Adsorption of Cadmium by A High-Capacity Adsorbent Composed of Silicate-Titanate Nanotubes Embedded in Hydrogel Chitosan Beads (2020)

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Environmental Technology

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Adsorption of cadmium by a high-capacity

adsorbent composed of silicate-titanate
nanotubes embedded in hydrogel chitosan beads

Roxana Quiroga-Flores, Asma Noshad, Reine Wallenberg & Linda Önnby

To cite this article: Roxana Quiroga-Flores, Asma Noshad, Reine Wallenberg & Linda Önnby
(2020) Adsorption of cadmium by a high-capacity adsorbent composed of silicate-titanate
nanotubes embedded in hydrogel chitosan beads, Environmental Technology, 41:23, 3043-3054,
DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2019.1596167

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2020, VOL. 41, NO. 23, 3043–3054

Adsorption of cadmium by a high-capacity adsorbent composed of silicate-

titanate nanotubes embedded in hydrogel chitosan beads
Roxana Quiroga-Flores , Asma Noshadc, Reine Wallenberg c,d
and Linda Önnby c

Division of Biotechnology, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; bInstituto de Investigaciones Fármaco Bioquímicas,
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia; cCentre for Analysis and Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden;
National Centre for High Resolution Electron Microscopy, Lund University, Lund, Sweden


In this study, we developed a nanoparticle-based mesoporous composite that consisted of silicate- Received 21 November 2018
titanate nanotubes (STNTs) supported in hydrogel chitosan beads (STNTs-Ch beads) and was Accepted 12 March 2019
studied for Cd2+ adsorption. By using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission and
scanning electron microscopy coupled to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer, we could Silicate-titanate nanotubes;
determine that the hollow STNTs were highly dispersed in the walls of the hollow beads. The chitosan beads; cadmium;
dispersion was attributed to the effect of pH when the composite was prepared and we adsorption; reuse
observed a non-interaction between STNTs and chitosan. The adsorption studies of Cd2+ showed
that the kinetic rate (k2) increased 3-fold and that the diffusion rate (Kd) increased 2-fold after
the embedment. Moreover, the maximum capacity of adsorption of STNTs-Ch beads was 2.3
times higher than that of STNTs alone. The treatment of a synthetic Cd2+ solution and a real
leachate in continuous mode showed two phases in which it was observed higher removed
fractions of transition metal ions (Cd2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+) and the post-transition metal
ion Pb2+, in comparison to the removed fractions of alkali and alkali-earth metal ions (Ca2+, K+,
Mg2+). The composite was successfully reused four times when adsorbing Cd2+, saving three
times the needed amounts of TiO2, SiO2 and chitosan for the production of the material. This
composite was produced in a simple way and shows the potential for wastewater treatment.

1. Introduction By preparing adsorbents from nanoparticles (NPs),

many of the desired characteristics of an adsorbent can
Waters contaminated with cadmium (Cd2+) can cause be addressed: the nanoscale level can, for instance,
adverse effects on living organisms [1] and need to be offer a large surface area. Among the NPs produced for
treated. Adsorption is a treatment technique that offers heavy metals adsorption, the literature reports about
simple operation, cost-effectiveness and a sludge-free the use of (i) titanium-based NPs (titanate nanotubes,
process [2,3]. An ideal adsorbent should have a strong TNTs) used for adsorbing e.g. Pb2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Cr3+
affinity to the target ion(s), large surface area, reusability and Ni2+ [5–9] and (ii) silicon-based NPs (silica nano-
potential and be economically feasible [2,4]. tubes, SNTs) and a functionalized form (sym-

CONTACT Linda Önnby Centre for analysis and synthesis, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-223 62
Lund, Sweden
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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any way.

