put the
Conspicuous) When these thing on, and that alone may
strange, iridescent beetles cause stress.
beat their wings, it sounds
uncannily like a garbled
conversation. Shake the

184 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Crafting Example

you want it to work as

Inventing a intended every time, we’ll
Spring Blade call it a level 3. That’s 0 for
scale, 0 for range, and 3 for
quality. If you’re willing to
Silk is in need of a discreet take the attribute unreliable,
weapon to add to her it can be made at level 2.”
assassination toolkit, something 3. The GM asks, “What
that can come to hand quickly, rare, arcane, or adverse
and get past reasonable guard aspect of this design or
detection. She decides to make a formula kept it in
spring-loaded dagger that she can obscurity, or out of
wear around her wrist and hide common usage?” Jo
beneath her sleeves until it is answers, “I think getting
triggered. the lever and spring tension
just right so that it goes off
First, Silk must invent the new when it needs to and not
design. The GM and Silk’s when it’s not supposed to is
player, Jo, go through the very tricky. Failed similar
creation questions. designs probably landed a
lot of folks in the gallows.”
1. The GM asks, “What 4. Jo Asks, “What
type of creation is it and drawbacks does it have?”
what does it do?” Jo The GM answers, “I think
answers, “I want a spring- this one has a delicate
loaded wrist dagger, fit for a calibration drawback. After
master assassin. It needs to using it for an errand, you’ll
be easy to hide and spring need to spend a downtime
to hand quickly. action to set the spring
2. Jo asks, “What is the tension back just so.”
minimum quality level for
this?” The GM answers, “If

185 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
Now that the design is settled,
Silk spends a few downtime
activities on a 6-segment long-
term project clock to study the
design and learn how to build
and use it.

Crafting the
Spring Blade

Once the design is learned, Jo

builds the spring blade by
spending a downtime activity.
Jo rolls Tinker and gets a 5,
which is enough to build the
item with quality equal to Jo’s
coterie tier. Jo’s tier is 2, so that
is quality level 2- not enough for
the quality level 3 spring blade.

To make up the difference, Jo

will have to spend 1 influence
on the construction of the spring
blade. It’s not cheap, but Jo
thinks it’s worth it, so she spends
the influence and the new
weapon is ready to go.

186 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
C hapter
F our

A Guide to Ilrien

187 – C H A P T E R T H R E E , D o w n t i m e
An Abridged Timeline of Ilrien

-86 - Taliesen of Beryl leads his exiles to the Calrayan coast to found a
beacon of liberty.

-45 - Calrayan raiders sack the city.

0 - The founding of the new city on the rubble of the old.

125 - The Dread Emperor arrives with his Warweavers and legions to
subjugate Ilrayan.

313 - The Grand Rebellion wrests control of the city from the Dread

317 - Ilrien’s families elect the first Prince of Ilrien.

318 - The first Prince is assassinated. The second Prince abdicates, and
establishes the Grand Council.

320 - The Grand Council establishes the Esultare. The Great Game is

430 - The Deathless tear down the last of the Dread Empire. Ilrien
finances the crusade to contain the threat of the Deathless.

477 - The Last Deathless is sealed in the Necropolitan Hill.

480-651 - The Successor Wars are waged. While the mainland is

consumed with infighting, Ilrien rises to power.

794 - Present day at the start of the game.

188 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Dueling and the Court of Blades

Legal disputes in Ilrien, matters of personal and familial honor, and redress
for grievous wrongs both public and personal oft as not result in dueling.
The customs and courtesies attached to such duels are as changeable as the
fashions in the city, but the law requires witnesses, an impartial judge, and
the permission of local magistrates before any blood is shed. Even so, the
existence of the law is no bar to its breaking, and illegal dueling is still a
menace amid the streets of Ilrien no matter what measures are taken to rein
in such violence.

So, what does dueling look like in your Ilrien? Consider the following:

What weapons are in fashion Where do personal duels take

this season? Swords in the square? place? Any sufficient open space?
Pistols at dawn? Daggers and Regulated dueling grounds within
cloaks? Cudgels and fists? the city? Never within the city’s
walls? On cat-bridges over the
Whose authority must be sought
with regard to legality? A
petition to the Prince? Accord How far does it go? Is it tradition
between dueling houses? The to fight to first blood? Three
Watch’s special arbiters? A Grace passes with blunted weapons?
of the Church of the Lady? The Will only death suffice?
owner of the dueling ground?
What is customarily afforded to
What strange formality must be the winner? A public retraction of
observed? Must the duelists be insult from the loser, or penned
blindfolded? Is dueling only done by the loser’s second should they
in darkness? Are both parties fall? The weapon of the
poisoned beforehand, or vanquished, as payment for the
otherwise inebriated? Do they sleight? The debts of the slain,
compose verse while they fight? should they perish in the duel?

189 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Duels of significant weight, matters which command the personal
attention of the Esultare, are conducted in the city’s premier dueling
ground, the Court of Blades. Here, blades flash and the crowd roars as
satisfaction is sought before the watching eyes of the city. Here, even the
Prince may answer a challenge, for none are above the call of the Court of
Blades. Whatever form it takes in your game, this arena is a place where
great wrongs are righted and vengeance flashes red to the roar of a very
polite mob.

When constructing your Court of Blades, consider the following questions:

What matters are important normal dueling ground? Are

enough to warrant duels within duels fought on an elevated
the Court of Blades? Is it only platform, high above the arena
matters between the Houses of floor? Does the duel take place
the Esultare? Are particularly on narrow catwalks and bridges
heinous crimes judged here? Are over water? Does the arena also
they the cases of personal interest contain a dangerous creature, or
to the Prince? Are they voted on creatures? Do alchemical and
by the Houses Minor? clockwork traps lurk beneath the
sands, triggered by unwary
What renown does a winner
footfalls? Are the normal rules of
carry forward? Are they exempt
Ilrien not enforced here, bidding
from legal recourse for any duel
duelists only win at all costs? Is it
following their victory? Are they
all of these?
are granted a weapon from the
Prince’s own hand? Are they are
named a Justice of the Prince,
fighting thereafter as a champion
of the Court? Do proposals of
marriage begin to flood in as
noble families seek to ally
themselves to the victor?

What makes the Court of

Blades more dangerous than a

190 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Daily Life Currency

Ilrien is a nation unto itself. It is a The fiore is the currency of the

city-state that spans 160 square city, named for the crocus
miles, from the Docks to the stamped onto its silver surface.
Great Gates, and the northern The flower itself was a symbol of
foothills, to The Necropolitan the true first Prince’s house.
Hill. The great city is home to Much of the city still runs on
just over 124,000 registered trade and barter. Large purchases
citizens, scores of those deemed are typically arranged at the Bank
undesirables, and other souls of Brass and Bone. It is highly
passing through. unusual for anyone to simply
show up somewhere with a large
The city is webbed by a delicate sack of fiore. The well-to-do carry
network of bridges, canals, and bank-notarized letters of credit.
elevated walkways. At all hours,
the city is abuzz with activity.
Barter and trade is conducted
loudly in the markets and plazas The Great Game &
throughout the day, and quietly Polite Warfare
in the alleys and winesinks by
night. The din of hammers and
saws in the Arsenal gives way to Politics Amongst the Esultare
the skirl of steel in the Twist Every House of the Esultare has
when the darkness closes in and its own agenda. Most houses have
night lets down her hair. at least one rival house, whether
secretly, or publicly known.
When a matter of politics must be
discussed between houses, an
invitation to meet will typically be
sent by the aggrieved house,
where either the head of the
opposing household, or someone
with the power to speak for them,
will be expected to attend. It is

191 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
considered impolite to bring more ground by the army of the Grand
than two personal guards to one Council. The old estate site is
of these affairs. now home to a lighthouse.

Warfare Amongst the Esultare Not all warfare is open. It is not

Open warfare is frowned upon. It unprecedented for houses to
makes the Houses Major look engage in deeply personal secret
weak and petty in front of the wars with one another for years.
citizens of Ilrien. If a House of the Armed clashes in out of the way
Esultare commits a crime so locales are not uncommon,
egregious that it must be met with though it is gauche to mention
violence, it is preceded by lengthy them in polite company. This
court hearings. Only one House manner of warfare is done
of the Esultare has ever been covertly, through malicious
found guilty and fallen so. After interference and undermining,
the verdict was passed, in a single though the price of being caught
night the house was burned to the can be quite high.


with carefully selected and aged

wines from the city’s vintners, and
Fine Food balsamic vinegars are a common
condiment. Meats are most
plentiful amongst the wealthy,
Fine food is a luxury that is and the vegetables are served fresh
readily available for those with the year-round. Interesting and
fiore, or guests of those who have. flavorful sauces, olives and fine
In this echelon you will find the cheese, are staples here.
highest quality of honey infused
with spices and flowers to soak
sweet breads in. Meals are served

192 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
waiting to be stuffed with grilled
meats and vegetables. With the
Family Meals Maur came the chelau, roasted
hollow gourds overflowing with
rice perfumed with exotic spices.
Family Meals are served on large The Calrais brought along their
platters, or in lidded vessels that ember-baked kolschei, savory
are shared communally. A typical sausages in yeasted butter-rolls.
family meal amongst even the The Altori, though a relatively
lower classes consists of a salad of recent entrant on the food stage of
spiced fresh or pickled vegetables, Ilrien, has taken the city by storm
fragrant sauces, small servings of with a variety honey-drenched
seafood, and enough bread to feed sweet pastries and maccara, pan-
a mule team. Bread is served as a tossed noodle bowls laden with
large round, or loaf, and pieces are fresh vegetables.
pulled off, bit by bit, by everyone
seated at the table. Meals are Though Ilrien’s haute cuisine is a
typically served with tea, and thing of beauty and grace, fussily
finished with sweets like candied executed by a legion of trained
dates, fruit breads, and cafe. chefs, the soul of Ilrienne cuisine
is found along the canals where a
multicultural army of vendors
declaim the names of a thousand
Street Food national delicacies. Few enough of
them are “properly Ilrienne,” but
that hardly matters to the Dockers
and the Gondoliers and other
Street Food is an important
hungry tradesfolk. Every citizen of
staple of life in Ilrien. There isn’t
Ilrien has a favorite street food
a place in the city that doesn’t
have its own regular vendors.
Every culture finds its way,
buffeted in with the tide, to Ilrien
and with them comes their food.

With the Iberican came the

tapilla, small discs of fried dough

193 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Law & Order

arrest is commonplace enough,

The Grand but there are no public prisons in
Ilrien, only a few holding cells in
Council the various Watch Houses. The
system is nothing if not efficient
Composed of representatives where taxpayer fiore are
from every House Major, House concerned.
Minor, and led by an impartial
leader from The Temple of the
Lady on behalf of the people, the
Grand Council is the forum of Private Guards
Ilrien. Every piece of legislature
comes from the Grand Council,
all high-profile crimes are A staple of any affluent family is
prosecuted in front of the Grand the private guard, not to be
Council. When war comes, it is mistaken for a bravo. Most
at the Grand Council’s behest appear as common servants,
that the standing army, the rarely wearing visible weapons or
Urban Cohort of Ilrien, is called behaving in any way that might
to arms. disrupt the tranquility of the
wealthier neighborhoods. Martial
artists and skillful unarmed
combatants are in particularly
The First Court high demand in this field.
Weapons are gauche in polite
company, and so the bearing of
Most common legal matters are arms is typically reserved to
dealt with by the First Court. private property. Bravos, of
Punishments range from service, course, are another matter
to public humiliation, to altogether.
execution by guillotine. House

194 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
matter. They determine who is
The City Watch pushed on to the First Court,
and who just gets a good ear
twisting and sent crying back
home to their mothers. Public
The peacekeepers of the city deal
sentiment is high, and they are
with the everyday law and order
typically viewed as the good guys.
of Ilrien, outside of the Houses
As with any profession possessing
Major. Patrolling in brown
power, there are bad apples, and
oilskin cloaks and breastplates,
some rotten to the core. It is wise
they keep a watchful eye out for
to learn which ones may be
trouble. Should they find it, they
trusted, and which to give wide
draw truncheons and see about
ascertaining the truth of the

Magic & Superstition

Seeing a wizard is akin to seeing

an armed guard. It is a sheepdog
Arcane Magic amongst the sheep, and reminds
them that there are wolves. It
might prompt one to wonder if
Minor magic is considered a part this particular wizard is sheepdog
of everyday Ilrienne life. A beggar or wolf. Common mountebanks
or child may have enchanted on the other hand, magicians
cards that allow them to perform practicing parlor tricks in the
tricks that would otherwise Plaza, are cheered for and a
require uncommon sleight of favorite destination of mothers
hand, and this would not warrant looking to distract young
a second look. However, big children.
magic, for all of the presence of
common enchantments within Arcane ability seems to be passed
Ilrien, is rare. on largely by blood, it may lay

195 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
dormant for decades or even wizard. (However, the Scholam
centuries, but eventually it has a may take exception…)
way of showing up again. One in
a thousand children may possess
some minor arcane ability, and
one of one hundred thousand Common
children may have the knack Superstitions
required to become a wizard.
Those with the gift are,
appropriately enough, referred to The nobility will often erect
as “Knacks.” They pejoratively mausolea at The Necropolitan
refer to anyone born without as Hill to be remembered by the
“Blunts.” people, but have their bodies and
most precious belongings
There are as many types of magic interred with them in carefully
as there are practitioners. The tended crypts below the city
way that magic is harnessed and proper. In life, their hands
directed is idiosyncratic, ranging shepherd the city. In death, it is
from practiced formulae and only sweet and seemly that they
calculations to the casting of are still close at hand.
animal bones for divination or
meditative trances to channel the Magic, those with the knack, are
dead. Ask five wizards how magic forbidden from practicing their
is best wielded and you will talents in or around the
receive six answers...followed by Necropolitan Hill for fear of
a fistfight. waking the Deathless in its cold
tomb. Even as far as the Groan,
It is worth noting that all wizards displays of legerdemain that
are knacks, but not all knacks are might delight a crowd in any
wizards. A wizard is someone other city will draw ire, and
who both has the knack and has crowds will throw insults or
undergone formal tutelage to bottles rather than fiore. The
hone their abilities. Though the common folk wisdom is that the
common person would not be Deathless was an Imperial
able to identify the distinction if warweaver, a sorcerer-general,
a talented knack with no formal and magic calls to magic. When
training decided to don wizard thunder rolls too close for
robes and call themselves a comfort, you’ll often hear soft
singing between the crashing;

196 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
denizens of the Groan trying to makes you sing like the canary,” is
lull the Deathless back to sleep. a common colloquialism.

The fireflies that light the warm,

humid nights of Ilrien’s summer
are considered lucky. Like the Sprites and Spirits
Ilrienne, they lead brief, beautiful
lives. Young children make
wishes on the first firefly of the
Spirits are everywhere, but
season in the same way we might
generally keep to themselves and
wish on the first star of the
out of sight, except for on Spirit’s
Eve, and only with the help of
the city’s Graces. Hauntings are
The Lady’s hours are the hours
not entirely unheard of, but are
of Tryst and Whist. Dealings
rare, and typically terrifying for
that happen between these hours,
any living person involved. If a
midnight and four 'o'clock in the
spirit presents itself, it is folk
morning, are considered to have
wisdom to figure out what it
her attention. This is not always
wants from you and see the
a good thing. Sailors will not
matter resolved quickly.
depart on early tides without
making an offering to the Lady
Sprites come in all manner of
and begging her forgiveness for
forms, and the way they are dealt
leaving so soon.
with varies between households.
Commoners will usually leave a
It is considered bad luck to cut
bowl of milk or some other treat
into bread. All bread is broken by
out to keep the troublemakers
hand in Ilrien, even at the finest
happy, though some foreigners
events hosted by the Houses
prefer to ward them off entirely
Major. There is almost a sense of
with a variety of herbs or
sacrality about bread that is
talismans. It is often the nobility
honored with more fervor the
that has run-ins with
further down the rungs of social
mischievous spirits running
status you go. The poorest
amuck in their households, as
houses will not throw out even
they are always the first to forget
burnt or stale bread, giving rise
that they do not control
to interesting dishes that rely on
everything in their world, and
those very features. “Burnt bread
warrant reminding.

197 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n

The “Princes” The Noble’s Mask

In Ilrien, Prince in a gender- The mask is a notable social

neutral term. Regardless of who convention particular to the city
sits at the head of any House of of Ilrien. When the Dread
the Esultare, they are referred to Empire claimed dominion over
as a Prince, out of tradition. the entirety of the Principalities,
They are held to the same Ilrien was the first nation to rise
standards as the first Prince, and against their masters. They did
only foreigners puzzle over why this with the natural
anyone other than a male may be circumspection which they still
called a prince. Whomever a show to this day, and so, they
Prince of Ilrien is married to is donned masks when they moved
referred to by the honorific against the Empire. They did not
Prince Consort. want their identities known
should they fail, fearing that their
Calling someone a prince in houses would be laid waste and
conversation is a glowing their families destroyed root and
complement. Using any other branch.
term (king, queen, emperor,
empress, princess, and so forth) is When the struggle for freedom
a thrown barb. Similarly, it is not was won, those who wore the
unusual for a woman to be the mask continued to do so. Now,
head of any given household, all who trace their lineage to
from the highest to the lowest those rebels who shook off the
echelons of society. The Ilrienne yoke of the Empire wear the
do not worry over gender when mask of a revolutionary. Those
choosing the right person for a who fought became the new
job. nobility, seizing power as their

198 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
rightful spoils and establishing
themselves as the great houses. The Lady &
Not all of these houses sit in the Her Consort
Esultare, and not all of the
Houses of Esultare come from
these honored bloodlines. The Lady is the primary deity
worshipped in Ilrien, though
The Lady’s irony is such that travelers and foreigners bring
those who took masks to hide their beliefs with them without
their face now reveal themselves rebuke. Amongst most of the
through their mask. There is an continent it is her stoic and
elaborate code of markings, steadfast lover, the Lord who is
embellishments, and decorations worshipped. His is an even hand,
through which any individual’s judging foul from fair and right
entire history might be read. from wrong. The Lady is fickle
Here, the notch at the corner of and her attention wanders. Fair
the left eye that identifies a or foul, wrong or right, all are
mother who has died. There, the only points of view in her
marking of a bond to the Graces estimation. What matters is the
in the gold stitching over the elegance with which each is
right cheek. Masks are so dense carried out, and little else.
in meaning that foreigners can
only puzzle at how the Ilrienne She trusts the souls in Ilrien to
can read each other so quickly. take care of themselves and
always exacts a price when she is
The natural counterpoint is that asked for aid. The Lady, if she is
other folk, those who have no a real being at all, does not play a
right to wear the mask according corporeal part in this world. She
to traditionalists, are a complete is an idea, the embodiment of the
enigma. They could be absolutely carefree, self-governed, but
anyone, and how could their ostensibly fair political
honored-noble betters know? machinations of Ilrien.

199 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Weather & Seasons

Ilrien is a warm and arid city that Ilrien donned masks made from
sits at the base of the Ribelle whatever they could cobble
foothills, on a coast with frigid together and shared bread
waters. As such, it is protected together in the streets. Today the
from most environmental masks are far more elaborate, and
extremes. The coldest season, the food is more luxurious, but
winter, is mild and in the even young children are taught
warmest season, summer, the significance of the Masque. It
temperatures soar. Both spring is the only day of the year that
with its bursts of brilliant commoners, and other non-
wildflowers, and fall with its descendants of the first noble
golden and maroon leaves are rebels, are permitted to wear the
warm, but comfortable. Rain is masks of the honored-nobility.
scarce and droughts can become
troublesome, particularly Summer
surrounding Longest Summer. Longest Summer- The hottest
month of summer can become
unbearable for even the native
Ilirenne. The people of Ilrien
Major Holiday celebrate this month by
abbreviating their work hours,
Calendar vacationing, and leaving the
streets empty for all of the most
Spring oppressive hours of the day. The
Masque- When the first noble city awakens once more after the
families overthrew the Dread sun sets and the breeze coming
Emperor’s regime in Ilrien, they off of the water cools the
wore masks to keep their identity superheated city of stone.
secret. When the city was
liberated, they threw a
celebration and every soul in

200 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Spirit’s Eve- There is one night
per year when the veil between
this life and the next is paper
thin. The Graces meet in The
Necropolitan Hill and perform
a ritual that lifts the veil entirely
from Ilrien, but only for the
twilight hours. For those two
hours surrounding sunset, the
deceased may visit with family
members who have left out
offerings and invitations to guide
them home. The spirits can only
share what they knew in life, but
according to common folk
wisdom, they are beholden to tell
the truth.

The Pomegranate Festival-
Crimson colored powder fills the
air in celebration of the onset of
winter. Warmed sweets are
handed out to children and
young adults on the streets.
Citizens of all genders decorate
their hair with wreaths of
pomegranate blossoms. The
Plaza remains stained red until
the winter rains wash it away. It
is considered very bad luck to
have rain on the day of the
Pomegranate Festival.

201 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Overheard in Ilrien

“The Countess of Trata Vico? “Clams, oysters, cockles, mussels.

Hardly limpid pools, those eyes. Lovely, fresh, and worth a tussle!”
More limpets. Now, The Signora “I tell you, I saw him, plain as life.
of the Six Silks--aye, there’s a All in rags, and eyes of fire. Cut
Prince of Love and Beauty. Don’t through six bravos quick as a
sneer, so, sir. She’s the only one I’ll virgin’s kiss.”
draw steel for, and but one more “Your stories are no deeper than
word about your Countess, sir, I’ll your wineskin, Sylvio. There is no
be for you.” Prince of Tatters.”

“ mark me, they cross those (a snatch of a romantic ballad)

Maur brutes, their kids will be “Each night she lit a candle there,
cutting orphan-notches on their And sat till Whist to wait
masks before the week is out.” What is Death to Love? Only
passing fare.
“It’s seven fiore for a taste, now.” She heard a tapping at her gate…”
“Last week it was five! That’s
usury.” “You Ilrienne and your Lady.
“Yeah, well the Dreamlily’s only Always with the Lady--”
blooming on the Dead Hill. Price “You foreigners have such need for
goes up. You gonna go pick it?” gods to watch you. The Lady
“Coward.” taught us to dance, and love, and
“Better called a coward than slay. She trusts us to watch
proved a corpse. Be my guest, if you ourselves.”
want to put that chestnut to the
test. But it’s seven.” “I’m going out to pluck a rose.”
“Bastard.” “That’s exactly what you need,
another bastard.”
“Yes, the interest is ruinous. It is a
bank. But you will pay it or you “Scrawled it on the wall, I heard.
will wish you had. Would you cut ‘When you see the flash of white,
off your ear because the piper will The Magpie has already taken your
not change the tune?” life.’ Watch are looking into it.
Silver peach of a shot, though.”

202 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
203 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
204 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The City


every coming and going within

the city gardens. She remembers
The Coronet those who trample the carefully
manicured flora with particular
The Coronet sits on the highest Traits: Luxury 5/5, Safety &
point of the city, the last rolling Security 5/5, Arcane Influence
hill before the city levels out into 3/5, Corruption 3/5, Criminal
the sprawling metropolis below. Influence 1/5
Homes here belong exclusively to Feature: Most engagement rolls
the upper echelons of society and suffer -1d due to the high
sit on parcels of land large amount of surveillance here.
enough for grand riads and
potagers that dwarf the central
courtyards of middle-class
homes. The canals only reach the
base of this district.
The Gilt
Contains The Palace, and The
Public Figure: Marny, the The Gilt is the stretch of land
Gardener Palatine is aware of that encompasses the ornate
plaza and the market square, it’s

205 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
surrounded by the finest shops Public Figure: Geno, Lieutenant
and restaurants in the city. The of the Gate’s Watch is obsessive
roads here are amongst the most about his work and integrity.
intricately laid in any district, Traits: Luxury 2/5, Safety &
and the canals allow easy access Security 5/5, Arcane Influence
to all parts of this district. 4/5, Corruption 3/5, Criminal
Contains The Plaza, and The Influence 2/5
Public Figure: Semilla, Head
Chef of L'Atelier is cutthroat,
and always manages to get the
The Lady’s Own
first and best pick of everything-
no one is really sure why.
Traits: Luxury 3/5, Safety &
The Lady’s Own is a district
Security 3/5, Arcane Influence
popular with successful business
2/5, Corruption 3/5, Criminal
owners for its wide walkways and
Influence 2/5
canal access, hugging The Gilt
district. The Temple sits at its
head, a glowing silver-white
beacon that stretches for the sky
The White Road towers over the lower city. The
streets are cleaned here every
quarter-day from sunrise to
The White Road begins a mile sunset, like clockwork.
outside of The Grand Gate and Contains The Temple
terminates just within the city Public Figure: Sister-Superior
walls where all the roads are all Jhana, sweeps the Temple steps
paved in stone. It was built to at the head of every daylight
welcome travelers and remind hour. When it rains, she stands
the world of their standing. The out on the steps and watches
intricacy of the stonework on any them be washed.
given road in Ilrien is often tied Traits: Luxury 3/5, Safety &
to the wealth within the district, Security 3/5, Arcane Influence
but few roads can rival the 5/5, Corruption 3/5, Criminal
beauty of The White Road. Influence 2/5
Contains The Grand Gate

206 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Vine The Spindle

The Vine is a quiet district, The Spindle is a hub of buzzing

occupied by the arborists and activity during the daylight
their orchards, fine vintners, and hours, and a ghost town at night.
the massive complex that houses The many academics and
The Granary stores. Legend is maestros fill the buildings and
that high value crops were moved then the streets between lectures.
into the city proper to stop them Carriages line the streets
from being set on fire or pilfered surrounding the bank as deals are
during the wars. While the struck, or struck down.
bustling city now houses too Contains The University, and
many to feed with such a small The Bank
swath of land, it is kept out of Public Figures: Zoey, a banker
tradition. The discerning Ilrienne who is known for taking on
would argue there is no finer tough accounts for the “little
wine, or fruit in the world, which guys”.
can drive the prices quite high, Traits: Luxury 5/5, Safety &
making it a luxury. Security 3/5, Arcane Influence
Contains The Granary, and The 4/5, Corruption 5/5, Criminal
Arbor Influence 1/5
Public Figure: Valentina, the
Prince’s personal vintner.
Traits: Luxury 4/5, Safety &
Security 3/5, Arcane Influence The Rose District
3/5, Corruption 2/5, Criminal
Influence 2/5
“The Roses” is home to much of
the entertainment in the city.
You will not get far before a
playbill or menu is thrust into
your hand. The numerous canals
of the city all seem to meet in the
Rose District, and cat-bridges no

207 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
wider than a man’s shoulders are 4/5, Corruption 2/5, Criminal
often the thoroughfare of choice Influence 3/5
Contains The Theater, and The
Public Figure: Gargoyle, an The Shores
intimidating-looking animal
tamer with a patch over his right
eye. The Shores hugs the entire
Traits: Luxury 3/5, Safety & western border of the city. It is
Security 2/5, Arcane Influence home to the fishmongers, the
3/5, Corruption 3/5, Criminal sailors, and the workhouses.
Influence 4/5 There is a guardhouse for the
City Watch here, keeping an eye
on The Arsenal and warships
alike. Word is that there is a fair
The Trinket bit of fiore to be made for a
watchman taking up a station at
the Shores. Plenty of high-stake
The Trinket is the heart of and illicit deals happen here.
artistic expression in the city, but Contains The Arsenal, and The
you might not realize it during Docks
the daylight hours. When the sun Public Figure: Jericho, Captain
is up, the district is generally of The Lady’s Luck is notoriously
quiet. Once the sun goes down, unlucky.
the streets here become alive with Traits: Luxury 2/5, Safety &
lamplight, music, drama, and Security 3/5, Arcane Influence
The Firefly Market. If you could 2/5, Corruption 2/5, Criminal
not find what you were looking Influence 4/5
for in The Market proper, you
might try your luck here.
Contains The Foreign Quarter,
and The Artist’s Quarter The Groan
Public Figure: Selkie, a former
courtesan with a heart of gold.
Traits: Luxury 2/5, Safety & The southernmost crescent of the
Security 2/5, Arcane Influence city is a swath of narrow alleys

208 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
dotted with tall and narrow beyond the Traitor’s Gate lies the
apartments stacked on top of sprawling necropolis at the
equally small shops and cafes. Necropolitan Hill. The grounds
Many of the gutters here run are covered with ancient mass
above the ground giving birth to graves as much as towering
the old saying, ‘When in The mausoleums to mark the resting
Groan, watch your step.’ places of nobles past. Officially,
Foreigners who mistake this for it is home only to the Dead
meaning they should be on the Watchers, a very old family
lookout for cat-purses and tasked with keeping the site
cutthroats are quickly corrected. unmolested.
Rather, they should be aware of Contains The Necropolitan Hill
both those trailing their steps and Public Figure: Jared, Captain of
just what they are stepping in. The Dead Watchers has a
This is also the part of the city reputation of being someone not
that houses the bulk of Ilrien’s to trifle with.
working poor. Traits: Luxury 1/5, Safety &
Contains The Traitor’s Gate, Security 2/5, Arcane Influence
and The Twist 3/5, Corruption 1/5, Criminal
Public Figure: Fen, a smuggler Influence 2/5
who has never been caught.
Traits: Luxury 1/5, Safety &
Security 1/5, Arcane Influence
1/5, Corruption 3/5, Criminal
Influence 5/5
Ribelle Foothills
Feature: If you are witnessed
using magic in The Groan your
Named for the rebels that hid in
coterie will incur +2 exposure.
them during the war on the
Dread Emperor, it is also home
to the Dead Hill, a place
notorious for being dangerous,
The Silent haunted, or both in spades. It is
not typically considered an
official city district, but everyone
The Silent falls outside of the knows of it well enough to stay
city’s walls, but it is very much a clear without good reason.
district proper. Just a short way Traits: Unknown.

