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Santa Cruz Integrated National High School

Santa Cruz, Laguna

SY 2018-2019

I. A.Specify the literary element described.

1. The conversation in a play.

A. Dialogue B. Plot C. Setting D. Scenery

2. The various elements that are used to create particular visual setting for a play.
A. Dialogue B. Plot C. Setting D. Scenery

3. It appeals to the senses ( show don’t tell).

A. Density B. Imagery C. Rhythm D. Sound

B. What film genre does the following words suggest?

4. A tense challenge to refuse a bomb: Car chases Explosions Fighting scenes Gunshots
A. Action B. Adventure C.Documentary D.Horror

5. Alien invasion Captains futuristic technology Laser guns spaceship

A. Action
B. Adventure C. Documentary D. Science Fiction

6. courtship date daydreaming object of affection sweet nothings

A. Documentary
B. Drama C. Romance D. Suspense-Thriller

7. camera footages interviews reality viral videos

A. Documentary B. Drama C. Romance D. Suspense-Thriller

8. apparitions creepy encounters goosebumps orb sightings tales from the crypt twilight
A. Action
B. Adventure C. Documentary D. Horror

9, child’s play getting lost secret passage thrilling chase unusual discovery
A.Action B. Adventure C.Documentary D.Horror

10. bones found facing your fear heart pounding muffled screams panic room psychopath
A. Action B.Horror C.Horror D.Suspense-Thriller

11. embarrassing situations laugh out loud punch lines slapsticks

A. Action B. Adventure C. Comedy D.Thriller

12. confrontations courtroom decision emotional breakdown poor vs rich trial

A. Documentary
B. Drama C. Romance D.Suspense-Thriller

C. Match the literary convention of fiction on the left column with a particular genre on the right column. Note
only the letter in your answer sheet.

13. The central dominating idea A. Character

14. It is the sequence of events in a story or a play B. Conflict

15. How the character is told- more specifically who tells it? C. Plot

16. It refers to place time, weather condition, and even

mood or atmosphere. D. Point of View

17. Person in a work of fiction/characteristics of a person

(protagonist/antagonist). E. Setting.

18. Opposition of forces which ties one incident to another

and makes the plot move. (external and internal). F. Theme

D. What genre does each group of subgenres belong?

A. Drama B. Fiction C. Folktale D. Nonfiction E. Poetry

19. ABC Poem Ballad Epic Free Verse Haiku Narrative Song Sonnet

20. Fable Fairy Tale Legend Myth Tall Tale

21. Autobiography Biography Essay Informational Reference

22. Fantasy Mystery Patterned after a real story Science


23. Comedy Musicals Plays Skits Tragedy

II. A.Comment on the following memoir samples by selecting the most appropriate manner of critiquing each
text. Write only the letters that correspond to the specific comment.
24-28. My Pursuit of Happiness
Actually, I started my pursuit of happiness as soon as I came into this world. My Mom says that I was an extremely
capricious baby – I could cry out loud for a rather long period of time until all my demands were satisfied. A little
terrorist, with large rainy eyes and a loud voice, I was! Later on, as I grew up, I preserved my willingness to do
everything to get what I wanted, but I learnt some new and more effective methods of achieving my goals.
I remember that, when I was 4 years old, I wanted to have a dog. Absolutely nothing, even my allergy to dogs, could
prevent me from making my dream come true…
24. A.The title is captivating – it sets the tone
B. The title is not captivating – it does not set the tone

25. A. it reveals all the secrets.

B.but it does not reveal all the secrets.

26. A.This example of memoir contains some self-criticism.

B. This example of memoir does not contain some self-criticism.

27. A. The author sounds truly sincere

B. The author does not sound truly sincere

28. . A. when s/he calls himself (herself) a terrorist.

B. even when she calls himself (herself) a terrorist

29-30. A Revolution at School

The events of that sunny spring day turned out to change the course of history at our school. I am proud of being one of
the revolutionaries, who drove the change.
The problem was our school uniform, which w
as more or less bearable in winter, but became a cause of students’ torture in spring, because it was too hot. This is
why the girls from our class agreed to wear jeans instead of the uniform one day, to show our protest against the silly
school rule of wearing the uniform even when it was too hot for it. We felt a bit scared before the beginning of the first
lesson. Mrs. Stone, our Geography teacher, had to be the first to see our silent protest…
29. .A.The author does not express his/her feelings and emotions about an important event at school.
B. The author expresses his/her feelings and emotions about an important event at school.