diphenylcarbazide-SNTs) for adsorbing Pb2+, Cd2+ and 2. Material and methods

Co2+ [10–12]. In order to meet an economically feasible
2.1 Chemicals and solutions
process, the TNTs have previously been regenerated
and reused [7,9]. However, bare NPs are not readily Nanopowder of titanium dioxide (TiO2, particle size <
applied in water treatment as the treatment would 25 nm), powder of silicon dioxide (SiO2, 0.2–0.3 µm
require a necessary solid–liquid separation step [13,14] average particle size, aggregate), cadmium chloride
for avoiding the loss of NPs into the water [15]. (CdCl2, >99%), nickel chloride hexahydrate (NiCl2·6H2-
Another well-known drawback of NPs is aggregation O), lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2, >99%), sodium hydroxide
[16], which makes the application of NPs still limited. pellets (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) were
The above-mentioned challenges have led to the bought from Sigma Aldrich, Sweden. Chitosan (70%
development of different types of composites where degree of deacetylation) was purchased from Heppe
NPs are embedded or coated onto other materials, e.g. Medical Chitosan GmbH, Germany. Stock standard
chitosan [13–21]. The resulting physico-chemical proper- solutions of Cd (1000 mg Cd2+·L−1) and ammonium
ties of the chitosan-based composites depend on the phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4, matrix modifier solution,
interaction of the components involved and can 40%) were purchased from Analytical Standards,
further define the distribution of the NPs in the chitosan Sweden.
shell [13]. For a chitosan goethite bionanocomposite, the Membrane-filtered deionized water was obtained
distribution of iron was shown to have a vascular nature from a Millipore system (18.2 MΩ · cm−1, Millipore,
inside chitosan beads [20], which resulted in a higher France) and will be denoted as ultrapure water. Real lea-
concentration of the arsenic species at the edge of the chate from anaerobically acid-digested seaweed was
beads and decreasing concentrations towards the obtained from an anaerobic digester in Trelleborg,
centre, a process controlled by diffusion [20]. Given south of Sweden in November 2014. The composition
that the number of combinations of composites can be of the leachate can be found in Table S1 in the sup-
very high, the resulting distribution of the NPs inside plementary information (SI).
has to be investigated for each case.
For applying adsorbents as a treatment option, the
complexity of the water and the challenge that the
2.2 Synthesis of silicate-titanate nanotubes
matrix represents for the treatment need to be con-
sidered. For example, for treating wastewater such as Titanate nanotubes (TNTs) have previously been
leachate [22], the adsorbent would have to target a obtained by alkaline hydrothermal treatment of TiO2
broad spectrum of toxic metal ions such as Cd2+, Cu2+, powder [23,24]. The procedure involved dissolving 2
Pb2+ and show a poor adsorption for nontoxic ions M of TiO2 in 10 M NaOH in a Teflon reaction vessel
(e.g. Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+), which are of higher con- that was heated to 150°C and kept at a constant temp-
centration than the toxic ions [2]. From such an appli- erature during 48 h. After the reaction finished, the
cation, the discharged water would be secure and powder was washed repeatedly with ultrapure water
could be further used for downstream processing in until the filtrate reached a neutral pH. In this work, we
the industry. performed the reaction in a gas tight reaction vessel
In this study, we have produced a composite made of glass (Pyrex), on which an opaque surface was
of titanium-silicon nanotubes (STNTs) and chitosan observed after the reaction. We thereafter confirmed
that were produced in the form of hydrogel beads the presence of Si in the product; possibly resulting
(STNTs-Ch beads). The composite was further character- from the dissolution of silica from the Pyrex vessel.
ized by studying the crystal phases and textural proper- The molar ratio of Ti to Si was 1.0:1.1 (Table S2). Based
ties along with the interaction of the two components on the molar ratio of Ti-Si in the powder, an attempt
by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), trans- to produce an identical nanoparticle was done by carry-
mission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning elec- ing out the same reaction in a glass-free reaction vessel
tron microscopy, both coupled to energy X-ray (Teflon tube) using equimolar amounts (2 M) of TiO2
dispersive spectrometer (XEDS). The composite was and SiO2, respectively. The obtained nanoparticle had
used for Cd2+ adsorption in batch solutions and to a Ti to Si molar ratio of 1.0:0.3 (Table S2), suggesting
treat real leachate by using packed columns. Finally, that the reaction needed further optimization. We will
we studied the recycling and the reuse of the compo- report on the reaction details for silicate-titanate nano-
site, in parallel with an assessment of the saved tubes (STNTs) in a second study and the results
amount of consumed chemicals involved in the obtained from the as-produced STNTs are reported in
process. this study.

2.3 Preparation of hydrogel STNTs-Ch beads instrument (USA). The pore size distribution of STNTs-
Ch beads was calculated by the Barret–Joyner–Halenda
A solution of chitosan was prepared (1.7 g chitosan·100
(BJH) model. The samples were degassed at 30°C for
mL−1 of 0.1 M HCl) as reported previously [17].
24 h and the data were collected at a relative pressure
Different amounts of STNTs were added into the sol-
P/Po between 0.0025 and 0.99. The data were processed
ution of chitosan, resulting in STNTs-Ch beads with
by the 3Flex Software version 4.01.
different dosages (expressed as g STNTs·g−1 chitosan):
0.14, 0.28, 0.42 and 0.56. Once homogeneous, the
STNTs-chitosan solution was added drop wise into a
0.1 M NaOH solution. The formed hydrogel beads 2.5 Batch adsorption studies of STNTs and STNTs-
were rinsed with ultrapure water until the pH of the Ch beads
filtrate was neutral. The STNTs-Ch beads were not All batch experiments were carried out using a synthetic
dried but kept as hydrogel beads in order to avoid Cd2+ solution (10 mg · L−1 (89 µM), pH = 6.5 ± 0.2) unless
the changes in the pore structure of chitosan caused otherwise mentioned. The experiments were performed
by normal drying [25]. in duplicates at room temperature (T = 22°C) in polyethy-
lene tubes (volume = 10 mL) under constant agitation
using a rocking table from VWR, USA. Adsorption of
2.4 Characterization of STNTs and STNTs-Ch Cd2+ by the polyethylene tube was found to be negli-
beads gible (data is shown in Table S3).
For determining the morphology and size of STNTs, the
powder of STNTs was analysed by a JEM 2200FS trans-
2.5.1 Adsorption kinetics
mission electron microscope (TEM) working at 200 kV.
For studying adsorption kinetics and the diffusion behav-
The image data were analysed by the Digital Micrograph
iour, kinetic experiments were carried out first for (i)
suite (DM) software (Gatan Inc., USA). A TEM sample of
0.24 g STNTs · L−1, (ii) 15 chitosan beads (0 g STNTs ·
STNTs was also analysed by an energy-dispersive X-ray
L−1) and (iii) 15 STNTs-Ch beads·L−1 (0.28 g STNTs · g−1
spectrometer (TEM-XEDS). The quantification was made
chitosan). Samples were collected between 0 and
using the Oxford INCA software.
2880 min and analysed for Cd2+. The pseudo-first order
The distribution and the elemental composition of
[27], pseudo-second order model [28] and the intraparti-
STNTs in the STNTs-Ch beads were studied by a Jeol
cle diffusion model [29] were used to fit our kinetic data.
6700F-Scanning EM coupled to the Oxford Instruments
Thereafter, to determine the optimal dosage, the second
energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-XEDS). The
batch of kinetics experiments was carried out testing the
acceleration voltage was 5–15 kV. The sample was
following dosages: 0.14, 0.42 and 0.56 g STNTs·g−1
freeze-dried and coated with carbon to allow collection
of data and images from a cross-section of the STNTs-
Ch beads.
Stretch band vibrations corresponding to functional 2.5.2 Adsorption isotherms
groups in STNTs, chitosan beads and STNTs-Ch beads Adsorption isotherms were evaluated using Cd2+ sol-
were studied from freeze-dried samples by using an utions ranging from 0.1 to 400 mg · L−1. Samples were
ALPHA Fourier transformed infrared spectrometer collected at equilibrium. The Langmuir [30] and the
(FTIR), the data were treated by the Opus software, Freundlich [31] adsorption models were used to fit
Bruker, USA. the data of the adsorption isotherms. For calculating
The identification of crystal phases of STNTs, chitosan the capacities of adsorption at equilibrium, the mass
and STNTs-Ch beads was analysed by a Stadi MP Powder of the adsorbent was equal to the mass of the STNTs in
X-ray diffractometer (Stoe, Germany) with a copper tube the STNTs-Ch beads.
working at 40 mA and 40 kV. The scanning was per-
formed over a range of 2θ from 9° to 80° with a step
size of 0.013. The data were processed by the MATCH! 2.5.3 Metal ions competition
and JANA2006 software [26]. More details of the pro- Metal ions competition between Cd2+, Ni2+ and Pb2+ was
cedure are described in Text S1. evaluated by studying adsorption from solutions of
For determining textural properties, the Brunauer– 89 µM of each metal respectively. Three conditions
Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area of STNTs and STNT-Ch were established: (i) single metal ion solution, (ii) bisolute
beads were determined from N2 adsorption–desorption metal ion solution containing Cd2+ and Pb2+ and (iii) tri-
isotherms were measured using a 3Flex Micromeritics solute metal ion solution.

