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Self reflection

English 103 has been incredibly valuable in equipping me with essential skills that will support
me on my academic path. This course not only honed my writing and critical thinking abilities but also
armed me with practical strategies for organizing and managing my workload.

A standout lesson was mastering time management techniques. From the course's outset, we
were introduced to the benefits of utilizing a weekly planner. This tool proved instrumental in structuring
my tasks and allocating dedicated study, writing and leisure times. By scheduling my weeks meticulously,
I could effectively handle assignments and steer clear of last minute pressures.

Moreover, I gained insights into distinguishing between an article summary and a literary
analysis. Summarizing an article entails succinctly recapping its key points without interjecting personal
viewpoints. Conversely, delving into a literary analysis demands a deeper exploration of themes, symbols
and the author's narrative style. Grasping this contrast empowered me to approach each task appropriately
and employ the correct analytical methods.

Furthermore, enhancing my editing skills emerged as another pivotal takeaway from the course. I
acquired the ability to meticulously review my drafts for grammatical inaccuracies, awkward phrasing
and areas requiring enhanced clarity. I also discovered that reading my work aloud and taking breaks
before editing helped me catch errors that I might have overlooked.

Incorporating scholarly articles was also crucial in the course. I gained insight into finding
reliable sources by searching for peer reviewed journals and credible authors. This approach assisted me
in backing up my arguments with solid evidence and enhancing the quality of my essays.

Moreover, the course provided guidance on correctly using MLA quotations and citations. I
acquired knowledge on how to structure in text citations and compile a works cited page, which is vital
for avoiding plagiarism and acknowledging the original authors. This understanding ensures that my work
aligns with academic norms and demonstrates respect for others contributions.

Lastly, I delved into Freytag's Pyramid, a storytelling tool encompassing elements like
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. Adhering to this framework enabled me to
craft narratives with well defined beginnings, engaging middles and fulfilling endings that captivated

To sum up, English 103 has equipped me with valuable skills in time management, writing
proficiency and research The knowledge I gained from this course will support me in my upcoming
academic pursuits and beyond.

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