E-Book On Benefits of GHK-Cu

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The Science-Backed

Benefits of GHK-Cu
for Younger, Healthier Skin
Restart Your Body’s
Natural Rejuvenation
Process for Smoother,
Healthier Skin
by Debbi Barber

Some of the most common signs of aging include Thankfully, Vitali’s innovative skincare formulas
fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet) incorporating GHK-Cu (Copper Peptides) can help
and mouth (laugh lines) in the mid-to-late 20s or bridge the gap. By mimicking the action of natural
early 30s. They are caused by decreased collagen GHK-Cu, these formulas stimulate collagen, elas-
and elastin production, the proteins that give skin tin, and keratin synthesis, smoothing wrinkles and
structure and elasticity. plumping the skin, effectively turning back the clock
on your skin’s health. Regularly using these innova-
The loss of collagen and fat also leads to a loss tive formulas can keep skin looking better despite
of volume in the face, making the cheeks appear aging and environmental damage.
sunken, the jawline less defined, and lips thinner.
Vitali Skincare is formulated with natural and or-
As we age, our skin loses its ability to retain mois- ganic ingredients; Formulated without Parabens,
ture, making it appear drier and less plump. One of Phthalates and free of fragrance and artificial color.
the reasons is the decrease in keratin production, a
protein in the outermost layer of The most basic explanation is that GHK-Cu (Copper
the epidermis. This decrease can also lead to thin- Peptide) causes rejuvenation by telling the body
ner and more fragile skin and a loss of skin tone, what to do. To quote Vitali’s Medical Advisor, Dr.
making the face appear saggy. Suzanne Feree, “As far as skin goes, GHK-Cu tells
your skin fibroblast, the STEM Cells of the skin, to
A tri-peptide, GHK-Cu, naturally present in your repair and regenerate as if they were younger cells.
body, helps keep your skin firm, smooth and hy- We’re talking about every single tissue where this
drated. Unfortunately, the levels of GHK-Cu decline molecule is used; it is able to repair and regenerate
with age. To put things into perspective, someone a more youthful expression of the cell.”
20 would have approximately 200ng/mL of GHK. At
60 years of age, this amount goes down to 80 ng/ Multiple studies show that this peptide not only
ML. This represents a 60% decrease in GHK levels improves the look of skin on a superficial level but
from age 20-60. As a result, our skin loses its firm- also improves how the body behaves towards the
ness and elasticity. skin and increases the skin’s overall health.
The Research
Several placebo-controlled clinical studies found
GHK-Cu to improve skin quality in women around
50. A survey of collagen production determined by
studying skin biopsy samples using immuno-
biological techniques found that after applying
creams to the thighs for one month, GHK-peptides
significantly affected collagen production. Increases
were seen in 70% of women treated with GHK-Cu,
in contrast to 50% treated with Vitamin C cream and
40% treated with retinoic acid.

A GHK-Cu facial cream reduced visible signs of In another 12-week facial study of 67 women
aging after 12 weeks of application to the facial skin between 50 and 59 years with mild to advanced
of 71 women with mild to advanced signs of pho- photodamage, a GHK-Cu cream was applied
toaging. The cream improved skin laxity, clarity, and twice daily and improved skin laxity, clarity,
appearance, reduced fine lines and the depth of firmness, and appearance, reduced fine lines,
wrinkles, and increased skin density and thickness. coarse wrinkles, and mottled pigmentation,
and increased skin density, and thickness.
A GHK-Cu eye cream, tested on 41 women
for twelve weeks with mild to advanced photo- The cream also strongly stimulated dermal
damage, was compared to a placebo control keratinocyte proliferation as determined
and an eye cream containing Vitamin K. The by the histological analysis of biopsies.
GHK-Cu cream performed better than both
controls in reducing lines & wrinkles, improving Restart your body’s natural rejuvenation
overall appearappearance, & increasing skin process with Vitali’s beautiful blue Copper
density and thickness. Peptide Skincare products.
The Power Duo
for Healthy,
Glowing Skin
by Debbi Barber

In our last blog, we explored how the combination of

GHK-Cu Copper Peptides and brown algae battles
the damaging impact of Glycation on the skin. Today,
let’s dive deeper into the benefits brown algae brings,
safeguarding and revitalizing your skin.

At Vitali, we incorporated this powerhouse from the

sea as a part of our skincare line because we believe
in the potency of natural and safe bioactive compounds
found within marine organisms. Brown Algae is loaded
with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids,
phytonutrients, and essential fatty acids readily
absorbed to nourish and support healthy skin.