2.6 Adsorption in continuous mode by STNTs-Ch USA. The data were treated by the WinLab32 software
beads and reported RSD values were <10%. The limits of detec-
tion can be found in Table S4.
A glass column (9 × 170 mm) was packed with 350
Ammonium (NH+4 , LCK303), nitrate (NO− 3 , LCK339), sul-
STNTs-Ch beads with a bed volume of 6 mL. In continu-
phate (SO4 , LCK153) and phosphate (PO3−
4 , LCK049)
ous mode, the column was used to treat (i) a synthetic
were analysed using analytical kits from Dr. Hach
Cd2+ solution (1400 mL or 233 bed volumes of 0.5 mg
Lange (Sweden). Presented data are average values
Cd2+·L−1) and (ii) real leachate (210 mL or 35 bed
from 3 measurements with an RSD <5%. The limits of
volumes of 0.034 mg Cd2+ · L−1) with an upward flow
detection were 1.0 mg · L−1 for NO− 3 , 2.5 mg · L
rate of 0.32 mL · min−1. Both experiments were con-
NH4+, 5 mg · L−1 for PO3−
4 , and 40 mg · L
for SO2−
4 .
ducted in duplicates at 22°C. Samples of 15 mL (interval
of 46.8 min) were collected using a fraction collector
FC204, Gilson, USA. 3. Results and discussion
3.1 Characterization of STNTs, STNTs-Ch beads
2.7 Recycling and reuse of STNTs-Ch beads and effects of pH on STNTs dispersion
The STNTs-Ch beads were recycled and reused in batch 3.1.1 STNTs and STNTs-Ch beads characterization
experiments. The recycling procedure consisted of deso- Figure 1(a)–(c) depicts TEM images of STNTs showing
rption and regeneration. The conditions for desorption hollow nanotubes and the elemental analysis obtained
were optimized by comparing two acids (HCl and by EDS. The diameter of the nanotubes was approxi-
H2SO4) as desorbing agents. The dosage for desorption mately 6–8 nm with 3–4 layers in the walls. The multi-
and regeneration was the same used in a previous walls had an interplanar distance of approximately
study for TNTs (i.e. 0.08 g TNTs·100 mL−1) [32]. The 0.7 nm. Figure 1(c) shows the co-existence of Si and Ti
optimal desorbing agent was selected according to Cd2 in the nanotubes determined by TEM-XEDS analysis of
desorption efficiency (%) and weight loss quantification a pair of nanotubes where the quantification showed a
(% mass loss). Once selected the desorbing agent, deso- Ti:Si molar ratio of 1.04:1.
rption was performed by immersing 15 STNTs-Ch beads Figures S1(a)–(c) show the infrared spectra of STNTs,
in 3 mL of the desorbing agent for 3 h. For regeneration, chitosan beads and STNTs-Ch beads, respectively. In
the 15 Cd2+-desorbed STNTs-Ch beads were immersed in Figure S1(a) the observed bands for STNTs at 411 cm−1
3 mL of 0.2 M NaOH for 3 h, thereafter the beads were
rinsed 3 times with 1 mL of ultrapure water. The recycled
STNTs-Ch beads were then reused under the same con-
ditions as virgin beads. Recycling was carried out 7 times
following the above-mentioned steps. For every cycle,
adsorption capacity at equilibrium (Qe) was measured.
With the newly Qe measured in every cycle, Qe recovery
(%) was calculated as the ratio between the Qe of each
cycle and Qe of virgin beads.

