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BANKING LAW manager’s checks, cashier’s checks,

traveler’s checks or demand draft.s

What is the higher diligence than good
What is bank?
father of a family? Utmost diligence.
- entites engaged in lending of funds
If a bank failed to pay its loan to its client,
sourced from deposits of depositors.
will the bank be liable by virtue of trust?
- Lending, borrowing and safe-
keeping No. because it does not convert into trust
Can they engage in other activities?
Own answer:
Yes so long as there is prior approval of the
Monetary Board. Simply stated, when it is Yes. Because the depositor expects the bank
allowed by law. to exercise utmost fidelity in handling its
accounts whether such account contains few
hundreds of pesos or millions.
First planters are classified as non-bank
GR: Rural bank cannot deposit in private
financial intermediary. Since they are non-
bank more than single borrower’s limit
bank financial intermediary under the
MORFNBFI, they are liable to pay the VAT EXC: They can deposit exceeding the single
under the non-bank financial intermediary borrower’s limit if there are no government
not for the VAT tax under the general banks around the area.
phrase of “sale and purchase of services”
under the Tax Code. Sobrang liblib na lugar, nagiisa siya don. If
there is no government bank w/in area,
What is the deposit function of banks? rural banks can deposit exceeding single
borrower’s limit.
Banks are allowed to accept deposit from its
depositors Ano yung essence niya?
If A deposited this sum of amount in Bank Because if you deposit your money to bank,
B? What is formed? Debtor-creditor bank’s intention is for it to grow. If mas
relationship. What is the contract formed? matagal yung pera sa bangko, mas matagal
Mutuum or Simple Loan. nila magagamit, papaikutin nila at
papaikutin yung pera niyo kaya bibigyan
Deposit function is not really deposit kasi
kayo ng reward or incentive as interest
the bank may invest it in another activity.
Another function of banks is payment
Rural Banks Act’s goal is pahiramin yung
fisherfolks around the area. If there is a
One of the primary means employed in universal bank or government bank, the
bank’s payment function is the drawing of qualifications of a borrower of rural and
checks. Banks may be drawee banks of universal bank ay magkaiba.
checks issued by its customers used in
paying obligations. Banks may issue
Rural Banks appetite in accepting fisherfolk Walang pera pero maraming lupa.
farmer borrower are higher compared to
Yung bangko, they have capacity to get
universal bank.
deposits from the public and loan this up.
GR: If you’re not an active member of co-op
Quasi-bank is more on a license. Ano yung
and want to participate in co-op, you have
quasi-bank? Can loan out but cannot take
to buy shares;
deposits. (e.g. Home Credit)
EXC: Unless prescribed by the Monetary
There are banks that are sui generis.
RA 7653 as amended by RA 11211
Financial intermediary may be bank or non-
bank. NCBA is the law that basically created and
established the structure and governance of
Taking or not taking deposits and trading
these assets.
BSP is the State’s central monetary authority
Nasa labas ng financial market ang financial
– government agency charged with the
responsibility of administering the
Sino ang players sa financial market? Firms monetary, banking and credit system of the
na ang business naman nila ay to trade country and is granted the power of
securities, credit. supervision and examination over bank and
non-bank financial institutions performing
Yung bangko, wala sila sa loob ng FM, pano
quasi-banking functions, including savings
nakakapasok sa loob? Nag trtrade sila ng
and loan associations.
financial products.
Equivalent to Federal Reserve of US. It is
Sila yung mga nag iinvest, nagtrtrade ng
not only the chief regulator agency over
financial assets. For example land, credit
banking institutions as well as non-bank
What is the importance? financial institutions that performs quasi-
bunking functions but also charged with
Kaya highly regulated ang banks cause it
setting up the central monetary anf fiscal
can make or break economies.
policy of the government.
All of the actions in the financial market are
It charged with responsibility of
being regulated. Why?
establishing credit system of the country
Kasi si bank, meron siyang right to loan up as well as the administration of the
funds. monetary system (printing of money).

Bubble is a term na super nag increase yung How do we classify BSP?