30. A.T his sample memoir focuses more on the author’s personality, than on the event.
B. This sample memoir focuses more on the event, than on the author’s personality.

31-32.One Hour to Remember

I would never have thought that only one hour could change all my life views. Yet, an hour I spent stuck in a broken
elevator with a complete stranger influenced my life views greatly.
The stranger wore black sunglasses and a grey coat and he behaved a bit strangely. At first, it seemed that, despite my
agitation, he did not even notice that we were stuck. He looked so calm that I even wondered if he was not going to unfold
his rug and start meditating in the elevator. Instead however, we simply spoke for a whole hour and only at the end of that
hour, I got to know that Mr. White (this was the stranger’s name) was visually impaired. It was unbelievable! The main
lesson I learnt in the broken elevator was that a person can be happy despite any hardships s/he faces, if only s/he truly
wants to…
31. A. This memoir example illustrates a wasteful day in the author’s life
B. This memoir example illustrates an important moment in the author’s life.

32 A. It explains the lesson that the author learnt.

B. It explains how he could have spent the day into something more useful.

Match the specific quality or supposed content of an ideal travelogue with the corresponding tip suggested. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.
Travelogue Content/Quality Tips in Writing an Ideal Travelogue
33. The human memory is imperfect, especially when it
comes to exact numbers. During your journey, make notes about
prices, distances, and small nuances that might be important for
a good
travel blog. A. Add contacts and sources

34. You are not a mother who tells her children fairy tales
about unicorns and Santa Claus. You may interest your
readers with a pretty story, but they won’t be grateful for it.
them with trustworthy guidelines is a much better decision. B. Add photos

35. It’s good to know your poetic heart is eager for lyrics
and fancy words. Still, you have to acknowledge the practical
of your travelogue. Include average prices for food, transport,
and habitation. Mention how much time you needed to visit a
certain museum or how far the airport was from the city center. C. Describe one or two locations in detail

36. Visual materials are multifunctional. They increase the

attractiveness, credibility, and design of your travelogue at the
same time. Add only high-quality pictures that will no doubt
impress your readers. D. Include numbers

37. The ambulance, police, and emergency services – these

telephone numbers differ from country to country. You shouldn’t
put them in the first paragraph, as such a move may frighten your
readers. Still, this information can be crucial in particular
Don’t forget about taxis, food delivery, and auto rental. E. Make notes

38. Choose one or two places that have impressed you the most.
Let your readers see those locations as if they were you. Provide a
detailed depiction that will attract any tourist. F. Mention disadvantages

39. Every destination has its own pitfalls. Any tourist would
prefer to be aware of troubles and difficulties before facing
It’s better to be prepared. G. Tell the truth

B. Relate the ideas described with the proper forms and types of creative nonfiction and the way they are written.
Give only either the letter or number of the correct answer.

40-44. Arrange in order the following steps in writing:

editing drafting prewriting publishing revising

45-46. Journalism deals with 45) while literature deals with 46) .
A. data B. facts C. knowledge D. truth

47. If you added a character, made up dialogue or described events that never took place, you've moved away from
literary non-fiction to fiction based on fact, you are writing .
A.Autobiography B. Biography C. Literary Journalism D. Personal Narrative

48. It tells about events that hold special memories which evoke emotion is one characteristic of .
A. Autobiography B. Literary Journalism C. Memoirs D. Personal Narrative

49. A can take the form of a diary, journal, what's new page, or links to other web sites.
A. Blog B. Literary Journalism C. Memoirs D. Personal Narrative

50. “Embrace unknowns in the journey, fear drowns, faith guides” is an inspiring quotation in a .
A. Literary Journalism C. Personal Narrative
B. Memoirs D. Travelogue