2.8 Analytical methods

The concentration of Cd2+ was determined by a Zeenit
700 P graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer
(GFAAS) on an Analytik Jena Zeenit 700, Germany.
Samples were acidified with concentrated HNO3. The
modifier (NH4)2HPO4 (1% w · v−1) was added to reduce Figure 1. High-resolution TEM images of the STNTs showing the
the matrix effect. The range of the calibration curve silicate-titanate nanotubes. In (a) two nanotubes viewed edge-
was 1.0–5.0 µg Cd2+ · L−1 with a limit of detection of on. In (b) the profile view of the STNTs where the interplanar dis-
0.20 µg Cd2+ · L−1. The processed data had residual stan- tance between the multi-walls is observed. In (c) a TEM micro-
graph showing the hollow nanotubes where XEDS analysis was
dard deviations (RSD) <5%.
performed (circled area) and the corresponding spectrum with
Total Ca, Pb, Ni, K, Mg, Zn, Co and Cu of the leachate Ti and Si respectively is shown to the right (The element Cu
were analysed using an Optima 8300 ion coupled plasma comes from the grid used during sample analysis and the grid
atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), Perkin Elmer, can also contribute to the C signal).

and 905 cm−1 were assigned to the TiO6 octahedron and corresponded to O–H and N–H stretching [36]. Finally,
to the four-coordinated Ti–O of (TiO(OH)2) respectively. Figure S1(c) shows that STNTs-Ch beads exhibited the
Both bands have been reported in studies for TNTs same bands observed in the other two spectra (Figure
before [7,8,33]. The absorption band at 1033 cm−1 was S1(a)–(b). The absence of new bands in STNTs-Ch
assigned to Si–O–Si. The same band has been previously beads suggests that STNTs and chitosan did not form
ascribed to Si–O3–Si in the case of polygorskite new chemical bonds.
embedded in chitosan beads [21,34]. The two remaining Figure 2(a) shows the XRD spectra of STNTs, chitosan
bands observed at 1634 cm−1 and 3345 cm−1 were beads and STNTs-Ch beads. The spectrum of STNTs
attributed to the O–H and H–O–H binding vibrations, exhibited diffraction peaks at 2θ value of 10°, 24° and
respectively. Overall, the infrared results confirmed the 48° corresponding to the planes (0 2 0), (1 1 0) and (2
presence of –OH, the TiO6 octahedron and the Si–O–Si 0 0) respectively indicating the presence of nanotubes.
bond in STNTs. Figure S1(b) shows bands observed in The obtained spectrum clarified the low intensity
chitosan beads. The bands in the range from 989 cm−1 peaks, proposing a low crystalline nature of the STNTs
to 1148 cm−1 were assigned to the C–O and C–N particles. The spectrum of chitosan beads displayed
bonds. The bands in the range from 1561 cm−1 to one weak diffraction peaks at 2θ value of 20° indexed
1649 cm−1 corresponded to the secondary amide and with (1 0 0) plane which is consistent with the reports
primary amide of the N-acetylated group [35,36]. The for chitosan [37]. The possible reason behind could be
bands in the range from 3285 cm−1 to 3362 cm−1, the presence of inter and intra-molecular H-bonding
which has been reported earlier [38]. This is consistent
with our discussed observations from the FTIR spectrum
(Figure S1(b)). In the STNTs-Ch beads spectrum, some
interesting differences have been observed such as (i) a
location shift at 2θ value of 20° towards a higher value
of intensity indicating high quantity of chitosan beads
and (ii) all the characteristic peaks of STNTs disappeared
in the STNTs-Ch beads spectrum which could be due to
the dominating existence of a high quantity of chitosan
and a weak crystalline nature of STNTs.
The BET surface area of STNTs and STNTs-Ch beads
was calculated to be 216.7 ± 0.7 and 12.9 ± 0.02 m2 · g−1,
respectively. The high surface area of STNTs and similar
materials, e.g. between 240 and 302 m2 · g−1 for TNTs
[6–9] and 411 m2 · g−1 for SNTs [10] could be attributed
to its small inner diameters and multilayer morphology
as observed by TEM in Figure 1(a). In contrast, the
surface of the STNTs-Ch beads was 16 times lower as com-
pared to the STNTs-Ch beads, which was probably due to
the relatively low load of STNTs in the STNTs-Ch beads,
which was 22% of the total mass. A higher load of particles
would increase the surface area of the composite as
observed when the load of TNTs was increased to γ-
Fe2O3/TNTs [9].
The pore size and pore volume STNTs-Ch beads were
calculated to be 11.6 nm and 0.0035 cm3 · g−1. Figure 2
(b) shows the nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms
and it is seen that the isotherm exhibited an IV-type iso-
therm indicative of capillary condensation occurring in a
mesoporous adsorbent [39,40]. The H3-type hysteresis
loop indicates that it does not exhibit limiting adsorption
while approaching P/Po = 1 and is often seen in aggre-
Figure 2. (a) XRD spectra of STNTs, chitosan beads and STNTs-Ch gates of materials with flat- or slit-shaped pores [39].
beads. (b) Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of STNTs- The pore size distribution showed in Figure 2(c) shows
Ch beads. (c) Pore size distribution of STNTs-Ch beads. a bimodal distribution. The small pores (2–3 nm) may