price ng isang asset because maraming pera
A government-owned and controlled
yung nag fufund after it.
corporation. Not governed by a specific
department – not answerable to particular 3. Increase in capitalization be funded
cabinet secretary. It is a GOCC that enjoys solely from declared dividends of
fiscal and administrative autonomy. the BSP in favor of the National
Fiscal autonomy – BSP would decide on
4. Any declared dividends of the BSP
how they will spend their budget not being
in favor of the National Gov’t be
subjected to approval or regulation by
deposited in a special account in the
general fund, and earmarked for the
While budget of BSP will be included in payment of BSP’s increase in
GAA – but how this money is spent, is up to capitalization.
the officers of BSP as they are not subject to
Responsibilities of BSP (P-S-R)
issuances of SARO or DBM. Similar to fiscal
autonomy enjoyed by the SC, COHR. 1. Provide policy direction in the
areas of money, banking and credit
Policy of NCBA:
(agency that announces the new
Called NCBA because OCBA calls BSP as interest charged or rates set for
Central Bank of the Philkippines. NCBA bankings and financial institutions
renamed it as BSP. because credit policy of the gov’t is
set by the MB under BSP);
The State through the creation of BSP will
2. Supervise bank operations;
maintain a central monetary authority that
3. Exercise regulatory and
shall function and operate as an
examination powers over quasi-
independent and accountable body
banking operations of NBFI, money
corporate in the discharge of its mandated
service businesses (pera padala),
responsibilities concerning money, banking
credit granting businesses (lending)
and credit.
and payment system operators.
While it is a government owned
Primary objectives of BSP
corporation, it enjoys fiscal and
administrative autonomy 1. Maintain price stability conducive
to a balanced and sustainable
Fiscal – relating to treasury as in the MB.
growth of the economy (primary
Administrative - being the regulatory concern is to work hand-in-hand
agency in accordance with its policy with DOF and other related
directions. institutions to curve price controls or
even inflation rates);
Salient considerations on the creation of
2. Promote and maintain monetary
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
stability and convertibility of the
1. Established as independent central peso (maintain exchange rate leves
monetary authority; of PH peso against foreign
2. Capital shall be P50B, P200B to be currencies especially with US –
fully subscribed by the PH Gov’t; massive portion of our economy
relies on remittances of Filipinos 1. Issue rules and regulations for the
abroad); exercise of its powers;
2. Direct the management, operations
Functions of BSP:
and administration of the BSP;
1. Banker of the government – BSP 3. Establish human resource
shall be the official depository of the management system;
Gov’t and shall represent it in all 4. Adopt annual budget for
monetary fund dealings; expenditures by the BSP;
2. Custodian of Reserves; 5. Indemnify its members and other
3. Financial Advisor of the officials of the BSP against all costs
government; and expenses reasonably incurred
4. Government agent; by such persons in connection in
5. Source of credit/ any civil or criminal actions;
6. Issuer of Currency;
Composition of Monetary Board
7. Clearing channel or House;
8. Supervisor of the Banking System Composed of 7 members appointed by the
(the examination powers of BSP President with a 6 year term. No member
cannot be easily stop by a financial may be reappointed more than once.
institution by filing an injunction in
(same term with President) Once appointed
court. Allowing this to happen will
and term expires, can no longer be
curtail the supervisory powers of the
BSP over the banking institutions.
Exception is when there is Members
convincing proof that the
1. The BSP Governor or his designated
examination was done arbitrarily,
alternate (deputy governor);
then that can be subject to an
2. Cabinet member to be designated by
the President or his designated
Note: When availing of loan facilities of the alternate (undersecretary);
BSP, private banks assign to BSP their 3. 5 members from the private sector;
receivables including the collaterals.
Monetary Board
1. Citizenship – natural born citizens of
- Body through which the powers and PH;
functions of the BSP are exercised. 2. Age – GR: at least 35; EXC: Governor
- Since BSP is a corporation, it cannot must be at least 40;
act on its own as a normal person. It 3. Good moral character;
has to have a body that would bind 4. Unquestionable integrity;
the BSP on its decision that it would 5. Known probity and patriotism;
make. Similar to BOD. 6. Recognized competence in social
and economic disciplines (very
Powers of Monetary Board
varied – vague requirement as it
could be on different degrees);
(Very vague) institution as a result of such action /
Usually, the members of the MB and/or
BSP Governor are usually technocrats who BSP and bank in distress
are prized for their intelligence and
In case of distressed bank, it is the BSP who
competence with respect to providing
appoints a conservator or receiver for
solutions to economic problems.
closure of the bank.
Powers of the Governor:
What constitutes distressed bank? (ILI)
The Governor is the CEO of the Bangko
Illiquidity – occurs when bank is not liquid.
Sentral. (PEDARE)
Bank cannot meet its current liabilities –
a. Prepare the agenda for the meetings handled by conservatorship.
of the Monetary Board;
Liquidity – ability of an asset to be
b. Execute and administer policies and
converted into cash. When entity able to
measures approved by the MB;
pay its liabilities when it falls due.
c. Direct and supervise the operations
and internal administration of the - Quickness of an asset to be
Bangko Sentral; converted into cash to pay current
d. Appoint and fix remunerations and liabilities. Unableness to be
other emoluments of personnel converted constitutes illiquidity.
below the rank of a department head
Insolvency – actual market value of assets is
as well as impose disciplinary
insufficient to pay its liabilities. Entity
measures upon personnel of the
insolvent when it is unable to meet current
and long-term obligations. Handled by
e. Render opinions, decisions or
receivership or closure.
rulings which shall be final and
executory until reversed or modified Diff between the two: In illiquidity, the
by the MB; entity has sufficient assets but such assets
f. Exercise other powers as vested in cannot be converted into cash. In
him by the MB. insolvency, the assets can be converted into
cash but the assets are insufficient to meet
Liabilities of members of the MB
the obligations of the entity. Illquidity is
Members of the MB, officials, examiners subject to conservatorship; Insolvency is
and employees of the BSP who: subject to receivership or closure.