In human clinical trials, the Fucus vesiculosus extract,

an ingredient in Vitali Skin Awakening Moisturizer and
Restorative Body Cream, reduced wrinkle depth and
improved overall skin appearance. It was also shown
to reduce age spots and increase radiance.

Vitali’s Restorative Skin Cell Serum is formulated

with the powerful brown Giant Sea Kelp (Macrocystis
pyrifera). This algae contains a variety of polysaccha-
rides that can help to hydrate the skin and strengthen
the skin barrier.


Revitalize the
Skin Around
your Eyes
by Debbi Barber

Your eyes are often the first thing people notice;

unfortunately, they can show your age. The skin around
the eyes is quite delicate and more susceptible to
wrinkles. A combination of skin movement from the
many expressions we make with our eyes and the loss
of collagen and elastin are the leading causes of wrinkles.

Your skin produces less oil as you age, resulting in drier

skin. This dryness can make wrinkles and fine lines
around your eyes even more pronounced. During the
aging process, the rate at which skin cells renew slows
down, making this delicate area even more fragile.

As we age, our hair follicles produce less hair, resulting

in thinner eyebrows, eyelashes, and hairs on our heads.
Hormonal changes and medications can also cause hair
loss on the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Vitali has created an Advanced Eye and Lash Formula

with four bio-active Peptides that can help to improve
skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, brighten dark circles, and
enhance eyelash and eyebrow thickness when used When it comes to combating the signs of aging around
consistently. your eyes, peptides offer a powerful solution. These tiny
protein molecules can revitalize and rejuvenate the
These four powerful bio-active peptides are formulat- delicate skin around your eyes.
ed with natural ingredients such as Sweet Almond Oil,
a non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic oil that gives So don’t let wrinkles, crow’s feet and puffy eyes make
the delicate skin around the eyes a soft and smooth you look older than you feel. Harness the power of
appearance, and Shea Butter. This natural ingredient is peptides and give your eyes the attention they deserve.
rich in fatty acids, which helps to keep the skin around Incorporate Vitali’s Advanced Eye and Lash Formula into
the eye hydrated and plump. (Vitali’s Eye and Lash your daily skincare routine and unlock the potential for
Cream is made without parabens or phthalates and revitalized, youthful-looking eyes and embrace a more
free of fragrance and artificial color.) confident, radiant you.
What Glycation
Does to your Skin
Three Ways to Fight it
by Debbi Barber

This reaction can occur in any tissue in the body and

it happens over time. However, the rate of glycation
can be accelerated by factors such as high sugar
consumption, smoking, increased blood-glucose
levels caused by stress, and oxidative stress caused
by UV exposure, air pollution, or poor lifestyle habits.

Oxidative radicals are the most important participants

in glycation reactions. Antioxidants protect the protein
structure from damage and inhibit the highly reactive Comprehensive studies have shown that AGEs not
precursor compounds of AGEs (carbonyl compounds) only reduce skin elasticity, accumulate pigments, and
that result from sugar chain cracking or lipid peroxidation. produce appearance changes such as wrinkles but
also destroy the skin barrier, cause the apoptosis of
When glycation reactions continue for an extended skin-related cells, and induce inflammation.
period, it can undergo further chemical reactions, and
the protein molecules cross-link and form Advanced In addition, AGEs are irreversible and difficult to
Glycation End Products (AGEs). AGEs lead to several metabolize. As AGEs accumulate year-by-year, the
health problems, including diabetes complications, skin undergoes profound changes from the inside to
heart, and Alzheimer’s disease. In recent years, many the outside. AGEs affect all levels of the skin, causing
scientific studies have revealed that advanced glyca- inflammation, ageing, yellowing and other issues.
tion end products are among the crucial contributory
factors of skin aging. The good news is that there are steps you can take
to reduce the effects of glycation and keep your skin
When sugar molecules bind to collagen and elastin looking its best.
proteins in the skin, such essential proteins cannot
correctly support the skin’s structure, leading to wrinkles 1. Eat an anti-AGEs diet. According to Mary Sabat,
and other signs of accelerated aging. The external signs Registered Dietician and Nutritionist that means to cut
of glycation start to appear between the ages of 30 to 35. down on sugars and refined carbohydrates, as they
can elevate blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of
Glycation presents the skin as cross-hatched lines and glycation. Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole
wrinkles. If you think of “normal wrinkles, they are linear grains and veggies instead. Embrace a rainbow of
and parallel to each other in areas of facial movement. antioxidant-rich foods, including berries, leafy greens,
Lines created by glycation cross over each other and and colorful vegetables, as they combat oxidative stress.
are often seen over the cheeks and chin.
2. Use anti-glycation products, such as Vitali phlorotannins from brown algae inhibited the
Skincare with GHK-Cu. This potent regenerative formation of advanced glycation end products
peptide can help your skin in a number of ways by: by scavenging reactive carbonyls.