Figure 3. SEM images and SEM-XEDS mapping of STNTs-Ch beads, respectively. In (a) the cross-section of a STNTs-Ch bead shows both
the inner and outer part of the bead. The selected area is magnified in (b) and a group of white aggregates are shown in (c). The SEM-
XEDS mapping of a STNTs aggregate from the outer part is shown in (d), and from the cross-section is shown in (e). Both mapped areas
in (d,e) showed the presence of Na, Si, Ti and O in the aggregates.

correspond to the pores of STNTs; similar values are for –OH groups present in the STNTs have been reported
reported for TNTs [9,41] and the larger pores (10– to be in the range from 9.5 to 13 [43,44]. Thus, for the
12 nm) might correspond to sites with higher aggrega- prepared chitosan-STNTs suspension at pH = 1 (cf.
tion degree [8,9] of STNTs or probably correspond to Section 2.3), both the –NH2 and –OH groups present in
chitosan pores. chitosan and STNTs respectively would be protonated.
This, in turn, would yield highly dispersed STNTs in the
produced STNTs-Ch beads as similar charges result in
3.1.2 STNTs dispersion in STNTs-Ch beads and
repulsion and hence absent interaction between STNTs
effects from pH
and chitosan. Our results are supported with previous
Figure 3(a)–(f) shows the SEM imaging and the elemental
mapping of the STNTs-Ch beads obtained by SEM-XEDS.
Figure 3(a) shows the cross-section of an STNTs-Ch bead Table 1. Obtained model constants from the pseudo-second
and its hollow inner area. The magnification of the order model and the intraparticle diffusion model for STNTs
and STNTs-Ch beads, respectively.
selected area in Figure 3(a) is shown in Figure 3(b),
Kinetic model STNTs STNTs-Ch beads
which shows white aggregates in the outer and inner
Pseudo-second order
wall of the bead. Higher magnification of a group of Qe (mg · g−1) 31.4 ± 1.2 38.8 ± 1.6
aggregates is shown in Figure 3(c). Figure 3(d,e) shows k2 × 10−3 (g · mg−1 · min−1) 2.5 ± 0.6 0.8 ± 0.2
h (mg · g−1 · min−1) 2.5 ± 0.2 1.2 ± 0.1
the SEM-XEDS mapping of two aggregates; one of t1/2 (min) 12.7 ± 0.5 32.2 ± 1.3
them was from the cross-section and the other one R2 0.9224 0.9604
Intraparticle diffusion
from the outer wall. Both selected sites (Figure 3(d,e))
Kd1 (mg · g−1 · min−0.5) 3.4 ± 0.7 3.4 ± 0.5
showed the presence of Na, Si and Ti, confirming that C1 (mg · g−1) 3.9 ± 3.0 0.8 ± 2.1
the aggregates were indeed STNTs. R21 0.9550 0.9772
Kd2 (mg · g−1 · min−0.5) 0.9 ± 0.0 1.8 ± 0.5
The degree of protonation could affect the distri- C2 (mg · g−1) 16.3 ± 0.2 9.5 ± 5.0
bution of the particles inside the chitosan bead. The R22 0.9996 0.9237
Kd3 (mg · g−1 · min−0.5) 0.2 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.1
pKa of chitosan ranges from 6.17 to 6.54 for a degree C3 (mg · g−1) 28.0 ± 0.9 28.7 ± 2.3
of deacetylation from 94% to 73% [42]. In our study, R23 0.9560 0.9280
the degree of deacetylation was 70%. The pKa values Note: Numbers were rounded off to one decimal.