209 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Spheres of Influence, Detailed

Spheres of Influence represent important and noteworthy buildings and

features within the city. Each Sphere of Influence includes multiple
contacts that can be of value for your coterie. Any time your house
acquires a new Sphere of Influence, you will be allowed to choose any one
contact for it that is loyal to your coterie (this does not render them beyond

You receive the other contacts for your sphere as well, though they do not
start off loyal. In addition, the coterie may take on a long-term project,
wooing any of the below contacts without owning the Sphere of Influence
they are a part of.

Each Major House has a number of Spheres of Influence based on it’s

ranking within the Esultare.

• The 6th House has one sphere (this is where your new house will
• The 5th house has 2 spheres.
• The 4th house has 3 spheres.
• The 3rd house has 4 spheres.
• The 2nd House has 5 spheres.
• The 1st House has 6 spheres (one of which must be the Palace).

210 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Arsenal The Twist

The building is as old as the city The Twist is, without rival, the
and made of the same milky- seediest and most dangerous
white stone as the city walls. It is section of Ilrien. Everyone here is
an imposing military structure as a wolf of one stripe or another. It
defensible as any of Ilrien’s has its own code of conduct that
towers. It served as the Dread should be observed with care. It
Emperor’s palace at one point, is governed largely by cutthroat
and its winding halls hide crime bosses, and The Watch
passages and secrets that have rarely steps foot in it. The only
been discovered and forgotten way through The Traitor’s Gate
again a hundred times over. Now is through The Twist.
it sits, most of its floors quiet,
and occasionally falling into Contacts: Lyra, a Gang Boss;
disrepair, filled with weaponry Sylvano, a Disreputable
from across the ages. Most of the Apothecary; Peccote, a Tavern
activity buzzes in the courtyard Keeper
and on the main floor, where Faction with Holding: The Blue
practical weapons are kept at the Devils
ready for defense of the city or an Perks: When you take the
ally, or the occasional show of Reduce Exposure downtime
power. action you gain +1d. The Twist
also offers discreet disposal of
Contacts: Berio, a Shipwright; bodies.
Lucreze, a Quartermaster; Tate,
a Captain
Faction with Holding: The
Perks: Blade Retinues and
Colleagues gain +1 potency. We
are only as good as our tools,
after all.

211 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Grand Gate The Docks

The Grand Gate is the primary The Docks are home to more
point of entrance to the city, and than just moors on pristine
where The White Road ends. It waters. There is a stretch of the
is a massive structure that was city abutting them that is home
built to impress and impose in to an array of businesses. From
equal measure. The gate is fishmongers to bohemian
manned at all hours of the day, merchant shops set up for the
and night. It can take hours to low cost and relative safety of the
get through the gate during area. Sailors with ocean water for
festivals, when merchants from blood favor living at The Docks
across the greater area flock to to be near to their lady’s hand.
sell their wares to the Ilrienne in
high spirits. Contacts: Bertrand, the
Harbormaster; Jesse, a Foreign
Privateer; Abbas, an Antiquities
Contacts: Lungo, the Tax
Collector; Pura, a Smuggler;
Faction with Holding: The
Raul, a Lord of the Gate
Faction with Holding: The City
Perks: +1d to Acquire Asset. If it
can be had, it probably first came
Perks: +1d to Gather
by way of the Docks.
Information regarding comings
and goings within Ilrien. Take +1
to your engagement roll when
acting on that information. News
typically comes to Ilrien via the
Grand Gate.

212 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
severe drought or crop failure,
then it’s all the rage.
The Plaza
Contacts: Aura, a Mercy;
Beaumond, a Reeve; Maurice, a
The Plaza is a glittering spectacle Philanthropist
at the heart of the city, home to Faction with Holding: The
the largest fountain in Ilrienne. Bakers Guild
The stones are intricately laid Perks: +2 influence for errands
and the buildings that surround concerning the Houses Minor.
the square are amongst the most Bread offers a popularity all its
ornate in all the city, it is the own.
most quintessentially Ilrienne
part of Ilrien and the first must-
see destination of any traveler.

Contacts: Tauseef, a Foreign The Banks

Spy; Rand, a Bodyguard; Rey, a
Faction with Holding: Soraya Below the Bank of Brass and
Perks: +1 favor per errand that Bone there are several small
generates favor as the Plaza Criers banks that see to a host of
sing your praises. different financial needs, at the
end of the day most still answer
to the Brass and Bone. It is
fortunate that they’re all co-
located, seeing as you’ll likely
The Granary bounce between at least three of
them before you find the right
person for your needs.
The Granary is a series of large,
round, buildings made of Contacts: Joran, a Key Loan
interlocking clay bricks. The Advisor; Mina, an Investor;
largest of which houses the city’s Esperanza, an Arbitrator.
grain stores. Security at The Faction with Holding: The
Granary is of utmost importance, Grand Council
though very few have any desire Perks: Once during Downtime
to visit the site- unless there is a roll dice equal to your tier. Earn

213 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
influence equal to the highest
result minus your Exposure. The Artist’s
Fiore and influence often go Quarter
hand in hand.

The Artist’s Quarter is filled with

small lofts and open, shared
The Theatre courtyards. The days here are
filled with creating while the
nights are filled with performing.
This is a deeply bohemian
The Theatre is one of the rare section of the city, and the
places in Ilrien where the upper
people are warm and inviting.
echelons of the nobility and the Beware those who are, perhaps,
common classes mix. Granted, too inviting. A starving artist is as
first showings are typically at the concerning as any other starving
exclusion of common folk, and person.
even when the shows are open to
Contacts: Imani, a Renowned
all, the boxes are cost prohibitive Artist; Ulisse, a Romantic;
to most- all the same, they do Antonio, a Wealthy Patron
inhabit the same grand rooms Faction with Holding: The
here. Buskin
Perks: Your Fox Retinues and
Contacts: Nicolette, the Prima Colleagues gain +1 potency.
Donna; Giorgio, a Playwright; Artists use lies to tell the truth,
Iniko, a Promoter and so to do your Foxes.
Faction with Holding: The
College of Satire
Perks: +1d to Deception
Engagements. You cannot
The Traitor’s
consort with actors without
picking up a few tricks along the Gate
Located on the southern end of
the city, and nestled firmly in
The Twist, The Traitor’s Gate
was built initially as a quick way
to move the dead out to the

214 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Necropolitan Hill. It soon Contacts: Kellen, a Renowned
became popular with smugglers Vintner; Rodolfo, a Wealthy
and thieves. When the uprising Planter; Lydia, a Gourmand
against the Dread Emperor came, Faction with Holding: The
it was the gate that the insurgents Arborist Guild
used; it was at this time that it Perks: Take +1 result level of
became known as The Traitor’s Alchemical Crafting. The freshest
Gate. and rarest ingredients are at your
Contacts: Sara, a Mercenary;
Tamberlaine, a Fortune Teller;
Ulrich, a Poisoner
Faction with Holding: The The Necropolitan
Tramps Hill
Perks: +1d to Hunt or Survey on
territory. The Traitor’s Gate is
The Necropolitan Hill is a
home to all manner of things
sprawling necropolis that is as
that do not want to be found,
old as the city, with stones and
but as its masters, you do not
mausolea so time-worn that you
give them a choice.
can no longer make out the
epitaphs. It is home to a
thousand-thousand mysteries and
dutifully looked after by The
The Arbor Dead Watchers.
Contacts: Ferdinand, a Death
Keeper; Moderata, a Medium;
Several acres of meticulously Khalid, a Hunter
cared after grape vines and Faction with Holding: The
pomegranate trees compose The Dead Watchers
Arbor. It is looked after by The Perks: Take -1 Stress cost to
Arborist Guild, who personally Rituals. Old magic tangles
vets and chooses every employee around the Hill, and it bolsters
that works there. Amongst the your workings.
superstitious it is a known
hotspot for spirits and sprites.
No one is absolutely certain why.

215 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Silk The Palace

The Silk is the floating world of The Palace sits on the highest
Ilrien. It comes alive when the point in Ilrien, boasting a
sun sets, with brilliant lanterns commanding view of the city
and courtesans bustling between from its southern windows. It is
locales. Lavish parties are thrown palatial and ostentatious, made
on the main floors of buildings more decadent by every new
that are little more than four Prince who wishes to leave their
posts and an elevated floor once mark. It is, however, property of
the shutters that make up the the city and the ultimate prize for
walls are peeled back. Quiet and any House of the Esultare.
dimly lit alleys denote the Contacts: Locke, a Royal Guard;
entrances to more discrete Piero, a Chamberlain; Maria, a
establishments. There is an Lady in Waiting
unspoken rule that no one speaks Faction with Holding: The Bank
of anything they observe in The of Brass and Bone
Silk, to do so is considered a Perks: Whenever you would gain
serious faux pas. influence, take one additional
point. This is the place to which
Contacts: Monique, a Madame and from which all influence
for Exotic Tastes; Angel, a runs in Ilrien. In

Courtesan for the Nobility; Seti,

an Opium Den Owner
Faction with Holding: The
Perks: +1d to Consort or Sway The University
on site. Tongues are loose in the
Silk, and under the auspices of
secrecy, people are more willing Sprawling grounds and several
to speak here. large buildings compose one of
the finest academic compounds
in the modern world. The
sciences and the arcane studies
are both exhaustively pursued

216 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
within these halls. The Scholam options. There is not much that
Naturalis of Ilrien is also located is legal that you cannot find in
here. Outside, an outdoor theater The Market.
gives public lectures and speeches
to any with an interest in Contacts: Ahura, a Skilled
hearing. Citizen-facing politics, Clothier; Jaque, a Fine Jeweler;
debates and discussions, are most Abi, a Rare Spice Merchant
often played out here. Faction with Holding: The
Contacts: Amari, the Crown Fortunato Trade Company
Librarian; Basil, a Cloistered Perks: Assets acquired on site
Academic; Leopold, a Dangerous have +1 potency or magnitude,
Firebrand your choice. Someone here has
Faction with Holding: The just what you need.
Scholam Naturalis
Perks: +1 to Study and Channel
rolls on site. You have access to
the finest library in the The Foreign
Principalities, and a college of Quarter
Knacks eager to earn your favor.

If you are looking for flavor, look

no further than The Foreign
Quarter. People from across the
The Market continents congregate here,
forming small enclaves with
others of a similar heritage. The
If you have coin to spend, you food is exotic, as are the people.
will doubtless find a plethora of Ilrienne marvel at the people of
clever ways to spend it here. The Foreign Quarter with their
Static storefronts line the wide unusual customs, accents, and
streets with the finest wares and clothing. New trends in fashion,
goods, typically operated by food, slang, and even courtship
citizens with wealthy patrons or can usually be traced back to The
the lesser scions of nobility Foreign Quarter.
themselves. On the streets,
vendors set up at stalls every Contacts: Solara, a Skilled
morning offering smaller Linguist; Otto, a Broker;
selections, and affordable Malatesta, a Restaurateur

217 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Faction with Holding: The Perks: Any time you would take
Brizolatto Family Exposure, take one less. The
Perks: Take -2 Exposure on Watch protects its own. Evidence
Errands performed on implicating you just seems to
territory. In a shifting sea of vanish.
humanity, your exploits are lost
in the tide.

The Canals
The Watch
The Canals are the lifeblood of
Ilrien. Citizens, foreigners, and
There are a great many cogs that nobility alike all use the Canals
make the machine that is The to travel the city with ease,
City Watch tick. From the most though the quality of their
tenured Guard Captain, to the gondolas may differ. The calling
greenest recruit. All ultimately of gondoliers and the shouts of
answer to The Grand Council, bargemasters drown out the
but they are a powerful group in seabirds, and the bustle calls to
their own right and quick to mind a carelessly kicked anthill.
close ranks and protect their Some estates can only be
own. These are the souls that reasonably reached by boat, and
keep the peace within Ilrien. licensed Water Merchants load
There are as many good apples as their vessels with foodstuffs and
there are bad, but discerning one flora to sell without ever leaving
from the other without taking a the water.
bite can be a difficult
undertaking. Chew with care. Contacts: de’Rossi, a Gondolier;
Rostam, an Assassin; Tipton, an
Contacts: Salvatore, the Chief Information Broker
Inspector; Muzna, a Bounty Faction with Holding: The
Hunter; Titus, Captain of the Gondoliers
Watch Perks: +1d to Stealth
Faction with Holding: The First Engagements. There are few
Court places in the city inaccessible by
means of the canals.

218 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Temples The Garden

The Temple Compound is more Meticulously cared-for statuary

than a place of prayer and and formal gardens, ponds,
respite. Here, gifted Mercies are terraces, fussed after roses, and
trained from childhood to heal, espaliered fruit trees compose
or vanquish evil, to preserve the The Garden. Small plazas are set
city. Blessings are given out, the up in reserved areas for nobility,
very ill or possessed are cared for, private guards rousting away the
and rituals are performed on a rabble. It is a favorite place to
daily basis. It is a hive of activity conspire or negotiate for some.
from sunup to sundown. The For others it is a place of respite
high Graces keep council here, or inspiration. The great
engaging in political playwright Emani wrote several
maneuvering with no less zeal of their finest sonnets in the
than the houses of the Esultare. public gardens.
Contacts: Satice, the Crown
Contacts: Fonte, a Lorekeeper; Gardener; Armin, a Courtier;
Bellini, a Hierophant; Eretrea, Elowen, a Spymaster
Sister-Captain of the Mercies Faction with Holding: The
Faction with Holding: The Arborist Guild
Graces Perks: +1d to Social
Perks: +1d to all Healing Engagements on territory. A
rolls. Your patronage is rewarded stroll through the garden is a
with the finest healers the Graces perfect pretense for clandestine
have to offer. meetings and artful negotiation.

219 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n

Factions include all of the various groups of people who make up the city
and political landscape of Ilrien. From the Houses Major, to the lowliest
vice purveyor, everyone serves a purpose, anyone can be a valuable ally, or a
menacing rival. Choose who you befriend and anger with equal care.

The Houses Major

220 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Grand Council - Tier VI

The city-state’s standing army, a dedicated if not expansive core of career

soldiers, is directed by the Grand Council, on behalf of Ilrien, rather than
any particular House. This has been the way since the last war ended. It
maintains a relative balance of power between the most powerful factions,
and assures the people that a democracy of sorts reigns over Ilrien. A
representative from every House of the Esultare sits on the Council, as well
as a representative from every House Minor. The Speaker of the Grand
Council is almost always chosen from a noble bloodline; however, they are
required to abandon their family name when they are elevated to the

NPCs: Bellamy, The Speaker

(Conservative, Cunning, Canny).
Miranda, The Archivist
(Fastidious, Dismissive,

Situation: Any call for a new law

to be passed, or an old law to be
reformed or abolished must
come from The Grand Council.
It is known that it is easier to
sway the representatives through
The Speaker, than to try to woo
the representative as individuals.

221 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Houses of the Esultare - Tier II-V

 House Corvetto
House Tier
 House Battalia
The First House: Tier V
 House Bastien The Second & Third Houses:
Tier IV
 House Lovell The Fourth & Fifth Houses:
Tier III
 House Al-Mari The Sixth House: Tier II

 House Elanda

Houses of the Esultare have more advanced machinations than the other
factions, and their goals and needs change from one social season to the

For building and managing the short and long-term goals of NPC controlled
Houses of the Esultare see: The GM’s Turn.

The Esultare House Tier is determined in setup, and changes when houses
gain or lose rank amongst the Esultare. Use the guide below once the
House positions have been set:

222 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Houses Minor

223 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Bank of Brass and Bone - Tier V

An independent league of mints, money-changers, investors, and economic

titans that have come together as a monolithic financial power. If you
touch a fiore, they made it happen. If you exchange a letter of credit, their
seal is embossed on the bottom.

NPCs: Luther, a Financial Strategist (Stony, Professional, Careful). Nadya,

an Investor (Shrewd, Disarming, Terrifying).
Notable Assets: The Vault, The Minor Banks, The Mints, Hired Armed
Guards, Blocks of Luxury Apartments
Reputation: The Esultare is in control of Irlien, but the Bank of Brass and
Bone controls all of the city’s debts, including those of the Prince and
Esultare. This has given rise to the unpopular opinion that the bank is the
true power in Ilrien. The bank itself carefully avoids feeding this idea, for
their own well-being. Their meddling in politics happens in backroom
deals, and never in the open. They are believed to be capable of anything.
Allies: The City Watch, The First Court, Various Astute Business Owners
Enemies: The Fortunato Trade Federation

Situation: The Bank of Brass and Bone has long stood as the economic
spine of the city-state, but over recent years the Fortunato Trade
Federation has amassed a considerable sum of wealth themselves.
Concerned that their grasp on the city is loosening, the Bank is beginning
the process of calling in long-standing debts amongst the Houses of the
Esultare to gain enough liquidity to purchase a controlling share of the
Fortunato Trade Federation and secure their power for another hundred

• Short-term Objective: Call in debts among the Esultare.

• Long-term Objective: Purchase a controlling share of the
Fortunato Trade Federation.

224 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Fortunato Trade Federation - Tier IV

Enterprising captains of merchant vessels, jealously guarding trade-routes

to far-off lands. While the Bank of Brass and Bone holds dominion over
domestic wealth, the Fortunato Trade Federation is tightening their grip
on foreign trade.

NPCs: Devi, Admiral of the fleet (Superstitious, Foreign). Aramis, Captain

of The Lady Cambra (Unpredictable, Lucky).
Notable Assets: The Largest Merchant Fleet, Opulent Headquarters,
Hired Iberican Marines, Several Warehouses at the Docks
Reputation: Once a ragtag band of merchant sailors and corsairs, the
Fortunato Trade Federation is the embodiment of the idea that anyone can
rise from nothing to have it all. They remember their roots, and give back
to the community in ways that the Bank of Brass and Bone would never
consider, this makes them more popular with the people by its very nature.
They are, however, less likely to let you see a fair trial if you cross them.
Allies: The Graces, The Scholam Naturalis, Various Independent Traders
and Merchants
Enemies: The Bank of Brass and Bone

Situation: The Fortunato Trade Federation has grown from a few ships
and a dream to a financial powerhouse, bringing in goods from the far
reaches of the globe and commanding exorbitant prices. If they can secure
the trade lanes to Altori it will afford them the assets to purchase the
Prince’s debt outright, giving them considerable political sway within the
city and, therefore, sway over the laws that govern trade in Ilrien.

• Short-term Objective: Secure trade lanes to Altori.

• Long-term Objective: Buy-out Crown debt in Ilrien and compete
with Bank of Brass and Bone.

225 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The First Court - Tier IV

Rigidly hierarchical and nigh sacramental in its pursuit of justice, the First
Court traces its origin back to the Rebellion where it was instituted to
arbitrate the crimes of the Imperial Legate and his officers. It has not
become less enthralled by the guillotine over time.

NPCs: Ramza, The High Judge (Progressive, Logical, Harsh). Garette, The
Executioner (Jovial, Expedient).
Notable Assets: A Network of Private Investigators
Reputation: If you end up in front of the judge it’s a coin toss as to
whether you’ll be walking out the front door, or be carried to the
guillotine. Justice is swift and there are no appeals in Ilrien. There is no
prison for the common folk at all in Ilrien. A few holding cells in various
Watch buildings, and private chambers on family estates for problematic
nobles-- perhaps an archivist could recall the last time a noble was
executed, but it was not recently-- are all the city offers its wayward lambs.
Do not end up in the court.
Allies: The Bank of Brass and Bone
Enemies: The Graces, Most of the Uncouth Factions

Situation: The First Court is always busy, but more so this year as unrest
at the Docks has led to threats of riot. Negotiations have been
underwhelming and now there is a demand from on high to execute the
lead rabble-rouser, a matter which requires a delicate touch as to not create
a martyr. In the background, the court is digging to uncover ties between
any of the Houses of the Esultare and the Brizolatto Family.

• Short-term Objective: Execute a Docker rabble-rouser.

• Long-term Objective: Expose Esultare ties to the Brizolatto

226 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Scholam Naturalis - Tier III

A decentralized network of colleges taught by the foremost authorities. The

wealthy of every nation are educated here as a matter of course, and they
offer scholarships to any with the Knack. They are the last bastion of
formal magical instruction in the Principalities, and that affords them no
small amount of power.

NPCs: Poe, a Maestro for Knacks (Skilled, Canny). Althea, the

Headmaster of the Ilrien Chapter (Intelligent, Distrusting).
Notable Assets: A Campus in the University District, A Small Cadre of
Powerful Knacks.
Reputation: Parts of the Scholam are looked upon as a secret society, or an
arcane cult that functions in the open. Rumors and myths revolve around
the Scholam. Not all of the education here is arcane in nature, this is where
the city’s scientists and great thinkers are trained as well. But it is the
arcane wings that give rise to the most outlandish hypotheses about the
Scholam’s functions within Ilrien. Which are true and which are bedtime
stories? Who is to say for certain?
Allies: The Mercies, The Fortunato Trade Federation
Enemies: The Graces

Situation: Althea has been investing Scholam resources into hunting down
a fabled arcane artifact from the Dread Emperor’s reign, though most
academics believe that its existence was only a faerie tale. Alerted to a
dangerous unknown party hiding within the Scholam there is a hunt
underway to uncover the plot of the mysterious Sevenfold Veil. Is it a
surfacing faction? A single actor? What are they doing with the artifacts
they’ve been stealing from the archives?

• Short-term Objective: Secure a magical artifact.

• Long-term Objective: Root out the Sevenfold Veil within the

227 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Graces - Tier III

The Temple of the Lady and those who serve the rituals and occasions of
her worship. Their presence in the city is felt at every stratum, though their
temporal power has waned over the past several decades. They are the
arcane healers of Ilrien.

NPCs: Saori, Sister-Superior (Level-headed, Rational, Inquisitive). Reverie,

a Grace (Well-intentioned, Pious, Extreme).
Notable Assets: The Belief of the City, Charitable Outreaches, Pulpits,
The Lady’s Own, Skilled Arcane Healers
Reputation: The Graces are seen as a force for good in Ilrien and are
considered, by most citizens, beyond reproach. Crimes committed against
the Graces are swiftly met with the full weight of Ilrienne law. For this
reason, the Graces can often operate without fear even in the Twist.
Allies: The Fortunato Trade Federation, The Arborist Guild
Enemies: The Mercies

Situation: The Temple of the Lady has seized formerly noble lands from
the recently disgraced House of the Esultare, to the ire of other nobles who
feel they have a better claim on the land. In order to move forward with
their designs to build affordable housing on the plots they will need to first
secure support and a sizable investment from the Bank of Brass and Bone.

• Short-term Objective: Secure investment from the Bank of Brass

and Bone.
• Long-term Objective: Construct affordable housing on seized
noble lands.

228 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Gondoliers - Tier III

Uncontested masters of the canals, the Gondoliers are a quasi-mystical

society of boatmen and women who ply the waters at all hours in all
conditions. On a moonless night, they can get you from the Twist to the
Arbor without a sound. To become a Gondolier, you must be sponsored
by a Gondolier, and they do not surrender their secrets willingly.

NPCs: Clove, a Team Leader (Sly, Quick, Reliable). Gable, a Journeyman

Gondolier (Spry, Adventurous, Naive).
Notable Assets: An Array of Boats, Right of Way on the Canals
Reputation: Rumors circulate through the city regarding the mysterious
nature of the Gondoliers. Some believe they are all knacks; how else could
they navigate the waters in the pitch-black and in perfect silence? More
practically, they are reliable and most citizens who travel by waterway have
a singular favorite gondolier.
Allies: The Signora, The Dockers
Enemies: The Founder
Situation: Something has been stalking the waterways of Ilrien between
the hours of tryst and whist and has already cost a handful of lives. The
attacks are becoming more frequent and The Gondoliers have taken it
upon themselves to hunt down the monster to blame. Meanwhile, they are
secretly attempting to bring Sister-Superior Saori to the table, to get her
approval on training Gondoliers as Mercies to help them protect Ilrien by

• Short-term Objective: Hunt a monster which roams the canals.