• Stimulating the production of collagen and elastin 3. Consider supplementing with L-Carnosine.
Research has shown Carnosine can prevent AGE
• Inhibiting the activity of enzymes that break down formations through the reduction of blood glucose,
collagen and elastin prevention of early glycation, and even reversing
previously formed AGEs. Carnosine is a potent
• Neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative free-radical scavenger and anti-glycating agent that
stress, which can lead to glycation inhibits AGE formation and its cross-linked proteins,
helping to keep them functioning correctly. While
Another effective anti-glycation ingredient in you get Carnosine in your diet through animal
Vitali is brown algae. Brown Algae’s antioxidant protein, supplementing with L-Carnosine can boost
effect protects against the skin’s firming collagen you. Vitali’s Medical Advisor, Dr. Suzanne Ferree
degradation. It supports cellular energy production, Turner recommends that her patients supplement
increasing the skin’s oxygen supply. This process with 1,000 milligrams of L-Carnosine daily.
positively affects cell renewal skin’s overall appearance.

In addition to the GHK-Cu Copper Peptides, By following these tips, you can help reduce the
Brown Algae is a key ingredient in the Vitali Serum, effects of glycation and keep your skin looking
Moisturizer, and Body Cream. Research shows that healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Research Links:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9131003/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/
As we age, our skin becomes a reflection of our GHK-Cu, also known as Copper Peptides, has
overall health. But the signs of aging are not simply been scientifically proven to fight aging skin and
a result of time passing. There are various factors prevent the formation of senescent cells. This
at play, many of which we can actually influence. powerful peptide combines small amino chains
with blue copper to promote the skin’s natural
One such factor is the presence of senescent cells, ability to restore itself. This powerful peptide
which contribute to both intrinsic and extrinsic ag- combines small amino chains with blue copper to
ing. These damaged cells stop dividing and cannot promote the skin’s natural ability to restore itself.
repair themselves, but they don’t die either. Instead,
they release harmful aging factors that affect the
health of your skin and tissues.

Over time, the accumulation of senescent cells not

only leads to aging but also increases the risk of
age-related diseases. Senescence can be induced
prematurely as a consequence of direct and per-
sistent DNA damage, oxidative stress, mitochondri-
al dysfunction and chemotherapy.
Here’s how GHK-Cu accomplishes this:
Senescent cells can wreak havoc on your skin,
causing wrinkles, age spots, reduced collagen Unleashing Powerful Antioxidant Activity:
production, and even the growth of cancer cells. The skin is constantly exposed to damaging
That’s where GHK-Cu can make a difference. UV radiation, which produces harmful free
radicals known as Reactive Oxygen Species
(ROS). While the skin contains antioxidants to
neutralize these free radicals, excessive sun
exposure can overwhelm its defense system,
leading to oxidative stress and senescence.
GHK-Cu steps in by blocking reactive carbon
species, detoxifying toxic lipid peroxidation
products, and protecting keratinocytes from
lethal UVB radiation.
continued >
Excessive sun exposure can
overwhelm our skin’s defense
system, leading to oxidative
stress and senescence.

UVA rays are more penetrating and affect cells Removing Damaged Proteins: GHK-Cu activates
deeper indirectly damaging DNA and causing and strengthens the protective Ubiquitin/Protea-
wrinkles. UVB rays damage the outermost layer some System, which is responsible for eliminating
of the skin directly damaging DNA and they cause damaged proteins from cells. This crucial system
the most skin cancers. GHK-Cu not only protects ensures that cells function properly and aids in re-
keratinocytes from lethal UVB radiation, GHK-Cu pairing DNA damage caused by exposure to harm-
can activate genes for DNA repair. ful Ultraviolet radiation. Research has demonstrated
that activation of Proteasome slows down aging.
Restoring Vitality to Skin Fibroblasts: Fibroblasts
play a crucial role in skin regeneration, but their Preserving Stem Cells and Proliferation Capacity:
activity and function decline with age, resulting in GHK-Cu maintains the survival and proliferation
the loss of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. of stem cells in the basal epidermis by regulating
GHK-Cu has been proven to rejuvenate fibroblasts, integrins and p63 proteins. These proteins connect
restoring their normal function even after exposure skin cells to the underlying structures, promoting
to radioactive treatment. the longevity and vitality of the skin.