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”–
Malcolm X

KEY TO CORRECTION Santa Cruz Integrated National High School

Santa Cruz, Laguna

SY 2018-2019

I. A.Specify the literary element described.

1. The conversation in a play.

A. Dialogue B. Plot C. Setting D. Scenery

2. The various elements that are used to create particular visual setting for a play.
A. Dialogue B. Plot C. Setting D. Scenery

3. It appeals to the senses ( show don’t tell).

A. Density B. Imagery C. Rhythm D. Sound

B. What film genre does the following words suggest?

4. A tense challenge to refuse a bomb: Car chases Explosions Fighting scenes Gunshots
A. Action B. Adventure C.Documentary D.Horror

5. Alien invasion Captains futuristic technology Laser guns spaceship

A. Action
B. Adventure C. Documentary D. Science Fiction

6. courtship date daydreaming object of affection sweet nothings

A. Documentary
B. Drama C. Romance D. Suspense-Thriller

7. camera footages interviews reality viral videos

A. Documentary B. Drama C. Romance D. Suspense-Thriller

8. apparitions creepy encounters goosebumps orb sightings tales from the crypt twilight
A. Action
B. Adventure C. Documentary D. Horror

9, child’s play getting lost secret passage thrilling chase unusual discovery
A.Action B. Adventure C.Documentary D.Horror

10. bones found facing your fear heart pounding muffled screams panic room psychopath
A. Action B.Horror C.Horror D.Suspense-Thriller

11. embarrassing situations laugh out loud punch lines slapsticks

A. Action B. Adventure C. Comedy D.Thriller

12. confrontations courtroom decision emotional breakdown poor vs rich trial

A. Documentary
B. Drama C. Romance D.Suspense-Thriller

C. Match the literary convention of fiction on the left column with a particular genre on the right column. Note
only the letter in your answer sheet.

13. The central dominating idea A. Character

14. It is the sequence of events in a story or a play B. Conflict

15. How the character is told- more specifically who tells it? C. Plot

16. It refers to place time, weather condition, and even

mood or atmosphere. D. Point of View

17. Person in a work of fiction/characteristics of a person

(protagonist/antagonist). E. Setting.

18. Opposition of forces which ties one incident to another

and makes the plot move. (external and internal). F. Theme

D. What genre does each group of subgenres belong?

A. Drama B. Fiction C. Folktale D. Nonfiction E. Poetry

19. ABC Poem Ballad Epic Free Verse Haiku Narrative Song Sonnet

20. Fable Fairy Tale Legend Myth Tall Tale

21. Autobiography Biography Essay Informational Reference

22. Fantasy Mystery Patterned after a real story Science


Downloaded by Madgenino Gleanson Arao-arao (


23. Comedy Musicals Plays Skits Tragedy

II. A.Comment on the following memoir samples by selecting the most appropriate manner of critiquing each
text. Write only the letters that correspond to the specific comment.
24-28. My Pursuit of Happiness
Actually, I started my pursuit of happiness as soon as I came into this world. My Mom says that I was an extremely
capricious baby – I could cry out loud for a rather long period of time until all my demands were satisfied. A little
terrorist, with large rainy eyes and a loud voice, I was! Later on, as I grew up, I preserved my willingness to do
everything to get what I wanted, but I learnt some new and more effective methods of achieving my goals.
I remember that, when I was 4 years old, I wanted to have a dog. Absolutely nothing, even my allergy to dogs, could
prevent me from making my dream come true…
24. A.The title is captivating – it sets the tone
B. The title is not captivating – it does not set the tone

26. A. it reveals all the secrets.

B.but it does not reveal all the secrets.

26. A.This example of memoir contains some self-criticism.

B. This example of memoir does not contain some self-criticism.

27. A. The author sounds truly sincere

B. The author does not sound truly sincere

28. . A. when s/he calls himself (herself) a terrorist.