• Long-term Objective: Receive Mercy training to better protect the

229 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Signora - Tier III

The Lady of the Silk and Roses, herself, herself. The Signora is the mistress
of all courtesans and courtiers, and the chief of every liftskirt to ply the
trade in Ilrien. With a bevy of enforcers and a ruinous amount of blackmail
and covertly gleaned intelligence, she counts among the most untouchable
in the city.

NPCs: The Signora (Mysterious, Unreadable, Cunning). Crispin, a

Courtier (Good Humored, Skilled Bravo, Romantic). Velvet, a Spy (Hidden,
Slippery, Storied).
Notable Assets: A Flying Squadron of Alluring Spies, a Host of Fine
Establishments Across Ilrien, a Lethal Personal Guard.
Reputation: You do not cross The Signora. While few have the occasion,
or cause to do so, there are some in the city that have risked their
reputations and destroyed themselves in their efforts to interfere with, or
silence The Signora. Discretion is of utmost importance to her, and so
when she burns someone it is assumed to be justified.
Allies: The Gondoliers, The Broadsheets
Enemies: The Brizolatto Family
Situation: Business has been booming, but finding good help can be a
challenge. The Signora has decided to woo the leader of the Twistjacks in
an effort to add their numbers to her own for protection. In the back
rooms there is discussion of how best to deal with a former client of noble
blood who refused to follow the rules. The Signora believes that simple
public shaming would not send the right message in this instance.

• Short-term Objective: Recruit Twistjacks as Muscle.

• Long-term Objective: Murder a cruel and powerful former client.

230 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The City Watch - Tier III

The Constabulari, the Custodes, the Coppers (from the original cappare, to
catch), or simply The Watch. The dented breastplates and truncheons that
guard the city from the depredations of the work-a-day criminal.

NPCs: Kane, an Archivist (Astute, Principled, Meticulous). Hesperides, a

Lead Detective (World-Weary, Intimidating, Honest).
Notable Assets: A Network of Informants, a Bevy of Precincts Across
Reputation: The City Watch is a mixed bag of heroes and villains.
Amongst the poor and The Uncouth there is a strong and often justified
mistrust, while amongst citizens of means they are celebrated champions.
Allies: The Bank of Brass and Bone, The First Court
Enemies: The Founder, The Motley, The Brizolatto Family

Situation: The City Watch has been in a subtle sort of war with the gangs
that lawlessly run the Founder. For a fashion they were willing to let them
conduct their business offshore without intervention, it was less work for
them, but lately their business has been spilling into the streets of Ilrien and
raising alarm. They have been given the order from on high: Bring the
Founder to heel. In the background Hesperides is looking into the
mythical figure, the Prince of Tatters.

• Short-term Objective: Establish law in the Founder.

• Long-term Objective: Arrest the Prince of Tatters.

231 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Dockers - Tier III

The hard-bitten laborers and tradesmen of the Docks.

NPCs: Heron, the Dockmaster (Gruff, Old, Irritable). Rowan, a

Loadmaster (Brutish, Dim, Good Natured).
Notable Assets: Manpower, Professional Tools, a Powerful Union
Reputation: The people of the docks are a solid, hardworking lot, with
their own principles and sense of justice. Transgressions at the docks rarely
make it out of the docks. They take care of their own, above all, and are
able to offer some of the best paying jobs that a common citizen can aspire
Allies: The Gondoliers, The Ironmongers
Enemies: The Founder

Situation: The Dockers have been hard at work for the past sixteen
months working on the Prince’s new warship, with months of labor left to
finish it. Security at the worksite is tight, and slowing things down on
occasion. To make matters worse, old lifts have been breaking left and
right, injuring more than a handful of Dockers. Heron is pressing the city
to invest in new equipment and raise the pay of Dockers.

• Short-term Objective: Finish work on Prince’s new warship.

• Long-term Objective: Secure better working conditions.

232 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Bakers Guild - Tier II

Responsible for the distribution of daily bread among the city, and charged
with the logistics of feeding the city by extension. Restaurateurs with fine
establishments in the Gilt and pull-cart maccara vendors in the Groan
must all seek charter from the Bakers Guild before being allowed to
operate within the city.

NPCs: Vita, Coordinator (Harried, Impatient, Sharp). Olivia, Master

Baker (Perfectionist, Resourceful, Decisive).
Notable Assets: An Impressive Array of Ovens (some of which could cook
a man to dust!), A Large Claim on Grain Entering the City, Public Feast-
Halls, Ties to Every Restaurant in the City.
Reputation: The greatest chefs of Ilrien, to include the Prince’s personal
chef, all rose from The Bakers Guild- that romantic notion sends plenty of
fresh faces through the front doors, and masks the ruined husks that are
ejected out the back. This is grueling work, and just as likely to cost you a
hand as any work down at the docks, but for a common citizen with
aspirations of hearing a noble rave to other nobles about their skill in the
kitchen, it is the only way to go.
Allies: The Ironmongers
Enemies: The Twistjacks

Situation: After negotiating for a plot of land that had been set aside to
expand the arbor, before a recent boom in residents necessitated more
practical uses, the Bakers Guild is preparing plans for a new baking hall
that will allow them to feed twice the residents in half the time. As though
current circumstances did not already put them in the crosshairs of the
Arborist Guild, they are also working out a contract with Calrais to import
their wheat at lower costs than Ilrien wheat.

• Short-term Objective: Break ground on modern factory.

• Long-term Objective: Secure Calrayan wheat to increase profits.

233 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Arborist Guild - Tier II

The Arborist Guild oversees the city’s famous arbors, both within the walls
and without. Anyone wishing to grow any fruit for the production of wine
labeled Ilrienne must seek approval by the Arborist Guild. The process can
be lengthy, and often unfair.

NPCs: Antares, Overseer (Humorless, Professional, Spartan). Lena, a

Wealthy Planter (Eccentric, Guileless, Excitable). Fionn, a Botanist (Patient,
Intelligent, Off-putting).
Notable Assets: The Crown Winery, The Prince’s Personal Sommelier,
The Tree Singer, The Weather Magus, The Poisoner’s Garden
Reputation: The common word is that the Arborist Guild is composed of
stuff-shirts, high on their own sense of self-importance. Lately they have
been faltering under the weight of very fine foreign imports casting
shadows over their long-standing reputation as the very best on this or any
other continent. There is very little that the Arborists won’t consider to
maintain their grasp on the wine trade in Ilrien.
Allies: The Graces, The Scholam Naturalis
Enemies: The Bakers Guild, Foreign Vintners, The Tramps

Situation: In a bid to expand the arbor space within the city walls, the
Arborist Guild has entered into negotiations for estates owned by lesser
destitute nobles, offering them the ability to discreetly unload their debts
and retire to a life of obscurity in one of the city’s fine townhouses.
Meanwhile, they have been recruiting knacks with very specific skillsets to
ensure bumper crops to compete with foreign fruits flooding the markets.

• Short-term Objective: Buy the estates of destitute nobles.

• Long-term Objective: Secure magical assistance to ensure crop

234 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Broadsheets - Tier II

The Broadsheets function as the newspaper of the city, with the most
impressive array of printing presses. If you get on their bad side, they can
make a lurid bit of rumor into a newsbreak and put it into the hands of all
the citizenry within days.

NPCs: Reflet, Editor-in-Chief (Fast Talker, Connected, Respected).

L’emporte, a Journalist (Stealthy, Canny, Manipulative). Jewel, an
Interviewer (Unabashed, Fearless, Well-Intentioned).
Notable Assets: Modern Printing Presses, Paper Factory, Proprietary Ink,
Freedom of the Press
Reputation: Voice and champions of the common folk? Washed-up
literary has-beens feeding on the city’s insecurities? It depends on who you
ask, or perhaps, who wrote the article in question. The Editor-in-Chief is
considered a fair and impartial journalist at heart, so at the very least, if you
contest any slanderous articles and provide proof to the contrary it will be
published as well.
Allies: The Signora, The Citizenry
Enemies: Many

Situation: Nothing feeds the beast like a good story of corrupt officials-
those infallible people whose job is to uphold the law and protect the
people- doing naughty things and exposing the myriad of ways that the
average person is a puppet in a greater game. The Broadsheets are always
looking to burn authority and support free-thinking. In particular, they’re
working to print the Buskins’ treatise to further illuminate the people of
Ilrien to the corruption inherent in the very idea of some being worthier
than others. What separates them and us? A vault full of fiore and a small

• Short-term Objective: Expose corruption within the City Watch.

• Long-term Objective: Print Buskins’ treatise to stir up anti-noble

235 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Ironmongers - Tier II

The Ironmongers is a guild of craftsmen that set the median prices for
metalworking goods and services of all stripes. From the smallest gears for
common clocks, to the finest sabres produced in Ilrien, the Ironmongers
have had a say in its production and value.

NPCs: Landon, a Clerk (Shrewd, Knowledgeable, Unliked). Rowe, a

Master Blade Artisan (Massive, Fearsome, Even-Tempered).
Notable Assets: Workhouses at the Docks, Stores of Metal Bars from
Copper to Gold, Professional Tools, an Elite Customer Base
Reputation: The Ironmongers are most present at the docks, but have
shops across the city. They are quieter than other factions, focused on their
trade and honing their skills. Quiet is rarely a good thing. In the absence of
noise, people make up their own. Are the Ironmongers part of a secret
society? It’s hard to say, but it is easy to say that Ilrienne steel is still the
finest in the world to those with a discerning eye, not easily swayed by fads.
Allies: The Bakers Guild, The Dockers
Enemies: A Bevy of Foreign Craftsmen

Situation: The Ironmongers have been developing a new alloy that will
rival tempered steel in strength, and are trying to complete the formula.
Sabres from Altori have become all the rage amongst nobles, hurting even
the most masterful swordsmiths of Ilrien, while cheap options flood in
from the north, wounding Ilrienne craftsmen at every level. The only
recourse is to make something better, and charge through the teeth for it.
Behind closed doors they also work to produce a powerful new weapon
that could, potentially, bring an entire city to heel. They expect it will fetch
an incredible price and offset their recent losses to importing leniency.

• Short-term Objective: Discover a new alloy and charge exorbitant

• Long-term Objective: Produce a powerful new weapon.

236 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Uncouth

237 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Prince of Tatters - Tier IV

A fallen noble scion with a mythical and supernatural reputation. A ghost,

a demon, a revenant, a cast-off of Ilrien’s past come to wreak a terrible
vengeance against any who did them wrong.
NPCs: Antea, The Prince of Tatters (knack, driven, angry).
Notable Assets: Anonymity, well-placed loyal agents, carefully hidden
Reputation: Most dismiss the Prince of Tatters as a bogeyman to frighten
misbehaving noble children. Those who have spent enough time in the
dark corners of Ilrien know that there are echoes of truth in every tale, and
strange happenings in the city give them occasion to worry.
Allies: None
Enemies: The Bank of Brass and Bone, The Brizolatto Family

Situation: Ruined, shamed, and left for dead, The Prince of Tatters haunts
the city. In time, they will gain their revenge on all of those who wronged
them. But first, a weapon must be fashioned. Then, the sitting king of the
shadows must die. Don Brizolatto had a hand in the Prince’s fall, and
despite the power that the Brizolatto wields, it is all rag and tatter before
the Prince.

• Short-term Objective: Recruit a powerful Knack.

• Long-term Objective: Kill Don Brizolatto and co-opt his

238 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Brizolatto Family- Tier IV

A well-connected and well-respected criminal organization deeply rooted

in enterprises across the city. Technically criminals, though careful enough
to stay beyond the reach of the law.
NPCs: Apollo, the Patriarch (practical, powerful, troubled). Rosario, a
broker (steely, appraising, hungry).
Notable Assets: Legitimate fronts, hired killers, blackmail on important
figures, the fear of the common people.
Reputation: The Brizolatto are careful devils. While some thieves content
themselves to pilfer the pockets of their marks once, the Brizolatto know
that repeat customers are what makes a business run. They keep the smaller
crooks in line through fear and businesses under their protection rarely
burn to the ground so long as their ruinous terms are met.
Allies: The Founder, The Blue Devils
Enemies: The Watch, The Prince of Tatters

Situation: Don Apollo has been growing increasingly paranoid as the

rumors of the Prince of Tatters’ operations in the city grow closer to home.
Despite this, he has been riding his alchemists to produce a substance more
addictive than Glint in hopes of gathering the wealth necessary to outright
buy the loyalty of the First Court. Should he ever gain the means, he
would make himself immune to their censure and have the power to stamp
out his rivals, both the ones he knows and the ones who are stubbornly
clinging to the shadows.

• Short-term Objective: Introduce a dangerous new drug.

• Long-term Objective: Buy a Judge on the First Court

239 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Rignolle’s Rovers - Tier III

A band of famous mercenaries that formed during the final years of the war
against the Dread Emperor. They were initially composed by some of the
most famous warriors from across the continents, brought together by
Rignolle, a bravo in the emperor’s court. Some of the mercenaries still
carry the names and secrets of the first Rovers.
NPCs: “Rignolle”, The Captain (swaggering, crass, possessed). Nadir,
Second in Command (wry, arcane, savvy). Lotus, an Assassin (beautiful,
deadly, witty).
Notable Assets: An Archive of Company history dating back to the Dread
Empire, A plump war chest, High quality weapons and armor.
Reputation: The Rovers were homegrown heroes, second sons and down-
at-heel scions who sought adventure. Now, centuries after the Nights of
the Mask, they have grown into an accomplished corps of professionals.
They fight like proper Ilrienne, with a flair for the romantic, but their
results speak for themselves.
Allies: The Bank of Brass and Bone, The Ironmongers
Enemies: The Ten Hammer Regulars, The Broadsheets, The College of

Situation: Currently, The Rovers are engaged in an ongoing conflict in

Northern Calrais and the bulk of their forces are away from the city. The
token force left behind is still large enough to rival the City Watch body
for body. Nadir has been left behind to see to the day-to-day operations,
and has been engaged with the First Court and the Prince renegotiating the
Rovers’ contract in Calrais. If the Court won’t bend, it would be a small
thing to find the money some other way...

• Short-term Objective: Fight a popular war.

• Long-term Objective: Ransom the Groan.

240 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Ten Hammer Regulars - Tier III

Foreign mercenaries with competing captains. The Regulars represent a

democratic party of mercenaries, with multiple heads at any given time.
Disagreements amongst the Regulars only very rarely turn violent, and they
have a system worked out for these situations. It is bloody, but effective.
NPCs: Moonshadow, a Captain (dark, cunning, meticulous). Mack, a
Captain (loyal, dashing, dangerous).
Notable Assets: A Charter of Bylaws with a rule for everything, a fortified
meetinghouse in the Twist (The Anvil), ten warships, a brilliant corps of
contract lawyers, a contract with the Fortunato Trade Federation.
Reputation: The Ten Hammers are a bold new fashion in Ilrienne. Most
companies have a single captain, but the Ten Hammers have ten. They say
that they all speak with a single voice, but their employers always wonder
at whether they will get a new answer every time they speak to a new
captain. Even so, the Ten Hammers are counted on to execute their
contracts to the letter...though you will have much less success stretching
clauses with them.
Allies: The Fortunato Trade Federation, The Dockers, The Buskin
Enemies: Rignolle’s Rovers, The Unburnt, The College of Satire

Situation: The Ten Hammer Regulars have never been properly welcome
in Ilrien society, though as they have endeared themselves to the city by
taking the contract for protection of the Fortunato Trade Federation.
Many nobles are becoming much more sympathetic now that their
investments are being defended by the Hammers. The Ten Hammers are
using this to their advantage, both to secure better lodgings and to
eventually muscle out their less egalitarian competition.

• Short-term Objective: Establish a headquarters on the White

• Long-term Objective: Drive off the Unburnt

241 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Founder - Tier III

An uneasy anarchy of minor gangs floating just off the Twist. The Founder
views itself as the last bastion of real freedom in Ilrien. It governs itself with
its own laws and ethical code.
NPCs: Serena, the Ringleader (erudite, aloof, not to be trifled with). Lost
Wolf, a Promising Student (young, daring, social climber). Semba, a
Captain (scarred, gregarious, fast).
Notable Assets: A legion of street-toughs, ill-gotten booty, stolen
weaponry, quick skiffs, talented sailors.
Reputation: The Founder is a bevy of freedom fighters or a powder keg
waiting for a match, depending entirely on who you ask. Some say that
they will eventually be the spark that kindles revolution and bring in an age
without the Mask or noble squabbling. Others say that they’ll burn down
the city and then themselves. Either way, we’re in for a show.
Allies: The Motley, The Buskin
Enemies: The City Watch, The Twistjacks, The First Court.

Situation: The Founder has been launching night-raids on the Shores

district since the founding, making off with valuable cargo and ransoming
it back. However, they know that if they’re ever going to really be seen as a
power in the area rather than a minor annoyance, they’ll need something a
little more hefty than a skiff. They will be devilfish, not barnacles.

• Short-term Objective: Steal a proper warship.

• Long-term Objective: Declare a pirate king.

242 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Unburnt - Tier II

Mercenary survivors; well-paid, but oft as not handed the filthiest and least
conventionally-survivable missions. The Unburnt are a hard-bitten group
that prides itself on getting the job done. As such, they are often the first to
be called upon to deal with impossible situations.
NPCs: Sonny, the Captain (professional, dour, pragmatic). Valor, a
Mercenary (honorable, larger than life, decorus).
Notable Assets: The Blazon (an unmistakable warbanner; pawned), a
fearsome reputation, a supernatural edge.
Reputation: The job may be difficult, dirty, or just this shade of
impossible, but the Unburnt will see it done. Many would-be patrons have
contracted this small mercenary band in hopes that they would provide a
momentary obstacle for forces far larger (which they wouldn’t have to pay
following their destruction), but the Unburnt trudge home, bloodied but
unbroken to demand their pay anyway.
Allies: The Mercies, The Gondoliers, The Broadsheets
Enemies: Rignolle’s Rovers, The Ten Hammer Regulars, The Dead

Situation: The Unburnt are between contracts right now, and as usual,
they are short on coin and prospects. They’ve had to hock the Blazon to
keep their kit in order. Securing a new patron is paramount. After that,
they can worry about expansion. Something will turn up.

• Short-term Objective: Get the Blazon out of hock.

• Long-term Objective: Recruit a Ten Hammer Captain

243 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Blue Devils - Tier II

Swaggering bravos who draw their membership from among the minor
nobility. There is no shortage of disaffected minor nobles and dissolute
society brats looking for a taste of freedom and danger. They find
themselves drawn inexorably into a conglomeration of bacchanalian parties
and flashing steel.
NPCs: Valcara, a Ward Boss (sly, caustic, grasping). Tyrian, a Wealthy
Patron (calculating, cultured, untouchable). Lucenne, a Bravo (one-eyed,
trained, reasonable).
Notable Assets: A fencing school in the Spindle, protection rackets,
immunity from Watch censure, fantastically designed devil-masks.
Reputation: The Blue Devils are too romantic and fashionable to be called
a gang. It fails to capture their genteel nature. Certainly, they conduct
themselves like ruffians and will kill a man in the street. But they’ll at least
wait until the pretense that it was a legal duel is solid before they do so.
Allies: Minor noble houses, The Signorra, Soraya
Enemies: Major noble houses, The Tramps, The Motley

Situation: The Blue Devils are young and hungry as far as powers go, and
they’re eager to carve their name on the city. They’ve got plenty of enemies
among the gangs in the Twist and their continued expansion is drawing no
small amount of ire. However, they may be clever and dashing enough
that, under the leadership of Valcara, they could cut to the heart of their
foes and ascend to the highest avenues of wealth and power. The fortunes
of their birth did not give them everything, so perhaps swords will do

• Short-term Objective: Crash a rival’s party.

• Long-term Objective: Expand their holdings into the Gilt.

244 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Twistjacks - Tier II

The Watchman’s badge is a shield, not just for the people of the city, but
the powers who hold the city in thrall. Some Watchmen set down the
shield, deciding that it has turned the wrong way and is protecting the
wrong people. They take their truncheons though. Every one of them.
Now, they stalk the streets of the Twist, bringing a healthy fervor for
NPCs: Austell, a Jack (self-sacrificing, trustworthy, cautious). Fortuna, a
Jack (lucky, headstrong, keen).
Notable Assets: Watch contacts, friendly magistrates, alchemical and
clockwork crime-fighting equipment, knowledge of the Twist.
Reputation: Twistjacks patrol the alleys and closes of the Groan, bringing
to justice those who evade the reach of the law. The Watch might take a
bribe, or fail to chase you into dangerous territory. But when you catch
your breath, you’ll turn and find a Twistjack with truncheon already raised
and an evil grin.
Allies: The Tramps, The Mercies, the Dead Watchers.
Enemies: The Motley, The Brizolatto Crime Family, The Blue Devils,
The City Watch

Situation: The Twistjacks are at an impasse of late. Austell, the founding

Jack, still believes that justice is best dispensed by the courts while Fortuna,
the current second, is becoming increasingly hard to control. If Fortuna is
left with free reign, the Twistjacks will soon start to find more immediately
satisfying ways to punish those who prey on their neighbors in the Twist.

• Short-term Objective: Massacre a Twist gang.

• Long-term Objective: Deliver Don Brizolatto to justice.

245 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Motley - Tier I

A legion of beggars and the dispossessed painted like terrifying harlequins.

More a horde or a force of nature than a criminal gang, how anyone could
claim to lead the tidal wave of violence and laughter is one of the Groan’s
great mysteries. They flood through the Twist in the late-night hours like a
tide of locusts.
NPCs: Rush, the Leader (unpredictable, quick, mad). Morley, the
Frontman (feral, self-important, anarchist).
Notable Assets: An unceasing tide of the disenfranchised, bottles and
chains, a complete lack of fear
Reputation: The Motley are urban decay made manifest. Once the Groan
was where the city’s working heart beat. Now it is a place where it is less
dangerous to be a tiger than a man. The world tries its best to break you,
but the Motley just laugh and laugh and laugh. If you hear the laughter as
the sun sets over the Groan, quicken your stride and lock your door.
Allies: -
Enemies: The City Watch, The Twistjacks, Soraya

Situation: The Motley are the Wild Hunt of Ilrien. Whoever they catch
on their nightly gallivant either joins the pelting charge or is run down and
savaged. Many wonder what Rush’s endgame might be, though most
quickly dismiss it as grasping at the aims of a hurricane. Little do they
know that Rush and Morley have grand designs indeed...if the Twistjacks
don’t put them down first.

• Short-term Objective: Gather recruits among disaffected youths.

• Long-term Objective: Occupy the Bank of Brass and Bone.

246 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Outsiders

247 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Sevenfold Veils - Tier IV

A secret society of wealthy dabblers in the occult and arcane. One part
hidden college, one part social club, one part cult, they find funding and
advancement within the secret heart of society and the highest halls of
learning. They work to exhume the Last Deathless.
NPCs: Antoni, a Librarian (obsessed, intelligent, well intentioned). Octavia,
a Noble (conceited, difficult, connected).
Notable Assets: Grimoires of ancient knowledge, several family fortunes,
shadowy associates, and a ritual space hidden beneath the Palace.
Reputation: Secretive and grasping, the Sevenfold Veils operate in the
shadows of polite society. Dilettantes, though talented in matters both
occult and politic, they work in secret as they gather arcane power through
backroom negotiation, grey-market acquisition, and the occasional theft or
Allies: Members within every House Minor.
Enemies: The Scholam Naturalis, The Mercies, The Dead Watchers

Situation: The Sevenfold Veils have been quietly consolidating their power
amongst the minor cults of the city, skimming the cream of the talented
practitioners of the arts arcane. Their maneuverings have not gone
unnoticed by the Scholam Naturalis, but now that they only lack the
secrets of the Book of the Unbroken Watch and access to the Necropolitan
Hill without the prying eyes of the Dead Watchers, the advent of their
master, The Last Deathless, is nearly at hand.

• Short-term Objective: Steal the Book of the Unbroken Watch

• Long-term Objective: Awaken the Last Deathless

248 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Mercies - Tier III

The militant extension of the Lady’s followers, they operate with the
singular purpose of cleansing the world of evil. The Mercies ostensibly fall
under the umbrella of the Graces of the Temple of the Lady, though their
charter explicitly names them as a separate organization altogether. Their
secrets are best left beyond the scope of canon law.
NPCs: Nefera, an Exorcist (radical, unstoppable, calculating). Cyrus, an
Inquisitor (noble, judgemental, professional). Ophelia, a Monster Hunter
(street smart, fast, psychic).
Notable Assets: Hunter diaries, arcane weaponry, alchemical serums, and
free passage through the city.
Reputation: Insular and mistrusted by the greater majority of the city, the
Mercies are what happens when Graces decide to do something more than
pray when magic goes awry. They keep their supernatural edges secret, and
their operations away from the prying eyes of the city.
Allies: The Dead Watchers, The Unburnt
Enemies: The Graces, The Sevenfold Veils

Situation: Ophelia has been given dispensation by the Mercies to put a

stop to a great predator who has been treating the lower city as its hunting
ground. The game of cat and mouse has embroiled many Mercies, and left
more corpses than anyone in the city is comfortable with. Meanwhile,
Cyrus searches the Hunter Diaries for clues to enact the Rite of Revelation.

• Short-term Objective: Hunt a powerful monster of the old world.

• Long-term Objective: Enact a ritual that reveals monsters that
hide among us.

249 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Dead Watchers - Tier II

An old family of grave keepers. They are highly skilled guardians who
know every inch of the Necropolitan Hill. They are rarely seen before
sunset. The Undertakers of the greatest city in the world, nothing goes into
or out of the Necropolitan Hill without their say-so.
NPCs: Jared, the Captain (not to be trifled with, cold, guarded). Saint, the
Welcome Wagon (curious, polite, deadly).
Notable Assets: Unassailable will, knowledge of the necropolises, a divine
Reputation: The Dead Watchers hold the Necropolitan Hill, as much a
part of the scenery as the Gallows Tree and the Lich Gate. They keep safe
and tidy the place where the dead rest beneath the weight of history, and
they mislike visitors who linger long after dark.
Allies: The Mercies, the Gondoliers
Enemies: The Seven-fold Veils, Soraya

Situation: While the city comes to celebrate their dead, the Dead
Watchers are at an impasse. For generations they have sought a way to
ensure that the most dangerous of their charges remains dead, but the
excavations and experiments that must take place must be handled with
delicacy. While they spread rumors to keep away prying eyes, Jared and his
company try against all odds to still the heart of a thing called Deathless.