observations done for TNTs where a higher degree of layer, were higher for the first and second region of
reorganization of aggregates followed by an increased STNTs than that of STNTs-Ch beads. This can be corre-
surface area was observed in an acidic environment [45]. lated with the higher diffusion resistance observed for
STNTs. Overall, STNTs-Ch beads showed improved
diffusion than the STNTs alone.
3.2 Adsorption studies
3.2.1 Kinetic modelling of Cd2+ adsorption
3.2.2 Optimization of the dosage of STNTs in STNTs-
The kinetic data were best described by the pseudo-
Ch beads
second order and intraparticle diffusion models. Both
For a batch adsorption process, the overall removal can
models are described in Text S2. Table 1 shows the con-
be a guiding tool for the selection of optimal dosage,
stants obtained from modelling. The highest Qe was
whereas the kinetic parameters are those directing for
obtained for STNTs-Ch beads (38.8 mg · g−1), followed
a continuous process. We studied three additional
by STNTs (31.4 mg · g−1). The kinetic data of chitosan
dosages of STNTs in our STNTs-Ch beads (g STNTs ·
did not fit to any of the studied models (Table S5). For
g−1 chitosan): 0.14, 0.42 and 0.56, that were compared
that reason, we only calculated the experimental Qe
with the dosage of 0.28. The kinetic data were studied
using Equation S4, and was found to be low (Qe =
by using the pseudo-second order model. The model
5.21 mg · g−1). The higher Qe found for STNTs-Ch beads
constants are listed in Table S6. Figures 4(a)–(b)
is hypothesized to be due to (i) the chelation of Cd2+
depict the changes of k2, h, Qe, Cd2+ removal (%) and
by the duplet of electrons on nitrogen atoms present
t1/2 with increasing STNTs dosage. Figure 4(a) shows
in chitosan, and (ii) the dispersion of STNTs in the compo-
the low variation of h, which indicates that the adsorp-
site as confirmed by SEM-XEDS (cf. Figure 3(d)–(e), and
tion at the initial stage was independent of the dosage.
Section 3.1.2). Overall, the STNTs were shown to be the
In contrast, k2 showed an increasing trend due to the
main component involved in the adsorption of Cd2+ by
availability of more adsorption sites for Cd2+ as the
STNTs-Ch beads.
In Table 1, the initial adsorption rate (h) indicates that
adsorption of Cd2+ by STNTs was faster than STNTs-Ch
beads (2.5 versus 1.2 mg g−1 · min−1). In contrast, the
chemical rate (k2) for STNTs was slower as compared
with STNTs-Ch beads (2.5 × 10−3 versus 0.8 × 10−3 g
mg−1 min−1), which explains the higher resulting Qe for
STNTs-Ch beads. The advantage of a faster k2 and
higher Qe of STNTs-Ch beads indicates an improvement
in kinetics adsorption for STNTs-Ch beads.
Table 1 shows the Kd rates and C values from the
linear regressions of the intraparticle diffusion model.
The linear regressions (c.f. Figure S2) of the three com-
pared adsorbents: STNTs, chitosan beads and STNTs-Ch
beads, showed three regions that did not pass through
the origin, which means that diffusion is not the only
rate-liming step. The Kd rates and C values for each adsor-
bent were ranked as follows: Kd1 > Kd2 > Kd3 and C3 > C2 >
C1. As described by Weber [46], the first region is associ-
ated with the transport of Cd2+ ions towards the surface
of the adsorbent. Both STNTs and STNTs-Ch beads had
equal Kd1 indicating an identical pace. The second Figure 4. Relation between dosage of STNTs (g STNTs·g−1 chit-
region is associated with the diffusion of Cd2+ ions osan) present in STNTs-Ch beads and kinetic constants k2, h, t1/
through the pores of the adsorbent. The Kd2 of STNTs- 2 and Qe obtained from pseudo-second order kinetic modelling
Ch beads was twice the value of Kd2 of STNTs, indicating and total Cd2+ removal (%). In (a) k2 (g · mg−1 · min−1) and h
on a higher diffusion resistance for STNTs. Finally, the (mg · g−1 · min−1). In (b) Qe (mg · g−1), total Cd2+ removal (%)
and t1/2 (min) as a function of the STNTs dosage in STNTs-Ch
third region that is associated with the final equilibrium
beads. The dashed lines show the trends for each constant
stage showed the lowest and similar Kd3 values for with increased STNTs dosage. The experimental conditions
both adsorbents. One the other hand, C values, which were: pH = 6.5 ± 0.2, T = 22°C, Ci = 10 mg Cd2+ · L−1. Kinetic
are associated with the thickness of the boundary modelling was done with Graphpad prism®.

STNTs dosage increased. The changes in k2 influenced to the single solute solutions. Nevertheless, the overall
the resulting Qe that gradually decreased with increas- removal did not change and was ranked as: Pb2+ > Cd2
ing dosage of STNTs. In another study, similar >> Ni2+ for all cases. Similar removal ranking was
changes in Qe were observed for an increased dosage observed for TNTs when Cd2+, Pb2+, Ni2+ and Cr3+ were
of TNTs used for adsorption of Pb2+ [8]. Finally, the together in solution [5,8,33]. As there were differences
highest overall removal (82–87%) was obtained by the in the kinetics constants, we can hypothesize that the
dosages from 0.28 to 0.56. We chose 0.28 as the differences in the total removal would be larger if a
optimal dosage due to the small-observed variations higher concentration of metals close to a limiting
in this interval. threshold had been evaluated.

