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What is a JSA and JHA?

• JSA – Job Safety Analysis • JHA – Job Hazard Analysis
“micro” – done every day “macro” – should be reviewed
every 1-2yrs
Physical, environmental & safety
factors best for stationary or Technique that focuses on job
repetitive production tasks – a tasks as a way to identify hazards
work environment that changes before they occur. Focus on
very little. relationship between the worker,
task, tools and environment.

• Choose the procedure(s) to focus on – these will be high-priority


• History of past injuries or frequency of safety incidents

• High potential to cause an injury
• Potentially high severity of incidents
• Infrequent use and low hazard awareness
• New processes or equipment
• Take the job procedure under
analysis and break it into steps:

• Observe an employee as he or
Break the job she is doing the job
into steps….. • Video an employee as he or
she is doing the job
• This should try and be done in
10 or fewer steps and not
omitting key steps
• Look at each step and pinpoint what could go
wrong, ask yourself:

• Could moving objects or equipment pieces

cause a hazard
• Is lifting, pushing/pulling required that could
cause a strain
• Could someone slip, trip or fall
Identify • Environmental hazards present – extreme
hazards….. temps, lighting or noise
• Presence of harmful substances – chemicals,
dust or fumes
• Unguarded machinery
• Confined space
• Working from heights, ladders, roofing, scaffolds
• Electrical – frayed cords, missing ground pins,
improper wiring
Eliminate the hazard – most effective – consider
using a different process, modify process or tools,
Eliminate substitute materials and adapting to the work
environment (ventilation, hearing conservation,

Use hierarchy of Contain the hazard – can’t eliminate the hazard –

controls to Contain use controls like machine guards or work booths

hazards –
Revise your work procedures – when possible, look
implement Revise for ways to modify the procedure to lower its risk –
by adding steps or changing around
Reduce job frequency – if none of the above are an
Reduce option, look for ways to minimize how often
employees perform a certain job
Communicate what you find…..

• The entire purpose is to help people understand how to work more safely,
be sure and:

• Distribute copies of the JSA to all affected

• Include safety measures identified in the JSA in the employee training
• Make the JSA easily accessible
• Use the JSA to inform refresher training for infrequent jobs
• JSA – manager/supervisor should
observe the procedure and
compare it on a monthly basis
• After an incident – investigate the
Review and incident and compare it against
the JSA procedure – this will
update….. identify gaps in the process or to
identify if an employee needs
additional training
• Process or equipment change
What is the bear…..

the JSA or JHA

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