• Short-term Objective: Spread rumors of plague upon the

Necropolitan Hill.
• Long-term Objective: Destroy the heart of the Last Deathless

250 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The College of Satire - Tier II

A school of well-paid and much in-demand truthsayers and jesters. No

court is complete without one. Speaking truth to power, the College places
suitable agents in the households of Princes and Merchants alike, ensuring
that no matter how grave the affairs of the day, the crowns of Ilrien do not
take themselves too seriously.
NPCs: Atlas, a Jester (complex, strange, honest). Calliope, an Orator
(captivating, polished, knowledgeable).
Notable Assets: Wealthy patrons, blackmail and secrets, distinctive
Reputation: Spies, plain and simple. No one believes that these jesters are
as simple as they appear. No one wearing that much greasepaint can be up
to any good.
Allies: The Buskin, The Broadsheets
Enemies: The Scholam Naturalis

Situation: The College is in high favor amongst the nobility, and it is only
right and proper that they should have access to the best and brightest as
early as possible. The Scholam Naturalis is a perfect place to secure further
patronage, and continue to spread influence amongst the up-and-coming
nobility. Meanwhile, Atlas has taken to ensuring that the core tenet of the
College not be forgotten. “It is ours to remind them not to grow too big
for their britches.” Many think that the College is full of fools. It’s true of
course, but when the wind is southerly, they know a hawk from a handsaw.

• Short-term Objective: Seek appointment to the Scholam

• Long-term Objective: Pull a prank that will never be forgotten.

251 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Buskin - Tier II

Bohemian street performers, artists, writers, and intellectuals. They espouse

Truth, Beauty, and Love, and all of the capitalized words which draw the
hearts and minds of people like crepe-paper moths. They want an end to
the Mask and the privilege of the nobility. Or Masks of their own.
NPCs: Julius, a Sculptor (perfectionist, audacious, rebellious). Camilla, a
Leading Lady (fickle, mean-spirited, cunning).
Notable Assets: Playhouses and street fairs, secret meeting houses, the love
of the nouveau riche, signs and codewords.
Reputation: The Buskin is not well thought of, frankly. Dreamers, poets,
artists, and madmen in sandwich boards screaming about equality and
liberty, the bonds of brotherhood rather than bondage. It’s all well and
good that they see to the entertainment of the people of Ilrien, but must
they be so...political? Someone throw a pie!
Allies: The College of Satire, The Broadsheets, The Bakers’ Guild
Enemies: The Blue Devils, the Nobility

Situation: The Buskin has been biding its time for long enough. Simple
japes and good-natured ribbing will only go so far. That’s more the
Satirists’ schtick anyway, and the Buskin must advance the Avant Garde
and push the envelope. They have a play, you see. As soon as the third
estate sees it, it will be all too easy to whip them into a frenzy and tear
masks from faces for good and for all.

• Short-term Objective: Excoriate the First House with a new play.

• Long-term Objective: Instigate a riot.

252 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
The Tramps - Tier I

A gang of do-gooders and anti-mercenaries that direct and protect the

nomads and caravans passing through. The Tramps are the trail guides of
the greatest city in the world, shepherding those who do not know the
dangers every street can hold toward safety. Their rates are inexpensive,
and their connections make them very handy to know.
NPCs: Sahara, Orchestrator (warm, effusive, insistent). Liam, a former
Watchman (grizzled, wry, experienced).
Notable Assets: Network of safehouses, hidden paths, popular support in
the Groan.
Reputation: The Tramps are trustworthy, and bad for business by the
account of any professional street thief. Their good relationships with
bigger, more influential factions make them a hard target to hit. They take
those relationships very seriously.
Allies: The Groan, The Twistjacks, The Buskins
Enemies: The Motley, The Unburnt

Situation: Sahara knows that Ilrien is not a kind city to those who don’t
know how best to handle themselves in her winding streets. It’s a jungle,
and someone needs to be a guide and guardian lest the city chew them up
and spit them out. She’s attracted some support, but in order to fight off
the wolves, she needs a small army. Once she’s got the muscle, she’ll focus
on the real problem: why do foreign traders, the lifeblood of Ilrien, have to
enter through the Traitor’s Gate like common sellswords?

• Short-term Objective: Negotiate Ten Hammers mercenary

• Long-term Objective: Gain rights to entrance through the Grand

253 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Soraya - Tier I

An old woman in tattered lace and velvet who lives under The Gilt Bridge,
with an army of cats she calls The Royal Guard. Soraya has been called a
witch, a seer, a beggar-queen, a former Prince, a thing crawled from the
place of Faerie, and none of these things are entirely wrong.
NPCs: Soraya, The Witch (regal, obtuse, charming).
Notable Assets: A hopeless number of cats, royal finery that is tattered and
centuries out of date.
Reputation: She may actually be a noble. Or she may actually spirit your
children off in the middle of the night. No one can be truly certain. She is
the source of much musing, and fear- because where there is
misunderstanding, fear is always close at hand.
Allies: Every cat in the city.
Enemies: The Motley

Situation: Soraya has decided that it is long since time that she has
cemented her diplomatic strategies for dealing with the greater world. She
means to extend gentle invitations to the diplomats of the powers of the
Principalities that they might acknowledge her right to rule. Then, when
she has been properly accepted as a power in her own right, she will strike
against those not in her favor.

• Short-term Objective: Grant Rey, the Diplomat, an audience.

• Long-term Objective: Declare war on the Motley.

254 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Contacts for Indulgences

Faith Stupor & Pleasure

Little-Sister Claudia, The Lady’s Swayjin, Runs a Tavern

Temple Leviathan, Runs the Fighting
Jin the Lost, The Lord’s Shrine Pits
Song, Shrine to the Old Gods Rosignol, A Bawdy House
Antar, Minor Temple or Shrine Madame in The Rose District
for a Foreign God Dimitri, A Glint Dealer

Obligation Arcane

A Family Member or Close Adrian, An Illusionist

Friend Melany, An Old Witch
Sister Aveline, Refugees and The Nightingale, An Impossibly
Orphans in The Groan Old Spirit in The Garden
Ripley, Secret Society Drax, A Dreamlily Dealer

Gambling Luxury

Fuad, Runs Dice Garms Giovanni, Opera House

Alesha, Runs Card Games Merlot, Grande Theater
Agrippa, Horse Race Bookie Feng, Bath House
Winn, The Piste Bookie Sina, Fine Tailor

255 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
C hapter
F ive

Playing the Game

256 – C H A P T E R F O U R , A G u i d e t o I l r i e n
Triggering the Action Roll

Court of Blades is a fiction-first do it fast enough and discretely

game where most of it is spent enough to defy notice?
conversing. Your group talks, jests,
and narrates everything happening A PC is making a demand of
in the fictional world until someone that could result in risk
something happens to trigger the or danger to themselves. Their
need for an action roll. It’s the favored contact, Allie, is typically
GMs responsibility to identify happy to help them, but when they
these moments, though in time ask him to spy on the Brizolattos
you’ll intuit when it is time to during a private party, it will take
reach for the dice yourself. some convincing.

Anything that the PC would • Someone just really wants to roll

reasonably be able to do never the dice. They want the outcome to
requires a roll, we just assume it be left up to the whims of the Lady.
gets done. On the other hand,
things that could pose a challenge When it’s time to roll, the
are another matter. Here are some conversation may sound like this:
examples of things that would
prompt an action roll: Player: I know this guy is about
to hurt someone, I am just
• A PC is attempting something that going to tackle him now, while
could be risky or dangerous. Yes, I think he isn’t expecting it.
they could pick this simple lock GM: Okay, what kind of action
without issue typically, but because do you think that is going to
they’re in a crowded room can they look like?
Player: I think it’s going to be a
Skirmish. I want to take this

257 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
guy to the ground and get his position or effect. This is also
dagger away from him. when someone may offer to
GM: Cool, I could also see assist the PC in their action, or
that as a Maneuver, but give them a set up action. The
either way, that sounds risky important takeaway here is that
to me. He is alone and has his this is still part of the
back to you right now, so I conversation that belongs to the
am going to say the effect will whole group.
be standard.
Player: I’m better with Actions, position, and effect, are
Maneuver, but I am really all tools to portray the nature of a
just trying to beat the stuffing situation, the effect that a PCs
out of this guy, so I’ll stick can possibly have on that
with Skirmish. situation, and what actions they
are attempting to deal with it.
At this point the group may This simple formula is the heart
chime in to suggest a different of Court of Blades gameplay.

Actions in Play

On the following pages, the 12 You might navigate the tricky

actions are detailed and fleshed syllables of an ancient spell of
out with examples of maneuvers binding. You might quickly
and consequences. summon a magical ward to stave
off damage. You might identify a
recently uncovered artifact, but
Study might be better.
GM Questions

• What does it look like when

When you Channel, you open you Channel arcane power?
your mind to arcane power and Is there a telltale sign that
draw on sorcerous might. you’re channeling?

258 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
• Where does the power come to reveal the doorway to the
from, and how do you get it catacombs, that’s Channeling. If
to do what you want? you’re bending the laws of reality
with an Invocation, that’s
Sorcerous might and arcane Channeling. If you are invoking
power are left intentionally vague a pact with the Queen of All
here. The city of Ilrien and the Night’s Falling, that’s probably
world of the Principalities can Channeling, too.
have as little or as much magic as
you and your group thinks is Examples
interesting and appropriate for
the story you want to tell. Controlled
However, if there is magic it
comes from somewhere and its I read through the grimoire and see
use requires talent or skill. The if I can make sense of the ritual.
Weave, the tendrils of magic that
4-5 Reduced Effect: The words
the Knacks of the Scholam
seem to writhe on the page, but
Naturalis speak of, is never safe
you think you’ll be able to make
or familiar. Magic is a natural
the ritual work, but you’ll pay a
force that can be harnessed, but
greater price for the magic.
it cannot be tamed.
1-3 Lesser Harm: The magic in
Channel, as an action, typically
the tome writhes like a sentient
draws upon arcane energy in
thing, reaching out and laying
some form or another. Knacks
bare your deepest fears. Take
have an internal power,
level 1 harm “Shaken.
whereas for others Channeling
might be drawing it from an Risky
artifact, a trinket, a device, or
an arcane creature or spirit. I tap into the Weave and hurl a
“Blunts” can interact with the blast of force at the gangster.
Arcane, but Knacks create it.
4-5 Complication: Yeah, your
Channeling, at its most basic, is wave of force knocks that
getting magic to do what you gangster back, but he yells to the
want it to. If you have an rest of his crew, “They’ve got a
enchanted device that you need Knack!” and all of the other guns
to show in the light of the moon

259 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
swing in your direction. What do GM Questions
you do?
• Who are you Commanding?
Desperate What’s your leverage?
• What do you hope they’ll
I pull up my magic like a shield as do?
the gun goes off.
Commanding is the subtle and
1-3 Severe Harm: The shield gentle art of getting someone to
crackles into being and you do what you want them to, and
manage to slow the bullet with not because they want to. They
your Knack. But your reckless will do it out of fear or loyalty or
use of the magic takes a terrible respect, but they will do it. This
toll. Your nose, ears and eyes stands in sharp relief against
dribble blood. Take Level 3
Harm “Burnt Out.” Consort, where you are trying to
get along with someone or work
together with them. That being
said, if you go around
Command Commanding your friends and
contacts, do not be terribly
surprised if the relationship
suffers. Barking orders rarely
When you Command, you
wins friends and influences
compel obedience.
people in the long-term.
You might glare down a handful
Command is typically the right
of thugs in an alleyway. You
action for dispensing orders to
might get a fop to retract an
Retinues or Colleagues, unless
insult with a cutting remark. You
you are leading from the front. If
might demand information from
they are following in your
mercenaries in league with your
footsteps, then by all means show
house, but Consort might be
them how it’s done with the
appropriate action rating.
Otherwise, treat it as a “group
action”. Roll your Command
and let them make a Fortune

260 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Roll with their Tier as a dice- Suffer level 2 harm, “Flesh
pool. wound.”

Examples 4-5 Reduced Effect: The

duelists hesitate, pistols still
Controlled raised, but neither firing. “The
Prince of Tatters? What proof do
“I’m going to send my Courtier you have that a child’s fairy tale
retinue to ferret out the secrets of is involved?”
the Signorra’s operation. Who’s
been meeting with her in secret?” Desperate

4-5 Withdraw or Risk: “My “Arrest me? Ha. ‘Gentlemen of the

apologies, patron, but the Watch, remember who really runs
Signorra is a canny foe. You must this city.’”
give us leave to do whatever is
necessary to bring this secret to 1-3 Serious Complication:
light.” This will be Risky, and ‘Right you are, then. Let’s have a
your Courtiers will be out of talk with the First Court about
your control for a while. Do you it.”
give the order?


“I interpose myself between the

duelists at the last minute,
throwing my hands wide. ‘What is
this going to prove, gentlemen? When you Consort, you socialize
Look me in the eye and tell me that amongst friends.
you don’t know that this is exactly
what the Prince of Tatters wants!” When you Consort, you are
behaving as you would amongst
1-3 Suffer Harm: Your words friends. You might chat up the
are swallowed by the crack of friendly tavern owner in hopes of
pistols as the duelists turn, learning when the diplomat was
fingers already on the triggers. last seen alive. You might draw
There’s a fire in your shoulder out a secret from a confidant.
and your hand is suddenly wet. You might use a disguise and
forged papers to bluff past a

261 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
checkpoint, but Skulk might be Controlled
Benecio is a friend of mine. I’ll see
if he or his Gondoliers have heard
anything about the courier we’re
GM Questions tracking.

• Who do you consort with? 4-5 Reduced Effect: He has, but

Where do you meet? What he also let him off his Gondola
do you discuss? an hour ago. He took him out to
• What do you hope to achieve the Founder. You’ll have to find
with them? him there.

When you Consort, you care 4-5 Risky Position: You’ve been
what the other person thinks or leaning on Benecio a lot lately. I
feels. You listen to what they’re think this could be the straw that
saying. You’re being charming, breaks the camel’s back. He tells
social, and relatively open with you that he’s busy. Do you push
them. Consorting works both him?
with people you know and new
people that you are trying to “fit Risky
in” with.
I’m going to pull out my fine
To Consort, typically you need inebriants. Let’s go with
an environment that isn’t openly Dreamlily. “Boys, how long have
hostile. If there’s a pitched melee you been standing out here? How
currently underway, then it rarely about something for the boredom,”
matters how charming you are or and I’ll pass the pipe with the
how hard you are working to be guards while Saint goes in the back
open and earnest. The assassin way.
will still open you, groin to
gullet, no matter how much you 4-5 Harm: The guards
want to talk the matter over. compliment your taste, but if
you want to pull this off, you’re
Examples going to have to partake as well.
Take level 2 harm, “Fading.”
The world blurs around the
edges and the colors get real

262 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Desperate GM Questions

I’m going to take this opportunity • How do you hunt them

to work the room. I’ll use the down? What methods do
codeword for the conspiracy every you use?
so often, slipping it into casual • What do you hope to
conversation. achieve?

4-5 Serious Complication: You When you Hunt, it’s all about
get casually invited into a precise and skillful execution.
backroom. When you arrive it’s Hunting is done on your terms--
clear that this is where the you stalk the target to their lair,
conspiracy is going over final you select the ambush point, you
instructions. A knife is pressed line up the target in your sights,
into your hand. “You know what and you take the shot. This
to do. Jericho will watch your might be the legwork before an
back.” actual fight kicks off. If you try
to Hunt after the chaos has
kicked into full swing, you’ll
probably find yourself in a
desperate position. Time and
distance are your allies here.

There’s no “shoot” action in

When you Hunt, you carefully Court of Blades, but if you’re
track a target. waiting for the perfect time to
pull the trigger on a target from a
You might follow a carriage as
hidden position, then Hunt is
it crosses the city. You might
probably your roll. If you’re
navigate the press of the
shooting someone with your
crowd to find a sight-line on
pistol in a pitched melee, you
the hangman at the execution.
might just as easily Skirmish.
You might unobtrusively tail
Hunt is not just the measure of
a corrupt priest, but Skulk
your marksmanship. It entails
might be better.
tracking, stalking, and
discovering the location of
anything or anyone.

263 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Examples Desperate

Controlled The fight’s not the important thing

here. We’ve got to catch Lucretzia!
I wait until the informant steps I break away from the skirmish
forward to speak to Alessio, hold and chase after her.
my breath, and squeeze the trigger.
4-5: Reduced Effect + Severe
4-5 Reduced Effect: Your shot Harm: You disengage from the
clips the informant and he spins fight, and dash toward the door
to the cobble stones. He chokes after Lucretzia. There’s the sound
and sputters as Alessio drops to of a pistol shot and you feel the
his knee to hear the informant’s bullet pass through your back.
final words. He can still spill the Someone wasn’t done fighting
beans. What do you do? with you... Take level 3 harm
“Lung Shot.” Lucretzia is still in
4-5 Risky Position: You hit the sight, but you’re going to have a
informant through the throat hard time catching her now.
and he goes down in a spray of
blood. Alessio stands in shock for
precisely three heartbeats before
he turns to trace the shot. “Up
there!” His guards ready pistols Maneuver
and begin to encircle the
When you Maneuver, you
Risky traverse quickly and skillfully.
All of this Glint has to be coming You might leap from roof-top
from somewhere. I’m going to hit to roof-top with a running
the streets and track down the start. You might navigate the
supplier. tricky steps of a fashionable
new dance. You might
4-5 Complication: You track
carefully lie by omission, but
down the dealer, but he’s in the
Consort might be better.
middle of a big deal when you
find him. Apollo Brizolatto is
personally overseeing the buy. So
are ten of his best killers.

264 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
GM Questions around the dancefloor, and see if I
can spot Lachance.”
• How do you maneuver?
How do you navigate the 4-5 Risky Position: You and
environment around you? Isabella wheel around the room
• What do you hope to in time with the intricate waltz,
accomplish? but you’re surprised to brush a
little too close to Malcotto, the
When you Maneuver, you Corvetto Bravo. His smile is
position yourself to skillfully take unkind as the song draws to a
advantage of an opportunity. In a close. He looks like he’s still
permissive environment, you peevish about your last
might have better effect than encounter.
when you have to Maneuver
subtly or without attracting Risky
notice. It’s more than just where
you place your feet. It’s also a “From the roof I can lower myself
mixture of instinctual awareness down onto the ledge below and
of the situation unfolding and then it’s in through the window,
precise timing. right?”

When a Maneuver roll goes 4-5 Complication: You drop

badly, it’s rarely “all or nothing.” down to the ledge without too
Common consequence to a much trouble. You shin across
missed Maneuver is discovery, the ledge toward the half-open
pursuit, or a more tenuous window, but draw back when
situation. Conversely, you hear the door inside open.
Maneuvering is a perfect set-up Two voices are raised in
action, leveraging clever conversation. “Yes, I have the
positioning and timing to achieve documents right here. Have a
greater effects with follow-up look for yourself.”
“The game is blown, now. I’ll grab
Controlled whatever papers I can from the
desk and then dash to the window.
“I’m familiar with the Firelight I’ll shimmy along the ledge and
Stride. I’ll take Isabella for a turn

265 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
find a good place to drop to the tail, but Wreck might be
street.” better.

1-3 Severe Harm + GM Questions

Complication: You come down
all wrong, and something in your • How do you skirmish with
leg gives out. Your world goes them? What combat
white with pain as you clutch the methods do you employ?
papers to your chest. You hear • What do you hope to
shouts of alarm from within. The achieve?
guards will be along shortly, but
you’re not going far on a broken When you Skirmish with
leg. Are you? someone, it is a fight. You are
both attacking and defending in
4-5 Serious Complication: You a vicious back and forth. It is a
hit the street, roll and come up useful skill for starting, surviving,
running. Malcotto screams abuse and finishing a fight--but the
at your back from the balcony. fight is compulsory. This is not
“Lovell dog! This does not end silently executing a guard. That is
here!” Skulking or Hunting. If you
tackle them to the ground and
wrestle them into submission,
that is a Skirmish. If you
challenge them to a formal duel,
Skirmish and then you draw swords on
each other, there may be some
Maneuvering as you size each
When you Skirmish, you other up, but it’ll eventually
entangle a target in combat. come down to a Skirmish.

You might slip a knife into Generally, the consequences to

the ribs of the street-tough Skirmishing are coming from the
hired to kill you. You might enemy that you skirmish with.
fight an elaborate duel with And the more dangerous that
an affronted rival. You might opponent, the more desperate
spring from the shadows to and dire the situation becomes.
neutralize the agent on your

266 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
If you fight alongside a retinue or Desperate
a colleague, in a battle, you
Skirmish. If you are ordering I’ll hold this alleyway while the rest
them to Skirmish on your behalf, of you guys get away. “Come on,
you’re Commanding. then! Come get your throats cut.”

Examples 4-5 Reduced effect + Suffer

Harm: They take you in a rush.
Controlled You give about as well as you get,
but that means that one of theirs
I’ve got all the aces here, and he is down and you’re bleeding
doesn’t strike me as much of a from a handful of wounds when
fighter. I’m going to take the one of them gets in close and
diplomat in a rush and then choke buries a knife in your side. Take
him out. level 3 harm, “Gutted.” They’re
getting around you and after the
1-3 Withdraw or Risk: The coterie as you sink to your knees.
diplomat’s got some more fight
than you give him credit for. He
snatches up a letter opener and
starts stabbing wildly. You want
to keep trying to grapple him? Skulk

When he comes at me with his When you Skulk, you move

court-sword, I’m going to parry his carefully so as to avoid notice.
blade to the outside with my own
and then bring him down with a You might keep to the
kick to the inside of his knee. shadows to avoid the
attention of an attentive
4-5 Reduced Effect: It’s more of guard. You might cobble
a shin-rake as you lash out, but together a disguise to pass
he’s tougher than you give him as a rival house’s courier.
credit for. He comes in close and You might soundlessly pry
grabs your wrist, trying to pull open a window to secure
you off balance. entrance to a villa, though
Tinker might be better.

267 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
GM Questions before they’re knocked out of the
hide-and-seek fight.
• How do you keep avoid
notice? What in the Examples
environment aids your
skulking? Controlled
• What do you hope to
achieve? You say that he’s just up and
working late? All alone? And I can
When you Skulk, you keep your see the ledger on his desk? Well.
movements and your intentions Let’s bop him on the head and be
from the notice of others. Skulk off with it!
is a useful catch-all for skillful
4-5 Reduced Effect: Easy
movement, finesse, spycraft, and
enough. The approach is perfect.
outright evasiveness. If you are
No squeaky boards or stumbles.
doing something that requires
But he sneezes just as you give
the other party to not notice, it’s
him the bop, and what should’ve
a good bet that it’s a Skulk roll.
flattened him just spins him in
You might use movement to hide his chair, dazed and groaning.
out of sight or waylay an enemy What do you do?
in ambush. You might use sleight
of hand and misdirection to
plant an object or hide
I’m going to slip the evidence into
something from view. It may be our host’s pocket while he’s turned
used as a set-up action to keep a and fussing with the drinks.
follow-up action covert, and thus
grant better position or effect, as 4-5: Harm: Certainly. Your host
well. is none the wiser as you plant the
evidence. Ballatino, the Al-Mari
When a Skulk goes badly, it envoy, on the other hand arches
doesn’t necessarily mean that the a dark eyebrow. Take level 2
jig is up. It might, however, start harm, “Ballatino Knows.”
a clock like “Discovered” and
tick a segment or two. Think of Desperate
the clock as “stealth harm levels.”
The PC can take a few hits I’ll throw my mask aside and turn
my cloak. The Rovers aren’t far

268 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
behind, but I think I can shake • What do you study? What
them and blend into the crowded details or evidence do you
market. scrutinize?
• What do you hope to
1-3 Severe Harm: You almost understand?
get away with it. Were it not for
the Rover who reaches out from When you Study, you
the mouth of the alley and drags concentrate on small details--
you in. The next moments pass expressions, tone of voice,
like an eternity as you’re rolled innuendo, breaches of etiquette,
and booted like a meat football. tiny clues--to find what is
Take level 3 harm, hidden, determine facts,
“Hemorrhaging.” corroborate evidence, and guide
your decisions.

Studying is often used to read a

person in Ilrien--this is a gather
Study information roll to judge
whether or not they are lying,
what they really want, what their
When you Study, you scrutinize intentions are, etc. When you
details and interpret evidence. Study someone this way, you can
ask the GM questions while you
You might decode an interact with them if you want,
enciphered message or so you might wait until they say
occult ritual. You might something fishy, and then ask the
follow the money to draw GM “Are they telling the truth?”
connections between hired
bravos and your rival. You If you want to get a feel for the
might assume an enemy’s current situation or scout a
current intentions based on location, that’s Survey. That’s the
the number of warships action for big-picture
they have docked in the information. Study is the
harbor, but Survey might opposite, relying on interpreting
be better. small clues and fine details. It’s
also the action for research of all
GM Questions kinds (like long-term projects!).

269 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Any fact can be discovered to put this together before they get
through Study. here.”

Examples 4-5 Serious Complication: You

look over the crime-scene and
Controlled analyze the clues. As your heart
races, there’s one damning bit
“I light the candle, ring the bell, that you keep coming back to.
and open the book. No harm ever That bootprint looks like it’s
came from reading a book, right?” Watch issue.
4-5 Withdraw or Risk: There’s
an audible crack of power as you
open the book, and as you reach
out to turn to the first page, it Survey
flips invitingly under your hand.
You’re dealing with something
eldritch and powerful here. Do
When you Survey, you observe
you read on?
the situation and anticipate
Risky outcomes.

“I don’t have a lot of time while You might scan a roof-line

Apollo is out of the office. I shuffle for hidden assassins. You
through the papers on the table. I might recognize the mark
commit everything I can to that separates gang
memory.” territories in the Twist. You
might recognize the
1-3 Desperate Situation: embroidery on a jacket as
“Anything interesting?” Apollo distinctive of a rival house’s
leans against the doorframe with favorite tailor, but Study
an insouciant smile. might be better.

Desperate GM Questions

“I think I’ve got to work fast here. • How are you Surveying
The Watch will be along, and with the situation? Is there
all this blood, it looks bad. I need anything special you’re
looking out for?

270 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
• What do you hope to I’m going to find an out of the way
understand? spot to watch the Tramp’s
headquarters. I want to see who
When you Survey, you get a they’re meeting with, and how they
better understanding of what is get in and out.
going on around you. You
observe a location or a situation 4-5 Reduced Effect: They’re
and draw conclusions letting rough thugs through over
appropriately. A good Survey will the course of an hour. It looks
keep you from being surprised like there’s some kind of entrance
and helps you make better challenge. Maybe a code-word or
decisions about how to approach a pass. From this angle, you can’t
a problem. quite tell.