B. even when she calls himself (herself) a terrorist

29-30. A Revolution at School

The events of that sunny spring day turned out to change the course of history at our school. I am proud of being one of
the revolutionaries, who drove the change.
The problem was our school uniform, which w
as more or less bearable in winter, but became a cause of students’ torture in spring, because it was too hot. This is why
the girls from our class agreed to wear jeans instead of the uniform one day, to show our protest against the silly school
rule of wearing the uniform even when it was too hot for it. We felt a bit scared before the beginning of the first lesson.
Mrs. Stone, our Geography teacher, had to be the first to see our silent protest…
29. .A.The author does not express his/her feelings and emotions about an important event at school.
B. The author expresses his/her feelings and emotions about an important event at school.

30. A.T his sample memoir focuses more on the author’s personality, than on the event.
B. This sample memoir focuses more on the event, than on the author’s personality.

31-32.One Hour to Remember

I would never have thought that only one hour could change all my life views. Yet, an hour I spent stuck in a broken
elevator with a complete stranger influenced my life views greatly.
The stranger wore black sunglasses and a grey coat and he behaved a bit strangely. At first, it seemed that, despite my
agitation, he did not even notice that we were stuck. He looked so calm that I even wondered if he was not going to unfold
his rug and start meditating in the elevator. Instead however, we simply spoke for a whole hour and only at the end of that
hour, I got to know that Mr. White (this was the stranger’s name) was visually impaired. It was unbelievable! The main
lesson I learnt in the broken elevator was that a person can be happy despite any hardships s/he faces, if only s/he truly
wants to…
31. A. This memoir example illustrates a wasteful day in the author’s life
B. This memoir example illustrates an important moment in the author’s life.

32 A. It explains the lesson that the author learnt.

B. It explains how he could have spent the day into something more useful.

Match the specific quality or supposed content of an ideal travelogue with the corresponding tip suggested. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.
Travelogue Content/Quality Tips in Writing an Ideal Travelogue
33. The human memory is imperfect, especially when it
comes to exact numbers. During your journey, make notes about
prices, distances, and small nuances that might be important for
a good
travel blog. A. Add contacts and sources

34. You are not a mother who tells her children fairy tales
about unicorns and Santa Claus. You may interest your
readers with a pretty story, but they won’t be grateful for it.
them with trustworthy guidelines is a much better decision. B. Add photos

35. It’s good to know your poetic heart is eager for lyrics
and fancy words. Still, you have to acknowledge the practical
of your travelogue. Include average prices for food, transport,
and habitation. Mention how much time you needed to visit a
certain museum or how far the airport was from the city center. C. Describe one or two locations in detail

36. Visual materials are multifunctional. They increase the

attractiveness, credibility, and design of your travelogue at the
same time. Add only high-quality pictures that will no doubt
impress your readers. D. Include numbers

37. The ambulance, police, and emergency services – these

telephone numbers differ from country to country. You shouldn’t
put them in the first paragraph, as such a move may frighten your
readers. Still, this information can be crucial in particular
Don’t forget about taxis, food delivery, and auto rental. E. Make notes

38. Choose one or two places that have impressed you the most.
Let your readers see those locations as if they were you. Provide a
detailed depiction that will attract any tourist. F. Mention disadvantages

39. Every destination has its own pitfalls. Any tourist would
prefer to be aware of troubles and difficulties before facing
It’s better to be prepared. G. Tell the truth

B. Relate the ideas described with the proper forms and types of creative nonfiction and the way they are written.
Give only either the letter or number of the correct answer.

40-44. Arrange in order the following steps in writing:

editing drafting prewriting publishing revising

45-46. Journalism deals with 45) while literature deals with 46) .
B. data B. facts C. knowledge D. truth

47. If you added a character, made up dialogue or described events that never took place, you've moved away from
literary non-fiction to fiction based on fact, you are writing .
A.Autobiography B. Biography C. Literary Journalism D. Personal Narrative

48. It tells about events that hold special memories which evoke emotion is one characteristic of .
A. Autobiography B. Literary Journalism C. Memoirs D. Personal Narrative

49. A can take the form of a diary, journal, what's new page, or links to other web sites.
A. Blog B. Literary Journalism C. Memoirs D. Personal Narrative

50. “Embrace unknowns in the journey, fear drowns, faith guides” is an inspiring quotation in a .
A. Literary Journalism C. Personal Narrative
B. Memoirs D. Travelogue

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”–
Malcolm X

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