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Report: Untitled

by jeet dutta

General metrics
12,072 1,889 127 7 min 33 sec 14 min 31 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

81 102 25 77
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 81%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
25 Correctness
3 Pronoun use
2 Misuse of modifiers
2 Incorrect verb forms
2 Misspelled words
2 Mixed dialects of english
3 Comma misuse within clauses
1 Conjunction use

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4 Improper formatting
4 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
2 Wrong or missing prepositions

9 Clarity
9 Wordy sentences

Unique Words 36%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 35%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5
Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 14.9

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Untitled

Executive Summary
With a focus on understanding the factors that contribute to personal
development, this portfolio is meant to be used as a tool for professional and
personal development. The goals presented in this portfolio are supported by
theoretical frameworks and pertinent information from lectures and seminars.
First, create and go over a study contract. This gives me the chance to reflect
on aspirations and objectives, my strengths and weaknesses, and how
principal duties change as move through various life periods. The agenda and
timetable might set up to commit to a self-administered study contract can
show how important it is. In the second phase, think about teaching and my
personal learning from the course or seminar. This section also covers the 5E
model. The module featured exercises and theoretical lectures delivered by
different specialists. Students reflect on their own opinions after the fact and
learn from their mistakes. Third, the following section describes how I
enhanced my skills by picking up new tricks and methods from my other
classmates. Finally, let's talk about the Nokia model for self-evaluation. It
outlines what succeeded, what has to be changed, and lastly what failed.

1.0 Introduction
The personal development portfolio is among the most important and critical
elements of higher education in the UK. Give students tools and methods for
conducting self-analysis. Similar to this, the use of personal development
portfolios has exploded since they became mandatory in many academic

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institutions. The idea is not precisely defined, and the market has seen the
emergence of many types and variations. Students should use caution while
performing self-evaluations since overconfidence might undermine genuine
goals. Personal development also includes skill development and personal
growth because I am in charge of learning and choosing how to do so. It is
essential given that this portfolio functions as a documentary about us
(Akbarov, 2022). This portfolio acts as a thorough personal development plan to
help in accomplishes professional and personal goals. I'll also highlight some
of my most important experiences and lessons learned from the many modules
in this portfolio. I can assess the situation as it is, suggest areas for growth,
and provide a range of educational resources. I get an opportunity to identify
myself and list my interests on the study contract as well. As a result, the
following section will go into greater detail about the learning contract.

2.0 Learning Contract

A learning contract is an agreement between a teacher and a student, a leader
and a follower, or a trainee and a trainer to achieve a specific goal, according to
Action Goals and Student Learning Contracts in Teaching Economics (1972).
Similar to this, successful learning agreements can considerably increase the
value of development and learning in ongoing tasks. This notion is well received
by (Bowman et al., 2021). He claims that the learning engagement gives
students the chance to maximise their research, critical-thinking skills, and
attitudes in order to enhance their educational experience. In my study
contract, I therefore describe my objectives, my schedule, and myself. As soon
as I finished my business administration degree in 2018, I began learning about
this. In the years that followed, I was able to travel and stay in Australia while
following my love of finance marketing.

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I also decided to continue my study since I could see a career in one of my