Surveying is often used to “read a Risky

situation.” This is a gather
information roll to judge So we’re chasing after this guy,
opportunities and dangers. When right? And he’s trying to zig and
you Survey a scene, you might zag through the back alleys? I want
ask the GM questions before to see if I can cut him off. I want
anything happens so you can to set-up my next Maneuver roll.
spot opportunities for action. If
4-5 Desperate Position: You
you’re suspicious of meeting with
vault over a half-wall and smash
the Brizolatto Family’s agents,
into Rourke. You both go down
you might ask “What’s really
in a tumble of limbs and his
going on here?” to get a clearer
knife comes to hand. Now it’s
read on the situation.
just a question of who gets
To Survey, you might need stabbed...
access to good vantage points,
and in this case a Maneuver or
Skulk might be an appropriate It was an ambush? No way. I’m
set-up action for better position flashing back to try and spot the
or effect. details that gave that ambush
4-5 Reduced Effect: I think you
have a second to act before the

271 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
ambush comes to pass. Do you GM Questions
get yourself clear, drop to the
ground, push someone out of • Who do you sway? What
harm’s way? kind of leverage do you have
1-3 Severe Harm: You see three • What do you hope they’ll
thugs coming out of the alley, do?
but you’re fixated on them and
don’t see the alleybasher behind When you Sway someone, you
you. You feel his truncheon don’t care about what they think
though. Level 3 harm, or feel. You’re manipulating
“Concussed.” them with charm, lies, or rational
arguments that they cannot easily
dismiss. You’re trying to get
them to do or think what you
want, not what they want or
Sway need. You can Sway a friend or
contact--but the risks are higher
if they figure out what you’re
When you Sway, you influence doing to them; it might be a
with guile, charm, or argument. desperate proposition.

You might make a good Sway is not mind control,

impression upon the however. You need leverage to
chamberlain to the Prince make it work. It might be the
with a honeyed word. You leverage of natural charm or a
might provide convenient proclivity for guile and
evidence to the captain of deception. It might be the
the Watch to implicate a leverage of having good reasons,
rival. You might engage in a evidence, moving rhetoric that
debate at a dinner party and seems so convincing that they’re
try to win on the basis of inclined to agree with you. If you
being the better orator, but have leverage, you can try to
Maneuver might be better. Sway them. Without it, you
might have to try another
avenue: fear and intimidation
(Command), or violence might
have to do in a pinch.

272 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Examples Elanda come sniffing.” He gives
you the eyeball. “The Mercies
Controlled were faster though. Best of luck
explaining to them what you’re
This Broadsheet reporter may not doing here.”
want to cross the Blue Devils, but
he owes me and he knows it. It’s Desperate
time for him to balance the scales.
I sweat behind my mask, but I try
4-5 Minor Complication: not to let them know I’m rattled.
“Okay, I know I owe you, but “Of course, I am Cypriana
this can’t come back on me. I’ll Corvetto, buffoon! Who else would
lose my job. Or worse. Promise dare wear this mask?”
that no one will know you heard
it from me.” 1-3 Serious Complication:
“Interesting. You don’t look
1-3 Minor Harm: He shakes his anything like my sister.”
head, “I know, I owe you. But I
can’t help you. They’re already
following me. They’re probably
watching right now…” Take
level 1 harm, “Found Out.” Tinker
When you Tinker, you fiddle
“Look, Donovan, we both know with devices and mechanisms.
that strangers in the Necropolitan
Hill aren’t good for either of us. You might soundlessly pick
Let us check out the tomb. We a lock and slip inside a
won’t touch anything.” room your enemies thought
secure. You might quickly
4-5 Complication: “Fine. But navigate a puzzle box. You
I’m sending Lyrica with you. might set a cunning
She’ll make sure you mind your clockwork trap for a foe,
manners.” but Hunt might be better.
1-3 Complication: “It’s strange. GM Questions
A vault gets broken open this
morning and before lunch the • What do you tinker with?

273 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
• What do you hope to Examples
When you Tinker, you take stuff
apart, put it back together, bend Easy enough to bypass the puzzle
this bit, twist that, and modify it lock, I’ll get my picks and rakes
to do something that it’s not and go to work.
inclined to do. Tinkering covers
1-3 Withdraw or Risk: As you
a broad range of activities
slot your tools into the lock, it
contingent upon mechanisms
gives a shuddering jerk. There’s a
and engineering as well as
grinding of machinery and the
biology and chemistry. An adept
ceiling begins to descend. There’s
tinkerer might be a metallurgist
plenty of time to get back out of
or an alchemist. Tinkerers know
here for the moment, but this is
things--all kinds of things.
your shot to get into the vault.
Tinkering is often used during Do you risk it?
Long Term Projects in
downtime. It is one of the most
versatile downtime actions, in
No problem! I just need to re-trip
fact (alongside Study). If you are
that secondary catch. I know what
willing to acquire necessary
I did. I know what I’m doing.
components and take time,
wonderful and terrifying things 4-5 Complication + Desperate
can be Tinkered into existence. Position: There’s another
clockwork clattering from within
Tinker is useful in the moment the lock and the door you
as well. Ilrien is covered in entered slams shut and you hear
strange alchemical and the sound of bolts clicking into
technological artifices: strange place. The ceiling sprouts spikes.
alchemical potions and drugs,
puzzle-locks, spring-loaded traps, Desperate
mechanical lifts and vaults.
Tinker with them on the fly to I can fix this! This is fine! All it’s
create booby traps or clear going to take is wedging this widget
security. over here and then jamming my
second-favorite file into this bit

274 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
4-5 Serious Complication: You • What do you hope to
trip the final catch and shoulder accomplish?
rush into the vault before you’re
flattened. You take a moment to When you Wreck something,
catch your breath, lament your you ruin its functions so that it
lost tools, and feast your eyes. cannot be easily fixed and you
Then it hits you. There are no create chaos in some way--loud
other exits from this vault, and noises, flying debris, fire, flood,
the guards will be along etc. Wrecking is as good for
presently. distraction and mayhem as it is
for destroying things.

Scale is important when

determining effect for Wrecking.
Wreck If you’re trying to Wreck a
Watch Station, for instance, you
need either the tools or the team
that are high enough scale to
When you Wreck, you utilize
have an effect on the building.
overwhelming force against a
Or you might need to exploit a
person or object.
weakness to gain potency enough
You might use acid to melt to shake the station to its
a tricky lock on a foundation.
strongbox. You might
decide that the only sort of
diplomacy the gang boss Controlled
understands is a chair across
the teeth. You might twist I plant the powder kegs in the
the weave of magic to basement, light the fuse, and
incinerate a foe, but retreat to a safe distance. Boom?
Channel might be better.
4-5 Risky Position: You get to
GM Questions the top of the stairs when two
Blue Devils stop for a noisy chat
• What do you wreck? What and smoke right by your planned
force are you bringing to exit. Fuse is burning. What do
bear? you do?

275 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
1-3 Withdraw or Risk: You’re 4-5 Severe Harm: I’ll give you
moving barrels, calculating blast credit for audacity. She falls back
radii, trying to imagine how the away from the desk, firing as she
building will fall. You’re having falls. The bullet doesn’t rip
trouble. You don’t know if through your chest as she
you’ve got the powder for intended, but you do take level 3
this...and you know that one of harm “Shattered left arm.”
those Blue Devils are going to be
down here for another flagon of
wine soon. Do you want to risk
getting this wrong or do you
want to withdraw and try
another angle?


I push past Owl and pull the

crowbar from my belt. “Sometimes
you have to sweet talk doors.” I dig
in and try and pry the thing off its

4-5 Complication: Sure, you

can get the door off. But it’s not
subtle. You hear a chair scuffing
back above you and then heavy
footsteps. I’m starting an “alert”


She’s got a pistol? Thinks she’s got

me dead to rights? Let’s see how
smart she feels when I bust a chair
across her teeth.

276 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Player’s Best Practices

Embrace the Danger no matter the cost. You did not get
Your retainer did not make it this here because you are unwilling to
far in life without a deep take risks or push yourself. Fall in
understanding of the dangers love with the satisfaction of getting
inherent in serving a noble house, an impossible errand done.
or the loyalty required to hold
such a prestigious position. They Stress and scandals are necessary
know that they are as likely to die parts of the system to keep the
in service to the house as they are retainers “human”. It represents
to climb to the very top, if not how much someone can take
more so. The odds are stacked before it becomes too much. You
against them. must find a balance between
spending your stress to ensure the
Systems in the game are designed errand is completed, while staying
to punish even a deed well done, away from scandals when possible.
so no matter how effectively you
complete an errand, the exposure Dance on the razor’s edge, but do
and the entanglements will begin not cut yourself. Try to make every
to pile on. It will require wit, fast scandal you take as epic and
thinking, and finding ways to worthwhile as possible. Be fearless,
make amends to cope with these but do not throw away your
mechanics if you want to make it retainer’s reputation on trivialities.
to the finish line. Embrace the
fallout as part of the adventure, Play to Tell a Great Story
not as a detractor. As a player you have the ability to
choose which action to roll for any
You are here because you have the given task. This does not mean
unique ability to get the job done, that you should only stick to the

277 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
actions you are the best at. Doing constrained by some detailed
so would make for a terribly history that you imagined before
boring story. If you have no people the world got its hands on you.
skills, but you need to Sway Show, don’t tell. You are what you
someone, lean into that, or push become over the course of play.
yourself if your character feels like
it is important. Do not try to Act Now, Plan Later
devise a way in which you can roll In Court of Blades, we smash to
Tinker to move someone with the action. Some planning is fine,
your words simply because you but in-depth planning will only
have more dice there. That’s stand between you and the fun
“weaseling” and not in keeping part of the game. We strongly
with the spirit of the game. advise against it. A couple of
gather information rolls, reaching
Shape the Game out to a contact, and you are more
Everyone at the table has a shared than ready to be on your way.
responsibility to make Court of
Blades into the kind of game they Instead, when things go wrong,
want to play. If you want the game plan with a flashback. Trust that
to be more dangerous, play more your character knew what they
dangerously. Each person at the would be encountering well before
table is responsible for the tone, you did.
style, and themes of the game. Not
just the GM. GM: There is a guard dog on
Build Your Character Through You: Of course, there is. Let me
Play flashback to stopping by the
In Court of Blades, your character butcher's shop for a great
begins as a thumbnail sketch, just a stonking soup bone before we
few spare details. You do not need headed out.
to know who you really are at the GM: That’s pretty easy. No
start, and certainly no one else stress cost for that one. Enjoy
needs to know. Your character will your pig’s femur.
develop in interesting ways you
may have never anticipated as you And we’re back to the action.
play, and you should not be

278 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Example of Play

We think the most helpful way to Val: I think it’s The Lovell’s
learn the game is to see it in youngest cousin. Her name is Kat,
action, so we wrote out a quick short for Katarina.
example “first session” in play GM: “The Lovell”, I like that. So,
script format as though it were an what do we think Kat is like?
actual session. This is a great
opportunity to see what you’ve Mink: She’s tall, and serious. In
learned about the game applied to her mid-twenties. Doesn’t stay
a quick, plausible scenario. and chat unless something really
bad is coming down on you.
Our actors for this purpose are
the GM (as the GM), Val as the GM: Yeah, I think that maybe she
Knack who has taken the feels like she’s above being an
Invocation special ability, and errand-woman. “It’s time for you
Mink as the Eye who has taken to earn your keep,” she says,
the Shadow special ability. They holding out the dossier
serve House Lovell, and their impatiently, just waiting for her
coterie has a reputation for being window to leave.
Mink: I’m definitely the first one
to grab it, and I’ll start reading the
Act 1, Freeplay briefing aloud.

GM: You both find yourselves in GM: You start looking through
House Lovell’s courtyard when the dossier and you see that there
the messenger finds you. Who is a party coming up. Every one of
usually hands out your tasks? the Houses' Major must be there,
but House Al-Mari has already

279 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
declined the invitation. There is ago, and has reason to hide out in
also a problem with one of the the Twist until his benefactor can
house’s ancestor altars, it’s cracked meet up with him. Unfortunately,
somehow and now The Lovell is it doesn’t give you much else. The
concerned that they have an angry primary witness is The Lovell’s
ancestor that someone will have chamber servant, Giselle.
to appease. Finally, a former
employee of The Lovell has Val: Damn, I think I liked him. I
absconded with an invaluable want to catch up with Giselle and
tome of secrets, it should be see if she forgot to mention
located before the cyphers are anything, for sure.
Mink: I’ll wait this one out.
Val: The stolen secrets sound like Giselle and I don’t get along, so I
a pretty big deal, getting that think Val will have better luck if
should be our primary goal. I’m not there.

Mink: I agree. If we have time, GM: You two don’t get along?
maybe we can get House Al-Mari
to come to the party? I’m not Mink: Yeah, I just think that
really interested in chasing would be interesting later.
shadows because the Prince is
superstitious. GM: I agree, can’t wait to find
out what that’s about! For now, it
Val: That sounds fair. So, how do sounds like Val wants to take the
we want to hunt down this time to gather some information.
missing book?

Act 3, Gathering Information

Act 2, The Plan
GM: You don’t have any problem
GM: The extended details in your finding Giselle, she’s in the pantry
dossier on the missing tome tell putting in The Lovell’s dinner
you who has stolen it, even tells demands with the kitchen staff.
you where you’re most likely
going to find them. Dorian Val: I’ll try to pull her aside and
disappeared with it three nights start asking her about Dorian.

280 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
GM: She steps out of the room Val: I think I want to know
with you, but you can tell she “What’s going on here?” Like,
doesn’t really want to say what’s Dorian’s play. Where did
anything more than she has he go?
already. She seems flustered. If
you want to press her, you are GM: Makes sense to me. Giselle is
going to need to make a roll of willing to spill everything, but the
some kind. complication from your mixed
success is that she’ll do it only if
Val: Yeah, I want to know what you swear an oath that Dorian
she’s hiding. I think I want to roll won’t be harmed. If you refuse,
Sway. I’ll try to convince her that she may not tell you everything.
she can trust me to be discrete I’m also going to say that as you
with whatever she gives me. start in on this line of
questioning, you have to reach
GM: Sounds good. Right now, out and lay hands on Giselle to
you are risky/standard. She might stop her from leaving. One of the
run away if you botch this or other servants is going to see, and
someone might see the exchange it won’t be long before the rumor
and get the wrong idea, but she’s mill is stirring about your illicit
not a very good liar so you feel liaison in the pantry.
pretty confident that you can get
more out of her. Val: Oh, man. Well, that’s going
to bite us later. All right, I’ll swear
Val: Okay, I have one die in it to her.
Sway, I am going to push myself
for two stress to take an extra die. GM: Okay, Dorian is hiding out
in a room at a tavern called The
Val rolls two dice, marks off two Last Drop in The Twist. You’ll
points of stress, and gets the 4/5 know the place for its signage
result. depicting a hanged man holding a
pint of ale. He’s supposed to meet
GM: Not bad, not bad. Is there a up with a Spymaster from one of
particular gather information the Minor Houses tomorrow
question that you’re hoping she’s night, at the hour of Tryst. Giselle
going to be able to answer? didn’t tell anyone because Dorian
had sworn he’d come back for her

281 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
and they’d use the coin he stands GM: You guys have no problem
to make to run away together. He finding Dorian at The Last Drop,
hasn’t sent word once since she but things have already gone
helped him abscond with the sideways. He is already waiting for
book. you in the barroom, with a hired
thug, a big scary looking one.
Val: I hope he’s got a good reason They've already cleared the place
for that; I can’t abide an out. We’re going to be starting in
unromantic. I’ll meet back up a Desperate position. That thug
with Mink. sees you coming and is already
drawing a pistol.
Mink: I think we’re set to go!
Val: I bet Giselle sent word ahead
GM: Sounds like it’s time for the of us. Tenderheart.
engagement roll. But first, Mink: I agree. I want to
everyone has to declare their load. flashback!

Mink: I am going loaded; I like to GM: All right, what are you
have my options open. The Twist trying to flashback to?
can be rough, and I want to make
sure I’ve got everything I need. Mink: I scouted this place before
we came in, using my Maneuver
Val: I will go discrete; I know skill, and knew that Dorian was
magic is frowned upon in the waiting to ambush us.
Twist. If things get bad, I may
need to run really fast. GM: All right, that’s pretty
reasonable. We’ll call it a one
stress flashback. Roll to see how
Act 4, The Engagement well it went.

GM determines that Val and Mink Mink marks off one point of stress,
get one die toward their rolls her Maneuver action rating
engagement roll for audacity, one which gives her two dice, and gets
die for their gather information the 6 result.
results. The GM rolls two dice for
their engagement but gets the 1-3 GM: Yeah, you knew exactly what
result! to expect, you were able to scout

282 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
this place pretty thoroughly, and Mink: Okay, I am going to push
you also noted that the room myself and activate my Shadow
where he probably stashed the special ability. It allows me to
book is empty right now. perform an act of stealth or
athletics which borders on the
Mink: Maybe we can just get the superhuman. I am going to use it
book back and run for it. Hey to Maneuver to his balcony, by
Val, do you think you can distract jumping from one balcony to the
these guys for a minute while I next, using the ones that look like
sneak in and snatch the book? I’ll they might be able to hold my
signal for you when I have it. weight best. Hopefully I can do it
quietly enough.
Val: I won’t lie. I’m a little
nervous about having to distract Val: I want to give her a set up
Dorian and his brute, especially action, once she gets behind the
when I promised Giselle I building I am going to barge into
wouldn’t hurt him, but I trust the tavern and distract them,
your judgement. ...Just don’t loudly. I think I am going to
leave me to die. Command them to pay attention,
throwing my weight around. “Do
Mink: I believe in you! I’m going you have any idea how much
to sneak around back and try to trouble you’re in?!”
find a way into his room.
GM: Sure, let’s see how your set
GM: Each room has a small Juliet up goes first, then. You’re
balcony, but they look like they’ currently desperate/standard for
all date back to The Dread the purpose of distracting these
Emperor’s reign so you’re not guys and masking any noise Mink
convinced of how sturdy they are. makes. They were already looking
You know his room is the left for you anyway. And that brute’s
corner one, up on the third floor. gun is already pointing in your
It’s summer and the city is direction.
stiflingly hot so the window is
already open, but you’re going to Val rolls his one die in Command
have to get creative with how you and gets a 4/5 result. He marks off
get up there. one point of xp in his Spirit tracker

283 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
for rolling a Spirit ability in a security. Mink knows how to shift
desperate situation. her weight on these rickety
structures. No way they’d ever
GM: Well, you definitely did get detect me so easily.
their attention, but the
complication is that I’m going to GM: Fair enough! You know your
start a 4-part clock for Dorian’s business and spot the rickety
patience. When it’s full, they’re masonry and shift your weight to
going to perforate you. Three spare it. This is a walk in the park
ticks already. Dorian sneers at for you, Mink. You avoid any
you, motioning to his thug. balconies breaking below your
“Looks more like you’re the one step, and you can hear Val’s
in over your head, errand boy.” shouting easily covering your
Mink, roll that Maneuver, and actions. You make it into
take the bonus die from Val’s set Dorian’s room with no problem.
up. They’re definitely not paying The book is on the nightstand.
attention to the balcony. He was not expecting company
up here.
Mink pushes herself, marking two
stress, she has two dice in Mink: I am going to grab it and
Maneuver , plus one from pushing hop back out the window. I’ll use
herself, and one from Val’s set up. the rope and grappling hook in
She rolls four dice and gets the 4/5 my climbing gear, and Maneuver
result. to get back down safely.

GM: You can get up there, but as GM: Sounds good to me! Your
you’re parkouring from balcony position is currently
to balcony, a big chunk of risky/standard.
masonry gives way and falls to the
alley below with a crash. You Mink marks off two load for the
know they had to hear that, even climbing gear, so she has four of her
over the yelling. declared “loaded” load left. She rolls
her two dice in Maneuver and gets
Mink: Crap! Okay, I’d like to the 1-3 result.
activate my special armor to
resist that, it allows me to resist a GM: Ouch. So, what it looks like,
complication related to detection or is you find the best place to sink

284 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
your hook as you can, but as you in nature. I want it to be wind. I
get about half way down, the want to try to create a gust of
chunk of the wall the hook is in wind to knock them both back
just gives way from years of rot while I run. Can I use my item A
and weather and you fall about 12 Vulgar Display of Power here?
feet. You’re going to take level 2
harm: Broken Ankle. GM: Sure, the situation is still
desperate, but with your Vulgar
Mink: I’d really like to resist that. Display of Power, I am willing to
I’m going to roll my Body stat to give you greater effect. This is the
try to salvage the landing. Twist though. Are you willing to
use your knack here, and risk the
Mink rolls the two dice from her gossip mill?
Body stat and gets a 2 out of a
possible 6, so she marks off the Val: If it’s that or get shot here?
difference, 4 points, as stress. I’ll risk some bad publicity.

Mink: Oof, that was a lot of Val rolls two dice for his Channel
stress, but once I am free, I give a rating, plus one die for pushing
loud whistle to let Val know it’s himself. He marks off the 3 stress he
time to beat feet. spent to cast Invocation and make it
elemental. With three dice he
GM: Yeah, but you manage to manages to get 2 sixes, a critical
keep from landing flat on your result. He marks off another point
back and instead twist your ankle, of xp in his Spirit tracker for rolling
take level 1 harm. It won’t feel a Spirit ability in a desperate
great to run on it, but you think situation.
you’ll be okay. Meanwhile, back
in the tavern, as Val hears the GM: You blow these two guys
whistle, Dorian and his thug are across the room like they’re tissue
getting ready to take him in a paper. Chairs and tables go flying
rush. What do you do, Val? with them. You have plenty of
time to make a run for it and
Val: Oh boy. I am going to push meet up with Mink. You’ll
myself to use my Invocation definitely be able to lose these
special ability. I want to spend an guys, but as a complication from
extra stress to make it elemental Mink’s fall, I’d like to see some

285 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
kind of roll to see if you both get He marks one point of stress for
away without them seeing you Mink’s failed roll, but they both get
had an accomplice, Val. away clean because the highest
result counts for the whole group.
Val: I’m thinking we do a group
action using Maneuver. I’ll lead
the group action, and do my best Act 5, Payoff
to help you with that ankle,
Mink. But I’m not very fast, can I GM: Okay guys, let’s talk payoff.
hear a Lady’s Favor? I think it’s safe to say you two
earned 6 influence for retrieving a
GM: Sure, I think the Lady’s book of secrets that would have
Favor here is that Dorian got been ruinous if decoded.
pretty banged up in there. He’s
not dead, but Giselle is not going Val: Let’s split the influence in
to be happy with you when she half. We’ll each take 3.
hears about it. I think that with Mink: Deal!
that overseen conversation in the
pantry, you’re going to have Level Mink marks three influence on her
2 Social Harm, “Liar.” Playbook sheet, and Val marks his
three influence on his Playbook
Val: Okay, that’s fair, I’ll take it. sheet as well.

Mink has two dice in Maneuver , You didn’t earn any favor here,
but she is rolling with limited effect because you didn’t help any
due to her level 1 harm: twisted factions out, and you’re going to
ankle and the fact that she is take 2 exposure for the operation
carrying a lot of load. She decides to and 2 additional exposure for
push herself for an extra die, and using magic in the Twist, and stay
spends it to increase her effect to at 0 shame. It was relatively
Standard. When she rolls her two contained and you didn’t leave
remaining dice, she gets the 1-3 behind any bodies. I’ll roll up an
result. interesting entanglement using
Val has 0 dice in Maneuver, but he the chart. -Looks like a juicy
gains 1 from the Lady’s Favor . He rumor about you guys has gotten
rolls his one die and gets a 6 result. out and will doubtless make your
That Lady’s Favor really paid off!

286 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
future dealings more interesting Val indulges using one die,
than you’d like. What is it? determined by his lowest resist
rating, and he gets a 6.
Mink: I think that Giselle is
spreading rumors amongst the Val: Wow, that’s perfect. I had 6
servants because Val broke his stress, now I’m back to zero for
word and Dorian got injured. She the next game! I guess I’ll use my
was already going to be a other downtime activity to see if
problem, but now she’s getting I can smooth things over with
other servants to mistrust us as Giselle. I’d like to roll to reduce
well. It’s being taken as a lover’s our exposure by trying to Sway
quarrel. Giselle to forgiving me.

Val: That’s fair. Wonder how my GM: Sounds like a plan, go ahead
Paramour is going to take that? and roll those dice.
GM: How indeed? Let’s talk
downtime. Don’t forget, level 1 Val decides to roll his one Sway die,
harm heals itself with a narrative and gets a 4/5 result, which lowers
rest, so you won’t need to spend their exposure by 2 points, bringing
any of your downtime activities it down to 2.
visiting the House healer this
session. GM: Yeah, you do a fairly decent
job of convincing Giselle that you
tried you best not to hurt Dorian.
Act 6, Downtime She looks mollified, but she won’t
be putting any good words in for
GM: Let’s start with Val this time. you with the rest of the staff.
What do you want to do with They’ll just assume that she’s
your downtime? trying to cover for your illicit
liaisons anyway. Do you want to
Val: I racked up a lot of stress, so do anything else with your
I want to head down to the downtime? Remember, you can
Church of the Lady to indulge spend influence to get extra
myself. downtime activities. You can also
use them to uncover a plot,
acquire an asset, start a long-
term project...

287 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
to go indulge as well. I’m going
Val: This “Liar” harm is pretty to head down to Sister Aveline in
rough. Maybe I can start in on The Groan. I like to see how I can
patching up my wounded help out around the orphanage I
reputation? grew up in.
Mink has two dice to roll to
GM: Yeah, Level 2 Harm is indulge, because that is her lowest
rough. You’ll lose a die whenever resist rating. She rolls a 3, and
you’re trying to use your clears 3 of her 7 stress, leaving her
reputation socially until it’s with 4 stress.
healed. How are you going to fix
that? Mink: Oof! That didn’t go as well
as I had hoped. I think I’ll stay a
Val: I think I’ll be telling my side while longer.
of the story to Luccio, the cook.
I’ll try and ensure that a lot of the Mink spends her second downtime
staff are filtering in and out, so activity indulging again. This time
that the rumors get quashed. she rolls a 5, which means that she
GM: Sounds like a Consort?
Mink: Uh oh. I overindulged.
Val: Definitely. Not my strong What happens?
suit, but…
GM: I don’t think it makes a lot
Val spends an influence for an of sense for you to get into a lot of
extra downtime action, rolls 2 dice trouble here. Instead, Sister
for Consort, and takes the lower. He Aveline asks you for help with
gets the 4/5 and marks two ticks on something that will cost you a
his healing clock. downtime activity to do. You
won’t be able to indulge again
GM: Your story starts to circulate, until you help her.
but the Lovell staff aren’t sure if
they’re buying what you’re selling Mink: I’ll just pay an influence
just yet. Mink, you’re up! for an extra downtime activity
and do that now, so I don’t have
Mink: I burned a lot more stress to worry about it next time.
than I thought I had, so I’m going

288 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
GM: Sounds good. Mark off that Val: Sounds good!
influence and you continue to be
in Sister Aveline’s good graces. Val marks down his two points of
experience on his Playbook sheet.
Mink erases one point of influence He decides to put them both in his
from her Playbook sheet. Playbook Advancement track.