3.2.3 Metal ions competition

The competition of metal ions was evaluated by studying 3.2.4 Modelling of the adsorption isotherms
the kinetics of metals in single, bisolute and trisolute The best fit of the experimental data was found for the
equimolar metal solutions. The kinetic plots and the Langmuir model; the fitting to the Freundlich model is
pseudo-second order model constants for the metal shown in Table S8. Both models are described in Text
ions in the respective solutions are shown in Figure S3 S3. Figure S4 shows the modelling of adsorption iso-
and Table S7, respectively. We observed differences in therms of STNTs, chitosan beads and STNTs-Ch beads.
kinetics in the bisolute and trisolute solutions compared The constants obtained by the model are listed in
Table 2 along with other Ti- and Si-based nanotube
Table 2. Langmuir constants (Qm, KL and R 2) of our studied adsorbents reported before. The Qm of STNTs-Ch beads
adsorbents and other reported Ti- and Si-based adsorbents for was found to be 2.3 times higher than that of STNTs
Cd2+ adsorption, including conditions used, adsorbent dosage (656 versus 286 mg · g−1, Table 2). The Qm of chitosan
and reference. beads was the lowest (172.4 mg · g−1) but not negligible,
Langmuir Temperature dosage indicating that a fraction of Cd2+ ions was adsorbed to
Adsorbent constants (°C) and pH (g L−1) Reference chitosan, and is in line with our observations from kin-
Qm (mg g−1), etics (section 3.2.1). The RL values for STNTs and STNTs-
KL (L mg−1)
and R 2 Ch beads were found to be between 0 and 1, indicating
STNTs Qem= 286 ± 32 22°C, pH=6.8 0.24 This study that adsorption was favourable, reversible and linear at
KL = 0.07 ± lower concentrations.
R 2= 0.966 Table 2 shows that Qm of STNTs was higher than the
Chitosan Qem= 172 ± 37 22°C, pH=6.8 0.83 This study highest Qm previously reported for any of the Ti- and
beads KL = 0.02 ±
0.01 Si-based adsorbents. The highest previously reported
R 2 = 0.919 value for TNTs was 240 mg · g−1. SNTs functionalized
STNTs-Ch Qem= 656 ± 27 22°C, pH = 6.8 0.24 This study
beads KL= 0.039 ± with sym-diphenylcarbazide (SD) exhibited a Qm of
0.005 111.2 mg · g−1 for Cd2+, which was still lower than the
R 2 = 0.989 Qm found for STNTs-Ch beads in this study. These com-
TNT-cryoa Qm= 156 22°C, pH = 7.2 1.00 [22]
R 2 = 0.968 parisons indicate that the embedment of STNTs in chito-
TNTs Qm= 157 22°C, pH = 7.2 1.00 [22] san had a synergist effect on Cd2+ adsorption.
R 2 = 0.987
TNTsb Qm= 240 25°C, pH = 5 0.20 [7] The comparison of STNTs-Ch beads with other
R 2 = 0.999 recently developed adsorbents targeting Cd and shows
TNTs Qm= 240 25°C, pH = 5 0.20 [5]
R 2 = 0.999 that STNTs-Ch beads exhibit a higher capacity of adsorp-
TNMsb Qm= 216 25°C, pH = 5 0.20 [41] tion than that of other nano-based adsorbents, e.g.
R 2 = 0.999
TNs b
Qm= 239 20°C, pH = 5.0– 0.20 [8]
sulphur functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets (Qm
R 2 = 0.999 6.0 = 384 mg · g−1) [47], nano-KFeP2O7 implanted on silica
SNTsc Qm= 81
R 2 = 0.991
30°C, pH = 7.0 0.25 [10]
gel beads (Qm = 5.08 mg · g−1) [48] or thiol-functiona-
Qm= 111 30°C, pH = 7.0 0.25 [10] lized nano-Fe3O4 (Qm = 73.8 mg · g−1) [49]. The difference
R 2 = 0.991 with our reported Qm is considerable, even though all
Note: Values are rounded to significant digits.
TNTs, TNMs and TNs stand for titanate nanotubes, titanate nanomaterials and
mentioned adsorbents show higher surfaces areas
titanate nanotubes respectively. (168–208 m2 · g−1) than the studied STNTs-Ch beads
TNTs were supported in cryogels. (see Section 3.1.1). Overall, nanotube-based adsorbents
Silica nanotubes.
SD-SNTs, silica nanotubes functionalized with sym-diphenylcarbazide (SD). seem to have a natural affinity to adsorb Cd2+ which
Qm values were obtained by non-linear regression using Graphpad Prism®. could explain higher adsorption capacities.

3.3 Continuous removal of metal ions present in showed the beads were hollow, which means that
synthetic and real leachate water could have occupied the core of the beads. The
longitudinal diffusion rates of water molecules inside
We treated a synthetic Cd2+ solution (500 µg Cd2+·L−1)
the bead could have affected the Cd2+ adsorption
and real wastewater leachate by STNTs-Ch beads
during phase I. Phase II showed that Cd2+ adsorption
packed in columns. Figure S5 shows the fractions of
maintained a threshold of 0.9 for the removed fractions
Cd2+ removed (expressed as 1 − (C·C−1o )) from the syn-
until 107 bed volumes.
thetic solution as a function of bed volumes. Two
Figure 5(a)–(c) shows the fractions (1 − (C·C−1 o )) of
phases were observed during the treatment, phase I
removed metals from the real leachate as a function of
comprised 0 < bed volumes <15 and phase II comprised
bed volumes. We divided the column run in phase I
15 < bed volumes <275. During phase I, an outlier value
and II, based on the observations done for Cd2+ adsorp-
(1 − (C·C−1
o ) = 0.76) was observed at 7.5 bed volumes,
tion in Figure S5. Figure 5(a,b) shows metals that were
indicating that poor adsorption occurred. Figure 3(a)
removed during phase I. Figure 5(a) shows that alkali
and alkali-earth metals such as Mg2+, Ca2+and K+ are
removed up to 1 − (C·C−1 o ) < 0.5. Figure 5(b) shows that
transition metal ions such as Zn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+
are removed up to 1 − (C·C−1 o ) > 0.5. During phase II,
Figure 5(c) shows the removal of Cd2+ (transition
metal) and Pb2+ (post-transition metal) and their respect-
ive removed fractions that were found in the range of 1
− (C·C−1
o ) > 0.5.
In order to study the ranking of the fractions removed
in both phases, we plotted the data of the fractions
removed versus the ionic radii, hydrated radii, hydration
energy and electronegativity, respectively (the theoreti-
cal values are listed in Table S9). From our comparisons,
we found that R 2 values ≥ 0.7 occurs only for post-tran-
sition and transition metal ions plotted versus ionic
radii and hydration energy. The graphs can be found in
Figures S6a-d. Similar accordance between hydration
energy and adsorption capacities for Pb2+, Cd2+, Cu2+
and Cr3+ has been found for TNTs in batch experiments
[5,6]. The fractions removed of other ionic compounds

such as SO2− 3− +
4 , PO4 , NH4 and NO3 are shown in Figure S7.

