AgreeDisagree Extent UnpaidCommunityWorkForTeenagers

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in
their free time. This can benefit both teenagers and the community as well. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

There is a viewpoint that suggests teenagers should be required to do unpaid

community work in their free time because this can benefit both teenagers and the
community as well. However, I strongly disagree with this perspective1.

In my opinion, it is not necessary for teenagers to be obligated2 to engage in unpaid

community work during their free time for following reasons. Firstly, it is essential to
recognize that they already have numerous responsibilities, including their studies,
extracurricular activities, and personal development. Adding the requirement of unpaid
community work could overwhelm3 them and leave little time for relaxation and self-
care. Teenagers need time to recharge and pursue 4 their own interests and hobbies,
which contribute to their overall well-being and personal growth. Secondly, it is
important to consider that teenagers are still in the process of discovering their passions 5
and interests. Forcing them into unpaid community work might limit their exploration of
different areas and hinder6 their ability to find their true calling. Teenagers should be
given the freedom to explore various avenues 7, whether it be through internships, part-
time jobs, or personal projects, which can provide them with valuable skills and
experiences directly relevant8 to their future careers.

On the other hand, there are several agruments supporting the idea that teenagers and
the community can have benefits by doing unpaid community work. Firstly, teenagers
might learn to navigate real-world challenges, work collaboratively with others, and
develop a sense of responsibility. Moreover, unpaid community work allows teenagers
to develop a sense of empathy and social awareness. For instance, by interacting with
different individuals and communities, they become more understanding and
compassionate9 towards others. Besides, teenagers can contribute fresh ideas and

Quan điể m

Bị bắ t buộ c

/ˌoʊ·vərˈhwelm, -ˈwelm/ Là quá nhiề u/ to be too much to deal with

Theo đuổ i

Đam mê

Cả n trở

C1 (n) /ˈæv.ə.njuː/ - Wide road

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energy to projects and initiatives10 for community. However, while community work can
have positive impacts, it should be voluntary rather than compulsory 11. When
individuals engage in community work willingly, they are more likely to invest their
time and effort wholeheartedly12, leading to more meaningful contributions.

In conclusion, while some argue for mandatory 13 unpaid community work for teenagers,
I firmly believe that it should not be enforced. They already face numerous obligations 14,
and their personal growth and development should be prioritized. They should be
provided opportunities to explore their passions, gain relevant skills, and contribute to
the community voluntarily15. This approach allows teenagers to flourish and make
genuine16, impactful contributions to society.

Nhâ n á i

Sá ng kiế n

(adj) Bắ t buộ c

Hế t lò ng - /ˌhəʊlˈhɑː.tɪ C2 (adv)

Bắ t buộ c

Nghĩa vụ

Tự nguyệ n - C2 adv - in a voluntary way

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