GM: Anything else for Mink? GM: Mink, you’re up! Did you
address a challenge with stealth or
Mink: Nope, I’m all set! perception? Express your beliefs,
drives, heritage, or background?
GM: Okay then, let’s talk about Have any trouble with your
player experience and call it a indulgence or traumas today?
night, gang!
Mink: I did a bit of stealthing to
get the book from Dorian’s room.
Act 7, End of Session And I think I addressed the
Experience ambush with perception in that
flashback but it was a maneuver
GM: Val, you’re up first. Did you roll, does that count?
address a challenge with arcane
knowledge or power? Express your GM: Yep, still counts.
beliefs, drives, heritage, or
background? Have any trouble Mink: Cool. I don’t remember
with your indulgence or scandals expressing much…
Val: At the beginning of the
Val: No problems with indulging game, you said that you and
or scandals today, but I definitely Giselle don’t get along.
threw those guys across the room
with my mojo. I mentioned that I Mink: Oh yeah! And I also
dislike unromantics too, that’s a overindulged and had to spend an
belief, right? extra downtime to set things
GM: That’s fair. Take two points
of xp for the day. Happy with

289 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
GM: I remember that. Sounds parkoured across balconies, and
like 4 xp for the night. Everyone tossed magic around in the Twist.
GM: I agree. Did you guys express
Val and Mink: Yep. the goals, drives, inner conflict or
essential nature of the coterie?
Mink marks down her four points
of experience on her Playbook Mink: I think we showed that we
sheet. She decides to put two points have a lot of mutual trust in each
in her Playbook Advancement other? I was willing to let Val
track, and she puts the other two handle gathering the info, and he
points in her body xp track. trusted me to get the book and
come back for him while he
GM: Last on the agenda, let’s talk caused a distraction.
about the coterie’s XP. The
triggers are on your House sheet. GM: Sounds like you guys get 3
Did you guys overcome an obstacle xp for the coterie tonight.
with secrets or discernment? Everyone feel satisfied with that?

Val: I’ll say! Val and Mink: Sounds good!

GM: Contend with challenges Mink marks three experience on

above your station? the House sheet.

Mink: They were tier 1, right? I GM: Great. Now go home, you
feel like we shouldn’t have had so eat all my snacks.
much trouble with them. Not
exactly above our station, though.

GM: Bolster your coterie’s

reputation or create a new one?

Val: We were very daring! We

went down into the rough side of
town after a book of secrets,
stared down the barrel of a pistol,

290 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
C hapter
S ix

Game Masters

291 – C H A P T E R F I V E , P l a y i n g t h e G a m e
Running the Game

If you have run other table-top Play to find out what happens.
roleplaying games before, you Do not steer the game toward
might find that Court of Blades certain events or outcomes. Be
feels a little different--mainly in curious and allow yourself to be
how authority over the narrative surprised by the directions that
is doled out. Players have a lot of the narrative takes.
power over the developing
fiction, and even over how the Convey the fictional world
rules are applied. honestly. When it is time to say
what happens in the world
If you have played other Forged around the PCs, “look around”
in the Dark games, this is all the vision of Ilrien that is
probably old hat, but the rest of developing in your head and say
this chapter is going to break what you see. Do not play
down the matter of GMing this favorites. Make the world of this
game into several key areas to try shining, decadent, and dangerous
and demystify some of the city and all of the maneuvering
potential friction points. First, within it seem real, not
we will cover your Goals as a contrived.
GM, then Actions, Principles,
Best Practices, and Bad Habits Bring Ilrien to life. Give each
to avoid. location a specific aspect
(crowded, sundrenched, salty,
fetid, opulent) to make it vivid in
your players’ minds. Give each
GM Goals important NPC a name, detail,
and a preferred method of
problem-solving. Give them
When you run the game, you agendas, needs and desires. Give
should try and accomplish the each action context--the moonlit
following three goals: duel in the Prince’s Gardens; a

292 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
double-agent passing intelligence soul of running this and every
pauses as a Watch patrol strides other roleplaying game.
by; the Brizolatto gambling den
smells of foreign liquor and • Ask establishing questions
dreamleaf smoke. to set the stage for the action.
Who’s leading the group? Is
To achieve these goals, use GM everyone rushing into this
Actions guided by your GM scuffle, or is someone hanging
Principles. back to do something else? Are
you trying to convince the
Marquis and win him over, or
are you trying to just score
points with the other nobles
GM Actions listening?
• Ask provocative questions
to make your players think
The player characters have twelve and express their characters.
actions that they get to use in What kind of person does she
order to achieve their goals in think you are now? Are you
Ilrien. You have actions, too. just going to let that matter lie?
When it’s your turn to Do you think you could bring
contribute, and you are not quite yourself to kill them?
sure what to do, look at the • Ask leading questions to
following list of actions and pick show the player what you’re
one. thinking. Do you think they’re
the type of people who respond
Ask Questions well to threats? Does anyone
want to Survey the room or
First and foremost, ask questions.
Study your host? When you do
You can get along very well as a
that, there’s a good chance that
GM in this game by simply
it’ll explode, right?
asking questions, building on the • Ask trivial questions when
answers, and then asking more the mood strikes you and
questions. When there is an you’re curious. Where do you
interesting point of friction or typically shop for clothes?
there is a measure of uncertainty, When did you learn to do
pick up the dice and find out. that?
Asking questions is the heart and

293 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
• Ask the players for help barest bit of benefit for your hard
when you are uncertain or work. But there’s always
stuck. You do not have to do something to be found. The
this alone. I’m not sure...does setting of Ilrien is designed the
this feel more Desperate or way it is so that the next chance
Risky? Can anyone think of the for an errand easily flows from
Lady’s Favor here? Sounds like the fiction. Look around at the
fatal harm, doesn’t it? What maneuvering factions of the city,
do you think? or the NPCs that you and your
players have developed. Who is
Provide Opportunities, Follow vulnerable? Who needs
Their Lead something done? What part of
GM, it is your job to provide the setting are you curious to see
opportunities, but also to follow in play? It’s sure to have an
the players’ lead. opportunity for skullduggery.

Providing opportunities is easy: Between errands, the PCs are free

Ilrien is a city that has been to gather information to set up
specifically designed with the the next operation. If the players
canny retainer in mind. As the do not have their own ideas as to
GM, you may step in and how to progress the House, this
describe an opportunity when is the perfect chance to unearth a
the PCs look for one, rolling or new opportunity. Ask them if
picking them from the Long- they’d like to perform a group
Term Objectives tables as you action to discover something,
please, adding your unique ideas and how their coterie goes about
about the City and its factions, that kind of thing.
guided by your goals and
principles. Do they Command people to
spill useful secrets? Do they
Opportunities need not be Consort with all of the right
balanced or consistent. people? Do they Study the
Sometimes they will be exquisite- broadsheets and piles of
-a clear exploit, an ideal target, a intelligence gathered by the
brilliant coup. Sometimes they’ll House’s agents? Do they Hunt
be poor--a perilous opening, a for vulnerable agents of their
troublesome wrinkle, and the enemies? A “legwork montage”

294 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
may follow these rolls, allowing Corvetto. Knowing the Corvetto,
you as the GM to convey the it’s likely to be a rough party. The
details of the opportunity Signorra might need help keeping
through brief moments of action things civil... though if we get the
and snippets of dialogue from ledger before the auction the
NPCs. Corvetto will do anything to keep
it from being printed in
When you present an tomorrow’s broadsheet.”
opportunity, it should include
the components necessary for the An opportunity consists of:
players to understand how they • A target. The Dockers
might carry out the errand. It • A location. An impounded
may not be ideal but it should ship in the Shores district
actually be an opportunity; not a • A situation. A ship carrying
vague and indistinct notion. The valuable, but technically
PCs should understand that “The contraband, alchemical
Signorra is hosting an exclusive reagents needed to finish a
auction, selling a dossier on one of House project has been
her more private clients to the impounded by order of the
highest bidder. The Houses of the Harbormaster.
Esultare are clamoring to secure the • One obvious vector for the
dirt on a prospective rival, or secret plan. De’Rossi can pilot a
their own shame.” It is not gondola near enough without
sufficient to say that “You hear attracting suspicion--for a
that there’s something going on favor later.
with the Signorra down in the
Rose District.” Better information from contacts
or investigation (or other means)
Depending on the outcome of might also include:
the investigation (or the strength • Connected Factions and
of their informant’s or contact’s what they need or want. The
connection to the opportunity), Fortunato Trade Federation
you can provide even more own that ship. They want all
details and hooks for the action evidence erased.
to come. “The Signorra has a • A not-so-obvious vector for a
ledger of every shameful plan. The Harbormaster
predilection of a scion of House

295 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
might see reason if we call in a to burn, they can dig up plenty
favor with the Watch. of juicy information to position
• Interesting secrets, a link to themselves more favorably before
an alternate opportunity. The they execute the errand. If they
Bank of Brass and Bone are do not have the resources to
likely behind the spend, they may have to take
impoundment and have what they can get. That’s the
doubtless hired a team to nature of being at the beck and
search for hidden contraband call of the power players in Ilrien.
that they may claim as rightful No one said it was going to be
salvage. If we get it first, we’ll easy. It can still be fun. We can
have leverage over them. shrug at the ill-fortune of our
characters now, slap them on the
Basically, you’re offering the back, and wish them all luck and
players an opportunity for action. success as they find a way or
Sure, it follows from the ongoing make one.
fiction of Ilrien as established by
your game, but the heart of these The other avenue for getting the
opportunities is a gameplay game going is to follow the
mechanic. The players have player’s lead. This is just like
shown up to play Court of Blades, providing an opportunity, but in
which means they want to engage this case, you listen to the
in thrilling maneuvering, opportunity presented by the
cutthroat politicking, and players rather than describing it
occasionally the odd bout of yourself. Ask them clarifying
romanticized violence. They questions to flesh out their idea
bought tickets to a thrilling so you end up with a target, a
drama and they’re waiting for location, a situation, and a
you to lift the curtain and get to vector. Then ask if they want to
the love, blood, and rhetoric. investigate further (potentially
inviting all sorts of trouble), or
You’re providing enough to keep go ahead and cut to the action
the game from stalling; enough and roll engagement.
so that Court of Blades can
happen at the game table
tonight. If the PCs are flush with
influence to spend and downtime

296 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
unnecessary hesitation from the
game and get to the part where
Cut to the Action we all get to be romantic duelists
and powerful sorcerers doing
what they do best.
When they say, “We should
break into Ambassador Dashiel’s The same can be said of any kind
house,” that’s your cue. Say, of “Scene Change” that happens
“That sounds like a stealth plan, in play. Like when a player
don’t you think? What’s the decides to go and Consort with a
entry point?” Then, when they friend, you can just cut to the
give you that detail, you say, “All action in progress. “You find
right, so you’re on the second- Lucky in the usual place, under
floor balcony of a rooming house one of the arching bridges on the
overlooking the Plaza. Dashiel Street of Silks. He’s pressed into
keeps his apartments in the an alcove, trying to keep the sun
adjoining building. The bell has off and walking a fiore over his
just struck tryst and the knuckles. ‘You know what I like
ambassador’s house appears dark about you? You know the first
and silent. Readying a grappling rule of 20 questions is coin up
hook, you prepare to do a bit of front,’ he says.”
breaking and entering. Let’s
make an engagement roll.” Just Rather than starting back at the
like that you are on an errand. house, or wherever the retainers
keep their apartments, and
That might feel fast and breezy, playing out the “Where do you
especially if you are used to other go? Where would Lucky hang
roleplaying games. You do not out? How can you set up the
always have to get there that fast! meeting?” you can just cut to the
But it is a good rule of thumb to action of the meeting in progress
aim for. Anything prosecuted via and move the game along. This
conversation is going to take keeps the momentum high, and a
longer than you think it will--if story in motion remains in
you hold this “cut to the action” motion until acted upon by a
idea at the forefront of your sudden, dramatic cliff-hanger.
mind, you can trim some of the
fruitless planning and

297 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
bunch of toughs milling to one side.
What do you do?
Telegraph Trouble
Before It Strikes Contrast with these vague
When the action is underway,
show them a threat that is about She starts a fight! Do you want to
to hit, then ask them what they Skirmish with her?
do. Then it is easy to know what
the consequences that they are up There’s a guard at the front door.
against might be. How do you get him to let you
She pulls her coat open, taking a
quick step back. The quillons of a The spy isn’t alone at the meet.
dueling blade glitter as her hand What are you going to do?
drops to the pommel. In this slow-
motion moment--the first inch of Without telegraphing the trouble
gleaming steel clearing the and giving context to the action,
scabbard, what do you do? the outcomes can seem murky.
You might feel like you have to
You approach the front doors of the “invent” a consequence out of
villa and hear the soft strains of a the blue when they roll a 1-3 or a
chamber orchestra tuning up from 4-5. If you imply the
within. The doorman interposes consequences before the roll,
himself between you and the door though then it’s obvious what
and holds his hand out with the will happen. You get carved up,
bored expression of all guards. your cover’s blown, and you’re
“Invitations, please.” --You guys do ambushed at the meeting--they
have invitations, right? follow from the fiction.

Your spy is right where you

expected him, right in the middle
of the Plaza. There’s something not
right about the way he’s carrying
himself, though. His eyes plead
with you across the red paving
stones, flicking toward a shifting

298 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
beginning to tighten. I’m starting
the “Captured” clock.
Follow Through
This GM action also applies to
maneuverings by powerful
You have telegraphed the threat, enemy factions as well. If they’re
so go ahead and follow through ready and able to do something
when it hits. Players have tools at without clear interference, then
their disposal to deal with they can just go ahead and do it.
setbacks like these. If they react
in time, they can make an action Go ahead and say, “The
roll. If they are hit with a Brizolatto told you what would
consequence, they can resist. happen if you didn’t stay clear of
Fight the urge to pull your their affairs. Your apartments
punches. were discovered and they
firebombed it while you slept.
Her sword clears the scabbard and You wake up and it’s burning
slashes across your chest. A ribbon down around you. The smoke
of blood colors the air as you blinds you, chokes you. What do
stumble backward and fall to the you do?” The players will
stones. Take level 3 harm. interrupt, scramble, flashback,
and deal with it. It’ll be fun.
The doorman considers the hastily Promise.
forged invitation and nods. He
notes the missing seals, and the
names which appear on the
invitations. He’ll report them later, Initiate Action
but he knows better than to make a
scene now. Take +2 exposure.
with an NPC

There are a lot more toughs in the This is very similar to the
Plaza than you were expecting. previous GM action, but it’s
They’re moving to cut off all worth highlighting. You don’t
avenues of escape. “I’m sorry,” your always have to wait for the PCs
spy says, “They have Cassandra.” to do something. You NPCs can
The toughs, you now see, are initiate action, too! The more
armed and you feel the noose dangerous the NPC, the more
they should seize the initiative.

299 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
“Cypriana is incredibly smooth. inadvertently prick at his honor
She tells you exactly why she could enough to invite a challenge. Do
have nothing to do with the you risk it?”
Prince’s poisoning and it seems
completely legit.”
“Oh no way. We know that she
was the last one to see him alive.
She’s lying.”
Tick a Clock
“Okay, resist with Mind if you
want to. Otherwise, she’s just a
little too slick for you.” Keep a stack of index cards and a
marker handy. Draw a clock
This is a very effective technique, whenever it feels right. Put them
but it can be overused and it out where everyone can see, to
wears thin quickly. Save it for help track progress in the fiction.
NPCs who are particularly Ticking a clock is a great way to
masterful or the direst of follow through on a threat
situations. without bringing an end to the
conflict yet.

Say Consequences
Offer the
and Ask
Lady’s Favor
“You could Channel all of the
arcane energy from the Masque of Think of a fun complication or a
the Deathless into a single violent reckless decision. Offer them a
explosion, but that’s more power bonus die in exchange. Ask what
than even one of the Imperial would raise the stakes, and then
Warweavers could handle safely. offer a bonus die. If you don’t
Do you want to roll for it, or do have a good idea, ask the other
you want to try something else?” players--or you can offer the
Lady’s die in exchange for
“He’s a skilled duelist with a bad exposure. There are always
temper. You can try to spend the unseen and unnoticed eyes
evening bringing him over to your lurking about in Ilrien.
way of thinking, but you might

300 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
scene will put everything in
motion. Ask how the characters
Think Off-Screen react and see what happens next.
NPCs react according to their
goals and methods. Events
What is going on elsewhere, and snowball. You do not need to
will it have an impact on what is “manage” the game. Action,
on-screen right now? Are there reaction, and consequence will
characters who might have drive everything.
reason to arrive here and get • Paint the world with a
involved with what’s going on? romantic brush. Ilrien is a city
Where is the Watch right now? that prizes beauty and passion.
Is there anything arcane going on Life is fleeting, change is
that might affect what’s constant, and nothing is as it
happening here? seems. Throw caution to the
wind and live loudly. Aspire to
greater things.
• Surround them with treachery.
Ilrien, on the whole, is a city of
GM Principles spies and assassins all playing at
politics. Every party hides a
poisoner. Every smile hides a
When you pursue your goals and dagger. The House is the only
choose actions, use your thing that they can trust, and
principles to guide your decision only so long as they are useful.
making. • Address the characters. “Satice,
where do you find the Mercy
• Be a fan of the PCs. Present the that is hunting the wereleopard?”
world honestly--things are never Not “Sara, where does Satice find
quite as simple as they seem, and the Mercy?” This puts Satice
the deck is loaded--but do not front and center--her preferences,
make yourself the enemy of the her desires, her style. This lets
PCs. They have enemies enough. Satice come to life as a character.
Be interested in the characters • Address the players. “Sara, how
and excited about their victories. should we do this? Do you want
• Let everything flow from the to do a whole scene talking to the
fiction. The game’s starting Mercy or do you just want to
situations and your opening

301 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
make a roll real quick to see if
she knows anything?” This puts GM’s Best
Sara front and center--her Practices
preferences, desire, and style.
Sara can consider what she wants
Play to find out and encourage
rather than what the character
others to do the same. Instead
of making something specific
• Consider the risk. Think about
happen, ask questions about
the dangers inherent in what
what might happen. Will the
retainers do. A risky roll is the
retainers side with the Dockers
default. When they’re building
over the corrupt minister? Can
on successes, they might be
the House wrest control of the
making controlled rolls. When
Spindle from their rivals? Will
they have to improvise, work off
the Bravo win a duel with one
the cuff, or when they are getting
hand tied behind his back? Don’t
in over their head, they’re
make up your mind about these
probably making desperate rolls.
questions--let the players, and the
Go with your gut. Call the
fiction you create together,
positions as you see them, but be
surprise you.
open to revision.
• Hold on lightly. Always feel free
Uphold the Integrity of the
to rewind, revise, or reconsider
game. It falls on you to portray
events as necessary. This is not a
Ilrien and the Principalities as
“no take-backs” kind of game.
they are. The temptation to
You can always say, “No,
contrive events or lean toward
wait...let’s say that there were
particular outcomes will emerge,
only two guards watching the
but it is your job to not yield to
chambers of the First Grace. I
it. The players should trust that
don’t see why they’d need any
when you tell them things they
more than that.” This can be a
do not know about Ilrien, you do
hard one to internalize. It can be
so without a secret agenda
tempting to put your foot down-
behind the information.
-often without good reason-- or
to treat elements of the game as
Get everyone’s input. This game
sacred. Resist that impulse.
is structured as an ongoing
conversation and part of your
role as Game Master is to ensure

302 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
that everyone is being included Share with the characters what
in that conversation. Ask they might suspect or think. Ask
questions, even leading them if they want to gather
questions, and prompt for ideas. information or dig deeper. Ask
Discuss your thoughts with the them how the information or
players and keep unilateral developing situation affects
decisions to a minimum them.
whenever possible.
Portray NPCs honestly. Even if
Be a fan of your characters, and they are not the main characters,
invest in them. When you want NPCs are characters too. They
to know something about the have their own interests,
characters, ask them. “Why does capabilities, and opinions. Don’t
the ghost know your name? let them get pushed around or
What happened to the man who steamrolled. When the PC wants
forged your sword? Where did to square off with an NPC,
you learn the steps to this remind them of the NPC’s
dance?” These questions will give capabilities. “Cypriana is a
you insight into what the talented manipulator who has
characters want, how they’re been getting the better of nobles
trying to get it, and when and for decades. I don’t know if you
what to roll to make that happen. can just Sway her. What’s the
Don’t be shy, ask them what leverage here?” When the PCs
they want. Work with them to have NPC allies, make sure that
create opportunities. Help them those allies take actions to help
with the system to get the most their friends out, and come to
out of the risks they are taking. the PCs with info and troubles.

Draw upon character thoughts Ask the players what they want.
and feelings. Talking about a Find out what the coterie is
scene and living it are two very trying to accomplish in general
different experiences. When you and specific. Who do they think
focus on the concrete details of they can trust? What are they
the event, you fail to incorporate trying to gain right now? What
the emotional weight and inner do they hope to accomplish with
context which makes experiences this maneuver? If you understand
more than a flat recapitulation. their goals, you can better

303 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
adjudicate their progress toward fiction. When they Channel,
them. You can have what does it look like? When
conversations about they botch a Skulk, what goes
opportunities, actions, and wrong? How does a faction’s
effects. Sometimes, clarifying actions during downtime change
what the players want is enough the story for the players?
to highlight the correct approach,
or make it clear what kinds of Write it down. The
opportunities they might be machinations of Ilrien and her
searching for. Get your players to various factions are far too much
do the heavy lifting on where the for a single human to hold
story might twist next. within their head. Whether you
use index cards, a notebook, or a
Cut to the action. Once you get system yet more advanced, write
the players to tell you what they down details and notes. If there
want, and how they stand to get are a bunch of House goals on a
it, cut directly to the action. The bunch of index cards, your
dice are there to drive the story Coterie will have a clearer picture
forward, but they cannot do that of how the city is moving around
if everyone stands around them. If you need to remember a
contemplating their navels. It is detail about a contact, what
okay to try big things. If they better way than to look at your
want to hunt down the Prince of list of NPCs?
Tatters, and they do it despite
poor odds and considerable When in doubt, treachery.
dangers? Good for them! They’ve Assassins crash the party. Your
done it! Keep the story moving benefactor has been playing both
forward and the action rolling. sides toward the middle. The
artifact is a forgery. They lied.
Turn it into fiction. Much of Ilrien is a place of complexity
the game is mechanical in nature. and scheming. If you find a
The players select action ratings natural lull, reveal some new
related to what they are doing, twist and catapult yourself on to
roll for results, apply the next bout of treachery.
consequences. Do not let these
things be mechanical. Ground
actions and consequences in the

304 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
“Oh, right. Okay. I stride on up to
him and put my finger in his face
GM Bad Habits and tell him that if he doesn’t do
me this favor, I’ll show the
doctored ledger that we found to
Don’t Call for a Specific Action the Thief-Taker General.”
Roll “Okay, I get you. I think that’s
This is a bad habit that usually risky with limited effect. He can
comes if you’ve GM’d other follow the logic, and I think you
games where this is your job. You might be onto something. If you
might say, “Give me a Maneuver want to lean into that
roll,” or “That’s a Consort intimidation, you might roll
check.” Try to get out of that Command. That might be
habit. Get used to saying this standard effect.”
instead: “How do you do that?”
Ask the player which action they Maybe you would make a
use. Then tell them the position different judgement call in the
and effect level that you see in case above. “Desperate position,
this situation, using that action-- zero effect, maybe, if you think
as well as why you think that. that Sway is all wrong for
blackmail. That’s fine! That’s
This lets you skip the tedious great, actually! Your game of
“convincing” phase where Court of Blades is your own.
everyone has to debate which Plus, even when you say,
action is most appropriate or-- “desperate position, zero effect,”
Lady save us--the right one to you’re not shutting the player
use. Don’t have that debate. Just down completely. They can push
ask the player which action their themselves for more effect, get a
character is performing, then set teammate to set them up for
position and effect. better position, et cetera. It’s not
an argument between GM and
“I want to get this guy to steal player that one person has to
Talbot’s signet ring.” win. It’s just the normal back-
“How do you do that?” and-forth interaction of the
“I... like, Sway him?” game.
“Okay. What’s your character
doing? What do we see on-screen?”

305 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
Instead of saying, “You have to On a failure, talk about what
roll Command for this,” you can went wrong. “Ah, maybe you
ask the player which action the missed something while you’re
character is performing--which climbing through the
gives the player the opportunity Moneylender’s window?” “Yeah,
for creative contribution to what they probably have a guard-dog or
is happening in the fiction. Then something, huh? “Yep. You hear
you put that action in context in the dog beneath the window
the world as you see it, by snuffling awake. Sounds like he’s a
establishing position and effect. big one, too.” You can also lean
on features that the player has
Don’t Make the PCs Look already portrayed about the
Incompetent character. How are their
indulgences and scandals a
When a PC rolls a 1-3, things go
problem? What is it about their
badly. This is an established fact
heritage or background that gives
in the narrative. However, it is
them trouble or gets in the way?
because circumstances are
dangerous, there is a problematic
wrinkle that they did not Don’t Overcomplicate Things
previously identify, or something The consequence(s) you inflict
troublesome has occurred. They on a 1-3 or a 4/5 roll will usually
do not go badly because the be obvious, since the action has
character is a buffoon. Even a already been established. But
character with zero rating in an sometimes, you’ll draw a blank.
action is not an abject moron. It’s okay to keep it simple. A
He’s a trick for this: start your complication can just be extra
description of the failure with a exposure, or a tick on a clock
cool move by the PC, followed that represents a related problem
by a but. Then, introduce the not present in the current scene.
element of the situation that Or you can inflict simple harm
made things go awry. like “Exhausted” or “Unsure.”
Every single consequence doesn’t
“You aim a fierce right hook at his have to be an interesting new
chin, but he’s quicker than he problem or a brutal reversal of
looks! He ducks under the blow fortune. Go with what’s obvious
and wrestles you up against the to you. Ask the players for ideas
wall.” if you feel stuck!

306 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
Don’t Let Planning Get Out of Instead, it means that they need
Hand lots of victories to make it.
Some players will plan an They’re good at the game, they
operation forever if no one steps just started out with negative
in to stop them--even if they hate points on the board. The same
doing it. They think that it is goes for secrets. If the retainers
worth the trouble if they can make a discovery, tell them all
cover every eventuality or about it. Do not hold on to your
possible issue in order to avoid a precious secrets. It’s more fun to
bad outcome. This is not how find out what they do once they
Court of Blades is meant to know!
work. Everything is resolved by
engagement and action rolls, so Don’t Say No
get to it! If someone has a cool There’s usually a better answer
maneuver or idea, that’s great, than a flat “no,” or “you can’t do
but it’s probably still a that.” Offer the Lady’s Favor.
controlled action roll. They “You want to seduce the Prince?
can’t plan and discuss their way Uh huh. Okay, then. That’s
out of making rolls. An idea is desperate with limited effect, but
not execution. let me offer the Lady’s Favor:
regardless of how this goes, you are
Give Them What They Earn going to fall madly in love with
If they get into position, make them. That’s the problem with
the roll, and have their effect, star-crossed lovers, see?”
they get what they earned. They
are not allowed to weasel. Or you might say the proposed
Neither are you. Do not weasel. action has zero effect as a
Things are already hard enough baseline.
in Ilrien. Don’t be a miser with “You want to bash down the
victory; defeat will come even reinforced door to the banker’s
without your thumb on the panic room with your bare
scales. The retainers are hands? Okay...definitely going to
swimming in dangerous waters be risky (your hands are going to
and their targets out-mass and take a beating, certainly), and
outclass them. This doesn’t make you’ll have zero effect. You can
them ineffective--we wouldn’t push yourself for better effect
have a game if that were true.

