Character Analysis

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Character Name: Benvolio

Age: 16

Temperament (attitude, mood, nature): He seems like a introverted kind of guy

who’s only friends are really just Romeo and Mercutio but at his core he’s a good

guy with a good heart.

Situation in play: He warns Romeo that being outside in the open will cause one of

the Capulets to find them and if they start a fight it will not be pretty.

Objective(s) (what does the character want?): The character wants Romeo to be a

sensible young man and wants him to control his temper to help him to stay out of


Obstacle(s) (what’s preventing the character from achieving objectives?): Romeo

and the Capulets, Romeo is not the type to back down from a fight with that mixed

with the Capulet feud it equals to disaster that ends with his friend dead.

Describe societal status (prominence/finance/intelligence/level of schooling): He is

not the biggest figure in Verona but he must be very wealthy being related to the

Montagues and even if he has not had advanced schooling which I doubt by the

fact that he is more likely than not on the wealthier side he seems like a very

intelligent young man.

Personal/family history/background (what brought your character to this point?



Benvolio is a welly educated and a nice young man who is caught in the crossfire

of this horrible feud. He is Lord Montague's nephew and Romeo's cousin. Benvolio

serves as a middle man in the play while he fails over and over again due to the

fact that this feud is raging on more than ever before, attempting to prevent the

feud to get even worse between the families.

Relation/attitude to other characters (esp. ones your character deals with the most):

He likes Romeo and Mercutio and that’s pretty much it he is not presented as a

very outgoing character and doesn’t really like to socialize even with them he just

likes there presents and the fact that he has friends.

A secret (what does none of the other characters know about you?): To me

Benvolio is kind of like a spy for the Montagues he such a good person to Romeo

and his family knows that so they ask him to talk to him when he was down about

Rosaline but maybe this has happened in other situations before,

In THIS scene (explain where your character is coming from/what he or she is

thinking): He just wants to stop a fight from erupting I think he is so sick of the

endless fighting and hating that he just wants it to stop but nobody ever listens to

the peace maker.

Significance of this scene to the overall plot and themes: In this scene Romeo kills
Tybalt and this is what kicks of the chain of events that leads to three dead

teenager and a grieving family who will finally burry the hatchet.

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