favourite fields, finance marketing. When I first started, I thought everything
was really difficult, but I ultimately learned to never give up on my goals and to
work hard since the effort was rewarding in the loveliest way. Thus, completing
a master's degree in finance marketing was a longstanding goal of mine for me.
I was full of renown, curiosity, knowledge, and imagination when I first entered
Lincoln University. Research has shown that motivation is closely related to
development since it influences behavior (Karlberg and Bezzina, 2022). I
believe that the power of dreams may inspire me to accomplish goals. This
motivation has enabled me to triumphantly go beyond every challenge. Since
English is not my first language, I had communication problems when the
school year first started. However, thanks to the assistance of the entire staff, I
am still able to communicate with my students and participate in their classes.
13 14
According to (Ma’arif et al., 2021), Identifying and building on my strengths is
15 1
crucial. Once I am aware of my strengths, i may play to them. Similar to this, if I
aware of our shortcomings, I may take steps to correct them. I then identify my
core strengths and weaknesses, realizing that my constant optimism and
proactive learning attitude are both my biggest assets and that I am capable of
finding hope even in the face of adversity. My main problem is that I sometimes
have trouble controlling my emotions and managing my time, which results in
overthinking. Now that I'm aware of my weaknesses, I've started trying to
improve them. I employ a variety of time management strategies, such as to-do
lists, bedtime journaling, and reminders. If I complete all of this, I will be more
punctual. I also try to put thoughts of each station aside and concentrate on
the present.
Additionally, certain situations necessitate particular behaviors, such as
coaching, learning, and leadership. To discuss my role as a leader, I must first

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define what a leader is. As the world becomes more diverse, leadership cannot
be characterized by a single definition; rather, it is based on the views of
several authors and theories (Mamlok-Naaman et al., 2019). For instance,
(Mamlok-Naaman et al., 2019) found that management spends time and effort
20 21
on choosing profitable options. Time management is also a component in this
as well. I won't be able to effectively manage time or come to intelligent
conclusions before that. According to McDonough (1999), students try to
identify the techniques and strategies that work best for them.
Similar to this, our early experiences frequently have a big impact on how I
learn and behave later in life (O’Dowd and Dooly, 2022). As shown in, I believe
that formative experiences affect how I see the future and contribute to the
achievement of our goals. I also discussed my current predicament. For
example, earning a master's in finance marketing opens up a lot more
opportunities for me in the future. I could start a finance marketing company
that helps small businesses, for instance, or pursue a PhD in one of his
marketing specialties after creating a plan and a career map to support goals.
When I can maintain my own business and work flexibly while he works as an
online professor of finance marketing, I know I've succeeded.

3.0 Reflective Journals on coaching sessions

In my first lesson, I learned the benefits of creative thinking. Complex problems
still require an original point of view to be solved, even though the world has
changed since he held his dull 9:00 to 5:00 job. This method of learning
motivates me to learn more useful information and use it in my daily activities(
Rahimova et al., 2021) I was happy to have the chance to learn in a way that
was different from traditional learning (pedagogy or andragogy) thanks to this
module. The learning in our class is based on shared values, and our professors

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serve as mentors to us. The value of learning contracts was also emphasized to
me by the teacher, and this was really helpful to me the entire semester.
3.1 Teaching, Mentoring and Coaching
It was a great experience to learn about coaching, mentoring, and teaching.
Before beginning this course, these three ideas seemed to be somewhat
related, but to my surprise, they are actually very different. The body of
research emphasizing the need for more funding and support for teachers to
mentor students has risen dramatically in recent decades. However, it's vital to
understand the conditions under which the distinction between mentoring and
teaching becomes sufficiently hazy in the context of pupils. Similar to this,
(Shodmonova, 2023) argues that coaching, rather than telling others what to
do, is a way to help individuals realize their greatest potential. Command,
control, and discipline have been the cornerstones of my teaching strategy up
to this point. On the other side, when I continued on to complete my bachelor's
degree, I became aware of my enthusiasm for my work and the encouragement
I was receiving from my professors. When I started playing the game of table
tennis, which I like, the same thing happened to me. Our coach exhorts us to
voluntarily broaden our awareness and perception.

3.2 Importance of Dialogue

I learned about pre-session discourse in subsequent sessions because most of
us only conceive of communication as meaningful interaction. However, in
(Zimmer and Matthews, 2022) opinion, discourse goes far further than that. It
is a society that values listening and mutual understanding. I've improved both
my client listening skills and my professional life once I realized that even the
most basic daily conversations with family and friends must be founded on
comprehension. In regard to the debate, I also learned about academic

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reflective writing and how important it is to put ideas down on paper. There are
various team exercises that allow me to talk about my cultural background and
style of thinking because of geographical variances (Vasquez, 2022). I thought
our class was quite different. Our students represent a variety of countries.
People vary in their critical assessments, beliefs, and actions. I frequently
share my history during study sessions.