307 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
though. That’ll put you at risky, Don’t Roll Twice for the Same
limited effect.” Thing
When a PC faces danger, they
Same thing with super fancy make an action roll. Also, they
locks, ultra-elite soldiers, etc. You can roll resistance to avoid a bad
can set zero effect baseline for a outcome. However, you should
given action rather than saying not roll twice for the same thing.
no. The players can then modify
the effect from there by pushing For example, Colette crosses
themselves or using teamwork, or swords with an assassin on the
any of the other sneaky tricks at rooftop of a villa. The assassin
their disposal. drives her back with a flurry of
feints and slashes, and there’s a
Or tell them to start the first danger that Colette might be
phase of a long-term project forced over the edge during the
clock. That’s what they’re there skirmish. Colette’s player makes
for. “You want to trace back the an action roll to see how her
Glint trade back to whoever’s counter-attack goes, and it comes
importing it into Ilrien? Sounds out badly. Colette is forced over
like an investigation to me. Start a the edge and falls off the roof!
6-part clock for the first phase,
“Assemble a list of Glint dealers.” But she can roll to resist, right?
Yes. She can resist the harm that
Note that you will have to say results from the fall. However,
no, sometimes. A Court of she cannot resist being forced
Blades character can’t fly to the over the edge. That’s already
moon just because the player been determined as the stakes of
wants to. It’s your responsibility the action roll, and the fiction
to portray the fictional world has already been confirmed by
honestly, after all. But in most the dice. Her resistance instead
situations, simply saying “no” is reduces the impact of her fall.
the most boring option.
Consider the Lady’s Favor, zero Instead of breaking her leg, she
effect, or long-term projects suffers lesser harm (a sprained
instead. ankle, say) or maybe the GM
rules that she’s able to avoid the
harm entirely by rolling into a

308 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
rough crash-landing. Either way, announce their intention, and
she’s off the roof and the assassin then break to an establishing shot
is making good their escape. of the new situation. Then start
the action.
In other words, the action roll
determines whether a If the players get antsy, such as,
consequence manifests or not. A “Whoa, hang on! I want to do
resistance roll changes how much something before we go,” or “I
of that danger manifests or how want to be sure to be armed, just
bad it is. It does not negate the in case Tate is still sore about
fictional outcome of the previous that last errand,” then that’s fine.
roll. Ask them what they do and
resolve their action, but keep the
Don’t Get Bogged Down train moving! Momentum,
Whenever possible, elide time momentum, momentum.
and edit the action to move
ahead to the next exciting
moment. When the players say,
“Let’s go talk to Tate and see
about our next errand,” you can
say, “Okay, you head down to
the Shores and find Tate staying
at the Tradewind. His first mate
ushers you into the finest room
in the inn where Tate is
considering a nautical chart as
though it owes him something.”
That’s potentially 30 minutes of
tedium that you’ve cut out.

“Okay, so where are you going

now? The Shore to see Tate.
Well, your apartment is up here
in the Spindle and which way are
you going?” There’s no need for
this kind of moment-to-moment
drudgery. Let the group

309 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
The GM’s Turn

The stats are:

Advancing Other
Reach: Influence in Ilrien and
Houses Major abroad. Families roll Reach
when they undertake an
Ilrien is a city of staggering action that leverages or
complexity and byzantine plots. expands their sphere of
The fabrications, tangled webs, control.
and wheels within wheels are
enough to make any outsider’s Grasp: A family's ability to
head spin. Keeping track of all of project force and control.
these plots is more work than any Families roll Grasp when they
rational GM would want to undertake an action that
undertake. Instead, we can wrests control of a resource or
abstract this vast and interlocking territory from another or
network of conspiracy, defends their own.
backbiting, and polite warfare
with the GM Turn. Sleight: A family's ability to
hide its intentions or act
Houses of the Esultare have their subtly. Families roll Sleight
own stats that are rolled during when they undertake an
social season advancement, in action that hinges upon
addition to their resource secrecy or misdirection.
strengths (Supply, Magic, Wealth,
Force, Transport, Intelligence). These stats do not affect the PC
controlled house, which rolls for
advancement based on what the

310 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
coterie has accomplished over the Bastien - 1/1/1
course of the social season. Reach/Grasp/Sleight,
Transport + 1 other
You will determine the two
primary strengths (their starting Lovell - 0/1/2
strength and a chosen strength) Reach/Grasp/Sleight,
for each of the Houses of the Intelligence + 1 other
Esultare in the same way as the
PC house chooses their primary Al-Mari - 2/1/0
strengths. This allows for subtle Reach/Grasp/Sleight,
changes to a House’s modus for Supply + 1 other
every game.
Elanda – 1/0/2
Example: House Lovell’s Reach/Grasp/Sleight,
strength is Intelligence. For Wealth + 1 other
this game, you may decide
you want them to be wealthy
gossipmongers, so you take Between each social season, the
Wealth and Intelligence. For GM rolls dice to determine the
your next game, you may fortunes of the other houses of
decide you want them to take the Esultare. At the start of the
Intelligence and Magic, now first social season, and at the start
they are more likely to of every other social season
employ the arcane arts to thereafter, the GM will roll one
discern secrets than pay for die for each house and consult
their acquisition, and so on. the chart below.

Non-PC House Stats NPC House Objectives Chart:

Corvetto - 2/0/1 1: 6-part Reach Clock

Reach/Grasp/Sleight, 2: 6-part Grasp Clock
Magic + 1 other 3: 6-part Sleight Clock
4: 8-part Reach Clock
Battalia - 1/2/0 5: 8-part Grasp Clock
Reach/Grasp/Sleight, 6: 8-part Sleight Clock
Force + 1 other

311 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
Based upon the type of clock create an additional clock. The
rolled, the GM may roll on the House rolls on each of these
House Objectives Chart Part goals using their House Stats as
One to determine the nature of appropriate in-between every
the objective, and then roll on social season. Each completed
the House Objectives Chart objective achieved at the end of a
Part Two to determine if the social season yields +1 clock
objective plays to one of the segment on the warring House
House’s strengths. If the House Advancement Clocks, which
rolls on a chart they have a represents the struggle for control
strength in, they earn an extra die of Ilrien.
whenever they roll to complete
that objective. Resources that are
not strengths for the House are
considered neutral and do not Progressing House
affect the dice pool.
Objective Clocks
Alternatively, the GM may create
an objective for the House to be When rolling to progress an
actively working toward, if they NPC House’s Long-Term
have one in mind that better fits Objective clocks use the guide
the story at any given time. below to fill them in:

At the end of the social season, If you roll a 1-3 take +1 tick
there will be a House Stat roll to on their Long-Term
determine each of the House Objective clock.
Majors’ progress toward If you roll a 4-5 take +2 ticks
completing their objective(s). on their Long-Term
The House Stat roll is the total Objective clock.
value of their appropriate skill If you roll a 6 take +3 ticks
(Reach, Grasp or Sleight) and on their Long-Term
applicable resource strength Objective clock.
(Intelligence, Force, Defense, If you roll a Critical take +5
Magic, Supply, or Transport). ticks on their Long-Term
Objective clock.
Every following season, the GM Example: At the end of the first
will roll an additional goal and social season the GM rolls to see
how House Corvetto - 2/1/0

312 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
(Reach/Grasp/Sleight) - did clock “Blood the Enemy, A
on progressing their first clock, Minor House” that they got at
an 8-part Grasp clock for the start of the first season.
“Blood the Enemy, A Minor
House.” With 1d awarded for At the end of the second social
their 1 point in Grasp, and 1d season the GM will roll their
awarded for their strength in 1d in Grasp + 1d in Wealth for
Wealth, they roll a 2 and 5, the first clock, and their 0d in
take the highest result and fill Sleight + 1d in Magic for their
in 2 parts of the “Blood the second clock. Then the GM will
Enemy, A Minor House” clock. roll to add a third long-term
goal and associated clock to
The GM then rolls to determine their plate.
what new goal the House will
be attempting to accomplish. The maximum number of clocks
The GM rolls a 3, and the that a house can have running at
House adds an additional 6- the same time is 4. 4 clocks
part Sleight clock to their long- represent the four distinct social
term projects. The GM rolls to seasons in a single year,
choose a Sleight objective for essentially giving the houses one
them and gets “Turn an Asset”, year to complete a task, though
then rolls a 5 on the second they can buy themselves a little
chart which puts them in the time for troublesome projects by
Magic category, and lastly, a completing newer clocks ahead
roll of 1 yields the result “Ley of schedule. If they acquire one
Lines”. more clock than they have room
for, the oldest clock that they
The GM decides that House have is automatically failed, and
Corvetto is trying to take they lose a segment or tick (-1) of
control of potent ley lines the House Advancement Clock.
within the city, which may be
problematic if the PC house has A house can only use the dice
a strength in Magic as well. available to them in their House
Magic is also a strength for Stats chart, and any dice awarded
House Corvetto so they will get for Resource Strengths.
an extra die to roll on this
objective. They add this in
addition to the 8-part Grasp

313 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
Example: House Elanda -1/0/2
(Reach/Grasp/Sleight) - has 4
clocks to roll on at the end of
the 5th social season. An 8-part
Grasp clock, a 6-part Grasp
clock, a 6-part Sleight clock,
and another 6-part Sleight
clock. None of which relied on
the House’s strengths, so there
are no additional dice

They roll 0d for both Grasp

clocks (roll two dice and take
the lowest result), and then the
GM rolls 2d for each of their
Sleight clocks.
There is no Reach clock for
them to roll on, so that
potential die goes unused.
Their oldest clock was an 8-
part Grasp project, and when
they rolled their 0d on that
Grasp project, the outcome was
not enough to complete the
clock. When they had to roll to
take on a new long-term project
clock for the start of the 6th
season, that first uncompleted
Grasp project was officially
considered failed. The clock was
removed and the house lost one
tick from their warring 12-part
House Advances clock.

314 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
Introducing the 7th House

If a non-PC house
drops out of the
Esultare during play
for any reason, it will
trigger the entrance of
a 7th house. This
house is designed to
be played ruthlessly, to
concern and challenge
the PC house.

House Bjorn (The Sleeping Gryphon)

When an unprecedented second House Words: Better Slow than
house drops from the Esultare in Still
a single century, House Bjorn
rises to take its place, fast on the Resource Strengths: Force,
heels of the PC house. This Magic, Wealth (Take all three.)
house is composed of powerful
mystics and talented tacticians. Motivating forces: Climb to the
The Prince of the house comes top at any cost- House Bjorn will
from a long and noble lineage of always attempt to interfere with
great generals. Conquering is in the success of the house next in
their blood. line before it.

They enter the fray with: 3/2/1


315 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
Session One Checklist

It is ideal to complete one of the up as needed. Allow the

checklists below, before the first players to choose their own
play session begins, as it’s not Strengths to replace
unusual for a Coterie to want to whichever you preselected,
interact with the Uncover a Plot and toss out the Long-Term
mechanic during the first Objective clock you rolled
downtime. If your group is up for that particular
deciding on which House to House. You won’t need it!
serve at the table during session
1, you can still prepare some You probably won’t have
things in advance to make the time to write down which
game go smoothly. of the Houses claim which
of the Spheres of Influence
If the above scenario sounds like after the party chooses
yours use this altered checklist: theirs in this scenario.
That’s fine. You can assign
Altered Checklist any Sphere of Influence the
o Choose Strengths for all PC’s may decide to interact
6 of the Houses Major. with on the fly. After the
o Roll the first Long-Term session is over, and before
Objective for each of the the next game, just take a
6 Houses Major. few minutes to fill in all of
the Spheres of Influence for
Choose the order for all 6
the non-PC Houses Major.
Houses of the Esultare.

* Once the table decides o Prepare the Coterie’s

which House they would dossier.
like to serve, move that
House to the bottom of the * As soon as the players
pack (if it isn’t already decide on which House
there) and adjust all others they would like to serve,

316 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
begin considering which Checklist
jobs will require their o Choose Strengths for the
attention for this first social Non-PC Houses Major.
season. You’ll want to o Choose the order for the
present the players with a Non-PC Houses Major
dossier of three or so within the Esultare. The
errands that the House First Prince sits at the head
would like to see done. Let of the First House of the
the players choose which Esultare, and automatically
one is their primary goal, gets “The Palace” Sphere of
which is their secondary Influence
goal, and which they have
no interest in.
o Assign the appropriate
number of Spheres of
Influence to the Houses
If your players chose which
Major based on their
House they want to serve, as well
position within the
as the first Sphere of Influence
they would like to hold, before
session 1; use the checklist below, o Roll up or choose the first
before the start of session 1. Long-Term Objective for
each of the non-PC Houses
o Prepare the Coterie’s first
dossier of tasks that require
attention this social season.

317 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s
C hapter
S even

Roll Charts

318 – C H A P T E R S I X , G a m e M a s t e r s

Shame Level 0 Shame Level 1 Shame Level 2

0-3 Exposure 0-3 Exposure 0-3 Exposure
1-3: Family Drama 1-3: The City Stirs 1-3: Kiss the Ring
4-5: New Friends 4-5: Family Drama II 4-5: Fined
6: Gossip 6: Unhelpful Rumor 6: Family Drama III

4-5 Exposure 4-5 Exposure 4-5 Exposure

1-3: A Friendly Chat 1-3: Wounded 1-3: Lost Opportunity
4-5: Rivals Reputation 4-5: Loyalty
6: Show of Force 4-5: Enemies Questioned
6: A Less Friendly 6: A Direct Attack

6+ Exposure 6+ Exposure 6+ Exposure

1-3: Cooperation, Ally 1-3: Cooperation, 1-3: Pariah
4-5: Reprisal Rival 4-5: Revenge or Ritual
6: Questioning 4-5: Spirits 6: Arrest by the
6: Interrogation Watch

See descriptions on the following pages.

319 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Shame Level 0 public rivalry with the Coterie,
Family Drama: An NPC within or someone within it. Why?
the House, a colleague, or retinue Show of Force: A rival faction
causes trouble within the House. puts pressure on a contact within
Pick a side in the conflict and one of your Spheres of Influence.
lose 1 influence or else face You will not have access to them
reprisals. on the following errand.

New Friends: A House Minor to Cooperation, Ally: A House

which you have no current Minor to which you are currently
relation asks a favor. If there are friendly or allied ask a favor of
no Houses Minor to which you you. Assist them or suffer -1
have no current relation, you relation.
avoid Entanglements for the
moment. Reprisal: A House Minor with
Gossip: A juicy rumor about the which you currently have
Coterie gets out that may make negative relations with stages an
your dealings in the future more errand of revenge. Address it and
interesting than you’d like. What suffer -1 relation but gain +2
is it? influence, or let the indignity lie
and suffer -2 influence.
A Friendly Chat: A senior
member of the family takes an Questioning: A contact or
especial interest in the last errand relation of a coterie member is
upon which you embarked and asked probing questions by an
has some pointed questions. agent of a rival House. Make a
Make a Fortune Roll with Dice fortune roll using the Coterie’s
equivalent to your Tier. On a 1- tier to determine dice to see how
3, take an additional point of they stand up to questioning (1-
Exposure. On a 4/5, you answer 3: Your enemies will actively
them convincingly. On a 6, you oppose your endeavors, +1 to
receive an additional point of scale or magnitude of obstacle on
influence. your next errand. 4/5: Contact
takes level 2 harm. 6: Contact
Rivals: A representative of one of learns something of the Rival
the Houses Minor declares a House’s plan. Ask 1 Gather
Information question now.)

320 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Shame Level 1
The City Stirs: While you have A Less Friendly Chat: More
been otherwise engaged, the troubling questions come from on
world continues to turn. A House high, and these are much less
of your choice may tick one of comfortable. Make a Fortune Roll
their outstanding clocks. You do with dice equal to your Tier. On a
not get to know which. 1-3, take two additional points of
Exposure. On a 4/5, your answers
Family Drama II: Someone with win a grudging respect. Take an
a connection to a coterie member additional point of exposure and
has caused trouble for the House. influence. On a 6, you receive an
Forfeit 1 influence per Coterie additional point of influence.
Tier or else face reprisals.
Cooperation, Rival: A House
Unhelpful Rumor: Word is Minor with which you have a
spreading that your Coterie is negative relation demands a favor.
plotting against a rival House. If it’s Indulge them or else go to war (-3
true, they know you are coming. relation)
You may not start the errand in a
Controlled position. If you move Ghosts: Rumors concerning a
against another House, you may departed House member begin to
not start in a Desperate position. circulate, threatening shame upon
the House. Address these
Wounded Reputation: No matter concerns with a new Long-Term
how you try, you cannot escape the Project, or else take 2 Exposure.
gossip which is surrounding you Alternately, an actual paranormal
this season. Your next errand will threat against the House reveals
result in -1 influence, -1 favor to itself. Your choice.
any faction that gets involved and
+1 exposure. Interrogation: The Watch has
pointed questions for you. Either
Enemies: One of your rivals has pay them 2 influence to represent
declared themselves your most the necessary bribes, suffer level 2
dire enemy. Smooth it over with harm as the interrogation turns
2 influence or their relation drops violent, or answer truthfully and
by -2. You may address this with a gain 3 Exposure.
formal duel, but the relation will
drop by -1.

321 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Shame Level 2 next errand incurs 5 or more
Kiss the Ring: The Head of your Exposure, your Coterie loses 1
Household demands a service of Tier.
you personally. What choice have
you but to acquiesce? Complete A Direct Attack: An attack is
the Errand and reduce your Shame launched upon your House.
Defend yourselves.
by 1 level.

Fined: The Grand Council levies a Pariah: Your repeated

fine on your House, and you are transgressions have made you a
stuck holding the bill. All Fine social pariah. Your shame is well
equipment is counted as standard known. The Coterie, and all of its
for the next errand. members, lose all marked influence.
If a Coterie member has no
Family Drama III: Someone influence, each member without
within the House has it out for influence instead loses a level of
you. Lose 2 influence per Tier Status. If they have no Status,
level, or make an example of your mark a Scandal.
detractor and acquire 2 more
exposure. Who is it, and why are Revenge or Ritual: Your enemies
they out for you? know how to hit you where it
hurts. Choose a contact or
Lost Opportunity: It seems as indulgence purveyor that is not a
though your life is composed character’s enemy and remove them
principally of putting out the from the game. They have been
rapidly spreading fire of your killed by your enemies. Alternately,
shame. One member of the your Coterie is the target of a hostile
Coterie only has 1 downtime arcane ritual, divide six stress among
action to spend. Decide who it is. the Coterie however you see fit.
Apportion scandals if necessary.
If you are at War, one member of
your Coterie may not take a
Arrest by the Watch: A Player
downtime action.
Character is removed from the
game. Decide amongst yourself
Loyalty Questioned: The head of
who takes the fall. Shame level is
your House is rapidly losing
reduced by one as the worst
patience with you and demands
elements of the Coterie are torn
that you prove your worth. If your

322 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
House Objectives

Table One, Part 1: CLOCK TYPE

1: 6-part Reach Clock 4: 8-part Reach Clock

2: 6-part Grasp Clock 5: 8-part Grasp Clock
3: 6-part Sleight Clock 6: 8-part Sleight Clock

Table One, Part 2:

6-part Reach Clocks 8-part Reach Clocks

1: Make an Easy Ally 1: Woo a New Influential Contact
2: Undercut the Competition 2: Acquire Contested Territory
3: Acquire Property 3: Make an Unlikely Ally
4: Secure New Market 4: Gain an Important Contract
5: Broker a Deal 5: Corner a Market
6: Wisely Invest 6: Eliminate a Major Competitor

6-part Grasp Clocks 8-part Grasp Clocks

1: Declare a Public Rivalry 1: Blood an Enemy
2: Crash a Party 2: Disrupt a Supply Line
3: Secure a Border 3: Punish a Transgression
4: Stake a Claim 4: End a Threat
5: Hold the Line 5: Fortify
6: Force a Weakness 6: Strike the Heart

6-part Sleight Clocks 8-part Sleight Clocks

1: Turn an Asset 1: Disrupt an Important Union
2: Cover Up a Transgression 2: Move Contraband
3: Erase Evidence 3: Masterful Maneuver
4: Expose a Weakness 4: Topple from Within
5: Foil a Plot 5: Implicate a Foe
6: Play Both Sides 6: Know the Unknowable

323 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
House Objectives, Continued

Table Two, Part 1: RESOURCES

1: Intelligence 4: Supply
2: Force 5: Magic
3: Transport 6: Wealth

Table Two, Part 2:

Intelligence Supply
1: Research 1: Illicit
2: Schematic 2: Necessity
3: Formula 3: Unique
4: Double Agent 4: Fashionable
5: Black Mail 5: Dangerous
6: Criminal 6: Counterfeit

Force Magic
1: Intimidate 1: Ley Line
2: Foreign 2: Artifact
3: Violent 3: Ritual
4: Defend 4: Knack
5: Mercenary 5: Creature
6: Law 6: Spirit

Transport Wealth
1: Ship 1: A Minor House
2: Caravan 2: Investment
3: The White Road 3: Exotic Commodity
4: Canals 4: Art
5: The Twist 5: Charity
6: Smuggler 6: Party

324 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Table 1, Part 1 Table 1, Part 2 Table 2, Part 1 Table 2, Part 2

8-Part Grasp Disrupt a Supply Line Intelligence Formula

In the above scenario, the House could be attempting to stop another

faction from acquiring a powerful new formula. Or they could be trying to
win over the formula purveyor, guaranteeing they get first pick over
anything new that comes from them.

Questions to consider:

Who is behind the formulas? What do they specialize in?

What is the formula for, and why does the House care?
Do they want it for themselves, or do they simply not want the other
faction to have it?
What might they do with the formula, or new purveyor?

Table 1, Part 1 Table 1, Part 2 Table 2, Part 1 Table 2, Part 2

6-Part Reach Make an Easy Ally Wealth A Minor House

Now, the House may be seeking a lucrative friendship with one of the
Houses Minor. They shouldn’t be hard to win over, they likely share
similar principles.

Questions to consider:

Which Minor House are they trying to ally with?

What is the benefit they will receive from this alliance?
What is the Minor House getting out of the deal?
Who stands to lose, should the alliance be cemented?

325 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Nearby Villages

Name Mundane Problem Governor

1: A pastoral name. 1: Corruption 1: Lucchese
2: Named for a 2: Tax Evasion 2: Fiona
fortification. 3: Treason 3: Laertes
3: Named for a hero. 4: Black Mail 4: Sabatini
4: Named for a natural 5: Fugitive 5: Lafayette
feature. 6: Arcane Problem 6: Pearl
5: Old world name.
6: An unsettling name. Arcane Problem Location
1: Heresy 1: Two days east.
Feature 2: Enchantment 2: Edge of
1: Clifftop Town 3: Restless Spirit civilization.
2: Hostile Territory 4: Imperial Magic 3: Half day’s ride.
3: Imperial Ruins 5: Unnatural Creature 4: A week’s hard ride.
4: Fathomless Lake 6: Untrained Knack 5: Over the sea.
5: Unbroken Forest 6: One day south.
6: Trackless Waste (Who has a) Vested
Export 1: The Bakers Guild
1: Inebriants 2: The Scholam
2: Textiles Naturalis
3: Natural Resource 3: The Ironmongers
4: Animals 4: The Sevenfold Veils
5: Foodstuff 5: The Tramps
6: Medicinals 6: The Brizolatto Family

Pastoral names; Oak Hollow, Stillwater, Bright Bay, Oxcrossing, Spruce

Fortification names; Hightower, Brokenwall, Deepgate, Postern, Merlon
Hero names; Santolizzo, Bravura, Sanpetrio, Chiesalorenzo, Findetonnio
Feature names; Greenhill, Broadfield, Pinewood, Falcons Ridge, Red Springs
Old world names; Eoboracum, Massalia, Providentia, Tyberius, Vigornia
Unsettling names; Thirty Crows, Misery, Silent Wood, Burnt Hill, Cemeteries

326 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Sprites & Spirits

Traits: Portents: Types:

1 4 1-2 Aspect
1: Curious 1: Imperious 1: Visions 1: Bestial
2: Guiding 2: Savage 2: Whispers 2: Amorphous
3: Seductive 3: Shrewd 3: Humanoid
3: Cold Winds
4: Clever 4: Skittish 4: Fungoid
4: Eerie Shadows
5: Deceptive 5: Fair 5: Elemental
5: Mist/Fog
6: Picky 6: Intelligent 6: Faerie
6: Thunderous

2 5 3-4 Affinity
1: Wild 1: Prophetic 1: Heat/Warmth 1: Nature/Earth
2: Detached 2: Territorial 2: Laughter 2: Water/Ice
3: Fickle 3: Destructive 3: Bells/Music 3: Wind/Weather
4: Wise 4: Forlorn 4: Eerie Stillness 4: Fire/Smoke
5: Mischievous 5: Angry 5: Growling 5: Dawn/Dusk
6: Vengeful 6: Bitter 6: Brimstone 6: Sound/Music

3 6 5-6 Desires
1: Dangerous 1: Mourning 1: Sour Milk/ 1: Mayhem
2: Shy 2: Jealous Food 2: Reverence
3: Gleeful 3: Lucky 2: Bad Luck 3: Balance
4: Alien 4: Unpredictable 3: Graven 4: Fear
5: Bold 5: Nocturnal Images/Signs 5: Dominance
6: Haughty 6: Territorial 4: Destruction 6: Freedom
5: Tranquility
6: Chills

327 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
More People (NPCs)

Looks: Goals: Modus Operandi:

1 4 1-2 1-2
1: Brawny 1: Long-Haired 1: Infamy 1: Violence
2: Scrawny 2: Glasses/ 2: Wealth 2: Tact
3: Stooped/ Monocle 3: Power 3: Coercion
Hunched 3: Stylish 4: Love 4: Theft
4: Crippled/ 4: Strange 5: Justice 5: Threats
Maimed 5: Foreign 6: Vengeance 6: Magic
5: Tall 6: Delicate
6: Short

2 5 3-4 3-4
1: Plain 1: Tough 1: Prestige 1: Manipulation
2: Sexy 2: Disfigured 2: Control 2: Law
3: Handsome 3: Out-of-Style 3: Knowledge 3: Subterfuge
4: Wiry 4: Old 4: Fame 4: Negotiation
5: Rugged 5: Athletic 5: Glory/ 5: Blackmail
6: Pretty 6: Graceful Renown 6: Teamwork
6: Romance/

3 6 5-6 5-6
1: Weathered 1: Young 1: Dominance 1: Espionage
2: Chiseled 2: Sleazy 2: Loyalty 2: Chaos
3: Plump 3: Demure 3: Piety 3: Alchemy
4: Elegant 4: Stout 4: Freedom 4: Dedication
5: Tattooed 5: Unkempt 5: Change 5: Natural Talent
6: Pierced 6: Wild 6: Respect 6: Secrecy/Guile

328 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Common Professions:

1 3 5
1: Chandler 1: Porter 1: Actor
2: Baker 2: Longshoreman 2: Courtier
3: Watchman 3: Factory Worker 3: Potter
4: Sailor 4: Brigand/Thief 4: Body Guard
5: Merchant 5: Roofer 5: Soldier
6: Mason 6: Criminal 6: Fisherman

2 4 6
1: Carpenter 1: Brewer 1: Clerk
2: Smith 2: Dyer 2: Newsie
3: Tailor 3: Leatherworker 3: Harlot
4: Cobbler 4: Stable hand 4: Servant
5: Jeweler 5: Rug Maker 5: Weaver
6: Courier 6: Musician 6: Livestock Breeder

Rare/Unusual Professions:

1 3 5
1: Arborist 1: Skilled Artist 1: Judge
2: Prima Donna 2: Whaler 2: Mercy
3: Bounty Hunter 3: Pirate 3: Bravo
4: Architect 4: Scholar 4: Exotic Breeder
5: Banker 5: Assassin 5: Furrier
6: Diplomat 6: Gangster 6: Executioner

2 4 6
1: Dilettante 1: Broker 1: Palace Guard
2: Furrier 2: Locksmith 2: Tutor/Governess
3: Courtesan 3: Author 3: Dead Watcher
4: Mage/Knack 4: Researcher 4: Fencing Master
5: Watchmaker 5: Grace 5: Historian
6: Sculptor 6: Apiarist 6: Investor

329 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s

Traits Interests Quirks

1+1 Self-Absorbed Legends Well-Traveled.
1+2 Cruel Ilrienne Wine Superstitious.
1+3 Impatient Painting, Art Reclusive.
1+4 Calculating History Has massive debts.
1+5 Meticulous Hunting, Big Game Visionary.
1+6 Calm Gambling, Dice or Cards Has psychic visions.
2+1 Gracious Inebriants, Liquor/Drugs Devoted to a cause.
2+2 Charming Journalism, the Paper Black sheep.
2+3 Strange Politics A fraud.
2+4 Melancholy Pit-fighting Serves a corrupt agenda.
2+5 Soft-Spoken Alchemy Of scandalous repute.
2+6 Enthusiastic Antiques Has a bigoted view.
3+1 Eccentric Poetry, The Arts Devoted to family.
3+2 Suspicious New Technology Highly spoken of.
3+3 Tough Horses, Riding Nocturnal.
3+4 Arrogant Romance, Love Keeps detailed notes.
3+5 Confidant Gardening An unrequited love.
3+6 Obsessive Cooking A sadist.
4+1 Paranoid Charity Work Rescues all animals.
4+2 Chivalrous Opera Sensitive to noise.
4+3 Fierce Sword Collector Can’t abide rudeness.
4+4 Cooperative Philosophy Stickler for tradition.
4+5 Secretive Theater, Drama Easily amused.
4+6 Distrusting Fine Food Well-read.
5+1 Enigmatic Reading, Literature Has multiple phobias.
5+2 Frantic Arcane Tomes, Rituals Collects favors.
5+3 Elitist Ships, Boating Remembers everything.
5+4 Friendly Sprite and Spirit Lore Strange dietary quirk.
5+5 Cavalier Dread Empire History Obsessed with hygiene.
5+6 Trusting Arcane Artifacts Terrible liar.
6+1 Callous Faith, The Lady Hopeless romantic.
6+2 Verbose Fashion Has impossible luck.
6+3 Vicious Gossip Lies without reason.
6+4 Helpful Lovers, Trysts Obsesses over looks.
6+5 Coy Faith, An Old God Repeats themselves.
6+6 Insightful Social Events, Dancing Has a terrible memory.