Table 3. Repeated adsorption of Cd2+ using recycled STNTs-Ch

beads showing the obtained equilibrium capacity (Qe′ ), the
recovered Qe (Qe, recov, %) and the total removal and
desorption of Cd2+ (%) Experimental conditions: Cai
= 10 mg Cd2+ · L−1, T = 22°C, pH = 6.5 ± 0.2.
Removal Desorption
Number of efficiency of efficiency of Cd2+
cycles Qe′ (mg·g−1)b Qe recov (%) Cd2+ (%) (%)
1 38.6 ± 0.1 Na.d 99 69
2 36.8 ± 0.5 95 94 75
3 33.2 ± 0.6 86 85 89
4 33.3 ± 2.1 86 85 72
5 26.5 ± 2.3 69 68 71
6 24.7 ± 1.1 64 63 56
7 21.0 ± 0.6 54 54 52
Note that the initial concentration of Cd2+ could influence the number of
Figure 5. Fractions of ions adsorbed during the column run of b
cycles the adsorbent can be reused.
The precipitation of Cd(OH)2 inside the beads after the use of NaOH could
leachate expressed as 1 − (C·Co−1). In (a) adsorbed ions with 1 limit the number of times the adsorbent can be recycled with an
− (C·Co−1) < 0.5, in (b) ions with 1 − (C·Co−1) > 0.5 and in (c) unchanged Qe′ .
ions adsorbed after 12.5 bed volumes. Experimental conditions: The 1st cycle corresponds to virgin STNTs-Ch beads.
pH = 5.7 ± 0.3, T = 22°C, Ci = 34 μg Cd2+·L−1.
Na, not applicable.

Figure 6. Scheme of STNTs-Ch beads production from synthesis of STNTs to waste disposal without (upper area) or with (lower area)
recycling. The non-recycling balance shows single use to solid waste shown as steps 1 to 3 for 4 times of STNTs-Ch beads use. The
recycling process includes steps 1 to 7 where recycling of STNTs-Ch beads was performed three times. The pre-treatment was only
conducted for the 1st cycle.

3.4 Recycle and reuse of STNTs-Ch beads for the production of virgin beads. The additional
inputs for recycling were H2SO4 (step 5) and NaOH
The recycle of STNTs-Ch beads was composed of deso-
(steps 4 and 6). As a result, 1.9 times more of NaOH is
rption of Cd2+ and regeneration of the STNTs. The data
needed for a recycling process of 4 cycles as compared
for the optimization of desorption conditions can be
to 4 times of single use of STNTs-Ch beads.
found in Table S10. The results showed that a pre-treat-
To further reduce the amount of NaOH needed during
ment of STNTs-Ch beads with 0.1 M NaOH prior deso-
recycling, the optimization of the NaOH dosage needed
rption with H2SO4 increased the tolerance of the beads
in Steps 4 and 6 is more advantageous than the reuse of
from 0.01 M to 0.5 M H2SO4. The highest desorption
the supernatant in Step 1; the latter would only save
efficiencies were 71% and 75% for 0.1 and 0.5 M
3.3% of the total amount of NaOH. Note that the optim-
H2SO4, respectively. Hence, 0.1 M H2SO4 was selected
ization will be restricted by the alkalinity needed for
as a desorbing agent.
forming round-shaped chitosan beads and the amount
Table 3 shows the total removal (%) and desorption of
2+ of Na+ and OH− that needs to be replenished in regener-
Cd (%), the equilibrium capacity for each adsorption
ation [50,51].
cycle (Qe′ ) and the recovered capacity (Qe,recov, %). The
Recycling has advantages over a non-recycling
quantified mass loss was measured on dried beads and
process in terms of both consumed chemicals and the
found to be negligible. Satisfactory values of Qe,recov
lifespan of the adsorbent. To give an example, 89
(>86%) were obtained for up to four cycles with more
columns would be able to perform 445 treatments if
than 85% of Cd2+ removed. However, it was not possible
the adsorbent is recycled 4 times.
to desorb all Cd2+ in each desorption step; only 69% was
desorbed during the 1st cycle.

4. Conclusion
3.4.1 Comparison and balance of the consumed
chemicals for recycled STNTs For the sake of obtaining more secure water, the technol-
Figure 6 shows the different steps from STNTs-Ch bead ogies for treating complex waters need to be highly selec-
production followed by (i) single use or (ii) four times tive, but preferably also affordable and feasible. Although
reuse. Steps 1–3 comprise the synthesis of STNTs till some adsorbents have shown to be highly selective; there
the use of STNTs-Ch beads for adsorbing Cd2+, which is still a notable gap between lab research and pilot appli-
thereafter go to waste disposal. Steps 1–7 include a cations. In this study, we have chosen to work with a com-
four-times repeated use of recycled STNTs-Ch beads. posite made of a silicate-titanate nanotube that was
The detailed calculations for the respective scenarios embedded in a biodegradable hydrogel polymer (chito-
are shown in Table S11. Thus, for four times recycled san). The adsorbent was used for adsorbing Cd2+ from
STNTs-Ch beads, the amount saved for TiO2, SiO2, chito- synthetic water and real leachate. By dispersing the
san and HCl was three times the initial amount needed STNTs in chitosan beads, the BET surface area decreased

but a reduced degree of aggregation could be achieved, Res. 2014;24(4):378–399. doi:10.1080/09603123.2013.

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