1. Willfully violate RA 7653; Duration of conservatorship (illiquidity

2. Guilty of negligence, abuses or acts cases) shall not exceed 1 year.
of malfeasance or misfeasance;
What is conservatorship?
3. Fail to exercise extraordinary
diligence; Where a conservator is appointed in
instances wherein the bank is in a state of
Be held liable for any loss or injury
illiquidity. Bank has more assets that its
suffered by the BSP or other banking
liabilities but its assets are not liquid or not 6. Suspension of payment of its
in cash and thus cannot pay its obligation deposit liabilities continuously for
when it falls due. The bank, not the BSP, more than 30 days ( depositors no
pays for the fees. longer withdraw from banks
because the latter continuously
Note: Banks are required to maintain a
suspend its operation for more than
certain liquidity ratio as a compliance to
30 days);
7. Persisting in conducting its
Inability of bank to maintain liquidity business in an unsafe or unsound
ratio would render bank subject to manner.
Close now-hear later doctrine
Note: Powers of a conservator do not
Obviate unwarranted dissipation of the
extend to revocation of valid and perfected
bank’s assets and as valid exercise of police
power to protect depositors, creditors,
The powers of a conservator cannot extend stockholders and the general public. The
to repudiation of valid and perfected law does not contemplate prior notice and
transactions. The law merely gives the hearing before bank may be directed to stop
conservator power to revoke contracts that operations and placed under receivership.
are deemed defective - void, voidable,
Note: Swift, adequate and determined
unenforceable or rescissible. The
actions must be taken against financially
conservator merely takes the place of the
distressed and mismanaged banks by
bank’s board.
government agencies lest the public faith
Grounds for closure of a bank or quasi- in the banking system deteriorate to the
bank prejudice of the national economy.

1. Cash flow test – inability to pay - Basically, under this doctrine,

liabilities as they become due in sinasara na agad ang isang bangko
ordinary course of business; na financially distressed kahit
2. Balance sheet test – insufficiency of walang notice and hearing to
realizable assets to meet its prevent further damage or
liabilities; unwarranted dissipation of its assets
3. Inability to continue business w/o to the prejudice of all stakeholders of
involving probable losses to its banks.
depositors and creditors;
BSP may order the closure of the bank even
4. Willful violation of a cease and
without prior hearing. BSP may rely on the
desist order involving transactions
report of either the conservator, receiver or
which amount to fraud or
the head of the supervising and examining
dissipation of assets;
5. Notification to BSP or public
announcement of a bank holiday; The “close now, hear later” doctrine
justified BSP in ordering bank closures even
without prior hearing. Thus injunction does Liquidator of a distressed bank can
not lie against BSP in the exercise of the prosecute and defend suits against the bank.
power and function. A contrary rule may
- Prosecution of suits, collection and
lead to dissipation of assets and trigger
the foreclosure of mortgages against
bank run.
debtors of the bank by the liquidator
Judicial review may take place after the are among the usual and ordinary
order of closure of the BSP. transactions pertaining to
administration of a bank.
What is receivership?
Liquidation proceedings may be carried out
It occurs when a receiver has been
with or without the tax clearance.
appointed (by BSP) due to the bank being
insolvent as its liabilities are greater than its - Unlike in a voluntary dissolution of
assets. The Court has no authority to a corporation under Corp. Code,
appoint a receiver for a bank if latter will BSP can liquidate the bank with or
function as such under BSP law. The power without tax clearance.
to appoint belongs to BSP. - Only a final tax return is required to
satisfy the interest of the BIR in the
*Appointment power of the BSP is
liquidation of the closed bank. It is
unreasonable for the liquidation
NOTE: For banks, the receiver would be court to require that tax clearance
the Philippine Deposit Insurance first be secured as condition for the
Corporation; for quasi-banks, it could be approval of project of distribution of
any person of recognized competence in a bank under liquidation.
banking or finance.

Within 90 days from take-over, the receiver

shall determine whether the institution may
be rehabilitated. Filing of claims against insolvent bank

- If receiver determines that the GR: All claims against insolvent bank
institution cannot be rehabilitated, should be filed in liquidation proceeding.
the MB shall notify in writing the Not necessary that claim be initially
BOD of institution of its findings disputed in a court before it is filed with
and direct receiver to proceed with liqudation court.
liquidation of the institution.
EXC: Where it is the bank that files a claim
What is liquidation? against another person or entity, the claim
should be filed in regular courts.
- Acts that constitute the conversion
of assets of the institution to money Reason: Judicial liquidation is intended to
– or the sale, assignment or provide an orderly mode of payment of all
disposition of the same to creditors claims.
or other parties for the purpose of
paying debts of such institution.
NOTE: It is the claim against bank that
will have to be filed in LP. But if bank
itself has claim against another person or
entity, it will not be included in LP. What
is required only in LP are only those
claims against the bank. If claim against
somebody else, it must be filed in regular

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