330 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Threats to the City

Spring Fall
1: A blight strikes the Arbor. 1: Heavy rains flood the lower
2: The Church of the Lady quarters.
mysteriously stops services. 2: The Baker’s Guild strikes.
3: A large storm brews off the 3: Border skirmishes with
coast. Iberica.
4: Calrayan refugees arrive en 4: Maur goes to war with another
masse. trade partner.
5: Gang warfare in the streets. 5: Graves are found open in the
6: Corsairs stalk the coastline. Necropolitan Hill.
6: A horror of the Dread Empire
is glimpsed.
1: The Dockers riot.
2: A plague breaks out in the Winter
Groan. 1: The Founder begins raiding.
3: A Trojan Horse arrives at the 2: An important assassination
Palace. takes place.
4: A Scholam experiment goes 3: Grain shortage plagues the
awry. principalities.
5: Fires break out in the Foreign 4: All of the animals in Ilrien
Quarter. seem to go mad.
6: A Altori delegation arrives 5: A primal terror stalks the city
with dire news. by night.
6: Several noble masks go

331 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Minor Holidays

Spring Fall
1: Dance of Beast and Leaf 1: The Day of Justice
2: The Day of Clasped Hands 2: The Day of Founding
3: The Sailor’s Secret 3: The Feast of the First Prince
4: Calling Down the Moon 4: The Brass Harvest
5: The Day of Sheath and Sword 5: The First Loaves
6: The Race of Antlers 6: The Firelight Stride

Summer Winter
1: The Gondola Regatta 1: The Emperor’s Review
2: The Decanting 2: The Longest Night
3: The Procession of the Graces 3: Spirit’s Day
4: Night of Silk and Roses 4: The Patron’s Hunt
5: The Festival of Eels 5: The Lord’s Walk
6: The Week of Pearls 6: The Bone Fire

332 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Minor Holidays, Extended

of the bucket before casting it

back into the harbor. The Lady
Spring keeps their secrets as their bond of
faithful worship.

Dance of Beast and Leaf: A Calling Down the Moon: At

grand festival of dancing and dusk across the city on the eve of
merriment spreads through the the first Full Moon of the year,
city as the Ilrienne gather to wake groups gather to sing the old
the lands from winter’s chill. songs that bring the currents of
prosperity, fair winds, and fair
The Day of Clasped Hands: bargains. All revelers bring gifts to
Marriage is an expensive exchange, tokens of prosperity. If
undertaking in Ilrienne, unless you call for luck, do it with hands
you partake in the mass marriages full of gifts.
of Ilrienne’s Day of Clasped
Hands. Graces preside over this The Day of Sheath and Sword:
day of love and candles light the It is said that the Lady only
windows of newly-weds. Candles spends one night per year with
still flickering by morning are her consort. On this day a great
counted as proof of a blessed fertility festival is held, Graces
marriage. bless the bellies of all who wish
with fig branches and
The Sailor’s Secret: Any who ply pomegranate wine. Rabbit is
the waves and brave the storms served in the home of any hopeful
are sure to gather for a solemn woman. The Roses of the Silk and
holiday to honor the Lady as the all of the other lift-skirts serve pig
Mistress of the Waves. Buckets of and put on bawdy dramas for
sea-water are drawn up from the patrons until the morning hours.
harbor and each sailor in turn
whispers a secret into the depths

333 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
The Race of Antlers: Eligible entitled to a proposal of marriage.
bachelors from among the noble Many bachelors are then
families are crowned in wreaths of ransomed, and bought back by
horns and set to running across their noble families.
the city. Anyone catching them is

Night of Silk and Roses: A night

dedicated to the thrill of romance,
Summer the floating markets of the Silk
play host to shifting revels and
firelit entertainment as hopeful
would-be couples dance from
The Gondola Regatta: Escaping
boat to boat and party to party.
the heat of summer, sleek
gondolas race through the canals
The Festival of Eels: A floating
by night, lit by oiled lanterns.
holiday that takes place sometime
Neighborhoods sponsor the boats,
in late summer, when eels pass
and the enthusiasm of the crowd
through the canals on the way to
often borders upon riot.
their spawning place. Revelers
take to the canals with games and
The Decanting: The Arborists food, eel is cooked and put into
decant the newest vintages from even the most unlikely dishes. All
the Arbor, and chits for free citizens may catch as many as they
flagons are distributed to every can with their hands. Traps and
citizen of the city. A brisk black- nets are disallowed to ensure
market trade in false chits enough make it through the
becomes a cottage industry in the canals to return in future years;
Groan. offense is punishable by public
flogging (with eels).
The Procession of the Graces:
The Graces stage a procession The Week of Pearls: For an
from the Lady’s Own to the entire week, in the hottest part of
Shore, bringing an offering to be the year, the Scholam Naturalis
thrown into the depths of the sponsors a weeklong festival of
harbor. Crowds part, but no one pearl diving in the shallow waters
lets their eyes settle on the off of the coast. It offers a pleasant
offertory. To do so risks the distraction from the unseemly
Lady’s displeasure. weather, and those who find the

334 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
most pearls are offered a day, and so the race is on to pay
scholarship to the Scholam. down as much principle as
Summer riots have decreased by possible before the clerks note the
80% since its inception. total for recoupment. Those who
are not in debt use this day to
hunt for bargains as debtors
The Day of Founding: The
Prince and his attendants reenact
The Day of Justice: Regardless of the founding of Ilrien, as set
social status, anyone may demand down in the age of Taliesen of
satisfaction and justice at the Beryl. Half morality play, half
point of a sword on this day. The historical holiday, this civic
Spindle is cleared to allow plenty festival is as good an excuse as any
of room for the skirl of swords. to take in street-theatre performed
Cowards typically spend the day by the silk-swaddled nobles.
in doors, permitting no visitors.
The First Loaves: The Bakers’
The Feast of the First Prince: As Guild bakes the first of the
the harvests are brought in and harvest into loaves to be
taxes are rendered to the Prince, a distributed amongst the city.
portion is set aside to lay a grand Hidden within six of these loaves
feast for the needy. This honoring is a fiore minted in solid gold
of bond between prince and rather than the usual silver. This,
subjects is mirrored in the homes when turned in to the Guild,
of those of means. Families enjoy entitles the bearer to a daily loaf
the fruits of a year’s toil, and plan free of charge until the next year.
always to do better next year. It’s not entirely uncommon for
the gold to be kept instead,
The Brass Harvest: Officially, the though somewhat rarer for native
day is called Recoupment Day, Ilrienne.
but among the debtors to the
Bank of Brass and Bone, the
colloquial is preferred. Accounts
due have their interest
compounded at the end of this

335 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
The Firelight Stride: One part traditionally end on the last day
autumn cleaning, one-part good of the year. And so, Ilrien
luck entreaty, and one part becomes a carnival of artists and
pyromania, the citizens of Ilrien performers seeking new patrons.
create communal bonfires in the Painters, actors, comedians,
center of their neighborhood and bladesmen, tumblers, and fire-
burn the things that they no eaters line the street displaying
longer need. Revelers jump the their skills as prospective patrons
blazes for good luck through the carefully consider them.
Spirit’s Day: In the early dawn
coming colder months.
hours after Spirit’s Eve, the
Ilrienne release floating lanterns
off of the coast to see their loved
ones back home.
The Lord’s Walk: A ritual
cleansing of the city of “mischief
The Emperor’s Review: In the and deviltry.” During the day, a
time of the Dread Empire, The young noble dons the costume of
Emperor would dispatch a the Lord, and with a band of
hidden agent in disguise to check raucous retainers, whips those
upon the affairs of Ilrien. In his who do not get out of his way
beneficence, he would at least fast enough as his procession
inform the Ilrienne of the day of makes its way through the city.
the agent’s arrival. To this day, By night, the streets are deserted
the day of the Emperor’s Review and the city holds its breath until
is a day of charity and morning, perhaps waiting for the
hospitality. You never know who Lord’s total lack of humor.
you might be hosting, after all.
The Bone Fire: A canton of the
The Longest Night: On the city is given the responsibility to
Longest Night of the year, reawaken the earth and foster the
citizens of Ilrien gather their reemergence of life in the world.
families close and hold vigil. Old They do this by constructing a
stories are told and bargains are massive fire in the Ribelle
remembered. foothills, visible from the walls of
the city. Into this they pile the
The Patron’s Hunt: Contracts bones of slaughtered animals
between artists and patrons collected from local butchers, an
offering of life for life.

336 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
C hapter
E ight

Changing the Game

337 – C H A P T E R S E V E N , R o l l C h a r t s
Special Permission Playbooks

On the following pages you’ll

find the Kiss and the Curse.
These are not entirely human Shatter Conditions
characters. They do not
experience the social vagaries
of Court of Blades quite like • Detached: You have trouble
their mortal counterparts. understanding the motives of
others, their petty concerns. It
When the stress of Ilrien tires you.
becomes too much to bear for • Uncanny: Something about the
them, it is not their reputation way you move, speak, look strikes
that suffers. They do not gain others as fundamentally wrong.
scandal when they fill their • Vengeful: You never forget a
stress track. Instead, they slight and will always seek to
mark shatter. This represents balance the scales.
the slow spiral of their • Insatiable: Mortal pleasures no
humanity falling away to utter longer satisfy and you are
monstrousness. When they constantly left wanting more.
mark their fourth shatter, they • Morose: Yours is a sorrow that
transcend mortality. They belies the ages, and you wear it
may be forced to sleep and like a mourner's veil.
regenerate, or otherwise stay • Destructive: Everything is fleeting
in Ilrien, but their purposes and in breaking, you only hasten
no longer align with those of the inevitable.
the House or Coterie and they • Obsessed: You are single-
retire to carry out their own mindedly devoted to someone,
dark designs. something, or a cause. You have
trouble focusing on anything else.
• Territorial: What’s yours is yours
to keep. You will not let them
have it.

338 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
The Kiss

Unique xp trigger: Overcome a challenge with fae power or control.

Starting Action Dots: [1] Consort, [2] Channel

Special armor to resist a complication related to lies or deception that you

are present for.

You are fae-kissed.

Someone in your lineage
had a tryst with a faerie
prince, and here you are.
You may pass yourself off
as a Knack, but we both
know the truth, don’t we?
You do not channel
magic, you are magic.

You are Harmed by iron.

A genetic quirk that you
can think of as an allergy.
Prolonged exposure to
iron increases the level of
Harm you take.

339 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e

__ and I met when they were very young, I wonder if they even remember.

My laugh is infectious, but __ is immune. Perhaps they do not get the


__ will claim a great treasure of the old world. I will steal it from them.

When I feel that I am all lies and magic, __ reminds me that I am also

Among this city of deceit, __’s heart shines like a beacon. I will bask in that

__, like I, is not quite what they appear. Though it be hidden well, I will
learn their truth.


Dimitrius, an Obsessed Scholar

Leonato, an Inventor

Xie, an Old Flame

Blaze, a Clothier

Goya, a Sprite

A Member of the Coterie’s House

340 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
Special Abilities

Bargain and Balance- When someone takes harm, you can resist it on
their behalf, after the fact. Roll your Spirit Resistance, take Stress and the
benefit of the Resistance as normal (even if the injury has already been
resisted once by the person who first suffered it), and absorb their injury.
They remove it from their harm tracker and you add it to yours.

Like Calls to Like- You always know when a sprite or nature spirit is
present. Take +1d whenever you gather information about them by any

Toxic Love- You can push yourself to secrete a mild poison or aphrodisiac
through your skin.

Glamour- You can push yourself to take on the appearance of someone

else temporarily. If you do not spend time studying the person you’re
imitating, anyone who knows them well will become suspicious of you
upon inspection.

Natural Summoning- You know the olde symbols required to draw

summoning circles and beg the indulgence of sprites and other nature
spirits. You can create new summoning circles as long-term projects. Begin
with one summoning circle known. What are you summoning? What does
this summoned creature want in exchange for its help?

Without this special ability, the summoned creature will be inclined to

refuse to help, and may even become angered by your summoning. For
more details, use the same rules as Rituals.

Lent Skin- Leveraging the connection to nature granted by your fae

ancestor, you have learned to alter your natural form to take on the aspects
of other creatures. You may push yourself and take one of the following --
an animal aspect tied to motion (the gills of a fish, the grip of a gecko, et cetera)
--an animal aspect useful in combat-- an animal aspect useful in investigation

341 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
(a wolf’s nose, an eagle’s eyes, et cetera). Alternatively, you may pay five stress
and assume the form of an animal in total.

The Faerie Reel- There is no finer dancing partner, and you can enchant
others with song. When you play, push yourself to Channel and compel
your target to dance until released by you, or exhaustion takes them.
Choose your tool: Voice, finger cymbals, a small flute or pipe, tambourine.

Specialized Gear & Permissions

The Perfect Ensemble- No A Mirror that Reflects Truth- A

matter the occasion, you have the hand-mirror which reveals the
perfect outfit to blend in or stand true nature of anything reflected
out as you require. Your in it. What do you see when you
wardrobe is always in fashion, look into it? What does anyone else
always in season, and completely see when they see your reflection? [1
unique in Ilrien. Do you seek out load]
new fashions in Ilrien, or like you,
does your wardrobe carry the mark A Favor from the Fae Court- A
of the Fae? [2 load] small item passed down to you as
a babe to remind you of the
A Length of Faerie Rope- A home you never knew. What is
modest length of braided rope it? What does it do? [1 load]
which can move and twist and
knot itself of its own accord. It An Infectious Laugh- Once per
possesses the intelligence of a errand, when you laugh heartily
particularly bright canine, and those around you can do little
can be taught tricks. Where did else but laugh with you. [0 load]
you acquire this? How did you
earn its trust? [1 load] Otherworldly Charm- Once per
errand you can distract or beguile
someone with your charm and
demeanor. [0 load]

342 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
The Curse

Unique xp trigger: Overcome a challenge with callous disregard or

unearthly endurance.

Starting Action Dots: [1] Hunt, [1] Skirmish, [1] Command

Special armor to ignore the effects of one level of Harm from an injury
once per errand. Does not apply to level 4 Harm.

You are playing a revenant.

Undead, but no zombie. Immortal,
but no vampire. Instead, your
existence is tethered to a powerful
wizard. The Dread Emperor’s
warweaver who sleeps below the
Necropolitan Hill.

You cannot be killed by level 4

Harm. If the Curse takes level 4
Harm that is not resisted, they
immediate acquire a Shatter. Upon
receiving their fourth Shatter they are
required to sleep, tormented by
nightmares for a generation to be
forgotten, and then their fight begins

343 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e

__ is the spitting image of someone I knew when I was not cold.

I see the doom that is coming for __, and I will stand before it, roaring

__ treats me like a person, not a monster. Sometimes I believe they are


__ and I talk about the old days, though I wonder why they care.

I served with __’s parents in the war that marked me. They did me a good

__ has the touch of the Deathless about them. I fear what they might


Goodman, a Historian

Lost, a Poison Maker

Piero, a Ghost

Barlow, a Horse Thief

Amelia, a Diva

A Member of the Coterie’s House

344 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
Skills & Special Abilities

Hell Holds no Surprises- You are a construct of dark dreams and bad
memories, and cannot be frightened. Also gain +1 stress box.

Bleeding Love- You are haunted by a past companion or lover, it is

tethered to you, both helping and tormenting. Choose 2 of the following
features: It can manifest to interact with the environment. You can see through
its eyes. It can lend you its knowledge. Also choose 2 of the following natures:
Wrathful, Jealous, Forlorn. You cannot take a living paramour.

Valor Beyond Death- When you max out your Stress tracker or take level
4 Harm, you are not immediately removed from the fight. You can stay
and aid your coterie as long as they assist you, or until you push yourself to
take one last action. You also gain +1 shatter box to fill before you must

Void Blade- You can push yourself to imbue your Ancient Weapon with
arcane energy. You cut through stone and steel like butter. Take +1 effect
when you engage a foe.

Poisoner’s Blade- Your ancient weapon is designed to hold a single vial of

your choice, when triggered, the vial is opened and the contents are
channeled down the blade. The next thing to be wounded by your blade
also takes the effect of the compound in addition to any harm. You always
have one vial of Slake. Craft, create, or acquire other poisons and
compounds as normal.

Story Collector- You have passed the centuries consuming tomes,

conversing with intellectuals, and growing your knowledge. You gain +1d
when trying to recall the details of something you once read or heard.
Where did this information come from?

345 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
Immortal Tolerance- Over the years you have intoxicated yourself in a
myriad of creative ways. As a result, intoxicants and poisons always have
limited effect on you.

Specialized Gear & Permissions

An Ancient Weapon- A weapon A Dose of Weeping Bell- The tea

which served you well when you of the Weeping Bell does not cause
started down this rocky road. It you stupor like the others. When
shows signs of age and wear, but you drink it, the arcane world is
like you it refuses to crumble into revealed to you. How do you feel
ruin. What kind of weapon do you when you drink this? What mark has
carry? What does it say about you? it left on you? [1 load]
[1 load]
A Blood-Chilling Glare- Your
A Symbol of the Dread Empire - glare is steely, resolute, and
Whether you served the Emperor or haunted. Brave men quail, and
fought on the side of the Rebellion, sharp tongues cease their wagging
you bear a mark of the struggle. Any when you level your gaze. Once per
who see it will know that they are errand, you may halt someone in
dealing with a veteran of the war their tracks or silence a complaint
which changed the world. What with a burning stare. What do they
symbol do you carry? What memories see reflected in your gaze that makes
does it carry of that time? [1 load] them stop? [0 load]

A Lantern that Casts Shadow- A Prophetic Dream- Since the day

Your struggle casts a long shadow, you refused to die, your sleep is
and it is only fitting that this relic haunted by strange visions of
be by your side. It looks like an futures that may come to be. Once
ordinary lantern, but when the wick per errand, you may remember one
is lit, shadows deepen rather than of these dreams and use your
retreat. How has this served your knowledge to reveal truth or change
purpose? Does it consume lamp-oil, or destiny. Who do you tell about these
is it fueled with something more dreams? What do they make you feel?
exotic? [1 load] [0 load]

346 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
Expanding the Scope

One of our favorite parts of this

game, and the entire Forged in Playbook Special
the Dark system, is how easy it is
to plug new ideas and concepts
into it to better fit your playstyle
and expand upon an existing • Permission to do something
game that you already love. There that normal people can’t do
is nothing saying that you cannot (like the Eye’s Shadow ability,
create an entirely new playbook or “You may push yourself to
House to play in your next game perform an act of stealth or
if inspiration strikes. In fact, if athletics which borders on the
you were looking for permission, superhuman.”)
here it is: We want you to make • +1d to a roll in a specific
every awesome idea you come up circumstance.
with into a reality. • +1 effect in a specific
Below we’ll outline some of the • Push yourself to activate a
building blocks for tweaking or special talent or minor arcane
creating your own Playbooks and effect.
Houses to get you started, but • Take variable stress to
know that nothing is “off limits” activate talents.
or sacred. The only thing that • Suffer reduced harm or take
matters is what your group a lesser penalty from harm.
considers fun.

347 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e
House Special
Finding Inspiration

• Permission to do If you haven’t already, now is the

something special. perfect time to head over to
• Give all coterie members There, you
+1 scandal box or +1 can check out a wealth of
stress box. community resources and
• +1 tier in specific support for players and
circumstances. developers alike using the Forged
• +1 influence from in the Dark system. You don’t
errands. have to do it alone!
• +1d to an action roll in a
specific circumstance.

Coterie Upgrades

• Give +1d to a retinue or

colleague of a certain
type of or in a specific
• Add potency or scale to
a retinue to colleague.
• Free load for certain
• Extra downtime action
for specific uses.

348 – C H A P T E R E I G H T , C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e

A tug-of-war, creation, flashbacks and,

Acquire asset, Cohort(s), Upgrades, heat and,
Actions, harm, healing Couth, payoff and,
Action dot(s), and, Crafting. phase,
Action rating(s), modifying, roll, Drugs,
Action rolls, Using, Creations
Advancement, Colleagues, questions, E
for player Command, sample, Effects,
character, Complications, Critical, assessment,
for coterie, clocks and, example of, level of,
Alchemy, examples of, Success, limited,
Asset, serious, Curse(s), modifiers,
Assist, twist or, reduced,
Conditions. See D setting,
B Scandal. Death, standard,
Background, Consequences Deathless, trading
Blunt(s), permanent, Deception plan, position for,
Bonus dice, resistance roll Desperate zero,
Bravo(s), and, position, Engagement roll,
severity of, action roll for, Entanglements,
C Consort, See also Errand,
Character Conspicuous Position complication
creation, Item, Detail(s), and,
Clocks, Consumable Dice roll, downtime and,
danger, Item, double-duty, engagement
faction, Contact, engagement, roll,
healing, favorite, twice for same examples of,
linked, coterie, thing, flashbacks and,
long-term Controlled, The Docks loads and,
projects, Conversation, Downtime, teamwork and,
mission, Cooperation, activities, Experience
progress, Coterie, entanglements points (xp),
racing, advancement, and, trigger for,
indulgence bad habits to modifications O
and, avoid, for, Obligation,
Eye(s), best practices, rare, Obstacle,
Gather unreliable, Opening scene,
F Information volatile, Opportunity,
Factions, Gondoliers, J Outcomes,
clocks, Group Action, Judgement calls, bad,
downtime and, example of, entanglement
status changes leading, K rolls,
and, Key(s), examples of,
status levels H Knack(s), fortune rolls
and, Harm, and,
Fae-kissed, examples of, L Overindulgence,
Failure(s), Hawk(s), Lady’s Favor,
Faith, Healing Clock, Law, P
Family names, Hunt background, Payoff,
Favor, order and, Plans/Planning,
Fiction-first I Load, engagement
gaming, Ilrien, Long-term and,
Fine items, academia in, project, example of,
Flashback, calendar, clock, flashbacks and,
examples of, city events, Looks, linked,
limits of, food in, projects and,
Fortune roll, landmarks in, M Play Example,
Free play, map of, Magic, Playbook,
Friends, rumors on the Magnitude, choosing,
streets in, table, Player
G seasons in, Military character(s),
Game changes, weather in, Background, advancement,
scope Indulgence, best practices,
expansion, ignoring, N conflicts and,
Game phases, indulging, Name(s), Poisons,
Game structure, purveyors, Noble Position(s),
Game Master roll, background, setting,
(GM), Influence, Non-player starting,
actions of, Items, characters, trading for
acquiring, effect,
worse, Special abilities, indulgence and,
Potency, Special armor,
Potions, Special formulas, U
Project. See Spirits and Underworld
Long-term. sprites, background,
Pushing self, Starting Unreliable,
position, Unstable,
Q Status,
Quality, Stealth plan, V
factor, Stress, Vicious,
rating, cost, flashbacks
and, W
R purpose of, War,
Rare item, relief, Wreck,
Reckless, indulgence and,
Recover, using, X
Resistance, Study, -
Resolve, details,
Retinues, examples of, Y
Retirement, Stupor, -
Risky position, Success,
See also critical Z
Position full, -
Rivals, partial,
Roleplaying, Survey,
fiction-first in, Sway,
and, T
S actions,
Scale, Tier,
Scandal, advancement
conditions, and,
Ignoring level of,
Setting, rating,
Set up, Touchstones,
maneuver, Training,

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