Activating Genes for DNA Repair: Recent research With GHK-Cu, you can fight aging skin and
has shown that changes in gene activity can be prevent the detrimental effects of senescent cells.
reversed with the help of natural molecules. GHK- This revolutionary peptide has been thoroughly
Cu has the incredible ability to modulate gene researched and established as a powerful solution
expression, stimulating the activity of DNA repair for rejuvenating your skin. By incorporating Vitali’s
genes and resetting them to a healthier state. This high-quality formulas with GHK-Cu (Copper Pep-
ensures that the skin can effectively repair itself tides) into your skincare routine, you can combat
from the damages caused by metabolic activities the detrimental effects of senescent cells and
and environmental factors. rejuvenate your skin from the inside out.

Resources: This article has been medically reviewed by

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4180391/ Dr. Suzanne J. Ferree, M.D., FAARM, ABAARM
What Happens
When your Skin
Gets Sunburned?
by Debbi Barber

How to heal faster from sunburn with Once the cells of the top layer of skin (called
Copper Peptides keratinocytes) detect DNA damage in themselves,
they begin producing molecules to attract
This past month, I have had several customers immune cells into the skin. This action causes
ask about using Copper Peptides (GHK-Cu) for the skin’s blood vessels to leak into the spaces
sunburn. GHK-Cu, the great wound healer, can between cells and other skin structures.
be a great protector as well as a healer for sun
damage. Today, I would like to share more This extra fluid and the swelling leads to red skin,
about how it works. a hot sensation, and painful sensitivity of freshly
sunburnt skin.
What happens when your skin gets sunburned?
Immune cell invasion begins while you’re still
Sunburn is a radiation burn caused when the sun’s sitting in the sun but increases about an hour
ultraviolet (UV) rays damage DNA in the upper after you come in from the sun. The process
layer of skin cells. The sun emits three kinds of UV peaks 24 to 48 hours later, which is why the
radiation - UVA, B, and C. UVC is absorbed by the redness and pain of a sunburn can continue
earth’s atmosphere, but UVA and B rays reach the developing for a couple of days.
ground and can penetrate unprotected skin.
How do Copper Peptides help?
UVB penetrates the
epidermis, the top Copper Peptides demonstrate remarkable
layer of the skin, which anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power that
can induce a suntan can speed up sunburn healing and help treat
and sunburn. It can the redness caused by sunburn inflammation.
also cause DNA Research shows that GHK-Cu increases the
damage. UVA has healing rate following burn by as much as 33%.
low energy and never In addition to recruiting immune cells and fibro-
burns the skin. However, blasts, GHK-Cu promotes blood vessel growth,
it is the most danger- crucial in wound healing as burned skin often
ous type of UV radiation as it can penetrate much has impaired blood vessel regeneration.
more profoundly than any other UV radiation, (See Research)
damaging skin collagen and cell DNA.
continued >
The healing power
of Vitali Skin Cell
Restorative Serum
with Copper Peptides

To demonstrate the results, here are before and Silk Amino Acids from the silkworm’s cocoon
after photos from a Vitali customer who suffered have a chemical composition close to protein
a second degree burn while cooking. She used in human skin. It has been shown to inhibit the
the serum on the wounds immediately and twice formation of excess melanin in the skin, helping
a day for two weeks. prevent dark spots and freckles.

In addition to the sunburn and DNA healing

that GHK-Cu offers, Vitali’s skincare products are
formulated with multiple ingredients that heal Once you’ve applied the serum, you can layer
sun-damaged skin. The Skin Cell Restorative more hydration and moisture with Vitali’s Skin
Serum (available in 2% and 3% GHK-Cu strength) Awakening Moisturizer and Restorative Body
is formulated with other natural skin-healing Cream. Both combine Copper Peptides with
ingredients that help you recover from too much natural and organic ingredients such as Sea
sun. Some of these ingredients include: Buckthorn to strengthen skin and Shea Butter,
known for healing irritated and stressed skin.
Macrocystis Pyrifera (Giant Sea Kelp) which The moisturizer includes Jojoba Seed Oil, which
replenishes proteins and minerals lost in the provides a durable layer of moisture for the skin,
sun, firms the appearance of skin and protects while the Body Cream contains both Aloe Leaf
against photo-aging, Juice and Aloe Butter.

Allantoin is a botanical extract found in the Undoubtedly, it is better not to be overexposed

comfrey root. It is moisturizing and can also to the sun. Use Vitali serum with Copper Peptides
cause the keratin in the skin to soften. The soft- followed by mineral sunscreen BEFORE sun
ening enables the skin to heal quickly and bind exposure. However, if and when sunburn
moisture more effectively, making it ideal for dry happens, you can speed up the recovery with
skin, wound healing, burns, and scars. Vitali Copper Peptide products.

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