Gold Experience A1 Page 86

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No. Vocabulary Meaning Example

1 arm (n. /ɑːm/) cánh tay She waved her arm goodbye.

2 back (n./bæk/) lưng She has a pain in her back.

3 beard (n. /bɪəd/) râu The man had a long, gray beard.

4 blond(e) vàng hoe She has blonde hair.

(adj. /blɒnd/)

5 curly (adj. /ˈkɜːli/) xoăn He has curly hair.

6 fair (adj. /feə(r)/) sáng She has fair skin and blonde hair.

7 finger (n. /ˈfɪŋɡə(r)/) ngón tay Point your finger at the picture you want.

8 feet (n. /fiːt/) bàn chân My feet hurt after standing all day.

9 head (n. /hed/) đầu He turned his head to listen to the noise.

10 knee (n. /niː/) gối She knelt down to tie her shoelace.

11 leg (n. /leɡ/) chân He broke his leg playing soccer.

12 Moustache ria mép The man had a bushy moustache.

(n./ˈmʌstæʃ/ /məˈstɑːʃ/)

13 neck (n. /nek/) cổ She wore a scarf around her neck.

14 red (adj./red/) đỏ The dress is red.

15 Shoulder vai He carried the backpack on his shoulder.

16 sledge (n./sledʒ/) xe trượt tuyết The children went sledging down the hill.

17 snowball (n. /ˈsnoʊˌbɔːl/) cục tuyết They threw snowballs at each other.

18 snowman (n. /ˈsnəʊmæn/) người tuyết We built a snowman in the garden.

19 space (n. /speɪs/) không gian There wasn't enough space for everyone to sit.

20 straight (adj. /streɪt/) thẳng He has straight hair.

21 toe (n. /təʊ/) ngón chân He stubbed his toe on the table leg.

22 wing (n. /wɪŋ/) cánh The bird flapped its wings and flew away.

23 prepare (v. /prɪˈpeə(r)/) chuẩn bị Please prepare dinner for tonight.

24 cooker (n. /ˈkʊkə(r)/) bếp I need to buy a new cooker.

25 piece of paper mảnh giấy Can I have a piece of paper, please?

(n. /piːs/ /ˈpeɪpə(r)/)

26 turn off (phrasal verb) Tắt Please turn off the lights when you leave.
Turn on mở

27 spelling (n. /ˈspelɪŋ/) chính tả, đánh vần Let's practice our spelling.

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