The 5ES model

The finest method for producing material was the 5ES model, which was
created in 1999. 5ES were divided into various groups for this session based on
the five elements that are

• Entertainment
• Education
• Esthetic
• Escapist
• Environment

The much-anticipated finance marketing module was created by us. I learned

new information and gained more practical job experience thanks to this

IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research
Journal, 10(4), pp.702-704.
Bowman, M.A., Vongkulluksn, V.W., Jiang, Z. and Xie, K., 2022. Teachers’
exposure to professional development and the quality of their instructional

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technology use: The mediating role of teachers’ value and ability beliefs.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(2), pp.188-204.
Karlberg, M. and Bezzina, C., 2022. The professional development needs of
beginning and experienced teachers in four municipalities in Sweden.
Professional Development in Education, 48(4), pp.624-641.
Ma’arif, M.A., Zuana, M.M.M. and Sirojuddin, A., 2022. Improving Islamic Self-
Motivation for Professional Development (Study in Islamic Boarding Schools).
In Supporting Modern Teaching in Islamic Schools (pp. 123-134). Routledge.
Mamlok-Naaman, R., Eilks, I., Bodner, G. and Hofstein, A., 2022. Professional
development of chemistry teachers: Theory and practice. Royal Society of
O’Dowd, R. and Dooly, M., 2022. Exploring teachers’ professional development
through participation in virtual exchange. ReCALL, 34(1), pp.21-36.
Rahimova, G., Dedaxanov, B., Adilov, Z. and Qosimov, I., 2022. USE OF
Journal of new century innovations, 19(2), pp.161-168.
Shodmonova, N., 2023. Development of Coping Strategies in the Professional
Development of Students. Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative
Education, 2(6), pp.405-408.
Vasquez, L., 2022. The Impact of Professional Development on the Public Sector
Zimmer, W.K. and Matthews, S.D., 2022. A virtual coaching model of
professional development to increase teachers' finance learning competencies.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 109, p.103544.

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1. my aspirations Pronoun use Correctness

2. personal Wordy sentences Clarity

3. important and critical → Wordy sentences Clarity


4. Similar → Similarly Misuse of modifiers Correctness

5. accomplishes → accomplishing Incorrect verb forms Correctness

6. Similar → Similarly Misuse of modifiers Correctness

7. well received → well-received Misspelled words Correctness

8. maximise → maximize Mixed dialects of English Correctness

9. in order to → to Wordy sentences Clarity

10. , therefore, Comma misuse within Correctness


11. and marketing Conjunction use Correctness

12. favourite → favorite Mixed dialects of English Correctness

13. Ma’arif et → Ma’arif et Improper formatting Correctness

14. my strengths → my strengths Improper formatting Correctness

15. i→I Misspelled words Correctness

16. I am, or I was Incorrect verb forms Correctness

17. the thoughts Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

18. Mamlok-Naaman et Improper formatting Correctness

19. Mamlok-Naaman et Improper formatting Correctness

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20. also a or this as well Wordy sentences Clarity

21. in → of Wrong or missing Correctness


22. I → we Pronoun use Correctness

23. in Wrong or missing Correctness


24. PhD → Ph.D. Comma misuse within Correctness


25. my goals Pronoun use Correctness

26. really Wordy sentences Clarity

27. , and Comma misuse within Correctness


28. actually Wordy sentences Clarity

29. on Wordy sentences Clarity

30. a meaningful Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

31. In regard to → Wordy sentences Clarity

Regarding, Concerning, About, With

32. Various team exercises allow Wordy sentences Clarity

33. the virtual Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

34. THE PROFESSIONAL Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

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